/* This file is (c) 2008-2012 Konstantin Isakov <ikm@goldendict.org> * Part of GoldenDict. Licensed under GPLv3 or later, see the LICENSE file */ #include "scanpopup.hh" #include "folding.hh" #include <QCursor> #include <QPixmap> #include <QBitmap> #include <QMenu> #include <QMouseEvent> #if (QT_VERSION < QT_VERSION_CHECK(6,0,0)) #include <QDesktopWidget> #endif #include "gddebug.hh" #include "gestures.hh" #ifdef Q_OS_MAC #include "macmouseover.hh" #define MouseOver MacMouseOver #endif using std::wstring; /// We use different window flags under Windows and X11 due to slight differences /// in their behavior on those platforms. static const Qt::WindowFlags defaultUnpinnedWindowFlags = #if defined (Q_OS_WIN) Qt::Tool | Qt::FramelessWindowHint | Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint #else Qt::Popup #endif ; static const Qt::WindowFlags pinnedWindowFlags = #ifdef HAVE_X11 /// With the Qt::Dialog flag, scan popup is always on top of the main window /// on Linux/X11 with Qt 4, Qt 5 since version 5.12.1 (QTBUG-74309). /// Qt::Window allows to use the scan popup and the main window independently. Qt::Window #else Qt::Dialog #endif ; #ifdef HAVE_X11 static bool ownsClipboardMode( QClipboard::Mode mode ) { const QClipboard & clipboard = *QApplication::clipboard(); switch( mode ) { case QClipboard::Clipboard: return clipboard.ownsClipboard(); case QClipboard::Selection: return clipboard.ownsSelection(); case QClipboard::FindBuffer: return clipboard.ownsFindBuffer(); } gdWarning( "Unknown clipboard mode: %d\n", static_cast< int >( mode ) ); return false; } #endif ScanPopup::ScanPopup( QWidget * parent, Config::Class & cfg_, ArticleNetworkAccessManager & articleNetMgr, AudioPlayerPtr const & audioPlayer_, std::vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > const & allDictionaries_, Instances::Groups const & groups_, History & history_ ): QMainWindow( parent ), cfg( cfg_ ), isScanningEnabled( false ), allDictionaries( allDictionaries_ ), groups( groups_ ), history( history_ ), escapeAction( this ), switchExpandModeAction( this ), focusTranslateLineAction( this ), openSearchAction( this ), wordFinder( this ), dictionaryBar( this, configEvents, cfg.editDictionaryCommandLine, cfg.preferences.maxDictionaryRefsInContextMenu ), mouseEnteredOnce( false ), mouseIntercepted( false ), hideTimer( this ), starIcon( ":/icons/star.svg" ), blueStarIcon( ":/icons/star_blue.svg" ) { ui.setupUi( this ); openSearchAction.setShortcut( QKeySequence( "Ctrl+F" ) ); if( layoutDirection() == Qt::RightToLeft ) { // Adjust button icons for Right-To-Left layout ui.goBackButton->setIcon( QIcon( ":/icons/next.svg" ) ); ui.goForwardButton->setIcon( QIcon( ":/icons/previous.svg" ) ); } mainStatusBar = new MainStatusBar( this ); ui.queryError->hide(); definition = new ArticleView( ui.outerFrame, articleNetMgr, audioPlayer_, allDictionaries, groups, true, cfg, openSearchAction, dictionaryBar.toggleViewAction() ); connect( this, SIGNAL(switchExpandMode() ), definition, SLOT( switchExpandOptionalParts() ) ); connect( this, SIGNAL(setViewExpandMode( bool ) ), definition, SLOT( receiveExpandOptionalParts( bool ) ) ); connect( definition, SIGNAL( setExpandMode( bool ) ), this, SIGNAL( setExpandMode( bool ) ) ); connect( definition, SIGNAL( forceAddWordToHistory( QString ) ), this, SIGNAL( forceAddWordToHistory( QString ) ) ); connect( this, SIGNAL( closeMenu() ), definition, SIGNAL( closePopupMenu() ) ); connect( definition, SIGNAL( sendWordToHistory( QString ) ), this, SIGNAL( sendWordToHistory( QString ) ) ); connect( definition, SIGNAL( typingEvent( QString const & ) ), this, SLOT( typingEvent( QString const & ) ) ); wordListDefaultFont = ui.translateBox->wordList()->font(); translateLineDefaultFont = ui.translateBox->font(); groupListDefaultFont = ui.groupList->font(); ui.mainLayout->addWidget( definition ); ui.translateBox->wordList()->attachFinder( &wordFinder ); ui.translateBox->wordList()->setFocusPolicy(Qt::ClickFocus); ui.translateBox->translateLine()->installEventFilter( this ); connect( ui.translateBox->translateLine(), SIGNAL( textChanged( QString const & ) ), this, SLOT( translateInputChanged( QString const & ) ) ); connect( ui.translateBox->translateLine(), SIGNAL( returnPressed() ), this, SLOT( translateInputFinished() ) ); connect( ui.translateBox->wordList(), SIGNAL( itemClicked( QListWidgetItem * ) ), this, SLOT( wordListItemActivated( QListWidgetItem * ) ) ); connect( ui.translateBox->wordList(), SIGNAL( itemDoubleClicked ( QListWidgetItem * ) ), this, SLOT( wordListItemActivated( QListWidgetItem * ) ) ); connect( ui.translateBox->wordList(), SIGNAL( statusBarMessage( QString const &, int, QPixmap const & ) ), this, SLOT( showStatusBarMessage( QString const &, int, QPixmap const & ) ) ); ui.pronounceButton->hide(); ui.groupList->fill( groups ); ui.groupList->setCurrentGroup( cfg.lastPopupGroupId ); dictionaryBar.setFloatable( false ); Instances::Group const * igrp = groups.findGroup( cfg.lastPopupGroupId ); if( cfg.lastPopupGroupId == Instances::Group::AllGroupId ) { if( igrp ) igrp->checkMutedDictionaries( &cfg.popupMutedDictionaries ); dictionaryBar.setMutedDictionaries( &cfg.popupMutedDictionaries ); } else { Config::Group * grp = cfg.getGroup( cfg.lastPopupGroupId ); if( igrp && grp ) igrp->checkMutedDictionaries( &grp->popupMutedDictionaries ); dictionaryBar.setMutedDictionaries( grp ? &grp->popupMutedDictionaries : 0 ); } addToolBar( Qt::RightToolBarArea, &dictionaryBar ); connect( &dictionaryBar, SIGNAL(editGroupRequested()), this, SLOT(editGroupRequested()) ); connect( this, SIGNAL( closeMenu() ), &dictionaryBar, SIGNAL( closePopupMenu() ) ); connect( &dictionaryBar, SIGNAL( showDictionaryInfo( QString const & ) ), this, SIGNAL( showDictionaryInfo( QString const & ) ) ); connect( &dictionaryBar, SIGNAL( openDictionaryFolder( QString const & ) ), this, SIGNAL( openDictionaryFolder( QString const & ) ) ); if ( cfg.popupWindowGeometry.size() ) restoreGeometry( cfg.popupWindowGeometry ); if ( cfg.popupWindowState.size() ) restoreState( cfg.popupWindowState, 1 ); ui.onTopButton->setChecked( cfg.popupWindowAlwaysOnTop ); ui.onTopButton->setVisible( cfg.pinPopupWindow ); connect( ui.onTopButton, SIGNAL( clicked( bool ) ), this, SLOT( alwaysOnTopClicked( bool ) ) ); ui.pinButton->setChecked( cfg.pinPopupWindow ); if ( cfg.pinPopupWindow ) { dictionaryBar.setMovable( true ); Qt::WindowFlags flags = pinnedWindowFlags; if( cfg.popupWindowAlwaysOnTop ) flags |= Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint; setWindowFlags( flags ); } else { dictionaryBar.setMovable( false ); setWindowFlags( unpinnedWindowFlags() ); } connect( &configEvents, SIGNAL( mutedDictionariesChanged() ), this, SLOT( mutedDictionariesChanged() ) ); definition->focus(); #if 0 // Experimental code to give window a non-rectangular shape (i.e. // balloon) using a colorkey mask. QPixmap pixMask( size() ); render( &pixMask ); setMask( pixMask.createMaskFromColor( QColor( 255, 0, 0 ) ) ); // This helps against flickering setAttribute( Qt::WA_NoSystemBackground ); #endif escapeAction.setShortcut( QKeySequence( "Esc" ) ); addAction( &escapeAction ); connect( &escapeAction, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( escapePressed() ) ); focusTranslateLineAction.setShortcutContext( Qt::WidgetWithChildrenShortcut ); addAction( &focusTranslateLineAction ); focusTranslateLineAction.setShortcuts( QList< QKeySequence >() << QKeySequence( "Alt+D" ) << QKeySequence( "Ctrl+L" ) ); connect( &focusTranslateLineAction, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( focusTranslateLine() ) ); QAction * const focusArticleViewAction = new QAction( this ); focusArticleViewAction->setShortcutContext( Qt::WidgetWithChildrenShortcut ); focusArticleViewAction->setShortcut( QKeySequence( "Ctrl+N" ) ); addAction( focusArticleViewAction ); connect( focusArticleViewAction, SIGNAL( triggered() ), definition, SLOT( focus() ) ); switchExpandModeAction.setShortcuts( QList< QKeySequence >() << QKeySequence( Qt::CTRL | Qt::Key_8 ) << QKeySequence( Qt::CTRL | Qt::Key_Asterisk ) << QKeySequence( Qt::CTRL | Qt::SHIFT | Qt::Key_8 ) ); addAction( &switchExpandModeAction ); connect( &switchExpandModeAction, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT(switchExpandOptionalPartsMode() ) ); connect( ui.groupList, &QComboBox::currentIndexChanged, this, &ScanPopup::currentGroupChanged); connect( &wordFinder, SIGNAL( finished() ), this, SLOT( prefixMatchFinished() ) ); connect( ui.pinButton, SIGNAL( clicked( bool ) ), this, SLOT( pinButtonClicked( bool ) ) ); connect( definition, SIGNAL( pageLoaded( ArticleView * ) ), this, SLOT( pageLoaded( ArticleView * ) ) ); connect( definition, SIGNAL( statusBarMessage( QString const &, int, QPixmap const & ) ), this, SLOT( showStatusBarMessage( QString const &, int, QPixmap const & ) ) ); connect( definition, SIGNAL( titleChanged( ArticleView *, QString const & ) ), this, SLOT( titleChanged( ArticleView *, QString const & ) ) ); #ifdef HAVE_X11 connect( QApplication::clipboard(), SIGNAL( changed( QClipboard::Mode ) ), this, SLOT( clipboardChanged( QClipboard::Mode ) ) ); #else if( cfg.preferences.trackClipboardChanges ) connect( QApplication::clipboard(), SIGNAL( changed( QClipboard::Mode ) ), this, SLOT( clipboardChanged( QClipboard::Mode ) ) ); #endif #ifdef Q_OS_MAC connect( &MouseOver::instance(), SIGNAL( hovered( QString const &, bool ) ), this, SLOT( mouseHovered( QString const &, bool ) ) ); #endif hideTimer.setSingleShot( true ); hideTimer.setInterval( 400 ); connect( &hideTimer, SIGNAL( timeout() ), this, SLOT( hideTimerExpired() ) ); altModeExpirationTimer.setSingleShot( true ); altModeExpirationTimer.setInterval( cfg.preferences.scanPopupAltModeSecs * 1000 ); connect( &altModeExpirationTimer, SIGNAL( timeout() ), this, SLOT( altModeExpired() ) ); // This one polls constantly for modifiers while alt mode lasts altModePollingTimer.setSingleShot( false ); altModePollingTimer.setInterval( 50 ); connect( &altModePollingTimer, SIGNAL( timeout() ), this, SLOT( altModePoll() ) ); mouseGrabPollTimer.setSingleShot( false ); mouseGrabPollTimer.setInterval( 10 ); connect( &mouseGrabPollTimer, SIGNAL( timeout() ), this, SLOT(mouseGrabPoll()) ); #ifdef Q_OS_MAC MouseOver::instance().setPreferencesPtr( &( cfg.preferences ) ); #endif ui.goBackButton->setEnabled( false ); ui.goForwardButton->setEnabled( false ); grabGesture( Gestures::GDPinchGestureType ); grabGesture( Gestures::GDSwipeGestureType ); #ifdef HAVE_X11 scanFlag = new ScanFlag( this ); connect( this, SIGNAL( showScanFlag( bool ) ), scanFlag, SLOT( showScanFlag() ) ); connect( this, SIGNAL( hideScanFlag() ), scanFlag, SLOT( hideWindow() ) ); connect( scanFlag, SIGNAL( showScanPopup() ), this, SLOT( showEngagePopup() ) ); delayTimer.setSingleShot( true ); delayTimer.setInterval( 200 ); connect( &delayTimer, SIGNAL( timeout() ), this, SLOT( delayShow() ) ); #endif applyZoomFactor(); applyWordsZoomLevel(); } ScanPopup::~ScanPopup() { saveConfigData(); disableScanning(); ungrabGesture( Gestures::GDPinchGestureType ); ungrabGesture( Gestures::GDSwipeGestureType ); } void ScanPopup::saveConfigData() { // Save state, geometry and pin status cfg.popupWindowState = saveState( 1 ); cfg.popupWindowGeometry = saveGeometry(); cfg.pinPopupWindow = ui.pinButton->isChecked(); cfg.popupWindowAlwaysOnTop = ui.onTopButton->isChecked(); } void ScanPopup::enableScanning() { if ( !isScanningEnabled ) { isScanningEnabled = true; } } void ScanPopup::disableScanning() { if ( isScanningEnabled ) { isScanningEnabled = false; } } void ScanPopup::applyZoomFactor() { definition->setZoomFactor( cfg.preferences.zoomFactor ); } void ScanPopup::applyWordsZoomLevel() { QFont font( wordListDefaultFont ); int ps = font.pointSize(); if ( cfg.preferences.wordsZoomLevel != 0 ) { ps += cfg.preferences.wordsZoomLevel; if ( ps < 1 ) ps = 1; font.setPointSize( ps ); } if ( ui.translateBox->wordList()->font().pointSize() != ps ) ui.translateBox->wordList()->setFont( font ); font = translateLineDefaultFont; ps = font.pointSize(); if ( cfg.preferences.wordsZoomLevel != 0 ) { ps += cfg.preferences.wordsZoomLevel; if ( ps < 1 ) ps = 1; font.setPointSize( ps ); } if ( ui.translateBox->translateLine()->font().pointSize() != ps ) ui.translateBox->translateLine()->setFont( font ); font = groupListDefaultFont; ps = font.pointSize(); if ( cfg.preferences.wordsZoomLevel != 0 ) { ps += cfg.preferences.wordsZoomLevel; if ( ps < 1 ) ps = 1; font.setPointSize( ps ); } if ( ui.groupList->font().pointSize() != ps ) { disconnect( ui.groupList, &GroupComboBox::currentIndexChanged, this, &ScanPopup::currentGroupChanged ); int n = ui.groupList->currentIndex(); ui.groupList->clear(); ui.groupList->setFont( font ); ui.groupList->fill( groups ); ui.groupList->setCurrentIndex( n ); connect( ui.groupList, &GroupComboBox::currentIndexChanged, this, &ScanPopup::currentGroupChanged ); } ui.outerFrame->layout()->activate(); } Qt::WindowFlags ScanPopup::unpinnedWindowFlags() const { #ifdef ENABLE_SPWF_CUSTOMIZATION const Config::ScanPopupWindowFlags spwf = cfg.preferences.scanPopupUnpinnedWindowFlags; Qt::WindowFlags result; if( spwf == Config::SPWF_Popup ) result = Qt::Popup; else if( spwf == Config::SPWF_Tool ) result = Qt::Tool | Qt::FramelessWindowHint | Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint; else return defaultUnpinnedWindowFlags; // Ignore BypassWMHint option. if( cfg.preferences.scanPopupUnpinnedBypassWMHint ) result |= Qt::X11BypassWindowManagerHint; return result; #else return defaultUnpinnedWindowFlags; #endif } void ScanPopup::translateWordFromClipboard() { return translateWordFromClipboard(QClipboard::Clipboard); } void ScanPopup::translateWordFromSelection() { return translateWordFromClipboard(QClipboard::Selection); } void ScanPopup::editGroupRequested() { emit editGroupRequested( ui.groupList->getCurrentGroup() ); } void ScanPopup::translateWordFromClipboard(QClipboard::Mode m) { GD_DPRINTF( "translating from clipboard or selection\n" ); QString subtype = "plain"; QString str = QApplication::clipboard()->text( subtype, m); translateWord( str ); } void ScanPopup::translateWord( QString const & word ) { pendingInputPhrase = cfg.preferences.sanitizeInputPhrase( word ); if ( !pendingInputPhrase.isValid() ) return; // Nothing there // In case we had any timers engaged before, cancel them now. altModePollingTimer.stop(); altModeExpirationTimer.stop(); #ifdef HAVE_X11 emit hideScanFlag(); #endif inputPhrase = pendingInputPhrase; engagePopup( false, #ifdef Q_OS_WIN true // We only focus popup under Windows when activated via Ctrl+C+C // -- on Linux it already has an implicit focus #else false #endif ); } #ifdef HAVE_X11 void ScanPopup::delayShow() { QString subtype = "plain"; handleInputWord( QApplication::clipboard()->text( subtype, QClipboard::Selection ) ); } #endif void ScanPopup::clipboardChanged( QClipboard::Mode m ) { if ( !isScanningEnabled ) return; #ifdef HAVE_X11 if( cfg.preferences.ignoreOwnClipboardChanges && ownsClipboardMode( m ) ) return; #endif GD_DPRINTF( "clipboard changed\n" ); #ifdef HAVE_X11 if( m == QClipboard::Selection ) { // Use delay show to prevent multiple popups while selection in progress delayTimer.start(); return; } #endif QString subtype = "plain"; handleInputWord( QApplication::clipboard()->text( subtype, m ) ); } void ScanPopup::mouseHovered( QString const & str, bool forcePopup ) { handleInputWord( str, forcePopup ); } void ScanPopup::handleInputWord( QString const & str, bool forcePopup ) { Config::InputPhrase sanitizedPhrase = cfg.preferences.sanitizeInputPhrase( str ); if ( isVisible() && sanitizedPhrase == inputPhrase ) { // Attempt to translate the same word we already have shown in scan popup. // Ignore it, as it is probably a spurious mouseover event. return; } pendingInputPhrase = sanitizedPhrase; if ( !pendingInputPhrase.isValid() ) { if ( cfg.preferences.scanPopupAltMode ) { // In case we had any timers engaged before, cancel them now, since // we're not going to translate anything anymore. altModePollingTimer.stop(); altModeExpirationTimer.stop(); } return; } #ifdef HAVE_X11 if ( cfg.preferences.showScanFlag ) { inputPhrase = pendingInputPhrase; emit showScanFlag( forcePopup ); return; } #endif // Check key modifiers if ( cfg.preferences.enableScanPopupModifiers && !checkModifiersPressed( cfg.preferences.scanPopupModifiers ) ) { if ( cfg.preferences.scanPopupAltMode ) { altModePollingTimer.start(); altModeExpirationTimer.start(); } return; } inputPhrase = pendingInputPhrase; engagePopup( forcePopup ); } #ifdef HAVE_X11 void ScanPopup::showEngagePopup() { engagePopup(false); } #endif void ScanPopup::engagePopup( bool forcePopup, bool giveFocus ) { if( cfg.preferences.scanToMainWindow && !forcePopup ) { // Send translated word to main window istead of show popup emit sendPhraseToMainWindow( inputPhrase ); return; } definition->setSelectionBySingleClick( cfg.preferences.selectWordBySingleClick ); if ( !isVisible() ) { // Need to show the window if ( !ui.pinButton->isChecked() ) { // Decide where should the window land QPoint currentPos = QCursor::pos(); QRect desktop = QGuiApplication::primaryScreen()->geometry(); QSize windowSize = geometry().size(); int x, y; /// Try the to-the-right placement if ( currentPos.x() + 4 + windowSize.width() <= desktop.topRight().x() ) x = currentPos.x() + 4; else /// Try the to-the-left placement if ( currentPos.x() - 4 - windowSize.width() >= desktop.x() ) x = currentPos.x() - 4 - windowSize.width(); else // Center it x = desktop.x() + ( desktop.width() - windowSize.width() ) / 2; /// Try the to-the-bottom placement if ( currentPos.y() + 15 + windowSize.height() <= desktop.bottomLeft().y() ) y = currentPos.y() + 15; else /// Try the to-the-top placement if ( currentPos.y() - 15 - windowSize.height() >= desktop.y() ) y = currentPos.y() - 15 - windowSize.height(); else // Center it y = desktop.y() + ( desktop.height() - windowSize.height() ) / 2; move( x, y ); } show(); #ifdef ENABLE_SPWF_CUSTOMIZATION // Ensure that the window always has focus on X11 with Qt::Tool flag. // This also often prevents the window from disappearing prematurely with Qt::Popup flag, // especially when combined with Qt::X11BypassWindowManagerHint flag. if ( !ui.pinButton->isChecked() ) giveFocus = true; #endif if ( giveFocus ) { activateWindow(); raise(); } if ( !ui.pinButton->isChecked() ) { mouseEnteredOnce = false; // Need to monitor the mouse so we know when to hide the window interceptMouse(); } // This produced some funky mouse grip-related bugs so we commented it out //QApplication::processEvents(); // Make window appear immediately no matter what } else if ( ui.pinButton->isChecked() ) { // Pinned-down window isn't always on top, so we need to raise it show(); activateWindow(); raise(); } #ifdef ENABLE_SPWF_CUSTOMIZATION else if ( ( windowFlags() & Qt::Tool ) == Qt::Tool ) { // Ensure that the window with Qt::Tool flag always has focus on X11. activateWindow(); raise(); } #endif if ( ui.pinButton->isChecked() ) setWindowTitle( tr( "%1 - %2" ).arg( elideInputWord(), "GoldenDict" ) ); /// Too large strings make window expand which is probably not what user /// wants ui.translateBox->setText( Folding::escapeWildcardSymbols( inputPhrase.phrase ), false ); translateBoxSuffix = inputPhrase.punctuationSuffix; showTranslationFor( inputPhrase ); } QString ScanPopup::elideInputWord() { QString const & inputWord = inputPhrase.phrase; return inputWord.size() > 32 ? inputWord.mid( 0, 32 ) + "..." : inputWord; } void ScanPopup::currentGroupChanged( int ) { cfg.lastPopupGroupId = ui.groupList->getCurrentGroup(); Instances::Group const * igrp = groups.findGroup( cfg.lastPopupGroupId ); if( cfg.lastPopupGroupId == Instances::Group::AllGroupId ) { if( igrp ) igrp->checkMutedDictionaries( &cfg.popupMutedDictionaries ); dictionaryBar.setMutedDictionaries( &cfg.popupMutedDictionaries ); } else { Config::Group * grp = cfg.getGroup( cfg.lastPopupGroupId ); if( grp ) { if( igrp ) igrp->checkMutedDictionaries( &grp->popupMutedDictionaries ); dictionaryBar.setMutedDictionaries( &grp->popupMutedDictionaries ); } else dictionaryBar.setMutedDictionaries( 0 ); } updateDictionaryBar(); if ( isVisible() ) { updateSuggestionList(); translateInputFinished(); } cfg.lastPopupGroupId = ui.groupList->getCurrentGroup(); } void ScanPopup::wordListItemActivated( QListWidgetItem * item ) { showTranslationFor( Config::InputPhrase::fromPhrase( item->text() ) ); } void ScanPopup::translateInputChanged( QString const & text ) { updateSuggestionList( text ); translateBoxSuffix = QString(); } void ScanPopup::updateSuggestionList() { updateSuggestionList( ui.translateBox->translateLine()->text() ); } void ScanPopup::updateSuggestionList( QString const & text ) { mainStatusBar->clearMessage(); ui.translateBox->wordList()->setCurrentItem( 0, QItemSelectionModel::Clear ); QString req = text.trimmed(); if ( !req.size() ) { // An empty request always results in an empty result wordFinder.cancel(); ui.translateBox->wordList()->clear(); ui.translateBox->wordList()->unsetCursor(); // Reset the noResults mark if it's on right now if ( ui.translateBox->translateLine()->property( "noResults" ).toBool() ) { ui.translateBox->translateLine()->setProperty( "noResults", false ); setStyleSheet( styleSheet() ); } return; } ui.translateBox->wordList()->setCursor( Qt::WaitCursor ); wordFinder.prefixMatch( req, getActiveDicts() ); } void ScanPopup::translateInputFinished() { inputPhrase.phrase = Folding::unescapeWildcardSymbols( ui.translateBox->translateLine()->text().trimmed() ); inputPhrase.punctuationSuffix = translateBoxSuffix; showTranslationFor( inputPhrase ); } void ScanPopup::showTranslationFor( Config::InputPhrase const & inputPhrase ) { ui.pronounceButton->hide(); unsigned groupId = ui.groupList->getCurrentGroup(); definition->showDefinition( inputPhrase, groupId ); definition->focus(); } vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > const & ScanPopup::getActiveDicts() { int current = ui.groupList->currentIndex(); if ( current < 0 || current >= (int) groups.size() ) { // This shouldn't ever happen return allDictionaries; } Config::MutedDictionaries const * mutedDictionaries = dictionaryBar.getMutedDictionaries(); if ( !dictionaryBar.toggleViewAction()->isChecked() || mutedDictionaries == 0 ) return groups[ current ].dictionaries; else { vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > const & activeDicts = groups[ current ].dictionaries; // Populate the special dictionariesUnmuted array with only unmuted // dictionaries dictionariesUnmuted.clear(); dictionariesUnmuted.reserve( activeDicts.size() ); for( unsigned x = 0; x < activeDicts.size(); ++x ) if ( !mutedDictionaries->contains( QString::fromStdString( activeDicts[ x ]->getId() ) ) ) dictionariesUnmuted.push_back( activeDicts[ x ] ); return dictionariesUnmuted; } } void ScanPopup::typingEvent( QString const & t ) { if ( t == "\n" || t == "\r" ) { focusTranslateLine(); } else { ui.translateBox->translateLine()->clear(); ui.translateBox->translateLine()->setFocus(); // ui.translateBox->setText( t, true ); // ui.translateBox->translateLine()->setCursorPosition( t.size() ); } } bool ScanPopup::eventFilter( QObject * watched, QEvent * event ) { if ( watched == ui.translateBox->translateLine() ) { if ( event->type() == QEvent::FocusIn ) { QFocusEvent * focusEvent = static_cast< QFocusEvent * >( event ); // select all on mouse click if ( focusEvent->reason() == Qt::MouseFocusReason ) { QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(focusTranslateLine())); } return false; } if ( event->type() == QEvent::Resize ) { // The UI looks ugly when group combobox is higher than translate line. // Make the height of the combobox the same as the line edit's height. // The fonts of these UI items should be kept in sync by applyWordsZoomLevel() // so that text in the combobox is not clipped. const QResizeEvent * const resizeEvent = static_cast< const QResizeEvent * >( event ); ui.groupList->setFixedHeight( resizeEvent->size().height() ); return false; } } if ( mouseIntercepted ) { // We're only interested in our events if ( event->type() == QEvent::MouseMove ) { // GD_DPRINTF( "Object: %s\n", watched->objectName().toUtf8().data() ); QMouseEvent * mouseEvent = ( QMouseEvent * ) event; reactOnMouseMove( mouseEvent->globalPos() ); } } return QMainWindow::eventFilter( watched, event ); } void ScanPopup::reactOnMouseMove( QPoint const & p ) { if ( geometry().contains( p ) ) { // GD_DPRINTF( "got inside\n" ); hideTimer.stop(); mouseEnteredOnce = true; uninterceptMouse(); } else { // GD_DPRINTF( "outside\n" ); // We're in grab mode and outside the window - calculate the // distance from it. We might want to hide it. // When the mouse has entered once, we don't allow it stayng outside, // but we give a grace period for it to return. int proximity = mouseEnteredOnce ? 