name: Build NuGet Package on: push: tags: [ '[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+' ] workflow_dispatch: inputs: version: description: 'The optional semantic version number. If not supplied the branch/tag will be used.' type: string no_publish: description: 'Prevent publishing the NuGet package. Just build it and then upload it as an artifact.' type: boolean default: false jobs: package-windows-latest: runs-on: windows-latest steps: - name: Set version based on input if: ${{ inputs.version }} run: echo "RELEASE_VERSION=${{ inputs.version }}" | Out-File -Append -FilePath $env:GITHUB_ENV -Encoding utf8 - name: Set version based on ref if: ${{ !inputs.version }} run: echo "RELEASE_VERSION=$($env:GITHUB_REF -replace 'refs/.*/', '')" | Out-File -Append -FilePath $env:GITHUB_ENV -Encoding utf8 - name: Print Version run: echo "NuGet version will be '${{ env.RELEASE_VERSION }}'" - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: submodules: true - name: Setup NuGet.exe uses: nuget/setup-nuget@v1 - name: "[Release_x86] Build & Install" env: CMAKE_GENERATOR: "Visual Studio 17 2022" uses: ashutoshvarma/action-cmake-build@master with: build-dir: ${{github.workspace}}/build source-dir: ${{github.workspace}} build-type: Release target: ALL_BUILD run-test: false configure-options: -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON -DCURL_ZLIB=OFF -A Win32 install-build: true install-options: --prefix ${{github.workspace}}\install --config Release - name: "[Release_x86] Copy install files for Release_x86" run: xcopy /e /i /y ${{github.workspace}}\install ${{github.workspace}}\nuget\build\native\x86\Release && xcopy /e /i /y ${{github.workspace}}\install ${{github.workspace}}\nuget\build\native\Win32\Release - name: "[Release_x86] Clean build" run: rm -r -fo ${{github.workspace}}/build - name: "[Debug_x86] Build & Install" env: CMAKE_GENERATOR: "Visual Studio 17 2022" uses: ashutoshvarma/action-cmake-build@master with: build-dir: ${{github.workspace}}/build source-dir: ${{github.workspace}} build-type: Debug target: ALL_BUILD run-test: false configure-options: -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON -DCURL_ZLIB=OFF -A Win32 install-build: true install-options: --prefix ${{github.workspace}}\install --config Debug - name: "[Debug_x86] Copy install files for Debug_x86" run: xcopy /e /i /y ${{github.workspace}}\install ${{github.workspace}}\nuget\build\native\x86\Debug && xcopy /e /i /y ${{github.workspace}}\install ${{github.workspace}}\nuget\build\native\Win32\Debug - name: "[Debug_x86] Clean build" run: rm -r -fo ${{github.workspace}}/build - name: "[Release_x64] Build & Install" env: CMAKE_GENERATOR: "Visual Studio 17 2022" uses: ashutoshvarma/action-cmake-build@master with: build-dir: ${{github.workspace}}/build source-dir: ${{github.workspace}} build-type: Release target: ALL_BUILD run-test: false configure-options: -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON -DCURL_ZLIB=OFF -A x64 install-build: true install-options: --prefix ${{github.workspace}}\install --config Release - name: "[Release_x64] Copy install files for Release_x64" run: xcopy /e /i /y ${{github.workspace}}\install ${{github.workspace}}\nuget\build\native\x64\Release - name: "[Release_x64] Clean build" run: rm -r -fo ${{github.workspace}}/build - name: "[Debug_x64] Build & Install" env: CMAKE_GENERATOR: "Visual Studio 17 2022" uses: ashutoshvarma/action-cmake-build@master with: build-dir: ${{github.workspace}}/build source-dir: ${{github.workspace}} build-type: Debug target: ALL_BUILD run-test: false configure-options: -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON -DCURL_ZLIB=OFF -A x64 install-build: true install-options: --prefix ${{github.workspace}}\install --config Debug - name: "[Debug_x64] Copy install files for Debug_x64" run: xcopy /e /i /y ${{github.workspace}}\install ${{github.workspace}}\nuget\build\native\x64\Debug - name: "Copy" run: xcopy /y ${{github.workspace}}\ ${{github.workspace}}\nuget - name: "Create NuGet package" env: VERSION: ${{ env.RELEASE_VERSION }} COMMIT_HASH: ${{ github.sha }} run: nuget pack ${{github.workspace}}\nuget\libcpr.nuspec -OutputDirectory ${{github.workspace}} -Properties "VERSION=$ENV:VERSION;COMMIT_HASH=$ENV:COMMIT_HASH" - name: "Upload artifact" uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3 with: name: artifact-nuget path: ${{github.workspace}}\*.nupkg - name: "Publish package to" if: ${{ !inputs.no_publish }} env: NUGET_API_KEY: ${{ secrets.NUGET_API_KEY }} run: nuget push ${{github.workspace}}\*.nupkg $ENV:NUGET_API_KEY -Source