/* This file is (c) 2008-2012 Konstantin Isakov * Part of GoldenDict. Licensed under GPLv3 or later, see the LICENSE file */ #include "config.hh" #include "folding.hh" #include "wstring_qt.hh" #include #include #include #include "gddebug.hh" #if defined( _MSC_VER ) && _MSC_VER < 1800 // VS2012 and older #include #else #include #endif #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 #include "shlobj.h" #endif #include "atomic_rename.hh" #include "qt4x5.hh" #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK( 5, 0, 0 ) #include #else #include #endif namespace Config { namespace { QString portableHomeDirPath() { return QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() + "/portable"; } QDir getHomeDir() { if ( isPortableVersion() ) return QDir( portableHomeDirPath() ); QDir result; result = QDir::home(); #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 if ( result.cd( "Application Data/GoldenDict" ) ) return result; char const * pathInHome = "GoldenDict"; result = QDir::fromNativeSeparators( QString::fromWCharArray( _wgetenv( L"APPDATA" ) ) ); #else char const * pathInHome = ".goldendict"; #endif result.mkpath( pathInHome ); if ( !result.cd( pathInHome ) ) throw exCantUseHomeDir(); return result; } } ProxyServer::ProxyServer(): enabled( false ), useSystemProxy( false ), type( Socks5 ), port( 3128 ) { } HotKey::HotKey(): modifiers( 0 ), key1( 0 ), key2( 0 ) { } // Does anyone know how to separate modifiers from the keycode? We'll // use our own mask. uint32_t const keyMask = 0x01FFFFFF; HotKey::HotKey( QKeySequence const & seq ): modifiers( seq[ 0 ] & ~keyMask ), key1( seq[ 0 ] & keyMask ), key2( seq[ 1 ] & keyMask ) { } QKeySequence HotKey::toKeySequence() const { int v2 = key2 ? ( key2 | modifiers ): 0; return QKeySequence( key1 | modifiers, v2 ); } bool InternalPlayerBackend::anyAvailable() { #if defined( MAKE_FFMPEG_PLAYER ) || defined( MAKE_QTMULTIMEDIA_PLAYER ) return true; #else return false; #endif } InternalPlayerBackend InternalPlayerBackend::defaultBackend() { #if defined( MAKE_FFMPEG_PLAYER ) return ffmpeg(); #elif defined( MAKE_QTMULTIMEDIA_PLAYER ) return qtmultimedia(); #else return InternalPlayerBackend( QString() ); #endif } QStringList InternalPlayerBackend::nameList() { QStringList result; #ifdef MAKE_FFMPEG_PLAYER result.push_back( ffmpeg().uiName() ); #endif #ifdef MAKE_QTMULTIMEDIA_PLAYER result.push_back( qtmultimedia().uiName() ); #endif return result; } bool InternalPlayerBackend::isFfmpeg() const { #ifdef MAKE_FFMPEG_PLAYER return *this == ffmpeg(); #else return false; #endif } bool InternalPlayerBackend::isQtmultimedia() const { #ifdef MAKE_QTMULTIMEDIA_PLAYER return *this == qtmultimedia(); #else return false; #endif } ScanPopupWindowFlags spwfFromInt( int id ) { if( id == SPWF_Popup ) return SPWF_Popup; if( id == SPWF_Tool ) return SPWF_Tool; if( id != SPWF_default ) gdWarning( "Invalid ScanPopup unpinned window flags: %d\n", id ); return SPWF_default; } QString Preferences::sanitizeInputPhrase( QString const & inputPhrase ) const { if( limitInputPhraseLength && inputPhrase.size() > inputPhraseLengthLimit ) { gdWarning( "Ignoring an input phrase %d symbols long. The configured maximum input phrase length is %d symbols.", inputPhrase.size(), inputPhraseLengthLimit ); return QString(); } return gd::toQString( Folding::trimWhitespaceOrPunct( gd::toWString( inputPhrase ) ) ).simplified(); } Preferences::Preferences(): newTabsOpenAfterCurrentOne( false ), newTabsOpenInBackground( true ), hideSingleTab( false ), mruTabOrder ( false ), hideMenubar( false ), enableTrayIcon( true ), startToTray( false ), closeToTray( true ), autoStart( false ), doubleClickTranslates( true ), selectWordBySingleClick( false ), escKeyHidesMainWindow( false ), alwaysOnTop ( false ), searchInDock ( false ), enableMainWindowHotkey( true ), mainWindowHotkey( QKeySequence( "Ctrl+F11,F11" ) ), enableClipboardHotkey( true ), clipboardHotkey( QKeySequence( "Ctrl+C,C" ) ), enableScanPopup( true ), startWithScanPopupOn( false ), enableScanPopupModifiers( false ), scanPopupModifiers( 0 ), scanPopupAltMode( false ), scanPopupAltModeSecs( 3 ), ignoreOwnClipboardChanges( false ), scanPopupUseUIAutomation( true ), scanPopupUseIAccessibleEx( true ), scanPopupUseGDMessage( true ), scanPopupUnpinnedWindowFlags( SPWF_default ), scanPopupUnpinnedBypassWMHint( false ), scanToMainWindow( false ), ignoreDiacritics( false ), #ifdef HAVE_X11 showScanFlag( false ), #endif pronounceOnLoadMain( false ), pronounceOnLoadPopup( false ), useInternalPlayer( InternalPlayerBackend::anyAvailable() ), internalPlayerBackend( InternalPlayerBackend::defaultBackend() ), checkForNewReleases( true ), disallowContentFromOtherSites( false ), enableWebPlugins( false ), hideGoldenDictHeader( false ), maxNetworkCacheSize( 50 ), clearNetworkCacheOnExit( true ), zoomFactor( 1 ), helpZoomFactor( 1 ), wordsZoomLevel( 0 ), maxStringsInHistory( 500 ), storeHistory( 1 ), alwaysExpandOptionalParts( false ) , historyStoreInterval( 0 ) , favoritesStoreInterval( 0 ) , confirmFavoritesDeletion( true ) , collapseBigArticles( false ) , articleSizeLimit( 2000 ) , limitInputPhraseLength( false ) , inputPhraseLengthLimit( 1000 ) , maxDictionaryRefsInContextMenu ( 20 ) #ifndef Q_WS_X11 , trackClipboardChanges( false ) #endif , synonymSearchEnabled( true ) { } #ifdef MAKE_CHINESE_CONVERSION_SUPPORT Chinese::Chinese(): enable( false ), enableSCToTWConversion( true ), enableSCToHKConversion( true ), enableTCToSCConversion( true ) { } #endif Romaji::Romaji(): enable( false ), enableHepburn( true ), enableNihonShiki( false ), enableKunreiShiki( false ), enableHiragana( true ), enableKatakana( true ) { } Group * Class::getGroup( unsigned id ) { for( int x = 0; x < groups.size(); x++ ) if( groups.at( x ).id == id ) return &groups[ x ]; return 0; } Group const * Class::getGroup( unsigned id ) const { for( int x = 0; x < groups.size(); x++ ) if( groups.at( x ).id == id ) return &groups.at( x ); return 0; } void Events::signalMutedDictionariesChanged() { emit mutedDictionariesChanged(); } namespace { MediaWikis makeDefaultMediaWikis( bool enable ) { MediaWikis mw; mw.push_back( MediaWiki( "ae6f89aac7151829681b85f035d54e48", "English Wikipedia", "https://en.wikipedia.org/w", enable, "" ) ); mw.push_back( MediaWiki( "affcf9678e7bfe701c9b071f97eccba3", "English Wiktionary", "https://en.wiktionary.org/w", false, "" ) ); mw.push_back( MediaWiki( "8e0c1c2b6821dab8bdba8eb869ca7176", "Russian Wikipedia", "https://ru.wikipedia.org/w", false, "" ) ); mw.push_back( MediaWiki( "b09947600ae3902654f8ad4567ae8567", "Russian Wiktionary", "https://ru.wiktionary.org/w", false, "" ) ); mw.push_back( MediaWiki( "a8a66331a1242ca2aeb0b4aed361c41d", "German Wikipedia", "https://de.wikipedia.org/w", false, "" ) ); mw.push_back( MediaWiki( "21c64bca5ec10ba17ff19f3066bc962a", "German Wiktionary", "https://de.wiktionary.org/w", false, "" ) ); mw.push_back( MediaWiki( "96957cb2ad73a20c7a1d561fc83c253a", "Portuguese Wikipedia", "https://pt.wikipedia.org/w", false, "" ) ); mw.push_back( MediaWiki( "ed4c3929196afdd93cc08b9a903aad6a", "Portuguese Wiktionary", "https://pt.wiktionary.org/w", false, "" ) ); mw.push_back( MediaWiki( "f3b4ec8531e52ddf5b10d21e4577a7a2", "Greek Wikipedia", "https://el.wikipedia.org/w", false, "" ) ); mw.push_back( MediaWiki( "5d45232075d06e002dea72fe3e137da1", "Greek Wiktionary", "https://el.wiktionary.org/w", false, "" ) ); return mw; } WebSites makeDefaultWebSites() { WebSites ws; ws.push_back( WebSite( "b88cb2898e634c6638df618528284c2d", "Google En-En (Oxford)", "https://www.google.com/search?q=define:%GDWORD%&hl=en", false, "", true ) ); ws.push_back( WebSite( "f376365a0de651fd7505e7e5e683aa45", "Urban Dictionary", "https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=%GDWORD%", false, "", true ) ); ws.push_back( WebSite( "324ca0306187df7511b26d3847f4b07c", "Multitran (En)", "https://multitran.ru/c/m.exe?CL=1&l1=1&s=%GD1251%", false, "", true ) ); ws.push_back( WebSite( "924db471b105299c82892067c0f10787", "Lingvo (En-Ru)", "http://lingvopro.abbyyonline.com/en/Search/en-ru/%GDWORD%", false, "", true ) ); ws.push_back( WebSite( "087a6d65615fb047f4c80eef0a9465db", "Michaelis (Pt-En)", "http://michaelis.uol.com.br/moderno/ingles/index.php?lingua=portugues-ingles&palavra=%GDISO1%", false, "", true ) ); return ws; } DictServers makeDefaultDictServers() { DictServers ds; return ds; } Programs makeDefaultPrograms() { Programs programs; // The following list doesn't make a lot of sense under Windows #ifndef Q_OS_WIN programs.push_back( Program( false, Program::Audio, "428b4c2b905ef568a43d9a16f59559b0", "Festival", "festival --tts", "" ) ); programs.push_back( Program( false, Program::Audio, "2cf8b3a60f27e1ac812de0b57c148340", "Espeak", "espeak %GDWORD%", "" ) ); programs.push_back( Program( false, Program::Html, "4f898f7582596cea518c6b0bfdceb8b3", "Manpages", "man -a --html=/bin/cat %GDWORD%", "" ) ); #endif return programs; } /// Sets option to true of false if node is "1" or "0" respectively, or leaves /// it intact if it's neither "1" nor "0". void applyBoolOption( bool & option, QDomNode const & node ) { QString value = node.toElement().text(); if ( value == "1" ) option = true; else if ( value == "0" ) option = false; } Group loadGroup( QDomElement grp, unsigned * nextId = 0 ) { Group g; if ( grp.hasAttribute( "id" ) ) g.id = grp.attribute( "id" ).toUInt(); else g.id = nextId ? (*nextId)++ : 0; g.name = grp.attribute( "name" ); g.icon = grp.attribute( "icon" ); g.favoritesFolder = grp.attribute( "favoritesFolder" ); if ( !grp.attribute( "iconData" ).isEmpty() ) g.iconData = QByteArray::fromBase64( grp.attribute( "iconData" ).toLatin1() ); if ( !grp.attribute( "shortcut" ).isEmpty() ) g.shortcut = QKeySequence::fromString( grp.attribute( "shortcut" ) ); QDomNodeList dicts = grp.elementsByTagName( "dictionary" ); for( Qt4x5::Dom::size_type y = 0; y < dicts.length(); ++y ) g.dictionaries.push_back( DictionaryRef( dicts.item( y ).toElement().text(), dicts.item( y ).toElement().attribute( "name" ) ) ); QDomNode muted = grp.namedItem( "mutedDictionaries" ); dicts = muted.toElement().elementsByTagName( "mutedDictionary" ); for( Qt4x5::Dom::size_type x = 0; x < dicts.length(); ++x ) g.mutedDictionaries.insert( dicts.item( x ).toElement().text() ); dicts = muted.toElement().elementsByTagName( "popupMutedDictionary" ); for( Qt4x5::Dom::size_type x = 0; x < dicts.length(); ++x ) g.popupMutedDictionaries.insert( dicts.item( x ).toElement().text() ); return g; } MutedDictionaries loadMutedDictionaries( QDomNode mutedDictionaries ) { MutedDictionaries result; if ( !mutedDictionaries.isNull() ) { QDomNodeList nl = mutedDictionaries.toElement(). elementsByTagName( "mutedDictionary" ); for( Qt4x5::Dom::size_type x = 0; x < nl.length(); ++x ) result.insert( nl.item( x ).toElement().text() ); } return result; } void saveMutedDictionaries( QDomDocument & dd, QDomElement & muted, MutedDictionaries const & mutedDictionaries ) { for( MutedDictionaries::const_iterator i = mutedDictionaries.begin(); i != mutedDictionaries.end(); ++i ) { QDomElement dict = dd.createElement( "mutedDictionary" ); muted.appendChild( dict ); QDomText value = dd.createTextNode( *i ); dict.appendChild( value ); } } } Class load() THROW_SPEC( exError ) { QString configName = getConfigFileName(); bool loadFromTemplate = false; if ( !QFile::exists( configName ) ) { // Make the default config, save it and return it Class c; #ifdef Q_OS_LINUX if ( QDir( "/usr/share/stardict/dic" ).exists() ) c.paths.push_back( Path( "/usr/share/stardict/dic", true ) ); if ( QDir( "/usr/share/dictd" ).exists() ) c.paths.push_back( Path( "/usr/share/dictd", true ) ); if ( QDir( "/usr/share/opendict/dictionaries" ).exists() ) c.paths.push_back( Path( "/usr/share/opendict/dictionaries", true ) ); if ( QDir( "/usr/share/goldendict-wordnet" ).exists() ) c.paths.push_back( Path( "/usr/share/goldendict-wordnet", true ) ); if ( QDir( "/usr/share/WyabdcRealPeopleTTS" ).exists() ) c.soundDirs.push_back( SoundDir( "/usr/share/WyabdcRealPeopleTTS", "WyabdcRealPeopleTTS" ) ); if ( QDir( "/usr/share/myspell/dicts" ).exists() ) c.hunspell.dictionariesPath = "/usr/share/myspell/dicts"; #endif #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 // get path to Program Files wchar_t buf[ MAX_PATH ]; SHGetFolderPathW( NULL, CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES, NULL, 0, buf ); QString pathToProgramFiles = QString::fromWCharArray( buf ); if ( pathToProgramFiles.isEmpty() ) pathToProgramFiles = "C:\\Program Files"; if ( QDir( pathToProgramFiles + "\\StarDict\\dic" ).exists() ) c.paths.push_back( Path( pathToProgramFiles + "\\StarDict\\dic", true ) ); if ( QDir( pathToProgramFiles + "\\StarDict\\WyabdcRealPeopleTTS" ).exists() ) c.soundDirs.push_back( SoundDir( pathToProgramFiles + "\\StarDict\\WyabdcRealPeopleTTS", "WyabdcRealPeopleTTS" ) ); else