/* This file is (c) 2008-2012 Konstantin Isakov * Part of GoldenDict. Licensed under GPLv3 or later, see the LICENSE file */ #include #ifndef NO_EPWING_SUPPORT #include "dict/epwing_book.hh" #endif #include "mainwindow.hh" #include #include "editdictionaries.hh" #include "dict/loaddictionaries.hh" #include "preferences.hh" #include "about.hh" #include "mruqmenu.hh" #include "gestures.hh" #include "dictheadwords.hh" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "weburlrequestinterceptor.hh" #include "folding.hh" #include #include #include "gddebug.hh" #include "dictinfo.hh" #include "historypanewidget.hh" #include "utils.hh" #include "help.hh" #include "ui_authentication.h" #include "resourceschemehandler.hh" #include #include "globalregex.hh" #ifdef Q_OS_MAC #include "macos/macmouseover.hh" #endif #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 #include #endif #include #include #ifdef HAVE_X11 #if ( QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK( 6, 0, 0 ) ) #include #else #include #endif #include #include #endif #define MIN_THREAD_COUNT 4 using std::set; using std::map; using std::pair; #ifndef QT_NO_SSL class InitSSLRunnable: public QRunnable { void run() override { /// This action force SSL library initialisation which may continue a few seconds QSslConfiguration::setDefaultConfiguration( QSslConfiguration::defaultConfiguration() ); } }; #endif namespace { QString ApplicationSettingName = "GoldenDict"; } void MainWindow::changeWebEngineViewFont() const { if ( cfg.preferences.webFontFamily.isEmpty() ) { QWebEngineProfile::defaultProfile()->settings()->resetFontFamily( QWebEngineSettings::StandardFont ); } else { QWebEngineProfile::defaultProfile()->settings()->setFontFamily( QWebEngineSettings::StandardFont, cfg.preferences.webFontFamily ); } } MainWindow::MainWindow( Config::Class & cfg_ ): trayIcon( nullptr ), foundInDictsLabel( &dictsPaneTitleBar ), escAction( this ), focusTranslateLineAction( this ), addTabAction( this ), closeCurrentTabAction( this ), closeAllTabAction( this ), closeRestTabAction( this ), switchToNextTabAction( this ), switchToPrevTabAction( this ), showDictBarNamesAction( tr( "Show Names in Dictionary &Bar" ), this ), useSmallIconsInToolbarsAction( tr( "Show Small Icons in &Toolbars" ), this ), toggleMenuBarAction( tr( "&Menubar" ), this ), focusHeadwordsDlgAction( this ), focusArticleViewAction( this ), addAllTabToFavoritesAction( this ), trayIconMenu( this ), addTab( this ), cfg( cfg_ ), history( History::Load(), cfg_.preferences.maxStringsInHistory, cfg_.maxHeadwordSize ), dictionaryBar( this, configEvents, cfg.editDictionaryCommandLine, cfg.preferences.maxDictionaryRefsInContextMenu ), articleMaker( dictionaries, groupInstances, cfg.preferences ), articleNetMgr( this, dictionaries, articleMaker, cfg.preferences.disallowContentFromOtherSites, cfg.preferences.hideGoldenDictHeader ), dictNetMgr( this ), audioPlayerFactory( cfg.preferences ), wordFinder( this ), newReleaseCheckTimer( this ), latestReleaseReply( nullptr ), wordListSelChanged( false ), wasMaximized( false ), blockUpdateWindowTitle( false ), headwordsDlg( nullptr ), ftsIndexing( dictionaries ), ftsDlg( nullptr ), starIcon( ":/icons/star.svg" ), blueStarIcon( ":/icons/star_blue.svg" ) { if ( QThreadPool::globalInstance()->maxThreadCount() < MIN_THREAD_COUNT ) QThreadPool::globalInstance()->setMaxThreadCount( MIN_THREAD_COUNT ); #ifndef QT_NO_SSL QThreadPool::globalInstance()->start( new InitSSLRunnable ); #endif GlobalBroadcaster::instance()->setPreference( &cfg.preferences ); localSchemeHandler = new LocalSchemeHandler( articleNetMgr, this ); QWebEngineProfile::defaultProfile()->installUrlSchemeHandler( "gdlookup", localSchemeHandler ); QWebEngineProfile::defaultProfile()->installUrlSchemeHandler( "bword", localSchemeHandler ); QWebEngineProfile::defaultProfile()->installUrlSchemeHandler( "entry", localSchemeHandler ); iframeSchemeHandler = new IframeSchemeHandler( this ); QWebEngineProfile::defaultProfile()->installUrlSchemeHandler( "ifr", iframeSchemeHandler ); QStringList localSchemes = { "gdau", "gico", "qrcx", "bres", "gdprg", "gdvideo", "gdpicture", "gdtts" }; resourceSchemeHandler = new ResourceSchemeHandler( articleNetMgr, this ); for ( const auto & localScheme : localSchemes ) { QWebEngineProfile::defaultProfile()->installUrlSchemeHandler( localScheme.toLatin1(), resourceSchemeHandler ); } QWebEngineProfile::defaultProfile()->setUrlRequestInterceptor( new WebUrlRequestInterceptor( this ) ); if ( !cfg.preferences.hideGoldenDictHeader ) { QWebEngineProfile::defaultProfile()->setHttpUserAgent( QWebEngineProfile::defaultProfile()->httpUserAgent() + " GoldenDict/WebEngine" ); } #ifndef NO_EPWING_SUPPORT Epwing::initialize(); #endif ui.setupUi( this ); // Set own gesture recognizers #ifndef Q_OS_MAC Gestures::registerRecognizers(); #endif // use our own, custom statusbar setStatusBar( nullptr ); mainStatusBar = new MainStatusBar( this ); // Make the toolbar navToolbar = addToolBar( tr( "&Navigation" ) ); navToolbar->setObjectName( "navToolbar" ); navBack = navToolbar->addAction( QIcon( ":/icons/previous.svg" ), tr( "Back" ) ); navToolbar->widgetForAction( navBack )->setObjectName( "backButton" ); navForward = navToolbar->addAction( QIcon( ":/icons/next.svg" ), tr( "Forward" ) ); navToolbar->widgetForAction( navForward )->setObjectName( "forwardButton" ); QWidget * translateBoxWidget = new QWidget( this ); QHBoxLayout * translateBoxLayout = new QHBoxLayout( translateBoxWidget ); translateBoxWidget->setLayout( translateBoxLayout ); translateBoxLayout->setContentsMargins( 0, 0, 0, 0 ); translateBoxLayout->setSpacing( 0 ); // translate box groupListInToolbar = new GroupComboBox( navToolbar ); groupListInToolbar->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Preferred ); groupListInToolbar->setSizeAdjustPolicy( QComboBox::AdjustToContents ); translateBoxLayout->addWidget( groupListInToolbar ); translateBox = new TranslateBox( navToolbar ); translateBox->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed ); translateBoxLayout->addWidget( translateBox ); translateBoxToolBarAction = navToolbar->addWidget( translateBoxWidget ); // scan popup navToolbar->addSeparator(); enableScanningAction = navToolbar->addAction( QIcon( ":/icons/wizard.svg" ), tr( "Enable Scanning" ) ); enableScanningAction->setCheckable( true ); navToolbar->widgetForAction( enableScanningAction )->setObjectName( "scanPopupButton" ); navToolbar->addSeparator(); // sound navPronounce = navToolbar->addAction( QIcon( ":/icons/playsound_full.png" ), tr( "Pronounce Word (Alt+S)" ) ); navPronounce->setShortcut( QKeySequence( "Alt+S" ) ); navPronounce->setEnabled( false ); navToolbar->widgetForAction( navPronounce )->setObjectName( "soundButton" ); connect( navPronounce, &QAction::triggered, [ this ]() { getCurrentArticleView()->playSound(); } ); // zooming // named separator (to be able to hide it via CSS) navToolbar->widgetForAction( navToolbar->addSeparator() )->setObjectName( "separatorBeforeZoom" ); zoomIn = navToolbar->addAction( QIcon( ":/icons/icon32_zoomin.png" ), tr( "Zoom In" ) ); zoomIn->setShortcuts( QList< QKeySequence >() << QKeySequence::ZoomIn << QKeySequence( "Ctrl+=" ) ); navToolbar->widgetForAction( zoomIn )->setObjectName( "zoomInButton" ); zoomOut = navToolbar->addAction( QIcon( ":/icons/icon32_zoomout.png" ), tr( "Zoom Out" ) ); zoomOut->setShortcut( QKeySequence::ZoomOut ); navToolbar->widgetForAction( zoomOut )->setObjectName( "zoomOutButton" ); zoomBase = navToolbar->addAction( QIcon( ":/icons/icon32_zoombase.png" ), tr( "Normal Size" ) ); zoomBase->setShortcut( QKeySequence( "Ctrl+0" ) ); navToolbar->widgetForAction( zoomBase )->setObjectName( "zoomBaseButton" ); // named separator (to be able to hide it via CSS) navToolbar->widgetForAction( navToolbar->addSeparator() )->setObjectName( "separatorBeforeSave" ); navToolbar->addAction( ui.saveArticle ); navToolbar->widgetForAction( ui.saveArticle )->setObjectName( "saveArticleButton" ); navToolbar->addAction( ui.print ); navToolbar->widgetForAction( ui.print )->setObjectName( "printButton" ); navToolbar->widgetForAction( navToolbar->addSeparator() )->setObjectName( "separatorBeforeAddToFavorites" ); addToFavorites = navToolbar->addAction( starIcon, tr( "Add current tab to Favorites" ) ); navToolbar->widgetForAction( addToFavorites )->setObjectName( "addToFavoritesButton" ); connect( addToFavorites, &QAction::triggered, this, &MainWindow::handleAddToFavoritesButton ); connect( ui.actionAddToFavorites, &QAction::triggered, this, &MainWindow::addCurrentTabToFavorites ); beforeOptionsSeparator = navToolbar->addSeparator(); navToolbar->widgetForAction( beforeOptionsSeparator )->setObjectName( "beforeOptionsSeparator" ); beforeOptionsSeparator->setVisible( cfg.preferences.hideMenubar ); QMenu * buttonMenu = new QMenu( this ); buttonMenu->addAction( ui.dictionaries ); buttonMenu->addAction( ui.preferences ); buttonMenu->addSeparator(); buttonMenu->addMenu( ui.menuFavorites ); buttonMenu->addMenu( ui.menuHistory ); buttonMenu->addSeparator(); buttonMenu->addMenu( ui.menuFile ); buttonMenu->addMenu( ui.menuView ); buttonMenu->addMenu( ui.menuSearch ); buttonMenu->addMenu( ui.menu_Help ); ui.fullTextSearchAction->setEnabled( cfg.preferences.fts.enabled ); menuButton = new QToolButton( navToolbar ); menuButton->setPopupMode( QToolButton::InstantPopup ); menuButton->setMenu( buttonMenu ); menuButton->setIcon( QIcon( ":/icons/menu_button.svg" ) ); menuButton->addAction( ui.menuOptions ); menuButton->setToolTip( tr( "Menu Button" ) ); menuButton->setObjectName( "menuButton" ); menuButton->setFocusPolicy( Qt::NoFocus ); menuButtonAction = navToolbar->addWidget( menuButton ); menuButtonAction->setVisible( cfg.preferences.hideMenubar ); // Make the search pane's titlebar // groupLabel.setText( tr( "Look up in:" ) ); groupListInDock = new GroupComboBox( &searchPaneTitleBar ); searchPaneTitleBarLayout.setContentsMargins( 3, 5, 3, 5 ); // searchPaneTitleBarLayout.addWidget( &groupLabel ); searchPaneTitleBarLayout.addWidget( groupListInDock ); searchPaneTitleBarLayout.addStretch(); searchPaneTitleBar.setLayout( &searchPaneTitleBarLayout ); ui.searchPane->setTitleBarWidget( &searchPaneTitleBar ); connect( ui.searchPane->toggleViewAction(), &QAction::triggered, this, &MainWindow::updateSearchPaneAndBar ); if ( cfg.preferences.searchInDock ) { groupList = groupListInDock; translateLine = ui.translateLine; } else { groupList = groupListInToolbar; translateLine = translateBox->translateLine(); } connect( &wordFinder, &WordFinder::updated, this, &MainWindow::prefixMatchUpdated ); connect( &wordFinder, &WordFinder::finished, this, &MainWindow::prefixMatchFinished ); groupList->setFocusPolicy( Qt::ClickFocus ); ui.wordList->setFocusPolicy( Qt::ClickFocus ); wordListDefaultFont = ui.wordList->font(); translateLineDefaultFont = translateLine->font(); groupListDefaultFont = groupList->font(); // Make the dictionaries pane's titlebar foundInDictsLabel.setText( tr( "Found in Dictionaries:" ) ); dictsPaneTitleBarLayout.addWidget( &foundInDictsLabel ); dictsPaneTitleBarLayout.setContentsMargins( 5, 5, 5, 5 ); dictsPaneTitleBar.setLayout( &dictsPaneTitleBarLayout ); dictsPaneTitleBar.setObjectName( "dictsPaneTitleBar" ); ui.dictsPane->setTitleBarWidget( &dictsPaneTitleBar ); ui.dictsList->setContextMenuPolicy( Qt::CustomContextMenu ); connect( ui.dictsPane, &QDockWidget::visibilityChanged, this, &MainWindow::dictsPaneVisibilityChanged ); connect( ui.dictsList, &QListWidget::itemClicked, this, &MainWindow::foundDictsPaneClicked ); connect( ui.dictsList, &QWidget::customContextMenuRequested, this, &MainWindow::foundDictsContextMenuRequested ); connect( zoomIn, &QAction::triggered, this, &MainWindow::zoomin ); connect( zoomOut, &QAction::triggered, this, &MainWindow::zoomout ); connect( zoomBase, &QAction::triggered, this, &MainWindow::unzoom ); ui.menuZoom->addAction( zoomIn ); ui.menuZoom->addAction( zoomOut ); ui.menuZoom->addAction( zoomBase ); ui.menuZoom->addSeparator(); wordsZoomIn = ui.menuZoom->addAction( QIcon( ":/icons/icon32_zoomin.png" ), tr( "Words Zoom In" ) ); wordsZoomIn->setShortcuts( QList< QKeySequence >() << QKeySequence( "Alt++" ) << QKeySequence( "Alt+=" ) ); wordsZoomOut = ui.menuZoom->addAction( QIcon( ":/icons/icon32_zoomout.png" ), tr( "Words Zoom Out" ) ); wordsZoomOut->setShortcut( QKeySequence( "Alt+-" ) ); wordsZoomBase = ui.menuZoom->addAction( QIcon( ":/icons/icon32_zoombase.png" ), tr( "Words Normal Size" ) ); wordsZoomBase->setShortcut( QKeySequence( "Alt+0" ) ); connect( wordsZoomIn, &QAction::triggered, this, &MainWindow::doWordsZoomIn ); connect( wordsZoomOut, &QAction::triggered, this, &MainWindow::doWordsZoomOut ); connect( wordsZoomBase, &QAction::triggered, this, &MainWindow::doWordsZoomBase ); // tray icon connect( trayIconMenu.addAction( tr( "Show &Main Window" ) ), &QAction::triggered, this, &MainWindow::showMainWindow ); trayIconMenu.addAction( enableScanningAction ); trayIconMenu.addSeparator(); connect( trayIconMenu.addAction( tr( "&Quit" ) ), &QAction::triggered, this, &MainWindow::quitApp ); addGlobalAction( &escAction, [ this ]() { handleEsc(); } ); escAction.setShortcut( QKeySequence( "Esc" ) ); addGlobalAction( &focusTranslateLineAction, [ this ]() { focusTranslateLine(); } ); focusTranslateLineAction.setShortcuts( QList< QKeySequence >() << QKeySequence( "Alt+D" ) << QKeySequence( "Ctrl+L" ) ); addGlobalAction( &focusHeadwordsDlgAction, [ this ]() { focusHeadwordsDialog(); } ); focusHeadwordsDlgAction.setShortcut( QKeySequence( "Ctrl+D" ) ); addGlobalAction( &focusArticleViewAction, [ this ]() { focusArticleView(); } ); focusArticleViewAction.setShortcut( QKeySequence( "Ctrl+N" ) ); addGlobalAction( ui.fullTextSearchAction, [ this ]() { showFullTextSearchDialog(); } ); addTabAction.setShortcutContext( Qt::WidgetWithChildrenShortcut ); addTabAction.setShortcut( QKeySequence( "Ctrl+T" ) ); // Tab management tabListMenu = new MRUQMenu( tr( "Opened tabs" ), ui.tabWidget ); connect( tabListMenu, &MRUQMenu::requestTabChange, ui.tabWidget, &MainTabWidget::setCurrentIndex ); connect( &addTabAction, &QAction::triggered, this, &MainWindow::addNewTab ); addAction( &addTabAction ); closeCurrentTabAction.setShortcutContext( Qt::WidgetWithChildrenShortcut ); closeCurrentTabAction.setShortcut( QKeySequence( "Ctrl+W" ) ); closeCurrentTabAction.setText( tr( "Close current tab" ) ); connect( &closeCurrentTabAction, &QAction::triggered, this, &MainWindow::closeCurrentTab ); addAction( &closeCurrentTabAction ); closeAllTabAction.setShortcutContext( Qt::WidgetWithChildrenShortcut ); closeAllTabAction.setShortcut( QKeySequence( "Ctrl+Shift+W" ) ); closeAllTabAction.setText( tr( "Close all tabs" ) ); connect( &closeAllTabAction, &QAction::triggered, this, &MainWindow::closeAllTabs ); addAction( &closeAllTabAction ); closeRestTabAction.setShortcutContext( Qt::WidgetWithChildrenShortcut ); closeRestTabAction.setText( tr( "Close all tabs except current" ) ); connect( &closeRestTabAction, &QAction::triggered, this, &MainWindow::closeRestTabs ); addAction( &closeRestTabAction ); switchToNextTabAction.setShortcutContext( Qt::WidgetWithChildrenShortcut ); switchToNextTabAction.setShortcut( QKeySequence( "Ctrl+PgDown" ) ); connect( &switchToNextTabAction, &QAction::triggered, this, &MainWindow::switchToNextTab ); addAction( &switchToNextTabAction ); switchToPrevTabAction.setShortcutContext( Qt::WidgetWithChildrenShortcut ); switchToPrevTabAction.setShortcut( QKeySequence( "Ctrl+PgUp" ) ); connect( &switchToPrevTabAction, &QAction::triggered, this, &MainWindow::switchToPrevTab ); addAction( &switchToPrevTabAction ); addAllTabToFavoritesAction.setText( tr( "Add all tabs to Favorites" ) ); connect( &addAllTabToFavoritesAction, &QAction::triggered, this, &MainWindow::addAllTabsToFavorites ); tabMenu = new QMenu( this ); tabMenu->addAction( &closeCurrentTabAction ); tabMenu->addAction( &closeRestTabAction ); tabMenu->addSeparator(); tabMenu->addAction( &closeAllTabAction ); tabMenu->addSeparator(); tabMenu->addAction( addToFavorites ); tabMenu->addAction( &addAllTabToFavoritesAction ); // Dictionary bar names showDictBarNamesAction.setCheckable( true ); showDictBarNamesAction.setChecked( cfg.showingDictBarNames ); connect( &showDictBarNamesAction, &QAction::triggered, this, &MainWindow::showDictBarNamesTriggered ); // Use small icons in toolbars useSmallIconsInToolbarsAction.setCheckable( true ); useSmallIconsInToolbarsAction.setChecked( cfg.usingSmallIconsInToolbars ); connect( &useSmallIconsInToolbarsAction, &QAction::triggered, this, &MainWindow::useSmallIconsInToolbarsTriggered ); // Toggle Menubar toggleMenuBarAction.setCheckable( true ); toggleMenuBarAction.setChecked( !cfg.preferences.hideMenubar ); toggleMenuBarAction.setShortcut( QKeySequence( "Ctrl+M" ) ); connect( &toggleMenuBarAction, &QAction::triggered, this, &MainWindow::toggleMenuBarTriggered ); // Populate 'View' menu ui.menuView->addAction( &toggleMenuBarAction ); ui.menuView->addSeparator(); ui.menuView->addAction( ui.searchPane->toggleViewAction() ); ui.searchPane->toggleViewAction()->setShortcut( QKeySequence( "Ctrl+S" ) ); ui.menuView->addAction( ui.dictsPane->toggleViewAction() ); ui.dictsPane->toggleViewAction()->setShortcut( QKeySequence( "Ctrl+R" ) ); ui.menuView->addAction( ui.favoritesPane->toggleViewAction() ); ui.menuView->addAction( ui.historyPane->toggleViewAction() ); ui.menuView->addSeparator(); ui.menuView->addAction( dictionaryBar.toggleViewAction() ); ui.menuView->addAction( navToolbar->toggleViewAction() ); ui.menuView->addSeparator(); ui.menuView->addAction( &showDictBarNamesAction ); ui.menuView->addAction( &useSmallIconsInToolbarsAction ); ui.menuView->addSeparator(); ui.alwaysOnTop->setChecked( cfg.preferences.alwaysOnTop ); ui.menuView->addAction( ui.alwaysOnTop ); // Dictionary bar Instances::Group const * igrp = groupInstances.findGroup( cfg.lastMainGroupId ); if ( cfg.lastMainGroupId == Instances::Group::AllGroupId ) { if ( igrp ) igrp->checkMutedDictionaries( &cfg.mutedDictionaries ); dictionaryBar.setMutedDictionaries( &cfg.mutedDictionaries ); } else { Config::Group * grp = cfg.getGroup( cfg.lastMainGroupId ); if ( igrp && grp ) igrp->checkMutedDictionaries( &grp->mutedDictionaries ); dictionaryBar.setMutedDictionaries( grp ? &grp->mutedDictionaries : 0 ); } GlobalBroadcaster::instance()->currentGroupId = cfg.lastMainGroupId; showDictBarNamesTriggered(); // Make update its state according to initial // setting connect( this, &MainWindow::clickOnDictPane, &dictionaryBar, &DictionaryBar::dictsPaneClicked ); addToolBar( &dictionaryBar ); connect( dictionaryBar.toggleViewAction(), &QAction::triggered, this, &MainWindow::dictionaryBarToggled ); // This one will be disconnected once the slot is activated. It exists // only to handle the initial appearance of the dictionary bar. connect( dictionaryBar.toggleViewAction(), &QAction::toggled, this, &MainWindow::dictionaryBarToggled ); connect( &dictionaryBar, &DictionaryBar::editGroupRequested, this, &MainWindow::editCurrentGroup ); connect( &dictionaryBar, &DictionaryBar::showDictionaryInfo, this, &MainWindow::showDictionaryInfo ); connect( &dictionaryBar, &DictionaryBar::showDictionaryHeadwords, this, &MainWindow::showDictionaryHeadwords ); connect( &dictionaryBar, &DictionaryBar::openDictionaryFolder, this, &MainWindow::openDictionaryFolder ); // Favorites ui.favoritesPaneWidget->setUp( &cfg, ui.menuFavorites ); ui.favoritesPaneWidget->setSaveInterval( cfg.preferences.favoritesStoreInterval ); connect( ui.favoritesPane, &QDockWidget::visibilityChanged, this, &MainWindow::updateFavoritesMenu ); connect( ui.showHideFavorites, &QAction::triggered, this, &MainWindow::toggle_favoritesPane ); connect( ui.favoritesPaneWidget, &FavoritesPaneWidget::favoritesItemRequested, this, &MainWindow::headwordFromFavorites ); // History ui.historyPaneWidget->setUp( &cfg, &history, ui.menuHistory ); history.enableAdd( cfg.preferences.storeHistory ); connect( ui.historyPaneWidget, &HistoryPaneWidget::historyItemRequested, this, &MainWindow::showHistoryItem ); connect( ui.historyPane, &QDockWidget::visibilityChanged, this, &MainWindow::updateHistoryMenu ); connect( ui.showHideHistory, &QAction::triggered, this, &MainWindow::toggle_historyPane ); #if !defined( HAVE_X11 ) // Show tray icon early so the user would be happy. It won't be functional // though until the program inits fully. // Do not create dummy tray icon in X. Cause QT5 failed to upgrade systemtray context menu. // And as result menu for some DEs apppear to be empty, for example in MATE DE. if ( cfg.preferences.enableTrayIcon ) { trayIcon = new QSystemTrayIcon( QIcon::fromTheme( "goldendict-tray", QIcon( ":/icons/programicon_old.png" ) ), this ); trayIcon->setToolTip( tr( "Loading..." ) ); trayIcon->show(); } #endif connect( navBack, &QAction::triggered, this, &MainWindow::backClicked ); connect( navForward, &QAction::triggered, this, &MainWindow::forwardClicked ); addTab.setAutoRaise( true ); addTab.setToolTip( tr( "New Tab" ) ); addTab.setFocusPolicy( Qt::NoFocus ); addTab.setIcon( QIcon( ":/icons/addtab.svg" ) ); ui.tabWidget->setHideSingleTab( cfg.preferences.hideSingleTab ); ui.tabWidget->clear(); ui.tabWidget->setCornerWidget( &addTab, Qt::TopLeftCorner ); //ui.tabWidget->setCornerWidget( &closeTab, Qt::TopRightCorner ); ui.tabWidget->setMovable( true ); #ifndef Q_OS_WIN32 ui.tabWidget->setDocumentMode( true ); #endif ui.tabWidget->setContextMenuPolicy( Qt::CustomContextMenu ); connect( &addTab, &QAbstractButton::clicked, this, &MainWindow::addNewTab ); connect( ui.tabWidget, &MainTabWidget::doubleClicked, this, &MainWindow::addNewTab ); connect( ui.tabWidget, &QTabWidget::tabCloseRequested, this, &MainWindow::tabCloseRequested ); connect( ui.tabWidget, &QTabWidget::currentChanged, this, &MainWindow::tabSwitched ); connect( ui.tabWidget, &QWidget::customContextMenuRequested, this, &MainWindow::tabMenuRequested ); ui.tabWidget->setTabsClosable( true ); connect( ui.quit, &QAction::triggered, this, &MainWindow::quitApp ); connect( ui.dictionaries, &QAction::triggered, this, &MainWindow::editDictionaries ); connect( ui.preferences, &QAction::triggered, this, &MainWindow::editPreferences ); connect( ui.visitHomepage, &QAction::triggered, this, &MainWindow::visitHomepage ); connect( ui.visitForum, &QAction::triggered, this, &MainWindow::visitForum ); connect( ui.openConfigFolder, &QAction::triggered, this, &MainWindow::openConfigFolder ); connect( ui.about, &QAction::triggered, this, &MainWindow::showAbout ); connect( ui.showReference, &QAction::triggered, []() { Help::openHelpWebpage(); } ); connect( groupListInDock, &GroupComboBox::currentIndexChanged, this, &MainWindow::currentGroupChanged ); connect( groupListInToolbar, &GroupComboBox::currentIndexChanged, this, &MainWindow::currentGroupChanged ); connect( ui.translateLine, &QLineEdit::textChanged, this, &MainWindow::translateInputChanged ); connect( translateBox->translateLine(), &QLineEdit::textEdited, this, &MainWindow::translateInputChanged ); connect( ui.translateLine, &QLineEdit::returnPressed, [ this ]() { translateInputFinished( true ); } ); connect( translateBox->translateLine(), &QLineEdit::returnPressed, [ this ]() { translateInputFinished( true ); } ); connect( ui.wordList, &QListWidget::itemSelectionChanged, this, &MainWindow::wordListSelectionChanged ); connect( ui.wordList, &QListWidget::itemClicked, this, &MainWindow::wordListItemActivated ); connect( ui.dictsList, &QListWidget::itemSelectionChanged, this, &MainWindow::dictsListSelectionChanged ); connect( ui.dictsList, &QListWidget::itemDoubleClicked, this, &MainWindow::dictsListItemActivated ); connect( &configEvents, &Config::Events::mutedDictionariesChanged, this, &MainWindow::mutedDictionariesChanged ); this->installEventFilter( this ); ui.translateLine->installEventFilter( this ); translateBox->translateLine()->installEventFilter( this ); ui.wordList->installEventFilter( this ); ui.wordList->viewport()->installEventFilter( this ); ui.dictsList->installEventFilter( this ); ui.dictsList->viewport()->installEventFilter( this ); //tabWidget doesn't propagate Ctrl+Tab to the parent widget unless event filter is installed ui.tabWidget->installEventFilter( this ); ui.historyList->installEventFilter( this ); ui.favoritesTree->installEventFilter( this ); groupListInDock->installEventFilter( this ); groupListInToolbar->installEventFilter( this ); connect( &ftsIndexing, &FTS::FtsIndexing::newIndexingName, this, &MainWindow::showFTSIndexingName ); connect( GlobalBroadcaster::instance(), &GlobalBroadcaster::indexingDictionary, this, &MainWindow::showFTSIndexingName ); applyProxySettings(); //set webengineview font changeWebEngineViewFont(); connect( &dictNetMgr, &QNetworkAccessManager::proxyAuthenticationRequired, this, &MainWindow::proxyAuthentication ); connect( &articleNetMgr, &QNetworkAccessManager::proxyAuthenticationRequired, this, &MainWindow::proxyAuthentication ); setupNetworkCache( cfg.preferences.maxNetworkCacheSize ); makeDictionaries(); // After we have dictionaries and groups, we can populate history // historyChanged(); setWindowTitle( "GoldenDict-ng" ); blockUpdateWindowTitle = true; addNewTab(); // Create tab list menu createTabList(); if ( cfg.mainWindowState.size() && !cfg.resetState ) restoreState( cfg.mainWindowState ); if ( cfg.mainWindowGeometry.size() ) restoreGeometry( cfg.mainWindowGeometry ); // Show the initial welcome text ArticleView * view = getCurrentArticleView(); history.enableAdd( false ); blockUpdateWindowTitle = true; view->showDefinition( tr( "Welcome!" ), Instances::Group::HelpGroupId ); history.enableAdd( cfg.preferences.storeHistory ); translateLine->setFocus(); applyQtStyleSheet( cfg.preferences.addonStyle, cfg.preferences.displayStyle, cfg.preferences.darkMode ); // Scanpopup related scanPopup = new ScanPopup( nullptr, cfg, articleNetMgr, audioPlayerFactory.player(), dictionaries, groupInstances, history ); scanPopup->setStyleSheet( styleSheet() ); connect( scanPopup, &ScanPopup::editGroupRequest, this, &MainWindow::editDictionaries, Qt::QueuedConnection ); connect( scanPopup, &ScanPopup::sendPhraseToMainWindow, this, [ this ]( QString const & word ) { wordReceived( word ); } ); connect( scanPopup, &ScanPopup::inspectSignal, this, &MainWindow::inspectElement ); connect( scanPopup, &ScanPopup::forceAddWordToHistory, this, &MainWindow::forceAddWordToHistory ); connect( scanPopup, &ScanPopup::showDictionaryInfo, this, &MainWindow::showDictionaryInfo ); connect( scanPopup, &ScanPopup::openDictionaryFolder, this, &MainWindow::openDictionaryFolder ); connect( scanPopup, &ScanPopup::sendWordToHistory, this, &MainWindow::addWordToHistory ); connect( this, &MainWindow::setPopupGroupByName, scanPopup, &ScanPopup::setGroupByName ); connect( scanPopup, &ScanPopup::sendWordToFavorites, this, &MainWindow::addWordToFavorites ); #ifdef Q_OS_MAC macClipboard = new gd_clipboard( this ); connect( macClipboard, &gd_clipboard::changed, this, &MainWindow::clipboardChange ); #endif connect( enableScanningAction, &QAction::toggled, this, [ = ]( bool on ) { if ( on ) { enableScanningAction->setIcon( QIcon( ":/icons/wizard-selected.svg" ) ); } else { enableScanningAction->setIcon( QIcon( ":/icons/wizard.svg" ) ); } #ifdef Q_OS_MAC if ( !MacMouseOver::isAXAPIEnabled() ) mainStatusBar->showMessage( tr( "Accessibility API is not enabled" ), 10000, QPixmap( ":/icons/error.svg" ) ); if ( on ) { macClipboard->start(); } else { macClipboard->stop(); } #else if ( on ) { connect( QApplication::clipboard(), &QClipboard::changed, this, &MainWindow::clipboardChange ); } else { disconnect( QApplication::clipboard(), &QClipboard::changed, this, &MainWindow::clipboardChange ); } #endif installHotKeys(); updateTrayIcon(); } ); if ( cfg.preferences.startWithScanPopupOn ) { enableScanningAction->trigger(); } updateSearchPaneAndBar( cfg.preferences.searchInDock ); ui.searchPane->setVisible( cfg.preferences.searchInDock ); if ( trayIcon ) { // Upgrade existing dummy tray icon into a full-functional one trayIcon->setContextMenu( &trayIconMenu ); trayIcon->show(); connect( trayIcon, &QSystemTrayIcon::activated, this, &MainWindow::trayIconActivated ); } updateTrayIcon(); // Update zoomers adjustCurrentZoomFactor(); scaleArticlesByCurrentZoomFactor(); applyWordsZoomLevel(); // Update autostart info setAutostart( cfg.preferences.autoStart ); // Initialize global hotkeys installHotKeys(); if ( cfg.preferences.alwaysOnTop ) { on_alwaysOnTop_triggered( true ); } // Only show window initially if it wasn't configured differently if ( !cfg.preferences.enableTrayIcon || !cfg.preferences.startToTray ) { show(); focusTranslateLine(); } connect( &newReleaseCheckTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &MainWindow::checkForNewRelease ); if ( cfg.preferences.hideMenubar ) { toggleMenuBarTriggered( false ); } prepareNewReleaseChecks(); // makeDictionaries() didn't do deferred init - we do it here, at the end. doDeferredInit( dictionaries ); updateStatusLine(); #ifdef Q_OS_MAC if ( cfg.preferences.startWithScanPopupOn && !MacMouseOver::isAXAPIEnabled() ) mainStatusBar->showMessage( tr( "Accessibility API is not enabled" ), 10000, QPixmap( ":/icons/error.svg" ) ); #endif wasMaximized = isMaximized(); history.setSaveInterval( cfg.preferences.historyStoreInterval ); ui.centralWidget->grabGesture( Gestures::GDPinchGestureType ); ui.centralWidget->grabGesture( Gestures::GDSwipeGestureType ); if ( layoutDirection() == Qt::RightToLeft ) { // Adjust button icons for Right-To-Left layout navBack->setIcon( QIcon( ":/icons/next.svg" ) ); navForward->setIcon( QIcon( ":/icons/previous.svg" ) ); } inspector.reset( new ArticleInspector( this ) ); #ifdef Q_OS_WIN // Regiser and update URL Scheme for windows // https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/windows/internet-explorer/ie-developer/platform-apis/aa767914(v=vs.85) // Windows will automatically map registry key to Computer\HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ */ QSettings urlRegistry( R"(HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes)", QSettings::NativeFormat ); urlRegistry.beginGroup( "goldendict" ); urlRegistry.setValue( "Default", "URL: goldendict Protocol" ); urlRegistry.setValue( "URL Protocol", "" ); urlRegistry.setValue( "shell/open/command/Default", QString( "\"%1\"" ).arg( QDir::toNativeSeparators( QApplication::applicationFilePath() ) ) + " \"%1\"" ); urlRegistry.endGroup(); #endif useSmallIconsInToolbarsTriggered(); } void MainWindow::prefixMatchUpdated() { updateMatchResults( false ); } void MainWindow::prefixMatchFinished() { updateMatchResults( true ); } void MainWindow::updateMatchResults( bool finished ) { WordFinder::SearchResults const & results = wordFinder.getResults(); if ( cfg.preferences.searchInDock ) { ui.wordList->setUpdatesEnabled( false ); //clear all existed items ui.wordList->clear(); for ( const auto & result : results ) { auto i = new QListWidgetItem( result.first, ui.wordList ); i->setToolTip( result.first ); if ( result.second ) { QFont f = i->font(); f.setItalic( true ); i->setFont( f ); } i->setTextAlignment( Qt::AlignLeft ); } if ( ui.wordList->count() ) { ui.wordList->scrollToItem( ui.wordList->item( 0 ), QAbstractItemView::PositionAtTop ); ui.wordList->setCurrentItem( nullptr, QItemSelectionModel::Clear ); } ui.wordList->setUpdatesEnabled( true ); ui.wordList->unsetCursor(); } else { QStringList _results; _results.clear(); for ( const auto & result : results ) { _results << result.first; } translateBox->setModel( _results ); } if ( finished ) { refreshTranslateLine(); if ( !wordFinder.getErrorString().isEmpty() ) emit showStatusBarMessage( tr( "WARNING: %1" ).arg( wordFinder.getErrorString() ), 20000, QPixmap( ":/icons/error.svg" ) ); } } void MainWindow::refreshTranslateLine() { if ( !translateLine ) return; // Visually mark the input line to mark if there's no results bool setMark = wordFinder.getResults().empty() && !wordFinder.wasSearchUncertain(); if ( translateLine->property( "noResults" ).toBool() != setMark ) { translateLine->setProperty( "noResults", setMark ); Utils::Widget::setNoResultColor( translateLine, setMark ); } } void MainWindow::clipboardChange( QClipboard::Mode m ) { if ( !scanPopup ) { return; } #if defined( HAVE_X11 ) if ( m == QClipboard::Clipboard ) { if ( !cfg.preferences.trackClipboardScan ) return; scanPopup->translateWordFromClipboard(); return; } if ( m == QClipboard::Selection ) { // Multiple ways to stopping a word from showing up when selecting // Explicitly disabled on preferences if ( !cfg.preferences.trackSelectionScan ) return; // Explicitly disabled on preferences to ignore gd's own selection if ( cfg.preferences.ignoreOwnClipboardChanges && QApplication::clipboard()->ownsSelection() ) { return; } // Keyboard Modifier if ( cfg.preferences.enableScanPopupModifiers && !KeyboardState::checkModifiersPressed( cfg.preferences.scanPopupModifiers ) ) { return; } // Show a Flag instead of translate directly. // And hand over the control of showing the popup to scanFlag if ( cfg.preferences.showScanFlag ) { scanPopup->showScanFlag(); return; } // Use delay show to prevent multiple popups while selection in progress scanPopup->selectionDelayTimer.start(); } #elif defined( Q_OS_MAC ) scanPopup->translateWord( macClipboard->text() ); #else scanPopup->translateWordFromClipboard(); #endif } void MainWindow::ctrlTabPressed() { emit fillWindowsMenu(); tabListButton->click(); } void MainWindow::updateSearchPaneAndBar( bool searchInDock ) { QString text = translateLine->text(); if ( ftsDlg ) removeGroupComboBoxActionsFromDialog( ftsDlg, groupList ); if ( headwordsDlg ) removeGroupComboBoxActionsFromDialog( headwordsDlg, groupList ); if ( searchInDock ) { cfg.preferences.searchInDock = true; navToolbar->setAllowedAreas( Qt::AllToolBarAreas ); groupList = groupListInDock; translateLine = ui.translateLine; translateBoxToolBarAction->setVisible( false ); translateBox->setPopupEnabled( false ); } else { cfg.preferences.searchInDock = false; // handle the main toolbar, it must not be on the side, since it should // contain the group widget and the translate line. Valid locations: Top and Bottom. navToolbar->setAllowedAreas( Qt::BottomToolBarArea | Qt::TopToolBarArea ); if ( toolBarArea( navToolbar ) & ( Qt::LeftToolBarArea | Qt::RightToolBarArea ) ) { if ( toolBarArea( &dictionaryBar ) == Qt::TopToolBarArea ) { insertToolBar( &dictionaryBar, navToolbar ); } else { addToolBar( Qt::TopToolBarArea, navToolbar ); } } groupList = groupListInToolbar; translateLine = translateBox->translateLine(); translateBoxToolBarAction->setVisible( true ); } if ( ftsDlg ) addGroupComboBoxActionsToDialog( ftsDlg, groupList ); if ( headwordsDlg ) addGroupComboBoxActionsToDialog( headwordsDlg, groupList ); translateLine->setToolTip( tr( "String to search in dictionaries. The wildcards '*', '?' and sets of symbols '[...]' are allowed.\nTo find '*', '?', '[', ']' symbols use '\\*', '\\?', '\\[', '\\]' respectively" ) ); // reset the flag when switching UI modes wordListSelChanged = false; updateGroupList(); applyWordsZoomLevel(); setInputLineText( text, WildcardPolicy::WildcardsAreAlreadyEscaped, DisablePopup ); focusTranslateLine(); } void MainWindow::mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent * event ) { if ( handleBackForwardMouseButtons( event ) ) { return; } if ( event->button() != Qt::MiddleButton ) return QMainWindow::mousePressEvent( event ); // middle clicked QString subtype = "plain"; QString str = QApplication::clipboard()->text( subtype, QClipboard::Selection ); setInputLineText( str, WildcardPolicy::EscapeWildcards, NoPopupChange ); QKeyEvent ev( QEvent::KeyPress, Qt::Key_Enter, Qt::NoModifier ); QApplication::sendEvent( translateLine, &ev ); } MainWindow::~MainWindow() { closeHeadwordsDialog(); ftsIndexing.stopIndexing(); ui.centralWidget->ungrabGesture( Gestures::GDPinchGestureType ); ui.centralWidget->ungrabGesture( Gestures::GDSwipeGestureType ); // Gestures::unregisterRecognizers(); // Close all tabs -- they should be destroyed before network managers // do. while ( ui.tabWidget->count() ) { QWidget * w = ui.tabWidget->widget( 0 ); ui.tabWidget->removeTab( 0 ); delete w; } #ifndef NO_EPWING_SUPPORT Epwing::finalize(); #endif } void MainWindow::addGlobalAction( QAction * action, const std::function< void() > & slotFunc ) { action->setShortcutContext( Qt::WidgetWithChildrenShortcut ); connect( action, &QAction::triggered, this, slotFunc ); ui.centralWidget->addAction( action ); ui.dictsPane->addAction( action ); ui.searchPaneWidget->addAction( action ); ui.favoritesPane->addAction( action ); ui.historyPane->addAction( action ); groupList->addAction( action ); translateBox->addAction( action ); } void MainWindow::addGlobalActionsToDialog( QDialog * dialog ) { dialog->addAction( &focusTranslateLineAction ); dialog->addAction( &focusHeadwordsDlgAction ); dialog->addAction( &focusArticleViewAction ); dialog->addAction( ui.fullTextSearchAction ); } void MainWindow::addGroupComboBoxActionsToDialog( QDialog * dialog, GroupComboBox * pGroupComboBox ) { dialog->addActions( pGroupComboBox->getExternActions() ); } void MainWindow::removeGroupComboBoxActionsFromDialog( QDialog * dialog, GroupComboBox * pGroupComboBox ) { QList< QAction * > actions = pGroupComboBox->getExternActions(); for ( QList< QAction * >::iterator it = actions.begin(); it != actions.end(); ++it ) dialog->removeAction( *it ); } void MainWindow::commitData( QSessionManager & ) { commitData(); } void MainWindow::commitData() { if ( cfg.preferences.clearNetworkCacheOnExit ) if ( QAbstractNetworkCache * cache = articleNetMgr.cache() ) cache->clear(); try { // Save MainWindow state and geometry cfg.mainWindowState = saveState(); cfg.mainWindowGeometry = saveGeometry(); // Save popup window state and geometry if ( scanPopup ) scanPopup->saveConfigData(); // Save any changes in last chosen groups etc try { Config::save( cfg ); } catch ( std::exception & e ) { gdWarning( "Configuration saving failed, error: %s\n", e.what() ); } // Save history history.save(); // Save favorites ui.favoritesPaneWidget->saveData(); } catch ( std::exception & e ) { gdWarning( "Commit data failed, error: %s\n", e.what() ); } } QPrinter & MainWindow::getPrinter() { if ( printer.get() ) return *printer; printer = std::make_shared< QPrinter >( QPrinter::HighResolution ); return *printer; } void MainWindow::applyQtStyleSheet( QString const & addonStyle, QString const & displayStyle, bool const & darkMode ) { #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 if ( darkMode ) { //https://forum.qt.io/topic/101391/windows-10-dark-theme #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 qApp->setStyle( QStyleFactory::create( "Fusion" ) ); #endif QPalette darkPalette; QColor darkColor = QColor( 45, 45, 45 ); QColor disabledColor = QColor( 127, 127, 127 ); darkPalette.setColor( QPalette::Window, darkColor ); darkPalette.setColor( QPalette::WindowText, Qt::white ); darkPalette.setColor( QPalette::Base, QColor( 18, 18, 18 ) ); darkPalette.setColor( QPalette::AlternateBase, darkColor ); darkPalette.setColor( QPalette::ToolTipBase, Qt::white ); darkPalette.setColor( QPalette::ToolTipText, Qt::white ); darkPalette.setColor( QPalette::Text, Qt::white ); darkPalette.setColor( QPalette::Disabled, QPalette::Text, disabledColor ); darkPalette.setColor( QPalette::Button, darkColor ); darkPalette.setColor( QPalette::ButtonText, Qt::white ); darkPalette.setColor( QPalette::Dark, QColor( 35, 35, 35 ) ); darkPalette.setColor( QPalette::Shadow, QColor( 20, 20, 20 ) ); darkPalette.setColor( QPalette::Disabled, QPalette::ButtonText, disabledColor ); darkPalette.setColor( QPalette::BrightText, Qt::red ); darkPalette.setColor( QPalette::Link, QColor( 42, 130, 218 ) ); darkPalette.setColor( QPalette::Highlight, QColor( 42, 130, 218 ) ); darkPalette.setColor( QPalette::HighlightedText, Qt::black ); darkPalette.setColor( QPalette::Disabled, QPalette::HighlightedText, disabledColor ); qApp->setPalette( darkPalette ); } else { qApp->setStyle( new QProxyStyle() ); qApp->setPalette( QPalette() ); } #endif QFile builtInCssFile( ":qt-style.css" ); builtInCssFile.open( QFile::ReadOnly ); QByteArray css = builtInCssFile.readAll(); #if defined( Q_OS_MAC ) QFile macCssFile( ":qt-style-macos.css" ); macCssFile.open( QFile::ReadOnly ); css += macCssFile.readAll(); #endif #if defined( Q_OS_WIN ) QFile winCssFile( ":qt-style-win.css" ); winCssFile.open( QFile::ReadOnly ); css += winCssFile.readAll(); // Load an additional stylesheet // Dark Mode doesn't work nice with custom qt style sheets, if ( !darkMode ) { QFile additionalStyle( QString( ":qt-%1.css" ).arg( displayStyle ) ); if ( additionalStyle.open( QFile::ReadOnly ) ) { css += additionalStyle.readAll(); } } #endif // Try loading a style sheet if there's one QFile cssFile( Config::getUserQtCssFileName() ); if ( cssFile.open( QFile::ReadOnly ) ) css += cssFile.readAll(); if ( !addonStyle.isEmpty() ) { QString name = Config::getStylesDir() + addonStyle + QDir::separator() + "qt-style.css"; QFile addonCss( name ); if ( addonCss.open( QFile::ReadOnly ) ) css += addonCss.readAll(); } #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 if ( darkMode ) { css += "QToolTip { color: #ffffff; background-color: #2a82da; border: 1px solid white; }"; } #endif setStyleSheet( css ); } void MainWindow::updateTrayIcon() { if ( !trayIcon && cfg.preferences.enableTrayIcon ) { // Need to show it trayIcon = new QSystemTrayIcon( QIcon::fromTheme( "goldendict-tray", QIcon( ":/icons/programicon_old.png" ) ), this ); trayIcon->setContextMenu( &trayIconMenu ); trayIcon->show(); connect( trayIcon, &QSystemTrayIcon::activated, this, &MainWindow::trayIconActivated ); } else if ( trayIcon && !cfg.preferences.enableTrayIcon ) { // Need to hide it delete trayIcon; trayIcon = 0; } if ( trayIcon ) { // Update the icon to reflect the scanning mode trayIcon->setIcon( enableScanningAction->isChecked() ? QIcon::fromTheme( "goldendict-scan-tray", QIcon( ":/icons/programicon_scan.png" ) ) : QIcon::fromTheme( "goldendict-tray", QIcon( ":/icons/programicon_old.png" ) ) ); trayIcon->setToolTip( "GoldenDict-ng" ); } // The 'Close to tray' action is associated with the tray icon, so we hide // or show it here. ui.actionCloseToTray->setVisible( cfg.preferences.enableTrayIcon ); } void MainWindow::wheelEvent( QWheelEvent * ev ) { if ( ev->modifiers().testFlag( Qt::ControlModifier ) ) { if ( ev->angleDelta().y() > 0 ) { zoomin(); } else if ( ev->angleDelta().y() < 0 ) { zoomout(); } ev->accept(); } else { ev->ignore(); } } void MainWindow::closeEvent( QCloseEvent * ev ) { if ( cfg.preferences.enableTrayIcon && cfg.preferences.closeToTray ) { if ( !cfg.preferences.searchInDock ) translateBox->setPopupEnabled( false ); #ifdef Q_OS_MACOS if ( !ev->spontaneous() || !isVisible() ) { return; } #endif #ifdef HAVE_X11 // Don't ignore the close event, because doing so cancels session logout if // the main window is visible when the user attempts to log out. // The main window will be only hidden, because QApplication::quitOnLastWindowClosed // property is false and Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose widget is not set. Q_ASSERT( !QApplication::quitOnLastWindowClosed() ); Q_ASSERT( !testAttribute( Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose ) ); #else // Ignore the close event because closing the main window breaks global hotkeys on Windows. ev->ignore(); hide(); #endif } else { ev->accept(); quitApp(); } } void MainWindow::quitApp() { if ( inspector && inspector->isVisible() ) { inspector->close(); } commitData(); qApp->quit(); } void MainWindow::applyProxySettings() { if ( cfg.preferences.proxyServer.enabled && cfg.preferences.proxyServer.useSystemProxy ) { QList< QNetworkProxy > proxies = QNetworkProxyFactory::systemProxyForQuery(); if ( !cfg.preferences.proxyServer.systemProxyUser.isEmpty() ) { proxies.first().setUser( cfg.preferences.proxyServer.systemProxyUser ); proxies.first().setPassword( cfg.preferences.proxyServer.systemProxyPassword ); } QNetworkProxy::setApplicationProxy( proxies.first() ); return; } QNetworkProxy::ProxyType type = QNetworkProxy::NoProxy; if ( cfg.preferences.proxyServer.enabled ) { switch ( cfg.preferences.proxyServer.type ) { case Config::ProxyServer::Socks5: type = QNetworkProxy::Socks5Proxy; break; case Config::ProxyServer::HttpConnect: type = QNetworkProxy::HttpProxy; break; case Config::ProxyServer::HttpGet: type = QNetworkProxy::HttpCachingProxy; break; default: break; } } QNetworkProxy proxy( type ); if ( cfg.preferences.proxyServer.enabled ) { proxy.setHostName( cfg.preferences.proxyServer.host ); proxy.setPort( cfg.preferences.proxyServer.port ); if ( cfg.preferences.proxyServer.user.size() ) proxy.setUser( cfg.preferences.proxyServer.user ); if ( cfg.preferences.proxyServer.password.size() ) proxy.setPassword( cfg.preferences.proxyServer.password ); } QNetworkProxy::setApplicationProxy( proxy ); } void MainWindow::setupNetworkCache( int maxSize ) { // x << 20 == x * 2^20 converts mebibytes to bytes. qint64 const maxCacheSizeInBytes = maxSize <= 0 ? qint64( 0 ) : static_cast< qint64 >( maxSize ) << 20; if ( QAbstractNetworkCache * abstractCache = articleNetMgr.cache() ) { QNetworkDiskCache * const diskCache = qobject_cast< QNetworkDiskCache * >( abstractCache ); Q_ASSERT_X( diskCache, Q_FUNC_INFO, "Unexpected network cache type." ); diskCache->setMaximumCacheSize( maxCacheSizeInBytes ); return; } if ( maxCacheSizeInBytes == 0 ) return; // There is currently no cache and it is not needed. QString cacheDirectory = Config::getCacheDir(); if ( !QDir().mkpath( cacheDirectory ) ) { cacheDirectory = QStandardPaths::writableLocation( QStandardPaths::CacheLocation ); gdWarning( "Cannot create a cache directory %s. use default cache path.", cacheDirectory.toUtf8().constData() ); } QNetworkDiskCache * const diskCache = new QNetworkDiskCache( this ); diskCache->setMaximumCacheSize( maxCacheSizeInBytes ); diskCache->setCacheDirectory( cacheDirectory ); articleNetMgr.setCache( diskCache ); } void MainWindow::makeDictionaries() { wordFinder.clear(); dictionariesUnmuted.clear(); ftsIndexing.stopIndexing(); ftsIndexing.clearDictionaries(); loadDictionaries( this, isVisible(), cfg, dictionaries, dictNetMgr, false ); //create map dictMap = Dictionary::dictToMap( dictionaries ); for ( unsigned x = 0; x < dictionaries.size(); x++ ) { dictionaries[ x ]->setFTSParameters( cfg.preferences.fts ); dictionaries[ x ]->setSynonymSearchEnabled( cfg.preferences.synonymSearchEnabled ); } ftsIndexing.setDictionaries( dictionaries ); ftsIndexing.doIndexing(); updateStatusLine(); updateGroupList(); } void MainWindow::updateStatusLine() { unsigned articleCount = 0, wordCount = 0; for ( unsigned x = dictionaries.size(); x--; ) { articleCount += dictionaries[ x ]->getArticleCount(); wordCount += dictionaries[ x ]->getWordCount(); } mainStatusBar->showMessage( tr( "%1 dictionaries, %2 articles, %3 words" ).arg( dictionaries.size() ).arg( articleCount ).arg( wordCount ), 10000 ); } void MainWindow::updateGroupList() { bool haveGroups = cfg.groups.size(); groupList->setVisible( haveGroups ); // groupLabel.setText( haveGroups ? tr( "Look up in:" ) : tr( "Look up:" ) ); // currentIndexChanged() signal is very trigger-happy. To avoid triggering // it, we disconnect it while we're clearing and filling back groups. disconnect( groupList, &GroupComboBox::currentIndexChanged, this, &MainWindow::currentGroupChanged ); groupInstances.clear(); // Add dictionaryOrder first, as the 'All' group. { Instances::Group g( cfg.dictionaryOrder, dictionaries, Config::Group() ); // Add any missing entries to dictionary order Instances::complementDictionaryOrder( g, Instances::Group( cfg.inactiveDictionaries, dictionaries, Config::Group() ), dictionaries ); g.name = tr( "All" ); g.id = Instances::Group::AllGroupId; g.icon = "folder.png"; groupInstances.push_back( g ); } GlobalBroadcaster::instance()->groupFolderMap.clear(); for ( int x = 0; x < cfg.groups.size(); ++x ) { groupInstances.push_back( Instances::Group( cfg.groups[ x ], dictionaries, cfg.inactiveDictionaries ) ); GlobalBroadcaster::instance()->groupFolderMap.insert( cfg.groups[ x ].id, cfg.groups[ x ].favoritesFolder ); } // Update names for dictionaries that are present, so that they could be // found in case they got moved. Instances::updateNames( cfg, dictionaries ); groupList->fill( groupInstances ); groupList->setCurrentGroup( cfg.lastMainGroupId ); updateCurrentGroupProperty(); updateDictionaryBar(); #ifdef QT_DEBUG qDebug() << "Reloading all the tabs..."; #endif for ( int i = 0; i < ui.tabWidget->count(); ++i ) { ArticleView & view = dynamic_cast< ArticleView & >( *( ui.tabWidget->widget( i ) ) ); view.reload(); } connect( groupList, &GroupComboBox::currentIndexChanged, this, &MainWindow::currentGroupChanged ); } void MainWindow::updateDictionaryBar() { if ( !dictionaryBar.toggleViewAction()->isChecked() ) return; // It's not enabled, therefore hidden -- don't waste time unsigned currentId = groupList->getCurrentGroup(); Instances::Group * grp = groupInstances.findGroup( currentId ); dictionaryBar.setMutedDictionaries( 0 ); if ( grp ) { // Should always be !0, but check as a safeguard if ( currentId == Instances::Group::AllGroupId ) dictionaryBar.setMutedDictionaries( &cfg.mutedDictionaries ); else { Config::Group * grp = cfg.getGroup( currentId ); dictionaryBar.setMutedDictionaries( grp ? &grp->mutedDictionaries : 0 ); } dictionaryBar.setDictionaries( grp->dictionaries ); int extent = useSmallIconsInToolbarsAction.isChecked() ? QApplication::style()->pixelMetric( QStyle::PM_SmallIconSize ) : QApplication::style()->pixelMetric( QStyle::PM_ToolBarIconSize ); dictionaryBar.setDictionaryIconSize( extent ); } } vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > const & MainWindow::getActiveDicts() { if ( groupInstances.empty() ) return dictionaries; int current = groupList->currentIndex(); if ( current < 0 || current >= (int)groupInstances.size() ) { // This shouldn't ever happen return dictionaries; } Config::MutedDictionaries const * mutedDictionaries = dictionaryBar.getMutedDictionaries(); if ( !dictionaryBar.toggleViewAction()->isChecked() || mutedDictionaries == 0 ) return groupInstances[ current ].dictionaries; else { vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > const & activeDicts = groupInstances[ current ].dictionaries; // Populate the special dictionariesUnmuted array with only unmuted // dictionaries dictionariesUnmuted.clear(); dictionariesUnmuted.reserve( activeDicts.size() ); for ( unsigned x = 0; x < activeDicts.size(); ++x ) if ( !mutedDictionaries->contains( QString::fromStdString( activeDicts[ x ]->getId() ) ) ) dictionariesUnmuted.push_back( activeDicts[ x ] ); return dictionariesUnmuted; } } void MainWindow::createTabList() { tabListMenu->setIcon( QIcon( ":/icons/windows-list.svg" ) ); connect( tabListMenu, &QMenu::aboutToShow, this, &MainWindow::fillWindowsMenu ); connect( tabListMenu, &QMenu::triggered, this, &MainWindow::switchToWindow ); tabListButton = new QToolButton( ui.tabWidget ); tabListButton->setAutoRaise( true ); tabListButton->setIcon( tabListMenu->icon() ); tabListButton->setMenu( tabListMenu ); tabListButton->setToolTip( tr( "Open Tabs List" ) ); tabListButton->setPopupMode( QToolButton::InstantPopup ); ui.tabWidget->setCornerWidget( tabListButton ); tabListButton->setFocusPolicy( Qt::NoFocus ); } void MainWindow::fillWindowsMenu() { tabListMenu->clear(); if ( cfg.preferences.mruTabOrder ) { for ( int i = 0; i < mruList.count(); i++ ) { QAction * act = tabListMenu->addAction( ui.tabWidget->tabIcon( ui.tabWidget->indexOf( mruList.at( i ) ) ), ui.tabWidget->tabText( ui.tabWidget->indexOf( mruList.at( i ) ) ) ); //remember the index of the Tab to be later used in ctrlReleased() act->setData( ui.tabWidget->indexOf( mruList.at( i ) ) ); if ( ui.tabWidget->currentIndex() == ui.tabWidget->indexOf( mruList.at( i ) ) ) { QFont f( act->font() ); f.setBold( true ); act->setFont( f ); } } if ( tabListMenu->actions().size() > 1 ) { tabListMenu->setActiveAction( tabListMenu->actions().at( 1 ) ); } } else { for ( int i = 0; i < ui.tabWidget->count(); i++ ) { QAction * act = tabListMenu->addAction( ui.tabWidget->tabIcon( i ), ui.tabWidget->tabText( i ) ); act->setData( i ); if ( ui.tabWidget->currentIndex() == i ) { QFont f( act->font() ); f.setBold( true ); act->setFont( f ); } } } return; } void MainWindow::switchToWindow( QAction * act ) { int idx = act->data().toInt(); ui.tabWidget->setCurrentIndex( idx ); } void MainWindow::addNewTab() { createNewTab( true, tr( "(untitled)" ) ); } ArticleView * MainWindow::createNewTab( bool switchToIt, QString const & name ) { ArticleView * view = new ArticleView( this, articleNetMgr, audioPlayerFactory.player(), dictionaries, groupInstances, false, cfg, *ui.searchInPageAction, translateLine, dictionaryBar.toggleViewAction(), groupList ); connect( view, &ArticleView::inspectSignal, this, &MainWindow::inspectElement ); connect( view, &ArticleView::titleChanged, this, &MainWindow::titleChanged ); connect( view, &ArticleView::iconChanged, this, &MainWindow::iconChanged ); connect( view, &ArticleView::pageLoaded, this, &MainWindow::pageLoaded ); connect( view, &ArticleView::updateFoundInDictsList, this, &MainWindow::updateFoundInDictsList ); connect( view, &ArticleView::openLinkInNewTab, this, &MainWindow::openLinkInNewTab ); connect( view, &ArticleView::showDefinitionInNewTab, this, &MainWindow::showDefinitionInNewTab ); connect( view, &ArticleView::typingEvent, this, &MainWindow::typingEvent ); connect( view, &ArticleView::activeArticleChanged, this, &MainWindow::activeArticleChanged ); connect( view, &ArticleView::statusBarMessage, this, &MainWindow::showStatusBarMessage ); connect( view, &ArticleView::showDictsPane, this, &MainWindow::showDictsPane ); connect( view, &ArticleView::forceAddWordToHistory, this, &MainWindow::forceAddWordToHistory ); connect( view, &ArticleView::sendWordToHistory, this, &MainWindow::addWordToHistory ); connect( view, &ArticleView::sendWordToInputLine, this, &MainWindow::sendWordToInputLine ); connect( view, &ArticleView::storeResourceSavePath, this, &MainWindow::storeResourceSavePath ); connect( view, &ArticleView::zoomIn, this, &MainWindow::zoomin ); connect( view, &ArticleView::zoomOut, this, &MainWindow::zoomout ); connect( view, &ArticleView::saveBookmarkSignal, this, &MainWindow::addBookmarkToFavorite ); view->setSelectionBySingleClick( cfg.preferences.selectWordBySingleClick ); int index = cfg.preferences.newTabsOpenAfterCurrentOne ? ui.tabWidget->currentIndex() + 1 : ui.tabWidget->count(); QString escaped = name; escaped.replace( "&", "&&" ); ui.tabWidget->insertTab( index, view, escaped ); mruList.append( dynamic_cast< QWidget * >( view ) ); if ( switchToIt ) ui.tabWidget->setCurrentIndex( index ); view->setZoomFactor( cfg.preferences.zoomFactor ); #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 view->installEventFilter( this ); #endif return view; } void MainWindow::inspectElement( QWebEnginePage * page ) { inspector->triggerAction( page ); } void MainWindow::tabCloseRequested( int x ) { QWidget * w = ui.tabWidget->widget( x ); mruList.removeOne( w ); // In MRU case: First, we switch to the appropriate tab // and only then remove the old one. //activate a tab in accordance with MRU if ( cfg.preferences.mruTabOrder && mruList.size() > 0 ) { ui.tabWidget->setCurrentWidget( mruList.at( 0 ) ); } else if ( ui.tabWidget->count() > 1 ) { //activate neighboring tab int n = x >= ui.tabWidget->count() - 1 ? x - 1 : x + 1; if ( n >= 0 ) ui.tabWidget->setCurrentIndex( n ); } ui.tabWidget->removeTab( x ); delete w; // if everything is closed, add a new tab if ( ui.tabWidget->count() == 0 ) addNewTab(); } void MainWindow::closeCurrentTab() { tabCloseRequested( ui.tabWidget->currentIndex() ); } void MainWindow::closeAllTabs() { while ( ui.tabWidget->count() > 1 ) closeCurrentTab(); // close last tab closeCurrentTab(); } void MainWindow::closeRestTabs() { if ( ui.tabWidget->count() < 2 ) return; int idx = ui.tabWidget->currentIndex(); for ( int i = 0; i < idx; i++ ) tabCloseRequested( 0 ); ui.tabWidget->setCurrentIndex( 0 ); while ( ui.tabWidget->count() > 1 ) tabCloseRequested( 1 ); } void MainWindow::switchToNextTab() { if ( ui.tabWidget->count() < 2 ) return; ui.tabWidget->setCurrentIndex( ( ui.tabWidget->currentIndex() + 1 ) % ui.tabWidget->count() ); } void MainWindow::switchToPrevTab() { if ( ui.tabWidget->count() < 2 ) return; if ( !ui.tabWidget->currentIndex() ) ui.tabWidget->setCurrentIndex( ui.tabWidget->count() - 1 ); else ui.tabWidget->setCurrentIndex( ui.tabWidget->currentIndex() - 1 ); } void MainWindow::backClicked() { GD_DPRINTF( "Back\n" ); ArticleView * view = getCurrentArticleView(); view->back(); } void MainWindow::forwardClicked() { GD_DPRINTF( "Forward\n" ); ArticleView * view = getCurrentArticleView(); view->forward(); } void MainWindow::titleChanged( ArticleView * view, QString const & title ) { //the title can be url if html title is empty.according to qwebenginepage title() document. QString escaped; if ( title != nullptr && title.contains( ":" ) ) { //check if the title is url. QUrl url( title ); escaped = Utils::Url::queryItemValue( url, "word" ); } else { escaped = title; } escaped.replace( "&", "&&" ); int index = ui.tabWidget->indexOf( view ); if ( !escaped.isEmpty() ) ui.tabWidget->setTabText( index, escaped ); if ( index == ui.tabWidget->currentIndex() ) { // Set icon for "Add to Favorites" action if ( isWordPresentedInFavorites( title, cfg.lastMainGroupId ) ) { addToFavorites->setIcon( blueStarIcon ); addToFavorites->setToolTip( tr( "Remove current tab from Favorites" ) ); } else { addToFavorites->setIcon( starIcon ); addToFavorites->setToolTip( tr( "Add current tab to Favorites" ) ); } updateWindowTitle(); } } void MainWindow::iconChanged( ArticleView * view, QIcon const & icon ) { ui.tabWidget->setTabIcon( ui.tabWidget->indexOf( view ), groupInstances.size() > 1 ? icon : QIcon() ); } void MainWindow::updateWindowTitle() { ArticleView * view = getCurrentArticleView(); if ( view ) { QString str = view->getTitle(); if ( !str.isEmpty() ) { if ( !blockUpdateWindowTitle ) setWindowTitle( tr( "%1 - %2" ).arg( str, "GoldenDict-ng" ) ); blockUpdateWindowTitle = false; } } } void MainWindow::pageLoaded( ArticleView * view ) { if ( view != getCurrentArticleView() ) return; // It was background action updateBackForwardButtons(); updatePronounceAvailability(); if ( cfg.preferences.pronounceOnLoadMain && view != nullptr ) { view->playSound(); } } void MainWindow::showStatusBarMessage( QString const & message, int timeout, QPixmap const & icon ) { if ( message.isEmpty() ) mainStatusBar->clearMessage(); else mainStatusBar->showMessage( message, timeout, icon ); } void MainWindow::tabSwitched( int ) { translateBox->setPopupEnabled( false ); updateBackForwardButtons(); updatePronounceAvailability(); updateFoundInDictsList(); updateWindowTitle(); if ( mruList.size() > 1 ) { int from = mruList.indexOf( ui.tabWidget->widget( ui.tabWidget->currentIndex() ) ); if ( from > 0 ) mruList.move( from, 0 ); } // Set icon for "Add to Favorites" action QString headword = ui.tabWidget->tabText( ui.tabWidget->currentIndex() ); if ( isWordPresentedInFavorites( unescapeTabHeader( headword ), cfg.lastMainGroupId ) ) { addToFavorites->setIcon( blueStarIcon ); addToFavorites->setToolTip( tr( "Remove current tab from Favorites" ) ); } else { addToFavorites->setIcon( starIcon ); addToFavorites->setToolTip( tr( "Add current tab to Favorites" ) ); } } void MainWindow::tabMenuRequested( QPoint pos ) { // // do not show this menu for single tab // if ( ui.tabWidget->count() < 2 ) // return; tabMenu->popup( ui.tabWidget->mapToGlobal( pos ) ); } void MainWindow::dictionaryBarToggled( bool ) { // From now on, only the triggered() signal is interesting to us disconnect( dictionaryBar.toggleViewAction(), &QAction::toggled, this, &MainWindow::dictionaryBarToggled ); updateDictionaryBar(); // Updates dictionary bar contents if it's shown applyMutedDictionariesState(); // Visibility change affects searches and results } void MainWindow::showDictsPane() { if ( !ui.dictsPane->isVisible() ) ui.dictsPane->show(); } void MainWindow::dictsPaneVisibilityChanged( bool visible ) { if ( visible ) { updateFoundInDictsList(); } } void MainWindow::updateFoundInDictsList() { if ( !ui.dictsList->isVisible() ) { // nothing to do, the list is not visible return; } ui.dictsList->clear(); ArticleView * view = getCurrentArticleView(); if ( view ) { QStringList ids = view->getArticlesList(); QString activeId = view->getActiveArticleId(); for ( QStringList::const_iterator i = ids.constBegin(); i != ids.constEnd(); ++i ) { // Find this dictionary for ( unsigned x = dictionaries.size(); x--; ) { if ( dictionaries[ x ]->getId() == i->toUtf8().data() ) { QString dictName = QString::fromUtf8( dictionaries[ x ]->getName().c_str() ); QString dictId = QString::fromUtf8( dictionaries[ x ]->getId().c_str() ); QListWidgetItem * item = new QListWidgetItem( dictionaries[ x ]->getIcon(), dictName, ui.dictsList, QListWidgetItem::Type ); item->setData( Qt::UserRole, QVariant( dictId ) ); item->setToolTip( dictName ); ui.dictsList->addItem( item ); if ( dictId == activeId ) { ui.dictsList->setCurrentItem( item ); } break; } } } //if no item in dict List panel has been choose ,select first one. if ( ui.dictsList->count() > 0 && ui.dictsList->selectedItems().empty() ) { ui.dictsList->setCurrentRow( 0 ); } } } void MainWindow::updateBackForwardButtons() { ArticleView * view = getCurrentArticleView(); if ( view ) { navBack->setEnabled( view->canGoBack() ); navForward->setEnabled( view->canGoForward() ); } } void MainWindow::updatePronounceAvailability() { if ( ui.tabWidget->count() > 0 ) { getCurrentArticleView()->hasSound( [ this ]( bool has ) { navPronounce->setEnabled( has ); } ); } else { navPronounce->setEnabled( false ); } } void MainWindow::editDictionaries( unsigned