AboutAboutHakyndaGoldenDict dictionary lookup program, version GoldenDict - sozlükleri açmak üçin programma, wersiýa (c) 2008-2013 Konstantin Isakov (ikm@goldendict.org)(c) 2008-2011 Konstantin Isakow (ikm@goldendict.org)(c) 2008-2011 Konstantin Isakov (ikm@goldendict.org)(c) 2008-2011 Konstantin Isakow (ikm@goldendict.org)Licensed under GNU GPLv3 or laterGNU GPLv3 we ondan soňky çykan lisenziýasy boýunçaCredits:Hormatlar:[Unknown][Näbelli]Based on Qt %1 (%2, %3 bit)Esaslanýar Qt %1 (%2, %3 bit)ArticleMakerNo translation for <b>%1</b> was found in group <b>%2</b>.<b>%1</b> üçin <b>%2</b> toparynda hiç terjime tapylmady.No translation was found in group <b>%1</b>.<b>%1</b> toparda hiç terjime tapylmady..Welcome!Hoş geldiňiz!<h3 align="center">Welcome to <b>GoldenDict</b>!</h3><p>To start working with the program, first visit <b>Edit|Dictionaries</b> to add some directory paths where to search for the dictionary files, set up various Wikipedia sites or other sources, adjust dictionary order or create dictionary groups.<p>And then you're ready to look up your words! You can do that in this window by using a pane to the left, or you can <a href="Working with popup">look up words from other active applications</a>. <p>To customize program, check out the available preferences at <b>Edit|Preferences</b>. All settings there have tooltips, be sure to read them if you are in doubt about anything.<p>Should you need further help, have any questions, suggestions or just wonder what the others think, you are welcome at the program's <a href="http://goldendict.org/forum/">forum</a>.<p>Check program's <a href="http://goldendict.org/">website</a> for the updates. <p>(c) 2008-2011 Konstantin Isakov. Licensed under GPLv3 or later.<h3 align="center">Hoş geldiňiz! <b>GoldenDict</b>!</h3><p>Programany ulanyp başlamak üçin, ilki bilent <b>Redaktrile|Dictionaries menýusyna baryň</b> we şol ýerden sözlük faýllaryň ýerleşýän bukjalaryny görkeziň, Wikipedia ýa-da başga çeşmeleri saýlaň, sözlükleriň görkeziş tertibini sazlaň ýa-da sözlükleriň toparyny dörediň.<p>Şondan soň sözleriň terjimesini gözlemäge başlap bolýar! Ony şu penjiräniň sag tarapynda ýerleşýän meýdançadan edip bolýar ýa-da <a href="Ýüzüne çykýan penjire (popup) bilen işlemek">göni başga programmalaryň içinden hem edip bolýar</a>. <p>Programmany sazlamak üçin, serediň <b>Redaktirle|Saýlamalar menýusyna</b>. Şol ýerde ýerleşen ähli sazlamalaryň gysga düşündirişi bar, bir zat düşünmeseňiz olary okamagy unutmaň.<p>Eger goşmaça soragyňyz bar bolsa,maslahat gerek bolsa, pikiriňizi paýlaşmak isleseňiz ýa-da beýleki ulanyjylaryň pikirlerini bilmek isleseňiz <a href="http://goldendict.org/forum/">foruma giriň</a>.<p>Programmanyň <a href="http://goldendict.org/">websaýtyndan</a> täzelikleri bilip bilersiňiz. <p>(c) 2008-2011 Konstantin Isakow. GPLv3 ýa-da soňky çykan lisenziýasy boýunça.Expand articleMakalany giňeltCollapse articleMakalany kiçelt<h3 align="center">Welcome to <b>GoldenDict</b>!</h3><p>To start working with the program, first visit <b>Edit|Dictionaries</b> to add some directory paths where to search for the dictionary files, set up various Wikipedia sites or other sources, adjust dictionary order or create dictionary groups.<p>And then you're ready to look up your words! You can do that in this window by using a pane to the left, or you can <a href="Working with popup">look up words from other active applications</a>. <p>To customize program, check out the available preferences at <b>Edit|Preferences</b>. All settings there have tooltips, be sure to read them if you are in doubt about anything.<p>Should you need further help, have any questions, suggestions or just wonder what the others think, you are welcome at the program's <a href="http://goldendict.org/forum/">forum</a>.<p>Check program's <a href="http://goldendict.org/">website</a> for the updates. <p>(c) 2008-2013 Konstantin Isakov. Licensed under GPLv3 or later.<h3 align="center">Hoş geldiňiz! <b>GoldenDict</b></h3><p>Programany ulanyp başlamak üçin, ilki bilen <b>Redaktrile|Dictionaries menýusyna baryň</b> we şol ýerden sözlük faýllaryň ýerleşýän bukjalaryny görkeziň, Wikipedia ýa-da başga çeşmeleri saýlaň, sözlükleriň görkeziş tertibini goýuň ýa-da sözlükleriň toparyny dörediň.<p>Şondan soň sözleriň terjimesini gözlemäge başlap bolýar! Ony şu penjiräniň sag tarapynda ýerleşýän meýdançasyndan edip bolýar ýa-da <a href="Ýüzüne çykýan penjire (popup) bilen işlemek">göni başga programmalaryň içinden hem edip bolýar</a>. <p>Programmany sazlamak üçin, serediň <b>Redaktirle|Saýlamalar menýusyna</b>. Şol ýerde ýerleşen ähli sazlamalaryň gysga düşündirişi bar, bir zat düşünmeseňiz olary okamagy unutmaň.<p>Eger goşmaça soragyňyz bar bolsa,maslahat gerek bolsa, pikiriňizi paýlaşmak isleseňiz ýa-da beýleki ulanyjylaryň pikirlerini bilmek isleseňiz <a href="http://goldendict.org/forum/">foruma giriň</a>.