/* This file is (c) 2008-2011 Konstantin Isakov * Part of GoldenDict. Licensed under GPLv3 or later, see the LICENSE file */ #include "scanpopup.hh" #include "folding.hh" #include "mouseover.hh" #include "wstring_qt.hh" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "dprintf.hh" using std::wstring; /// We use different window flags under Windows and X11 due to slight differences /// in their behavior on those platforms. static Qt::WindowFlags popupWindowFlags = #ifdef Q_WS_WIN Qt::Tool | Qt::FramelessWindowHint | Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint #else Qt::Popup #endif ; ScanPopup::ScanPopup( QWidget * parent, Config::Class & cfg_, ArticleNetworkAccessManager & articleNetMgr, std::vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > const & allDictionaries_, Instances::Groups const & groups_, History & history_ ): QMainWindow( parent ), cfg( cfg_ ), isScanningEnabled( false ), allDictionaries( allDictionaries_ ), groups( groups_ ), history( history_ ), escapeAction( this ), wordFinder( this ), dictionaryBar( this, cfg.popupMutedDictionaries, configEvents ), mouseEnteredOnce( false ), mouseIntercepted( false ), hideTimer( this ) { ui.setupUi( this ); mainStatusBar = new MainStatusBar( this ); ui.queryError->hide(); definition = new ArticleView( ui.outerFrame, articleNetMgr, allDictionaries, groups, true, cfg, dictionaryBar.toggleViewAction(), &cfg.popupMutedDictionaries ); applyZoomFactor(); ui.mainLayout->addWidget( definition ); ui.wordListButton->hide(); ui.pronounceButton->hide(); ui.groupList->fill( groups ); ui.groupList->setCurrentGroup( cfg.lastPopupGroupId ); dictionaryBar.setFloatable( false ); addToolBar( Qt::RightToolBarArea, &dictionaryBar ); connect( &dictionaryBar, SIGNAL(editGroupRequested()), this, SLOT(editGroupRequested()) ); if ( cfg.popupWindowGeometry.size() ) restoreGeometry( cfg.popupWindowGeometry ); if ( cfg.popupWindowState.size() ) restoreState( cfg.popupWindowState, 1 ); ui.pinButton->setChecked( cfg.pinPopupWindow ); if ( cfg.pinPopupWindow ) { dictionaryBar.setMovable( true ); setWindowFlags( Qt::Dialog ); } else { dictionaryBar.setMovable( false ); setWindowFlags( popupWindowFlags ); } connect( &configEvents, SIGNAL( mutedDictionariesChanged() ), this, SLOT( mutedDictionariesChanged() ) ); definition->focus(); #if 0 // Experimental code to give window a non-rectangular shape (i.e. // balloon) using a colorkey mask. QPixmap pixMask( size() ); render( &pixMask ); setMask( pixMask.createMaskFromColor( QColor( 255, 0, 0 ) ) ); // This helps against flickering setAttribute( Qt::WA_NoSystemBackground ); #endif escapeAction.setShortcut( QKeySequence( "Esc" ) ); addAction( &escapeAction ); connect( &escapeAction, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( escapePressed() ) ); connect( ui.groupList, SIGNAL( currentIndexChanged( QString const & ) ), this, SLOT( currentGroupChanged( QString const & ) ) ); connect( &wordFinder, SIGNAL( finished() ), this, SLOT( prefixMatchFinished() ) ); connect( ui.pinButton, SIGNAL( clicked( bool ) ), this, SLOT( pinButtonClicked( bool ) ) ); connect( definition, SIGNAL( pageLoaded( ArticleView * ) ), this, SLOT( pageLoaded( ArticleView * ) ) ); connect( definition, SIGNAL( statusBarMessage( QString const &, int, QPixmap const & ) ), this, SLOT( showStatusBarMessage( QString const &, int, QPixmap const & ) ) ); connect( QApplication::clipboard(), SIGNAL( changed( QClipboard::Mode ) ), this, SLOT( clipboardChanged( QClipboard::Mode ) ) ); connect( &MouseOver::instance(), SIGNAL( hovered( QString const & ) ), this, SLOT( mouseHovered( QString const & ) ) ); hideTimer.setSingleShot( true ); hideTimer.setInterval( 400 ); connect( &hideTimer, SIGNAL( timeout() ), this, SLOT( hideTimerExpired() ) ); altModeExpirationTimer.setSingleShot( true ); altModeExpirationTimer.setInterval( cfg.preferences.scanPopupAltModeSecs * 1000 ); connect( &altModeExpirationTimer, SIGNAL( timeout() ), this, SLOT( altModeExpired() ) ); // This one polls constantly for modifiers while alt mode lasts altModePollingTimer.setSingleShot( false ); altModePollingTimer.setInterval( 50 ); connect( &altModePollingTimer, SIGNAL( timeout() ), this, SLOT( altModePoll() ) ); mouseGrabPollTimer.setSingleShot( false ); mouseGrabPollTimer.setInterval( 10 ); connect( &mouseGrabPollTimer, SIGNAL( timeout() ), this, SLOT(mouseGrabPoll()) ); MouseOver::instance().setPreferencesPtr( &( cfg.preferences ) ); } ScanPopup::~ScanPopup() { // Save state, geometry and pin status cfg.popupWindowState = saveState( 1 ); cfg.popupWindowGeometry = saveGeometry(); cfg.pinPopupWindow = ui.pinButton->isChecked(); disableScanning(); } void ScanPopup::enableScanning() { if ( !isScanningEnabled ) { isScanningEnabled = true; MouseOver::instance().enableMouseOver(); } } void ScanPopup::disableScanning() { if ( isScanningEnabled ) { MouseOver::instance().disableMouseOver(); isScanningEnabled = false; } } void ScanPopup::applyZoomFactor() { definition->setZoomFactor( cfg.preferences.zoomFactor ); } void ScanPopup::translateWordFromClipboard() { return translateWordFromClipboard(QClipboard::Clipboard); } void ScanPopup::translateWordFromSelection() { return translateWordFromClipboard(QClipboard::Selection); } void ScanPopup::editGroupRequested() { emit editGroupRequested( ui.groupList->getCurrentGroup() ); } void ScanPopup::translateWordFromClipboard(QClipboard::Mode m) { DPRINTF( "translating from clipboard or selection\n" ); QString subtype = "plain"; QString str = QApplication::clipboard()->text( subtype, m); str = pendingInputWord = gd::toQString( Folding::trimWhitespaceOrPunct( gd::toWString( str ) ) ); if ( !str.size() ) return; // Nothing there // In case we had any timers engaged before, cancel them now. altModePollingTimer.stop(); altModeExpirationTimer.stop(); inputWord = str; engagePopup( #ifdef Q_WS_WIN true // We only focus popup under Windows when activated via Ctrl+C+C // -- on Linux it already has an implicit focus #endif ); } void ScanPopup::clipboardChanged( QClipboard::Mode m ) { if ( !isScanningEnabled ) return; DPRINTF( "clipboard changed\n" ); QString subtype = "plain"; handleInputWord( QApplication::clipboard()->text( subtype, m ) ); } void ScanPopup::mouseHovered( QString const & str ) { handleInputWord( str ); } void ScanPopup::handleInputWord( QString const & str ) { QString sanitizedStr = gd::toQString( Folding::trimWhitespaceOrPunct( gd::toWString( str ) ) ); if ( isVisible() && sanitizedStr == inputWord ) { // Attempt to translate the same word we already have shown in scan popup. // Ignore it, as it is probably a spurious mouseover event. return; } pendingInputWord = sanitizedStr; if ( !pendingInputWord.size() ) { if ( cfg.preferences.scanPopupAltMode ) { // In case we had any timers engaged before, cancel them now, since // we're not going to translate anything anymore. altModePollingTimer.stop(); altModeExpirationTimer.stop(); } return; } // Check key modifiers if ( cfg.preferences.enableScanPopupModifiers && !checkModifiersPressed( cfg.preferences.scanPopupModifiers ) ) { if ( cfg.preferences.scanPopupAltMode ) { altModePollingTimer.start(); altModeExpirationTimer.start(); } return; } inputWord = pendingInputWord; engagePopup(); } void ScanPopup::engagePopup( bool giveFocus ) { /// Too large strings make window expand which is probably not what user /// wants ui.word->setText( elideInputWord() ); if ( !isVisible() ) { // Need to show the window if ( !ui.pinButton->isChecked() ) { // Decide where should the window land QPoint currentPos = QCursor::pos(); QRect desktop = QApplication::desktop()->screenGeometry(); QSize windowSize = geometry().size(); int x, y; /// Try the to-the-right placement if ( currentPos.x() + 4 + windowSize.width() <= desktop.topRight().x() ) x = currentPos.x() + 4; else /// Try the to-the-left placement if ( currentPos.x() - 4 - windowSize.width() >= desktop.x() ) x = currentPos.x() - 4 - windowSize.width(); else // Center it x = desktop.x() + ( desktop.width() - windowSize.width() ) / 2; /// Try the to-the-bottom placement if ( currentPos.y() + 15 + windowSize.height() <= desktop.bottomLeft().y() ) y = currentPos.y() + 15; else /// Try the to-the-top placement if ( currentPos.y() - 15 - windowSize.height() >= desktop.y() ) y = currentPos.y() - 15 - windowSize.height(); else // Center it y = desktop.y() + ( desktop.height() - windowSize.height() ) / 2; move( x, y ); } show(); if ( giveFocus ) { activateWindow(); raise(); } if ( !ui.pinButton->isChecked() ) { mouseEnteredOnce = false; // Need to monitor the mouse so we know when to hide the window interceptMouse(); } // This produced some funky mouse grip-related bugs so we commented it out //QApplication::processEvents(); // Make window appear immediately no matter what } else if ( ui.pinButton->isChecked() ) { // Pinned-down window isn't always on top, so we need to raise it show(); activateWindow(); raise(); } initiateTranslation(); } QString ScanPopup::elideInputWord() { return inputWord.size() > 32 ? inputWord.mid( 0, 32 ) + "..." : inputWord; } void ScanPopup::currentGroupChanged( QString const & ) { updateDictionaryBar(); if ( isVisible() ) initiateTranslation(); cfg.lastPopupGroupId = ui.groupList->getCurrentGroup(); } void ScanPopup::initiateTranslation() { ui.wordListButton->hide(); ui.pronounceButton->hide(); definition->showDefinition( inputWord, ui.groupList->getCurrentGroup() ); wordFinder.prefixMatch( inputWord, getActiveDicts() ); history.addItem( History::Item( ui.groupList->getCurrentGroup(), inputWord.trimmed() ) ); history.save(); } vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > const & ScanPopup::getActiveDicts() { int current = ui.groupList->currentIndex(); if ( current < 0 || current >= (int) groups.size() ) { // This shouldn't ever happen return allDictionaries; } if ( !dictionaryBar.toggleViewAction()->isChecked() ) return groups[ current ].dictionaries; else { vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > const & activeDicts = groups[ current ].dictionaries; // Populate the special dictionariesUnmuted array with only unmuted // dictionaries dictionariesUnmuted.clear(); dictionariesUnmuted.reserve( activeDicts.size() ); for( unsigned x = 0; x < activeDicts.size(); ++x ) if ( !cfg.popupMutedDictionaries.contains( QString::fromStdString( activeDicts[ x ]->getId() ) ) ) dictionariesUnmuted.push_back( activeDicts[ x ] ); return dictionariesUnmuted; } } bool ScanPopup::eventFilter( QObject * watched, QEvent * event ) { if ( mouseIntercepted ) { // We're only interested