/* This file is (c) 2013 Timon Wong * Part of GoldenDict. Licensed under GPLv3 or later, see the LICENSE file */ #include "mdx.hh" #include "btreeidx.hh" #include "folding.hh" #include "utf8.hh" #include "file.hh" #include "wstring.hh" #include "wstring_qt.hh" #include "chunkedstorage.hh" #include "gddebug.hh" #include "langcoder.hh" #include "fsencoding.hh" #include "audiolink.hh" #include "ex.hh" #include "mdictparser.hh" #include "filetype.hh" #include "ftshelpers.hh" #include "htmlescape.hh" #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef _MSC_VER #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "tiff.hh" #include "utils.hh" namespace Mdx { using std::map; using std::multimap; using std::set; using gd::wstring; using gd::wchar; using std::list; using std::pair; using std::string; using BtreeIndexing::WordArticleLink; using BtreeIndexing::IndexedWords; using BtreeIndexing::IndexInfo; using namespace Mdict; enum { kSignature = 0x4349444d, // MDIC kCurrentFormatVersion = 11 + BtreeIndexing::FormatVersion + Folding::Version }; DEF_EX( exCorruptDictionary, "dictionary file was tampered or corrupted", std::exception ) struct IdxHeader { uint32_t signature; // First comes the signature, MDIC uint32_t formatVersion; // File format version, currently 1. uint32_t parserVersion; // Version of the parser used to parse the MDIC file. // Version of the folding algorithm used when building // index. If it's different from the current one, // the file is to be rebuilt. uint32_t foldingVersion; uint32_t articleCount; // Total number of articles, for informative purposes only uint32_t wordCount; // Total number of words, for informative purposes only uint32_t isRightToLeft; // Right to left uint32_t chunksOffset; // The offset to chunks' storage uint32_t descriptionAddress; // Address of the dictionary description in the chunks' storage uint32_t descriptionSize; // Size of the description in the chunks' storage, 0 = no description uint32_t styleSheetAddress; uint32_t styleSheetCount; uint32_t indexBtreeMaxElements; // Two fields from IndexInfo uint32_t indexRootOffset; uint32_t langFrom; // Source language uint32_t langTo; // Target language uint32_t mddIndexInfosOffset; // address of IndexInfos for resource files (.mdd) uint32_t mddIndexInfosCount; // count of IndexInfos for resource files } #ifndef _MSC_VER __attribute__( ( packed ) ) #endif ; // A helper method to read resources from .mdd file class IndexedMdd: public BtreeIndexing::BtreeIndex { Mutex & idxMutex; Mutex fileMutex; ChunkedStorage::Reader & chunks; QFile mddFile; bool isFileOpen; public: IndexedMdd( Mutex & idxMutex, ChunkedStorage::Reader & chunks ): idxMutex( idxMutex ), chunks( chunks ), isFileOpen( false ) {} /// Opens the index. The values are those previously returned by buildIndex(). using BtreeIndexing::BtreeIndex::openIndex; /// Opens the mdd file itself. Returns true if succeeded, false otherwise. bool open( const char * fileName ) { mddFile.setFileName( QString::fromUtf8( fileName ) ); isFileOpen = mddFile.open( QFile::ReadOnly ); return isFileOpen; } /// Returns true if the mdd is open, false otherwise. inline bool isOpen() const { return isFileOpen; } /// Checks whether the given file exists in the mdd file or not. /// Note that this function is thread-safe, since it does not access mdd file. bool hasFile( gd::wstring const & name ) { if ( !isFileOpen ) return false; vector< WordArticleLink > links = findArticles( name ); return !links.empty(); } /// Attempts loading the given file into the given vector. Returns true on /// success, false otherwise. bool loadFile( gd::wstring const & name, std::vector< char > & result ) { if ( !isFileOpen ) return false; vector< WordArticleLink > links = findArticles( name ); if ( links.empty() ) return false; MdictParser::RecordInfo indexEntry; vector< char > chunk; Mutex::Lock _( idxMutex ); const char * indexEntryPtr = chunks.getBlock( links[ 0 ].articleOffset, chunk ); memcpy( &indexEntry, indexEntryPtr, sizeof( indexEntry ) ); //corrupted file or broken entry. if (indexEntry.decompressedBlockSize < indexEntry.recordOffset + indexEntry.recordSize) { return false; } ScopedMemMap compressed( mddFile, indexEntry.compressedBlockPos, indexEntry.compressedBlockSize ); if ( !compressed.startAddress() ) { return false; } QByteArray decompressed; if ( !MdictParser::parseCompressedBlock( indexEntry.compressedBlockSize, ( char * )compressed.startAddress(), indexEntry.decompressedBlockSize, decompressed ) ) { return false; } result.resize( indexEntry.recordSize ); memcpy( &result.front(), decompressed.constData() + indexEntry.recordOffset, indexEntry.recordSize ); return true; } }; struct MdxRegex { MdxRegex() : allLinksRe( "(?:<\\s*(a(?:rea)?|img|link|script|source)(?:\\s+[^>]+|\\s*)>)", QRegularExpression::CaseInsensitiveOption ), wordCrossLink( "([\\s\"']href\\s*=)\\s*([\"'])entry://([^>#]*?)((?:#[^>]*?)?)\\2", QRegularExpression::CaseInsensitiveOption ), anchorIdRe( "([\\s\"'](?:name|id)\\s*=)\\s*([\"'])\\s*(?=\\S)", QRegularExpression::CaseInsensitiveOption ), anchorIdReWord( "([\\s\"'](?:name|id)\\s*=)\\s*([\"'])\\s*(?=\\S)([^\"]*)", QRegularExpression::CaseInsensitiveOption ), anchorIdRe2( "([\\s\"'](?:name|id)\\s*=)\\s*(?