/* This file is (c) 2008-2012 Konstantin Isakov * Part of GoldenDict. Licensed under GPLv3 or later, see the LICENSE file */ #include "stardict.hh" #include "btreeidx.hh" #include "folding.hh" #include "utf8.hh" #include "chunkedstorage.hh" #include "dictzip.hh" #include "xdxf2html.hh" #include "htmlescape.hh" #include "langcoder.hh" #include "gddebug.hh" #include "filetype.hh" #include "indexedzip.hh" #include "tiff.hh" #include "ftshelpers.hh" #include "audiolink.hh" #include #include #include #include #ifndef Q_OS_WIN #include #else #include #endif #include #ifdef _MSC_VER #include #endif #include #include #include #include #if (QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(6,0,0)) #include #else #include #endif #include #include #include #include "ufile.hh" #include "utils.hh" #include #include "globalregex.hh" namespace Stardict { using std::map; using std::multimap; using std::pair; using std::set; using std::string; using gd::wstring; using BtreeIndexing::WordArticleLink; using BtreeIndexing::IndexedWords; using BtreeIndexing::IndexInfo; namespace { DEF_EX( exNotAnIfoFile, "Not an .ifo file", Dictionary::Ex ) DEF_EX_STR( exBadFieldInIfo, "Bad field in .ifo file encountered:", Dictionary::Ex ) DEF_EX_STR( exNoIdxFile, "No corresponding .idx file was found for", Dictionary::Ex ) DEF_EX_STR( exNoDictFile, "No corresponding .dict file was found for", Dictionary::Ex ) DEF_EX_STR( exNoSynFile, "No corresponding .syn file was found for", Dictionary::Ex ) DEF_EX( ex64BitsNotSupported, "64-bit indices are not presently supported, sorry", Dictionary::Ex ) DEF_EX( exDicttypeNotSupported, "Dictionaries with dicttypes are not supported, sorry", Dictionary::Ex ) DEF_EX_STR( exCantReadFile, "Can't read file", Dictionary::Ex ) DEF_EX_STR( exWordIsTooLarge, "Enountered a word that is too large:", Dictionary::Ex ) DEF_EX_STR( exSuddenEndOfFile, "Sudden end of file", Dictionary::Ex ) DEF_EX_STR( exDictzipError, "DICTZIP error", Dictionary::Ex ) DEF_EX_STR( exIncorrectOffset, "Incorrect offset encountered in file", Dictionary::Ex ) /// Contents of an ifo file struct Ifo { string version; string bookname; uint32_t wordcount, synwordcount, idxfilesize, idxoffsetbits; string sametypesequence, dicttype, description; string copyright, author, email, website, date; explicit Ifo( File::Class & ); }; enum { Signature = 0x58444953, // SIDX on little-endian, XDIS on big-endian CurrentFormatVersion = 9 + BtreeIndexing::FormatVersion + Folding::Version }; struct IdxHeader { uint32_t signature; // First comes the signature, SIDX uint32_t formatVersion; // File format version (CurrentFormatVersion) uint32_t chunksOffset; // The offset to chunks' storage uint32_t indexBtreeMaxElements; // Two fields from IndexInfo uint32_t indexRootOffset; uint32_t wordCount; // Saved from Ifo::wordcount uint32_t synWordCount; // Saved from Ifo::synwordcount uint32_t bookNameSize; // Book name's length. Used to read it then. uint32_t sameTypeSequenceSize; // That string's size. Used to read it then. uint32_t langFrom; // Source language uint32_t langTo; // Target language uint32_t hasZipFile; // Non-zero means there's a zip file with resources present uint32_t zipIndexBtreeMaxElements; // Two fields from IndexInfo of the zip // resource index. uint32_t zipIndexRootOffset; } #ifndef _MSC_VER __attribute__((packed)) #endif ; bool indexIsOldOrBad( string const & indexFile ) { File::Class idx( indexFile, "rb" ); IdxHeader header; return idx.readRecords( &header, sizeof( header ), 1 ) != 1 || header.signature != Signature || header.formatVersion != CurrentFormatVersion; } class StardictDictionary: public BtreeIndexing::BtreeDictionary { Mutex idxMutex; File::Class idx; IdxHeader idxHeader; string bookName; string sameTypeSequence; ChunkedStorage::Reader chunks; Mutex dzMutex; dictData * dz; Mutex resourceZipMutex; IndexedZip resourceZip; public: StardictDictionary( string const & id, string const & indexFile, vector< string > const & dictionaryFiles ); ~StardictDictionary(); string getName() noexcept override { return bookName; } map< Dictionary::Property, string > getProperties() noexcept override { return map< Dictionary::Property, string >(); } unsigned long getArticleCount() noexcept override { return idxHeader.wordCount; } unsigned long getWordCount() noexcept override { return idxHeader.wordCount + idxHeader.synWordCount; } inline quint32 getLangFrom() const override { return idxHeader.langFrom; } inline quint32 getLangTo() const override { return idxHeader.langTo; } sptr< Dictionary::WordSearchRequest > findHeadwordsForSynonym( wstring const & ) override; sptr< Dictionary::DataRequest > getArticle( wstring const &, vector< wstring > const & alts, wstring const &, bool ignoreDiacritics ) override; sptr< Dictionary::DataRequest > getResource( string const & name ) override; QString const& getDescription() override; QString getMainFilename() override; sptr< Dictionary::DataRequest > getSearchResults( QString const & searchString, int searchMode, bool matchCase, int distanceBetweenWords, int maxResults, bool ignoreWordsOrder, bool ignoreDiacritics ) override; void getArticleText( uint32_t articleAddress, QString & headword, QString & text ) override; void makeFTSIndex(QAtomicInt & isCancelled, bool firstIteration ) override; void setFTSParameters( Config::FullTextSearch const & fts ) override { can_FTS = fts.enabled && !fts.disabledTypes.contains( "STARDICT", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) && ( fts.maxDictionarySize == 0 || getArticleCount() <= fts.maxDictionarySize ); } protected: void loadIcon() noexcept override; private: /// Retrieves the article's offset/size in .dict file, and its headword. void getArticleProps( uint32_t articleAddress, string & headword, uint32_t & offset, uint32_t & size ); /// Loads the article, storing its headword and formatting the data it has /// into an html. void loadArticle( uint32_t address, string & headword, string & articleText ); string loadString( size_t size ); string handleResource( char type, char const * resource, size_t size ); void pangoToHtml( QString & text ); friend class StardictResourceRequest; friend class StardictArticleRequest; friend class StardictHeadwordsRequest; }; StardictDictionary::StardictDictionary( string const & id, string const & indexFile, vector< string > const & dictionaryFiles ): BtreeDictionary( id, dictionaryFiles ), idx( indexFile, "rb" ), idxHeader( idx.read< IdxHeader >() ), bookName( loadString( idxHeader.bookNameSize ) ), sameTypeSequence( loadString( idxHeader.sameTypeSequenceSize ) ), chunks( idx, idxHeader.chunksOffset ) { // Open the .dict file DZ_ERRORS error; dz = dict_data_open( dictionaryFiles[ 2 ].c_str(), &error, 0 ); if ( !dz ) throw exDictzipError( string( dz_error_str( error ) ) + "(" + dictionaryFiles[ 2 ] + ")" ); // Initialize the index openIndex( IndexInfo( idxHeader.indexBtreeMaxElements, idxHeader.indexRootOffset ), idx, idxMutex ); // Open a resource zip file, if there's one if ( idxHeader.hasZipFile && ( idxHeader.zipIndexBtreeMaxElements || idxHeader.zipIndexRootOffset ) ) { resourceZip.openIndex( IndexInfo( idxHeader.zipIndexBtreeMaxElements, idxHeader.zipIndexRootOffset ), idx, idxMutex ); QString zipName = QDir::fromNativeSeparators( getDictionaryFilenames().back().c_str() ); if ( zipName.endsWith( ".zip", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) ) // Sanity check resourceZip.openZipFile( zipName ); } // Full-text search parameters can_FTS = true; ftsIdxName = indexFile + Dictionary::getFtsSuffix(); if( !Dictionary::needToRebuildIndex( dictionaryFiles, ftsIdxName ) && !FtsHelpers::ftsIndexIsOldOrBad( ftsIdxName, this ) ) FTS_index_completed.ref(); } StardictDictionary::~StardictDictionary() { if ( dz ) dict_data_close( dz ); } void StardictDictionary::loadIcon() noexcept { if ( dictionaryIconLoaded ) return; QString fileName = QDir::fromNativeSeparators( getDictionaryFilenames()[ 0 ].c_str() ); // Remove the extension fileName.chop( 3 ); if( !loadIconFromFile( fileName ) ) { // Load failed -- use default icons dictionaryNativeIcon = dictionaryIcon = QIcon(":/icons/icon32_stardict.png"); } dictionaryIconLoaded = true; } string StardictDictionary::loadString( size_t size ) { if( size == 0 ) return string(); vector< char > data( size ); idx.read( &data.front(), data.size() ); return string( &data.front(), data.size() ); } void StardictDictionary::getArticleProps( uint32_t articleAddress, string & headword, uint32_t & offset, uint32_t & size ) { vector< char > chunk; Mutex::Lock _( idxMutex ); char * articleData = chunks.getBlock( articleAddress, chunk ); memcpy( &offset, articleData, sizeof( uint32_t ) ); articleData += sizeof( uint32_t ); memcpy( &size, articleData, sizeof( uint32_t ) ); articleData += sizeof( uint32_t ); headword = articleData; } class PowerWordDataProcessor{ class PWSyntaxTranslate{ public: PWSyntaxTranslate(const char* re, const char* replacement) : _re(re, QRegularExpression::UseUnicodePropertiesOption ) , _replacement(replacement) { } const QRegularExpression & re() const { return _re; } const QString & replacement() const { return _replacement; } private: QRegularExpression _re; QString _replacement; }; public: PowerWordDataProcessor(const char* resource, size_t size) : _data(QString::fromUtf8(resource, size)) { } string process() { QDomDocument doc; QString ss; ss = "
"; if (!doc.setContent(_data)) { ss += _data ; } else { QStringList sl; walkNode(doc.firstChild(), sl); QStringListIterator itr(sl); while (itr.hasNext()) { QString s = itr.next(); translatePW(s); ss += s; ss += "
"; } } ss += "
"; QByteArray ba = ss.toUtf8(); return string(ba.data(), ba.size()); } private: void walkNode(const QDomNode& e, QStringList& sl) { if (e.isNull()) { return; } if (e.isText()) { sl.append(e.toText().data()); } else { QDomNodeList l = e.childNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < l.size(); ++i) { QDomNode n = l.at(i); if (n.isText()) { sl.append(n.toText().data()); } else { walkNode(n, sl); } } } } void translatePW(QString& s){ const int TRANSLATE_TBL_SIZE=5; static PWSyntaxTranslate t[TRANSLATE_TBL_SIZE]={ PWSyntaxTranslate(R"(&[bB]\s*\{([^\{}&]+)\})", "\\1"), PWSyntaxTranslate(R"(&[iI]\s*\{([^\{}&]+)\})", "\\1"), PWSyntaxTranslate(R"(&[uU]\s*\{([^\{}&]+)\})", "\\1"), PWSyntaxTranslate(R"(&[lL]\s*\{([^\{}&]+)\})", R"(\1)"), PWSyntaxTranslate(R"(&[2]\s*\{([^\{}&]+)\})", R"(\1)") }; QString old; while (s.compare(old) != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < TRANSLATE_TBL_SIZE; ++i) { PWSyntaxTranslate& a = t[i]; s.replace(a.re(), a.replacement()); } old = s; } s.replace(QRegularExpression( "&.\\s*\\{", QRegularExpression::UseUnicodePropertiesOption | QRegularExpression::DotMatchesEverythingOption), ""); s.replace("}", ""); } private: QString _data; }; /// This function tries to make an html of the Stardict's resource typed /// 'type', contained in a block pointed to by 'resource', 'size' bytes long. string StardictDictionary::handleResource( char type, char const * resource, size_t size ) { QString text; // See "Type identifiers" at http://www.huzheng.org/stardict/StarDictFileFormat switch( type ) { case 'x': // Xdxf content return Xdxf2Html::convert( string( resource, size ), Xdxf2Html::STARDICT, NULL, this, &resourceZip ); case 'h': // Html content { QString articleText = QString( "
" ) + QString::fromUtf8( resource, size ) + "
"; QRegularExpression imgRe( R"((<\s*img\s+[^>]*src\s*=\s*["']+)(?!(?:data|https?|ftp):))", QRegularExpression::CaseInsensitiveOption | QRegularExpression::InvertedGreedinessOption ); QRegularExpression linkRe( R"((<\s*link\s+[^>]*href\s*=\s*["']+)(?!(?:data|https?|ftp):))", QRegularExpression::CaseInsensitiveOption | QRegularExpression::InvertedGreedinessOption ); articleText.replace( imgRe , "\\1bres://" + QString::fromStdString( getId() ) + "/" ) .replace( linkRe, "\\1bres://" + QString::fromStdString( getId() ) + "/" ); // Handle links to articles QRegularExpression linksReg( R"(]*)href\s*=\s*['"](bword://)?([^'"]+)['"])", QRegularExpression::CaseInsensitiveOption ); int pos = 0; QString articleNewText; QRegularExpressionMatchIterator it = linksReg.globalMatch( articleText ); while( it.hasNext() ) { QRegularExpressionMatch match = it.next(); articleNewText += articleText.mid( pos, match.capturedStart() - pos ); pos = match.capturedEnd(); QString link = match.captured( 3 ); if ( link.indexOf( ':' ) < 0 ) { //compatible with issue #567 //such as bword://flȅk if ( link.contains( RX::Html::htmlEntity ) ) { link = Html::unescape( link ); } QString newLink; if( link.indexOf( '#' ) < 0 ) newLink = QString( " 0 && link.indexOf( "&#" ) < 0 ) { newLink = QString( "(.*))", QRegularExpression::CaseInsensitiveOption | QRegularExpression::DotMatchesEverythingOption | QRegularExpression::InvertedGreedinessOption ); pos = 0; it = audioRe.globalMatch( articleText ); while( it.hasNext() ) { QRegularExpressionMatch match = it.next(); articleNewText += articleText.mid( pos, match.capturedStart() - pos ); pos = match.capturedEnd(); QString src = match.captured( 2 ); if( src.indexOf( "://" ) >= 0 ) articleNewText += match.captured(); else { std::string href = "\"gdau://" + getId() + "/" + src.toUtf8().data() + "\""; QString newTag = QString::fromUtf8( ( addAudioLink( href, getId() ) + "" ).c_str() ); newTag += match.captured( 4 ); if( match.captured( 4 ).indexOf( "Play)"; newTag += ""; articleNewText += newTag; } } if( pos ) { articleNewText += articleText.mid( pos ); articleText = articleNewText; articleNewText.clear(); } return ( articleText.toUtf8().data() ); } case 'm': // Pure meaning, usually means preformatted text return "
