/* This file is (c) 2008-2012 Konstantin Isakov * Part of GoldenDict. Licensed under GPLv3 or later, see the LICENSE file */ #include "forvo.hh" #include "wstring_qt.hh" #include #include #include #include #include "audiolink.hh" #include "htmlescape.hh" #include "utf8.hh" #include "gddebug.hh" namespace Forvo { using namespace Dictionary; namespace { class ForvoDictionary: public Dictionary::Class { string name; QString apiKey, languageCode; QNetworkAccessManager & netMgr; public: ForvoDictionary( string const & id, string const & name_, QString const & apiKey_, QString const & languageCode_, QNetworkAccessManager & netMgr_ ): Dictionary::Class( id, vector< string >() ), name( name_ ), apiKey( apiKey_ ), languageCode( languageCode_ ), netMgr( netMgr_ ) { } string getName() noexcept override { return name; } map< Property, string > getProperties() noexcept override { return map< Property, string >(); } unsigned long getArticleCount() noexcept override { return 0; } unsigned long getWordCount() noexcept override { return 0; } sptr< WordSearchRequest > prefixMatch( wstring const & /*word*/, unsigned long /*maxResults*/ ) override { sptr< WordSearchRequestInstant > sr = std::make_shared< WordSearchRequestInstant >(); sr->setUncertain( true ); return sr; } sptr< DataRequest > getArticle( wstring const &, vector< wstring > const & alts, wstring const &, bool ) override; protected: void loadIcon() noexcept override; }; class ForvoArticleRequest: public Dictionary::DataRequest { Q_OBJECT struct NetReply { sptr< QNetworkReply > reply; string word; bool finished; NetReply( sptr< QNetworkReply > const & reply_, string const & word_ ): reply( reply_ ), word( word_ ), finished( false ) { } }; typedef std::list< NetReply > NetReplies; NetReplies netReplies; QString apiKey, languageCode; string dictionaryId; public: ForvoArticleRequest( wstring const & word, vector< wstring > const & alts, QString const & apiKey_, QString const & languageCode_, string const & dictionaryId_, QNetworkAccessManager & mgr ); virtual void cancel(); private: void addQuery( QNetworkAccessManager & mgr, wstring const & word ); private slots: virtual void requestFinished( QNetworkReply * ); }; sptr< DataRequest > ForvoDictionary::getArticle( wstring const & word, vector< wstring > const & alts, wstring const &, bool ) { if ( word.size() > 80 || apiKey.isEmpty() ) { // Don't make excessively large queries -- they're fruitless anyway return std::make_shared< DataRequestInstant >( false ); } else { return std::make_shared< ForvoArticleRequest >( word, alts, apiKey, languageCode, getId(), netMgr ); } } void ForvoDictionary::loadIcon() noexcept { if ( dictionaryIconLoaded ) return; dictionaryIcon = QIcon( ":/icons/forvo.png" ); dictionaryIconLoaded = true; } } // namespace void ForvoArticleRequest::cancel() { finish(); } ForvoArticleRequest::ForvoArticleRequest( wstring const & str, vector< wstring > const & alts, QString const & apiKey_, QString const & languageCode_, string const & dictionaryId_, QNetworkAccessManager & mgr ): apiKey( apiKey_ ), languageCode( languageCode_ ), dictionaryId( dictionaryId_ ) { connect( &mgr, &QNetworkAccessManager::finished, this, &ForvoArticleRequest::requestFinished, Qt::QueuedConnection ); addQuery( mgr, str ); for ( const auto & alt : alts ) addQuery( mgr, alt ); } void ForvoArticleRequest::addQuery( QNetworkAccessManager & mgr, wstring const & str ) { gdDebug( "Forvo: requesting article %s\n", QString::fromStdU32String( str ).toUtf8().data() ); QString key = apiKey; QUrl reqUrl = QUrl::fromEncoded( QString( "https://apifree.forvo.com" "/key/" + key + "/action/word-pronunciations" "/format/xml" "/word/" + QLatin1String( QUrl::toPercentEncoding( QString::fromStdU32String( str ) ) ) + "/language/" + languageCode + "/order/rate-desc" ) .toUtf8() ); // GD_DPRINTF( "req: %s\n", reqUrl.toEncoded().data() ); sptr< QNetworkReply > netReply = std::shared_ptr< QNetworkReply >( mgr.get( QNetworkRequest( reqUrl ) ) ); netReplies.push_back( NetReply( netReply, Utf8::encode( str ) ) ); } void ForvoArticleRequest::requestFinished( QNetworkReply * r ) { GD_DPRINTF( "Finished.