AboutPri li applicationProgramma de sercha in dictionariums GoldenDict, v. Licensed under GNU GPLv3 or laterCopiar li version pri li versionCopiar li liste de dictionariumsCredits:Based on Qt %1 (%2, %3)AnkiConnectoranki: impossibil a crear un carte sin un parolAnki search: AnkiConnect is not enabled.anki: post to anki failedanki: post to anki successArticleInspectorInspecterArticleMakerExpander li articulContraer li articulNo translation for <b dir="%3">%1</b> was found in group <b>%2</b>.Null traduction esset trovat in li gruppe <b>%1</b>.Benvenit!<h3 align="center">Welcome to <b>GoldenDict</b>!</h3><p>To start working with the program, first visit <em>Edit | Dictionaries</em> to add some directory paths where to search for the dictionary files, set up various Wikipedia sites or other sources, adjust dictionary order or create dictionary groups.<p>And then you're ready to look up your words! You can do that in this window by using a pane to the left, or you can <a href="https://xiaoyifang.github.io/goldendict-ng/ui_popup/">look up words from other active applications</a>. <p>To customize program, check out the available preferences at <em>Edit | Preferences</em>. All settings there have tooltips, be sure to read them if you are in doubt about anything.<p>Should you need further help, have any questions, suggestions or just wonder what the others think, you are welcome at the program's <a href="https://github.com/xiaoyifang/goldendict/discussions">forum</a>.<p>Check program's <a href="https://github.com/xiaoyifang/goldendict">website</a> for the updates. <p>(c) 2008-2013 Konstantin Isakov. Licensed under GPLv3 or later.(sin titul)(pictura)ArticleRequestExpander li articulEx Contraer li articulMake a new Anki noteErrore de demanda: %1Proxim paroles: Composit expressiones: Individual paroles: ArticleViewFrase ne trovat%1 of %2 matchesSelect li actual articulCopiar quam textuInspecterRessurseAudioTTS VoiceVideoVideo: %1Li definition del dictionarium «%1»: %2Definition: %1ERRORE: %1The referenced resource doesn't exist.The referenced audio program doesn't exist.Ap&erter li ligamentAperter li ligament in nov car&teAperter li ligament in li &extern navigatorGardar li &image...Open image in system viewer...Gardar li s&on...S&erchar «%1»Serchar «%1» in &nov carteSend "%1" to input line&Adjunter «%1» al diariumSerchar «%1» in %2Serchar «%1» in %2, in &nov carteMarcar li págine «%1»...&Inviar li actual articul a anki&Send selected text to AnkiGardar li sonFiles de son (*.wav *.opus *.ogg *.oga *.mp3 *.mp4 *.aac *.flac *.mid *.wv *.ape *.spx);;Omni files (*.*)Gardar li imageFiles de images (*.bmp *.jpg *.png *.tif);;Omni files (*.*)Ne successat reproducter un file de son: %1Failed to create temporary file.Failed to auto-open resource file, try opening manually: %1.AVISE: Reproductor de audio: %1&Create Anki noteBelarusianTranslitBelarusian transliteration from latin to cyrillic (classic orthography)Belarusian transliteration from latin to cyrillic (school orthography)Belarusian transliteration (smoothes out the difference