" + Html::preformat( string( resource, size ), isToLanguageRTL() ) + "
"; case 'l': // Same as 'm', but not in utf8, instead in current locale's // encoding. // We just use Qt here, it should know better about system's // locale. return "
" + Html::preformat( QString::fromLocal8Bit( resource, size ).toUtf8().data(), isToLanguageRTL() ) + "
"; case 'g': // Pango markup. text = QString::fromUtf8( resource, size ); pangoToHtml( text ); return "
" + string( text.toUtf8().data() ) + "
"; case 't': // Transcription return "
" + Html::escape( string( resource, size ) ) + "
"; case 'y': // Chinese YinBiao or Japanese KANA. Examples are needed. For now, // just output as pure escaped utf8. return "
" + Html::escape( string( resource, size ) ) + "
"; case 'k': // KingSoft PowerWord data. { PowerWordDataProcessor pwdp(resource, size); return pwdp.process(); } case 'w': // MediaWiki markup. We don't handle this right now. return "
" + Html::escape( string( resource, size ) ) + "
"; case 'n': // WordNet data. We don't know anything about it. return "
" + Html::escape( string( resource, size ) ) + "
"; case 'r': // Resource file list. For now, only img: is handled. { string result = R"(
)"; // Handle img:example.jpg QString imgTemplate( R"()" ); for ( const auto & file : QString::fromUtf8( resource, size ).simplified().split( " " ) ) { if ( file.startsWith( "img:" ) ) { result += imgTemplate.arg( file.right( file.size() - file.indexOf( ":" ) - 1 ) ).toStdString(); } else { result += Html::escape( file.toStdString() ); } } return result + "
"; } case 'W': // An embedded Wav file. Unhandled yet. return "
(an embedded .wav file)
"; case 'P': // An embedded picture file. Unhandled yet. return "
(an embedded picture file)
"; } if ( islower( type ) ) { return string( "Unknown textual entry type " ) + string( 1, type ) + ": " + Html::escape( string( resource, size ) ) + "
"; } else return string( "Unknown blob entry type " ) + string( 1, type ) + "
"; } void StardictDictionary::pangoToHtml( QString & text ) { /* * Partially support for Pango Markup Language * Attributes "fallback", "lang", "gravity", "gravity_hint" just ignored */ QRegExp spanRegex( "]*)>", Qt::CaseInsensitive ); QRegExp styleRegex( "(\\w+)=\"([^\"]*)\"" ); text.replace( "\n", "
" ); int pos = 0; do { pos = spanRegex.indexIn( text, pos ); if( pos >= 0 ) { QString styles = spanRegex.cap( 1 ); QString newSpan( "= 0 ) { if( style.compare( "font_desc", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 || style.compare( "font", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 ) { // Parse font description QStringList list = styleRegex.cap( 2 ).split( " ", Qt::SkipEmptyParts ); int n; QString sizeStr, stylesStr, familiesStr; for( n = list.size() - 1; n >= 0; n-- ) { QString str = list.at( n ); // font size if( str[ 0 ].isNumber() ) { sizeStr = QString( "font-size:" ) + str + ";"; continue; } // font style if( str.compare( "normal", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 || str.compare( "oblique", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 || str.compare( "italic", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 ) { if( !stylesStr.contains( "font-style:" ) ) stylesStr += QString( "font-style:" ) + str + ";"; continue; } // font variant if( str.compare( "smallcaps", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 ) { stylesStr += QString( "font-variant:small-caps" ) ; continue; } // font weight if( str.compare( "ultralight", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 ) { stylesStr += QString( "font-weight:100;" ); continue; } if( str.compare( "light", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 ) { stylesStr += QString( "font-weight:200;" ); continue; } if( str.compare( "bold", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 ) { stylesStr += QString( "font-weight:bold;" ); continue; } if( str.compare( "ultrabold", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 ) { stylesStr += QString( "font-weight:800;" ); continue; } if( str.compare( "heavy", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 ) { stylesStr += QString( "font-weight:900" ); continue; } // font stretch if( str.compare( "ultracondensed", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 ) { stylesStr += QString( "font-stretch:ultra-condensed;" ); continue; } if( str.compare( "extracondensed", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 ) { stylesStr += QString( "font-stretch:extra-condensed;" ); continue; } if( str.compare( "semicondensed", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 ) { stylesStr += QString( "font-stretch:semi-condensed;" ); continue; } if( str.compare( "semiexpanded", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 ) { stylesStr += QString( "font-stretch:semi-expanded;" ); continue; } if( str.compare( "extraexpanded", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 ) { stylesStr += QString( "font-stretch:extra-expanded;" ); continue; } if( str.compare( "ultraexpanded", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 ) { stylesStr += QString( "font-stretch:ultra-expanded;" ); continue; } if( str.compare( "condensed", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 || str.compare( "expanded", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 ) { stylesStr += QString( "font-stretch:" ) + str + ";"; continue; } // gravity if( str.compare( "south", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 || str.compare( "east", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 || str.compare( "north", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 || str.compare( "west", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 || str.compare( "auto", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 ) { continue; } break; } // last words is families list if( n >= 0 ) { familiesStr = QString( "font-family:" ); for( int i = 0; i <= n; i++ ) { if( i > 0 && !familiesStr.endsWith( ',' ) ) familiesStr += ","; familiesStr += list.at( i ); } familiesStr += ";"; } newSpan += familiesStr + stylesStr + sizeStr; } else if( style.compare( "font_family", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 || style.compare( "face", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 ) newSpan += QString( "font-family:" ) + styleRegex.cap( 2 ) + ";"; else if( style.compare( "font_size", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 || style.compare( "size", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 ) { if( styleRegex.cap( 2 )[ 0 ].isLetter() || styleRegex.cap( 2 ).endsWith( "px", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) || styleRegex.cap( 2 ).endsWith( "pt", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) || styleRegex.cap( 2 ).endsWith( "em", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) || styleRegex.cap( 2 ).endsWith( "%" ) ) newSpan += QString( "font-size:" ) + styleRegex.cap( 2 ) +";"; else { int size = styleRegex.cap( 2 ).toInt(); if( size ) newSpan += QString( "font-size:%1pt;" ).arg( size / 1024.0, 0, 'f', 3 ); } } else if( style.compare( "font_style", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 || style.compare( "style", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0) newSpan += QString( "font-style:" ) + styleRegex.cap( 2 ) + ";"; else if( style.compare( "font_weight", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 || style.compare( "weight", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0) { QString str = styleRegex.cap( 2 ); if( str.compare( "ultralight", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 ) newSpan += QString( "font-weight:100;" ); else if( str.compare( "light", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 ) newSpan += QString( "font-weight:200;" ); else if( str.compare( "ultrabold", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 ) newSpan += QString( "font-weight:800;" ); else if( str.compare( "heavy", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 ) newSpan += QString( "font-weight:900" ); else newSpan += QString( "font-weight:" ) + str + ";"; } else if( style.compare( "font_variant", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 || style.compare( "variant", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 ) { if( styleRegex.cap( 2 ).compare( "smallcaps", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 ) newSpan += QString( "font-variant:small-caps" ); else newSpan += QString( "font-variant:" ) + styleRegex.cap( 2 ) + ";"; } else if( style.compare( "font_stretch", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 || style.compare( "stretch", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 ) { QString str = styleRegex.cap( 2 ); if( str.compare( "ultracondensed", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 ) newSpan += QString( "font-stretch:ultra-condensed;" ); else if( str.compare( "extracondensed", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 ) newSpan += QString( "font-stretch:extra-condensed;" ); else if( str.compare( "semicondensed", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 ) newSpan += QString( "font-stretch:semi-condensed;" ); else if( str.compare( "semiexpanded", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 ) newSpan += QString( "font-stretch:semi-expanded;" ); else if( str.compare( "extraexpanded", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 ) newSpan += QString( "font-stretch:extra-expanded;" ); else if( str.compare( "ultraexpanded", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 ) newSpan += QString( "font-stretch:ultra-expanded;" ); else newSpan += QString( "font-stretch:" ) + str + ";"; } else if( style.compare( "foreground", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 || style.compare( "fgcolor", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 || style.compare( "color", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 ) newSpan += QString( "color:" ) + styleRegex.cap( 2 ) + ";"; else if( style.compare( "background", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 || style.compare( "bgcolor", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 ) newSpan += QString( "background-color:" ) + styleRegex.cap( 2 ) + ";"; else if( style.compare( "underline_color", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 || style.compare( "strikethrough_color", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 ) newSpan += QString( "text-decoration-color:" ) + styleRegex.cap( 2 ) + ";"; else if( style.compare( "underline", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 ) { if( styleRegex.cap( 2 ).compare( "none", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) ) newSpan += QString( "text-decoration-line:none;" ); else { newSpan += QString( "text-decoration-line:underline; " ); if( styleRegex.cap( 2 ).compare( "low", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) ) newSpan += QString( "text-decoration-style:dotted;" ); else if( styleRegex.cap( 2 ).compare( "single", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) ) newSpan += QString( "text-decoration-style:solid;" ); else if( styleRegex.cap( 2 ).compare( "error", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) ) newSpan += QString( "text-decoration-style:wavy;" ); else newSpan += QString( "text-decoration-style:" ) + styleRegex.cap( 2 ) + ";"; } } else if( style.compare( "strikethrough", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 ) { if( styleRegex.cap( 2 ).compare( "true", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) ) newSpan += QString( "text-decoration-line:line-through;" ); else newSpan += QString( "text-decoration-line:none;" ); } else if( style.compare( "rise", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 ) { if( styleRegex.cap( 2 ).endsWith( "px", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) || styleRegex.cap( 2 ).endsWith( "pt", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) || styleRegex.cap( 2 ).endsWith( "em", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) || styleRegex.cap( 2 ).endsWith( "%" ) ) newSpan += QString( "vertical-align:" ) + styleRegex.cap( 2 ) +";"; else { int riseValue = styleRegex.cap( 2 ).toInt(); if( riseValue ) newSpan += QString( "vertical-align:%1pt;" ).arg( riseValue / 1024.0, 0, 'f', 3 ); } } else if( style.compare( "letter_spacing", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 ) { if( styleRegex.cap( 2 ).endsWith( "px", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) || styleRegex.cap( 2 ).endsWith( "pt", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) || styleRegex.cap( 2 ).endsWith( "em", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) || styleRegex.cap( 2 ).endsWith( "%" ) ) newSpan += QString( "letter-spacing:" ) + styleRegex.cap( 2 ) +";"; else { int spacing = styleRegex.cap( 2 ).toInt(); if( spacing ) newSpan += QString( "letter-spacing:%1pt;" ).arg( spacing / 1024.0, 0, 'f', 3 ); } } stylePos += styleRegex.matchedLength(); } } while( stylePos >= 0 ); newSpan += "\">"; text.replace( pos, spanRegex.matchedLength(), newSpan ); pos += newSpan.size(); } } while( pos >= 0 ); text.replace( " ", "  " ); } void StardictDictionary::loadArticle( uint32_t address, string & headword, string & articleText ) { uint32_t offset, size; getArticleProps( address, headword, offset, size ); char * articleBody; { Mutex::Lock _( dzMutex ); // Note that the function always zero-pads the result. articleBody = dict_data_read_( dz, offset, size, 0, 0 ); } if ( !articleBody ) { // throw exCantReadFile( getDictionaryFilenames()[ 2 ] ); articleText = string( "
