mirror of
synced 2024-12-18 03:14:06 +00:00
Websites: Add alternative loading method
This commit is contained in:
@ -203,11 +203,11 @@ WebSites makeDefaultWebSites()
WebSites ws;
ws.push_back( WebSite( "b88cb2898e634c6638df618528284c2d", "Google En-En (Oxford)", "https://www.google.com/dictionary?aq=f&langpair=en|en&q=%GDWORD%&hl=en", false, "" ) );
ws.push_back( WebSite( "f376365a0de651fd7505e7e5e683aa45", "Urban Dictionary", "https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=%GDWORD%", false, "" ) );
ws.push_back( WebSite( "324ca0306187df7511b26d3847f4b07c", "Multitran (En)", "https://multitran.ru/c/m.exe?CL=1&l1=1&s=%GD1251%", false, "" ) );
ws.push_back( WebSite( "924db471b105299c82892067c0f10787", "Lingvo (En-Ru)", "http://lingvopro.abbyyonline.com/en/Search/en-ru/%GDWORD%", false, "" ) );
ws.push_back( WebSite( "087a6d65615fb047f4c80eef0a9465db", "Michaelis (Pt-En)", "http://michaelis.uol.com.br/moderno/ingles/index.php?lingua=portugues-ingles&palavra=%GDISO1%", false, "" ) );
ws.push_back( WebSite( "b88cb2898e634c6638df618528284c2d", "Google En-En (Oxford)", "https://www.google.com/dictionary?aq=f&langpair=en|en&q=%GDWORD%&hl=en", false, "", true ) );
ws.push_back( WebSite( "f376365a0de651fd7505e7e5e683aa45", "Urban Dictionary", "https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=%GDWORD%", false, "", true ) );
ws.push_back( WebSite( "324ca0306187df7511b26d3847f4b07c", "Multitran (En)", "https://multitran.ru/c/m.exe?CL=1&l1=1&s=%GD1251%", false, "", true ) );
ws.push_back( WebSite( "924db471b105299c82892067c0f10787", "Lingvo (En-Ru)", "http://lingvopro.abbyyonline.com/en/Search/en-ru/%GDWORD%", false, "", true ) );
ws.push_back( WebSite( "087a6d65615fb047f4c80eef0a9465db", "Michaelis (Pt-En)", "http://michaelis.uol.com.br/moderno/ingles/index.php?lingua=portugues-ingles&palavra=%GDISO1%", false, "", true ) );
return ws;
@ -634,6 +634,7 @@ Class load() throw( exError )
w.url = ws.attribute( "url" );
w.enabled = ( ws.attribute( "enabled" ) == "1" );
w.iconFilename = ws.attribute( "icon" );
w.inside_iframe = ( ws.attribute( "inside_iframe", "1" ) == "1" );
c.webSites.push_back( w );
@ -1353,6 +1354,10 @@ void save( Class const & c ) throw( exError )
QDomAttr icon = dd.createAttribute( "icon" );
icon.setValue( i->iconFilename );
ws.setAttributeNode( icon );
QDomAttr inside_iframe = dd.createAttribute( "inside_iframe" );
inside_iframe.setValue( i->inside_iframe ? "1" : "0" );
ws.setAttributeNode( inside_iframe );
@ -276,17 +276,20 @@ struct WebSite
QString id, name, url;
bool enabled;
QString iconFilename;
bool inside_iframe;
WebSite(): enabled( false )
WebSite( QString const & id_, QString const & name_, QString const & url_,
bool enabled_, QString const & iconFilename_ ):
id( id_ ), name( name_ ), url( url_ ), enabled( enabled_ ), iconFilename( iconFilename_ ) {}
bool enabled_, QString const & iconFilename_, bool inside_iframe_ ):
id( id_ ), name( name_ ), url( url_ ), enabled( enabled_ ), iconFilename( iconFilename_ ),
inside_iframe( inside_iframe_ ) {}
bool operator == ( WebSite const & other ) const
{ return id == other.id && name == other.name && url == other.url &&
enabled == other.enabled && iconFilename == other.iconFilename; }
enabled == other.enabled && iconFilename == other.iconFilename &&
inside_iframe == other.inside_iframe; }
/// All the WebSites
@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ void loadDictionaries( QWidget * parent, bool showInitially,
///// WebSites are very simple, no need to create them asyncronously
vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > dicts =
WebSite::makeDictionaries( cfg.webSites );
WebSite::makeDictionaries( cfg.webSites, dictNetMgr );
dictionaries.insert( dictionaries.end(), dicts.begin(), dicts.end() );