<p>Programmanyň <a href="http://goldendict.org/">websaýtyndan</a> täzelikleri bilip bilersiňiz. <p>(c) 2008-2013 Konstantin Isakow. GPLv3 ýa-da soňky çykan lisenziýasy boýunça.Working with popupÝüzüne çykýan penjire (popup) bilen işlemek<h3 align="center">Working with the popup</h3>To look up words from other active applications, you would need to first activate the <i>"Scan popup functionality"</i> in <b>Preferences</b>, and then enable it at any time either by triggering the 'Popup' icon above, or by clicking the tray icon down below with your right mouse button and choosing so in the menu you've popped. <h3 align="center">Ýüze çykýan penjireler ( popup) bilen işlemegiň düzgünleri</h3>Başga programmalaryň içinden sözleri terjime etmek üçin, şuny açmak gerek: <i>"Skan popup"</i> in <b>Saýlamalar menýusynyň içinde ýerleşýär</b>, soň ony Popup nyşany açyp ýa-da aşakdaky panelden myşkanyň sag düwmesine basyp işe göýbermek bolýar.Then just stop the cursor over the word you want to look up in another application, and a window would pop up which would describe it to you.Ondan soň, başga programmanyň içinde kursory gyzyklanýan sözüň üstüne getiriň - ýüze çykan penjirede onuň düşündirilişi görkeziler.Then just select any word you want to look up in another application by your mouse (double-click it or swipe it with mouse with the button pressed), and a window would pop up which would describe the word to you.Ondan soň, başga programmanyň içinde gyzyklanýan sözüňiziň üstüne myşka bilen iki gezek basyň ýa-da bellik ediň,soň- ýüze çykan penjirede onuň düşündirilişi görkeziler.(untitled)(atsyz)(picture)(surat)ArticleRequestExpand articleMakalany giňeltFrom Sözlük Collapse articleMakalany kiçeltQuery error: %1Sorag ýalňyşlygy: %1Close words: Ýakyn sözler: Compound expressions: Goşma aňlatmalar: Individual words: Aýry sözler: ArticleViewFormFormaabout:blankbarada: boşxxFind:Tap:&Previous&Yza&Next&IndikiCtrl+GCtrl+G&Case Sensitive&Uly-kiçi harplara duýgurlykHighlight &allBelle&hemmesiniResourceÇeşmeAudioAudioDefinition: %1Kesgitleme: %1GoldenDictGoldenDictSelect Current ArticleŞu makalany saýlaCopy as textTekst görnüşinde kopiýa etInspectGözden geçirTTS VoiceTTS sesiPictureSuratVideoWideoVideo: %1Wideo: %1Definition from dictionary "%1": %2Adalga şu sözlükden alyndy - "%1": %2The referenced resource doesn't exist.Salgylanan çeşme ýok.The referenced audio program doesn't exist.Salgylanan audio programa ýok.ERROR: %1ÝALŇYŞLYK: %1&Open Link&Linki açOpen Link in New &TabLinki täze aç &Tab-danOpen Link in &External BrowserLinki &Daşky Brauzerden açSave &image...Surady &ýatda sakla - ...Save s&ound...Ýatda sakla s&esi - ...&Look up "%1"&Tap "%1"Look up "%1" in &New TabTap "%1" in &New TabSend "%1" to input lineIber "%1" girizme setire&Add "%1" to history&Goş "%1" geçmişeLook up "%1" in %2Tap "%1" in %2Look up "%1" in %2 in &New TabTap "%1" in %2 in &New TabSave soundÝatda sakla sesiniSound files (*.wav *.ogg *.mp3 *.mp4 *.aac *.flac *.mid *.wv *.ape);;All files (*.*)Ses faýllary (*.wav *.ogg *.mp3 *.mp4 *.aac *.flac *.mid *.wv *.ape);;Ähli faýllar (*.*)Save imageSurady ýatda saklaImage files (*.bmp *.jpg *.png *.tif);;All files (*.*)Surat faýllary (*.bmp *.jpg *.png *.tif);;All files (*.*)WARNING: FFmpeg Audio Player: %1DUÝDURYŞ: FFmpeg Audio Player: %1Wav WAV-däl faýly oýnatmakTo enable playback of files different than WAV, please go to Edit|Preferences, choose the Audio tab and select "Play via DirectShow" there.WAV-dan daşaryfaýllaryň oýnadylmagy üçin, Redaktirle|Saýlamalar baryň, Audio wkladkasyny saýlaň we şol ýerden DirectShow arkaly oýnatmagy saýlaň.Failed to run a player to play sound file: %1Şu ses faýly açmak üçin gerek bolan pleýeri işledip bolmady: %1Failed to create temporary file.Wagtlaýyn faýly döredip bolmady.Failed to auto-open resource file, try opening manually: %1.Çeşme faýly awtomat açyp bolmady, özbaşdak açmaga synanşyň: %1.WARNING: %1ÄGÄ BOLUŇ %1The referenced resource failed to download.Salgylanýan çeşmäni ýükläp almak bolmady.BelarusianTranslitBelarusian transliteration from latin to cyrillic (classic orthography)Belarus transliterasiýa - latinden kirilisa (klassyk orfografiýa)Belarusian transliteration from latin to cyrillic (school orthography)Belarus transliterasiýa - latinden kirillisa (mekdep orfografiýa)Belarusian transliteration (smoothes out the difference
between classic and school orthography in cyrillic)Belarus transliterasiýa (klassyk we mekdep kirillisa orfografiýalary arasynda tapawutlaryny sazlaýar)DialogProxy authentication requiredYou need to supply a Username and a Password to access via proxyUsername:Password:Parol:DictGroupWidgetFormFormaGroup icon:Toparyň nyşany:Shortcut:Çalt açar:NoneHiç birisiFrom file...Şu faýldan...Choose a file to use as group iconTopar nyşany hökmünde ulanyljak faýly saýlaImagesSuratlarAll filesÄhli faýllarErrorÝalňyşCan't read the specified image file.Bellenen şekiliň faýlyny okap bolanok.DictGroupsWidgetDictionaries: Sözlükler: ConfirmationTassyklamaAre you sure you want to generate a set of groups based on language pairs?Çyndan hem toparlary dil jübütleriň esasynda gurmak isleýäýäňizmi?UnassignedBellenmedikCombine groups by source language to "%1->"Toparlary çeşme dillere görä utgaşdyr - "%1->"Combine groups by target language to "->%1"Toparlary terjime dillere görä utgaşdyr - "->%1"Make two-side translate group "%1-%2-%1"Iki-taraplaýyn terjime topary ýasa - "%1-%2-%1"Combine groups with "%1"Utgaşdyr toparlary we "%1"DictHeadwordsSearch modeThis element determines how filter string will be interpretedIf checked on the symbols case will be take in account when filteringMatch caseExports headwords to fileExportOKPress this button to apply filter to headwords listApplyIf checked any filter changes will we immediately applied to headwords listAuto applyFilter:Filter string (fixed string, wildcards or regular expression)TextWildcardsRegExpUnique headwords total: %1, filtered: %2Save headwords to fileText files (*.txt);;All files (*.*)Tekst faýllary (*.txt);;Ähli faýllar (*.*)Export headwords...CancelYza GaýtarDictInfoTotal articles:Jemi makala sany:Translates from:Terjime edýär şu dilden:Total words:Jemi söz sany:Translates to:Terjime edýär şu dile:Open folderAç bukjanyEdit dictionarySözlügi üýtgetFiles comprising this dictionary:Şu sözlügiň düzümine girýän faýlllar:Description:Häsiýetnama:Show all unique dictionary headwordsHeadwordsEdit the dictionary via command:
