#include "TextOutHook.h" #include "GetWord.h" #include "HookImportFunction.h" typedef BOOL (WINAPI *TextOutANextHook_t)(HDC hdc, int nXStart, int nYStart, LPCSTR lpszString,int cbString); TextOutANextHook_t TextOutANextHook = NULL; typedef BOOL (WINAPI *TextOutWNextHook_t)(HDC hdc, int nXStart, int nYStart, LPCWSTR lpszString,int cbString); TextOutWNextHook_t TextOutWNextHook = NULL; typedef BOOL (WINAPI *ExtTextOutANextHook_t)(HDC hdc, int nXStart, int nYStart, UINT fuOptions, CONST RECT *lprc, LPCSTR lpszString, UINT cbString, CONST INT *lpDx); ExtTextOutANextHook_t ExtTextOutANextHook = NULL; typedef BOOL (WINAPI *ExtTextOutWNextHook_t)(HDC hdc, int nXStart, int nYStart, UINT fuOptions, CONST RECT *lprc, LPCWSTR lpszString, UINT cbString, CONST INT *lpDx); ExtTextOutWNextHook_t ExtTextOutWNextHook = NULL; typedef struct TEverythingParams { HWND WND; POINT Pt; int Active; int WordLen; int Unicode; int BeginPos; char MatchedWordA[256]; wchar_t MatchedWordW[256]; } TEverythingParams; TEverythingParams *CurParams = NULL; static void ConvertToMatchedWordA(TEverythingParams *TP) { if (TP->WordLen>0) { int BeginPos; if (!TP->Unicode) { BeginPos = TP->BeginPos; if (BeginPos) { TP->BeginPos = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, TP->MatchedWordA, BeginPos, TP->MatchedWordW, sizeof(TP->MatchedWordW)/sizeof(TP->MatchedWordW[0]) - 1); if (TP->BeginPos == 0) { TP->WordLen=0; TP->MatchedWordA[0] = '\0'; return; } } TP->WordLen = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, TP->MatchedWordA + BeginPos, TP->WordLen - BeginPos, TP->MatchedWordW + TP->BeginPos, sizeof(TP->MatchedWordW)/sizeof(TP->MatchedWordW[0]) - 1 - TP->BeginPos); if (TP->WordLen == 0) { TP->WordLen=TP->BeginPos; TP->MatchedWordA[TP->WordLen] = '\0'; return; } TP->WordLen += TP->BeginPos; } BeginPos = TP->BeginPos; if (BeginPos) { wchar_t temp = TP->MatchedWordW[BeginPos]; TP->MatchedWordW[BeginPos] = 0; TP->BeginPos = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, TP->MatchedWordW, BeginPos + 1, TP->MatchedWordA, sizeof(TP->MatchedWordA), NULL, NULL); TP->MatchedWordW[BeginPos] = temp; TP->BeginPos--; if (TP->BeginPos<=0) { TP->WordLen=0; TP->MatchedWordA[0] = '\0'; return; } else if (TP->BeginPos == sizeof(TP->MatchedWordA)-1) { TP->WordLen=sizeof(TP->MatchedWordA)-1; TP->MatchedWordA[sizeof(TP->MatchedWordA)-1] = '\0'; return; } } TP->MatchedWordW[TP->WordLen] = 0; TP->WordLen = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, TP->MatchedWordW + BeginPos, TP->WordLen - BeginPos + 1, TP->MatchedWordA + TP->BeginPos, sizeof(TP->MatchedWordA) - TP->BeginPos, NULL, NULL); TP->WordLen--; if (TP->WordLen<=0) { TP->WordLen=TP->BeginPos; TP->MatchedWordA[TP->WordLen] = '\0'; return; } TP->WordLen += TP->BeginPos; TP->MatchedWordA[TP->WordLen] = '\0'; } else { TP->MatchedWordA[0] = '\0'; } } static