between classic and school orthography in cyrillic)ChineseConversionConversion del chineseEnable conversion between simplified and traditional Chinese charactersCon&version del chineseEnable conversion from simplified characters to traditional (Taiwan variant) charactersSC a TC (variante Taiwanesi)Enable conversion from simplified characters to traditional (Hong Kong variant) charactersSC a TC (variante de Hong Kong)Enable conversion from traditional characters to simplified charactersTC a SCSimplified to traditional Chinese (Taiwan variant) conversionSimplified to traditional Chinese (Hong Kong variant) conversionTraditional to simplified Chinese conversionCustomTranslitcustom transliterationDialogProxy authentication requiredYou need to supply a Username and a Password to access via proxyNómine de usator:Contrasigne:DictGroupWidgetFormIcone de gruppe:Rapid-taste:Fólder del preferet:NullEx un file...Choose a file to use as group iconImagesOmni filesErroreNe successat leer li providet file de image.DictGroupsWidgetDictionariums: ConfirmationAre you sure you want to generate a set of groups based on language pairs?ÍnassignatAuto group by folder failed.The parent directory of %1 can not be reached.Are you sure you want to generate a set of groups based on containing folders?Are you sure you want to generate a set of groups based on metadata.toml?Combine groups by source language to "%1->"Combine groups by target language to "->%1"Make two-side translate group "%1-%2-%1"Combinar gruppes per «%1»DictHeadwordsIf checked any filter changes will we immediately applied to headwords listApplicar automaticmenPress this button to apply filter to headwords listApplicarFilter string (fixed string, wildcards or regular expression)Filtre:Mode de serchaThis element determines how filter string will be interpretedIf checked on the symbols case will be take in account when filteringAtt. MAJ/minExports headwords to fileExportarSpecify the maximum filtered headwords returned.Filter max results:AuxilieOKTextuJocon-simbolesExp. reg.Unique headwords total: %1.Unique headwords total: %1, filtered(limited): %2Save headwords to fileFiles textual (*.txt);;Omni files (*.*)Can not open exported fileExport headwords...AnullarExport process is interruptedExportation sta completatDictInfoRedacter dictionariumOpen index folderTotal articules:Index filename:Total paroles:Aperter li fólderTraducte de:Traducte a:Files includet in ti-ci dictionarium:Descrition:Monstar omni unic titules de articulosParolesFull-text search enabledFull-text search disabledRedacter li dictionarium med comande:
%1DictListModelArticules: %1DictServerAdress: Bases de data: Strategies de sercha: Server databasesDictServersModelActivNómineAdresseBases de dataStrategiesIconeComma-delimited list of databases
(empty string or "*" matches all databases)Comma-delimited list of search strategies
(empty string mean "prefix" strategy)DictionaryBarPanel de &dictionariumsExtended menu with all dictionaries...Redacter ti-ci gruppeInfo pri li dictionariumParoles in li dictionariumAperter li fólder del dictionariumRedacter li dictionariumEditDictionariesDictionariums&Fontes&Dictionariums&GruppesSources changedSome sources were changed. Would you like to accept the changes?AcceptarAnullarEpwing::EpwingDictionaryPrecedent págineSequent págineExternalViewerLi programma de visor ne assignatFTS::FullTextSearchDialogSercha plentextualDefaultJocon-simbolesSupport xapian search syntax, such as AND OR +/- etc.Articules trovat: Indexante: NullThe querying word can not be empty.Null dictionariums disponibil por sercha plentextualFavoritesModelUn errore in li file del preferetFavoritesPaneWidget&Deleter li selectetCopiar li selectetAdjunter un fólderPreferet:Omni selectet elementes va esser removet. Continuar?Forvo::ForvoArticleRequestErrore de analise de XML: %1 ye %2,%3Adjuntet ye %1deMasculinFéminindeGo to Edit|Dictionaries|Sources|Forvo and apply for our own API key to make this error disappear.FtsSearchPanel&Precedent&SequentFullTextSearchDialogSerchaMode:Articules trovat:Disponibil dictionariums in li