%1Sözlügi şu komanda bilen üýtget:
%1DictListModel%1 entries%1 girizmelerDictServerUrl: Databases: Search strategies: DictServersModelEnabledIşledilenNameAdyAddressAdresDatabasesStrategiesIconNyşanComma-delimited list of databases
(empty string or "*" matches all databases)Comma-delimited list of search strategies
(empty string mean "prefix" strategy)DictionaryBarDictionary BarSözlük zolagy&Dictionary Bar&Sözlük zolagyExtended menu with all dictionaries...Ähli sözlükleri görkezýän giňeldilen menýu...Edit this groupŞu topary üýtgetDictionary infoSözlük barada maglumatDictionary headwordsOpen dictionary folderSözlügiň bukjasyny açEdit dictionarySözlügi üýtgetEditDictionariesDictionariesSözlükler&Sources&Çeşmeler&Dictionaries&Sözlükler&Groups&ToparlarSources changedÇeşmeler üýtgedildiSome sources were changed. Would you like to accept the changes?Käbir çeşmeler üýtgedildi. Üýtgeşmeleri kabul etmek isleýäňmi?AcceptKabul etCancelYza GaýtarExternalViewerthe viewer program name is emptyGörmek üçin programanyň ady boşFTS::FtsIndexingNoneHiç birisiFTS::FullTextSearchDialogFull-text searchWhole wordsPlain textWildcardsRegExpMax distance between words (%1-%2):Max articles per dictionary (%1-%2):Articles found: Now indexing: CJK symbols in search string are not compatible with search modes "Whole words" and "Plain text"The search line must contains at least one word containing or more symbolsNo dictionaries for full-text searchFTS::IndexingNoneHiç birisiForvo::ForvoArticleRequestXML parse error: %1 at %2,%3XML analizinde ýalňyşlyk: %1 at %2,%3Added %1Goşuldy %1by -MaleErkekFemaleAýalfromkimdenGo to Edit|Dictionaries|Sources|Forvo and apply for our own API key to make this error disappear.Redkatirle|Dictionaries|Çeşmeler|Forvo açyň we öz API açaryňyzy soraň, şeýlelikde bu ýalňyşlyk ýok bolar.FullTextSearchDialogSearchMatch caseMode:Articles found:Available dictionaries in group:Wait for indexing:Total:Indexed:Now indexing: NoneCancelYza GaýtarGermanTranslitGerman TransliterationNemes transliterasiýaGreekTranslitGreek TransliterationGrek transliterasiýaGroupComboBoxChoose a Group (Alt+G)Topary saýla (Alt+G)GroupSelectorWidgetFormFormaLook inSeretGroupsDictionaries available:Elýeterli sözlükler:Add selected dictionaries to group (Ins)Saýlanan sözlükleri topara goş (Ins)>>InsInsRemove selected dictionaries from group (Del)Saýlanan sözlükleri topardan aýyr (Del)<<DelDelGroups:Toparlar:Tab 2Tab 2Create new dictionary groupTäze sözlük toparyny döret&Add group&Topary goşCreate language-based groupsDil esasynda toparlary döretAuto groupsAwto toparlarRename current dictionary groupHäzirki sözlük toparynyň adyny üýtgetRe&name groupToparyň adyny&üýtgetRemove current dictionary groupHäzirki sözlük toparyny aýyr&Remove group&Topary aýyrRemove all dictionary groupsÄhli sözlük toparlaryny aýyrRemove all groupsÄhli toparlary aýyrDrag&drop dictionaries to and from the groups, move them inside the groups, reorder the groups using your mouse.Süýre&taşla sözlükleri toparyň içine ýa-da daşyna, myşkanyň kömegi bilen toparyň içinde ýerlerini ýa-da tertibini üýtget.Group tabsOpen groups listAdd groupTopary goşGive a name for the new group:Täze topara at ber:Rename groupToparyň adyny üýtgetGive a new name for the group:Topara täze adyny ber:Remove groupTopary aýyrAre you sure you want to remove the group <b>%1</b>?<b>%1</b>? topary çyndan hem aýyrmak isleýäňmi?Are you sure you want to remove all the groups?Siz çyndanam ähli toparlary aýyrmak isleýärsiňizmi?HistoryPaneWidget&Delete Selected&Saýlananlary ýok etCopy SelectedSaýlananlary kopiýa etHistory:Geçmiş:%1/%2%1/%2History size: %1 entries out of maximum %2Geçmişde görkeziljek terjimeleriň göwrümi: %1 girizmeler maksimum %2HunspellSpelling suggestions: Dürs ýazuw kadalary hödürlemek: %1 Morphology%1 MorfologiýaHunspellDictsModelEnabledIşledilenNameAdyInitializingGoldenDict - InitializingGoldenDict - başlangyçPlease wait while indexing dictionarySözlükler indeksirlenýär, garaşyňDictionary NameSözlügiň adyPlease wait...Haýyş garaşyň...LanguageAfarAfarAbkhazianAbhazAvestanAwestAfrikaansAfrikaansAkanAkanAmharicAmharAragoneseAragonArabicArapAssameseAssamenAvaricAwarAymaraAýmarAzerbaijaniAzerbeýjanBashkirBaşkirBelarusianBelarusBulgarianBolgarBihariBengalBislamaBihariBambaraBambaraBengaliBengalTibetanTibetBretonBretonBosnianBoşnýakCatalanKatalonChechenÇeçenChamorroÇamoroCorsicanKorsikaCreeKriCzechÇehChurch SlavicGadymy slawýanChuvashÇuvaşWelshWelşDanishDaniýaGermanNemesDivehiDiweliDzongkhaJonkaEweEweGreekGrekEnglishIňlisEsperantoEsperantoSpanishIspanEstonianEstonBasqueBaskPersianPars (Parsça)FulahFulaFinnishFinFijianFijianFaroeseFrizFrenchFransuzWestern FrisianGünbatar FrizIrishIrlandScottish GaelicŞotland gallGalicianGalisiýaGuaraniGuaraniGujaratiGujaratManxManksHausaHauzaHebrewYewreýHindiHindiHiri MotuHindiCroatianHorwatHaitianGaitiHungarianWengerArmenianErmeniHereroHereroInterlinguaInterlingwaIndonesianEndoneziýaInterlingueInterlingweIgboIrlandSichuan YiSyçuan