editDictionaryGroup ) { hotkeyWrapper.reset(); // No hotkeys while we're editing dictionaries closeHeadwordsDialog(); closeFullTextSearchDialog(); wordFinder.clear(); dictionariesUnmuted.clear(); { // Limit existence of newCfg Config::Class newCfg = cfg; EditDictionaries dicts( this, newCfg, dictionaries, groupInstances, dictNetMgr ); connect( &dicts, &EditDictionaries::showDictionaryInfo, this, &MainWindow::showDictionaryInfo ); connect( &dicts, &EditDictionaries::showDictionaryHeadwords, this, &MainWindow::showDictionaryHeadwords ); if ( editDictionaryGroup != Instances::Group::NoGroupId ) dicts.editGroup( editDictionaryGroup ); dicts.restoreGeometry( cfg.dictionariesDialogGeometry ); dicts.exec(); cfg.dictionariesDialogGeometry = newCfg.dictionariesDialogGeometry = dicts.saveGeometry(); if ( dicts.areDictionariesChanged() || dicts.areGroupsChanged() ) { ftsIndexing.stopIndexing(); ftsIndexing.clearDictionaries(); // Set muted dictionaries from old groups for ( auto & group : newCfg.groups ) { unsigned id = group.id; if ( id != Instances::Group::NoGroupId ) { Config::Group const * grp = cfg.getGroup( id ); if ( grp ) { group.mutedDictionaries = grp->mutedDictionaries; group.popupMutedDictionaries = grp->popupMutedDictionaries; } } } cfg = newCfg; updateGroupList(); Config::save( cfg ); updateSuggestionList(); for ( auto & dictionary : dictionaries ) { dictionary->setFTSParameters( cfg.preferences.fts ); dictionary->setSynonymSearchEnabled( cfg.preferences.synonymSearchEnabled ); } ftsIndexing.setDictionaries( dictionaries ); ftsIndexing.doIndexing(); } } scanPopup->refresh(); installHotKeys(); } void MainWindow::editCurrentGroup() { editDictionaries( groupList->getCurrentGroup() ); } void MainWindow::editPreferences() { hotkeyWrapper.reset(); // So we could use the keys it hooks closeHeadwordsDialog(); closeFullTextSearchDialog(); ftsIndexing.stopIndexing(); ftsIndexing.clearDictionaries(); Preferences preferences( this, cfg ); preferences.show(); if ( preferences.exec() == QDialog::Accepted ) { Config::Preferences p = preferences.getPreferences(); // These parameters are not set in dialog p.zoomFactor = cfg.preferences.zoomFactor; p.helpZoomFactor = cfg.preferences.helpZoomFactor; p.wordsZoomLevel = cfg.preferences.wordsZoomLevel; p.hideMenubar = cfg.preferences.hideMenubar; p.searchInDock = cfg.preferences.searchInDock; p.alwaysOnTop = cfg.preferences.alwaysOnTop; p.proxyServer.systemProxyUser = cfg.preferences.proxyServer.systemProxyUser; p.proxyServer.systemProxyPassword = cfg.preferences.proxyServer.systemProxyPassword; p.fts.dialogGeometry = cfg.preferences.fts.dialogGeometry; p.fts.searchMode = cfg.preferences.fts.searchMode; // See if we need to reapply Qt stylesheets if ( cfg.preferences.displayStyle != p.displayStyle || cfg.preferences.darkMode != p.darkMode ) { applyQtStyleSheet( p.addonStyle, p.displayStyle, p.darkMode ); } if ( cfg.preferences.historyStoreInterval != p.historyStoreInterval ) history.setSaveInterval( p.historyStoreInterval ); if ( cfg.preferences.favoritesStoreInterval != p.favoritesStoreInterval ) ui.favoritesPaneWidget->setSaveInterval( p.favoritesStoreInterval ); if ( cfg.preferences.maxNetworkCacheSize != p.maxNetworkCacheSize ) setupNetworkCache( p.maxNetworkCacheSize ); bool needReload = ( cfg.preferences.displayStyle != p.displayStyle || cfg.preferences.addonStyle != p.addonStyle || cfg.preferences.darkReaderMode != p.darkReaderMode || cfg.preferences.collapseBigArticles != p.collapseBigArticles || cfg.preferences.articleSizeLimit != p.articleSizeLimit || cfg.preferences.alwaysExpandOptionalParts != p.alwaysExpandOptionalParts // DSL format's special feature ); // This line must be here because the components below require cfg's value to reconfigure // After this point, p must not be accessed. cfg.preferences = p; // Loop through all tabs and reload pages due to ArticleMaker's change. for ( int x = 0; x < ui.tabWidget->count(); ++x ) { ArticleView & view = dynamic_cast< ArticleView & >( *( ui.tabWidget->widget( x ) ) ); view.setSelectionBySingleClick( p.selectWordBySingleClick ); if ( needReload ) { view.reload(); } } audioPlayerFactory.setPreferences( cfg.preferences ); updateTrayIcon(); applyProxySettings(); ui.tabWidget->setHideSingleTab( cfg.preferences.hideSingleTab ); setAutostart( cfg.preferences.autoStart ); prepareNewReleaseChecks(); history.enableAdd( cfg.preferences.storeHistory ); history.setMaxSize( cfg.preferences.maxStringsInHistory ); ui.historyPaneWidget->updateHistoryCounts(); for ( unsigned x = 0; x < dictionaries.size(); x++ ) { dictionaries[ x ]->setFTSParameters( cfg.preferences.fts ); dictionaries[ x ]->setSynonymSearchEnabled( cfg.preferences.synonymSearchEnabled ); } ui.fullTextSearchAction->setEnabled( cfg.preferences.fts.enabled ); Config::save( cfg ); } scanPopup->refresh(); installHotKeys(); ftsIndexing.setDictionaries( dictionaries ); ftsIndexing.doIndexing(); } void MainWindow::currentGroupChanged( int ) { cfg.lastMainGroupId = groupList->getCurrentGroup(); Instances::Group const * igrp = groupInstances.findGroup( cfg.lastMainGroupId ); if ( cfg.lastMainGroupId == Instances::Group::AllGroupId ) { if ( igrp ) igrp->checkMutedDictionaries( &cfg.mutedDictionaries ); dictionaryBar.setMutedDictionaries( &cfg.mutedDictionaries ); } else { Config::Group * grp = cfg.getGroup( cfg.lastMainGroupId ); if ( grp ) { if ( igrp ) igrp->checkMutedDictionaries( &grp->mutedDictionaries ); dictionaryBar.setMutedDictionaries( &grp->mutedDictionaries ); } else dictionaryBar.setMutedDictionaries( 0 ); } if ( igrp ) { GlobalBroadcaster::instance()->currentGroupId = cfg.lastMainGroupId; } updateDictionaryBar(); // Update word search results translateBox->setPopupEnabled( false ); updateSuggestionList(); translateInputFinished( false ); updateCurrentGroupProperty(); if ( ftsDlg ) ftsDlg->setCurrentGroup( cfg.lastMainGroupId ); } void MainWindow::updateCurrentGroupProperty() { // We maintain currentGroup property so styles could use that to change // fonts based on group names Instances::Group * grp = groupInstances.findGroup( groupList->getCurrentGroup() ); if ( grp && translateLine->property( "currentGroup" ).toString() != grp->name ) { translateLine->setProperty( "currentGroup", grp->name ); ui.wordList->setProperty( "currentGroup", grp->name ); QString ss = styleSheet(); // Only update stylesheet if it mentions currentGroup, as updating the // stylesheet is a slow operation if ( ss.contains( "currentGroup" ) ) setStyleSheet( ss ); } } void MainWindow::translateInputChanged( QString const & newValue ) { updateSuggestionList( newValue ); // Save translate line text. Later it can be passed to external applications. GlobalBroadcaster::instance()->translateLineText = newValue; } void MainWindow::updateSuggestionList() { updateSuggestionList( translateLine->text() ); } void MainWindow::updateSuggestionList( QString const & newValue ) { // If there's some status bar message present, clear it since it may be // about the previous search that has failed. if ( !mainStatusBar->currentMessage().isEmpty() ) { mainStatusBar->clearMessage(); } // If some word is selected in the word list, unselect it. This prevents // triggering a set of spurious activation signals when the list changes. if ( ui.wordList->selectionModel()->hasSelection() ) ui.wordList->setCurrentItem( 0, QItemSelectionModel::Clear ); QString req = newValue.trimmed(); if ( !req.size() ) { // An empty request always results in an empty result wordFinder.cancel(); ui.wordList->clear(); ui.wordList->unsetCursor(); // Reset the noResults mark if it's on right now if ( translateLine->property( "noResults" ).toBool() ) { translateLine->setProperty( "noResults", false ); Utils::Widget::setNoResultColor( translateLine, false ); } return; } ui.wordList->setCursor( Qt::WaitCursor ); wordFinder.prefixMatch( req, getActiveDicts() ); } void MainWindow::translateInputFinished( bool checkModifiers ) { QString word = Folding::unescapeWildcardSymbols( translateLine->text() ); respondToTranslationRequest( word, checkModifiers ); } void MainWindow::respondToTranslationRequest( QString const & word, bool checkModifiers, QString const & scrollTo ) { if ( !word.isEmpty() ) { Qt::KeyboardModifiers mods = QApplication::keyboardModifiers(); if ( checkModifiers && ( mods & ( Qt::ControlModifier | Qt::ShiftModifier ) ) ) addNewTab(); showTranslationFor( word, 0, scrollTo ); if ( cfg.preferences.searchInDock ) { if ( ui.searchPane->isFloating() ) activateWindow(); } getCurrentArticleView()->focus(); } } void MainWindow::setInputLineText( QString text, WildcardPolicy wildcardPolicy, TranslateBoxPopup popupAction ) { if ( wildcardPolicy == WildcardPolicy::EscapeWildcards ) text = Folding::escapeWildcardSymbols( text ); if ( popupAction == NoPopupChange || cfg.preferences.searchInDock ) { translateLine->setText( text ); } else { translateBox->setText( text, popupAction == EnablePopup ); } GlobalBroadcaster::instance()->translateLineText = text; } void MainWindow::handleEsc() { ArticleView * view = getCurrentArticleView(); if ( view && view->closeSearch() ) return; if ( cfg.preferences.escKeyHidesMainWindow ) { toggleMainWindow(); } else focusTranslateLine(); } void MainWindow::focusTranslateLine() { if ( cfg.preferences.searchInDock ) { if ( ui.searchPane->isFloating() ) ui.searchPane->activateWindow(); } else { if ( !isActiveWindow() ) activateWindow(); } translateLine->clearFocus(); translateLine->setFocus(); translateLine->selectAll(); } void MainWindow::applyMutedDictionariesState() { translateBox->setPopupEnabled( false ); updateSuggestionList(); ArticleView * view = getCurrentArticleView(); if ( view ) { // Update active article view view->updateMutedContents(); } } bool MainWindow::handleBackForwardMouseButtons( QMouseEvent * event ) { if ( event->button() == Qt::XButton1 ) { backClicked(); return true; } else if ( event->button() == Qt::XButton2 ) { forwardClicked(); return true; } else return false; } bool MainWindow::eventFilter( QObject * obj, QEvent * ev ) { if ( ev->type() == QEvent::ShortcutOverride || ev->type() == QEvent::KeyPress ) { QKeyEvent * ke = static_cast< QKeyEvent * >( ev ); // Handle F3/Shift+F3 shortcuts if ( ke->key() == Qt::Key_F3 ) { ArticleView * view = getCurrentArticleView(); if ( view && view->handleF3( obj, ev ) ) return true; } //workaround to fix #660 if ( obj == this && ev->type() == QEvent::KeyPress && ( ke->key() == Qt::Key_Up || ke->key() == Qt::Key_Down ) ) { ArticleView * view = getCurrentArticleView(); if ( view ) { view->focus(); return true; } } } // when the main window is moved or resized, hide the word list suggestions if ( obj == this && ( ev->type() == QEvent::Move || ev->type() == QEvent::Resize ) ) { if ( !cfg.preferences.searchInDock ) { translateBox->setPopupEnabled( false ); return false; } } if ( obj == this && ev->type() == QEvent::WindowStateChange ) { QWindowStateChangeEvent * stev = static_cast< QWindowStateChangeEvent * >( ev ); wasMaximized = ( stev->oldState() == Qt::WindowMaximized && isMinimized() ); } if ( ev->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress ) { QMouseEvent * event = static_cast< QMouseEvent * >( ev ); return handleBackForwardMouseButtons( event ); } if ( ev->type() == QEvent::KeyPress ) { auto keyevent = dynamic_cast< QKeyEvent * >( ev ); bool handleCtrlTab = ( obj == translateLine || obj == ui.wordList || obj == ui.historyList || obj == ui.favoritesTree || obj == ui.dictsList || obj == groupList ); if ( keyevent->modifiers() == Qt::ControlModifier && keyevent->key() == Qt::Key_Tab ) { if ( cfg.preferences.mruTabOrder ) { ctrlTabPressed(); return true; } else if ( handleCtrlTab ) { QApplication::sendEvent( ui.tabWidget, ev ); return true; } return false; } if ( handleCtrlTab && keyevent->matches( QKeySequence:: PreviousChild ) ) // Handle only Ctrl+Shist+Tab here because Ctrl+Tab was already handled before { QApplication::sendEvent( ui.tabWidget, ev ); return true; } } if ( obj == translateLine ) { if ( ev->type() == QEvent::KeyPress ) { QKeyEvent * keyEvent = static_cast< QKeyEvent * >( ev ); if ( cfg.preferences.searchInDock ) { if ( keyEvent->matches( QKeySequence::MoveToNextLine ) && ui.wordList->count() ) { ui.wordList->setFocus( Qt::ShortcutFocusReason ); ui.wordList->setCurrentRow( 0, QItemSelectionModel::ClearAndSelect ); return true; } } } if ( ev->type() == QEvent::FocusIn ) { // select all on mouse click if ( const auto focusEvent = dynamic_cast< QFocusEvent * >( ev ); focusEvent->reason() == Qt::MouseFocusReason ) { QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT( focusTranslateLine() ) ); } return false; } if ( ev->type() == QEvent::Resize ) { QResizeEvent * resizeEvent = static_cast< QResizeEvent * >( ev ); groupList->setFixedHeight( resizeEvent->size().height() ); return false; } } else if ( obj == ui.wordList ) { if ( ev->type() == QEvent::KeyPress ) { QKeyEvent * keyEvent = static_cast< QKeyEvent * >( ev ); if ( keyEvent->matches( QKeySequence::MoveToPreviousLine ) && !ui.wordList->currentRow() ) { ui.wordList->setCurrentRow( 0, QItemSelectionModel::Clear ); translateLine->setFocus( Qt::ShortcutFocusReason ); return true; } if ( keyEvent->matches( QKeySequence::InsertParagraphSeparator ) && ui.wordList->selectedItems().size() ) { if ( cfg.preferences.searchInDock ) { if ( ui.searchPane->isFloating() ) activateWindow(); } getCurrentArticleView()->focus(); return cfg.preferences.searchInDock; } } } if ( ev->type() == QEvent::KeyPress && obj != translateLine ) { if ( const auto key_event = dynamic_cast< QKeyEvent * >( ev ); key_event->modifiers() == Qt::NoModifier ) { const QString text = key_event->text(); if ( Utils::ignoreKeyEvent( key_event ) || key_event->key() == Qt::Key_Return || key_event->key() == Qt::Key_Enter ) return false; // Those key have other uses than to start typing // or don't make sense if ( !text.isEmpty() ) { typingEvent( text ); return true; } } } return QMainWindow::eventFilter( obj, ev ); } void MainWindow::wordListItemActivated( QListWidgetItem * item ) { if ( wordListSelChanged ) { wordListSelChanged = false; } else { respondToTranslationRequest( item->text(), true ); } } void MainWindow::wordListSelectionChanged() { QList< QListWidgetItem * > selected = ui.wordList->selectedItems(); if ( selected.size() ) { wordListSelChanged = true; showTranslationFor( selected.front()->text() ); } } void MainWindow::dictsListItemActivated( QListWidgetItem * item ) { jumpToDictionary( item, true ); } void MainWindow::dictsListSelectionChanged() { QList< QListWidgetItem * > selected = ui.dictsList->selectedItems(); if ( selected.size() ) { jumpToDictionary( selected.front() ); } } void MainWindow::jumpToDictionary( QListWidgetItem * item, bool force ) { ArticleView * view = getCurrentArticleView(); if ( view ) { view->jumpToDictionary( item->data( Qt::UserRole ).toString(), force ); } } void MainWindow::openLinkInNewTab( QUrl const & url, QUrl const & referrer, QString const & fromArticle, Contexts const & contexts ) { createNewTab( !cfg.preferences.newTabsOpenInBackground, "" )->openLink( url, referrer, fromArticle, contexts ); } void MainWindow::showDefinitionInNewTab( QString const & word, unsigned group, QString const & fromArticle, Contexts const & contexts ) { createNewTab( !cfg.preferences.newTabsOpenInBackground, word )->showDefinition( word, group, fromArticle, contexts ); } void MainWindow::activeArticleChanged( ArticleView const * view, QString const & id ) { if ( view != getCurrentArticleView() ) return; // It was background action // select the row with the corresponding id for ( int i = 0; i < ui.dictsList->count(); ++i ) { QListWidgetItem * w = ui.dictsList->item( i ); QString dictId = w->data( Qt::UserRole ).toString(); if ( dictId == id ) { // update the current row, but only if necessary if ( i != ui.dictsList->currentRow() ) { ui.dictsList->setCurrentRow( i ); } return; } } } void MainWindow::typingEvent( QString const & t ) { if ( t == "\n" || t == "\r" ) { if ( translateLine->isEnabled() ) focusTranslateLine(); } else { if ( ( cfg.preferences.searchInDock && ui.searchPane->isFloating() ) || ui.dictsPane->isFloating() ) ui.searchPane->activateWindow(); if ( translateLine->isEnabled() ) { translateLine->clear(); translateLine->setFocus(); // Escaping the typed-in characters is the user's responsibility. setInputLineText( t, WildcardPolicy::WildcardsAreAlreadyEscaped, EnablePopup ); translateLine->setCursorPosition( t.size() ); } } } void MainWindow::mutedDictionariesChanged() { if ( dictionaryBar.toggleViewAction()->isChecked() ) applyMutedDictionariesState(); } void MainWindow::showHistoryItem( QString const & word ) { // qDebug() << "Showing history item" << word; history.enableAdd( false ); setInputLineText( word, WildcardPolicy::EscapeWildcards, DisablePopup ); showTranslationFor( word ); history.enableAdd( cfg.preferences.storeHistory ); } void MainWindow::showTranslationFor( QString const & word, unsigned inGroup, QString const & scrollTo ) { ArticleView * view = getCurrentArticleView(); navPronounce->setEnabled( false ); unsigned group = inGroup ? inGroup : ( groupInstances.empty() ? 