gruppe:Atende indexation:Total:Indexat:Indexante: nullAnullarAuxilieGermanTranslitGerman transliterationGreekTranslitGrec transliterationGroupComboBoxSelecter un gruppe (Alt+G)GroupsDisponibil dictionariums:Add selected dictionaries to group (Ins)>InsertRemove selected dictionaries from group (Del)<DeleteGruppes:Tab 2Crear un nov gruppe de dictionariums&AdjunterRenominar li actual gruppe de dictionariumsRe&nominarRemover li actual gruppe de dictionariums&RemoverRemover omni gruppes de dictionariumsRemover omniCrear gruppes secun li linguesGroup by LanguagesCreate folder-based groups.Group by FoldersGroup by MetadataUsa li mus por tirar dictionariums al e del gruppes, reordinar les o li gruppes self.Cartes de gruppesAperter li liste de gruppesAdjunter un gruppeNómine del gruppe:Renominar li gruppeNov nómine del gruppe:Remover li gruppeEsque vu vole remover li gruppe <b>%1</b>?Esque vu vole remover omni gruppes?HistoryPaneWidget&Deleter li selectetCopiar li selectetDiarium:%1/%2Elementes in li diarium: %1, %2 maxHunspellSuggestiones: Morfologie de %1HunspellDictsModelActivNómineInitializingGoldenDict-ng - InicialisationIndexing: Nómine de dictionariumPles atender...Indexing...Loading...LanguageAfarAbkhazianAvestanAfrikaansAkanAmharicAragoneseArabicAssameseAvaricAymaraAzerbaijaniBashkirBelarusianBulgarianBihariBislamaBambaraBengaliTibetanBretonBosnianCatalonianChechenChamorroCorsicanCreeTscecChurch SlavicChuvashWelshDanesiGermanDivehiDzongkhaEweGrecAnglesiEsperantoHispanEstonianBasquePersianFulahFinnFijianFaroeseFranceseWest-FrisianIrlandesiScottish GaelicGalicianGuaraniGujaratiManxHausaHebreicHindiHiri MotuCroatianHaitianHungarianArmenianHereroInterlinguaIndonesianInterlingueIgboSichuan YiInupiaqIdoIslandesiItalianInuktitutJapaneseJavaneseGeorgianKongoKikuyuKwanyamaKazakhKalaallisutKhmerKannadaKoreanKanuriKashmiriKurdishKomiCornishKirghizLatinLuxembourgishGandaLimburgishLingalaLaoLithuanianLuba-KatangaLatvianMalagasyMarshalleseMaoriMacedonianMalayalamMongolianMarathiMalayMalteseBurmeseNauruNorwegian BokmalNorth NdebeleNepaliNdongaNederlandesiNorwegian NynorskNorwegianSouth NdebeleNavajoChichewaOccitanOjibwaOromoOriyaOssetianPanjabiPaliPolonesiPashtoPortuguesiQuechuaRaeto-RomanceKirundiRumanianRussKinyarwandaSanskritSardinianSindhiNorthern SamiSangoSerbo-CroatianSinhalaSlovacSlovenianSamoanShonaSomaliAlbanianSerbianSwatiSouthern SothoSundaneseSvedesiSwahiliTamilTeluguTajikThaiTigrinyaTurkmenTagalogTswanaTongaTurcianTsongaTatarTwiTahitianUighurUkrainianUrduUzbekVendaVietnamesiVolapükWalloonWolofXhosaYiddishYorubaZhuangChineseZuluLojbanTraditional ChineseSimplified ChineseAltriOther Simplified Chinese dialectsOther Traditional Chinese dialectsOther Eastern-European languagesOther Western-European languagesOther Russian languagesOther Japanese languagesAltri baltic linguesOther Greek languagesOther Korean dialectsOther Turkish dialectsOther Thai dialectsTamazightLanguage::DbFranceseHispanBelarusianBulgarianTchecGermanGrecFinnItalianJapaneseKoreanLithuanianMacedonianHollandesePolonesePortugueseRussSlovakAlbanianSerbian (Cyrillic)SwedishTurcianUkrainianChinese SimplifiedChinese TraditionalVietnamesePortuguese, BrazilianPersianSpanish, ArgentinaHindiEsperantoGerman, SvissiaHispan, BoliviaTajikQuechuaAymaraArabic, Saudi ArabiaTurkmenInterlingueLojbanHungarianAngleseLoadDictionariesUn errore evenit cargante dictionariumsMainUn errore in li file de configuration. Continuar con parametres predefinit?MainWindowBenvenit!