0 : 60; // Note: watched == this ensures no other child objects popping out are // receiving this event, meaning there's basically nothing under the // cursor. if ( /*watched == this &&*/ !frameGeometry().adjusted( -proximity, -proximity, proximity, proximity ). contains( p ) ) { // We've way too far from the window -- hide the popup // If the mouse never entered the popup, hide the window instantly -- // the user just moved the cursor further away from the window. if ( !mouseEnteredOnce ) hideWindow(); else hideTimer.start(); } } } void ScanPopup::mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent * ev ) { // With mouse grabs, the press can occur anywhere on the screen, which // might mean hiding the window. if ( !frameGeometry().contains( ev->globalPos() ) ) { hideWindow(); return; } if ( ev->button() == Qt::LeftButton ) { startPos = ev->globalPos(); setCursor( Qt::ClosedHandCursor ); } QMainWindow::mousePressEvent( ev ); } void ScanPopup::mouseMoveEvent( QMouseEvent * event ) { if ( event->buttons() && cursor().shape() == Qt::ClosedHandCursor ) { QPoint newPos = event->globalPos(); QPoint delta = newPos - startPos; startPos = newPos; // Move the window move( pos() + delta ); } QMainWindow::mouseMoveEvent( event ); } void ScanPopup::mouseReleaseEvent( QMouseEvent * ev ) { unsetCursor(); QMainWindow::mouseReleaseEvent( ev ); } void ScanPopup::leaveEvent( QEvent * event ) { QMainWindow::leaveEvent( event ); // We hide the popup when the mouse leaves it. // Combo-boxes seem to generate leave events for their parents when // unfolded, so we check coordinates as well. // If the dialog is pinned, we don't hide the popup. // If some mouse buttons are pressed, we don't hide the popup either, // since it indicates the move operation is underway. if ( !ui.pinButton->isChecked() && !geometry().contains( QCursor::pos() ) && QApplication::mouseButtons() == Qt::NoButton ) { hideTimer.start(); } } #if (QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(6,0,0)) void ScanPopup::enterEvent( QEnterEvent * event ) #else void ScanPopup::enterEvent( QEvent * event ) #endif { QMainWindow::enterEvent( event ); if ( mouseEnteredOnce ) { // We "enter" first time via our event filter. This seems to evade some // unexpected behavior under Windows. // If there was a countdown to hide the window, stop it. hideTimer.stop(); } } void ScanPopup::requestWindowFocus() { // One of the rare, actually working workarounds for requesting a user keyboard focus on X11, // works for Qt::Popup windows, exactly like our Scan Popup (in unpinned state). // Modern window managers actively resist to automatically focus pop-up windows. } void ScanPopup::showEvent( QShowEvent * ev ) { QMainWindow::showEvent( ev ); QTimer::singleShot(100, this, SLOT( requestWindowFocus() ) ); if ( groups.size() <= 1 ) // Only the default group? Hide then. ui.groupList->hide(); if ( ui.showDictionaryBar->isChecked() != dictionaryBar.isVisible() ) { ui.showDictionaryBar->setChecked( dictionaryBar.isVisible() ); updateDictionaryBar(); } } void ScanPopup::prefixMatchFinished() { // Check that there's a window there at all if ( isVisible() ) { if ( wordFinder.getErrorString().size() ) { ui.queryError->setToolTip( wordFinder.getErrorString() ); ui.queryError->show(); } else ui.queryError->hide(); } } void ScanPopup::on_pronounceButton_clicked() { definition->playSound(); } void ScanPopup::pinButtonClicked( bool checked ) { if ( checked ) { uninterceptMouse(); ui.onTopButton->setVisible( true ); Qt::WindowFlags flags = pinnedWindowFlags; if( ui.onTopButton->isChecked() ) flags |= Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint; setWindowFlags( flags ); setWindowTitle( tr( "%1 - %2" ).arg( elideInputWord(), "GoldenDict" ) ); dictionaryBar.setMovable( true ); hideTimer.stop(); } else { ui.onTopButton->setVisible( false ); dictionaryBar.setMovable( false ); setWindowFlags( unpinnedWindowFlags() ); mouseEnteredOnce = true; } show(); } void ScanPopup::focusTranslateLine() { if ( !isActiveWindow() ) activateWindow(); ui.translateBox->translateLine()->setFocus(); ui.translateBox->translateLine()->selectAll(); } void ScanPopup::on_showDictionaryBar_clicked( bool checked ) { dictionaryBar.setVisible( checked ); updateDictionaryBar(); definition->updateMutedContents(); } void ScanPopup::hideTimerExpired() { if ( isVisible() ) hideWindow(); } void ScanPopup::altModeExpired() { // The alt mode duration has expired, so there's no need to poll for modifiers // anymore. altModePollingTimer.stop(); } void ScanPopup::altModePoll() { if ( !pendingInputPhrase.isValid() ) { altModePollingTimer.stop(); altModeExpirationTimer.stop(); } else if ( checkModifiersPressed( cfg.preferences.scanPopupModifiers ) ) { altModePollingTimer.stop(); altModeExpirationTimer.stop(); inputPhrase = pendingInputPhrase; engagePopup( false ); } } void ScanPopup::pageLoaded( ArticleView * ) { definition->hasSound([this](bool has){ ui.pronounceButton->setVisible( has ); }); updateBackForwardButtons(); if ( cfg.preferences.pronounceOnLoadPopup ) definition->playSound(); } void ScanPopup::showStatusBarMessage( QString const & message, int timeout, QPixmap const & icon ) { mainStatusBar->showMessage( message, timeout, icon ); } void ScanPopup::escapePressed() { if ( !definition->closeSearch() ) hideWindow(); } void ScanPopup::hideWindow() { uninterceptMouse(); emit closeMenu(); hideTimer.stop(); unsetCursor(); ui.translateBox->setPopupEnabled( false ); ui.translateBox->translateLine()->deselect(); hide(); } void ScanPopup::interceptMouse() { if ( !mouseIntercepted ) { // We used to grab the mouse -- but this doesn't always work reliably // (e.g. doesn't work at all in Windows 7 for some reason). Therefore // we use a polling timer now. // grabMouse(); mouseGrabPollTimer.start(); qApp->installEventFilter( this ); mouseIntercepted = true; } } void ScanPopup::mouseGrabPoll() { if ( mouseIntercepted ) reactOnMouseMove( QCursor::pos() ); } void ScanPopup::uninterceptMouse() { if ( mouseIntercepted ) { qApp->removeEventFilter( this ); mouseGrabPollTimer.stop(); // releaseMouse(); mouseIntercepted = false; } } void ScanPopup::updateDictionaryBar() { if ( !dictionaryBar.toggleViewAction()->isChecked() ) return; // It's not enabled, therefore hidden -- don't waste time unsigned currentId = ui.groupList->getCurrentGroup(); Instances::Group const * grp = groups.findGroup( currentId ); if ( grp ) // Should always be !0, but check as a safeguard dictionaryBar.setDictionaries( grp->dictionaries ); if( currentId == Instances::Group::AllGroupId ) dictionaryBar.setMutedDictionaries( &cfg.popupMutedDictionaries ); else { Config::Group * grp = cfg.getGroup( currentId ); dictionaryBar.setMutedDictionaries( grp ? &grp->popupMutedDictionaries : 0 ); } setDictionaryIconSize(); } void ScanPopup::mutedDictionariesChanged() { updateSuggestionList(); if ( dictionaryBar.toggleViewAction()->isChecked() ) definition->updateMutedContents(); } void ScanPopup::on_sendWordButton_clicked() { if ( !isVisible() ) return; if( !ui.pinButton->isChecked() ) { definition->closeSearch(); hideWindow(); } emit sendPhraseToMainWindow( definition->getPhrase() ); } void ScanPopup::on_sendWordToFavoritesButton_clicked() { if ( !isVisible() ) return; emit sendWordToFavorites( definition->getTitle(), cfg.lastPopupGroupId ); ui.sendWordToFavoritesButton->setIcon( blueStarIcon ); } void ScanPopup::switchExpandOptionalPartsMode() { if( isVisible() ) emit switchExpandMode(); } void ScanPopup::updateBackForwardButtons() { ui.goBackButton->setEnabled(definition->canGoBack()); ui.goForwardButton->setEnabled(definition->canGoForward()); } void ScanPopup::on_goBackButton_clicked() { definition->back(); } void ScanPopup::on_goForwardButton_clicked() { definition->forward(); } void ScanPopup::setDictionaryIconSize() { int extent = cfg.usingSmallIconsInToolbars ? QApplication::style()->pixelMetric( QStyle::PM_SmallIconSize ) : QApplication::style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_ToolBarIconSize); dictionaryBar.setDictionaryIconSize( extent ); } void ScanPopup::setGroupByName( QString const & name ) { int i; for( i = 0; i < ui.groupList->count(); i++ ) { if( ui.groupList->itemText( i ) == name ) { ui.groupList->setCurrentIndex( i ); break; } } if( i >= ui.groupList->count() ) gdWarning( "Group \"%s\" for popup window is not found\n", name.toUtf8().data() ); } void ScanPopup::alwaysOnTopClicked( bool checked ) { bool wasVisible = isVisible(); if( ui.pinButton->isChecked() ) { Qt::WindowFlags flags = this->windowFlags(); if( checked ) setWindowFlags(flags | Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint ); else setWindowFlags(flags ^ Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint ); if( wasVisible ) show(); } } void ScanPopup::titleChanged( ArticleView *, QString const & title ) { unsigned groupId = ui.groupList->getCurrentGroup(); // Set icon for "Add to Favorites" button ui.sendWordToFavoritesButton->setIcon( isWordPresentedInFavorites( title, groupId ) ? blueStarIcon : starIcon ); }