\n" ); if ( isFinished() ) // Was cancelled return; // Find this reply bool found = false; for ( auto & netReplie : netReplies ) { if ( netReplie.reply.get() == r ) { netReplie.finished = true; // Mark as finished found = true; break; } } if ( !found ) { // Well, that's not our reply, don't do anything return; } bool updated = false; for ( ; netReplies.size() && netReplies.front().finished; netReplies.pop_front() ) { sptr< QNetworkReply > netReply = netReplies.front().reply; if ( netReply->error() == QNetworkReply::NoError ) { QDomDocument dd; QString errorStr; int errorLine, errorColumn; if ( !dd.setContent( netReply.get(), false, &errorStr, &errorLine, &errorColumn ) ) { setErrorString( QString( tr( "XML parse error: %1 at %2,%3" ).arg( errorStr ).arg( errorLine ).arg( errorColumn ) ) ); } else { // GD_DPRINTF( "%s\n", dd.toByteArray().data() ); QDomNode items = dd.namedItem( "items" ); if ( !items.isNull() ) { QDomNodeList nl = items.toElement().elementsByTagName( "item" ); if ( nl.count() ) { string articleBody; articleBody += "
"; articleBody += Html::escape( netReplies.front().word ); articleBody += "
"; articleBody += ""; for ( int x = 0; x < nl.length(); ++x ) { QDomElement item = nl.item( x ).toElement(); QDomNode mp3 = item.namedItem( "pathmp3" ); if ( !mp3.isNull() ) { articleBody += ""; QUrl url( mp3.toElement().text() ); string ref = string( "\"" ) + url.toEncoded().data() + "\""; articleBody += addAudioLink( ref, dictionaryId ).c_str(); bool isMale = ( item.namedItem( "sex" ).toElement().text().toLower() != "f" ); QString user = item.namedItem( "username" ).toElement().text(); QString country = item.namedItem( "country" ).toElement().text(); string userProfile = string( "http://www.forvo.com/user/" ) + QUrl::toPercentEncoding( user ).data() + "/"; int totalVotes = item.namedItem( "num_votes" ).toElement().text().toInt(); int positiveVotes = item.namedItem( "num_positive_votes" ).toElement().text().toInt(); int negativeVotes = totalVotes - positiveVotes; string votes; if ( positiveVotes || negativeVotes ) { votes += " "; if ( positiveVotes ) { votes += "+"; votes += QByteArray::number( positiveVotes ).data(); votes += ""; } if ( negativeVotes ) { if ( positiveVotes ) votes += " "; votes += "-"; votes += QByteArray::number( negativeVotes ).data(); votes += ""; } } string addTime = tr( "Added %1" ).arg( item.namedItem( "addtime" ).toElement().text() ).toUtf8().data(); articleBody += ")"; articleBody += string( ""; articleBody += ""; } } articleBody += "
Play" ) + tr( "by" ).toUtf8().data() + " " + Html::escape( user.toUtf8().data() ) + " (" + ( isMale ? tr( "Male" ) : tr( "Female" ) ).toUtf8().data() + " " + tr( "from" ).toUtf8().data() + " " + Html::escape( country.toUtf8().data() ) + ")" + votes + "
"; appendString( articleBody ); hasAnyData = true; updated = true; } } QDomNode errors = dd.namedItem( "errors" ); if ( !errors.isNull() ) { QString text( errors.namedItem( "error" ).toElement().text() ); if ( text == "Limit/day reached." && apiKey.simplified().isEmpty() ) { // Give a hint that the user should apply for his own key. text += "\n" + tr( "Go to Edit|Dictionaries|Sources|Forvo and apply for our own API key to make this error disappear." ); } setErrorString( text ); } } GD_DPRINTF( "done.\n" ); } else setErrorString( netReply->errorString() ); } if ( netReplies.empty() ) finish(); else if ( updated ) update(); } vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > makeDictionaries( Dictionary::Initializing &, Config::Forvo const & forvo, QNetworkAccessManager & mgr ) { vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > result; if ( forvo.enable && !forvo.apiKey.isEmpty() ) { QStringList codes = forvo.languageCodes.split( ',', Qt::SkipEmptyParts ); QSet< QString > usedCodes; for ( const auto & x : codes ) { QString code = x.simplified(); if ( code.size() && !usedCodes.contains( code ) ) { // Generate id QCryptographicHash hash( QCryptographicHash::Md5 ); hash.addData( "Forvo source version 1.0" ); hash.addData( code.toUtf8() ); QString displayedCode( code.toLower() ); if ( displayedCode.size() ) displayedCode[ 0 ] = displayedCode[ 0 ].toUpper(); result.push_back( std::make_shared< ForvoDictionary >( hash.result().toHex().data(), QString( "Forvo (%1)" ).arg( displayedCode ).toUtf8().data(), forvo.apiKey, code, mgr ) ); usedCodes.insert( code ); } } } return result; } #include "forvo.moc" } // namespace Forvo