@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ Sources::Sources( QWidget * parent, Config::Class const & cfg):
ui.webSites->resizeColumnToContents( 1 );
ui.webSites->resizeColumnToContents( 2 );
ui.webSites->resizeColumnToContents( 3 );
ui.webSites->resizeColumnToContents( 4 );
ui.dictServers->setTabKeyNavigation( true );
ui.dictServers->setModel( &dictServersModel );
@ -588,7 +589,7 @@ Qt::ItemFlags WebSitesModel::flags( QModelIndex const & index ) const
if ( index.isValid() )
if ( !index.column() )
if ( index.column() <= 1 )
result |= Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable;
result |= Qt::ItemIsEditable;
@ -615,16 +616,26 @@ int WebSitesModel::columnCount( QModelIndex const & parent ) const
QVariant WebSitesModel::headerData( int section, Qt::Orientation /*orientation*/, int role ) const
if( role == Qt::ToolTipRole )
if( section == 1 )
return tr( "Insert article as link inside <iframe> tag" );
return QVariant();
if ( role == Qt::DisplayRole )
switch( section )
case 0:
return tr( "Enabled" );
case 1:
return tr( "Name" );
return tr( "As link" );
case 2:
return tr( "Address" );
return tr( "Name" );
case 3:
return tr( "Address" );
case 4:
return tr( "Icon" );
return QVariant();
@ -638,15 +649,23 @@ QVariant WebSitesModel::data( QModelIndex const & index, int role ) const
if ( index.row() >= webSites.size() )
return QVariant();
if( role == Qt::ToolTipRole )
if( index.column() == 1 )
return tr( "Insert article as link inside <iframe> tag" );
return QVariant();
if ( role == Qt::DisplayRole || role == Qt::EditRole )
switch( index.column() )
case 1:
return webSites[ index.row() ].name;
case 2:
return webSites[ index.row() ].url;
return webSites[ index.row() ].name;
case 3:
return webSites[ index.row() ].url;
case 4:
return webSites[ index.row() ].iconFilename;
return QVariant();
@ -656,6 +675,9 @@ QVariant WebSitesModel::data( QModelIndex const & index, int role ) const
if ( role == Qt::CheckStateRole && !index.column() )
return webSites[ index.row() ].enabled ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked;
if ( role == Qt::CheckStateRole && index.column() == 1 )
return webSites[ index.row() ].inside_iframe ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked;
return QVariant();
@ -677,18 +699,26 @@ bool WebSitesModel::setData( QModelIndex const & index, const QVariant & value,
return true;
if ( role == Qt::CheckStateRole && index.column() == 1 )
webSites[ index.row() ].inside_iframe = !webSites[ index.row() ].inside_iframe;
dataChanged( index, index );
return true;
if ( role == Qt::DisplayRole || role == Qt::EditRole )
switch( index.column() )
case 1:
case 2:
webSites[ index.row() ].name = value.toString();
dataChanged( index, index );
return true;
case 2:
case 3:
webSites[ index.row() ].url = value.toString();
dataChanged( index, index );
return true;
case 3:
case 4:
webSites[ index.row() ].iconFilename = value.toString();
dataChanged( index, index );
return true;
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
#include <QTextCodec>
#include <QDir>
#include <QFileInfo>
#include <QRegExp>
namespace WebSite {
@ -20,16 +21,22 @@ class WebSiteDictionary: public Dictionary::Class
string name;
QByteArray urlTemplate;
QString iconFilename;
bool inside_iframe;
QNetworkAccessManager & netMgr;
WebSiteDictionary( string const & id, string const & name_,
QString const & urlTemplate_,
QString const & iconFilename_ ):
QString const & iconFilename_,
bool inside_iframe_,
QNetworkAccessManager & netMgr_ ):
Dictionary::Class( id, vector< string >() ),
name( name_ ),
urlTemplate( QUrl( urlTemplate_ ).toEncoded() ),
iconFilename( iconFilename_ )
iconFilename( iconFilename_ ),
inside_iframe( inside_iframe_ ),
netMgr( netMgr_ )
dictionaryDescription = urlTemplate_;