&FileR&edacterAu&xilie&ViseSca&leD&iariumSerchaP&referetPanel de &serchaPanel de &resultatesPanel del pre&feretPanel de &diarium&Dictionariums...F3&Preferenties...F4&Hem-págine&PriPri GoldenDict-ngS&urtirSurtir li applicationCtrl+Q&Forum&Close To TrayMinimizes the window to trayCtrl+F4&Gardar li articulGardar li articulF2&PrintarCtrl+PPage Set&upPrint Pre&viewRee&xaminar filesCtrl+F5&Vacuar&Nov carteCtrl+TFólder del &configurationMon&strarCtrl+H&Exportar&ImportarS&empre in avanSempre in avanCtrl+OButon del menúSercha in li págineCtrl+FSercha plentextualCtrl+Shift+FManuale de GoldenDict-ngF1MonstrarExportarImportarAdjunterAdjunter li actual carte al preferetCtrl+EExportar a un listeMonstrar nómines in li &panel de dictionariumsMicri icones in li &instrumentariumPanel de &menú&NavigationRetroAvanEnable ScanningPronunciar li parol (Alt+S)AugmentarDiminuerDimension predefinitTrovat in dictionariums:Agrandar li parolesDiminuer li parolesWords Normal SizeMonstrar li &fenestre principalApertet cartesCluder li actual carteCluder omni cartesCluder omni cartes except li actualAdjunter omni cartes al preferetNov carteAPI de accessibilitá ne es activatWARNING: %1String to search in dictionaries. The wildcards '*', '?' and sets of symbols '[...]' are allowed.
To find '*', '?', '[', ']' symbols use '\*', '\?', '\[', '\]' respectively%1 dictionariums, %2 articules, %3 parolesOmniAperter li liste de cartes(sin nómine)Remover li actual carte ex li preferet%1 - %2Failed to initialize hotkeys monitoring mechanism.<br>Make sure your XServer has RECORD extension turned on.New Release AvailableVersion <b>%1</b> de GoldenDict es disponibil por descarga.<br>Fa un clic sur <b>Descargar</b> por ear al págine de descarga.DescargarSkip This ReleaseYou have chosen to hide a menubar. Use %1 to show it back.Ctrl+MFormate de págineNo printer is available. Please install one first.Printar li articulArticul, complet (*.html)Articul, solmen HTML (*.html)Gardar li articul quamErroreNe successat gardar li article: %1Gardante li articul...Save article completeThe main window is set to be always on top.C&elarExport history to fileFiles textual (*.txt);;Omni files (*.*)Errore de exportation: History export completeImport history from fileErrore de importation: Import error: invalid data in fileHistory import completeExportar li preferet in un fileFiles XML (*.xml);;Omni files (*.*)Favorites export completeExport Favorites to file as plain listImportar li preferet ex un fileXML files (*.xml);;Txt files (*.txt);;All files (*.*)Data parsing errorFavorites import completeInfo pri li dictionariumParoles in li dictionariumAperter li fólder del dictionariumRedacter li dictionariumIndexante por sercha plentextual: Remover li parol «%1» ex li Preferet?Mdx::MdxArticleRequestDictionary file was tampered or corruptedNe successat cargar un artucul de %1, cause: %2MediaWiki::MediaWikiArticleRequestErrore de analise de XML: %1 ye %2,%3MediaWiki::MediaWikiWordSearchRequestErrore de analise de XML: %1 ye %2,%3MediaWikisModelActivatNómineAdresseIconeLanguage VariantMultimediaAudioPlayerCouldn't open audio buffer for reading.OrderAndPropsFormÓrdine de dictionariums:Ínactiv dictionariums:Information pri li dictionariumNómine:Total articules:Total paroles:Traducte de:Traducte a:Descrition:Files includet in ti-ci dictionarium:Adjust the order by dragging and dropping items in it. Drop dictionaries to the inactive group to disable their use.Paroles in li dictionariumOrdinar secun nómineOrdinar secun linguesDictionariums: activ: %1, ínactiv: %2PathsModelRuteRecursivPreferencesPreferenties&InterfacieUn duplic clic traducte li parolNavigation in cartesNormally, opening a new tab switches to it immediately.
