#### Various workarounds if (APPLE) # old & new homebrew's include paths target_include_directories(${GOLDENDICT} PRIVATE /usr/local/include /opt/homebrew/include) endif () target_include_directories(${GOLDENDICT} PRIVATE ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/thirdparty) #### Special Platform supporting libraries if (LINUX OR BSD) find_package(X11 REQUIRED) if (X11_FOUND AND X11_Xtst_FOUND) target_compile_definitions(${GOLDENDICT} PUBLIC HAVE_X11) target_link_libraries(${GOLDENDICT} PRIVATE ${X11_LIBRARIES} ${X11_Xtst_LIB}) target_include_directories(${GOLDENDICT} PRIVATE ${X11_INCLUDE_DIR} ${X11_Xtst_INCLUDE_PATH}) else () message(FATAL_ERROR "Cannot find X11 and libXtst!") endif () endif () if (APPLE) find_library(CARBON_LIBRARY Carbon REQUIRED) target_link_libraries(${GOLDENDICT} PRIVATE ${CARBON_LIBRARY}) endif () ##### Finding packages from package manager find_package(PkgConfig REQUIRED) find_package(ZLIB REQUIRED) find_package(BZip2 REQUIRED) # Consider all PkgConfig dependencies as one pkg_check_modules(PKGCONFIG_DEPS IMPORTED_TARGET hunspell lzo2 opencc vorbis # .ogg vorbisfile liblzma xapian-core ) target_link_libraries(${GOLDENDICT} PRIVATE PkgConfig::PKGCONFIG_DEPS BZip2::BZip2 ZLIB::ZLIB ) # On FreeBSD, there are two iconv, libc iconv & GNU libiconv. # The system one is good enough, the following is a workaround to use libc iconv on freeBSD. if (BSD STREQUAL "FreeBSD") # Simply do nothing. libc includes iconv on freeBSD. # LIBICONV_PLUG is a magic word to turn /usr/include/local/inconv.h, which belong to GNU libiconv, into normal iconv.h # Same hack used by SDL https://github.com/libsdl-org/SDL/blob/d6ebbc2fa4abdbe0bd53d0ce8804a492ecb042b9/src/stdlib/SDL_iconv.c#L27-L28 target_compile_definitions(${GOLDENDICT} PUBLIC LIBICONV_PLUG) else () find_package(Iconv REQUIRED) target_link_libraries(${GOLDENDICT} PRIVATE Iconv::Iconv) endif () if (WITH_FFMPEG_PLAYER) pkg_check_modules(FFMPEG REQUIRED IMPORTED_TARGET libavcodec libavformat libavutil libswresample ) target_link_libraries(${GOLDENDICT} PRIVATE PkgConfig::FFMPEG) endif () if (WITH_EPWING_SUPPORT) find_library(EB_LIBRARY eb REQUIRED) target_link_libraries(${GOLDENDICT} PRIVATE ${EB_LIBRARY}) endif () if (WITH_ZIM) if (APPLE) # ICU from homebrew is "key-only", we need to manually prioritize it -> see `brew info icu4c` # And we needs to find the correct one if multiple versions co exists. set(ENV{PATH} "$ENV{PATH}:/usr/local/bin/:/opt/homebrew/bin") # add brew command into PATH execute_process( COMMAND sh -c [=[brew --prefix $(brew deps libzim | grep icu4c)]=] OUTPUT_VARIABLE ICU_REQUIRED_BY_ZIM_PREFIX OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE COMMAND_ERROR_IS_FATAL ANY) message(STATUS "Found correct homebrew icu path -> ${ICU_REQUIRED_BY_ZIM_PREFIX}") set(ENV{PKG_CONFIG_PATH} "$ENV{PKG_CONFIG_PATH}:${ICU_REQUIRED_BY_ZIM_PREFIX}/lib/pkgconfig") message(STATUS "Updated pkg_config_path -> $ENV{PKG_CONFIG_PATH}:${ICU_REQUIRED_BY_ZIM_PREFIX}/lib/pkgconfig") # icu4c as transitive dependency of libzim may not be automatically copied into app bundle # so we manually discover the icu4c from homebrew, then find the relevent dylibs set(BREW_ICU_ADDITIONAL_DYLIBS "${ICU_REQUIRED_BY_ZIM_PREFIX}/lib/libicudata.dylib ${ICU_REQUIRED_BY_ZIM_PREFIX}/lib/libicui18n.dylib ${ICU_REQUIRED_BY_ZIM_PREFIX}/lib/libicuuc.dylib") message(STATUS "Additional ICU `.dylib`s -> ${BREW_ICU_ADDITIONAL_DYLIBS}") endif () pkg_check_modules(ZIM REQUIRED IMPORTED_TARGET libzim) target_link_libraries(${GOLDENDICT} PRIVATE PkgConfig::ZIM) endif () if (USE_SYSTEM_FMT) find_package(fmt) target_link_libraries(${GOLDENDICT} PRIVATE fmt::fmt) endif () if (USE_SYSTEM_TOML) find_package(tomlplusplus) target_link_libraries(${GOLDENDICT} PRIVATE tomlplusplus::tomlplusplus) endif ()