=[^\"'])([^\\s\">]+)", QRegularExpression::CaseInsensitiveOption ), anchorLinkRe( "([\\s\"']href\\s*=\\s*[\"'])entry://#", QRegularExpression::CaseInsensitiveOption ), audioRe( "([\\s\"']href\\s*=)\\s*([\"'])sound://([^\">]+)\\2", QRegularExpression::CaseInsensitiveOption | QRegularExpression::InvertedGreedinessOption ), stylesRe( "([\\s\"']href\\s*=)\\s*([\"'])(?!\\s*\\b(?:(?:bres|https?|ftp)://" "|(?:data|javascript):))(?:file://)?[\\x00-\\x1f\\x7f]*\\.*/?([^\">]+)\\2", QRegularExpression::CaseInsensitiveOption ), stylesRe2( "([\\s\"']href\\s*=)\\s*(?![\\s\"']|\\b(?:(?:bres|https?|ftp)://" "|(?:data|javascript):))(?:file://)?[\\x00-\\x1f\\x7f]*\\.*/?([^\\s\">]+)", QRegularExpression::CaseInsensitiveOption ), inlineScriptRe( "<\\s*script(?:(?=\\s)(?:(?![\\s\"']src\\s*=)[^>])+|\\s*)>", QRegularExpression::CaseInsensitiveOption ), closeScriptTagRe( "<\\s*/script\\s*>", QRegularExpression::CaseInsensitiveOption ), srcRe( "([\\s\"']src\\s*=)\\s*([\"'])(?!\\s*\\b(?:(?:bres|https?|ftp)://" "|(?:data|javascript):))(?:file://)?[\\x00-\\x1f\\x7f]*\\.*/?([^\">]+)\\2", QRegularExpression::CaseInsensitiveOption ), srcRe2( "([\\s\"']src\\s*=)\\s*(?![\\s\"']|\\b(?:(?:bres|https?|ftp)://" "|(?:data|javascript):))(?:file://)?[\\x00-\\x1f\\x7f]*\\.*/?([^\\s\">]+)", QRegularExpression::CaseInsensitiveOption ) { } QRegularExpression allLinksRe; QRegularExpression wordCrossLink; QRegularExpression anchorIdRe; QRegularExpression anchorIdReWord; QRegularExpression anchorIdRe2; QRegularExpression anchorLinkRe; QRegularExpression audioRe; QRegularExpression stylesRe; QRegularExpression stylesRe2; QRegularExpression inlineScriptRe; QRegularExpression closeScriptTagRe; QRegularExpression srcRe; QRegularExpression srcRe2; }; class MdxDictionary: public BtreeIndexing::BtreeDictionary { Mutex idxMutex; File::Class idx; IdxHeader idxHeader; string dictionaryName; string encoding; ChunkedStorage::Reader chunks; QFile dictFile; vector< sptr< IndexedMdd > > mddResources; MdictParser::StyleSheets styleSheets; QAtomicInt deferredInitDone; Mutex deferredInitMutex; bool deferredInitRunnableStarted; string initError; QString cacheDirName; static MdxRegex mdxRx; public: MdxDictionary( string const & id, string const & indexFile, vector const & dictionaryFiles ); ~MdxDictionary(); virtual void deferredInit(); virtual string getName() throw() { return dictionaryName; } virtual map< Dictionary::Property, string > getProperties() throw() { return map< Dictionary::Property, string >(); } virtual unsigned long getArticleCount() throw() { return idxHeader.articleCount; } virtual unsigned long getWordCount() throw() { return idxHeader.wordCount; } inline virtual quint32 getLangFrom() const { return idxHeader.langFrom; } inline virtual quint32 getLangTo() const { return idxHeader.langTo; } virtual sptr< Dictionary::DataRequest > getArticle( wstring const & word, vector< wstring > const & alts, wstring const &, bool ignoreDiacritics ) ; virtual sptr< Dictionary::DataRequest > getResource( string const & name ) ; virtual QString const & getDescription(); virtual sptr< Dictionary::DataRequest > getSearchResults( QString const & searchString, int searchMode, bool matchCase, int distanceBetweenWords, int maxResults, bool ignoreWordsOrder, bool ignoreDiacritics ); virtual void getArticleText( uint32_t articleAddress, QString & headword, QString & text ); virtual void makeFTSIndex(QAtomicInt & isCancelled, bool firstIteration ); virtual void setFTSParameters( Config::FullTextSearch const & fts ) { // if( ensureInitDone().size() ) // return; can_FTS = fts.enabled && !fts.disabledTypes.contains( "MDICT", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) && ( fts.maxDictionarySize == 0 || getArticleCount() <= fts.maxDictionarySize ); } QString getCachedFileName( QString name ); protected: virtual void loadIcon() throw(); private: virtual string const & ensureInitDone(); void doDeferredInit(); /// Loads an article with the given offset, filling the given strings. void loadArticle( uint32_t offset, string & articleText, bool noFilter = false ); /// Process resource links (images, audios, etc) QString & filterResource( QString const & articleId, QString & article ); void removeDirectory( QString const & directory ); friend class MdxHeadwordsRequest; friend class MdxArticleRequest; friend class MddResourceRequest; friend class MdxDeferredInitRunnable; }; MdxRegex MdxDictionary::mdxRx; MdxDictionary::MdxDictionary( string const & id, string const & indexFile, vector const & dictionaryFiles ): BtreeDictionary( id, dictionaryFiles ), idx( indexFile, "rb" ), idxHeader( idx.read< IdxHeader >() ), chunks( idx, idxHeader.chunksOffset ), deferredInitRunnableStarted( false ) { // Read the dictionary's name idx.seek( sizeof( idxHeader ) ); size_t len = idx.read< uint32_t >(); vector< char > buf( len ); if( len > 0 ) { idx.read( &buf.front(), len ); dictionaryName = string( &buf.front(), len ); } // then read the dictionary's encoding len = idx.read< uint32_t >(); if( len > 0 ) { buf.resize( len ); idx.read( &buf.front(), len ); encoding = string( &buf.front(), len ); } dictFile.setFileName( QString::fromUtf8( dictionaryFiles[ 0 ].c_str() ) ); dictFile.