/* This file is (c) 2008-2011 Konstantin Isakov * Part of GoldenDict. Licensed under GPLv3 or later, see the LICENSE file */ #include "history.hh" #include "config.hh" #include "atomic_rename.hh" #include History::History( unsigned size ): maxSize( size ), addingEnabled( true ) { } History::History( Load, unsigned size ): maxSize( size ), addingEnabled( true ) { QFile file( Config::getHistoryFileName() ); if ( !file.open( QFile::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text ) ) return; // No file -- no history for( unsigned count = 0 ; count < maxSize; ++count ) { QByteArray lineUtf8 = file.readLine( 4096 ); if ( lineUtf8.isEmpty() ) break; if ( lineUtf8.endsWith( '\n' ) ) lineUtf8.chop( 1 ); QString line = QString::fromUtf8( lineUtf8 ); int firstSpace = line.indexOf( ' ' ); if ( firstSpace < 0 ) // No spaces? Bad line. End this. break; bool isNumber; unsigned groupId = line.left( firstSpace ).toUInt( &isNumber, 10 ); if ( !isNumber ) break; // That's not right items.push_back( Item( groupId, line.right( line.size() - firstSpace - 1 ) ) ); } } void History::addItem( Item const & item ) { if( !enabled() ) return; if ( item.word.size() > 60 ) { // The search looks bogus. Don't save it. return; } if ( items.contains( item ) ) items.removeAll( item ); // Special case: if this items differs from the previous one only by group, // remove it too. if ( items.size() && items.first().word == item.word ) items.pop_front(); items.push_front( item ); while( items.size() > (int)maxSize ) items.pop_back(); emit itemsChanged(); } bool History::save() const { QFile file( Config::getHistoryFileName() + ".tmp" ); if ( !file.open( QFile::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text ) ) return false; for( QList< Item >::const_iterator i = items.constBegin(); i != items.constEnd(); ++i ) { QByteArray line = i->word.toUtf8(); // Those could ruin our format, so we replace them by spaces. They shouldn't // be there anyway. line.replace( '\n', ' ' ); line.replace( '\r', ' ' ); line = QByteArray::number( i->groupId ) + " " + line + "\n"; if ( file.write( line ) != line.size() ) return false; } file.close(); return renameAtomically( file.fileName(), Config::getHistoryFileName() ); } void History::clear() { items.clear(); emit itemsChanged(); }