ÝiInupiaqInupakIdoIdoIcelandicIslandItalianitaliyanInuktitutInuktikutJapaneseÝaponJavaneseÝawaGeorgianGruzinKongoKongoKikuyuKikuýuKwanyamaKwanýamaKazakhGazakKalaallisutKalaallisutKhmerKhmerKannadaKannadaKoreanKoreýKanuriKanuriKashmiriKaşmirKurdishKürtKomiKomiCornishKornişKirghizGyrgyzLatinLatynLuxembourgishLýuksemburgGandaGandaLimburgishLimburgLingalaLingalaLaoLaoLithuanianLitwanýaLuba-KatangaLuba-katangaLatvianLatyşMalagasyMalagaziMarshalleseMarşalMaoriMaoriMacedonianMakedonMalayalamMalaýMongolianMongolMarathiMaratiMalayMalaýMalteseMaltaBurmeseBirmaNauruNauruNorwegian BokmalNorwegiýa bokmalNorth NdebeleDemirgazyk NdbeleNepaliNepalNdongaNdongaDutchGollandNorwegian NynorskNorwegiýa NinorskNorwegianNorwegSouth NdebeleGünorta NdbeleNavajoNawahoChichewaÇiçewaOccitanOkkitanOjibwaOjibweOromoOromoOriyaOriwaOssetianOsetinPanjabiPanjabiPaliPaliPolishPolýakPashtoPuştuPortuguesePortugalQuechuaKeçuaRaeto-RomanceRito-RomanKirundiKirunduRomanianRumynRussianRusKinyarwandaKinýarwandaSanskritSanskritSardinianSardinSindhiSindhiNorthern SamiDemirgazyk SamiSangoSangoSerbo-CroatianSingalaSinhalaSinhalaSlovakSlowakSlovenianSlowenSamoanSamoaShonaŞonaSomaliSomaliAlbanianAlbanSerbianSerbSwatiSwatiSouthern SothoGünorta SotoSundaneseSundanSwedishŞwedSwahiliSwahiliTamilTamilTeluguTelügüTajikTäjikThaitaylandTigrinyaTigrinýaTurkmenTürkmenTagalogTagalogTswanaTswanaTongaTongaTurkishTürkiTsongaTsongaTatarTatarTwiTwiTahitianTaitiUighurUýgurUkrainianUkrainUrduUrduUzbekÖzbekVendaWendaVietnameseVetnamVolapukWolapukWalloonWalonWolofWolofXhosaKosaYiddishIdişYorubaÝorubaZhuangŽuangChineseHytayZuluZulusLojbanLožbanTraditional ChineseAdaty HytaýSimplified ChineseÝönekeýleşdirlen HytaýOtherBaşgalarOther Simplified Chinese dialectsBaşga ýönekeýleşdirlen Hytaý şiweleriOther Traditional Chinese dialectsBaşga adaty Hytaý şiweleriOther Eastern-European languagesBaşga Gündogar-Ýewropa dilleriOther Western-European languagesBaşga Günbatar-Ýewropa dilleriOther Russian languagesBaşga rus dilleriOther Japanese languagesBaşga ýapon dilleriOther Baltic languagesBaşga baltik dilleriOther Greek languagesBaşga grek dilleriOther Korean dialectsBaşga koreýa dilleriOther Turkish dialectsBaşga türki dilleriOther Thai dialectsBaşga tailand dilleriTamazightTamazigtLoadDictionariesError loading dictionariesSözlük ýüklenende ýalňyşlyk çykdyMainError in configuration file. Continue with default settings?Konfigurasiýa faýlynda ýalňyşlyk bar. Başlangyç sazlamalar bilen dowam etjekmi?MainWindowGoldenDictGoldenDictWelcome!Hoş geldiňiz!&File&Faýl&Edit&Redaktirle&Help&Kömek&View&Görnüş&Zoom&UlaltH&istory&GeçmişSearch PaneGözleg tagtasyResults Navigation PaneGözleg tagtasyndaky netijeler&Dictionaries... F3&Sözlükler... F3Search&Search Pane&Gözleg tagtasy&Results Navigation Pane&Nawigasiýa tagtasyndan netijeler&History Pane&Geçmiş tagtasy&Dictionaries...&Sözlükler...F3F3&Preferences...&Saýlamalar...F4F4&Homepage&Baş sahypa&About&MaglumatAbout GoldenDictGoldenDict baradaF1F1&Quit&ÇykQuit from applicationProgramadan çykCtrl+QCtrl+Q&Forum&Forum&Close To Tray&Panel içine bukMinimizes the window to trayPenjireleri paneliň içinde gizlemekCtrl+F4Ctrl+F4&Save Article&Makalany ýatda saklaSave ArticleÝatda saklaF2F2&Print&Çap etCtrl+PCtrl+PPage Set&upSahypany &sazlaPrint Pre&viewÇap edilen &görnüşi&Rescan Files&Faýllary täzeden gözden geçirmek&New Tab&Täze wkladka&Show&GörkezCtrl+HCtrl+H&Export&Eksport&Import&Import&Always on Top&Mydama ýokardaAlways on TopMydama ýokardaCtrl+OCtrl+OMenu ButtonMenýu düwmesiSearch in pageCtrl+FFull-text searchCtrl+Shift+FPrint PreviewÇap edilen görnüşiRescan FilesFaýllary täzeden skanerlemekCtrl+F5Ctrl+F5&Clear&ArassalaNew TabTäze wkladkaCtrl+TCtrl+T&Configuration Folder&Konfigurasiýa bukjasyShow Names in Dictionary BarSözlük tagtasynda atlary görkezShow Small Icons in ToolbarsGurallar zolagynda nyşanlary kiçi et&Menubar&Menýu zolagyLook up in:Tap şu ýerde:Found in Dictionaries:Sözlüklerden tapylan:NavigationNawigasiýaBackYza gaýtForwardUgrukdyrScan PopupSkan popupPronounce Word (Alt+S)Sözi eşitdirmek (Alt+S)Zoom InUlaltZoom OutKiçeltNormal SizeNormal ululygyWords Zoom InSözleri ulaltWords Zoom OutSözleri kiçeltWords Normal SizeSözleriň normal ululygyShow &Main WindowGörkez &Esasy penjiräniClose current tabŞu wagtky wkladkany ýapClose all tabsÄhli açyk wkladkalary ýapClose all tabs except currentŞu wagtky açylandan daşary ähli başga wkladkalary ýapLoading...Ýüklenip alynýar...Accessibility API is not enabledAPI elýeterli edilmedik%1 dictionaries, %2 articles, %3 words%1 sözlükler, %2 makalalar, %3 sözlerLook up:Tap:AllÄhlisiSaving article...Makala ýatda saklanýar...The main window is set to be always on top.Baş penjire mydama ýokarda durar ýaly edilen.&Hide&GizleExport history to fileGeçmişi faýl görnüşinde eksport etText files (*.txt);;All files (*.*)Tekst faýllary (*.txt);;Ähli faýllar (*.*)History export completeGeşmiş eksport edildiExport error: Eksport ýalnyşlygy:Import history from fileFaýldan geçmişi import etImport error: invalid data in fileImport ýalňyşlygy: faýlda nädogry maglumatlar barHistory import completeGeçmiş import edildiImport error: Import ýalňyşlygy:Dictionary infoSözlük barada maglumatDictionary headwordsOpen dictionary folderSözlügiň bukjasyny açEdit dictionarySözlügi üýtgetOpened tabsAçyk wkladkalarShow Names in Dictionary &BarSözlük &tagtasynda atlary görkezShow Small Icons in &ToolbarsKiçi nyşanlary görkez &gurallar-tagtasynda&Navigation&NawigasiýaString to search in dictionaries. The wildcards '*', '?' and sets of symbols '[...]' are allowed.