0 : groupInstances[ groupList->currentIndex() ].id ); view->showDefinition( word, group, scrollTo ); //ui.tabWidget->setTabText( ui.tabWidget->indexOf(ui.tab), inWord.trimmed() ); } void MainWindow::showTranslationForDicts( QString const & inWord, QStringList const & dictIDs, QRegExp const & searchRegExp, bool ignoreDiacritics ) { ArticleView * view = getCurrentArticleView(); navPronounce->setEnabled( false ); view->showDefinition( inWord, dictIDs, searchRegExp, groupInstances[ groupList->currentIndex() ].id, ignoreDiacritics ); } void MainWindow::toggleMainWindow( bool onlyShow ) { bool shown = false; if ( !cfg.preferences.searchInDock ) translateBox->setPopupEnabled( false ); qDebug() << "Current state:" << isVisible() << isMinimized() << isActiveWindow() << onlyShow; if ( !isVisible() ) { show(); qApp->setActiveWindow( this ); activateWindow(); raise(); shown = true; } else if ( isMinimized() ) { if ( wasMaximized ) showMaximized(); else showNormal(); activateWindow(); raise(); shown = true; } else if ( !isActiveWindow() ) { qApp->setActiveWindow( this ); if ( cfg.preferences.raiseWindowOnSearch ) { raise(); activateWindow(); } shown = true; } else if ( !onlyShow ) { // On Windows and Linux, a hidden window won't show a task bar icon // When trayicon is enabled, the duplication is unneeded // On macOS, a hidden window will still show on the Dock, // but click it won't bring it back, thus we can only minimize it. #ifdef Q_OS_MAC if ( cfg.preferences.enableTrayIcon ) showMinimized(); #else if ( cfg.preferences.enableTrayIcon ) hide(); else showMinimized(); #endif if ( headwordsDlg ) headwordsDlg->hide(); if ( ftsDlg ) ftsDlg->hide(); } if ( shown ) { if ( headwordsDlg ) headwordsDlg->show(); if ( ftsDlg ) ftsDlg->show(); focusTranslateLine(); } } void MainWindow::installHotKeys() { hotkeyWrapper.reset(); // Remove the old one if ( cfg.preferences.enableMainWindowHotkey || cfg.preferences.enableClipboardHotkey ) { try { hotkeyWrapper = std::make_shared< HotkeyWrapper >( this ); } catch ( HotkeyWrapper::exInit & ) { QMessageBox::critical( this, "GoldenDict", tr( "Failed to initialize hotkeys monitoring mechanism.
" "Make sure your XServer has RECORD extension turned on." ) ); return; } if ( cfg.preferences.enableMainWindowHotkey ) hotkeyWrapper->setGlobalKey( cfg.preferences.mainWindowHotkey, 0 ); if ( cfg.preferences.enableClipboardHotkey && !enableScanningAction->isChecked() ) { hotkeyWrapper->setGlobalKey( cfg.preferences.clipboardHotkey, 1 ); } connect( hotkeyWrapper.get(), &HotkeyWrapper::hotkeyActivated, this, &MainWindow::hotKeyActivated, Qt::AutoConnection ); } } void MainWindow::hotKeyActivated( int hk ) { if ( !hk ) toggleMainWindow(); else if ( scanPopup ) { #ifdef HAVE_X11 // When the user requests translation with the Ctrl+C+C hotkey in certain apps // on some GNU/Linux systems, GoldenDict appears to handle Ctrl+C+C before the // active application finishes handling Ctrl+C. As a result, GoldenDict finds // the clipboard empty, silently cancels the translation request, and users report // that Ctrl+C+C is broken in these apps. Slightly delay handling the clipboard // hotkey to give the active application more time and thus work around the issue. QTimer::singleShot( 10, scanPopup, SLOT( translateWordFromClipboard() ) ); #else scanPopup->translateWordFromClipboard(); #endif } } void MainWindow::prepareNewReleaseChecks() { if ( cfg.preferences.checkForNewReleases ) { QDateTime now = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); if ( !cfg.timeForNewReleaseCheck.isValid() || now.daysTo( cfg.timeForNewReleaseCheck ) > 2 ) { // The date is invalid, or the check is set to happen more than 2 days // in the future -- fix that. cfg.timeForNewReleaseCheck = now.addDays( 2 ); } int secsToCheck = now.secsTo( cfg.timeForNewReleaseCheck ); if ( secsToCheck < 1 ) secsToCheck = 1; newReleaseCheckTimer.setSingleShot( true ); newReleaseCheckTimer.start( secsToCheck * 1000 ); } else newReleaseCheckTimer.stop(); // In case it was started before } void MainWindow::checkForNewRelease() { if ( latestReleaseReply ) { disconnect( latestReleaseReply, 0, 0, 0 ); latestReleaseReply->deleteLater(); } latestReleaseReply = 0; QNetworkRequest req( QUrl( "https://github.com/xiaoyifang/goldendict/releases" ) ); latestReleaseReply = articleNetMgr.get( req ); connect( latestReleaseReply, &QNetworkReply::finished, this, &MainWindow::latestReleaseReplyReady, Qt::QueuedConnection ); } void MainWindow::latestReleaseReplyReady() { if ( !latestReleaseReply ) return; // Some stray signal bool success = false; QString latestVersion, downloadUrl; // See if we succeeded if ( latestReleaseReply->error() == QNetworkReply::NoError ) { QString latestReleaseInfo = QString::fromUtf8( latestReleaseReply->readAll() ); QRegularExpression firstReleaseAnchor( R"(]*?class=\"Link--primary\"[^>]*?>[^<]*?<\/a>)", QRegularExpression::DotMatchesEverythingOption | QRegularExpression::CaseInsensitiveOption ); auto match = firstReleaseAnchor.match( latestReleaseInfo ); if ( match.hasMatch() ) { auto releaseAnchor = match.captured(); QRegularExpression extractReleaseRx( R"((.*?)<\/a>)", QRegularExpression::DotMatchesEverythingOption | QRegularExpression::CaseInsensitiveOption ); auto matchParts = extractReleaseRx.match( releaseAnchor ); if ( matchParts.hasMatch() ) { latestVersion = matchParts.captured( 2 ); QString prefix( "GoldenDict-ng-v" ); if ( latestVersion.startsWith( prefix ) ) { latestVersion = latestVersion.mid( prefix.length() ); } downloadUrl = matchParts.captured( 1 ); if ( downloadUrl.startsWith( "/" ) ) { downloadUrl = latestReleaseReply->request().url().url( QUrl::RemovePath ) + downloadUrl; } success = true; } } } disconnect( latestReleaseReply, 0, 0, 0 ); latestReleaseReply->deleteLater(); latestReleaseReply = nullptr; if ( !success ) { // Failed -- reschedule to check in two hours newReleaseCheckTimer.start( 2 * 60 * 60 * 1000 ); GD_DPRINTF( "Failed to check program version, retry in two hours\n" ); } else { // Success -- reschedule for a normal check and save config cfg.timeForNewReleaseCheck = QDateTime(); prepareNewReleaseChecks(); Config::save( cfg ); GD_DPRINTF( "Program version's check successful, current version is %ls\n", latestVersion.toStdWString().c_str() ); } if ( success && latestVersion > PROGRAM_VERSION && latestVersion != cfg.skippedRelease ) { QMessageBox msg( QMessageBox::Information, tr( "New Release Available" ), tr( "Version %1 of GoldenDict is now available for download.
" "Click Download to get to the download page." ) .arg( latestVersion ), QMessageBox::NoButton, this ); QPushButton * dload = msg.addButton( tr( "Download" ), QMessageBox::AcceptRole ); QPushButton * skip = msg.addButton( tr( "Skip This Release" ), QMessageBox::DestructiveRole ); msg.addButton( QMessageBox::Cancel ); msg.exec(); if ( msg.clickedButton() == dload ) QDesktopServices::openUrl( QUrl( downloadUrl ) ); else if ( msg.clickedButton() == skip ) { cfg.skippedRelease = latestVersion; Config::save( cfg ); } } } void MainWindow::trayIconActivated( QSystemTrayIcon::ActivationReason r ) { switch ( r ) { case QSystemTrayIcon::Trigger: // Left click toggles the visibility of main window toggleMainWindow(); break; case QSystemTrayIcon::MiddleClick: // Middle mouse click on Tray translates selection // it is functional like as stardict scanPopup->translateWordFromSelection(); break; default: break; } } void MainWindow::showMainWindow() { toggleMainWindow( true ); } void MainWindow::visitHomepage() { QDesktopServices::openUrl( QApplication::organizationDomain() ); } void MainWindow::openConfigFolder() { QDesktopServices::openUrl( QUrl::fromLocalFile( Config::getConfigDir() ) ); } void MainWindow::visitForum() { QDesktopServices::openUrl( QUrl( "https://github.com/xiaoyifang/goldendict/discussions" ) ); } void MainWindow::showAbout() { About about( this, &dictionaries ); about.show(); about.exec(); } void MainWindow::showDictBarNamesTriggered() { bool show = showDictBarNamesAction.isChecked(); dictionaryBar.setToolButtonStyle( show ? Qt::ToolButtonTextBesideIcon : Qt::ToolButtonIconOnly ); cfg.showingDictBarNames = show; } void MainWindow::useSmallIconsInToolbarsTriggered() { bool useSmallIcons = useSmallIconsInToolbarsAction.isChecked(); int extent = useSmallIcons ? QApplication::style()->pixelMetric( QStyle::PM_SmallIconSize ) : QApplication::style()->pixelMetric( QStyle::PM_ToolBarIconSize ); navToolbar->setIconSize( QSize( extent, extent ) ); // additional fix for #176 menuButton->setIconSize( QSize( extent, extent ) ); updateDictionaryBar(); cfg.usingSmallIconsInToolbars = useSmallIcons; scanPopup->setDictionaryIconSize(); } void MainWindow::toggleMenuBarTriggered( bool announce ) { cfg.preferences.hideMenubar = !toggleMenuBarAction.isChecked(); if ( announce ) { if ( cfg.preferences.hideMenubar ) { mainStatusBar->showMessage( tr( "You have chosen to hide a menubar. Use %1 to show it back." ) .arg( QString( "%1" ) ) .arg( tr( "Ctrl+M" ) ), 10000, QPixmap( ":/icons/warning.png" ) ); } else { mainStatusBar->clearMessage(); } } // Obtain from the menubar all the actions with shortcuts // and either add them to the main window or remove them, // depending on the menubar state. QList< QMenu * > allMenus = menuBar()->findChildren< QMenu * >(); QListIterator< QMenu * > menuIter( allMenus ); while ( menuIter.hasNext() ) { QMenu * menu = menuIter.next(); QList< QAction * > allMenuActions = menu->actions(); QListIterator< QAction * > actionsIter( allMenuActions ); while ( actionsIter.hasNext() ) { QAction * action = actionsIter.next(); if ( !action->shortcut().isEmpty() ) { if ( cfg.preferences.hideMenubar ) { // add all menubar actions to the main window, // before we hide the menubar addAction( action ); } else { // remove all menubar actions from the main window removeAction( action ); } } } } menuBar()->setVisible( !cfg.preferences.hideMenubar ); beforeOptionsSeparator->setVisible( cfg.preferences.hideMenubar ); menuButtonAction->setVisible( cfg.preferences.hideMenubar ); } void MainWindow::on_clearHistory_triggered() { history.clear(); history.save(); } void MainWindow::on_newTab_triggered() { addNewTab(); } void MainWindow::setAutostart( bool autostart ) { #if defined Q_OS_WIN32 QSettings reg( "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run", QSettings::NativeFormat ); if ( autostart ) { QString app_fname = QString( "\"%1\"" ).arg( QCoreApplication::applicationFilePath() ); app_fname.replace( "/", "\\" ); reg.setValue( ApplicationSettingName, app_fname ); } else { reg.remove( ApplicationSettingName ); } reg.sync(); #elif defined HAVE_X11 const QString destinationPath = QDir::homePath() + "/.config/autostart/goldendict-owned-by-preferences.desktop"; if ( autostart == QFile::exists( destinationPath ) ) return; // Nothing to do. if ( autostart ) { const QString sourcePath = Config::getProgramDataDir() + "../applications/org.xiaoyifang.GoldenDict_NG.desktop"; QFile::copy( sourcePath, destinationPath ); } else QFile::remove( destinationPath ); #endif } void MainWindow::on_actionCloseToTray_triggered() { toggleMainWindow( !cfg.preferences.enableTrayIcon ); } void MainWindow::on_pageSetup_triggered() { if ( getPrinter().isValid() ) { QPageSetupDialog dialog( &getPrinter(), this ); dialog.exec(); } else QMessageBox::critical( this, tr( "Page Setup" ), tr( "No printer is available. Please install one first." ) ); } void MainWindow::on_printPreview_triggered() { QPrinter printer; QPrintPreviewDialog dialog( &printer, this ); auto combox = dialog.findChild< QComboBox * >(); int index = combox->findText( "100%" ); combox->setCurrentIndex( index ); connect( &dialog, &QPrintPreviewDialog::paintRequested, this, &MainWindow::printPreviewPaintRequested ); dialog.showMaximized(); dialog.exec(); } void MainWindow::on_print_triggered() { QPrintDialog dialog( &getPrinter(), this ); dialog.setWindowTitle( tr( "Print Article" ) ); if ( dialog.exec() != QDialog::Accepted ) return; ArticleView * view = getCurrentArticleView(); view->print( &getPrinter() ); } void MainWindow::printPreviewPaintRequested( QPrinter * printer ) { ArticleView * view = getCurrentArticleView(); view->print( printer ); } static void filterAndCollectResources( QString & html, QRegExp & rx, const QString & sep, const QString & folder, set< QByteArray > & resourceIncluded, vector< pair< QUrl, QString > > & downloadResources ) { int pos = 0; while ( ( pos = rx.indexIn( html, pos ) ) != -1 ) { QUrl url( rx.cap( 1 ) ); QString host = url.host(); QString resourcePath = Utils::Url::path( url ); if ( !host.startsWith( '/' ) ) host.insert( 0, '/' ); if ( !resourcePath.startsWith( '/' ) ) resourcePath.insert( 0, '/' ); QCryptographicHash hash( QCryptographicHash::Md5 ); hash.addData( rx.cap().toUtf8() ); if ( resourceIncluded.insert( hash.result() ).second ) { // Gather resource information (url, filename) to be download later downloadResources.push_back( pair< QUrl, QString >( url, folder + host + resourcePath ) ); } // Modify original url, set to the native one resourcePath = QString::fromLatin1( QUrl::toPercentEncoding( resourcePath, "/" ) ); QString newUrl = sep + QDir( folder ).dirName() + host + resourcePath + sep; html.replace( pos, rx.cap().length(), newUrl ); pos += newUrl.length(); } } void MainWindow::on_saveArticle_triggered() { ArticleView * view = getCurrentArticleView(); QString fileName = view->getTitle().simplified(); // Replace reserved filename characters QRegularExpression rxName( R"([/\\\?