@ -69,6 +76,198 @@ sptr< WordSearchRequest > WebSiteDictionary::prefixMatch( wstring const & /*word
return sr;
class WebSiteArticleRequest: public WebSiteDataRequestSlots
typedef std::list< std::pair< QNetworkReply *, bool > > NetReplies;
QNetworkReply * netReply;
QString url;
Class * dictPtr;
QNetworkAccessManager & mgr;
WebSiteArticleRequest( QString const & url, QNetworkAccessManager & _mgr,
Class * dictPtr_ );
virtual void cancel();
virtual void requestFinished( QNetworkReply * );
void WebSiteArticleRequest::cancel()
WebSiteArticleRequest::WebSiteArticleRequest( QString const & url_,
QNetworkAccessManager & _mgr,
Class * dictPtr_ ):
url( url_ ), dictPtr( dictPtr_ ), mgr( _mgr )
connect( &mgr, SIGNAL( finished( QNetworkReply * ) ),
this, SLOT( requestFinished( QNetworkReply * ) ),
Qt::QueuedConnection );
QUrl reqUrl( url );
netReply = mgr.get( QNetworkRequest( reqUrl ) );
connect( netReply, SIGNAL( sslErrors( QList< QSslError > ) ),
netReply, SLOT( ignoreSslErrors() ) );
void WebSiteArticleRequest::requestFinished( QNetworkReply * r )
if ( isFinished() ) // Was cancelled
if ( r != netReply )
// Well, that's not our reply, don't do anything
if ( netReply->error() == QNetworkReply::NoError )
// Check for redirect reply
QVariant possibleRedirectUrl = netReply->attribute( QNetworkRequest::RedirectionTargetAttribute );
QUrl redirectUrl = possibleRedirectUrl.toUrl();
if( !redirectUrl.isEmpty() )
netReply = mgr.get( QNetworkRequest( redirectUrl ) );
connect( netReply, SIGNAL( sslErrors( QList< QSslError > ) ),
netReply, SLOT( ignoreSslErrors() ) );
// Handle reply data
QByteArray replyData = netReply->readAll();
QString articleString;
QTextCodec * codec = QTextCodec::codecForHtml( replyData, 0 );
if( codec )
articleString = codec->toUnicode( replyData );
articleString = QString::fromUtf8( replyData );
QString divName = QString( "website_" ) + dictPtr->getId().c_str();
// Change links from relative to absolute
QString root = netReply->url().scheme() + "://" + netReply->url().host();
QString base = root + netReply->url().path();
while( !base.isEmpty() && !base.endsWith( "/" ) )
base.chop( 1 );
QRegExp tags( "<\\s*(a|link|img|script)\\s+[^>]*(src|href)\\s*=\\s*['\"][^>]+>",
Qt::CaseInsensitive, QRegExp::RegExp2 );
QRegExp links( "\\b(src|href)\\s*=\\s*(['\"])([^'\"]+['\"])",
Qt::CaseInsensitive, QRegExp::RegExp2 );
int pos = 0;
while( pos >= 0 )
pos = articleString.indexOf( tags, pos );
if( pos < 0 )
QString tag = tags.cap();
int linkPos = tag.indexOf( links );
if( linkPos < 0 )
pos += tag.size();
QString url = links.cap( 3 );
if( url.indexOf( ":/" ) >= 0 || url.indexOf( "data:" ) >= 0
|| url.indexOf( "mailto:" ) >= 0 || url.startsWith( "#" ) )
// External link, anchor or base64-encoded data
pos += tag.size();
QString newUrl = links.cap( 1 ) + "=" + links.cap( 2 );
if( url.startsWith( "//" ) )
newUrl += netReply->url().scheme() + ":";
if( url.startsWith( "/" ) )
newUrl += root;
newUrl += base;
newUrl += links.cap( 3 );
tag.replace( linkPos, links.cap().size(), newUrl );
articleString.replace( pos, tags.cap().size(), tag );
pos += tag.size();
// Check for unclosed <span> and <div>
int openTags = articleString.count( QRegExp( "<\\s*span\\b", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) );
int closedTags = articleString.count( QRegExp( "<\\s*/span\\s*>", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) );
while( openTags > closedTags )
articleString += "</span>";
closedTags += 1;
openTags = articleString.count( QRegExp( "<\\s*div\\b", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) );
closedTags = articleString.count( QRegExp( "<\\s*/div\\s*>", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) );
while( openTags > closedTags )
articleString += "</div>";
closedTags += 1;
// See Issue #271: A mechanism to clean-up invalid HTML cards.
