#include "langcoder.hh" #include "folding.hh" #include "wstring_qt.hh" #include "language.hh" #include LangCoder langCoder; LangCoder::LangCoder() { LangStruct ls; for (int i = 0; true; i++) { const LangCode &lc = LangCodes[i]; if (lc.lang[0] == 0) break; codeMap[code2toInt(lc.code)] = i; } } QString LangCoder::decode(quint32 code) { if (langCoder.codeMap.contains(code)) return LangCodes[langCoder.codeMap[code]].lang; return QString(); } QIcon LangCoder::icon(quint32 code) { if (langCoder.codeMap.contains(code)) { const LangCode &lc = LangCodes[ langCoder.codeMap[ code ] ]; return QIcon( ":/flags/" + QString(lc.code) + ".png" ); } return QIcon(); } LangStruct LangCoder::langStruct(quint32 code) { LangStruct ls; ls.code = code; ls.order = -1; if (codeMap.contains(code)) { int order = codeMap[code]; const LangCode &lc = LangCodes[order]; ls.order = order; ls.lang = lc.lang; ls.icon = QIcon(":/flags/" + QString(lc.code) + ".png"); } return ls; } QString LangCoder::intToCode2( quint32 val ) { if ( !val || val == 0xFFffFFff ) return QString(); char code[ 2 ]; code[ 0 ] = val & 0xFF; code[ 1 ] = ( val >> 8 ) & 0xFF; return QString::fromAscii( code, 2 ); } quint32 LangCoder::code3toInt(const std::string& code3) { if (code3.length() < 2) return 0; // this is temporary char code1 = tolower( code3.at(1) ); char code0 = tolower( code3.at(0) ); return ( ((quint32)code1) << 8 ) + (quint32)code0; } quint32 LangCoder::findIdForLanguage( gd::wstring const & lang ) { gd::wstring langFolded = Folding::apply( lang ); for( LangCode const * lc = LangCodes; lc->code[ 0 ]; ++lc ) { if ( langFolded == Folding::apply( gd::toWString( lc->lang ) ) ) { // We've got a match return code2toInt( lc->code ); } } return Language::findBlgLangIDByEnglishName( lang ); //return 0; } quint32 LangCoder::findIdForLanguageCode3( const char * code3 ) { for( LangCode const * lc = LangCodes; lc->code[ 0 ]; ++lc ) { if ( strcasecmp( code3, lc->code3 ) == 0 ) { // We've got a match return code2toInt( lc->code ); } } return 0; } quint32 LangCoder::guessId( const QString & lang ) { QString lstr = lang.simplified().toLower(); // too small to guess if (lstr.size() < 2) return 0; // check if it could be the whole language name if (lstr.size() >= 3) { for( LangCode const * lc = LangCodes; lc->code[ 0 ]; ++lc ) { if ( lstr == QString( lc->lang ) ) { // We've got a match return code2toInt( lc->code ); } } } // still not found - try to match by 2-symbol code return code2toInt( lstr.left(2).toAscii().data() ); } QPair LangCoder::findIdsForFilename( QString const & name ) { QString nameFolded = "|" + QFileInfo( name ).fileName().toCaseFolded() + "|"; // qDebug() << nameFolded; QRegExp reg( "[^a-z]([a-z]{2,3})-([a-z]{2,3})[^a-z]" ); reg.setMinimal(true); int off = 0; while ( reg.indexIn( nameFolded, off ) >= 0 ) { // qDebug() << reg.cap(1); // qDebug() << reg.cap(2); quint32 from = guessId( reg.cap(1) ); quint32 to = guessId( reg.cap(2) ); if (from && to) return QPair(from, to); off += reg.matchedLength(); } return QPair(0, 0); } /* LangStruct& LangCoder::CodeToLangStruct(const QString &code) { if (codeMap.contains(code)) { LangStruct &ls = codeMap[code]; if (ls.icon.isNull() && *ls.icon_code) { ls.icon = QIcon(":/Resources/flags/" + QString(ls.icon_code) + ".png"); } return ls; } return dummyLS; } QString LangCoder::CodeToHtml(const QString &code) { if (codeMap.contains(code)) { LangStruct &ls = codeMap[code]; if (*ls.icon_code) { return " " + ls.lang; } return ls.lang; } return ""; } bool LangCoder::CheckCode(QString &code) { code = code.toUpper(); if (codeMap.contains(code)) return true; if (code == "DEU") { code = "GER"; return true; } return false; } */ /* LangModel::LangModel(QObject * parent) : QAbstractItemModel(parent) { } int LangModel::columnCount ( const QModelIndex & parent ) const { return 2; } int LangModel::rowCount ( const QModelIndex & parent ) const { return arraySize(LangCodes); } QVariant LangModel::data ( const QModelIndex & index, int role ) const { switch (role) { case Qt::DisplayRole: return LangCodes[index.row()].lang; case LangCodeRole: return LangCodes[index.row()].code; default:; } return QVariant(); } QModelIndex LangModel::index ( int row, int column, const QModelIndex & parent ) const { return createIndex(row, column); } QModelIndex LangModel::parent ( const QModelIndex & index ) const { return QModelIndex(); } */