DICTZIP error: " ) + dict_error_str( dz ) + "
"; return; } articleText.clear(); char * ptr = articleBody; if ( !sameTypeSequence.empty() ) { /// The sequence is known, it's not stored in the article itself for( unsigned seq = 0; seq < sameTypeSequence.size(); ++seq ) { // Last entry doesn't have size info -- it is inferred from // the bytes left bool entrySizeKnown = ( seq == sameTypeSequence.size() - 1 ); uint32_t entrySize = 0; if ( entrySizeKnown ) entrySize = size; else if ( !size ) { gdWarning( "Stardict: short entry for the word %s encountered in \"%s\".\n", headword.c_str(), getName().c_str() ); break; } char type = sameTypeSequence[ seq ]; if ( islower( type ) ) { // Zero-terminated entry, unless it's the last one if ( !entrySizeKnown ) entrySize = strlen( ptr ); if ( size < entrySize ) { gdWarning( "Stardict: malformed entry for the word %s encountered in \"%s\".\n", headword.c_str(), getName().c_str() ); break; } articleText += handleResource( type, ptr, entrySize ); if ( !entrySizeKnown ) ++entrySize; // Need to skip the zero byte ptr += entrySize; size -= entrySize; } else if ( isupper( *ptr ) ) { // An entry which has its size before contents, unless it's the last one if ( !entrySizeKnown ) { if ( size < sizeof( uint32_t ) ) { gdWarning( "Stardict: malformed entry for the word %s encountered in \"%s\".\n", headword.c_str(), getName().c_str() ); break; } memcpy( &entrySize, ptr, sizeof( uint32_t ) ); entrySize = ntohl( entrySize ); ptr += sizeof( uint32_t ); size -= sizeof( uint32_t ); } if ( size < entrySize ) { gdWarning( "Stardict: malformed entry for the word %s encountered in \"%s\".\n", headword.c_str(), getName().c_str() ); break; } articleText += handleResource( type, ptr, entrySize ); ptr += entrySize; size -= entrySize; } else { gdWarning( "Stardict: non-alpha entry type 0x%x for the word %s encountered in \"%s\".\n", type, headword.c_str(), getName().c_str() ); break; } } } else { // The sequence is stored in each article separately while( size ) { if ( islower( *ptr ) ) { // Zero-terminated entry size_t len = strlen( ptr + 1 ); if ( size < len + 2 ) { gdWarning( "Stardict: malformed entry for the word %s encountered in \"%s\".\n", headword.c_str(), getName().c_str() ); break; } articleText += handleResource( *ptr, ptr + 1, len ); ptr += len + 2; size -= len + 2; } else if ( isupper( *ptr ) ) { // An entry which havs its size before contents if ( size < sizeof( uint32_t ) + 1 ) { gdWarning( "Stardict: malformed entry for the word %s encountered in \"%s\".\n", headword.c_str(), getName().c_str() ); break; } uint32_t entrySize; memcpy( &entrySize, ptr + 1, sizeof( uint32_t ) ); entrySize = ntohl( entrySize ); if ( size < sizeof( uint32_t ) + 1 + entrySize ) { gdWarning( "Stardict: malformed entry for the word %s encountered in \"%s\".\n", headword.c_str(), getName().c_str() ); break; } articleText += handleResource( *ptr, ptr + 1 + sizeof( uint32_t ), entrySize ); ptr += sizeof( uint32_t ) + 1 + entrySize; size -= sizeof( uint32_t ) + 1 + entrySize; } else { gdWarning( "Stardict: non-alpha entry type 0x%x for the word %s encountered in \"%s\".\n", (unsigned)*ptr, headword.c_str(), getName().c_str() ); break; } } } free( articleBody ); } QString const& StardictDictionary::getDescription() { if( !dictionaryDescription.isEmpty() ) return dictionaryDescription; File::Class ifoFile( getDictionaryFilenames()[ 0 ], "r" ); Ifo ifo( ifoFile ); if( !ifo.copyright.empty() ) { QString copyright = QString::fromUtf8( ifo.copyright.c_str() ) .replace( "
", "\n", Qt::CaseInsensitive ); dictionaryDescription += QObject::tr( "Copyright: %1%2" ) .arg( copyright ) .arg( "\n\n" ); } if( !ifo.author.empty() ) { QString author = QString::fromUtf8( ifo.author.c_str() ); dictionaryDescription += QObject::tr( "Author: %1%2" ) .arg( author ) .arg( "\n\n" ); } if( !ifo.email.empty() ) { QString email = QString::fromUtf8( ifo.email.c_str() ); dictionaryDescription += QObject::tr( "E-mail: %1%2" ) .arg( email ) .arg( "\n\n" ); } if( !ifo.website.empty() ) { QString website = QString::fromUtf8( ifo.website.c_str() ); dictionaryDescription += QObject::tr( "Website: %1%2" ) .arg( website ) .arg( "\n\n" ); } if( !ifo.date.empty() ) { QString date = QString::fromUtf8( ifo.date.c_str() ); dictionaryDescription += QObject::tr( "Date: %1%2" ) .arg( date ) .arg( "\n\n" ); } if( !ifo.description.empty() ) { QString desc = QString::fromUtf8( ifo.description.c_str() ); desc.replace( "\t", "
" ); desc.replace( "\\n", "
" ); desc.replace( "
", "
", Qt::CaseInsensitive ); dictionaryDescription += Html::unescape( desc, Html::HtmlOption::Keep ); } if( dictionaryDescription.isEmpty() ) dictionaryDescription = "NONE"; return dictionaryDescription; } QString StardictDictionary::getMainFilename() { return getDictionaryFilenames()[ 0 ].c_str(); } void StardictDictionary::makeFTSIndex( QAtomicInt & isCancelled, bool firstIteration ) { if( !( Dictionary::needToRebuildIndex( getDictionaryFilenames(), ftsIdxName ) || FtsHelpers::ftsIndexIsOldOrBad( ftsIdxName, this ) ) ) FTS_index_completed.ref(); if( haveFTSIndex() ) return; if( ensureInitDone().size() ) return; if( firstIteration && getArticleCount() > FTS::MaxDictionarySizeForFastSearch ) return; gdDebug( "Stardict: Building the full-text index for dictionary: %s\n", getName().c_str() ); try { FtsHelpers::makeFTSIndex( this, isCancelled ); FTS_index_completed.ref(); } catch( std::exception &ex ) { gdWarning( "Stardict: Failed building full-text search index for \"%s\", reason: %s\n", getName().c_str(), ex.what() ); QFile::remove( ftsIdxName.c_str() ); } } void StardictDictionary::getArticleText( uint32_t articleAddress, QString & headword, QString & text ) { try { string headwordStr, articleStr; loadArticle( articleAddress, headwordStr, articleStr ); headword = QString::fromUtf8( headwordStr.data(), headwordStr.size() ); text = Html::unescape( QString::fromStdString( articleStr ) ); } catch( std::exception &ex ) { gdWarning( "Stardict: Failed retrieving article from \"%s\", reason: %s\n", getName().c_str(), ex.what() ); } } sptr< Dictionary::DataRequest > StardictDictionary::getSearchResults( QString const & searchString, int searchMode, bool matchCase, int distanceBetweenWords, int maxResults, bool ignoreWordsOrder, bool ignoreDiacritics ) { return