With this on however, new tabs will be opened without
switching to them.Aperter nov cartes in li fundeWith this on, new tabs are opened just after the
current, active one. Otherwise they are added to
be the last ones.Aperter nov cartes pos li actualSelect this option if you don't want to see the main tab bar when only a single tab is opened.Celar li singul carteMRU order: Most recently used order.Ctrl-Tab navigates tabs in MRU orderNormally, pressing ESC key moves focus to the translation line.
With this on however, it will hide the main window.Celar li fenestre principal per taste EscTurn this option on if you want to select words by single mouse clickSelecter paroles per un singul clicInicieAutomatically starts GoldenDict after operation system bootup.Lansar al inicieNormally, clicking on a link, double-clicking on a word or looking up
selection in an article loads the translation and almost immediately
scrolls to the article from the same dictionary. With this option off,
however, the article from the topmost dictionary is shown.Automatically scroll to target articleWhen enabled, an icon appears in the system tray area which can be used
to open main window and perform other tasks.Enable system tray iconWith this on, the application starts directly to system tray without showing
its main window.Start to system trayWith this on, an attempt to close main window would hide it instead of closing
the application.Close to system trayAdjust this value to avoid huge context menus.Max dictionariums in li menú:AppearanceInterface FontLingue de interfacie:Article Display style:Add-on style:Interface Style:Turn the UI to dark.Mode obscurTurn the article display style to dark.Dark Reader ModeThese fonts will be applied when the fonts specified by a dictionary are not found.Fallback FontsStandard FontSerif FontSans-serif FontMonospace Font&MonitorChooses whether the scan popup mode is on by default or not. If checked,
the program would always start with the scan popup active.Activar li monitor al inicieSend translated word to main window instead of to show it in popup windowInviar li traductet parol al fenestre principalTrack clipboard changes when Scanning is enabled. Notice! You should always enable this unless you are on Linux.Track Clipboard changeTrack Selection changeWith this enabled, the popup would only show up if all chosen keys are
in the pressed state when the word selection changes.Only tack selection when all selected keys are kept pressed:Taste AltAltTaste CtrlCtrlShiftShiftWindows key or Meta keyWin/MetaShow a flag window before showing popup window, click the flag to show popup window. Monstrar li ballon del monitor quande un parol es selectetDo not show popup when selection or clipboard in one of GoldenDict's own windows changesIgnorar li cambias del selection e li Paperiere fat per GoldenDict-ngDelay time msRapid-tastesUsar ti rapid-taste por monstar o celar li fenestre principal:Usar ti rapid-taste por traducter un parol in li Paperiere:Li rapid-tastes es global e functiona in chascun programma durante que GoldenDict opera in li funde.&AudioPronunciationAuto-pronunciar paroles in li principal fenestreAuto-pronounce words in scan popupReproductionPlay audio files via built-in audio supportInternal reproductor:Selecte li infrastructura de audioUsar alquel extern programma por reproducter audiofilesExtern programma:Provide li comande del reproductionR&eteEnable if you wish to use a proxy server
for all program's network requests.Usar un servitor proxyProxy del sistemaCustom proxyParametres personalTip:Host:Portu:Usator:Contrasigne:Conexer a Ankihttp://Deck:Modelle:ParolVocabulary field...TextuDefinition field...FraseSentence field (can be empty)...Enabling this would make GoldenDict block most advertisements
by disallowing content (images, frames) not originating from the site
you are browsing. If some site breaks because of this, try disabling this.Ne cargar contenete de altri sites (cela pluparte de reclams)Some sites detect GoldenDict via HTTP headers and block the requests.
