# Linux ```shell cmake -S . -B build_dir \ --install-prefix=/usr/local/ \ -G Ninja \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release cmake --build build_dir --parallel 7 cmake --install ./build_dir/ ``` # macOS Install necessary dependencies ```shell brew install pkg-config qt@6 bzip2 zlib \ hunspell opencc libvorbis ffmpeg ``` Use standard CMake build commands, then use `macdeployqt ./goldendict.app` to copy necessary dependencies to the app bundle. # Windows ## Steps Install Qt6(msvc) through the standard installer Pass those parameters to cmake, the path should be changed to your actual installation paths ``` -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=F:\Qt\6.4.1\msvc2019_64 ``` Use`windeployqt.exe {your_build_dir}/goldendict.exe` which will copy the qt related `.dll` and other necessary files automatically. Due to the `winlibs` are built on Release mode, there are troubles to build GoldenDict on Debug mode.