std::make_shared( *this, searchString,searchMode, matchCase, distanceBetweenWords, maxResults, ignoreWordsOrder, ignoreDiacritics ); } /// StardictDictionary::findHeadwordsForSynonym() class StardictHeadwordsRequest: public Dictionary::WordSearchRequest { wstring word; StardictDictionary & dict; QAtomicInt isCancelled; QFuture< void > f; public: StardictHeadwordsRequest( wstring const & word_, StardictDictionary & dict_ ): word( word_ ), dict( dict_ ) { f = QtConcurrent::run( [ this ]() { this->run(); } ); } void run(); void cancel() override { isCancelled.ref(); } ~StardictHeadwordsRequest() { isCancelled.ref(); f.waitForFinished(); } }; void StardictHeadwordsRequest::run() { if ( Utils::AtomicInt::loadAcquire( isCancelled ) ) { finish(); return; } try { vector< WordArticleLink > chain = dict.findArticles( word ); wstring caseFolded = Folding::applySimpleCaseOnly( word ); for( unsigned x = 0; x < chain.size(); ++x ) { if ( Utils::AtomicInt::loadAcquire( isCancelled ) ) { finish(); return; } string headword, articleText; dict.loadArticle( chain[ x ].articleOffset, headword, articleText ); wstring headwordDecoded = Utf8::decode( headword ); if ( caseFolded != Folding::applySimpleCaseOnly( headwordDecoded ) ) { // The headword seems to differ from the input word, which makes the // input word its synonym. Mutex::Lock _( dataMutex ); matches.push_back( headwordDecoded ); } } } catch( std::exception & e ) { setErrorString( QString::fromUtf8( e.what() ) ); } finish(); } sptr< Dictionary::WordSearchRequest > StardictDictionary::findHeadwordsForSynonym( wstring const & word ) { return synonymSearchEnabled ? std::make_shared( word, *this ) : Class::findHeadwordsForSynonym( word ); } /// StardictDictionary::getArticle() class StardictArticleRequest: public Dictionary::DataRequest { wstring word; vector< wstring > alts; StardictDictionary & dict; bool ignoreDiacritics; QAtomicInt isCancelled; QFuture< void > f; public: StardictArticleRequest( wstring const & word_, vector< wstring > const & alts_, StardictDictionary & dict_, bool ignoreDiacritics_ ): word( word_ ), alts( alts_ ), dict( dict_ ), ignoreDiacritics( ignoreDiacritics_ ) { f = QtConcurrent::run( [ this ]() { this->run(); } ); } void run(); void cancel() override { isCancelled.ref(); } ~StardictArticleRequest() { isCancelled.ref(); f.waitForFinished(); } }; void StardictArticleRequest::run() { if ( Utils::AtomicInt::loadAcquire( isCancelled ) ) { finish(); return; } try { vector< WordArticleLink > chain = dict.findArticles( word, ignoreDiacritics ); for( unsigned x = 0; x < alts.size(); ++x ) { /// Make an additional query for each alt vector< WordArticleLink > altChain = dict.findArticles( alts[ x ], ignoreDiacritics ); chain.insert( chain.end(), altChain.begin(), altChain.end() ); } multimap< wstring, pair< string, string > > mainArticles, alternateArticles; set< uint32_t > articlesIncluded; // Some synonims make it that the articles // appear several times. We combat this // by only allowing them to appear once. wstring wordCaseFolded = Folding::applySimpleCaseOnly( word ); if( ignoreDiacritics ) wordCaseFolded = Folding::applyDiacriticsOnly( wordCaseFolded ); for( unsigned x = 0; x < chain.size(); ++x ) { if ( Utils::AtomicInt::loadAcquire( isCancelled ) ) { finish(); return; } if ( articlesIncluded.find( chain[ x ].articleOffset ) != articlesIncluded.end() ) continue; // We already have this article in the body. // Now grab that article string headword, articleText; dict.loadArticle( chain[ x ].articleOffset, headword, articleText ); // Ok. Now, does it go to main articles, or to alternate ones? We list // main ones first, and alternates after. // We do the case-folded comparison here. wstring headwordStripped = Folding::applySimpleCaseOnly( headword ); if( ignoreDiacritics ) headwordStripped = Folding::applyDiacriticsOnly( headwordStripped ); multimap< wstring, pair< string, string > > & mapToUse = ( wordCaseFolded == headwordStripped ) ? mainArticles : alternateArticles; mapToUse.insert( pair( Folding::applySimpleCaseOnly( headword ), pair( headword, articleText ) ) ); articlesIncluded.insert( chain[ x ].articleOffset ); } if ( mainArticles.empty() && alternateArticles.empty() ) { // No such word finish(); return; } string result; multimap< wstring, pair< string, string > >::const_iterator i; string cleaner = Utils::Html::getHtmlCleaner(); for( i = mainArticles.begin(); i != mainArticles.end(); ++i ) { result += dict.isFromLanguageRTL() ? R"(

)" : "

"; result += i->second.first; result += "

"; if( dict.isToLanguageRTL() ) result += R"(
)"; result += i->second.second; result += cleaner; if( dict.isToLanguageRTL() ) result += "
"; } for( i = alternateArticles.begin(); i != alternateArticles.end(); ++i ) { result += dict.isFromLanguageRTL() ? R"(

)" : "

"; result += i->second.first; result += "

"; if( dict.isToLanguageRTL() ) result += R"(
)"; result += i->second.second; result += cleaner; if( dict.isToLanguageRTL() ) result += "
"; } Mutex::Lock _( dataMutex ); data.resize( result.size() ); memcpy( &data.front(), result.data(), result.size() ); hasAnyData = true; } catch( std::exception & e ) { setErrorString( QString::fromUtf8( e.what() ) ); } finish(); } sptr< Dictionary::DataRequest > StardictDictionary::getArticle( wstring const & word, vector< wstring > const & alts, wstring const &, bool ignoreDiacritics ) { return std::make_shared( word, alts, *this, ignoreDiacritics ); } static char const * beginsWith( char const * substr, char const * str ) { size_t len = strlen( substr ); return strncmp( str, substr, len ) == 0 ? str + len : 0; } Ifo::Ifo( File::Class & f ): wordcount( 0 ), synwordcount( 0 ), idxfilesize( 0 ), idxoffsetbits( 32 ) { static string const versionEq( "version=" ); static string const booknameEq( "bookname=" ); //GD_DPRINTF( "%s<\n", f.gets().c_str() ); //GD_DPRINTF( "%s<\n", f.gets().c_str() ); if ( QString::fromUtf8(f.gets().c_str()) != "StarDict's dict ifo file" || f.gets().compare( 0, versionEq.size(), versionEq ) ) throw exNotAnIfoFile(); /// Now go through the file and parse options try { char option[ 16384 ]; for( ; ; ) { if ( !f.gets( option, sizeof( option ), true ) ) break; if ( char const * val = beginsWith( "bookname=", option ) ) bookname = val; else if ( char const * val = beginsWith( "wordcount=", option ) ) { if ( sscanf( val, "%u", & wordcount ) != 1 ) throw exBadFieldInIfo( option ); } else if ( char const * val = beginsWith( "synwordcount=", option ) ) { if ( sscanf( val, "%u", & synwordcount ) != 1 ) throw exBadFieldInIfo( option ); } else if ( char const * val = beginsWith( "idxfilesize=", option ) ) { if ( sscanf( val, "%u", & idxfilesize ) != 1 ) throw exBadFieldInIfo( option ); } else if ( char const * val = beginsWith( "idxoffsetbits=", option ) ) { if ( sscanf( val, "%u", & idxoffsetbits ) != 1 || ( idxoffsetbits != 32 && idxoffsetbits != 64 ) ) throw exBadFieldInIfo( option ); } else if ( char const * val = beginsWith( "sametypesequence=", option ) ) sametypesequence = val; else if ( char const * val = beginsWith( "dicttype=", option ) ) dicttype = val; else if ( char const * val = beginsWith( "description=", option ) ) description = val; else if ( char const * val = beginsWith( "copyright=", option ) ) copyright = val; else if ( char const * val = beginsWith( "author=", option ) ) author = val; else if ( char const * val = beginsWith( "email=", option ) ) email = val; else if ( char const * val = beginsWith( "website=", option ) ) website = val; else if ( char const * val = beginsWith( "date=", option ) ) date = val; } } catch( File::exReadError & ) { } } //// StardictDictionary::getResource() class StardictResourceRequest: public Dictionary::DataRequest { StardictDictionary & dict; string resourceName; QAtomicInt isCancelled; QFuture< void > f; public: StardictResourceRequest( StardictDictionary & dict_, string const & resourceName_ ): dict( dict_ ), resourceName( resourceName_ ) { f = QtConcurrent::run( [ this ]() { this->run(); } ); } void run(); void cancel() override { isCancelled.ref(); } ~StardictResourceRequest() { isCancelled.ref(); f.waitForFinished(); } }; void StardictResourceRequest::run() { // Some runnables linger enough that they are cancelled before they start if ( Utils::AtomicInt::loadAcquire( isCancelled ) ) { finish(); return; } try { if( resourceName.at( 0 ) == '\x1E' ) resourceName = resourceName.erase( 0, 1 ); if( resourceName.at( resourceName.length() - 1 ) == '\x1F' ) resourceName.erase( resourceName.length() - 1, 1 ); string n = dict.getContainingFolder().toStdString() + Utils::Fs::separator() + "res" + Utils::Fs::separator() + resourceName; GD_DPRINTF( "n is %s\n", n.c_str() ); try { Mutex::Lock _( dataMutex ); File::loadFromFile( n, data ); } catch( File::exCantOpen & ) { // Try reading from zip file if ( dict.resourceZip.isOpen() ) { Mutex::Lock _( dict.resourceZipMutex ); Mutex::Lock __( dataMutex ); if ( !dict.resourceZip.loadFile( Utf8::decode( resourceName ), data ) ) throw; // Make it fail since we couldn't read the archive } else throw; } if ( Filetype::isNameOfTiff( resourceName ) ) { // Convert it Mutex::Lock _( dataMutex ); GdTiff::tiff2img( data ); } if( Filetype::isNameOfCSS( resourceName ) ) { Mutex::Lock _( dataMutex ); QString css = QString::fromUtf8( data.data(), data.size() ); // Correct some url's QString id = QString::fromUtf8( dict.getId().c_str() ); int pos = 0; QRegularExpression links( R"(url\(\s*(['"]?)([^'"]*)(['"]?)\s*\))", QRegularExpression::CaseInsensitiveOption ); QString newCSS; QRegularExpressionMatchIterator it = links.globalMatch( css ); while( it.hasNext() ) { QRegularExpressionMatch match = it.next(); newCSS += css.mid( pos, match.capturedStart() - pos ); pos = match.capturedEnd(); QString url = match.captured( 2 ); if( url.indexOf( ":/" ) >= 0 || url.indexOf( "data:" ) >= 0) { // External link newCSS += match.captured(); continue; } QString newUrl = QString( "url(" ) + match.captured( 1 ) + "bres://" + id + "/" + url + match.captured( 3 ) + ")"; newCSS += newUrl; } if( pos ) { newCSS += css.mid( pos ); css = newCSS; newCSS.clear(); } dict.isolateCSS( css ); QByteArray bytes = css.toUtf8(); data.resize( bytes.size() ); memcpy( &data.front(), bytes.constData(), bytes.size() ); } Mutex::Lock _( dataMutex ); hasAnyData = true; } catch( std::exception &ex ) { gdWarning( "Stardict: Failed loading resource \"%s\" for \"%s\", reason: %s\n", resourceName.c_str(), dict.getName().c_str(), ex.what() ); // Resource not loaded -- we don't set the hasAnyData flag then } catch( ... ) { } finish(); } sptr< Dictionary::DataRequest > StardictDictionary::getResource( string const & name ) { return std::make_shared( *this, name ); } } // anonymous namespace static void findCorrespondingFiles( string const & ifo, string & idx, string & dict, string & syn ) { string base( ifo, 0, ifo.size() - 3 ); if ( !( File::tryPossibleName( base + "idx", idx ) || File::tryPossibleName( base + "idx.gz", idx ) || File::tryPossibleName( base + "idx.dz", idx ) || File::tryPossibleName( base + "IDX", idx ) || File::tryPossibleName( base + "IDX.GZ", idx ) || File::tryPossibleName( base + "IDX.DZ", idx ) ) ) throw exNoIdxFile( ifo ); if ( !( File::tryPossibleName( base + "dict", dict ) || File::tryPossibleName( base + "dict.dz", dict ) || File::tryPossibleName( base + "DICT", dict ) || File::tryPossibleName( base + "dict.DZ", dict ) ) ) throw exNoDictFile( ifo ); if ( !( File::tryPossibleName( base + "syn", syn ) || File::tryPossibleName( base + "syn.gz", syn ) || File::tryPossibleName( base + "syn.dz", syn ) || File::tryPossibleName( base + "SYN", syn ) || File::tryPossibleName( base + "SYN.GZ", syn ) || File::tryPossibleName( base + "SYN.DZ", syn ) ) ) syn.clear(); } static void handleIdxSynFile( string const & fileName, IndexedWords & indexedWords, ChunkedStorage::Writer & chunks, vector< uint32_t > * articleOffsets, bool isSynFile, bool parseHeadwords ) { gzFile stardictIdx = gd_gzopen( fileName.c_str() ); if ( !stardictIdx ) throw exCantReadFile( fileName ); vector< char > image; for( ; ; ) { size_t oldSize = image.size(); image.resize( oldSize + 65536 ); int rd = gzread( stardictIdx, &image.front() + oldSize, 65536 ); if ( rd < 0 ) { gzclose( stardictIdx ); throw exCantReadFile( fileName ); } if ( rd != 65536 ) { image.resize( oldSize + rd + 1 ); break; } } gzclose( stardictIdx ); // We append one zero byte to catch runaway string at the end, if any image.back() = 0; // Now parse it for( char const * ptr = &image.front(); ptr != &image.back(); ) { size_t wordLen = strlen( ptr ); if ( ptr + wordLen + 1 + ( isSynFile ? sizeof( uint32_t ) : sizeof( uint32_t ) * 2 ) > &image.back() ) { GD_FDPRINTF( stderr, "Warning: sudden end of file %s\n", fileName.c_str() ); break; } char const * word = ptr; ptr += wordLen + 1; uint32_t offset; if( strstr( word, "&#" ) ) { // Decode some html-coded symbols in headword string unescapedWord = Html::unescapeUtf8( word ); strncpy( (char *)word, unescapedWord.c_str(), wordLen ); wordLen = strlen( word ); } if ( !isSynFile ) { // We're processing the .idx file uint32_t articleOffset, articleSize; memcpy( &articleOffset, ptr, sizeof( uint32_t ) ); ptr += sizeof( uint32_t ); memcpy( &articleSize, ptr, sizeof( uint32_t ) ); ptr += sizeof( uint32_t ); articleOffset = ntohl( articleOffset ); articleSize = ntohl( articleSize ); // Create an entry for the article in the chunked storage offset = chunks.startNewBlock(); if ( articleOffsets ) articleOffsets->push_back( offset ); chunks.addToBlock( &articleOffset, sizeof( uint32_t ) ); chunks.addToBlock( &articleSize, sizeof( uint32_t ) ); chunks.addToBlock( word, wordLen + 1 ); } else { // We're processing the .syn file uint32_t offsetInIndex; memcpy( &offsetInIndex, ptr, sizeof( uint32_t ) ); ptr += sizeof( uint32_t ); offsetInIndex = ntohl( offsetInIndex ); if ( offsetInIndex >= articleOffsets->size() ) throw exIncorrectOffset( fileName ); offset = (*articleOffsets)[ offsetInIndex ]; // Some StarDict dictionaries are in fact badly converted Babylon ones. // They contain a lot of superfluous slashed entries with dollar signs. // We try to filter them out here, since those entries become much more // apparent in GoldenDict than they were in StarDict because of // punctuation folding. Hopefully there are not a whole lot of valid // synonyms which really start from slash and contain dollar signs, or // end with dollar and contain slashes. if ( *word == '/' ) { if ( strchr( word, '$' ) ) continue; // Skip this entry } else if ( wordLen && word[ wordLen - 1 ] == '$' ) { if ( strchr( word, '/' ) ) continue; // Skip this entry } } // Insert new entry into an index if( parseHeadwords ) indexedWords.addWord( Utf8::decode( word ), offset ); else indexedWords.addSingleWord( Utf8::decode( word ), offset ); } GD_DPRINTF( "%u entires made\n", (unsigned) indexedWords.size() ); } vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > makeDictionaries( vector< string > const & fileNames, string const & indicesDir, Dictionary::Initializing & initializing, unsigned maxHeadwordsToExpand ) { vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > dictionaries; for( vector< string >::const_iterator i = fileNames.begin(); i != fileNames.end(); ++i ) { if ( i->size() < 4 || strcasecmp( i->c_str() + ( i->size() - 4 ), ".ifo" ) != 0 ) continue; try { vector< string > dictFiles( 1, *i ); string idxFileName, dictFileName, synFileName; findCorrespondingFiles( *i, idxFileName, dictFileName, synFileName ); dictFiles.push_back( idxFileName ); dictFiles.push_back( dictFileName ); if ( synFileName.size() ) dictFiles.push_back( synFileName ); // See if there's a zip file with resources present. If so, include it. string zipFileName; string baseName = QDir( QString::fromStdString( idxFileName ) ).absolutePath().toStdString() + Utils::Fs::separator(); if ( File::tryPossibleZipName( baseName + "res.zip", zipFileName ) || File::tryPossibleZipName( baseName + "RES.ZIP", zipFileName ) || File::tryPossibleZipName( baseName + "res" + Utils::Fs::separator() + "res.zip", zipFileName ) ) dictFiles.push_back( zipFileName ); string dictId = Dictionary::makeDictionaryId( dictFiles ); string indexFile = indicesDir + dictId; if ( Dictionary::needToRebuildIndex( dictFiles, indexFile ) || indexIsOldOrBad( indexFile ) ) { // Building the index File::Class ifoFile( *i, "r" ); Ifo ifo( ifoFile ); gdDebug( "Stardict: Building the index for dictionary: %s\n", ifo.bookname.c_str() ); if ( ifo.idxoffsetbits == 64 ) throw ex64BitsNotSupported(); if ( ifo.dicttype.size() ) throw exDicttypeNotSupported(); if( synFileName.empty() ) { if ( ifo.synwordcount ) { GD_DPRINTF( "Warning: dictionary has synwordcount specified, but no " "corresponding .syn file was found\n" ); ifo.synwordcount = 0; // Pretend it wasn't there } } else if ( !ifo.synwordcount ) { GD_DPRINTF( "Warning: ignoring .syn file %s, since there's no synwordcount in .ifo specified\n", synFileName.c_str() ); } GD_DPRINTF( "bookname = %s\n", ifo.bookname.c_str() ); GD_DPRINTF( "wordcount = %u\n", ifo.wordcount ); initializing.indexingDictionary( ifo.bookname ); File::Class idx( indexFile, "wb" ); IdxHeader idxHeader; memset( &idxHeader, 0, sizeof( idxHeader ) ); // We write a dummy header first. At the end of the process the header // will be rewritten with the right values. idx.write( idxHeader ); idx.write( ifo.bookname.data(), ifo.bookname.size() ); idx.write( ifo.sametypesequence.data(), ifo.sametypesequence.size() ); IndexedWords indexedWords; ChunkedStorage::Writer chunks( idx ); // Load indices if ( !ifo.synwordcount ) handleIdxSynFile( idxFileName, indexedWords, chunks, 0, false, !maxHeadwordsToExpand || ifo.wordcount < maxHeadwordsToExpand ); else { vector< uint32_t > articleOffsets; articleOffsets.reserve( ifo.wordcount ); handleIdxSynFile( idxFileName, indexedWords, chunks, &articleOffsets, false, !maxHeadwordsToExpand || ( ifo.wordcount + ifo.synwordcount ) < maxHeadwordsToExpand ); handleIdxSynFile( synFileName, indexedWords, chunks, &articleOffsets, true, !maxHeadwordsToExpand || ( ifo.wordcount + ifo.synwordcount ) < maxHeadwordsToExpand ); } // Finish with the chunks idxHeader.chunksOffset = chunks.finish(); // Build index IndexInfo idxInfo = BtreeIndexing::buildIndex( indexedWords, idx ); idxHeader.indexBtreeMaxElements = idxInfo.btreeMaxElements; idxHeader.indexRootOffset = idxInfo.rootOffset; // That concludes it. Update the header. idxHeader.signature = Signature; idxHeader.formatVersion = CurrentFormatVersion; idxHeader.wordCount = ifo.wordcount; idxHeader.synWordCount = ifo.synwordcount; idxHeader.bookNameSize = ifo.bookname.size(); idxHeader.sameTypeSequenceSize = ifo.sametypesequence.size(); // read languages QPair langs = LangCoder::findIdsForFilename( QString::fromStdString( dictFileName ) ); // if no languages found, try dictionary's name if ( langs.first == 0 || langs.second == 0 ) { langs = LangCoder::findIdsForFilename( QString::fromStdString( ifo.bookname ) ); } idxHeader.langFrom = langs.first; idxHeader.langTo = langs.second; // If there was a zip file, index it too if ( zipFileName.size() ) { GD_DPRINTF( "Indexing zip file\n" ); idxHeader.hasZipFile = 1; IndexedWords zipFileNames; IndexedZip zipFile; if ( zipFile.openZipFile( QDir::fromNativeSeparators( zipFileName.c_str() ) ) ) zipFile.indexFile( zipFileNames ); if( !zipFileNames.empty() ) { // Build the resulting zip file index IndexInfo idxInfo = BtreeIndexing::buildIndex( zipFileNames, idx ); idxHeader.zipIndexBtreeMaxElements = idxInfo.btreeMaxElements; idxHeader.zipIndexRootOffset = idxInfo.rootOffset; } else { // Bad zip file -- no index (though the mark that we have one // remains) idxHeader.zipIndexBtreeMaxElements = 0; idxHeader.zipIndexRootOffset = 0; } } else idxHeader.hasZipFile = 0; // That concludes it. Update the header. idx.rewind(); idx.write( &idxHeader, sizeof( idxHeader ) ); } dictionaries.push_back( std::make_shared( dictId, indexFile, dictFiles ) ); } catch( std::exception & e ) { gdWarning( "Stardict dictionary initializing failed: %s, error: %s\n", i->c_str(), e.what() ); } } return dictionaries; } }