Enable this option to workaround the problem.Do not identify GoldenDict in HTTP headersMaximum network cache size:Maximum disk space occupied by GoldenDict's network cache in
If set to 0 the network disk cache will be disabled. MioWhen this option is enabled, GoldenDict
clears its network cache from disk during exit.Clear network cache on exitWhen this is enabled, the program periodically
checks if a new, updated version of GoldenDict
is available for download. If it is so, the program
informs the user about it and prompts to open a
download page.Check for new program releases periodicallySercha plentextualUsar sercha plentextual por:Ne serchar dictionariums con plu quamarticules (0 - ínlimitat)Create fulltext index with parallel threads A&vansatDiariumTurn this option on to store history of the translated words&Mantener diariumSpecify the maximum number of entries to keep in history.Max grandore:History saving interval. If set to 0 history will be saved only during exit.Gardar chascunminutesPreferetFavorites saving interval. If set to 0 Favorites will be saved only during exit.Turn this option on to confirm every operation of items deletionConfirmar li deletion de elementesArticulesIgnore punctuation while searchingInput phrases longer than this size will be ignoredsimbolesSelecte ti-ci option por contracter grand articules automaticmenContraer articules plu long quamTurn this option on to ignore unreasonably long input text
from mouse-over, selection, clipboard or command lineIgnore input phrases longer thanArticles longer than this size will be collapsedTurn this option on to always expand optional parts of articlesExpander li facultativ &partesTurn this option on to ignore diacritics while searching articlesIgnorar signes diacriticDuring successive searches,if one dictionary is collapsed by manual, it will remain collapsed in the next searchSession collapseTurn this option on to enable extra articles search via synonym lists
from Stardict, Babylon and GLS dictionariesSerchar per sinonimsWhen using clipboard, strip everything after newlineOn a new search, focus the main or popup window even if it's visibleMiscellaneousRemove invalid index on exitPredefinitPredefinitClassicModernpopupBabylonLingoesLingoes-Blue MoRelansa li programma por cambiar li lingue.Restart to apply the interface style change.Restart to apply the interface font change.Restart neededProgramTypeEditorAudioPlain TextHTMLCorrespondentie de un prefixÍnconossetPrograms::RunInstanceNómine de programma es mancant.Li programma ha terminat abnormalmen.Li programma ha retrodat li code %1.ProgramsModelActivatTipNómineLinea de comandesIconeQObjectErrore evenit cargante un articulErrore evenit decodificante un articulJure editorial: %1%2Version: %1%2Autor: %1%2E-post: %1%2Titul: %1%2Website: %1%2Date: %1%2Un programma de sercha in un dictionarium.Word or sentence to query.Save debug messages to gd_log.txt in the config folder.Reset window state.Disable tts.Change the group of main window.Change the group of popup.Force the word to be translated in scanpopupForce the word to be translated in the mainwindowToggle scan popup.Print version and diagnosis info.QuickFilterLineSercha/filtre de dictionariums (Ctrl+F)Vacuar li serchaResourceToSaveHandlerERRORE: %1Resource saving error: AVISE: %1The referenced resource failed to download.RomajiRomaji de Hepburn por hiraganaRomaji de Hepburn por katakanaRussianTranslitRuss transliterationScanPopupDialogRetroAvanPronunciar li parol (Alt+S)Alt+SInviar li parol al fenestre principal (Alt+W)Alt+WAdjunter li parol al preferet (Ctrl+E)Monstrar o celar li panel de dictionariumsSempre in avan del altri fenestresUse this to pin down the window so it would stay on screen,
could be resized or managed in other ways.%1 - GoldenDict-ngWARNING: %1SearchPanel&PrecedentCtrl+Shift+G&NextCtrl+G&Case SensitiveFind:SoundDirsModelRuteNómineIconeSourcesFilesRutes de sercha por files de dictionariums:&Adjunter...&RemoverRee&xaminarFólderes de sonesMake dictionaries from bunches of audiofiles by adding paths here:MorfologieFólder con dictionariums Hunspell/Myspell:&Modificar...Disponibil dictionariums de morfologie:Each morphology dictionary appears as a
separate auxiliary dictionary which
provides stem words for searches and
spelling suggestions for mistyped words.