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly ); // Full-text search parameters can_FTS = true; ftsIdxName = indexFile + "_FTS"; if( !Dictionary::needToRebuildIndex( dictionaryFiles, ftsIdxName ) && !FtsHelpers::ftsIndexIsOldOrBad( ftsIdxName, this ) ) FTS_index_completed.ref(); cacheDirName = QDir::tempPath() + QDir::separator() + QString::fromUtf8( getId().c_str() ) + ".cache"; } MdxDictionary::~MdxDictionary() { Mutex::Lock _( deferredInitMutex ); dictFile.close(); removeDirectory( cacheDirName ); } //////// MdxDictionary::deferredInit() void MdxDictionary::deferredInit() { if ( !Utils::AtomicInt::loadAcquire( deferredInitDone ) ) { Mutex::Lock _( deferredInitMutex ); if ( Utils::AtomicInt::loadAcquire( deferredInitDone ) ) return; if ( !deferredInitRunnableStarted ) { QThreadPool::globalInstance()->start( [ this ]() { this->doDeferredInit(); },-1000 ); deferredInitRunnableStarted = true; } } } string const & MdxDictionary::ensureInitDone() { doDeferredInit(); return initError; } void MdxDictionary::doDeferredInit() { if ( !Utils::AtomicInt::loadAcquire( deferredInitDone ) ) { Mutex::Lock _( deferredInitMutex ); if ( Utils::AtomicInt::loadAcquire( deferredInitDone ) ) return; // Do deferred init try { // Retrieve stylesheets idx.seek( idxHeader.styleSheetAddress ); for ( uint32_t i = 0; i < idxHeader.styleSheetCount; i++ ) { qint32 key = idx.read< qint32 >(); vector< char > buf; quint32 sz; sz = idx.read< quint32 >(); buf.resize( sz ); idx.read( &buf.front(), sz ); QString styleBegin = QString::fromUtf8( buf.data() ); sz = idx.read< quint32 >(); buf.resize( sz ); idx.read( &buf.front(), sz ); QString styleEnd = QString::fromUtf8( buf.data() ); styleSheets[ key ] = pair( styleBegin, styleEnd ); } // Initialize the index openIndex( IndexInfo( idxHeader.indexBtreeMaxElements, idxHeader.indexRootOffset ), idx, idxMutex ); vector< string > mddFileNames; vector< IndexInfo > mddIndexInfos; idx.seek( idxHeader.mddIndexInfosOffset ); for ( uint32_t i = 0; i < idxHeader.mddIndexInfosCount; i++ ) { quint32 sz = idx.read< quint32 >(); vector< char > buf( sz ); idx.read( &buf.front(), sz ); uint32_t btreeMaxElements = idx.read(); uint32_t rootOffset = idx.read(); mddFileNames.push_back( string( &buf.front() ) ); mddIndexInfos.push_back( IndexInfo( btreeMaxElements, rootOffset ) ); } vector< string > const dictFiles = getDictionaryFilenames(); for ( uint32_t i = 1; i < dictFiles.size() && i < mddFileNames.size() + 1; i++ ) { QFileInfo fi( QString::fromUtf8( dictFiles[ i ].c_str() ) ); QString mddFileName = QString::fromUtf8( mddFileNames[ i - 1 ].c_str() ); if ( fi.fileName() != mddFileName || !fi.exists() ) continue; sptr< IndexedMdd > mdd = new IndexedMdd( idxMutex, chunks ); mdd->openIndex( mddIndexInfos[ i - 1 ], idx, idxMutex ); mdd->open( dictFiles[ i ].c_str() ); mddResources.push_back( mdd ); } } catch ( std::exception & e ) { initError = e.what(); } catch ( ... ) { initError = "Unknown error"; } deferredInitDone.ref(); } } void MdxDictionary::makeFTSIndex( QAtomicInt & isCancelled, bool firstIteration ) { if( !( Dictionary::needToRebuildIndex( getDictionaryFilenames(), ftsIdxName ) || FtsHelpers::ftsIndexIsOldOrBad( ftsIdxName, this ) ) ) FTS_index_completed.ref(); if( haveFTSIndex() ) return; if( ensureInitDone().size() ) return; if( firstIteration && getArticleCount() > FTS::MaxDictionarySizeForFastSearch ) return; gdDebug( "MDict: Building the full-text index for dictionary: %s\n", getName().c_str() ); try { FtsHelpers::makeFTSIndex( this, isCancelled ); FTS_index_completed.ref(); } catch( std::exception &ex ) { gdWarning( "MDict: Failed building full-text search index for \"%s\", reason: %s\n", getName().c_str(), ex.what() ); QFile::remove( FsEncoding::decode( ftsIdxName.c_str() ) ); } } void MdxDictionary::getArticleText( uint32_t articleAddress, QString & headword, QString & text ) { try { headword.clear(); string articleText; loadArticle( articleAddress, articleText, true ); text = Html::unescape( QString::fromUtf8( articleText.data(), articleText.size() ) ); } catch( std::exception &ex ) { gdWarning( "MDict: Failed retrieving article from \"%s\", reason: %s\n", getName().c_str(), ex.what() ); } } sptr< Dictionary::DataRequest > MdxDictionary::getSearchResults( QString const & searchString, int searchMode, bool matchCase, int distanceBetweenWords, int maxResults, bool ignoreWordsOrder, bool ignoreDiacritics ) { return new FtsHelpers::FTSResultsRequest( *this, searchString,searchMode, matchCase, distanceBetweenWords, maxResults, ignoreWordsOrder, ignoreDiacritics ); } /// MdxDictionary::getArticle class MdxArticleRequest; class MdxArticleRequestRunnable: public QRunnable { MdxArticleRequest & r; QSemaphore & hasExited; public: MdxArticleRequestRunnable( MdxArticleRequest & r_, QSemaphore & hasExited_ ): r( r_ ), hasExited( hasExited_ ) {} ~MdxArticleRequestRunnable() { hasExited.release(); } virtual void run(); }; class MdxArticleRequest: public Dictionary::DataRequest { friend class MdxArticleRequestRunnable; wstring word; vector< wstring > alts; MdxDictionary & dict; bool ignoreDiacritics; QAtomicInt isCancelled; QSemaphore hasExited; public: MdxArticleRequest( wstring const & word_, vector< wstring > const & alts_, MdxDictionary & dict_, bool ignoreDiacritics_ ): word( word_ ), alts( alts_ ), dict( dict_ ), ignoreDiacritics( ignoreDiacritics_ ) { // QThreadPool::globalInstance()->start( new MdxArticleRequestRunnable( *this, hasExited ) ); QThreadPool::globalInstance()->start( [ this ]() { this->run(); } ); } void run(); virtual void cancel() { isCancelled.ref(); } ~MdxArticleRequest() { isCancelled.ref(); //hasExited.acquire(); } }; void MdxArticleRequestRunnable::run() { r.run(); } void MdxArticleRequest::run() { if ( Utils::AtomicInt::loadAcquire( isCancelled ) ) { finish(); return; } if ( dict.ensureInitDone().size() ) { setErrorString( QString::fromUtf8( dict.ensureInitDone().c_str() ) ); finish(); return; } vector< WordArticleLink > chain = dict.findArticles( word, ignoreDiacritics ); for ( unsigned x = 0; x < alts.size(); ++x ) { /// Make an additional query for each alt vector< WordArticleLink > altChain = dict.findArticles( alts[ x ], ignoreDiacritics ); chain.insert( chain.end(), altChain.begin(), altChain.end() ); } // Some synonims make it that the articles appear several times. We combat this // by only allowing them to appear once. set< uint32_t > articlesIncluded; // Sometimes the articles are physically duplicated. We store hashes of // the bodies to account for this. set< QByteArray > articleBodiesIncluded; string articleText; for ( unsigned x = 0; x < chain.size(); ++x ) { if ( Utils::AtomicInt::loadAcquire( isCancelled ) ) { finish(); return; } if ( articlesIncluded.find( chain[ x ].articleOffset ) != articlesIncluded.end() ) continue; // We already have this article in the body. // Grab that article string articleBody; bool hasError = false; QString errorMessage; try { dict.loadArticle( chain[ x ].articleOffset, articleBody ); } catch ( exCorruptDictionary & ) { errorMessage = tr( "Dictionary file was tampered or corrupted" ); hasError = true; } catch ( std::exception & e ) { errorMessage = e.what(); hasError = true; } if ( hasError ) { setErrorString( tr( "Failed loading article from %1, reason: %2" ) .arg( QString::fromUtf8( dict.getDictionaryFilenames()[ 0 ].c_str() ), errorMessage ) ); finish(); return; } if ( articlesIncluded.find( chain[ x ].articleOffset ) != articlesIncluded.end() ) continue; // We already have this article in the body. QCryptographicHash hash( QCryptographicHash::Md5 ); hash.addData( articleBody.data(), articleBody.size() ); if ( !articleBodiesIncluded.insert( hash.result() ).second ) continue; // Already had this body // Handle internal redirects if ( strncmp( articleBody.c_str(), "@@@LINK=", 8 ) == 0 ) { wstring target = Utf8::decode( articleBody.c_str() + 8 ); target = Folding::trimWhitespace( target ); // Make an additional query for this redirection vector< WordArticleLink > altChain = dict.findArticles( target ); chain.insert( chain.end(), altChain.begin(), altChain.end() ); continue; } // See Issue #271: A mechanism to clean-up invalid HTML cards. string cleaner = """""""""""" """""""""""" "" "" ""; articleText += "
" + articleBody + cleaner + "
\n"; } if ( !articleText.empty() ) { articleText+=""; Mutex::Lock _( dataMutex ); data.insert( data.end(), articleText.begin(), articleText.end() ); hasAnyData = true; } finish(); } sptr MdxDictionary::getArticle( const wstring & word, const vector & alts, const wstring &, bool ignoreDiacritics ) { return new MdxArticleRequest( word, alts, *this, ignoreDiacritics ); } /// MdxDictionary::getResource class MddResourceRequest; class MddResourceRequestRunnable: public QRunnable { MddResourceRequest & r; QSemaphore & hasExited; public: MddResourceRequestRunnable( MddResourceRequest & r_, QSemaphore & hasExited_ ): r( r_ ), hasExited( hasExited_ ) {} ~MddResourceRequestRunnable() { hasExited.release(); } virtual void run(); }; class MddResourceRequest: public Dictionary::DataRequest { friend class MddResourceRequestRunnable; MdxDictionary & dict; wstring resourceName; QAtomicInt isCancelled; QSemaphore hasExited; public: MddResourceRequest( MdxDictionary & dict_, string const & resourceName_ ): dict( dict_ ), resourceName( Utf8::decode( resourceName_ ) ) { //QThreadPool::globalInstance()->start( new MddResourceRequestRunnable( *this, hasExited ) ); QThreadPool::globalInstance()->start( [ this ]() { this->run(); } ); } void run(); // Run from another thread by MddResourceRequestRunnable virtual void cancel() { isCancelled.ref(); } ~MddResourceRequest() { isCancelled.ref(); //hasExited.acquire(); } }; void MddResourceRequestRunnable::run() { r.run(); } void MddResourceRequest::run() { if ( Utils::AtomicInt::loadAcquire( isCancelled ) ) { finish(); return; } if ( dict.ensureInitDone().size() ) { setErrorString( QString::fromUtf8( dict.ensureInitDone().c_str() ) ); finish(); return; } // In order to prevent recursive internal redirection... set< QByteArray > resourceIncluded; for ( ;; ) { // Some runnables linger enough that they are cancelled before they start if ( Utils::AtomicInt::loadAcquire( isCancelled ) ) { finish(); return; } string u8ResourceName = Utf8::encode( resourceName ); QCryptographicHash hash( QCryptographicHash::Md5 ); hash.addData( u8ResourceName.data(), u8ResourceName.size() ); if ( !resourceIncluded.insert( hash.result() ).second ) continue; // Convert to the Windows separator std::replace( resourceName.begin(), resourceName.end(), '/', '\\' ); if(resourceName[0]=='.'){ resourceName.erase(0,1); } if ( resourceName[ 0 ] != '\\' ) { resourceName.insert( 0, 1, '\\' ); } Mutex::Lock _( dataMutex ); data.clear(); try { // local file takes