in our events if ( event->type() == QEvent::MouseMove ) { // DPRINTF( "Object: %s\n", watched->objectName().toUtf8().data() ); QMouseEvent * mouseEvent = ( QMouseEvent * ) event; reactOnMouseMove( mouseEvent->globalPos() ); } } return QMainWindow::eventFilter( watched, event ); } void ScanPopup::reactOnMouseMove( QPoint const & p ) { if ( geometry().contains( p ) ) { // DPRINTF( "got inside\n" ); hideTimer.stop(); mouseEnteredOnce = true; uninterceptMouse(); } else { // DPRINTF( "outside\n" ); // We're in grab mode and outside the window - calculate the // distance from it. We might want to hide it. // When the mouse has entered once, we don't allow it stayng outside, // but we give a grace period for it to return. int proximity = mouseEnteredOnce ? 0 : 60; // Note: watched == this ensures no other child objects popping out are // receiving this event, meaning there's basically nothing under the // cursor. if ( /*watched == this &&*/ !frameGeometry().adjusted( -proximity, -proximity, proximity, proximity ). contains( p ) ) { // We've way too far from the window -- hide the popup // If the mouse never entered the popup, hide the window instantly -- // the user just moved the cursor further away from the window. if ( !mouseEnteredOnce ) hideWindow(); else hideTimer.start(); } } } void ScanPopup::mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent * ev ) { // With mouse grabs, the press can occur anywhere on the screen, which // might mean hiding the window. if ( !frameGeometry().contains( ev->globalPos() ) ) { hideWindow(); return; } if ( ev->button() == Qt::LeftButton ) { startPos = ev->globalPos(); setCursor( Qt::ClosedHandCursor ); } QMainWindow::mousePressEvent( ev ); } void ScanPopup::mouseMoveEvent( QMouseEvent * event ) { if ( event->buttons() && cursor().shape() == Qt::ClosedHandCursor ) { QPoint newPos = event->globalPos(); QPoint delta = newPos - startPos; startPos = newPos; // Move the window move( pos() + delta ); } QMainWindow::mouseMoveEvent( event ); } void ScanPopup::mouseReleaseEvent( QMouseEvent * ev ) { unsetCursor(); QMainWindow::mouseReleaseEvent( ev ); } void ScanPopup::leaveEvent( QEvent * event ) { QMainWindow::leaveEvent( event ); // We hide the popup when the mouse leaves it. // Combo-boxes seem to generate leave events for their parents when // unfolded, so we check coordinates as well. // If the dialog is pinned, we don't hide the popup. // If some mouse buttons are pressed, we don't hide the popup either, // since it indicates the move operation is underway. if ( !ui.pinButton->isChecked() && !geometry().contains( QCursor::pos() ) && QApplication::mouseButtons() == Qt::NoButton ) { hideTimer.start(); } } void ScanPopup::enterEvent( QEvent * event ) { QMainWindow::enterEvent( event ); if ( mouseEnteredOnce ) { // We "enter" first time via our event filter. This seems to evade some // unexpected behavior under Windows. // If there was a countdown to hide the window, stop it. hideTimer.stop(); } } void ScanPopup::showEvent( QShowEvent * ev ) { QMainWindow::showEvent( ev ); if ( groups.size() <= 1 ) // Only the default group? Hide then. ui.groupList->hide(); if ( ui.showDictionaryBar->isChecked() != dictionaryBar.isVisible() ) { ui.showDictionaryBar->setChecked( dictionaryBar.isVisible() ); updateDictionaryBar(); } } void ScanPopup::prefixMatchFinished() { // Check that there's a window there at all if ( isVisible() ) { if ( wordFinder.getErrorString().size() ) { ui.queryError->setToolTip( wordFinder.getErrorString() ); ui.queryError->show(); } else