Add appropriate dictionaries to the bottoms
of the appropriate groups to use them.WikipediaSites de Wikipedia o MediaWiki:WebsitesAlquel websites. Un catene %GDWORD% va esser remplazzat per li demandat parole:Usa %GD1251% por codification CP1251, %GDISO1%...%GDISO16% por ISO 8859-1...ISO 8859-16,
%GDBIG5% por Big-5, %GDBIG5HKSCS% por Big5-HKSCS, %GDGBK% por GBK and GB18030, %GDSHIFTJIS% por Shift-JIS.Servitores DICTServitores DICT:ProgrammasAny external programs. A string %GDWORD% will be replaced with the query word. A string %GDSEARCH% will be replaced with the text in the search bar. If both of the parameters are not provided, the headword will be fed into standard input.Lingua Libre<html><head/><body><p>Pronunciations provided by <a href="https://lingualibre.org"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#2980b9;">Lingua Libre</span></a>, a collaborative linguistic media library of Wikimedia France. </p></body></html>Enable Lingua LibreISO 639-3 language codeExamples: "eng" for English, "fra" for French <br>
Full list of availiable languages can be found <a href="https://lingualibre.org/wiki/LinguaLibre:Stats/Languages"> here </a>ForvoLive pronunciations from <a href="http://www.forvo.com/">forvo.com</a>. The site allows people to record and share word pronunciations. You can listen to them from GoldenDict.Activar pronunciationes de ForvoClave de API:<html><head/><body><p>Use of Forvo currently requires an API key, register on the site to get your own key.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Get your own key <a href="http://api.forvo.com/key/"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">here</span></a></p></body></html>Codes de lingues:Liste de codes de lingues, p.ex. «en, ie».Li <a href="http://www.forvo.com/languages-codes/">complet liste</a> de codes es disponibil.TransliterationGrec transliterationRuss transliterationGerman transliterationBelarusian transliterationEnables to use the Latin alphabet to write the Japanese languageRomaji japanesiSistemas:The most widely used method of transcription of Japanese,
based on English phonologyHepburnThe most regular system, having a one-to-one relation to the
kana writing systems. Standardized as ISO 3602
Not implemented yet in GoldenDict.Nihon-shikiBased on Nihon-shiki system, but modified for modern standard Japanese.
Standardized as ISO 3602
Not implemented yet in GoldenDict.Kunrei-shikiSillabariums:Sillabarium japanesi «hiragana»HiraganaSillabarium japanesi «katakana»KatakanaCustom transliterationThis only applied in search phrase, with each line represent a transliteration,semicolon seperated. For example, ae;æ,users can input ae to represent æ in the target word.ae;æ #this is an exampleDictionSelecte un fólderConfirm removalRemover li fólder <b>%1</b> ex li list?Remover li site <b>%1</b> ex li liste?Remover li programa <b>%1</b> ex li liste?StylesComboBoxNullTextToSpeechSourceSelected voice engines:&Adjunter&RemoverPreferentiesVolúmine:Rapidore:PreviderAvailable voice engines:Text to be previewed:Type text to be previewed here.&PreviderNo TTS voice availableCannot find available TTS voice.<br>Please make sure that at least one TTS engine installed on your computer already.Confirm removalRemove voice engine <b>%1</b> from the list?TranslateBoxTippa un parol o frase por serchar dictionariumsDrop-downVoiceEnginesModelActivNómineIdIconeWebSitesModelInsert article as link inside <iframe> tagActivatQuam un ligamentNómineAdresseIconeWordFinderFailed to query some dictionaries.