/* This file is (c) 2008-2012 Konstantin Isakov * Part of GoldenDict. Licensed under GPLv3 or later, see the LICENSE file */ #include "config.hh" #include #include #include #include "dprintf.hh" #ifdef _MSC_VER #include #else #include #endif #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 #include "shlobj.h" #endif #include "atomic_rename.hh" namespace Config { namespace { QDir getHomeDir() { if ( isPortableVersion() ) return QDir( QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() + "/portable" ); QDir result; result = QDir::home(); #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 if ( result.cd( "Application Data/GoldenDict" ) ) return result; char const * pathInHome = "GoldenDict"; result = QDir::fromNativeSeparators( QString::fromWCharArray( _wgetenv( L"APPDATA" ) ) ); #else char const * pathInHome = ".goldendict"; #endif result.mkpath( pathInHome ); if ( !result.cd( pathInHome ) ) throw exCantUseHomeDir(); return result; } } ProxyServer::ProxyServer(): enabled( false ), type( Socks5 ), port( 3128 ) { } HotKey::HotKey(): modifiers( 0 ), key1( 0 ), key2( 0 ) { } // Does anyone know how to separate modifiers from the keycode? We'll // use our own mask. uint32_t const keyMask = 0x01FFFFFF; HotKey::HotKey( QKeySequence const & seq ): modifiers( seq[ 0 ] & ~keyMask ), key1( seq[ 0 ] & keyMask ), key2( seq[ 1 ] & keyMask ) { } QKeySequence HotKey::toKeySequence() const { int v2 = key2 ? ( key2 | modifiers ): 0; return QKeySequence( key1 | modifiers, v2 ); } Preferences::Preferences(): newTabsOpenAfterCurrentOne( false ), newTabsOpenInBackground( true ), hideSingleTab( false ), mruTabOrder ( false ), hideMenubar( false ), enableTrayIcon( true ), startToTray( false ), closeToTray( true ), autoStart( false ), doubleClickTranslates( true ), selectWordBySingleClick( false ), escKeyHidesMainWindow( false ), alwaysOnTop ( false ), searchInDock ( false ), enableMainWindowHotkey( true ), mainWindowHotkey( QKeySequence( "Ctrl+F11,F11" ) ), enableClipboardHotkey( true ), clipboardHotkey( QKeySequence( "Ctrl+C,C" ) ), enableScanPopup( true ), startWithScanPopupOn( false ), enableScanPopupModifiers( false ), scanPopupModifiers( 0 ), scanPopupAltMode( false ), scanPopupAltModeSecs( 3 ), scanPopupUseUIAutomation( true ), scanPopupUseIAccessibleEx( true ), scanPopupUseGDMessage( true ), scanToMainWindow( false ), pronounceOnLoadMain( false ), pronounceOnLoadPopup( false ), useExternalPlayer( false ), useInternalPlayer( true ), checkForNewReleases( true ), disallowContentFromOtherSites( false ), enableWebPlugins( false ), hideGoldenDictHeader( false ), zoomFactor( 1 ), wordsZoomLevel( 0 ), maxStringsInHistory( 500 ), storeHistory( 1 ), alwaysExpandOptionalParts( true ) , historyStoreInterval( 0 ) { } Romaji::Romaji(): enable( false ), enableHepburn( true ), enableNihonShiki( false ), enableKunreiShiki( false ), enableHiragana( true ), enableKatakana( true ) { } Group * Class::getGroup( unsigned id ) { for( int x = 0; x < groups.size(); x++ ) if( groups.at( x ).id == id ) return &groups[ x ]; return 0; } Group const * Class::getGroup( unsigned id ) const { for( int x = 0; x < groups.size(); x++ ) if( groups.at( x ).id == id ) return &groups.at( x ); return 0; } void Events::signalMutedDictionariesChanged() { emit mutedDictionariesChanged(); } namespace { MediaWikis makeDefaultMediaWikis( bool enable ) { MediaWikis mw; mw.push_back( MediaWiki( "ae6f89aac7151829681b85f035d54e48", "English