If Qt's version is not changed, you can also download a single `goldendict.exe` and drop it into previous installation's folder (If uncertain, don't do this).
<ahref='https://flathub.org/apps/io.github.xiaoyifang.goldendict_ng'><imgwidth='240'alt='Download on Flathub'src='https://dl.flathub.org/assets/badges/flathub-badge-en.svg'/></a>
* See the right side for available packages in various Linux distros.
* For ArchLinux, pre-built binary is available from [archlinuxcn's repo](https://github.com/archlinuxcn/repo/tree/master/archlinuxcn/goldendict-ng-git).
* [Gentoo package from PG_Overlay](https://gitlab.com/Perfect_Gentleman/PG_Overlay/-/tree/master/app-text/goldendict-ng)
This project uses Calendar Versioning: `YY.MM.Patch`.
Releases will tentatively be done twice a year, considering factors like the major releases of Qt and the package freeze dates of Linux distros like Ubuntu.