To find '*', '?', '[', ']' symbols use '\*', '\?', '\[', '\]' respectivelyOpen Tabs ListAçyk wkladkalaryň sanawy(untitled)(atsyz)%1 - %2%1 - %2WARNING: %1ÄGÄ BOLUŇ %1Failed to initialize hotkeys monitoring mechanism.<br>Make sure your XServer has RECORD extension turned on.Failed to initialize hotkeys monitoring mechanism.<br>Make sure your XServer has RECORD extension turned on.New Release AvailableTäze neşir elýeterliVersion <b>%1</b> of GoldenDict is now available for download.<br>Click <b>Download</b> to get to the download page.Version <b>%1</b> of GoldenDict is now available for download.<br>Click <b>Download</b> to get to the download page.DownloadÝükläp almakSkip This ReleaseŞu neşiri böküp geçYou have chosen to hide a menubar. Use %1 to show it back.Siz menýu zolagyny gizlemägi saýladyňyz. %1 ulanyp ýenede çykaryp görkez.Ctrl+MCtrl+MPage SetupSahypany sazlamakNo printer is available. Please install one first.Printer ýok. Ilki bilen gurna ony.Print ArticleMakalany çap etArticle, Complete (*.html)Makala, taýýar (*.html)Article, HTML Only (*.html)Makala, HTML diňe (*.html)Save Article AsMakalany şular ýaly ýatda saklaHtml files (*.html *.htm)Html faýllar (*.html *.htm)ErrorÝalňyşCan't save article: %1Makalany ýatda saklap bolmady %1Mdx::MdxArticleRequestDictionary file was tampered or corruptedSözlük faýly bozuldy ýa-da zaýa boldyFailed loading article from %1, reason: %2 %1-den/dan makalany ýükläp bolmady, sebäbi: %2MediaWiki::MediaWikiArticleRequestXML parse error: %1 at %2,%3XML analizinde ýalňyşlyk: %1 at %2,%3MediaWiki::MediaWikiWordSearchRequestXML parse error: %1 at %2,%3XML analizinde ýalňyşlyk: %1 at %2,%3MediaWikisModelEnabledIşledilenNameAdyAddressAdresIconNyşanOrderAndPropsFormFormaDictionary order:Sözlügiň tertibi:......Inactive (disabled) dictionaries:Işjeň däl (öçürilen) sözlükler:Dictionary informationSözlük barada maglumatName:Ady:Total articles:Jemi makala sany:Total words:Jemi söz sany:Translates from:Terjime edýär şu dilden:Translates to:Terjime edýär şu dile:Description:Häsiýetnama:Files comprising this dictionary:Şu sözlügiň düzümine girýän faýlllar:Adjust the order by dragging and dropping items in it. Drop dictionaries to the inactive group to disable their use.Içine zatlary süýräp we taşlap tertibini üýtgedip bolýar. Sözlükleri öçürmek üçin, olary aktiw däl toparyna taşlamaly.Sort by nameAdy boýunça sortlaSort by languagesDili boýunça sorlaDictionary headwordsPathsModelPathÝolRecursiveRekursiwPreferencesPreferencesSaýlamalar&Interface&InterfeýsTabbed browsingWkladkaly agdaryp seretmekNormally, opening a new tab switches to it immediately.
With this on however, new tabs will be opened without
switching to them.Normally, opening a new tab switches to it immediately.
With this on however, new tabs will be opened without
switching to them.Open new tabs in backgroundYzynda täze wkladkalary açWith this on, new tabs are opened just after the
current, active one. Otherwise they are added to
be the last ones.With this on, new tabs are opened just after the
current, active one. Otherwise they are added to
be the last ones.Open new tabs after the current oneTäze wkladkalary şu wagtky wkladkadan soň açSelect this option if you don't want to see the main tab bar when only a single tab is opened.Select this option if you don't want to see the main tab bar when only a single tab is opened.Hide single tabÝeke wkladkany gizleWhen enabled, an icon appears in the sytem tray area which can be used
to open main window and perform other tasks.When enabled, an icon appears in the sytem tray area which can be used
to open main window and perform other tasks.Enable system tray iconSistema paneli nyşany görkezWith this on, the application starts directly to system tray without showing
its main window.With this on, the application starts directly to system tray without showing
its main window.Start to system traySistema panelinden başlatWith this on, an attempt to close main window would hide it instead of closing
the application.With this on, an attempt to close main window would hide it instead of closing
the application.Close to system traySistema panelinden ýapStartupBaşlangyçAutomatically starts GoldenDict after operation system bootup.Operasion ulgam açylandan soň, GoldenDict öz işini awtomat başlar.Start with systemSistema bilen bile bInterface language:Interfeýs dili:Display style:Görkeziş usuly:Double-click translates the word clickedSözüň üstünde iki gezek basylanda ol terjime edilýärAdd-on style:Add-on stili:Normally, pressing ESC key moves focus to the translation line.
With this on however, it will hide the main window.Normally, pressing ESC key moves focus to the translation line.