if ( QDir( pathToProgramFiles + "\\WyabdcRealPeopleTTS" ).exists() ) c.soundDirs.push_back( SoundDir( pathToProgramFiles + "\\WyabdcRealPeopleTTS", "WyabdcRealPeopleTTS" ) ); // #### "C:/Program Files" is bad! will not work for German Windows etc. // #### should be replaced to system path // if ( QDir( "C:/Program Files/StarDict/dic" ).exists() ) // c.paths.push_back( Path( "C:/Program Files/StarDict/dic", true ) ); // // if ( QDir( "C:/Program Files/StarDict/WyabdcRealPeopleTTS" ).exists() ) // c.soundDirs.push_back( SoundDir( "C:/Program Files/StarDict/WyabdcRealPeopleTTS", "WyabdcRealPeopleTTS" ) ); // else // if ( QDir( "C:/Program Files/WyabdcRealPeopleTTS" ).exists() ) // c.soundDirs.push_back( SoundDir( "C:/Program Files/WyabdcRealPeopleTTS", "WyabdcRealPeopleTTS" ) ); #endif #ifndef Q_OS_WIN32 c.preferences.audioPlaybackProgram = "mplayer"; #endif QString possibleMorphologyPath = getProgramDataDir() + "/content/morphology"; if ( QDir( possibleMorphologyPath ).exists() ) c.hunspell.dictionariesPath = possibleMorphologyPath; c.mediawikis = makeDefaultMediaWikis( true ); c.webSites = makeDefaultWebSites(); c.dictServers = makeDefaultDictServers(); c.programs = makeDefaultPrograms(); // Check if we have a template config file. If we do, load it instead configName = getProgramDataDir() + "/content/defconfig"; loadFromTemplate = QFile( configName ).exists(); if ( !loadFromTemplate ) { save( c ); return c; } } getStylesDir(); QFile configFile( configName ); if ( !configFile.open( QFile::ReadOnly ) ) throw exCantReadConfigFile(); QDomDocument dd; QString errorStr; int errorLine, errorColumn; if ( !loadFromTemplate ) { // Load the config as usual if ( !dd.setContent( &configFile, false, &errorStr, &errorLine, &errorColumn ) ) { GD_DPRINTF( "Error: %s at %d,%d\n", errorStr.toLocal8Bit().constData(), errorLine, errorColumn ); throw exMalformedConfigFile(); } } else { // We need to replace all %PROGRAMDIR% with the program data dir QByteArray data = configFile.readAll(); data.replace( "%PROGRAMDIR%", getProgramDataDir().toUtf8() ); QBuffer bufferedData( &data ); if ( !dd.setContent( &bufferedData, false, &errorStr, &errorLine, &errorColumn ) ) { GD_DPRINTF( "Error: %s at %d,%d\n", errorStr.toLocal8Bit().constData(), errorLine, errorColumn ); throw exMalformedConfigFile(); } } configFile.close(); QDomNode root = dd.namedItem( "config" ); Class c; QDomNode paths = root.namedItem( "paths" ); if ( !paths.isNull() ) { QDomNodeList nl = paths.toElement().elementsByTagName( "path" ); for( Qt4x5::Dom::size_type x = 0; x < nl.length(); ++x ) c.paths.push_back( Path( nl.item( x ).toElement().text(), nl.item( x ).toElement().attribute( "recursive" ) == "1" ) ); } QDomNode soundDirs = root.namedItem( "sounddirs" ); if ( !soundDirs.isNull() ) { QDomNodeList nl = soundDirs.toElement().elementsByTagName( "sounddir" ); for( Qt4x5::Dom::size_type x = 0; x < nl.length(); ++x ) c.soundDirs.push_back( SoundDir( nl.item( x ).toElement().text(), nl.item( x ).toElement().attribute( "name" ), nl.item( x ).toElement().attribute( "icon" ) ) ); } QDomNode dictionaryOrder = root.namedItem( "dictionaryOrder" ); if ( !dictionaryOrder.isNull() ) c.dictionaryOrder = loadGroup( dictionaryOrder.toElement() ); QDomNode inactiveDictionaries = root.namedItem( "inactiveDictionaries" ); if ( !inactiveDictionaries.isNull() ) c.inactiveDictionaries = loadGroup( inactiveDictionaries.toElement() ); QDomNode groups = root.namedItem( "groups" ); if ( !groups.isNull() ) { c.groups.nextId = groups.toElement().attribute( "nextId", "1" ).toUInt(); QDomNodeList nl = groups.toElement().elementsByTagName( "group" ); for( Qt4x5::Dom::size_type x = 0; x < nl.length(); ++x ) { QDomElement grp = nl.item( x ).toElement(); c.groups.push_back( loadGroup( grp, &c.groups.nextId ) ); } } QDomNode hunspell = root.namedItem( "hunspell" ); if ( !hunspell.isNull() ) { c.hunspell.dictionariesPath = hunspell.toElement().attribute( "dictionariesPath" ); QDomNodeList nl = hunspell.toElement().elementsByTagName( "enabled" ); for( Qt4x5::Dom::size_type x = 0; x < nl.length(); ++x ) c.hunspell.enabledDictionaries.push_back( nl.item( x ).toElement().text() ); } QDomNode transliteration = root.namedItem( "transliteration" ); if ( !transliteration.isNull() ) { applyBoolOption( c.transliteration.enableRussianTransliteration, transliteration.namedItem( "enableRussianTransliteration" ) ); applyBoolOption( c.transliteration.enableGermanTransliteration, transliteration.namedItem( "enableGermanTransliteration" ) ); applyBoolOption( c.transliteration.enableGreekTransliteration, transliteration.namedItem( "enableGreekTransliteration" ) ); applyBoolOption( c.transliteration.enableBelarusianTransliteration, transliteration.namedItem( "enableBelarusianTransliteration" ) ); #ifdef MAKE_CHINESE_CONVERSION_SUPPORT QDomNode chinese = transliteration.namedItem( "chinese" ); if ( !chinese.isNull() ) { applyBoolOption( c.transliteration.chinese.enable, chinese.namedItem( "enable" ) ); applyBoolOption( c.transliteration.chinese.enableSCToTWConversion, chinese.namedItem( "enableSCToTWConversion" ) ); applyBoolOption( c.transliteration.chinese.enableSCToHKConversion, chinese.namedItem( "enableSCToHKConversion" ) ); applyBoolOption( c.transliteration.chinese.enableTCToSCConversion, chinese.namedItem( "enableTCToSCConversion" ) ); } #endif QDomNode romaji = transliteration.namedItem( "romaji" ); if ( !romaji.isNull() ) { applyBoolOption( c.transliteration.romaji.enable, romaji.namedItem( "enable" ) ); applyBoolOption( c.transliteration.romaji.enableHepburn, romaji.namedItem( "enableHepburn" ) ); applyBoolOption( c.transliteration.romaji.enableNihonShiki, romaji.namedItem( "enableNihonShiki" ) ); applyBoolOption( c.transliteration.romaji.enableKunreiShiki, romaji.namedItem( "enableKunreiShiki" ) ); applyBoolOption( c.transliteration.romaji.enableHiragana, romaji.namedItem( "enableHiragana" ) ); applyBoolOption( c.transliteration.romaji.enableKatakana, romaji.namedItem( "enableKatakana" ) ); } } QDomNode forvo = root.namedItem( "forvo" ); if ( !forvo.isNull() ) { applyBoolOption( c.forvo.enable, forvo.namedItem( "enable" ) ); c.forvo.apiKey = forvo.namedItem( "apiKey" ).toElement().text(); c.forvo.languageCodes = forvo.namedItem( "languageCodes" ).toElement().text(); } else c.forvo.languageCodes = "en, ru"; // Default demo values QDomNode programs = root.namedItem( "programs" ); if ( !programs.isNull() ) { QDomNodeList nl = programs.toElement().elementsByTagName( "program" ); for( Qt4x5::Dom::size_type x = 0; x < nl.length(); ++x ) { QDomElement pr = nl.item( x ).toElement(); Program p; p.id = pr.attribute( "id" ); p.name = pr.attribute( "name" ); p.commandLine = pr.attribute( "commandLine" ); p.enabled = ( pr.attribute( "enabled" ) == "1" ); p.type = (Program::Type)( pr.attribute( "type" ).toInt() ); p.iconFilename = pr.attribute( "icon" ); c.programs.push_back( p ); } } else { c.programs = makeDefaultPrograms(); } QDomNode mws = root.namedItem( "mediawikis" ); if ( !mws.isNull() ) { QDomNodeList nl = mws.toElement().elementsByTagName( "mediawiki" ); for( Qt4x5::Dom::size_type x = 0; x < nl.length(); ++x ) { QDomElement mw = nl.item( x ).toElement(); MediaWiki w; w.id = mw.attribute( "id" ); w.name = mw.attribute( "name" ); w.url = mw.attribute( "url" ); w.enabled = ( mw.attribute( "enabled" ) == "1" ); w.icon = mw.attribute( "icon" ); c.mediawikis.push_back( w ); } } else { // When upgrading, populate the list with some choices, but don't enable // anything. c.mediawikis = makeDefaultMediaWikis( false ); } QDomNode wss = root.namedItem( "websites" ); if ( !wss.isNull() ) { QDomNodeList nl = wss.toElement().elementsByTagName( "website" ); for( Qt4x5::Dom::size_type x = 0; x < nl.length(); ++x ) { QDomElement ws = nl.item( x ).toElement(); WebSite w; w.id = ws.attribute( "id" ); w.name = ws.attribute( "name" ); w.url = ws.attribute( "url" ); w.enabled = ( ws.attribute( "enabled" ) == "1" ); w.iconFilename = ws.attribute( "icon" ); w.inside_iframe = ( ws.attribute( "inside_iframe", "1" ) == "1" ); c.webSites.push_back( w ); } } else { // Upgrading c.webSites = makeDefaultWebSites(); } QDomNode dss = root.namedItem( "dictservers" ); if ( !dss.isNull() ) { QDomNodeList nl = dss.toElement().elementsByTagName( "server" ); for( Qt4x5::Dom::size_type x = 0; x < nl.length(); ++x ) { QDomElement ds = nl.item( x ).toElement(); DictServer d; d.id = ds.attribute( "id" ); d.name = ds.attribute( "name" ); d.url = ds.attribute( "url" ); d.enabled = ( ds.attribute( "enabled" ) == "1" ); d.databases = ds.attribute( "databases" ); d.strategies = ds.attribute( "strategies" ); d.iconFilename = ds.attribute( "icon" ); c.dictServers.push_back( d ); } } else { // Upgrading c.dictServers = makeDefaultDictServers(); } QDomNode ves = root.namedItem( "voiceEngines" ); if ( !ves.isNull() ) { QDomNodeList nl = ves.toElement().elementsByTagName( "voiceEngine" ); for ( Qt4x5::Dom::size_type x = 0; x < nl.length(); ++x ) { QDomElement ve = nl.item( x ).toElement(); VoiceEngine v; v.enabled = ve.attribute( "enabled" ) == "1"; v.id = ve.attribute( "id" ); v.name = ve.attribute( "name" ); v.iconFilename = ve.attribute( "icon" ); v.volume = ve.attribute( "volume", "50" ).toInt(); if( v.volume < 0 || v.volume > 100 ) v.volume = 50; v.rate = ve.attribute( "rate", "50" ).toInt(); if( v.rate < 0 || v.rate > 100 ) v.rate = 50; c.voiceEngines.push_back( v ); } } c.mutedDictionaries = loadMutedDictionaries( root.namedItem( "mutedDictionaries" ) ); c.popupMutedDictionaries = loadMutedDictionaries( root.namedItem( "popupMutedDictionaries" ) ); QDomNode preferences = root.namedItem( "preferences" ); if ( !preferences.isNull() ) { c.preferences.interfaceLanguage = preferences.namedItem( "interfaceLanguage" ).toElement().text(); c.preferences.helpLanguage = preferences.namedItem( "helpLanguage" ).toElement().text(); c.preferences.displayStyle = preferences.namedItem( "displayStyle" ).toElement().text(); c.preferences.newTabsOpenAfterCurrentOne = ( preferences.namedItem( "newTabsOpenAfterCurrentOne" ).toElement().text() == "1" ); c.preferences.newTabsOpenInBackground = ( preferences.namedItem( "newTabsOpenInBackground" ).toElement().text() == "1" ); c.preferences.hideSingleTab = ( preferences.namedItem( "hideSingleTab" ).toElement().text() == "1" ); c.preferences.mruTabOrder = ( preferences.namedItem( "mruTabOrder" ).toElement().text() == "1" ); c.preferences.hideMenubar = ( preferences.namedItem( "hideMenubar" ).toElement().text() == "1" ); c.preferences.enableTrayIcon = ( preferences.namedItem( "enableTrayIcon" ).toElement().text() == "1" ); c.preferences.startToTray = ( preferences.namedItem( "startToTray" ).toElement().text() == "1" ); c.preferences.closeToTray = ( preferences.namedItem( "closeToTray" ).toElement().text() == "1" ); c.preferences.autoStart = ( preferences.namedItem( "autoStart" ).toElement().text() == "1" ); c.preferences.alwaysOnTop = ( preferences.namedItem( "alwaysOnTop" ).toElement().text() == "1" ); c.preferences.searchInDock = ( preferences.namedItem( "searchInDock" ).toElement().text() == "1" ); if ( !preferences.namedItem( "doubleClickTranslates" ).isNull() ) c.preferences.doubleClickTranslates = ( preferences.namedItem( "doubleClickTranslates" ).toElement().text() == "1" ); if ( !preferences.namedItem( "selectWordBySingleClick" ).isNull() ) c.preferences.selectWordBySingleClick = ( preferences.namedItem( "selectWordBySingleClick" ).toElement().text() == "1" ); if ( !preferences.namedItem( "escKeyHidesMainWindow" ).isNull() ) c.preferences.escKeyHidesMainWindow = ( preferences.namedItem( "escKeyHidesMainWindow" ).toElement().text() == "1" ); 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#ifdef HAVE_X11 c.preferences.showScanFlag= ( preferences.namedItem( "showScanFlag" ).toElement().text() == "1" ); #endif c.preferences.scanPopupUseUIAutomation = ( preferences.namedItem( "scanPopupUseUIAutomation" ).toElement().text() == "1" ); c.preferences.scanPopupUseIAccessibleEx = ( preferences.namedItem( "scanPopupUseIAccessibleEx" ).toElement().text() == "1" ); c.preferences.scanPopupUseGDMessage = ( preferences.namedItem( "scanPopupUseGDMessage" ).toElement().text() == "1" ); c.preferences.scanPopupUnpinnedWindowFlags = spwfFromInt( preferences.namedItem( "scanPopupUnpinnedWindowFlags" ).toElement().text().toInt() ); c.preferences.scanPopupUnpinnedBypassWMHint = ( preferences.namedItem( "scanPopupUnpinnedBypassWMHint" ).toElement().text() == "1" ); c.preferences.pronounceOnLoadMain = ( preferences.namedItem( "pronounceOnLoadMain" ).toElement().text() == "1" ); c.preferences.pronounceOnLoadPopup = ( preferences.namedItem( "pronounceOnLoadPopup" ).toElement().text() == "1" ); if ( InternalPlayerBackend::anyAvailable() ) { if ( !preferences.namedItem( "useInternalPlayer" ).isNull() ) c.preferences.useInternalPlayer = ( preferences.namedItem( "useInternalPlayer" ).toElement().text() == "1" ); } else c.preferences.useInternalPlayer = false; if ( !preferences.namedItem( "internalPlayerBackend" ).isNull() ) c.preferences.internalPlayerBackend.setUiName( preferences.namedItem( "internalPlayerBackend" ).toElement().text() ); if ( !preferences.namedItem( "audioPlaybackProgram" ).isNull() ) c.preferences.audioPlaybackProgram = preferences.namedItem( "audioPlaybackProgram" ).toElement().text(); else c.preferences.audioPlaybackProgram = "mplayer"; QDomNode proxy = preferences.namedItem( "proxyserver" ); if ( !proxy.isNull() ) { c.preferences.proxyServer.enabled = ( proxy.toElement().attribute( "enabled" ) == "1" ); c.preferences.proxyServer.useSystemProxy = ( proxy.toElement().attribute( "useSystemProxy" ) == "1" ); c.preferences.proxyServer.type = ( ProxyServer::Type ) proxy.namedItem( "type" ).toElement().text().toULong(); c.preferences.proxyServer.host = proxy.namedItem( "host" ).toElement().text(); c.preferences.proxyServer.port = proxy.namedItem( "port" ).toElement().text().toULong(); 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if ( !normalMainWindowGeometry.isNull() ) { int x = 0, y = 0, width = 0, height = 0; if( !normalMainWindowGeometry.namedItem( "x" ).isNull() ) x = normalMainWindowGeometry.namedItem( "x" ).toElement().text().toInt(); if( !normalMainWindowGeometry.namedItem( "y" ).isNull() ) y = normalMainWindowGeometry.namedItem( "y" ).toElement().text().toInt(); if( !normalMainWindowGeometry.namedItem( "width" ).isNull() ) width = normalMainWindowGeometry.namedItem( "width" ).toElement().text().toInt(); if( !normalMainWindowGeometry.namedItem( "height" ).isNull() ) height = normalMainWindowGeometry.namedItem( "height" ).toElement().text().toInt(); c.normalMainWindowGeometry = QRect( x, y, width, height ); } #endif QDomNode dictInfoGeometry = root.namedItem( "dictInfoGeometry" ); if ( !dictInfoGeometry.isNull() ) c.dictInfoGeometry = QByteArray::fromBase64( dictInfoGeometry.toElement().text().toLatin1() ); QDomNode inspectorGeometry = root.namedItem( "inspectorGeometry" ); if ( !inspectorGeometry.isNull() ) c.inspectorGeometry = QByteArray::fromBase64( inspectorGeometry.toElement().text().toLatin1() ); QDomNode timeForNewReleaseCheck = root.namedItem( "timeForNewReleaseCheck" ); if ( !timeForNewReleaseCheck.isNull() ) c.timeForNewReleaseCheck = QDateTime::fromString( timeForNewReleaseCheck.toElement().text(), Qt::ISODate ); c.skippedRelease = root.namedItem( "skippedRelease" ).toElement().text(); c.showingDictBarNames = ( root.namedItem( "showingDictBarNames" ).toElement().text() == "1" ); c.usingSmallIconsInToolbars = ( root.namedItem( "usingSmallIconsInToolbars" ).toElement().text() == "1" ); if ( !root.namedItem( "historyExportPath" ).isNull() ) c.historyExportPath = root.namedItem( "historyExportPath" ).toElement().text(); if ( !root.namedItem( "resourceSavePath" ).isNull() ) c.resourceSavePath = root.namedItem( "resourceSavePath" ).toElement().text(); if ( !root.namedItem( "articleSavePath" ).isNull() ) c.articleSavePath = root.namedItem( "articleSavePath" ).toElement().text(); if ( !root.namedItem( "editDictionaryCommandLine" ).isNull() ) c.editDictionaryCommandLine = root.namedItem( "editDictionaryCommandLine" ).toElement().text(); 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if ( !headwordsDialog.namedItem( "headwordsExportPath" ).isNull() ) c.headwordsDialog.headwordsExportPath = headwordsDialog.namedItem( "headwordsExportPath" ).toElement().text(); if ( !headwordsDialog.namedItem( "headwordsDialogGeometry" ).isNull() ) c.headwordsDialog.headwordsDialogGeometry = QByteArray::fromBase64( headwordsDialog.namedItem( "headwordsDialogGeometry" ).toElement().text().toLatin1() ); } return c; } namespace { void saveGroup( Group const & data, QDomElement & group ) { QDomDocument dd = group.ownerDocument(); QDomAttr id = dd.createAttribute( "id" ); id.setValue( QString::number( data.id ) ); group.setAttributeNode( id ); QDomAttr name = dd.createAttribute( "name" ); name.setValue( data.name ); group.setAttributeNode( name ); if( data.favoritesFolder.size() ) { QDomAttr folder = dd.createAttribute( "favoritesFolder" ); folder.setValue( data.favoritesFolder ); group.setAttributeNode( folder ); } if ( data.icon.size() ) { QDomAttr