ui.queryError->hide(); ui.wordListButton->setVisible( wordFinder.getResults().size() ); } } void ScanPopup::on_wordListButton_clicked() { if ( !isVisible() ) return; WordFinder::SearchResults const & results = wordFinder.getResults(); if ( results.empty() ) return; QMenu menu( this ); unsigned total = results.size() < 40 ? results.size() : 40; for( unsigned x = 0; x < total; ++x ) { // Some items are just too large! For now skip them. if ( results[ x ].first.size() > 64 ) { if ( total < results.size() ) ++total; } else menu.addAction( results[ x ].first ); } QAction * result = menu.exec( mapToGlobal( ui.wordListButton->pos() ) + QPoint( 0, ui.wordListButton->height() ) ); if ( result ) definition->showDefinition( result->text(), ui.groupList->getCurrentGroup() ); } void ScanPopup::on_pronounceButton_clicked() { definition->playSound(); } void ScanPopup::pinButtonClicked( bool checked ) { if ( checked ) { uninterceptMouse(); setWindowFlags( Qt::Dialog ); setWindowTitle( elideInputWord() ); dictionaryBar.setMovable( true ); hideTimer.stop(); } else { dictionaryBar.setMovable( false ); setWindowFlags( popupWindowFlags ); mouseEnteredOnce = true; } show(); } void ScanPopup::on_showDictionaryBar_clicked( bool checked ) { dictionaryBar.setVisible( checked ); updateDictionaryBar(); definition->updateMutedContents(); } void ScanPopup::hideTimerExpired() { if ( isVisible() ) hideWindow(); } void ScanPopup::altModeExpired() { // The alt mode duration has expired, so there's no need to poll for modifiers // anymore. altModePollingTimer.stop(); } void ScanPopup::altModePoll() { if ( !pendingInputWord.size() ) { altModePollingTimer.stop(); altModeExpirationTimer.stop(); } else if ( checkModifiersPressed( cfg.preferences.scanPopupModifiers ) ) { altModePollingTimer.stop(); altModeExpirationTimer.stop(); inputWord = pendingInputWord; engagePopup(); } } void ScanPopup::pageLoaded( ArticleView * ) { ui.pronounceButton->setVisible( definition->hasSound() ); if ( cfg.preferences.pronounceOnLoadPopup ) definition->playSound(); } void ScanPopup::showStatusBarMessage( QString const & message, int timeout, QPixmap const & icon ) { mainStatusBar->showMessage( message, timeout, icon ); } void ScanPopup::escapePressed() { if ( !definition->closeSearch() ) hideWindow(); } void ScanPopup::hideWindow() { uninterceptMouse(); hideTimer.stop(); unsetCursor(); hide(); } void ScanPopup::interceptMouse() { if ( !mouseIntercepted ) { // We used to grab the mouse -- but this doesn't always work reliably // (e.g. doesn't work at all in Windows 7 for some reason). Therefore // we use a polling timer now. // grabMouse(); mouseGrabPollTimer.start(); qApp->installEventFilter( this ); mouseIntercepted = true; } } void ScanPopup::mouseGrabPoll() { if ( mouseIntercepted ) reactOnMouseMove( QCursor::pos() ); } void ScanPopup::uninterceptMouse() { if ( mouseIntercepted ) { qApp->removeEventFilter( this ); mouseGrabPollTimer.stop(); // releaseMouse(); mouseIntercepted = false; } } void ScanPopup::updateDictionaryBar() { if ( !dictionaryBar.toggleViewAction()->isChecked() ) return; // It's not enabled, therefore hidden -- don't waste time Instances::Group const * grp = groups.findGroup( ui.groupList->getCurrentGroup() ); if ( grp ) // Should always be !0, but check as a safeguard dictionaryBar.setDictionaries( grp->dictionaries ); } void ScanPopup::mutedDictionariesChanged() { if ( dictionaryBar.toggleViewAction()->isChecked() ) definition->updateMutedContents(); }