\*:\|<>])" ); fileName.replace( rxName, "_" ); fileName += ".html"; QString savePath; if ( cfg.articleSavePath.isEmpty() ) savePath = QDir::homePath(); else { savePath = QDir::fromNativeSeparators( cfg.articleSavePath ); if ( !QDir( savePath ).exists() ) savePath = QDir::homePath(); } QFileDialog::Options options = QFileDialog::HideNameFilterDetails; QString selectedFilter; QStringList filters; filters.push_back( tr( "Article, Complete (*.html)" ) ); filters.push_back( tr( "Article, HTML Only (*.html)" ) ); fileName = savePath + "/" + fileName; fileName = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName( this, tr( "Save Article As" ), fileName, filters.join( ";;" ), &selectedFilter, options ); // The " (*.html)" part of filters[i] is absent from selectedFilter in Qt 5. bool const complete = filters.at( 0 ).startsWith( selectedFilter ); if ( fileName.isEmpty() ) return; view->toHtml( [ = ]( QString & html ) mutable { QFile file( fileName ); if ( !file.open( QIODevice::WriteOnly ) ) { QMessageBox::critical( this, tr( "Error" ), tr( "Can't save article: %1" ).arg( file.errorString() ) ); } else { QFileInfo fi( fileName ); cfg.articleSavePath = QDir::toNativeSeparators( fi.absoluteDir().absolutePath() ); // Convert internal links QRegExp rx3( "href=\"(bword:|gdlookup://localhost/)([^\"]+)\"" ); int pos = 0; QRegularExpression anchorRx( "(g[0-9a-f]{32}_)[0-9a-f]+_" ); while ( ( pos = rx3.indexIn( html, pos ) ) != -1 ) { QString name = QUrl::fromPercentEncoding( rx3.cap( 2 ).simplified().toLatin1() ); QString anchor; name.replace( "?gdanchor=", "#" ); int n = name.indexOf( '#' ); if ( n > 0 ) { anchor = name.mid( n ); name.truncate( n ); anchor.replace( anchorRx, "\\1" ); // MDict anchors } name.replace( rxName, "_" ); name = QString( "href=\"" ) + QUrl::toPercentEncoding( name ) + ".html" + anchor + "\""; html.replace( pos, rx3.cap().length(), name ); pos += name.length(); } // MDict anchors QRegularExpression anchorLinkRe( R"((<\s*a\s+[^>]*\b(?:name|id)\b\s*=\s*["']*g[0-9a-f]{32}_)([0-9a-f]+_)(?=[^"']))", QRegularExpression::PatternOption::CaseInsensitiveOption | QRegularExpression::UseUnicodePropertiesOption ); html.replace( anchorLinkRe, "\\1" ); if ( complete ) { QString folder = fi.absoluteDir().absolutePath() + "/" + fi.baseName() + "_files"; QRegExp rx1( "\"((?:bres|gico|gdau|qrcx|gdvideo)://[^\"]+)\"" ); QRegExp rx2( "'((?:bres|gico|gdau|qrcx|gdvideo)://[^']+)'" ); set< QByteArray > resourceIncluded; vector< pair< QUrl, QString > > downloadResources; filterAndCollectResources( html, rx1, "\"", folder, resourceIncluded, downloadResources ); filterAndCollectResources( html, rx2, "'", folder, resourceIncluded, downloadResources ); ArticleSaveProgressDialog * progressDialog = new ArticleSaveProgressDialog( this ); // reserve '1' for saving main html file int maxVal = 1; // Pull and save resources to files for ( vector< pair< QUrl, QString > >::const_iterator i = downloadResources.begin(); i != downloadResources.end(); ++i ) { ResourceToSaveHandler * handler = view->saveResource( i->first, i->second ); if ( !handler->isEmpty() ) { maxVal += 1; connect( handler, &ResourceToSaveHandler::done, progressDialog, &ArticleSaveProgressDialog::perform ); } } progressDialog->setLabelText( tr( "Saving article..." ) ); progressDialog->setRange( 0, maxVal ); progressDialog->setValue( 0 ); progressDialog->show(); file.write( html.toUtf8() ); progressDialog->perform(); } else { file.write( html.toUtf8() ); } mainStatusBar->showMessage( tr( "Save article complete" ), 5000 ); } } ); } void MainWindow::on_rescanFiles_triggered() { hotkeyWrapper.reset(); // No hotkeys while we're editing dictionaries closeHeadwordsDialog(); closeFullTextSearchDialog(); ftsIndexing.stopIndexing(); ftsIndexing.clearDictionaries(); groupInstances.clear(); // Release all the dictionaries they hold dictionaries.clear(); dictionariesUnmuted.clear(); dictionaryBar.setDictionaries( dictionaries ); loadDictionaries( this, true, cfg, dictionaries, dictNetMgr ); dictMap = Dictionary::dictToMap( dictionaries ); for ( unsigned x = 0; x < dictionaries.size(); x++ ) { dictionaries[ x ]->setFTSParameters( cfg.preferences.fts ); dictionaries[ x ]->setSynonymSearchEnabled( cfg.preferences.synonymSearchEnabled ); } ftsIndexing.setDictionaries( dictionaries ); ftsIndexing.doIndexing(); updateGroupList(); scanPopup->refresh(); installHotKeys(); updateSuggestionList(); } void MainWindow::on_alwaysOnTop_triggered( bool checked ) { cfg.preferences.alwaysOnTop = checked; bool wasVisible = isVisible(); Qt::WindowFlags flags = this->windowFlags(); if ( checked ) { setWindowFlags( flags | Qt::CustomizeWindowHint | Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint ); mainStatusBar->showMessage( tr( "The main window is set to be always on top." ), 10000, QPixmap( ":/icons/warning.png" ) ); } else { setWindowFlags( flags ^ ( Qt::CustomizeWindowHint | Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint ) ); mainStatusBar->clearMessage(); } if ( wasVisible ) { show(); } installHotKeys(); } void MainWindow::zoomin() { cfg.preferences.zoomFactor += 0.1; applyZoomFactor(); } void MainWindow::zoomout() { cfg.preferences.zoomFactor -= 0.1; applyZoomFactor(); } void MainWindow::unzoom() { cfg.preferences.zoomFactor = 1; applyZoomFactor(); } void MainWindow::applyZoomFactor() { // Always call this function synchronously to potentially disable a zoom action, // which is being repeatedly triggered. When the action is disabled, its // triggered() signal is no longer emitted, which in turn improves performance. adjustCurrentZoomFactor(); // Scaling article views asynchronously dramatically improves performance when // a zoom action is triggered repeatedly while many or large articles are open // in the main window or in scan popup. // Multiple zoom action signals are processed before (often slow) article view // scaling is requested. Multiple scaling requests then ask for the same zoom factor, // so all of them except for the first one don't change anything and run very fast. // In effect, some intermediate zoom factors are skipped when scaling is slow. // The slower the scaling, the more steps are skipped. QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, &MainWindow::scaleArticlesByCurrentZoomFactor ); } void MainWindow::adjustCurrentZoomFactor() { if ( cfg.preferences.zoomFactor >= 5 ) cfg.preferences.zoomFactor = 5; else if ( cfg.preferences.zoomFactor <= 0.1 ) cfg.preferences.zoomFactor = 0.1; zoomIn->setEnabled( cfg.preferences.zoomFactor < 5 ); zoomOut->setEnabled( cfg.preferences.zoomFactor > 0.1 ); zoomBase->setEnabled( !qFuzzyCompare( cfg.preferences.zoomFactor, 1.0 ) ); } void MainWindow::scaleArticlesByCurrentZoomFactor() { for ( int i = 0; i < ui.tabWidget->count(); i++ ) { ArticleView & view = dynamic_cast< ArticleView & >( *( ui.tabWidget->widget( i ) ) ); view.setZoomFactor( cfg.preferences.zoomFactor ); } scanPopup->applyZoomFactor(); } void MainWindow::doWordsZoomIn() { ++cfg.preferences.wordsZoomLevel; applyWordsZoomLevel(); } void MainWindow::doWordsZoomOut() { --cfg.preferences.wordsZoomLevel; applyWordsZoomLevel(); } void MainWindow::doWordsZoomBase() { cfg.preferences.wordsZoomLevel = 0; applyWordsZoomLevel(); } void MainWindow::applyWordsZoomLevel() { QFont font( wordListDefaultFont ); int ps = font.pointSize(); if ( cfg.preferences.wordsZoomLevel != 0 ) { ps += cfg.preferences.wordsZoomLevel; if ( ps < 1 ) ps = 1; font.setPointSize( ps ); } if ( ui.wordList->font().pointSize() != ps ) ui.wordList->setFont( font ); font = translateLineDefaultFont; ps = font.pointSize(); if ( cfg.preferences.wordsZoomLevel != 0 ) { ps += cfg.preferences.wordsZoomLevel; if ( ps < 1 ) ps = 1; font.setPointSize( ps ); } if ( translateLine->font().pointSize() != ps ) translateLine->setFont( font ); font = groupListDefaultFont; ps = font.pointSize(); if ( cfg.preferences.wordsZoomLevel != 0 ) { ps += cfg.preferences.wordsZoomLevel; if ( ps < 1 ) ps = 1; font.setPointSize( ps ); } if ( groupList->font().pointSize() != ps ) { disconnect( groupList, &GroupComboBox::currentIndexChanged, this, &MainWindow::currentGroupChanged ); int n = groupList->currentIndex(); groupList->clear(); groupList->setFont( font ); groupList->fill( groupInstances ); groupList->setCurrentIndex( n ); connect( groupList, &GroupComboBox::currentIndexChanged, this, &MainWindow::currentGroupChanged ); } wordsZoomBase->setEnabled( cfg.preferences.wordsZoomLevel != 0 ); if ( !cfg.preferences.searchInDock ) { // Invalidating navToolbar's layout displays translateBoxWidget w/o the need to press the toolbar // extension button when Words Zoom level decreases enough for translateBoxWidget to fit in the toolbar. navToolbar->layout()->invalidate(); } scanPopup->applyWordsZoomLevel(); } void MainWindow::messageFromAnotherInstanceReceived( QString const & message ) { if ( message == "bringToFront" ) { toggleMainWindow( true ); return; } if ( message == "toggleScanPopup" ) { enableScanningAction->trigger(); return; } if ( message.left( 15 ) == "translateWord: " ) { if ( scanPopup ) scanPopup->translateWord( message.mid( 15 ) ); else wordReceived( message.mid( 15 ) ); } else if ( message.left( 10 ) == "setGroup: " ) { setGroupByName( message.mid( 10 ), true ); } else if ( message.left( 15 ) == "setPopupGroup: " ) { setGroupByName( message.mid( 15 ), false ); } else qWarning() << "Unknown message received from another instance: " << message; } ArticleView * MainWindow::getCurrentArticleView() { if ( QWidget * cw = ui.tabWidget->currentWidget() ) { return dynamic_cast< ArticleView * >( cw ); } return 0; } void MainWindow::wordReceived( const QString & word ) { toggleMainWindow( true ); setInputLineText( word, WildcardPolicy::EscapeWildcards, NoPopupChange ); respondToTranslationRequest( word, false ); } void MainWindow::headwordReceived( const QString & word, const QString & ID ) { toggleMainWindow( true ); setInputLineText( word, WildcardPolicy::EscapeWildcards, NoPopupChange ); respondToTranslationRequest( word, false, ArticleView::scrollToFromDictionaryId( ID ) ); } void MainWindow::updateFavoritesMenu() { if ( ui.favoritesPane->isVisible() ) { ui.showHideFavorites->setText( tr( "&Hide" ) ); } else { ui.showHideFavorites->setText( tr( "&Show" ) ); } } void MainWindow::updateHistoryMenu() { if ( ui.historyPane->isVisible() ) { ui.showHideHistory->setText( tr( "&Hide" ) ); } else { ui.showHideHistory->setText( tr( "&Show" ) ); } } void MainWindow::toggle_favoritesPane() { if ( ui.favoritesPane->isVisible() ) { ui.favoritesPane->hide(); } else { ui.favoritesPane->show(); ui.favoritesPane->raise(); // useful when the Pane is tabbed. } } void MainWindow::toggle_historyPane() { if ( ui.historyPane->isVisible() ) { ui.historyPane->hide(); } else { ui.historyPane->show(); ui.historyPane->raise(); } } void MainWindow::on_exportHistory_triggered() { QString exportPath; if ( cfg.historyExportPath.isEmpty() ) exportPath = QDir::homePath(); else { exportPath = QDir::fromNativeSeparators( cfg.historyExportPath ); if ( !QDir( exportPath ).exists() ) exportPath = QDir::homePath(); } QString fileName = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName( this, tr( "Export history to file" ), exportPath, tr( "Text files (*.txt);;All files (*.*)" ) ); if ( fileName.size() == 0 ) return; cfg.historyExportPath = QDir::toNativeSeparators( QFileInfo( fileName ).absoluteDir().absolutePath() ); QFile file( fileName ); if ( !file.open( QFile::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text ) ) { errorMessageOnStatusBar( QString( tr( "Export error: " ) ) + file.errorString() ); return; } auto guard = qScopeGuard( [ &file ]() { file.close(); } ); Q_UNUSED( guard ) // Write UTF-8 BOM QByteArray line; line.append( 0xEF ).append( 0xBB ).append( 0xBF ); if ( file.write( line ) != line.size() ) { errorMessageOnStatusBar( QString( tr( "Export error: " ) ) + file.errorString() ); return; } // Write history QList< History::Item > const & items = history.getItems(); QList< History::Item >::const_iterator i; for ( i = items.constBegin(); i != items.constEnd(); ++i ) { line = i->word.toUtf8(); line.replace( '\n', ' ' ); line.replace( '\r', ' ' ); line += "\n"; if ( file.write( line ) != line.size() ) { errorMessageOnStatusBar( QString( tr( "Export error: " ) ) + file.errorString() ); return; } } mainStatusBar->showMessage( tr( "History export complete" ), 5000 ); } void MainWindow::on_importHistory_triggered() { QString importPath; if ( cfg.historyExportPath.isEmpty() ) importPath = QDir::homePath(); else { importPath = QDir::fromNativeSeparators( cfg.historyExportPath ); if ( !QDir( importPath ).exists() ) importPath = QDir::homePath(); } QString fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName( this, tr( "Import history from file" ), importPath, tr( "Text files (*.txt);;All files (*.*)" ) ); if ( fileName.size() == 0 ) return; QFileInfo fileInfo( fileName ); cfg.historyExportPath = QDir::toNativeSeparators( fileInfo.absoluteDir().absolutePath() ); QString errStr; QFile file( fileName ); if ( !file.open( QFile::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text ) ) { errStr = QString( tr( "Import error: " ) ) + file.errorString(); errorMessageOnStatusBar( errStr ); return; } QTextStream fileStream( &file ); QString itemStr, trimmedStr; QList< QString > itemList; do { itemStr = fileStream.readLine(); if ( fileStream.status() >= QTextStream::ReadCorruptData ) break; trimmedStr = itemStr.trimmed(); if ( trimmedStr.isEmpty() ) continue; if ( (unsigned)trimmedStr.size() <= history.getMaxItemLength() ) itemList.prepend( trimmedStr ); } while ( !fileStream.atEnd() && itemList.size() < (int)history.getMaxSize() ); history.enableAdd( true ); for ( QList< QString >::const_iterator i = itemList.constBegin(); i != itemList.constEnd(); ++i ) history.addItem( History::Item( 1, *i ) ); history.enableAdd( cfg.preferences.storeHistory ); if ( file.error() != QFile::NoError ) { errStr = QString( tr( "Import error: " ) ) + file.errorString(); errorMessageOnStatusBar( errStr ); return; } if ( fileStream.status() >= QTextStream::ReadCorruptData ) { errStr = QString( tr( "Import error: invalid data in file" ) ); errorMessageOnStatusBar( errStr ); return; } //even without this line, the destructor of QFile will close the file as documented. file.close(); mainStatusBar->showMessage( tr( "History import complete" ), 5000 ); } void MainWindow::errorMessageOnStatusBar( const QString & errStr ) { this->mainStatusBar->showMessage( errStr, 10000, QPixmap( ":/icons/error.svg" ) ); } void MainWindow::on_exportFavorites_triggered() { QString exportPath; if ( cfg.historyExportPath.isEmpty() ) exportPath = QDir::homePath(); else { exportPath = QDir::fromNativeSeparators( cfg.historyExportPath ); if ( !QDir( exportPath ).exists() ) exportPath = QDir::homePath(); } QString fileName = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName( this, tr( "Export Favorites to file" ), exportPath, tr( "XML files (*.xml);;All files (*.*)" ) ); if ( fileName.size() == 0 ) return; cfg.historyExportPath = QDir::toNativeSeparators( QFileInfo( fileName ).absoluteDir().absolutePath() ); QFile file( fileName ); if ( !file.open( QFile::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text ) ) { errorMessageOnStatusBar( QString( tr( "Export error: " ) ) + file.errorString() ); return; } QByteArray data; ui.favoritesPaneWidget->getDataInXml( data ); if ( file.write( data ) != data.size() ) { errorMessageOnStatusBar( QString( tr( "Export error: " ) ) + file.errorString() ); return; } file.close(); mainStatusBar->showMessage( tr( "Favorites export complete" ), 5000 ); } void MainWindow::on_ExportFavoritesToList_triggered() { QString exportPath; if( cfg.historyExportPath.isEmpty() ) exportPath = QDir::homePath(); else { exportPath = QDir::fromNativeSeparators( cfg.historyExportPath ); if( !QDir( exportPath ).exists() ) exportPath = QDir::homePath(); } QString fileName = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName( this, tr( "Export Favorites to file as plain list" ), exportPath, tr( "Text files (*.txt);;All files (*.