/* This file is (c) 2008-2012 Konstantin Isakov * Part of GoldenDict. Licensed under GPLv3 or later, see the LICENSE file */ #include "scanpopup.hh" #include "folding.hh" #include #include #include #include #include #if ( QT_VERSION < QT_VERSION_CHECK( 6, 0, 0 ) ) #include #include #include #endif #include "gddebug.hh" #include "gestures.hh" #ifdef Q_OS_MAC #include "macos/macmouseover.hh" #define MouseOver MacMouseOver #endif #include "base_type.hh" /// We use different window flags under Windows and X11 due to slight differences /// in their behavior on those platforms. static const Qt::WindowFlags defaultUnpinnedWindowFlags = #if defined( Q_OS_WIN ) Qt::Tool | Qt::FramelessWindowHint | Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint #else Qt::Popup #endif ; static const Qt::WindowFlags pinnedWindowFlags = #ifdef HAVE_X11 /// With the Qt::Dialog flag, scan popup is always on top of the main window /// on Linux/X11 with Qt 4, Qt 5 since version 5.12.1 (QTBUG-74309). /// Qt::Window allows to use the scan popup and the main window independently. Qt::Window #else Qt::Dialog #endif ; #ifdef HAVE_X11 static bool ownsClipboardMode( QClipboard::Mode mode ) { const QClipboard & clipboard = *QApplication::clipboard(); switch ( mode ) { case QClipboard::Clipboard: return clipboard.ownsClipboard(); case QClipboard::Selection: return clipboard.ownsSelection(); case QClipboard::FindBuffer: return clipboard.ownsFindBuffer(); } gdWarning( "Unknown clipboard mode: %d\n", static_cast< int >( mode ) ); return false; } #endif ScanPopup::ScanPopup( QWidget * parent, Config::Class & cfg_, ArticleNetworkAccessManager & articleNetMgr, AudioPlayerPtr const & audioPlayer_, std::vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > const & allDictionaries_, Instances::Groups const & groups_, History & history_ ): QMainWindow( parent ), cfg( cfg_ ), allDictionaries( allDictionaries_ ), groups( groups_ ), history( history_ ), escapeAction( this ), switchExpandModeAction( this ), focusTranslateLineAction( this ), openSearchAction( this ), wordFinder( this ), dictionaryBar( this, configEvents, cfg.editDictionaryCommandLine, cfg.preferences.maxDictionaryRefsInContextMenu ), hideTimer( this ) { ui.setupUi( this ); openSearchAction.setShortcut( QKeySequence( "Ctrl+F" ) ); if ( layoutDirection() == Qt::RightToLeft ) { // Adjust button icons for Right-To-Left layout ui.goBackButton->setIcon( QIcon( ":/icons/next.svg" ) ); ui.goForwardButton->setIcon( QIcon( ":/icons/previous.svg" ) ); } mainStatusBar = new MainStatusBar( this ); ui.queryError->hide(); definition = new ArticleView( ui.outerFrame, articleNetMgr, audioPlayer_, allDictionaries, groups, true, cfg, openSearchAction, ui.translateBox->translateLine(), dictionaryBar.toggleViewAction() ); connect( definition, &ArticleView::inspectSignal, this, &ScanPopup::inspectElementWhenPinned ); connect( definition, &ArticleView::forceAddWordToHistory, this, &ScanPopup::forceAddWordToHistory ); connect( this, &ScanPopup::closeMenu, definition, &ArticleView::closePopupMenu ); connect( definition, &ArticleView::sendWordToHistory, this, &ScanPopup::sendWordToHistory ); connect( definition, &ArticleView::typingEvent, this, &ScanPopup::typingEvent ); wordListDefaultFont = ui.translateBox->completerWidget()->font(); translateLineDefaultFont = ui.translateBox->font(); groupListDefaultFont = ui.groupList->font(); ui.mainLayout->addWidget( definition ); ui.translateBox->translateLine()->installEventFilter( this ); definition->installEventFilter( this ); this->installEventFilter( this ); connect( ui.translateBox->translateLine(), &QLineEdit::textChanged, this, &ScanPopup::translateInputChanged ); connect( ui.translateBox->translateLine(), &QLineEdit::returnPressed, this, &ScanPopup::translateInputFinished ); ui.pronounceButton->setDisabled( true ); ui.groupList->fill( groups ); ui.groupList->setCurrentGroup( cfg.lastPopupGroupId ); definition->setCurrentGroupId( ui.groupList->getCurrentGroup() ); dictionaryBar.setFloatable( false ); Instances::Group const * igrp = groups.findGroup( cfg.lastPopupGroupId ); if ( cfg.lastPopupGroupId == Instances::Group::AllGroupId ) { if ( igrp ) igrp->checkMutedDictionaries( &cfg.popupMutedDictionaries ); dictionaryBar.setMutedDictionaries( &cfg.popupMutedDictionaries ); } else { Config::Group * grp = cfg.getGroup( cfg.lastPopupGroupId ); if ( igrp && grp ) igrp->checkMutedDictionaries( &grp->popupMutedDictionaries ); dictionaryBar.setMutedDictionaries( grp ? &grp->popupMutedDictionaries : nullptr ); } addToolBar( Qt::RightToolBarArea, &dictionaryBar ); connect( &dictionaryBar, &DictionaryBar::editGroupRequested, this, &ScanPopup::editGroupRequested ); connect( this, &ScanPopup::closeMenu, &dictionaryBar, &DictionaryBar::closePopupMenu ); connect( &dictionaryBar, &DictionaryBar::showDictionaryInfo, this, &ScanPopup::showDictionaryInfo ); connect( &dictionaryBar, &DictionaryBar::openDictionaryFolder, this, &ScanPopup::openDictionaryFolder ); pinnedGeometry = cfg.popupWindowGeometry; if ( cfg.popupWindowGeometry.size() ) restoreGeometry( cfg.popupWindowGeometry ); if ( cfg.popupWindowState.size() ) restoreState( cfg.popupWindowState ); ui.onTopButton->setChecked( cfg.popupWindowAlwaysOnTop ); ui.onTopButton->setVisible( cfg.pinPopupWindow ); connect( ui.onTopButton, &QAbstractButton::clicked, this, &ScanPopup::alwaysOnTopClicked ); ui.pinButton->setChecked( cfg.pinPopupWindow ); if ( cfg.pinPopupWindow ) { dictionaryBar.setMovable( true ); Qt::WindowFlags flags = pinnedWindowFlags; if ( cfg.popupWindowAlwaysOnTop ) flags |= Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint; setWindowFlags( flags ); #ifdef Q_OS_MACOS setAttribute( Qt::WA_MacAlwaysShowToolWindow ); #endif } else { dictionaryBar.setMovable( false ); setWindowFlags( unpinnedWindowFlags() ); #ifdef Q_OS_MACOS setAttribute( Qt::WA_MacAlwaysShowToolWindow, false ); #endif } connect( &configEvents, &Config::Events::mutedDictionariesChanged, this, &ScanPopup::mutedDictionariesChanged ); definition->focus(); #if 0 // Experimental code to give window a non-rectangular shape (i.e. \ // balloon) using a colorkey mask. QPixmap pixMask( size() ); render( &pixMask ); setMask( pixMask.createMaskFromColor( QColor( 255, 0, 0 ) ) ); // This helps against flickering setAttribute( Qt::WA_NoSystemBackground ); #endif escapeAction.setShortcut( QKeySequence( "Esc" ) ); addAction( &escapeAction ); connect( &escapeAction, &QAction::triggered, this, &ScanPopup::escapePressed ); focusTranslateLineAction.setShortcutContext( Qt::WidgetWithChildrenShortcut ); addAction( &focusTranslateLineAction ); focusTranslateLineAction.setShortcuts( QList< QKeySequence >() << QKeySequence( "Alt+D" ) << QKeySequence( "Ctrl+L" ) ); connect( &focusTranslateLineAction, &QAction::triggered, this, &ScanPopup::focusTranslateLine ); QAction * const focusArticleViewAction = new QAction( this ); focusArticleViewAction->setShortcutContext( Qt::WidgetWithChildrenShortcut ); focusArticleViewAction->setShortcut( QKeySequence( "Ctrl+N" ) ); addAction( focusArticleViewAction ); connect( focusArticleViewAction, &QAction::triggered, definition, &ArticleView::focus ); switchExpandModeAction.setShortcuts( QList< QKeySequence >() << QKeySequence( Qt::CTRL | Qt::Key_8 ) << QKeySequence( Qt::CTRL | Qt::Key_Asterisk ) << QKeySequence( Qt::CTRL | Qt::SHIFT | Qt::Key_8 ) ); addAction( &switchExpandModeAction ); connect( &switchExpandModeAction, &QAction::triggered, this, &ScanPopup::switchExpandOptionalPartsMode ); connect( ui.groupList, &QComboBox::currentIndexChanged, this, &ScanPopup::currentGroupChanged ); connect( &wordFinder, &WordFinder::finished, this, &ScanPopup::prefixMatchFinished ); connect( ui.pinButton, &QAbstractButton::clicked, this, &ScanPopup::pinButtonClicked ); connect( definition, &ArticleView::pageLoaded, this, &ScanPopup::pageLoaded ); connect( definition, &ArticleView::statusBarMessage, this, &ScanPopup::showStatusBarMessage ); connect( definition, &ArticleView::titleChanged, this, &ScanPopup::titleChanged ); #ifdef Q_OS_MAC connect( &MouseOver::instance(), &MouseOver::hovered, this, &ScanPopup::handleInputWord ); #endif hideTimer.setSingleShot( true ); hideTimer.setInterval( 400 ); connect( &hideTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &ScanPopup::hideTimerExpired ); mouseGrabPollTimer.setSingleShot( false ); mouseGrabPollTimer.setInterval( 10 ); connect( &mouseGrabPollTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &ScanPopup::mouseGrabPoll ); #ifdef Q_OS_MAC MouseOver::instance().setPreferencesPtr( &( cfg.preferences ) ); #endif ui.goBackButton->setEnabled( false ); ui.goForwardButton->setEnabled( false ); grabGesture( Gestures::GDPinchGestureType ); grabGesture( Gestures::GDSwipeGestureType ); #ifdef HAVE_X11 scanFlag = new ScanFlag( this ); connect( scanFlag, &ScanFlag::requestScanPopup, this, [ this ] { translateWordFromSelection(); } ); // Use delay show to prevent popup from showing up while selection is still in progress // Only certain software has this problem (e.g. Chrome) selectionDelayTimer.setSingleShot( true ); selectionDelayTimer.setInterval( cfg.preferences.selectionChangeDelayTimer ); connect( &selectionDelayTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &ScanPopup::translateWordFromSelection ); #endif applyZoomFactor(); applyWordsZoomLevel(); } void ScanPopup::refresh() { // TODO: GroupCombox's update should be moved inside GroupCombox // currentIndexChanged() signal is very trigger-happy. To avoid triggering // it, we disconnect it while we're clearing and filling back groups. disconnect( ui.groupList, &GroupComboBox::currentIndexChanged, this, &ScanPopup::currentGroupChanged ); auto OldGroupID = ui.groupList->getCurrentGroup(); // repopulate ui.groupList->clear(); ui.groupList->fill( groups ); ui.groupList->setCurrentGroup( OldGroupID ); // This does nothing if OldGroupID doesn't exist; ui.groupList->setVisible( !cfg.groups.empty() ); updateDictionaryBar(); connect( ui.groupList, &GroupComboBox::currentIndexChanged, this, &ScanPopup::currentGroupChanged ); #ifdef HAVE_X11 selectionDelayTimer.setInterval( cfg.preferences.selectionChangeDelayTimer ); #endif } ScanPopup::~ScanPopup() { saveConfigData(); ungrabGesture( Gestures::GDPinchGestureType ); ungrabGesture( Gestures::GDSwipeGestureType ); } void ScanPopup::saveConfigData() { // Save state, geometry and pin status cfg.popupWindowState = saveState(); cfg.popupWindowGeometry = saveGeometry(); cfg.pinPopupWindow = ui.pinButton->isChecked(); cfg.popupWindowAlwaysOnTop = ui.onTopButton->isChecked(); } void ScanPopup::inspectElementWhenPinned( QWebEnginePage * page ) { if ( cfg.pinPopupWindow ) emit inspectSignal( page ); } void ScanPopup::applyZoomFactor() { definition->setZoomFactor( cfg.preferences.zoomFactor ); } void ScanPopup::applyWordsZoomLevel() { QFont font( wordListDefaultFont ); int ps = font.pointSize(); if ( cfg.preferences.wordsZoomLevel != 0 ) { ps += cfg.preferences.wordsZoomLevel; if ( ps < 1 ) ps = 1; font.setPointSize( ps ); } if ( ui.translateBox->completerWidget()->font().pointSize() != ps ) ui.translateBox->completerWidget()->setFont( font ); font = translateLineDefaultFont; ps = font.pointSize(); if ( cfg.preferences.wordsZoomLevel != 0 ) { ps += cfg.preferences.wordsZoomLevel; if ( ps < 1 ) ps = 1; font.setPointSize( ps ); } if ( ui.translateBox->translateLine()->font().pointSize() != ps ) ui.translateBox->translateLine()->setFont( font ); font = groupListDefaultFont; ps = font.pointSize(); if ( cfg.preferences.wordsZoomLevel != 0 ) { ps += cfg.preferences.wordsZoomLevel; if ( ps < 1 ) ps = 1; font.setPointSize( ps ); } if ( ui.groupList->font().pointSize() != ps ) { disconnect( ui.groupList, &GroupComboBox::currentIndexChanged, this, &ScanPopup::currentGroupChanged ); int n = ui.groupList->currentIndex(); ui.groupList->clear(); ui.groupList->setFont( font ); ui.groupList->fill( groups ); ui.groupList->setCurrentIndex( n ); connect( ui.groupList, &GroupComboBox::currentIndexChanged, this, &ScanPopup::currentGroupChanged ); } ui.outerFrame->layout()->activate(); } Qt::WindowFlags ScanPopup::unpinnedWindowFlags() const { return defaultUnpinnedWindowFlags; } void ScanPopup::translateWordFromClipboard() { return translateWordFromClipboard( QClipboard::Clipboard ); } void ScanPopup::translateWordFromSelection() { return translateWordFromClipboard( QClipboard::Selection ); } void ScanPopup::editGroupRequested() { emit editGroupRequest( ui.groupList->getCurrentGroup() ); } void ScanPopup::translateWordFromClipboard( QClipboard::Mode m ) { qDebug() << "translating from clipboard or selection"; QString subtype = "plain"; QString str = QApplication::clipboard()->text( subtype, m ); qDebug() << "clipboard data:" << str; translateWord( str ); } void ScanPopup::translateWord( QString const & word ) { pendingWord = cfg.preferences.sanitizeInputPhrase( word ); if ( pendingWord.isEmpty() ) return; // Nothing there #ifdef HAVE_X11 emit hideScanFlag(); #endif engagePopup( false, #ifdef Q_OS_WIN true // We only focus popup under Windows when activated via Ctrl+C+C // -- on Linux it already has an implicit focus #else false #endif ); } #ifdef HAVE_X11 void ScanPopup::showEngagePopup() { engagePopup( false ); } #endif [[deprecated]] void ScanPopup::handleInputWord( QString const & str, bool forcePopup ) { auto sanitizedPhrase = cfg.preferences.sanitizeInputPhrase( str ); if ( isVisible() && sanitizedPhrase == pendingWord ) { // Attempt to translate the same word we already have shown in scan popup. // Ignore it, as it is probably a spurious mouseover event. return; } pendingWord = sanitizedPhrase; #ifdef HAVE_X11 if ( cfg.preferences.showScanFlag ) { emit showScanFlag(); return; } #endif engagePopup( forcePopup ); } void ScanPopup::engagePopup( bool forcePopup, bool giveFocus ) { if ( cfg.preferences.scanToMainWindow && !forcePopup ) { // Send translated word to main window istead of show popup emit sendPhraseToMainWindow( pendingWord ); return; } definition->setSelectionBySingleClick( cfg.preferences.selectWordBySingleClick ); if ( !isVisible() ) { // Need to show the window if ( !ui.pinButton->isChecked() ) { // Decide where should the window land QPoint currentPos = QCursor::pos(); auto screen = QGuiApplication::screenAt( currentPos ); if ( !screen ) return; QRect desktop = screen->geometry(); QSize windowSize = geometry().size(); int x, y; /// Try the to-the-right placement if ( currentPos.x() + 4 + windowSize.width() <= desktop.topRight().x() ) x = currentPos.x() + 4; else /// Try the to-the-left placement if ( currentPos.x() - 