Wikipedia", "http://en.wikipedia.org/w", enable, "" ) ); mw.push_back( MediaWiki( "affcf9678e7bfe701c9b071f97eccba3", "English Wiktionary", "http://en.wiktionary.org/w", false, "" ) ); mw.push_back( MediaWiki( "8e0c1c2b6821dab8bdba8eb869ca7176", "Russian Wikipedia", "http://ru.wikipedia.org/w", false, "" ) ); mw.push_back( MediaWiki( "b09947600ae3902654f8ad4567ae8567", "Russian Wiktionary", "http://ru.wiktionary.org/w", false, "" ) ); mw.push_back( MediaWiki( "a8a66331a1242ca2aeb0b4aed361c41d", "German Wikipedia", "http://de.wikipedia.org/w", false, "" ) ); mw.push_back( MediaWiki( "21c64bca5ec10ba17ff19f3066bc962a", "German Wiktionary", "http://de.wiktionary.org/w", false, "" ) ); mw.push_back( MediaWiki( "96957cb2ad73a20c7a1d561fc83c253a", "Portuguese Wikipedia", "http://pt.wikipedia.org/w", false, "" ) ); mw.push_back( MediaWiki( "ed4c3929196afdd93cc08b9a903aad6a", "Portuguese Wiktionary", "http://pt.wiktionary.org/w", false, "" ) ); return mw; } WebSites makeDefaultWebSites() { WebSites ws; ws.push_back( WebSite( "b88cb2898e634c6638df618528284c2d", "Google En-En (Oxford)", "http://www.google.com/dictionary?aq=f&langpair=en|en&q=%GDWORD%&hl=en", false, "" ) ); ws.push_back( WebSite( "f376365a0de651fd7505e7e5e683aa45", "Urban Dictionary", "http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=%GDWORD%", false, "" ) ); ws.push_back( WebSite( "324ca0306187df7511b26d3847f4b07c", "Multitran (En)", "http://multitran.ru/c/m.exe?CL=1&l1=1&s=%GD1251%", false, "" ) ); ws.push_back( WebSite( "924db471b105299c82892067c0f10787", "Lingvo (En-Ru)", "http://lingvopro.abbyyonline.com/en/Search/en-ru/%GDWORD%", false, "" ) ); ws.push_back( WebSite( "087a6d65615fb047f4c80eef0a9465db", "Michaelis (Pt-En)", "http://michaelis.uol.com.br/moderno/ingles/index.php?lingua=portugues-ingles&palavra=%GDISO1%", false, "" ) ); return ws; } Programs makeDefaultPrograms() { Programs programs; // The following list doesn't make a lot of sense under Windows #ifndef Q_WS_WIN programs.push_back( Program( false, Program::Audio, "428b4c2b905ef568a43d9a16f59559b0", "Festival", "festival --tts", "" ) ); programs.push_back( Program( false, Program::Audio, "2cf8b3a60f27e1ac812de0b57c148340", "Espeak", "espeak %GDWORD%", "" ) ); programs.push_back( Program( false, Program::Html, "4f898f7582596cea518c6b0bfdceb8b3", "Manpages", "man -a --html=/bin/cat %GDWORD%", "" ) ); #endif return programs; } /// Sets option to true of false if node is "1" or "0" respectively, or leaves /// it intact if it's neither "1" nor "0". void applyBoolOption( bool & option, QDomNode const & node ) { QString value = node.toElement().text(); if ( value == "1" ) option = true; else if ( value == "0" ) option = false; } Group loadGroup( QDomElement grp, unsigned * nextId = 0 ) { Group g; if ( grp.hasAttribute( "id" ) ) g.id = grp.attribute( "id" ).toUInt(); else g.id = nextId ? (*nextId)++ : 0; g.name = grp.attribute( "name" ); g.icon = grp.attribute( "icon" ); if ( !grp.attribute( "iconData" ).isEmpty() ) g.iconData = QByteArray::fromBase64( grp.attribute( "iconData" ).toLatin1() ); if ( !grp.attribute( "shortcut" ).isEmpty() ) g.shortcut = QKeySequence::fromString( grp.attribute( "shortcut" ) ); QDomNodeList dicts = grp.elementsByTagName( "dictionary" ); for( unsigned y = 0; y < dicts.length(); ++y ) g.dictionaries.push_back( DictionaryRef( dicts.item( y ).toElement().text(), dicts.item( y ).toElement().attribute( "name" ) ) ); QDomNode muted = grp.namedItem( "mutedDictionaries" ); dicts = muted.toElement().elementsByTagName( "mutedDictionary" ); for( unsigned x = 0; x < dicts.length(); ++x ) g.mutedDictionaries.insert( dicts.item( x ).toElement().text() ); dicts = muted.toElement().elementsByTagName( "popupMutedDictionary" ); for( unsigned x = 0; x < dicts.length(); ++x ) g.popupMutedDictionaries.insert( dicts.item( x ).toElement().text() ); return g; } MutedDictionaries loadMutedDictionaries( QDomNode mutedDictionaries ) { MutedDictionaries result; if ( !mutedDictionaries.isNull() ) { QDomNodeList nl = mutedDictionaries.toElement(). elementsByTagName( "mutedDictionary" ); for( unsigned x = 0; x < nl.length(); ++x ) result.insert( nl.item( x ).toElement().text() ); } return result; } void saveMutedDictionaries( QDomDocument & dd, QDomElement & muted, MutedDictionaries const & mutedDictionaries ) { for( MutedDictionaries::const_iterator i = mutedDictionaries.begin(); i != mutedDictionaries.end(); ++i ) { QDomElement dict = dd.createElement( "mutedDictionary" ); muted.appendChild( dict ); QDomText value = dd.createTextNode( *i ); dict.appendChild( value ); } } } Class load() throw( exError ) { QString configName = getConfigFileName(); bool loadFromTemplate = false; if ( !QFile::exists( configName ) ) { // Make the default config, save it and return it Class c; #ifdef Q_OS_LINUX if ( QDir( "/usr/share/stardict/dic" ).exists() ) c.paths.push_back( Path( "/usr/share/stardict/dic", true ) ); if ( QDir( "/usr/share/dictd" ).exists() ) c.paths.push_back( Path( "/usr/share/dictd", true ) ); if ( QDir( "/usr/share/WyabdcRealPeopleTTS" ).exists() ) c.soundDirs.push_back( SoundDir( "/usr/share/WyabdcRealPeopleTTS", "WyabdcRealPeopleTTS" ) ); if ( QDir( "/usr/share/myspell/dicts" ).exists() ) c.hunspell.dictionariesPath = "/usr/share/myspell/dicts"; #endif #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 // get path to Program Files wchar_t buf[ MAX_PATH ]; SHGetFolderPathW( NULL, CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES, NULL, 0, buf ); QString pathToProgramFiles = QString::fromWCharArray( buf ); if ( pathToProgramFiles.isEmpty() ) pathToProgramFiles = "C:\\Program Files"; if ( QDir( pathToProgramFiles + "\\StarDict\\dic" ).exists() ) c.paths.push_back( Path( pathToProgramFiles + "\\StarDict\\dic", true ) ); if ( QDir( pathToProgramFiles + "\\StarDict\\WyabdcRealPeopleTTS" ).exists() ) c.soundDirs.push_back( SoundDir( pathToProgramFiles + "\\StarDict\\WyabdcRealPeopleTTS", "WyabdcRealPeopleTTS" ) ); else if ( QDir( pathToProgramFiles + "\\WyabdcRealPeopleTTS" ).exists() ) c.soundDirs.push_back( SoundDir( pathToProgramFiles + "\\WyabdcRealPeopleTTS", "WyabdcRealPeopleTTS" ) ); // #### "C:/Program Files" is bad! will not work for German Windows etc. // #### should be replaced to system path // if ( QDir( "C:/Program Files/StarDict/dic" ).exists() ) // c.paths.push_back( Path( "C:/Program Files/StarDict/dic", true ) ); // // if ( QDir( "C:/Program Files/StarDict/WyabdcRealPeopleTTS" ).exists() ) // c.soundDirs.push_back( SoundDir( "C:/Program Files/StarDict/WyabdcRealPeopleTTS", "WyabdcRealPeopleTTS" ) ); // else // if ( QDir( "C:/Program Files/WyabdcRealPeopleTTS" ).exists() ) // c.soundDirs.push_back( SoundDir( "C:/Program Files/WyabdcRealPeopleTTS", "WyabdcRealPeopleTTS" ) ); #endif #ifndef Q_OS_WIN32 c.preferences.audioPlaybackProgram = "mplayer"; #endif QString possibleMorphologyPath = getProgramDataDir() + "/content/morphology"; if ( QDir( possibleMorphologyPath ).exists() ) c.hunspell.dictionariesPath = possibleMorphologyPath; c.mediawikis = makeDefaultMediaWikis( true ); c.webSites = makeDefaultWebSites(); // Check if we have a template config file. If we do, load it instead configName = getProgramDataDir() + "/content/defconfig"; loadFromTemplate = QFile( configName ).exists(); if ( !loadFromTemplate ) { save( c ); return c; } } getStylesDir(); QFile configFile( configName ); if ( !configFile.open( QFile::ReadOnly ) ) throw exCantReadConfigFile(); QDomDocument dd; QString errorStr; int errorLine, errorColumn; if ( !loadFromTemplate ) { // Load the config as usual if ( !dd.setContent( &configFile, false, &errorStr, &errorLine, &errorColumn ) ) { DPRINTF( "Error: %s at %d,%d\n", errorStr.toLocal8Bit().constData(), errorLine, errorColumn ); throw exMalformedConfigFile(); } } else { // We need to replace all %PROGRAMDIR% with the program data dir QByteArray data = configFile.readAll(); data.replace( "%PROGRAMDIR%", getProgramDataDir().toUtf8() ); QBuffer bufferedData( &data ); if ( !dd.setContent( &bufferedData, false, &errorStr, &errorLine, &errorColumn ) ) { DPRINTF( "Error: %s at %d,%d\n", errorStr.toLocal8Bit().constData(), errorLine, errorColumn ); throw exMalformedConfigFile(); } } configFile.close(); QDomNode root = dd.namedItem( "config" ); Class c; QDomNode paths = root.namedItem( "paths" ); if ( !paths.isNull() ) { QDomNodeList nl = paths.toElement().elementsByTagName( "path" ); for( unsigned x = 0; x < nl.length(); ++x ) c.paths.push_back( Path( nl.item( x ).toElement().text(), nl.item( x ).toElement().attribute( "recursive" ) == "1" ) ); } QDomNode soundDirs = root.namedItem( "sounddirs" ); if ( !soundDirs.isNull() ) { QDomNodeList nl = soundDirs.toElement().elementsByTagName( "sounddir" ); for( unsigned x = 0; x < nl.length(); ++x ) c.soundDirs.push_back( SoundDir( nl.item( x ).toElement().text(), nl.item( x ).toElement().attribute( "name" ), nl.item( x ).toElement().attribute( "icon" ) ) ); } QDomNode dictionaryOrder = root.namedItem( "dictionaryOrder" ); if ( !dictionaryOrder.isNull() ) c.dictionaryOrder = loadGroup( dictionaryOrder.toElement() ); QDomNode inactiveDictionaries = root.namedItem( "inactiveDictionaries" ); if ( !inactiveDictionaries.isNull() ) c.inactiveDictionaries = loadGroup( inactiveDictionaries.toElement() ); QDomNode groups = root.namedItem( "groups" ); if ( !groups.isNull() ) { c.groups.nextId = groups.toElement().attribute( "nextId", "1" ).toUInt(); QDomNodeList nl = groups.toElement().elementsByTagName( "group" ); for( unsigned x = 0; x < nl.length(); ++x ) { QDomElement grp = nl.item( x ).toElement(); c.groups.push_back( loadGroup( grp, &c.groups.nextId ) ); } } QDomNode hunspell = root.namedItem( "hunspell" ); if ( !hunspell.isNull() ) { c.hunspell.dictionariesPath = hunspell.toElement().attribute( "dictionariesPath" ); QDomNodeList nl = hunspell.toElement().elementsByTagName( "enabled" ); for( unsigned x = 0; x < nl.length(); ++x ) c.hunspell.enabledDictionaries.push_back( nl.item( x ).toElement().text() ); } QDomNode transliteration = root.namedItem( "transliteration" ); if ( !transliteration.isNull() ) { applyBoolOption( c.transliteration.enableRussianTransliteration, transliteration.namedItem( "enableRussianTransliteration" ) ); applyBoolOption( c.transliteration.enableGermanTransliteration, transliteration.namedItem( "enableGermanTransliteration" ) ); applyBoolOption( c.transliteration.enableGreekTransliteration, transliteration.namedItem( "enableGreekTransliteration" ) ); applyBoolOption( c.transliteration.enableBelarusianTransliteration, transliteration.namedItem( "enableBelarusianTransliteration" ) ); QDomNode