*)" ) ); if ( fileName.size() == 0 ) return; cfg.historyExportPath = QDir::toNativeSeparators( QFileInfo( fileName ).absoluteDir().absolutePath() ); QFile file( fileName ); if ( !file.open( QFile::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text ) ) { errorMessageOnStatusBar( QString( tr( "Export error: " ) ) + file.errorString() ); return; } // Write UTF-8 BOM QByteArray line; line.append( 0xEF ).append( 0xBB ).append( 0xBF ); if ( file.write( line ) != line.size() ) { errorMessageOnStatusBar( QString( tr( "Export error: " ) ) + file.errorString() ); return; } // Write Favorites QString data; ui.favoritesPaneWidget->getDataInPlainText( data ); line = data.toUtf8(); if ( file.write( line ) != line.size() ) { errorMessageOnStatusBar( QString( tr( "Export error: " ) ) + file.errorString() ); return; } file.close(); mainStatusBar->showMessage( tr( "Favorites export complete" ), 5000 ); } void MainWindow::on_importFavorites_triggered() { QString importPath; if( cfg.historyExportPath.isEmpty() ) importPath = QDir::homePath(); else { importPath = QDir::fromNativeSeparators( cfg.historyExportPath ); if( !QDir( importPath ).exists() ) importPath = QDir::homePath(); } QString fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName( this, tr( "Import Favorites from file" ), importPath, tr( "XML files (*.xml);;Txt files (*.txt);;All files (*.*)" ) ); if ( fileName.size() == 0 ) return; QFileInfo fileInfo( fileName ); cfg.historyExportPath = QDir::toNativeSeparators( fileInfo.absoluteDir().absolutePath() ); QString errStr; QFile file( fileName ); if ( !file.open( QFile::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text ) ) { errorMessageOnStatusBar( QString( tr( "Import error: " ) ) + file.errorString() ); return; } QByteArray data = file.readAll(); if ( fileInfo.suffix().compare( "txt", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 ) { if ( !ui.favoritesPaneWidget->setDataFromTxt( QString::fromUtf8( data.data(), data.size() ) ) ) { errorMessageOnStatusBar( QString( tr( "Data parsing error" ) ) ); return; } } else { if ( !ui.favoritesPaneWidget->setDataFromXml( QString::fromUtf8( data.data(), data.size() ) ) ) { errorMessageOnStatusBar( QString( tr( "Data parsing error" ) ) ); return; } } file.close(); mainStatusBar->showMessage( tr( "Favorites import complete" ), 5000 ); } void MainWindow::fillWordListFromHistory() { ui.wordList->setUpdatesEnabled( false ); ui.wordList->clear(); QList< History::Item > const & items = history.getItems(); for ( const auto & item : items ) { History::Item const * i = &item; auto s = new QListWidgetItem( i->word, ui.wordList ); if ( s->text().at( 0 ).direction() == QChar::DirR ) s->setTextAlignment( Qt::AlignRight ); if ( s->text().at( 0 ).direction() == QChar::DirL ) s->setTextAlignment( Qt::AlignLeft ); ui.wordList->addItem( s ); } ui.wordList->setUpdatesEnabled( true ); } void MainWindow::focusWordList() { if( ui.wordList->count() > 0 ) ui.wordList->setFocus(); } void MainWindow::addWordToHistory( const QString & word ) { // skip epwing reference link. epwing reference link has the pattern of r%dAt%d if(QRegularExpressionMatch m = RX::Epwing::refWord.match( word ); m.hasMatch() ) return; history.addItem( History::Item( 1, word.trimmed() ) ); } void MainWindow::forceAddWordToHistory( const QString & word ) { history.enableAdd( true ); history.addItem( History::Item( 1, word.trimmed() ) ); history.enableAdd( cfg.preferences.storeHistory ); } void MainWindow::foundDictsPaneClicked( QListWidgetItem * item ) { Qt::KeyboardModifiers m = QApplication::keyboardModifiers(); if ( ( m & ( Qt::ControlModifier | Qt::ShiftModifier ) ) || ( m == Qt::AltModifier ) ) { QString id = item->data( Qt::UserRole ).toString(); emit clickOnDictPane( id ); } jumpToDictionary( item,true); } void MainWindow::showDictionaryInfo( const QString & id ) { for( unsigned x = 0; x < dictionaries.size(); x++ ) { if( dictionaries[ x ]->getId() == id.toUtf8().data() ) { DictInfo infoMsg( cfg, this ); infoMsg.showInfo( dictionaries[ x ] ); int result = infoMsg.exec(); if ( result == DictInfo::OPEN_FOLDER ) { openDictionaryFolder( id ); } else if ( result == DictInfo::EDIT_DICTIONARY) { editDictionary( dictionaries[x].get() ); } else if( result == DictInfo::SHOW_HEADWORDS ) { showDictionaryHeadwords( dictionaries[x].get() ); } break; } } } void MainWindow::showDictionaryHeadwords( Dictionary::Class * dict ) { QWidget * owner = qobject_cast< QWidget * >( sender() ); // DictHeadwords internally check parent== mainwindow to know why it is requested. // If the DictHeadwords is requested by Edit->Dictionaries->ShowHeadWords, (owner = "EditDictionaries") // it will be a modal dialog. When click a word, that word will NOT be queried. // In all other cases, just set owner = mainwindow(this), if ( owner->objectName() == "EditDictionaries" ) { DictHeadwords headwords( owner, cfg, dict ); headwords.exec(); } else { if ( headwordsDlg == nullptr ) { headwordsDlg = new DictHeadwords( this, cfg, dict ); addGlobalActionsToDialog( headwordsDlg ); addGroupComboBoxActionsToDialog( headwordsDlg, groupList ); connect( headwordsDlg, &DictHeadwords::headwordSelected, this, &MainWindow::headwordReceived ); connect( headwordsDlg, &DictHeadwords::closeDialog, this, &MainWindow::closeHeadwordsDialog, Qt::QueuedConnection ); } else{ headwordsDlg->setup( dict ); } headwordsDlg->show(); } } void MainWindow::closeHeadwordsDialog() { if( headwordsDlg ) { delete headwordsDlg; headwordsDlg = NULL; } } void MainWindow::focusHeadwordsDialog() { if( headwordsDlg ) { headwordsDlg->activateWindow(); if ( ftsDlg ) ftsDlg->lower(); } } void MainWindow::focusArticleView() { ArticleView * view = getCurrentArticleView(); if ( view ) { if ( !isActiveWindow() ) activateWindow(); view->focus(); } } void MainWindow::editDictionary( Dictionary::Class * dict ) { QString dictFilename = dict->getMainFilename(); if( !cfg.editDictionaryCommandLine.isEmpty() && !dictFilename.isEmpty() ) { QString command( cfg.editDictionaryCommandLine ); command.replace( "%GDDICT%", "\"" + dictFilename + "\"" ); if( command.contains( "%GDWORD%" ) ) { QString headword = unescapeTabHeader( ui.tabWidget->tabText( ui.tabWidget->currentIndex() ) ); command.replace( "%GDWORD%", headword ); } if( !QProcess::startDetached( command,QStringList() ) ) QApplication::beep(); } } void MainWindow::openDictionaryFolder( const QString & id ) { for( unsigned x = 0; x < dictionaries.size(); x++ ) { if( dictionaries[ x ]->getId() == id.toUtf8().data() ) { if ( !dictionaries[ x ]->getDictionaryFilenames().empty() ) { QDesktopServices::openUrl( QUrl::fromLocalFile( dictionaries[ x ]->getContainingFolder() ) ); } break; } } } void MainWindow::foundDictsContextMenuRequested( const QPoint &pos ) { QListWidgetItem *item = ui.dictsList->itemAt( pos ); if( item ) { QString id = item->data( Qt::UserRole ).toString(); Dictionary::Class *pDict = NULL; for( unsigned i = 0; i < dictionaries.size(); i++ ) { if( id.compare( dictionaries[ i ]->getId().c_str() ) == 0 ) { pDict = dictionaries[ i ].get(); break; } } if( pDict == NULL ) return; if( !pDict->isLocalDictionary() ) { if ( scanPopup ) scanPopup->blockSignals( true ); showDictionaryInfo( id ); if ( scanPopup ) scanPopup->blockSignals( false ); } else { QMenu menu( ui.dictsList ); QAction * infoAction = menu.addAction( tr( "Dictionary info" ) ); QAction * headwordsAction = NULL; if( pDict->getWordCount() > 0 ) headwordsAction = menu.addAction( tr( "Dictionary headwords" ) ); QAction * openDictFolderAction = menu.addAction( tr( "Open dictionary folder" ) ); QAction * editAction = NULL; QString dictFilename = pDict->getMainFilename(); if( !cfg.editDictionaryCommandLine.isEmpty() && !dictFilename.isEmpty() ) editAction = menu.addAction( tr( "Edit dictionary" ) ); QAction * result = menu.exec( ui.dictsList->mapToGlobal( pos ) ); if( result && result == infoAction ) { if ( scanPopup ) scanPopup->blockSignals( true ); showDictionaryInfo( id ); if ( scanPopup ) scanPopup->blockSignals( false ); } else if( result && result == headwordsAction ) { if ( scanPopup ) scanPopup->blockSignals( true ); showDictionaryHeadwords( pDict ); if ( scanPopup ) scanPopup->blockSignals( false ); } else if( result && result == openDictFolderAction ) { openDictionaryFolder( id ); } else if( result && result == editAction ) { editDictionary( pDict ); } } } } void MainWindow::sendWordToInputLine( const QString & word ) { setInputLineText( word, WildcardPolicy::EscapeWildcards, NoPopupChange ); } void MainWindow::storeResourceSavePath( const QString & newPath ) { cfg.resourceSavePath = newPath; } void MainWindow::proxyAuthentication( const QNetworkProxy &, QAuthenticator * authenticator ) { QNetworkProxy proxy = QNetworkProxy::applicationProxy(); QString * userStr, * passwordStr; if( cfg.preferences.proxyServer.useSystemProxy ) { userStr = &cfg.preferences.proxyServer.systemProxyUser; passwordStr = &cfg.preferences.proxyServer.systemProxyPassword; } else { userStr = &cfg.preferences.proxyServer.user; passwordStr = &cfg.preferences.proxyServer.password; } if( proxy.user().isEmpty() && !userStr->isEmpty() ) { authenticator->setUser( *userStr ); authenticator->setPassword( *passwordStr ); proxy.setUser( *userStr ); proxy.setPassword( *passwordStr ); QNetworkProxy::setApplicationProxy( proxy ); } else { QDialog dlg; Ui::Dialog ui; ui.setupUi( &dlg ); dlg.adjustSize(); ui.userEdit->setText( *userStr ); ui.passwordEdit->setText( *passwordStr ); if ( dlg.exec() == QDialog::Accepted ) { *userStr = ui.userEdit->text(); *passwordStr = ui.passwordEdit->text(); authenticator->setUser( *userStr ); authenticator->setPassword( *passwordStr ); proxy.setUser( *userStr ); proxy.setPassword( *passwordStr ); QNetworkProxy::setApplicationProxy( proxy ); } } } void MainWindow::showFullTextSearchDialog() { if( !ftsDlg ) { ftsDlg = new FTS::FullTextSearchDialog( this, cfg, dictionaries, groupInstances, ftsIndexing ); ftsDlg->setSearchText( translateLine->text() ); addGlobalActionsToDialog( ftsDlg ); addGroupComboBoxActionsToDialog( ftsDlg, groupList ); connect( ftsDlg, &FTS::FullTextSearchDialog::showTranslationFor, this, &MainWindow::showTranslationForDicts ); connect( ftsDlg, &FTS::FullTextSearchDialog::closeDialog, this, &MainWindow::closeFullTextSearchDialog, Qt::QueuedConnection ); connect( &configEvents, SIGNAL( mutedDictionariesChanged() ), ftsDlg, SLOT( updateDictionaries() ) ); unsigned group = groupInstances.empty() ? 0 : groupInstances[ groupList->currentIndex() ].id; ftsDlg->setCurrentGroup( group ); } if( !ftsDlg ->isVisible() ) ftsDlg->show(); else { ftsDlg->activateWindow(); if ( headwordsDlg ) headwordsDlg->lower(); } } void MainWindow::closeFullTextSearchDialog() { if( ftsDlg ) { ftsDlg->stopSearch(); delete ftsDlg; ftsDlg = 0; } } void MainWindow::showFTSIndexingName( QString const & name ) { if( name.isEmpty() ) mainStatusBar->setBackgroundMessage( QString() ); else mainStatusBar->setBackgroundMessage( tr( "Now indexing for full-text search: " ) + name ); } QString MainWindow::unescapeTabHeader(QString const & header ) { // Reset table header to original headword QString escaped = header; escaped.replace( "&&", "&" ); return escaped; } void MainWindow::addCurrentTabToFavorites() { QString folder; Instances::Group const * igrp = groupInstances.findGroup( cfg.lastMainGroupId ); if( igrp ) folder = igrp->favoritesFolder; QString headword = ui.tabWidget->tabText( ui.tabWidget->currentIndex() ); ui.favoritesPaneWidget->addHeadword( folder, unescapeTabHeader( headword ) ); addToFavorites->setIcon( blueStarIcon ); addToFavorites->setToolTip( tr( "Remove current tab from Favorites" ) ); } void MainWindow::handleAddToFavoritesButton() { QString folder; Instances::Group const * igrp = groupInstances.findGroup( cfg.lastMainGroupId ); if( igrp ) folder = igrp->favoritesFolder; QString headword = unescapeTabHeader( ui.tabWidget->tabText( ui.tabWidget->currentIndex() ) ); if( ui.favoritesPaneWidget->isHeadwordPresent( folder, headword ) ) { QMessageBox mb( QMessageBox::Question, "GoldenDict", tr( "Remove headword \"%1\" from Favorites?" ).arg( headword ), QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No, this ); if( mb.exec() == QMessageBox::Yes ) { if( ui.favoritesPaneWidget->removeHeadword( folder, headword ) ) { addToFavorites->setIcon( starIcon ); addToFavorites->setToolTip( tr( "Add current tab to Favorites" ) ); } } } else { ui.favoritesPaneWidget->addHeadword( folder, headword ); addToFavorites->setIcon( blueStarIcon ); addToFavorites->setToolTip( tr( "Remove current tab from Favorites" ) ); } } void MainWindow::addWordToFavorites( QString const & word, unsigned groupId, bool exist ) { QString folder; Instances::Group const * igrp = groupInstances.findGroup( groupId ); if( igrp ) folder = igrp->favoritesFolder; if ( !exist ) ui.favoritesPaneWidget->addHeadword( folder, word ); else ui.favoritesPaneWidget->removeHeadword( folder, word ); } void MainWindow::addBookmarkToFavorite( QString const & text ) { // get current tab word. QString word = unescapeTabHeader( ui.tabWidget->tabText( ui.tabWidget->currentIndex() ) ); const auto bookmark = QString( "%1~~~%2" ).arg( word, text ); ui.favoritesPaneWidget->addHeadword( nullptr, bookmark ); } void MainWindow::addAllTabsToFavorites() { QString folder; Instances::Group const * igrp = groupInstances.findGroup( cfg.lastMainGroupId ); if( igrp ) folder = igrp->favoritesFolder; for( int i = 0; i < ui.tabWidget->count(); i++ ) { QString headword = ui.tabWidget->tabText( i ); ui.favoritesPaneWidget->addHeadword( folder, unescapeTabHeader( headword ) ); } addToFavorites->setIcon( blueStarIcon ); addToFavorites->setToolTip( tr( "Remove current tab from Favorites" ) ); } bool MainWindow::isWordPresentedInFavorites( QString const & word, unsigned groupId ) { QString folder; Instances::Group const * igrp = groupInstances.findGroup( groupId ); if( igrp ) folder = igrp->favoritesFolder; return ui.favoritesPaneWidget->isHeadwordPresent( folder, word ); } void MainWindow::setGroupByName( QString const & name, bool main_window ) { if( main_window ) { int i; for( i = 0; i < groupList->count(); i++ ) { if( groupList->itemText( i ) == name ) { groupList->setCurrentIndex( i ); break; } } if( i >= groupList->count() ) gdWarning( "Group \"%s\" for main window is not found\n", name.toUtf8().data() ); } else { emit setPopupGroupByName( name ); } } void MainWindow::headwordFromFavorites( QString const & headword, QString const & favoritesFolder ) { if( !favoritesFolder.isEmpty() ) { // Find group by it Favorites folder for( Instances::Groups::size_type i = 0; i < groupInstances.size(); i++ ) { if( groupInstances[ i ].favoritesFolder == favoritesFolder ) { // Group found. Select it and stop search. if( groupList->currentIndex() != (int)i ) { groupList->setCurrentIndex( i ); // Restore focus on Favorites tree ui.favoritesPaneWidget->setFocusOnTree(); } break; } } } // Show headword without lost of focus on Favorites tree // bookmark cases: the favorite item may like this "word~~~selectedtext" auto words = headword.split( "~~~" ); setInputLineText( words[0], WildcardPolicy::EscapeWildcards, DisablePopup ); //must be a bookmark. if(words.size()>1) { auto view = getCurrentArticleView(); if(view) { view->setDelayedHighlightText(words[1]);// findText( words[ 1 ], QWebEnginePage::FindCaseSensitively ); } } showTranslationFor( words[ 0 ] ); }