precedence string fn = FsEncoding::dirname( dict.getDictionaryFilenames()[ 0 ] ) + FsEncoding::separator() + u8ResourceName; File::loadFromFile( fn, data ); } catch ( File::exCantOpen & ) { for ( vector< sptr< IndexedMdd > >::const_iterator i = dict.mddResources.begin(); i != dict.mddResources.end(); ++i ) { sptr< IndexedMdd > mddResource = *i; if ( mddResource->loadFile( resourceName, data ) ) break; } } // Check if this file has a redirection // Always encoded in UTF16-LE // L"@@@LINK=" static const char pattern[16] = { '@', '\0', '@', '\0', '@', '\0', 'L', '\0', 'I', '\0', 'N', '\0', 'K', '\0', '=', '\0' }; if ( data.size() > sizeof( pattern ) ) { if ( memcmp( &data.front(), pattern, sizeof( pattern ) ) == 0 ) { data.push_back( '\0' ); data.push_back( '\0' ); QString target = MdictParser::toUtf16( "UTF-16LE", &data.front() + sizeof( pattern ), data.size() - sizeof( pattern ) ); resourceName = gd::toWString( target.trimmed() ); continue; } } if ( data.size() > 0 ) { hasAnyData = true; if ( Filetype::isNameOfCSS( u8ResourceName ) ) { QString css = QString::fromUtf8( data.data(), data.size() ); QRegularExpression links( "url\\(\\s*(['\"]?)([^'\"]*)(['\"]?)\\s*\\)", QRegularExpression::CaseInsensitiveOption ); QString id = QString::fromUtf8( dict.getId().c_str() ); int pos = 0; QString newCSS; QRegularExpressionMatchIterator it = links.globalMatch( css ); while ( it.hasNext() ) { QRegularExpressionMatch match = it.next(); newCSS += css.mid( pos, match.capturedStart() - pos ); pos = match.capturedEnd(); QString url = match.captured( 2 ); if( url.indexOf( ":/" ) >= 0 || url.indexOf( "data:" ) >= 0) { // External link or base64-encoded data newCSS += match.captured(); continue; } QString newUrl = QString( "url(" ) + match.captured( 1 ) + "bres://" + id + "/" + url + match.captured( 3 ) + ")"; newCSS += newUrl; } if( pos ) { newCSS += css.mid( pos ); css = newCSS; newCSS.clear(); } dict.isolateCSS( css, ".mdict" ); QByteArray bytes = css.toUtf8(); data.resize( bytes.size() ); memcpy( &data.front(), bytes.constData(), bytes.size() ); } if( Filetype::isNameOfTiff( u8ResourceName ) ) { // Convert it Mutex::Lock _( dataMutex ); GdTiff::tiff2img( data ); } } break; } finish(); } sptr MdxDictionary::getResource( const string & name ) { return new MddResourceRequest( *this, name ); } const QString & MdxDictionary::getDescription() { if ( !dictionaryDescription.isEmpty() ) return dictionaryDescription; if ( idxHeader.descriptionSize == 0 ) { dictionaryDescription = "NONE"; } else { Mutex::Lock _( idxMutex ); vector< char > chunk; char * dictDescription = chunks.getBlock( idxHeader.descriptionAddress, chunk ); string str( dictDescription ); dictionaryDescription = QString::fromUtf8( str.c_str(), str.size() ); } return dictionaryDescription; } void MdxDictionary::loadIcon() throw() { if ( dictionaryIconLoaded ) return; QString fileName = QDir::fromNativeSeparators( FsEncoding::decode( getDictionaryFilenames()[ 0 ].c_str() ) ); // Remove the extension fileName.chop( 3 ); if ( !loadIconFromFile( fileName ) ) { // Use default icons dictionaryIcon = dictionaryNativeIcon = QIcon( ":/icons/mdict.png" ); } dictionaryIconLoaded = true; } void MdxDictionary::loadArticle( uint32_t offset, string & articleText, bool noFilter ) { vector< char > chunk; Mutex::Lock _( idxMutex ); // Load record info from index MdictParser::RecordInfo recordInfo; char * pRecordInfo = chunks.getBlock( offset, chunk ); memcpy( &recordInfo, pRecordInfo, sizeof( recordInfo ) ); // Make a sub unique id for this article QString articleId; articleId.setNum( ( quint64 )pRecordInfo, 16 ); ScopedMemMap compressed( dictFile, recordInfo.compressedBlockPos, recordInfo.compressedBlockSize ); if ( !compressed.startAddress() ) throw exCorruptDictionary(); QByteArray decompressed; if ( !MdictParser::parseCompressedBlock( recordInfo.compressedBlockSize, ( char * )compressed.startAddress(), recordInfo.decompressedBlockSize, decompressed ) ) throw exCorruptDictionary(); QString article = MdictParser::toUtf16( encoding.c_str(), decompressed.constData() + recordInfo.recordOffset, recordInfo.recordSize ); article = MdictParser::substituteStylesheet( article, styleSheets ); if( !noFilter ) article = filterResource( articleId, article ); articleText = string( article.toUtf8().constData() ); } QString & MdxDictionary::filterResource( QString const & articleId, QString & article ) { QString id = QString::fromStdString( getId() ); QString uniquePrefix = QString::fromLatin1( "g" ) + id + "_" + articleId + "_"; QString articleNewText; int linkPos = 0; QRegularExpressionMatchIterator it = mdxRx.allLinksRe.globalMatch( article ); QMap idMap; while( it.hasNext() ) { QRegularExpressionMatch allLinksMatch = it.next(); if( allLinksMatch.capturedEnd() < linkPos ) continue; articleNewText += article.mid( linkPos, allLinksMatch.capturedStart() - linkPos ); linkPos = allLinksMatch.capturedEnd(); QString linkTxt = allLinksMatch.captured(); QString linkType = allLinksMatch.captured( 1 ).toLower(); QString newLink; if( !linkType.isEmpty() && linkType.at( 0 ) == 'a' ) { QRegularExpressionMatch match = mdxRx.anchorIdRe.match( linkTxt ); if( match.hasMatch() ) { auto wordMatch = mdxRx.anchorIdReWord.match( linkTxt ); if( wordMatch.hasMatch() ) { idMap.insert( wordMatch.captured( 3 ), uniquePrefix + wordMatch.captured( 3 ) ); } QString newText = match.captured( 1 ) + match.captured( 2 ) + uniquePrefix; newLink = linkTxt.replace( match.capturedStart(), match.capturedLength(), newText ); } else newLink = linkTxt.replace( mdxRx.anchorIdRe2, "\\1\"" + uniquePrefix + "\\2\"" ); newLink = newLink.replace( mdxRx.anchorLinkRe, "\\1#" + uniquePrefix ); match = mdxRx.audioRe.match( newLink ); if( match.hasMatch() ) { // sounds and audio link script QString newTxt = match.captured( 1 ) + match.captured( 2 ) + "gdau://" + id + "/" + match.captured( 3 ) + match.captured( 2 ); newLink = QString::fromUtf8( addAudioLink( "\"gdau://" + getId() + "/" + match.captured( 3 ).toUtf8().data() + "\"", getId() ).c_str() ) + newLink.replace( match.capturedStart(), match.capturedLength(), newTxt ); } match = mdxRx.wordCrossLink.match( newLink ); if( match.hasMatch() ) { QString newTxt = match.captured( 1 ) + match.captured( 2 ) + "gdlookup://localhost/" + match.captured( 3 ); if( match.lastCapturedIndex() >= 4 && !match.captured( 4 ).isEmpty() ) newTxt += QString( "?gdanchor=" ) + uniquePrefix + match.captured( 4 ).mid( 1 ); newTxt += match.captured( 2 ); newLink.replace( match.capturedStart(), match.capturedLength(), newTxt ); } } else if( linkType.compare( "link" ) == 0 ) { // stylesheets QRegularExpressionMatch match = mdxRx.stylesRe.match( linkTxt ); if( match.hasMatch() ) { QString newText = match.captured( 1 ) + match.captured( 2 ) + "bres://" + id + "/" + match.captured( 3 ) + match.captured( 2 ); newLink = linkTxt.replace( match.capturedStart(), match.capturedLength(), newText ); } else newLink = linkTxt.replace( mdxRx.stylesRe2, "\\1\"bres://" + id + "/\\2\"" ); } else if( linkType.compare( "script" ) == 0 || linkType.compare( "img" ) == 0 || linkType.compare( "source" ) == 0 ) { // javascripts and images QRegularExpressionMatch match = mdxRx.inlineScriptRe.match( linkTxt ); if( linkType.at( 1 ) == 'c' // "script" tag && match.hasMatch() && match.capturedLength() == linkTxt.length() ) { // skip inline scripts articleNewText += linkTxt; match = mdxRx.closeScriptTagRe.match( article, linkPos ); if( match.hasMatch() ) { articleNewText += article.mid( linkPos, match.capturedEnd() - linkPos ); linkPos = match.capturedEnd(); } continue; } else { match = mdxRx.srcRe.match( linkTxt ); if( match.hasMatch() ) { QString newText; if( linkType.at( 1 ) == 'o' ) // "source" tag { QString filename = match.captured( 3 ); QString newName = getCachedFileName( filename ); newName.replace( '\\', '/' ); newText = match.captured( 1 ) + match.captured( 2 ) + "file:///" + newName + match.captured( 2 ); } else { newText = match.captured( 1 ) + match.captured( 2 ) + "bres://" + id + "/" + match.captured( 3 ) + match.captured( 2 ); } newLink = linkTxt.replace( match.capturedStart(), match.capturedLength(), newText ); } else newLink = linkTxt.replace( mdxRx.srcRe2, "\\1\"bres://" + id + "/\\2\"" ); } } if( !newLink.isEmpty() ) { articleNewText += newLink; } else articleNewText += allLinksMatch.captured(); } if( linkPos ) { articleNewText += article.mid( linkPos ); article = articleNewText; } //some built-in javascript may reference this id. replace "idxxx" with "unique_idxxx" foreach ( const auto& key, idMap.keys() ) { const auto& value = idMap[ key ]; article.replace("\""+key+"\"","\""+value+"\""); } return article; } QString MdxDictionary::getCachedFileName( QString filename ) { QDir dir; QFileInfo info( cacheDirName ); if( !info.exists() || !info.isDir() ) { if( !dir.mkdir( cacheDirName ) ) { gdWarning( "Mdx: can't create cache directory \"%s\"", cacheDirName.toUtf8().data() ); return QString(); } } // Create subfolders if needed QString name = filename; name.replace( '/', '\\' ); QStringList list = name.split( '\\' ); int subFolders = list.size() - 1; if( subFolders > 0 ) { QString dirName = cacheDirName; for( int i = 0; i < subFolders; i++ ) { dirName += QDir::separator() + list.at( i ); QFileInfo dirInfo( dirName ); if( !dirInfo.exists() ) { if( !dir.mkdir( dirName ) ) { gdWarning( "Mdx: can't create cache directory \"%s\"", dirName.toUtf8().data() ); return QString(); } } } } QString fullName = cacheDirName + QDir::separator() + filename; info.setFile( fullName ); if( !info.exists() ) { QFile f( fullName ); if( f.open( QFile::WriteOnly ) ) { gd::wstring resourceName = FsEncoding::decode( filename.toStdString() ); vector< char > data; // In order to prevent recursive internal redirection... set< QByteArray > resourceIncluded; for ( ;; ) { string u8ResourceName = Utf8::encode( resourceName ); QCryptographicHash hash( QCryptographicHash::Md5 ); hash.addData( u8ResourceName.data(), u8ResourceName.size() ); if ( !resourceIncluded.insert( hash.result() ).second ) continue; // Convert to the Windows separator std::replace( resourceName.begin(), resourceName.end(), '/', '\\' ); if ( resourceName[ 0 ] != '\\' ) { resourceName.insert( 0, 1, '\\' ); } try { // local file takes precedence string fn = FsEncoding::dirname( getDictionaryFilenames()[ 0 ] ) + FsEncoding::separator() + u8ResourceName; File::loadFromFile( fn, data ); } catch ( File::exCantOpen & ) { for ( vector< sptr< IndexedMdd > >::const_iterator i = mddResources.begin(); i != mddResources.end(); ++i ) { sptr< IndexedMdd > mddResource = *i; if ( mddResource->loadFile( resourceName, data ) ) break; } } // Check if this file has a redirection // Always encoded in UTF16-LE // L"@@@LINK=" static const char pattern[16] = { '@', '\0', '@', '\0', '@', '\0', 'L', '\0', 'I', '\0', 'N', '\0', 'K', '\0', '=', '\0' }; if ( data.size() > sizeof( pattern ) ) { if ( memcmp( &data.front(), pattern, sizeof( pattern ) ) == 0 ) { data.push_back( '\0' ); data.push_back( '\0' ); QString target = MdictParser::toUtf16( "UTF-16LE", &data.front() + sizeof( pattern ), data.size() - sizeof( pattern ) ); resourceName = gd::toWString( target.trimmed() ); continue; } } break; } qint64 n = 0; if( !data.empty() ) n = f.write( data.data(), data.size() ); f.close(); if( n < (qint64)data.size() ) { gdWarning( "Mdx: file \"%s\" writing error: \"%s\"", fullName.toUtf8().data(), f.errorString().toUtf8().data() ); return QString(); } } else { gdWarning( "Mdx: file \"%s\" creating error: \"%s\"", fullName.toUtf8().data(), f.errorString().toUtf8().data() ); return QString(); } } return fullName; } void MdxDictionary::removeDirectory( QString const & directory ) { QDir dir( directory ); Q_FOREACH( QFileInfo info, dir.entryInfoList( QDir::NoDotAndDotDot | QDir::AllDirs | QDir::Files, QDir::DirsFirst)) { if( info.isDir() ) removeDirectory( info.absoluteFilePath() ); else QFile::remove( info.absoluteFilePath() ); } dir.rmdir( directory ); } static void addEntryToIndex( QString const & word, uint32_t offset, IndexedWords & indexedWords ) { // Strip any leading or trailing whitespaces QString wordTrimmed = word.trimmed(); indexedWords.addWord( gd::toWString( wordTrimmed ), offset ); } static void addEntryToIndexSingle( QString const & word, uint32_t offset, IndexedWords & indexedWords ) { // Strip any leading or trailing whitespaces QString wordTrimmed = word.trimmed(); indexedWords.addSingleWord( gd::toWString( wordTrimmed ), offset ); } class ArticleHandler: public MdictParser::RecordHandler { public: ArticleHandler( ChunkedStorage::Writer & chunks, IndexedWords & indexedWords ) : chunks( chunks ), indexedWords( indexedWords ) { } virtual void handleRecord( QString const & headWord, MdictParser::RecordInfo const & recordInfo ) { // Save the article's record info uint32_t articleAddress = chunks.startNewBlock(); chunks.addToBlock( &recordInfo, sizeof( recordInfo ) ); // Add entries to the index addEntryToIndex( headWord, articleAddress, indexedWords ); } private: ChunkedStorage::Writer & chunks; IndexedWords & indexedWords; }; class ResourceHandler: public MdictParser::RecordHandler { public: ResourceHandler( ChunkedStorage::Writer & chunks, IndexedWords & indexedWords ): chunks( chunks ), indexedWords( indexedWords ) { } virtual void handleRecord( QString const & fileName, MdictParser::RecordInfo const & recordInfo ) { uint32_t resourceInfoAddress = chunks.startNewBlock(); chunks.addToBlock( &recordInfo, sizeof( recordInfo ) ); // Add entries to the index addEntryToIndexSingle( fileName, resourceInfoAddress, indexedWords ); } private: ChunkedStorage::Writer & chunks; IndexedWords & indexedWords; }; static bool indexIsOldOrBad( vector< string > const & dictFiles, string const & indexFile ) { File::Class idx( indexFile, "rb" ); IdxHeader header; return idx.readRecords( &header, sizeof( header ), 1 ) != 1 || header.signature != kSignature || header.formatVersion != kCurrentFormatVersion || header.parserVersion != MdictParser::kParserVersion || header.foldingVersion != Folding::Version || header.mddIndexInfosCount != dictFiles.size() - 1; } static void findResourceFiles( string const & mdx, vector< string > & dictFiles ) { string base( mdx, 0, mdx.size() - 4 ); // Check if there' is any file end with .mdd, which is the resource file for the dictionary string resFile; if ( File::tryPossibleName( base + ".mdd", resFile ) ) { dictFiles.push_back( resFile ); // Find complementary .mdd file (volumes), like follows: // demo.mdx <- main dictionary file // demo.mdd <- main resource file ( 1st volume ) // demo.1.mdd <- 2nd volume // ... // demo.n.mdd <- nth volume QString baseU8 = QString::fromUtf8( base.c_str() ); int vol = 1; while ( File::tryPossibleName( string( QString( "%1.%2.mdd" ).arg( baseU8 ).arg( vol ) .toUtf8().constBegin() ), resFile ) ) { dictFiles.push_back( resFile ); vol++; } } } vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > makeDictionaries( vector< string > const & fileNames, string const & indicesDir, Dictionary::Initializing & initializing ) { vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > dictionaries; for ( vector< string >::const_iterator i = fileNames.begin(); i != fileNames.end(); ++i ) { // Skip files with the extensions different to .mdx to speed up the // scanning if ( i->size() < 4 || strcasecmp( i->c_str() + ( i->size() - 4 ), ".mdx" ) != 0 ) continue; vector< string > dictFiles( 1, *i ); findResourceFiles( *i, dictFiles ); string dictId = Dictionary::makeDictionaryId( dictFiles ); string indexFile = indicesDir + dictId; if ( Dictionary::needToRebuildIndex( dictFiles, indexFile ) || indexIsOldOrBad( dictFiles, indexFile ) ) { // Building the index gdDebug( "MDict: Building the index for dictionary: %s\n", i->c_str() ); MdictParser parser; list< sptr< MdictParser > > mddParsers; if ( !parser.open( i->c_str() ) ) continue; string title = string( parser.title().toUtf8().constData() ); initializing.indexingDictionary( title ); for ( vector< string >::const_iterator mddIter = dictFiles.begin() + 1; mddIter != dictFiles.end(); ++mddIter ) { if ( File::exists( *mddIter ) ) { sptr< MdictParser > mddParser = new MdictParser(); if ( !mddParser->open( mddIter->c_str() ) ) { gdWarning( "Broken mdd (resource) file: %s\n", mddIter->c_str() ); continue; } mddParsers.push_back( mddParser ); } } File::Class idx( indexFile, "wb" ); IdxHeader idxHeader; memset( &idxHeader, 0, sizeof( idxHeader ) ); // We write a dummy header first. At the end of the process the header // will be rewritten with the right values. idx.write( idxHeader ); // Write the title first idx.write< uint32_t >( title.size() ); idx.write( title.data(), title.size() ); // then the encoding { string encoding = string( parser.encoding().toUtf8().constData() ); idx.write< uint32_t >( encoding.size() ); idx.write( encoding.data(), encoding.size() ); } // This is our index data that we accumulate during the loading process. // For each new word encountered, we emit the article's body to the file // immediately, inserting the word itself and its offset in this map. // This map maps folded words to the original words and the corresponding // articles' offsets. IndexedWords indexedWords; ChunkedStorage::Writer chunks( idx ); idxHeader.isRightToLeft = parser.isRightToLeft(); // Save dictionary description if there's one { string description = string( parser.description().toUtf8().constData() ); idxHeader.descriptionAddress = chunks.startNewBlock(); chunks.addToBlock( description.c_str(), description.size() + 1 ); idxHeader.descriptionSize = description.size() + 1; } ArticleHandler articleHandler( chunks, indexedWords ); MdictParser::HeadWordIndex headWordIndex; // enumerating word and its definition while ( parser.readNextHeadWordIndex( headWordIndex ) ) { parser.readRecordBlock( headWordIndex, articleHandler ); } // enumerating resources if there's any vector< sptr< IndexedWords > > mddIndices; vector< string > mddFileNames; while ( !mddParsers.empty() ) { sptr< MdictParser > mddParser = mddParsers.front(); sptr< IndexedWords > mddIndexedWords = new IndexedWords(); MdictParser::HeadWordIndex resourcesIndex; ResourceHandler resourceHandler( chunks, *mddIndexedWords ); while ( mddParser->readNextHeadWordIndex( headWordIndex ) ) { resourcesIndex.insert( resourcesIndex.end(), headWordIndex.begin(), headWordIndex.end() ); } mddParser->readRecordBlock( resourcesIndex, resourceHandler ); mddIndices.push_back( mddIndexedWords ); // Save filename for .mdd files only QFileInfo fi( mddParser->filename() ); mddFileNames.push_back( string( fi.fileName().toUtf8().constData() ) ); mddParsers.pop_front(); } // Finish with the chunks idxHeader.chunksOffset = chunks.finish(); GD_DPRINTF( "Writing index...\n" ); // Good. Now build the index IndexInfo idxInfo = BtreeIndexing::buildIndex( indexedWords, idx ); idxHeader.indexBtreeMaxElements = idxInfo.btreeMaxElements; idxHeader.indexRootOffset = idxInfo.rootOffset; // Save dictionary stylesheets { MdictParser::StyleSheets const & styleSheets = parser.styleSheets(); idxHeader.styleSheetAddress = idx.tell(); idxHeader.styleSheetCount = styleSheets.size(); for ( MdictParser::StyleSheets::const_iterator iter = styleSheets.begin(); iter != styleSheets.end(); ++iter ) { string styleBegin( iter->second.first.toUtf8().constData() ); string styleEnd( iter->second.second.toUtf8().constData() ); // key idx.write( iter->first ); // styleBegin idx.write( ( quint32 )styleBegin.size() + 1 ); idx.write( styleBegin.c_str(), styleBegin.size() + 1 ); // styleEnd idx.write( ( quint32 )styleEnd.size() + 1 ); idx.write( styleEnd.c_str(), styleEnd.size() + 1 ); } } // read languages QPair langs = LangCoder::findIdsForFilename( QString::fromStdString( *i ) ); // if no languages found, try dictionary's name if ( langs.first == 0 || langs.second == 0 ) { langs = LangCoder::findIdsForFilename( parser.title() ); } idxHeader.langFrom = langs.first; idxHeader.langTo = langs.second; // Build index info for each mdd file vector< IndexInfo > mddIndexInfos; for ( vector< sptr< IndexedWords > >::const_iterator mddIndexIter = mddIndices.begin(); mddIndexIter != mddIndices.end(); ++mddIndexIter ) { IndexInfo resourceIdxInfo = BtreeIndexing::buildIndex( *( *mddIndexIter ), idx ); mddIndexInfos.push_back( resourceIdxInfo ); } // Save address of IndexInfos for resource files idxHeader.mddIndexInfosOffset = idx.tell(); idxHeader.mddIndexInfosCount = mddIndexInfos.size(); for ( uint32_t mi = 0; mi < mddIndexInfos.size(); mi++ ) { const string & mddfile = mddFileNames[ mi ]; idx.write( ( quint32 )mddfile.size() + 1 ); idx.write( mddfile.c_str(), mddfile.size() + 1 ); idx.write( mddIndexInfos[ mi ].btreeMaxElements ); idx.write( mddIndexInfos[ mi ].rootOffset ); } // That concludes it. Update the header. idxHeader.signature = kSignature; idxHeader.formatVersion = kCurrentFormatVersion; idxHeader.parserVersion = MdictParser::kParserVersion; idxHeader.foldingVersion = Folding::Version; idxHeader.articleCount = parser.wordCount(); idxHeader.wordCount = parser.wordCount(); idx.rewind(); idx.write( &idxHeader, sizeof( idxHeader ) ); } dictionaries.push_back( new MdxDictionary( dictId, indexFile, dictFiles ) ); } return dictionaries; } }