Groups 0 0 791 319 Groups Dictionaries available: Qt::Vertical 20 40 32 32 32 32 Add selected dictionaries to group (Ins) > Ins 32 32 32 32 Remove selected dictionaries from group (Del) < Del Qt::Vertical 20 40 Groups: QTabWidget::North Qt::ElideRight Tab 2 Create new dictionary group &Add group Rename current dictionary group Re&name group Remove current dictionary group &Remove group Remove all dictionary groups Remove all groups Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Create language-based groups Auto groups by Languages Create folder-based groups. Auto groups by Folders Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Drag&drop dictionaries to and from the groups, move them inside the groups, reorder the groups using your mouse. true DictListWidget QListWidget
QuickFilterLine QLineEdit
DictGroupsWidget QTabWidget
dictionaries addDictsToGroup removeDictsFromGroup groups addGroup renameGroup removeGroup removeAllGroups searchLine