int MyCopyMemory(char *a, const char *b, int len) { int count = 0; int i; for (i=0; ix) && (p->x<=rec.right) && (rec.top<=p->y) && (p->y<=rec.bottom)) { ZeroMemory(&info, sizeof(info)); info.cbSize = sizeof(info); info.fMask = MIIM_TYPE | MIIM_SUBMENU; info.cch = 256; info.dwTypeData = malloc(256); GetMenuItemInfo(menu, i, TRUE, &info); if (info.cch>0) { if (info.cch > 255) CurParams->WordLen = 255; else CurParams->WordLen = info.cch; CurParams->Unicode = FALSE; CurParams->WordLen = MyCopyMemory(CurParams->MatchedWordA, info.dwTypeData, CurParams->WordLen); CurParams->BeginPos = 0; } free(info.dwTypeData); break; } } } static void GetWordTextOutHook (TEverythingParams *TP) { CurParams = TP; ScreenToClient(TP->WND, &(TP->Pt)); if (TP->Pt.y<0) { char buffer[256]; HMENU menu; char buffer2[256]; GetWindowText(TP->WND, buffer, sizeof(buffer)-1); SetWindowText(TP->WND, ""); GetWindowText(TP->WND, buffer2, sizeof(buffer2)-1); if (buffer2[0]) { // MDI window. char *p = strstr(buffer, buffer2); if (p) { if (p == buffer) { // FWS_PREFIXTITLE strcpy(buffer, buffer+strlen(buffer2)); } else { *p = '\0'; } } } CurParams->Active = TRUE; SetWindowText(TP->WND, buffer); CurParams->Active = FALSE; menu = GetMenu(TP->WND); if (menu) { ClientToScreen(TP->WND, &(TP->Pt)); IterateThroughItems(TP->WND, menu, &(TP->Pt)); } } else { RECT UpdateRect; GetClientRect(TP->WND, &UpdateRect); UpdateRect.top = TP->Pt.y; UpdateRect.bottom = TP->Pt.y + 1; CurParams->Active = TRUE; InvalidateRect(TP->WND, &UpdateRect, FALSE); UpdateWindow(TP->WND); CurParams->Active = FALSE; } CurParams = NULL; } char* ExtractFromEverything(HWND WND, POINT Pt, int *BeginPos) { TEverythingParams CParams; ZeroMemory(&CParams, sizeof(CParams)); CParams.WND = WND; CParams.Pt = Pt; GetWordTextOutHook(&CParams); ConvertToMatchedWordA(&CParams); *BeginPos = CParams.BeginPos; return _strdup(CParams.MatchedWordA); } static void IsInsidePointA(const HDC DC, int X, int Y, LPCSTR Str, int Count) { SIZE Size; if ((Count > 0) && GetTextExtentPoint32A(DC, Str, Count, &Size)) { DWORD Flags = GetTextAlign(DC); POINT Pt; RECT Rect; if (Flags & TA_UPDATECP) { GetCurrentPositionEx(DC, &Pt); } else { Pt.x = X; Pt.y = Y; } if (Flags & TA_CENTER) { Pt.x-=(Size.cx/2); } else if (Flags & TA_RIGHT) { Pt.x-=Size.cx; } if (Flags & TA_BASELINE) { TEXTMETRIC tm; GetTextMetricsA(DC, &tm); Pt.y-=tm.tmAscent; } else if (Flags & TA_BOTTOM) { Pt.y-=Size.cy; } LPtoDP(DC, &Pt, 1); Rect.left = Pt.x; Rect.right = Pt.x + Size.cx; Rect.top = Pt.y; Rect.bottom = Pt.y + Size.cy; if (((Rect.left <= Rect.right) && (CurParams->Pt.x >= Rect.left) && (CurParams->Pt.x <= Rect.right)) || ((Rect.left > Rect.right) && (CurParams->Pt.x <= Rect.left) && (CurParams->Pt.x >= Rect.right))) { int BegPos; //if (PtInRect(&Rect, CurParams->Pt)) { CurParams->Active = !PtInRect(&Rect, CurParams->Pt); //CurParams->Active = FALSE; BegPos = (int)((abs((CurParams->Pt.x - Rect.left) / (Rect.right - Rect.left)) * (Count - 1)) + 0.5); while ((BegPos < Count - 1) && GetTextExtentPoint32A(DC, Str, BegPos + 1, &Size) && (Size.cx < CurParams->Pt.x - Rect.left)) BegPos++; while ((BegPos >= 0) && GetTextExtentPoint32A(DC, Str, BegPos + 1, &Size) && (Size.cx > CurParams->Pt.x - Rect.left)) BegPos--; if (BegPos < Count - 1) BegPos++; CurParams->BeginPos = BegPos; if (Count > 255) CurParams->WordLen = 255; else CurParams->WordLen = Count; CurParams->Unicode = FALSE; CopyMemory(CurParams->MatchedWordA, Str, CurParams->WordLen); } } } static void IsInsidePointW(const HDC DC, int X, int Y, LPCWSTR Str, int Count) { SIZE Size; if ((Count > 0) && GetTextExtentPoint32W(DC, Str, Count, &Size)) { DWORD Flags = GetTextAlign(DC); POINT Pt; RECT Rect; if (Flags & TA_UPDATECP) { GetCurrentPositionEx(DC, &Pt); } else { Pt.x = X; Pt.y = Y; } if (Flags & TA_CENTER) { Pt.x-=(Size.cx/2); } else if (Flags & TA_RIGHT) { Pt.x-=Size.cx; } if (Flags & TA_BASELINE) { TEXTMETRICW tm; GetTextMetricsW(DC, &tm); Pt.y-=tm.tmAscent; } else if (Flags & TA_BOTTOM) { Pt.y-=Size.cy; } LPtoDP(DC, &Pt, 1); Rect.left = Pt.x; Rect.right = Pt.x + Size.cx; Rect.top = Pt.y; Rect.bottom = Pt.y + Size.cy; // Bug: We don't check Pt.y here, as don't call PtInRect() directly, because // in Title bar, Start Menu, IE, FireFox, Opera etc., the Rect.top and Rect.bottom will be wrong. // I try to use GetDCOrgEx(DC, &Pt), but they are not normal HDC that Pt.x and Pt.y will equal to 0 in these cases. // And use GetWindowRect() then get Rect.left and Rect.top is only useful on Title bar. if (((Rect.left <= Rect.right) && (CurParams->Pt.x >= Rect.left) && (CurParams->Pt.x <= Rect.right)) || ((Rect.left > Rect.right) && (CurParams->Pt.x <= Rect.left) && (CurParams->Pt.x >= Rect.right))) { int BegPos; //if (PtInRect(&Rect, CurParams->Pt)) { CurParams->Active = !PtInRect(&Rect, CurParams->Pt); //CurParams->Active = FALSE; BegPos = (int)((abs((CurParams->Pt.x - Rect.left) / (Rect.right - Rect.left)) * (Count - 1)) + 0.5); while ((BegPos < Count - 1) && GetTextExtentPoint32W(DC, Str, BegPos + 1, &Size) && (Size.cx < CurParams->Pt.x - Rect.left)) BegPos++; while ((BegPos >= 0) && GetTextExtentPoint32W(DC, Str, BegPos + 1, &Size) && (Size.cx > CurParams->Pt.x - Rect.left)) BegPos--; if (BegPos < Count - 1) BegPos++; CurParams->BeginPos = BegPos; if (Count > 255) CurParams->WordLen = 255; else CurParams->WordLen = Count; CurParams->Unicode = TRUE; CopyMemory(CurParams->MatchedWordW, Str, CurParams->WordLen * sizeof(wchar_t)); } } } BOOL WINAPI TextOutACallbackProc(HDC hdc, int nXStart, int nYStart, LPCSTR lpszString, int cbString) { if (CurParams && CurParams->Active) IsInsidePointA(hdc, nXStart, nYStart, lpszString, cbString); return