romaji = transliteration.namedItem( "romaji" ); if ( !romaji.isNull() ) { applyBoolOption( c.transliteration.romaji.enable, romaji.namedItem( "enable" ) ); applyBoolOption( c.transliteration.romaji.enableHepburn, romaji.namedItem( "enableHepburn" ) ); applyBoolOption( c.transliteration.romaji.enableNihonShiki, romaji.namedItem( "enableNihonShiki" ) ); applyBoolOption( c.transliteration.romaji.enableKunreiShiki, romaji.namedItem( "enableKunreiShiki" ) ); applyBoolOption( c.transliteration.romaji.enableHiragana, romaji.namedItem( "enableHiragana" ) ); applyBoolOption( c.transliteration.romaji.enableKatakana, romaji.namedItem( "enableKatakana" ) ); } } QDomNode forvo = root.namedItem( "forvo" ); if ( !forvo.isNull() ) { applyBoolOption( c.forvo.enable, forvo.namedItem( "enable" ) ); c.forvo.apiKey = forvo.namedItem( "apiKey" ).toElement().text(); c.forvo.languageCodes = forvo.namedItem( "languageCodes" ).toElement().text(); } else c.forvo.languageCodes = "en, ru"; // Default demo values QDomNode programs = root.namedItem( "programs" ); if ( !programs.isNull() ) { QDomNodeList nl = programs.toElement().elementsByTagName( "program" ); for( unsigned x = 0; x < nl.length(); ++x ) { QDomElement pr = nl.item( x ).toElement(); Program p; p.id = pr.attribute( "id" ); p.name = pr.attribute( "name" ); p.commandLine = pr.attribute( "commandLine" ); p.enabled = ( pr.attribute( "enabled" ) == "1" ); p.type = (Program::Type)( pr.attribute( "type" ).toInt() ); p.iconFilename = pr.attribute( "icon" ); c.programs.push_back( p ); } } else c.programs = makeDefaultPrograms(); QDomNode mws = root.namedItem( "mediawikis" ); if ( !mws.isNull() ) { QDomNodeList nl = mws.toElement().elementsByTagName( "mediawiki" ); for( unsigned x = 0; x < nl.length(); ++x ) { QDomElement mw = nl.item( x ).toElement(); MediaWiki w; w.id = mw.attribute( "id" ); w.name = mw.attribute( "name" ); w.url = mw.attribute( "url" ); w.enabled = ( mw.attribute( "enabled" ) == "1" ); w.icon = mw.attribute( "icon" ); c.mediawikis.push_back( w ); } } else { // When upgrading, populate the list with some choices, but don't enable // anything. c.mediawikis = makeDefaultMediaWikis( false ); } QDomNode wss = root.namedItem( "websites" ); if ( !wss.isNull() ) { QDomNodeList nl = wss.toElement().elementsByTagName( "website" ); for( unsigned x = 0; x < nl.length(); ++x ) { QDomElement ws = nl.item( x ).toElement(); WebSite w; w.id = ws.attribute( "id" ); w.name = ws.attribute( "name" ); w.url = ws.attribute( "url" ); w.enabled = ( ws.attribute( "enabled" ) == "1" ); w.iconFilename = ws.attribute( "icon" ); c.webSites.push_back( w ); } } else { // Upgrading c.webSites = makeDefaultWebSites(); } QDomNode ves = root.namedItem( "voiceEngines" ); if ( !ves.isNull() ) { QDomNodeList nl = ves.toElement().elementsByTagName( "voiceEngine" ); for ( unsigned x = 0; x < nl.length(); ++x ) { QDomElement ve = nl.item( x ).toElement(); VoiceEngine v; v.enabled = ve.attribute( "enabled" ) == "1"; v.id = ve.attribute( "id" ); v.name = ve.attribute( "name" ); v.iconFilename = ve.attribute( "icon" ); v.volume = ve.attribute( "volume", "50" ).toInt(); if( v.volume < 0 || v.volume > 100 ) v.volume = 50; v.rate = ve.attribute( "rate", "50" ).toInt(); if( v.rate < 0 || v.rate > 100 ) v.rate = 50; c.voiceEngines.push_back( v ); } } c.mutedDictionaries = loadMutedDictionaries( root.namedItem( "mutedDictionaries" ) ); c.popupMutedDictionaries = loadMutedDictionaries( root.namedItem( "popupMutedDictionaries" ) ); QDomNode preferences = root.namedItem( "preferences" ); if ( !preferences.isNull() ) { c.preferences.interfaceLanguage = preferences.namedItem( "interfaceLanguage" ).toElement().text(); c.preferences.displayStyle = preferences.namedItem( "displayStyle" ).toElement().text(); c.preferences.newTabsOpenAfterCurrentOne = ( preferences.namedItem( "newTabsOpenAfterCurrentOne" ).toElement().text() == "1" ); c.preferences.newTabsOpenInBackground = ( preferences.namedItem( "newTabsOpenInBackground" ).toElement().text() == "1" ); c.preferences.hideSingleTab = ( preferences.namedItem( "hideSingleTab" ).toElement().text() == "1" ); c.preferences.mruTabOrder = ( preferences.namedItem( "mruTabOrder" ).toElement().text() == "1" ); c.preferences.hideMenubar = ( preferences.namedItem( "hideMenubar" ).toElement().text() == "1" ); c.preferences.enableTrayIcon = ( preferences.namedItem( "enableTrayIcon" ).toElement().text() == "1" ); c.preferences.startToTray = ( preferences.namedItem( "startToTray" ).toElement().text() == "1" ); c.preferences.closeToTray = ( preferences.namedItem( "closeToTray" ).toElement().text() == "1" ); c.preferences.autoStart = ( preferences.namedItem( "autoStart" ).toElement().text() == "1" ); c.preferences.alwaysOnTop = ( preferences.namedItem( "alwaysOnTop" ).toElement().text() == "1" ); c.preferences.searchInDock = ( preferences.namedItem( "searchInDock" ).toElement().text() == "1" ); if ( !preferences.namedItem( "doubleClickTranslates" ).isNull() ) c.preferences.doubleClickTranslates = ( preferences.namedItem( "doubleClickTranslates" ).toElement().text() == "1" ); if ( !preferences.namedItem( "selectWordBySingleClick" ).isNull() ) c.preferences.selectWordBySingleClick = ( preferences.namedItem( "selectWordBySingleClick" ).toElement().text() == "1" ); if ( !preferences.namedItem( "escKeyHidesMainWindow" ).isNull() ) c.preferences.escKeyHidesMainWindow = ( preferences.namedItem( "escKeyHidesMainWindow" ).toElement().text() == "1" ); if ( !preferences.namedItem( "zoomFactor" ).isNull() ) c.preferences.zoomFactor = preferences.namedItem( "zoomFactor" ).toElement().text().toDouble(); if ( !preferences.namedItem( "wordsZoomLevel" ).isNull() ) c.preferences.wordsZoomLevel = preferences.namedItem( "wordsZoomLevel" ).toElement().text().toInt(); applyBoolOption( c.preferences.enableMainWindowHotkey, preferences.namedItem( "enableMainWindowHotkey" ) ); if ( !preferences.namedItem( "mainWindowHotkey" ).isNull() ) c.preferences.mainWindowHotkey = QKeySequence::fromString( preferences.namedItem( "mainWindowHotkey" ).toElement().text() ); applyBoolOption( c.preferences.enableClipboardHotkey, preferences.namedItem( "enableClipboardHotkey" ) ); if ( !preferences.namedItem( "clipboardHotkey" ).isNull() ) c.preferences.clipboardHotkey = QKeySequence::fromString( preferences.namedItem( "clipboardHotkey" ).toElement().text() ); c.preferences.enableScanPopup = ( preferences.namedItem( "enableScanPopup" ).toElement().text() == "1" ); c.preferences.startWithScanPopupOn = ( preferences.namedItem( "startWithScanPopupOn" ).toElement().text() == "1" ); c.preferences.enableScanPopupModifiers = ( preferences.namedItem( "enableScanPopupModifiers" ).toElement().text() == "1" ); c.preferences.scanPopupModifiers = ( preferences.namedItem( "scanPopupModifiers" ).toElement().text().toULong() ); c.preferences.scanPopupAltMode = ( preferences.namedItem( "scanPopupAltMode" ).toElement().text() == "1" ); if ( !preferences.namedItem( "scanPopupAltModeSecs" ).isNull() ) c.preferences.scanPopupAltModeSecs = preferences.namedItem( "scanPopupAltModeSecs" ).toElement().text().toUInt(); c.preferences.scanToMainWindow = ( preferences.namedItem( "scanToMainWindow" ).toElement().text() == "1" ); c.preferences.scanPopupUseUIAutomation = ( preferences.namedItem( "scanPopupUseUIAutomation" ).toElement().text() == "1" ); c.preferences.scanPopupUseIAccessibleEx = ( preferences.namedItem( "scanPopupUseIAccessibleEx" ).toElement().text() == "1" ); c.preferences.scanPopupUseGDMessage = ( preferences.namedItem( "scanPopupUseGDMessage" ).toElement().text() == "1" ); c.preferences.pronounceOnLoadMain = ( preferences.namedItem( "pronounceOnLoadMain" ).toElement().text() == "1" ); c.preferences.pronounceOnLoadPopup = ( preferences.namedItem( "pronounceOnLoadPopup" ).toElement().text() == "1" ); if ( !preferences.namedItem( "useExternalPlayer" ).isNull() ) c.preferences.useExternalPlayer = ( preferences.namedItem( "useExternalPlayer" ).toElement().text() == "1" ); if ( !preferences.namedItem( "useInternalPlayer" ).isNull() ) c.preferences.useInternalPlayer = ( preferences.namedItem( "useInternalPlayer" ).toElement().text() == "1" ); if ( !preferences.namedItem( "audioPlaybackProgram" ).isNull() ) c.preferences.audioPlaybackProgram = preferences.namedItem( "audioPlaybackProgram" ).toElement().text(); else c.preferences.audioPlaybackProgram = "mplayer"; QDomNode proxy = preferences.namedItem( "proxyserver" ); if ( !proxy.isNull() ) { c.preferences.proxyServer.enabled = ( proxy.toElement().attribute( "enabled" ) == "1" ); c.preferences.proxyServer.type = ( ProxyServer::Type ) proxy.namedItem( "type" ).toElement().text().toULong(); c.preferences.proxyServer.host = proxy.namedItem( "host" ).toElement().text(); c.preferences.proxyServer.port = proxy.namedItem( "port" ).toElement().text().toULong(); c.preferences.proxyServer.user = proxy.namedItem( "user" ).toElement().text(); c.preferences.proxyServer.password = proxy.namedItem( "password" ).toElement().text(); } if ( !preferences.namedItem( "checkForNewReleases" ).isNull() ) c.preferences.checkForNewReleases = ( preferences.namedItem( "checkForNewReleases" ).toElement().text() == "1" ); if ( !preferences.namedItem( "disallowContentFromOtherSites" ).isNull() ) c.preferences.disallowContentFromOtherSites = ( preferences.namedItem( "disallowContentFromOtherSites" ).toElement().text() == "1" ); if ( !preferences.namedItem( "enableWebPlugins" ).isNull() ) c.preferences.enableWebPlugins = ( preferences.namedItem( "enableWebPlugins" ).toElement().text() == "1" ); if ( !preferences.namedItem( "hideGoldenDictHeader" ).isNull() ) c.preferences.hideGoldenDictHeader = ( preferences.namedItem( "hideGoldenDictHeader" ).toElement().text() == "1" ); if ( !preferences.namedItem( "maxStringsInHistory" ).isNull() ) c.preferences.maxStringsInHistory = preferences.namedItem( "maxStringsInHistory" ).toElement().text().toUInt() ; if ( !preferences.namedItem( "storeHistory" ).isNull() ) c.preferences.storeHistory = preferences.namedItem( "storeHistory" ).toElement().text().toUInt() ; 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