With this on however, it will hide the main window.ESC key hides main windowESC düwmesini basmak bilen baş penjire ýapylýarTurn this option on if you want to select words by single mouse clickŞuny aç eger-de sözleri bir gezek myşka bilen basyp saýlamak isleseňSelect word by single clickSözleri bir gezek myşka bilen basyp saýlamakCtrl-Tab navigates tabs in MRU orderCtrl-Tab arkaly wkladkalary MRU tertipde nawigasiýa edilýärAdjust this value to avoid huge context menus.Şu bahany sazlap juda uly kontekst menýularyň öňüni almak mümkin.Context menu dictionaries limit:Kontekst menýu sözlükleriň çägi:&Scan Popup&Skan popupWhen enabled, a translation popup window would be shown each time
you point your mouse on any word on the screen (Windows) or select
any word with mouse (Linux). When enabled, you can switch it on and
off from main window or tray icon.When enabled, a translation popup window would be shown each time
you point your mouse on any word on the screen (Windows) or select
any word with mouse (Linux). When enabled, you can switch it on and
off from main window or tray icon.Enable scan popup functionalitySkan ýüze çykarmagyna rugsat berChooses whether the scan popup mode is on by default or not. If checked,
the program would always start with the scan popup active.Chooses whether the scan popup mode is on by default or not. If checked,
the program would always start with the scan popup active.Start with scan popup turned onSkan ýüze çykarmany işledip başlatWith this enabled, the popup would only show up if all chosen keys are
in the pressed state when the word selection changes.With this enabled, the popup would only show up if all chosen keys are
in the pressed state when the word selection changes.Only show popup when all selected keys are kept pressed:Ýüze çykarmagy (popup) görkez diňe ähli saýlanan düwmler basylyp saklananda:Left Ctrl onlyÇep Ctrl diňeLeft CtrlÇep CtrlRight Shift onlySag Shift diňeRight ShiftSag ShiftAlt keyAlt düwmesiAltAltCtrl keyCtrl düwmesiCtrlCtrlLeft Alt onlyÇep Alt diňeLeft AltÇep Alt Shift keyShift düwmesiShiftShiftRight Alt onlySag Alt diňeRight AltSag AltRight Ctrl onlySag Alt diňeRight CtrlSag AltLeft Shift onlyÇep Shift diňeLeft ShiftÇep ShiftWindows key or Meta keyWindows düwme ýa-da Meta düwmeWin/MetaWin/MetaNormally, in order to activate a popup you have to
maintain the chosen keys pressed while you select
a word. With this enabled, the chosen keys may also
be pressed shortly after the selection is done.Normally, in order to activate a popup you have to
maintain the chosen keys pressed while you select
a word. With this enabled, the chosen keys may also
be pressed shortly after the selection is done.Keys may also be pressed afterwards, withinDüwmeleri soň hem basmak bolýar, şu çäklerdeTo avoid false positives, the keys are only monitored
after the selection's done for a limited amount of
seconds, which is specified here.To avoid false positives, the keys are only monitored
after the selection's done for a limited amount of
seconds, which is specified here.secssekuntSend translated word to main window instead of to show it in popup windowTerjime edilen sözleri ýüze çykýan penjireden görkezmän olary baş penjirä iberSend translated word to main windowTerjime edilen sözleri baş penjirä iberHotkeysGyzgyn düwmelerUse the following hotkey to show or hide the main window:Baş penjiräni görkezmek ýa-da gizlemek üçin şeýle düwmeleri ulan:Use the following hotkey to translate a word from clipboard:Buferde saklanan sözi terjime etmek üçin şeýle düwmeleri ulan:The hotkeys are global and work from any program and within any context as long as GoldenDict is running in background.Bu gyzgyn düwmeler globaldyr we GoldenDict açyk duran wagty islendik başga programmada hem ýerlerde işleýärler.<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
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<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" color:#ff0000;">Note: You appear to be running an X.Org XServer release which has the RECORD extension broken. Hotkeys in GoldenDict will probably not work. This must be fixed in the server itself. Please refer to the following </span><a href="https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=20500"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">bug entry</span></a><span style=" color:#ff0000;"> and leave a comment there if you like.</span></p></body></html><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
<html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css">
p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
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<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" color:#ff0000;">Note: You appear to be running an X.Org XServer release which has the RECORD extension broken. Hotkeys in GoldenDict will probably not work. This must be fixed in the server itself. Please refer to the following </span><a href="https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=20500"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">bug entry</span></a><span style=" color:#ff0000;"> and leave a comment there if you like.</span></p></body></html>&Audio&AudioPronunciationAýdyşAuto-pronounce words in main windowBaş penjirede sözleriň awto-aýdylyşyAuto-pronounce words in scan popupSkan popup-dan sözleriň awto-aýdylyşyPlaybackOýnatmakPlay audio files via FFmpeg(libav) and libaoAudio faýllary FFmpeg(libav) we libao arkaly oýnatUse internal playerIçerki pleýeri ulanSystem proxyCustom proxyCustom settingsFull-text searchAllow full-text search for:Don't search in dictionaries containing more thanarticles (0 - unlimited)HistoryGeçmişTurn this option on to store history of the translated wordsŞuny aç eger-de geçmişde terjime edilen sözleri ýatda saklajak bolsaňStore &historySaklanma &geçmişSpecify the maximum number of entries to keep in history.Geçmişde iň köp saklanjak girizmeleriň sany.Maximum history size:Geçmişiň maksimum sany:History saving interval. If set to 0 history will be saved only during exit.Geçmişi ýatda saklanmagyň döwri. Eger 0 goýulsa, geçmiş diňe çykan wagty ýatda saklanar.Save everyÝatda sakla herminutesminutArticlesmakalalarTurn this option on to always expand optional parts of articlesMakalalaryň goşmaça ýerlerini giňeldip görkezmek üçin şuny saýlaňExpand optional &partsGoşmaça &ýerlerini giňeldip görkezSelect this option to automatic collapse big articlesUly makalalaryň awtomat kiçi edilip görkezilmegi üçin şuny saýlaňCollapse articles more thanMakalalary kiçelt şundan köp - Articles longer than this size will be collapsedŞundan uly bolan makalalar kiçi edilip görkeziljeksymbolsnyşanlarUse Windows native playback API. Limited to .wav files only,
but works very well.Use Windows native playback API. Limited to .wav files only,
but works very well.Play via Windows native APIWindows öz API arkaly oýnatmakPlay audio via Phonon framework. May be somewhat unstable,
but should support most audio file formats.Play audio via Phonon framework. May be somewhat unstable,
but should support most audio file formats.Play via PhononPhonon arkaly oýnatmakUse any external program to play audio filesAudio faýllary oýnatmak üçin islendik özge programmany ulanUse external program:Daşky programmany ulan:&Network&Baglanyşyk ulgamyEnable if you wish to use a proxy server
for all program's network requests.Enable if you wish to use a proxy server
for all program's network requests.Use proxy serverProksi serweri ulanType:Tip:Host:Öy eyesi:Port:Port:User:Ulanyjy:Password:Parol:Enabling this would make GoldenDict block most advertisements
by disallowing content (images, frames) not originating from the site
you are browsing. If some site breaks because of this, try disabling this.Enabling this would make GoldenDict block most advertisements
by disallowing content (images, frames) not originating from the site
you are browsing. If some site breaks because of this, try disabling this.Disallow loading content from other sites (hides most advertisements)Özge saýtlardan zat ýüklemegi gadagan et (köp sanly reklama/mahabt gizlemgegini üpjün edýär)Enabling this would allow to listen to sound pronunciations from
online dictionaries that rely on Flash or other web plugins.
Plugin must be installed for this option to work.Enabling this would allow to listen to sound pronunciations from
online dictionaries that rely on Flash or other web plugins.
Plugin must be installed for this option to work.Enable web pluginsWeb plugin-leri işletSome sites detect GoldenDict via HTTP headers and block the requests.
Enable this option to workaround the problem.Käbir websaýtlar GoldenDict programmany HTTP ady arkaly görýärler we olara ýüz tutmaga rugsat berenoklar.