TextOutANextHook(hdc, nXStart, nYStart, lpszString, cbString); } BOOL WINAPI TextOutWCallbackProc(HDC hdc, int nXStart, int nYStart, LPCWSTR lpszString, int cbString) { if (CurParams && CurParams->Active) IsInsidePointW(hdc, nXStart, nYStart, lpszString, cbString); return TextOutWNextHook(hdc, nXStart, nYStart, lpszString, cbString); } BOOL WINAPI ExtTextOutACallbackProc(HDC hdc, int nXStart, int nYStart, UINT fuOptions, CONST RECT *lprc, LPCSTR lpszString, UINT cbString, CONST INT *lpDx) { if (CurParams && CurParams->Active) IsInsidePointA(hdc, nXStart, nYStart, lpszString, cbString); return ExtTextOutANextHook(hdc, nXStart, nYStart, fuOptions, lprc, lpszString, cbString, lpDx); } BOOL WINAPI ExtTextOutWCallbackProc(HDC hdc, int nXStart, int nYStart, UINT fuOptions, CONST RECT *lprc, LPCWSTR lpszString, UINT cbString, CONST INT *lpDx) { if (CurParams && CurParams->Active) IsInsidePointW(hdc, nXStart, nYStart, lpszString, cbString); return ExtTextOutWNextHook(hdc, nXStart, nYStart, fuOptions, lprc, lpszString, cbString, lpDx); } static void InstallTextOutHooks() { HookAPI("gdi32.dll", "TextOutA", (PROC)TextOutACallbackProc, (PROC*)&TextOutANextHook); HookAPI("gdi32.dll", "TextOutW", (PROC)TextOutWCallbackProc, (PROC*)&TextOutWNextHook); HookAPI("gdi32.dll", "ExtTextOutA", (PROC)ExtTextOutACallbackProc, (PROC*)&ExtTextOutANextHook); HookAPI("gdi32.dll", "ExtTextOutW", (PROC)ExtTextOutWCallbackProc, (PROC*)&ExtTextOutWNextHook); } static void UninstallTextOutHooks() { if (TextOutANextHook) HookAPI("gdi32.dll", "TextOutA", (PROC)TextOutANextHook, NULL); if (TextOutWNextHook) HookAPI("gdi32.dll", "TextOutW", (PROC)TextOutWNextHook, NULL); if (ExtTextOutANextHook) HookAPI("gdi32.dll", "ExtTextOutA", (PROC)ExtTextOutANextHook, NULL); if (ExtTextOutWNextHook) HookAPI("gdi32.dll", "ExtTextOutW", (PROC)ExtTextOutWNextHook, NULL); } DLLIMPORT void __gdGetWord (TCurrentMode *P) { TCHAR wClassName[64]; TKnownWndClass WndClass; char *p; if (GetClassName(P->WND, wClassName, sizeof(wClassName) / sizeof(TCHAR))==0) wClassName[0] = '\0'; WndClass = GetWindowType(P->WND, wClassName); p = TryGetWordFromAnyWindow(WndClass, P->WND, P->Pt, &(P->BeginPos)); if (p) { P->WordLen = strlen(p); strcpy(P->MatchedWord, p); free(p); } else { P->WordLen = 0; } } BOOL APIENTRY DllMain (HINSTANCE hInst /* Library instance handle. */ , DWORD reason /* Reason this function is being called. */ , LPVOID reserved /* Not used. */ ) { switch (reason) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: //ThTypes_Init(); InstallTextOutHooks(); break; case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: UninstallTextOutHooks(); //Thtypes_End(); break; case DLL_THREAD_ATTACH: break; case DLL_THREAD_DETACH: break; } /* Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure */ return TRUE; }