#include "headwordsmodel.hh" #include "wstring_qt.hh" HeadwordListModel::HeadwordListModel( QObject * parent ) : QAbstractListModel( parent ), filtering( false ), totalSize(0), index( 0 ),ptr( 0 ) { } int HeadwordListModel::rowCount( const QModelIndex & parent ) const { return parent.isValid() ? 0 : words.size(); } int HeadwordListModel::totalCount() const { return totalSize; } bool HeadwordListModel::isFinish() const { return words.size() >= totalSize; } // export headword QString HeadwordListModel::getRow( int row ) { if( fileSortedList.empty() ) { fileSortedList << words; fileSortedList.sort(); } return fileSortedList.at( row ); } void HeadwordListModel::setFilter( QRegularExpression reg ) { if( reg.pattern().isEmpty() ) { filtering = false; return; } filtering = true; filterWords.clear(); auto sr = _dict->prefixMatch( gd::toWString( reg.pattern() ), 500 ); connect( sr.get(), &Dictionary::Request::finished, this, &HeadwordListModel::requestFinished, Qt::QueuedConnection ); queuedRequests.push_back( sr ); } void HeadwordListModel::requestFinished() { // See how many new requests have finished, and if we have any new results for( std::list< sptr< Dictionary::WordSearchRequest > >::iterator i = queuedRequests.begin(); i != queuedRequests.end(); ) { if( ( *i )->isFinished() ) { if( !( *i )->getErrorString().isEmpty() ) { qDebug() << "error:" << ( *i )->getErrorString(); } if( ( *i )->matchesCount() ) { auto allmatches = ( *i )->getAllMatches(); for( auto & match : allmatches ) filterWords.append( gd::toQString( match.word ) ); } queuedRequests.erase( i++ ); } else ++i; } if( queuedRequests.empty() ) { QStringList filtered; for( auto & w : filterWords ) { if( !words.contains( w ) ) { filtered << w; } } if( filtered.isEmpty() ) return; beginInsertRows( QModelIndex(), words.size(), words.size() + filtered.count() - 1 ); for( const auto & word : filtered ) words.append( word ); endInsertRows(); } } int HeadwordListModel::wordCount() const { return words.size(); } QVariant HeadwordListModel::data( const QModelIndex & index, int role ) const { if( !index.isValid() ) return QVariant(); if( index.row() >= totalSize || index.row() < 0 || index.row() >= words.size() ) return QVariant(); if( role == Qt::DisplayRole ) { return words.at( index.row() ); } return QVariant(); } bool HeadwordListModel::canFetchMore( const QModelIndex & parent ) const { if( parent.isValid() || filtering ) return false; return ( words.size() < totalSize ); } void HeadwordListModel::fetchMore( const QModelIndex & parent ) { if( parent.isValid() || filtering ) return; QSet< QString > headword; Mutex::Lock _( lock ); _dict->findHeadWordsWithLenth( index, &headword, 1000 ); if( headword.isEmpty() ) { return; } QSet< QString > filtered; for( const auto & word : qAsConst( headword ) ) { if( !words.contains( word ) ) filtered.insert( word ); } beginInsertRows( QModelIndex(), words.size(), words.size() + filtered.count() - 1 ); for( const auto & word : filtered ) { words.append( word ); } endInsertRows(); emit numberPopulated( words.size() ); } int HeadwordListModel::getCurrentIndex() { return index; } QSet< QString > HeadwordListModel::getRemainRows( int & nodeIndex ) { QSet< QString > headword; Mutex::Lock _( lock ); _dict->findHeadWordsWithLenth( nodeIndex, &headword, 10000 ); QSet< QString > filtered; for( const auto & word : headword ) { if( !words.contains( word ) ) filtered.insert( word ); } return filtered; } void HeadwordListModel::setDict( Dictionary::Class * dict ) { _dict = dict; totalSize = _dict->getWordCount(); }