Şeýle meseläni çözmek üçin, şuny işlediň.Do not identify GoldenDict in HTTP headersGoldenDict HTTP ady arkaly görkezmeWhen this is enabled, the program periodically
checks if a new, updated version of GoldenDict
is available for download. If it is so, the program
informs the user about it and prompts to open a
download page.When this is enabled, the program periodically
checks if a new, updated version of GoldenDict
is available for download. If it is so, the program
informs the user about it and prompts to open a
download page.Check for new program releases periodicallyProgrammanyň täze neşirlerini wagtal-wagtal barlap durAd&vancedHas &çylşyrymlyScanPopup extra technologiesSkanPopup goşmaça tehnologiýalaryTry to use IAccessibleEx technology to retrieve word under cursor.
This technology works only with some programs that support it
(for example Internet Explorer 9).
It is not needed to select this option if you don't use such programs.Try to use IAccessibleEx technology to retrieve word under cursor.
This technology works only with some programs that support it
(for example Internet Explorer 9).
It is not needed to select this option if you don't use such programs.Use &IAccessibleExUlan &IAccessibleExTry to use UI Automation technology to retrieve word under cursor.
This technology works only with some programs that support it.
It is not needed to select this option if you don't use such programs.Try to use UI Automation technology to retrieve word under cursor.
This technology works only with some programs that support it.
It is not needed to select this option if you don't use such programs.Use &UIAutomationUlan &UIAutomationTry to use special GoldenDict message to retrieve word under cursor.
This technology works only with some programs that support it.
It is not needed to select this option if you don't use such programs.Try to use special GoldenDict message to retrieve word under cursor.
This technology works only with some programs that support it.
It is not needed to select this option if you don't use such programs.Use &GoldenDict messageUlan &GoldenDict habarlarySystem defaultSistemanyň başlangyç bahalaryDefaultIlkibaşky ýagdaýyModernHäzirki zamanLingvoLingvoBabylonBabylonLingoesLingoesLingoes-BlueLingoes-BluePlay via DirectShowDirectShow arkaly oýnatmakChanging LanguageDili çalşmakRestart the program to apply the language change.Diliň çalşmagyny işe girizmek üçin programmany täzeden işlet.ProgramTypeEditorAudioAudioPlain TextDüz tekstHtmlHtmlPrefix MatchPrefiks gabat getirmeUnknownNäbelliPrograms::RunInstanceNo program name was given.Hiç programma ady berilmedi.The program has crashed.Programma doňdy.The program has returned exit code %1.Programma %1 çykyş koduny çykardy.ProgramsModelEnabledIşledilenTypeTipNameAdyCommand LineKomanda setiriIconNyşanQObjectArticle loading errorMakala ýüklenende ýalňyşlyk ýüze çykdyArticle decoding errorMakala dekodirlenen wagty ýalňyşlyk ýüze çykdyavformat_alloc_context() failed.avformat_alloc_context() bolmady.av_malloc() failed.av_malloc() bolmady.avio_alloc_context() failed.avio_alloc_context() bolmady.avformat_open_input() failed: %1.avformat_open_input() bomady: %1.avformat_find_stream_info() failed: %1.avformat_find_stream_info() bolmady: %1.Could not find audio stream.Audio akymy tapylmady.Codec [id: %1] not found.Kodek [id: %1] tapylmady.avcodec_open2() failed: %1.avcodec_open2() tapylmady: %1.Cannot find usable audio output device.Ulanyp boljak audio çykaryjy enjam tapylanok.Unsupported sample format.Nusga format näbelli.ao_open_live() failed: ao_open_live() bolmady: No driver.Draýwer ýok.This driver is not a live output device.Bu draýwer janly çukaryş enjam däl.A valid option key has an invalid value.Dogry sazlama açaryň bahasy nädogry.Cannot open the device: %1, channels: %2, rate: %3, bits: %4.Şu enjamy açyp bolanok: %1, kanallar: %2, reýt: %3, bit: %4.Unknown error.Näbelli ýalňyşlyk.avcodec_alloc_frame() failed.avcodec_alloc_frame() bolmady.QuickFilterLineDictionary search/filter (Ctrl+F)Sözlük gözlegi/filtri (Ctrl+F)Quick SearchTiz gözlegClear SearchGözlegi arassalaResourceToSaveHandlerERROR: %1ÝALŇYŞLYK: %1Resource saving error: Çeşmäni ýatda saklamagyň ýalňyşlygy:The referenced resource failed to download.Salgylanýan çeşmäni ýükläp almak bolmady.RomajiHepburn Romaji for HiraganaHiragana üçin Hepburn Romaji Hepburn Romaji for KatakanaKatakana üçin Hepburn RomajiRussianTranslitRussian TransliterationRus transliterasiýaScanPopupDialogDialogwordsözList Matches (Alt+M)Gabat gelýänleriň sanawy (Alt+M)......Alt+MAlt+MBackYza gaýtForwardÖňe geçPronounce Word (Alt+S)Sözi eşitdirmek (Alt+S)Alt+SAlt+SSend word to main window (Alt+W)Sözi baş penjirä iber (Alt+W)Alt+WAlt+WShows or hides the dictionary barSözlük zolagy görkezýär ýa-da gizleýärUse this to pin down the window so it would stay on screen,
could be resized or managed in other ways.Use this to pin down the window so it would stay on screen,
could be resized or managed in other ways.%1 - %2%1 - %2SoundDirsModelPathÝolNameAdyIconNyşanSourcesFilesFaýllarPaths to search for the dictionary files:Sözlük faýllary gözlemegiň ýollary:&Add...&Goşmak...&Remove&AýyrRe&scan nowŞu wagt &gaýtadan skanerleSound DirsSesli bukjalarMake dictionaries from bunches of audiofiles by adding paths here:Birtopar audiofaýllardan sözlýkleri ýasamak üçin şu ýerde ýollaryny görkez:MorphologyMorfologiýaPath to a directory with Hunspell/Myspell dictionaries:Hunspell/Myspell sözlükli bukjalar ýol:&Change...&Özgertmek...Available morphology dictionaries:Bar bolan morfologiýa sözlükler:Each morphology dictionary appears as a
separate auxiliary dictionary which
provides stem words for searches and
spelling suggestions for mistyped words.
Add appropriate dictionaries to the bottoms
of the appropriate groups to use them.Her morfologiýa sözlügi aýry bir goşmaça sözlük ýaly
görkezilip gözleg üçin esasy sözleri üpjün edýär
we ýalňyş ýazylan sözler üçin dogrylary hödürleýär.