articleString += "</font>""</font>""</font>""</font>""</font>""</font>"
QByteArray articleBody = articleString.toUtf8();
QString divStr = QString( "<div class=\"" ) + divName + "\"";
divStr += dictPtr->isToLanguageRTL() ? " dir=\"rtl\">" : ">";
articleBody.prepend( divStr.toUtf8() );
articleBody.append( "</div>" );
Mutex::Lock _( dataMutex );
size_t prevSize = data.size();
data.resize( prevSize + articleBody.size() );
memcpy( &data.front() + prevSize, articleBody.data(), articleBody.size() );
hasAnyData = true;
setErrorString( netReply->errorString() );
sptr< DataRequest > WebSiteDictionary::getArticle( wstring const & str,
vector< wstring > const &,
wstring const & context )
@ -122,22 +321,31 @@ sptr< DataRequest > WebSiteDictionary::getArticle( wstring const & str,
string result = "<div class=\"website_padding\"></div>";
if( inside_iframe )
// Just insert link in <iframe> tag
result += string( "<iframe id=\"gdexpandframe-" ) + getId() +
"\" src=\"" + urlString.data() +
"\" onmouseover=\"processIframeMouseOver('gdexpandframe-" + getId() + "');\" "
"onmouseout=\"processIframeMouseOut();\" "
"scrolling=\"no\" marginwidth=\"0\" marginheight=\"0\" "
"frameborder=\"0\" vspace=\"0\" hspace=\"0\" "
"style=\"overflow:visible; width:100%; display:none;\">"
string result = "<div class=\"website_padding\"></div>";
dr->getData().resize( result.size() );
result += string( "<iframe id=\"gdexpandframe-" ) + getId() +
"\" src=\"" + urlString.data() +
"\" onmouseover=\"processIframeMouseOver('gdexpandframe-" + getId() + "');\" "
"onmouseout=\"processIframeMouseOut();\" "
"scrolling=\"no\" marginwidth=\"0\" marginheight=\"0\" "
"frameborder=\"0\" vspace=\"0\" hspace=\"0\" "
"style=\"overflow:visible; width:100%; display:none;\">"
memcpy( &( dr->getData().front() ), result.data(), result.size() );
dr->getData().resize( result.size() );
return dr;
memcpy( &( dr->getData().front() ), result.data(), result.size() );
return dr;
// To load data from site
return new WebSiteArticleRequest( urlString, netMgr, this );
void WebSiteDictionary::loadIcon() throw()
@ -158,7 +366,8 @@ void WebSiteDictionary::loadIcon() throw()
vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > makeDictionaries( Config::WebSites const & ws )
vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > makeDictionaries( Config::WebSites const & ws,
QNetworkAccessManager & mgr )
throw( std::exception )
vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > result;
@ -169,7 +378,10 @@ vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > makeDictionaries( Config::WebSites const & w
result.push_back( new WebSiteDictionary( ws[ x ].id.toUtf8().data(),
ws[ x ].name.toUtf8().data(),
ws[ x ].url,
ws[ x ].iconFilename ) );
ws[ x ].iconFilename,
ws[ x ].inside_iframe,
mgr )
return result;
@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
#include "dictionary.hh"
#include "config.hh"
#include <QNetworkAccessManager>
#include <QNetworkReply>
/// Support for any web sites via a templated url.
namespace WebSite {
@ -13,9 +15,21 @@ namespace WebSite {
using std::vector;
using std::string;
vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > makeDictionaries( Config::WebSites const & )
vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > makeDictionaries( Config::WebSites const &,
QNetworkAccessManager & )
throw( std::exception );
/// Exposed here for moc
class WebSiteDataRequestSlots: public Dictionary::DataRequest
protected slots:
virtual void requestFinished( QNetworkReply * )
Reference in a new issue