icon = dd.createAttribute( "icon" ); icon.setValue( data.icon ); 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muted.appendChild( dict ); QDomText value = dd.createTextNode( *i ); dict.appendChild( value ); } for( MutedDictionaries::const_iterator i = data.popupMutedDictionaries.begin(); i != data.popupMutedDictionaries.end(); ++i ) { QDomElement dict = dd.createElement( "popupMutedDictionary" ); muted.appendChild( dict ); QDomText value = dd.createTextNode( *i ); dict.appendChild( value ); } } } void save( Class const & c ) THROW_SPEC( exError ) { QFile configFile( getConfigFileName() + ".tmp" ); if ( !configFile.open( QFile::WriteOnly ) ) throw exCantWriteConfigFile(); QDomDocument dd; QDomElement root = dd.createElement( "config" ); dd.appendChild( root ); { QDomElement paths = dd.createElement( "paths" ); root.appendChild( paths ); for( Paths::const_iterator i = c.paths.begin(); i != c.paths.end(); ++i ) { QDomElement path = dd.createElement( "path" ); paths.appendChild( path ); QDomAttr recursive = dd.createAttribute( "recursive" ); recursive.setValue( i->recursive ? "1" : "0" ); path.setAttributeNode( recursive ); QDomText value = dd.createTextNode( i->path ); path.appendChild( value ); } } { QDomElement soundDirs = dd.createElement( "sounddirs" ); root.appendChild( soundDirs ); for( SoundDirs::const_iterator i = c.soundDirs.begin(); i != c.soundDirs.end(); ++i ) { QDomElement soundDir = dd.createElement( "sounddir" ); soundDirs.appendChild( soundDir ); QDomAttr name = dd.createAttribute( "name" ); name.setValue( i->name ); soundDir.setAttributeNode( name ); QDomAttr icon = dd.createAttribute( "icon" ); icon.setValue( i->iconFilename ); soundDir.setAttributeNode( icon ); QDomText value = dd.createTextNode( i->path ); soundDir.appendChild( value ); } } { QDomElement dictionaryOrder = dd.createElement( "dictionaryOrder" ); root.appendChild( dictionaryOrder ); saveGroup( c.dictionaryOrder, dictionaryOrder ); } { QDomElement inactiveDictionaries = dd.createElement( "inactiveDictionaries" ); root.appendChild( inactiveDictionaries ); saveGroup( c.inactiveDictionaries, inactiveDictionaries ); } { QDomElement groups = dd.createElement( "groups" ); root.appendChild( groups ); QDomAttr nextId = dd.createAttribute( "nextId" ); nextId.setValue( QString::number( c.groups.nextId ) ); groups.setAttributeNode( nextId ); for( Groups::const_iterator i = c.groups.begin(); i != c.groups.end(); ++i ) { QDomElement group = dd.createElement( "group" ); groups.appendChild( group ); saveGroup( *i, group ); } } { QDomElement hunspell = dd.createElement( "hunspell" ); QDomAttr path = dd.createAttribute( "dictionariesPath" ); path.setValue( c.hunspell.dictionariesPath ); hunspell.setAttributeNode( path ); root.appendChild( hunspell ); for( int x = 0; x < c.hunspell.enabledDictionaries.size(); ++x ) { QDomElement en = dd.createElement( "enabled" ); QDomText value = dd.createTextNode( c.hunspell.enabledDictionaries.at( x ) ); en.appendChild( value ); hunspell.appendChild( en ); } } { // Russian translit QDomElement transliteration = dd.createElement( "transliteration" ); root.appendChild( transliteration ); QDomElement opt = dd.createElement( "enableRussianTransliteration" ); opt.appendChild( dd.createTextNode( c.transliteration.enableRussianTransliteration ? "1":"0" ) ); transliteration.appendChild( opt ); // German translit opt = dd.createElement( "enableGermanTransliteration" ); opt.appendChild( dd.createTextNode( c.transliteration.enableGermanTransliteration ? "1":"0" ) ); transliteration.appendChild( opt ); // Greek translit opt = dd.createElement( "enableGreekTransliteration" ); opt.appendChild( dd.createTextNode( c.transliteration.enableGreekTransliteration ? "1":"0" ) ); transliteration.appendChild( opt ); // Belarusian translit opt = dd.createElement( "enableBelarusianTransliteration" ); opt.appendChild( dd.createTextNode( c.transliteration.enableBelarusianTransliteration ? "1":"0" ) ); transliteration.appendChild( opt ); #ifdef MAKE_CHINESE_CONVERSION_SUPPORT // Chinese QDomElement chinese = dd.createElement( "chinese" ); transliteration.appendChild( chinese ); opt = dd.createElement( "enable" ); opt.appendChild( dd.createTextNode( c.transliteration.chinese.enable ? 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