Laýyk gelýän sözlükleri degişli toparlaryň aşagyna goşup ulan.WikipediaWikipediaWikipedia (MediaWiki) sites:Wikipedia (MediaWiki) saýtlary:WebsitesWebsaýtlarAny websites. A string %GDWORD% will be replaced with the query word:Islendik websaýt %GDWORD% setiri soralýan söz bilen çalşyrylar:Alternatively, use %GD1251% for CP1251, %GDISO1% for ISO 8859-1.Ýogsam, ulan %GD1251% (CP1251 üçin), %GDISO1% (ISO 8859-1 üçin).ProgramsProgrammalarAny external programs. A string %GDWORD% will be replaced with the query word. The word will also be fed into standard input.Any external programs. A string %GDWORD% will be replaced with the query word. The word will also be fed into standard input.ForvoForvoLive pronunciations from <a href="http://www.forvo.com/">forvo.com</a>. The site allows people to record and share word pronunciations. You can listen to them from GoldenDict.Janly aýdylyşy şu ýerden alynýar - <a href="http://www.forvo.com/">forvo.com</a>. Bu websaýt adamlar üçin sözleriň aýdyşyny ýazga geçirmäge we paýlaşmaga mümkinçilik berýär. Olary GoldenDict arkaly diňläp bolýar.Enable pronunciations from ForvoForvo-dan aýdyşyny açAPI Key:API açary:Use of Forvo currently requires an API key. Leave this field
blank to use the default key, which may become unavailable
in the future, or register on the site to get your own key.Forvo häzirki wagtda API açary talap edýär. Özüň üçin täze açary almak üçin, websaýtda hasaba durmak gerek. Eger başdaky berlen açary ulanmak isleseň, şu meýdançany boş galdyr. Ýone başdaky berlen açar wagtyň geçmegi bilen ýiter.<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
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%GDBIG5% for Big-5, %GDBIG5HKSCS% for Big5-HKSCS, %GDGBK% for GBK and GB18030, %GDSHIFTJIS% for Shift-JIS.Ýogsam, degişlilikde ulan %GD1251% - CP1251 üçin, %GDISO1%...%GDISO16% - ISO 8859-1...ISO 8859-16 üçin,
%GDBIG5% - Big-5 üçin, %GDBIG5HKSCS% - Big5-HKSCS üçin, %GDGBK% - GBK and GB18030 üçin, %GDSHIFTJIS% - Shift-JIS üçin.DICT serversDICT servers:Any external programs. A string %GDWORD% will be replaced with the query word. If such string is not presented, the word will be fed into standard input.Islendik daşky programma. Setir %GDWORD% gözlenýän sözi bilen çalşyryljak. Eger şeýle setir berilmese, şol söz standart girizmä geçiriler.Get your own key <a href="http://api.forvo.com/key/">here</a>, or leave blank to use the default one.Öz açaryňy <a href="http://api.forvo.com/key/">şu ýerden al</a>, ýa-da, başdaky açary ulanmak üçin, boş goý.Language codes (comma-separated):Dil kodlary (otur bilen bölünen):List of language codes you would like to have. Example: "en, ru".Almak isleýän dil kodlarynyň sanawy: Mysal: "en, ru".Full list of language codes is available <a href="http://www.forvo.com/languages-codes/">here</a>.Dil kodlarynyň doly sanawy bar <a href="http://www.forvo.com/languages-codes/">here</a>.TransliterationTransliterasiýaRussian transliterationRus transliterasiýaGreek transliterationGrek transliterasiýaGerman transliterationNemes transliterasiýaBelarusian transliterationBelarus transliterasiýaEnables to use the Latin alphabet to write the Japanese languageÝapon dilinde ýazan mahalynda latin harplary ulanmaga rugsat berýärJapanese RomajiÝapon romajiSystems:Sistemalar:The most widely used method of transcription of Japanese,
based on English phonology Ýapon diliniň iňlis fonologiýasynda iň köp ulanylýan transkripsiýa usuly. HepburnHepburnThe most regular system, having a one-to-one relation to the
kana writing systems. Standardized as ISO 3602
Not implemented yet in GoldenDict. Iň tertipli sistemasy, kana ýazylyş sistemalara brimeňzeşlik gatnaşygy bar. ISO 3602 boýunça standartlaşdyrlan.
Entek GoldenDict-de edilmedik.Nihon-shikiNihon-shikiBased on Nihon-shiki system, but modified for modern standard Japanese.
Standardized as ISO 3602
Not implemented yet in GoldenDict.Nihon-şiki sistemasyna esaslanýar, ýöne häzirki zaman adaty Ýapon dili üçin üýtgedilen görnüşindedir.
ISO 3602 boýunça standartlaşdyrlan.
Entek GoldenDict-de edilmedik.Kunrei-shikiKunrei-shikiSyllabaries:Bogunlaryň elipbiýi:Hiragana Japanese syllabaryHiragana ýapon bogunlaryň elipbiýiHiraganaHiraganaKatakana Japanese syllabaryKatakana ýapon bogunlaryň elipbiýiKatakanaKatakanaText to SpeechTeksti gürläp aýtdyrmak(not available in portable version)(ykjam/portable wersiýada elýeterli däl)Choose a directoryBukjany saýlaConfirm removalAýyrmagy tassyklaRemove directory <b>%1</b> from the list?<b>%1</b> bukjasyny sanawdan aýyrmalymy?Remove site <b>%1</b> from the list?<b>%1</b> saýty sanawdan aýyrmalymy?Remove program <b>%1</b> from the list?<b>%1</b> programmany sanawdan aýyrmalymy?StylesComboBoxNoneHiç birisiTextToSpeechSourceSelected voice engines:Saýlanan ses gurallary:&Add&Goş&Remove&AýyrPreferencesSaýlamalarVolume:Sesiň güýçlüligi:Rate:Derejesi:PreviewÖňünden barlamakAvailable voice engines:Bar bolan ses gurallary:Text to be previewed:Öňünden görüljek tekst:Type text to be previewed here.Öňünden görüljek teksti şu ýerden giriz.&Preview&Öňünden görmekNo TTS voice availableTTS ses ýokCannot find available TTS voice.<br>Please make sure that at least one TTS engine installed on your computer already.TTS ses tapylanok.<br> TTS gurallaryň azyndan biri kompýuterde gurnalandygyny barlaň.Confirm removalAýyrmagy tassyklaRemove voice engine <b>%1</b> from the list?Ses <b>%1</b> guraly sanawdan aýyrmalymy?TranslateBoxType a word or phrase to search dictionariesSözlükleri ýa-da söz düzümleri gözlemek üçin söz girizDrop-downGaçyrmaVoiceEnginesModelEnabledIşledilenNameAdyIdIdIconNyşanWebSitesModelEnabledIşledilenNameAdyAddressAdresIconNyşanWordFinderFailed to query some dictionaries.Käbir sözlükleri tapyp bolmady.WordListWARNING: %1ÄGÄ BOLUŇ %1