4 - windowSize.width() >= desktop.x() ) x = currentPos.x() - 4 - windowSize.width(); else // Center it x = desktop.x() + ( desktop.width() - windowSize.width() ) / 2; /// Try the to-the-bottom placement if ( currentPos.y() + 15 + windowSize.height() <= desktop.bottomLeft().y() ) y = currentPos.y() + 15; else /// Try the to-the-top placement if ( currentPos.y() - 15 - windowSize.height() >= desktop.y() ) y = currentPos.y() - 15 - windowSize.height(); else // Center it y = desktop.y() + ( desktop.height() - windowSize.height() ) / 2; move( x, y ); } else { if ( pinnedGeometry.size() > 0 ) restoreGeometry( pinnedGeometry ); } show(); #if defined( HAVE_X11 ) // Ensure that the window always has focus on X11 with Qt::Tool flag. // This also often prevents the window from disappearing prematurely with Qt::Popup flag, // especially when combined with Qt::X11BypassWindowManagerHint flag. if ( !ui.pinButton->isChecked() ) giveFocus = true; #endif if ( giveFocus ) { activateWindow(); raise(); } if ( !ui.pinButton->isChecked() ) { mouseEnteredOnce = false; // Need to monitor the mouse so we know when to hide the window interceptMouse(); } // This produced some funky mouse grip-related bugs so we commented it out //QApplication::processEvents(); // Make window appear immediately no matter what } else if ( ui.pinButton->isChecked() ) { // Pinned-down window isn't always on top, so we need to raise it show(); if ( cfg.preferences.raiseWindowOnSearch ) { activateWindow(); raise(); } } #if defined( HAVE_X11 ) else if ( ( windowFlags() & Qt::Tool ) == Qt::Tool && cfg.preferences.raiseWindowOnSearch ) { // Ensure that the window with Qt::Tool flag always has focus on X11. activateWindow(); raise(); } #endif if ( ui.pinButton->isChecked() ) setWindowTitle( tr( "%1 - %2" ).arg( elideInputWord(), "GoldenDict" ) ); /// Too large strings make window expand which is probably not what user /// wants ui.translateBox->setText( Folding::escapeWildcardSymbols( pendingWord ), false ); showTranslationFor( pendingWord ); } QString ScanPopup::elideInputWord() { return pendingWord.size() > 32 ? pendingWord.mid( 0, 32 ) + "..." : pendingWord; } void ScanPopup::currentGroupChanged( int ) { cfg.lastPopupGroupId = ui.groupList->getCurrentGroup(); Instances::Group const * igrp = groups.findGroup( cfg.lastPopupGroupId ); if ( cfg.lastPopupGroupId == Instances::Group::AllGroupId ) { if ( igrp ) igrp->checkMutedDictionaries( &cfg.popupMutedDictionaries ); dictionaryBar.setMutedDictionaries( &cfg.popupMutedDictionaries ); } else { Config::Group * grp = cfg.getGroup( cfg.lastPopupGroupId ); if ( grp ) { if ( igrp ) igrp->checkMutedDictionaries( &grp->popupMutedDictionaries ); dictionaryBar.setMutedDictionaries( &grp->popupMutedDictionaries ); } else dictionaryBar.setMutedDictionaries( nullptr ); } updateDictionaryBar(); definition->setCurrentGroupId( cfg.lastPopupGroupId ); if ( isVisible() ) { updateSuggestionList(); translateInputFinished(); } cfg.lastPopupGroupId = ui.groupList->getCurrentGroup(); } void ScanPopup::translateInputChanged( QString const & text ) { updateSuggestionList( text ); } void ScanPopup::updateSuggestionList() { updateSuggestionList( ui.translateBox->translateLine()->text() ); } void ScanPopup::updateSuggestionList( QString const & text ) { mainStatusBar->clearMessage(); QString req = text.trimmed(); if ( !req.size() ) { // An empty request always results in an empty result wordFinder.cancel(); // Reset the noResults mark if it's on right now if ( ui.translateBox->translateLine()->property( "noResults" ).toBool() ) { auto translateLine = ui.translateBox->translateLine(); translateLine->setProperty( "noResults", false ); Utils::Widget::setNoResultColor( translateLine, false ); } return; } wordFinder.prefixMatch( req, getActiveDicts() ); } void ScanPopup::translateInputFinished() { pendingWord = Folding::unescapeWildcardSymbols( ui.translateBox->translateLine()->text().trimmed() ); showTranslationFor( pendingWord ); } void ScanPopup::showTranslationFor( QString const & word ) { ui.pronounceButton->setDisabled( true ); unsigned groupId = ui.groupList->getCurrentGroup(); definition->showDefinition( word, groupId ); definition->focus(); } vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > const & ScanPopup::getActiveDicts() { int current = ui.groupList->currentIndex(); Q_ASSERT( 0 <= current || current <= groups.size() ); Config::MutedDictionaries const * mutedDictionaries = dictionaryBar.getMutedDictionaries(); if ( !dictionaryBar.toggleViewAction()->isChecked() || mutedDictionaries == nullptr ) { return groups[ current ].dictionaries; } vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > const & activeDicts = groups[ current ].dictionaries; // Populate the special dictionariesUnmuted array with only unmuted // dictionaries dictionariesUnmuted.clear(); dictionariesUnmuted.reserve( activeDicts.size() ); for ( const auto & activeDict : activeDicts ) { if ( !mutedDictionaries->contains( QString::fromStdString( activeDict->getId() ) ) ) { dictionariesUnmuted.push_back( activeDict ); } } return dictionariesUnmuted; } void ScanPopup::typingEvent( QString const & t ) { if ( t == "\n" || t == "\r" ) { focusTranslateLine(); } else { ui.translateBox->translateLine()->clear(); ui.translateBox->translateLine()->setFocus(); ui.translateBox->setText( t, true ); ui.translateBox->translateLine()->setCursorPosition( t.size() ); } } bool ScanPopup::eventFilter( QObject * watched, QEvent * event ) { if ( watched == ui.translateBox->translateLine() && event->type() == QEvent::FocusIn ) { const QFocusEvent * focusEvent = static_cast< QFocusEvent * >( event ); // select all on mouse click if ( focusEvent->reason() == Qt::MouseFocusReason ) { QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, &ScanPopup::focusTranslateLine ); } return false; } if ( mouseIntercepted ) { // We're only interested in our events if ( event->type() == QEvent::MouseMove ) { QMouseEvent * mouseEvent = (QMouseEvent *)event; reactOnMouseMove( mouseEvent->globalPos() ); } } if ( event->type() == QEvent::KeyPress && watched != ui.translateBox->translateLine() ) { if ( const auto key_event = dynamic_cast< QKeyEvent * >( event ); key_event->modifiers() == Qt::NoModifier ) { const QString text = key_event->text(); if ( Utils::ignoreKeyEvent( key_event ) || key_event->key() == Qt::Key_Return || key_event->key() == Qt::Key_Enter ) return false; // Those key have other uses than to start typing // or don't make sense if ( !text.isEmpty() ) { typingEvent( text ); return true; } } } return QMainWindow::eventFilter( watched, event ); } void ScanPopup::reactOnMouseMove( QPoint const & p ) { if ( geometry().contains( p ) ) { // GD_DPRINTF( "got inside\n" ); hideTimer.stop(); mouseEnteredOnce = true; uninterceptMouse(); } else { // GD_DPRINTF( "outside\n" ); // We're in grab mode and outside the window - calculate the // distance from it. We might want to hide it. // When the mouse has entered once, we don't allow it stayng outside, // but we give a grace period for it to return. int proximity = mouseEnteredOnce ? 0 : 60; // Note: watched == this ensures no other child objects popping out are // receiving this event, meaning there's basically nothing under the // cursor. if ( /*watched == this &&*/ !frameGeometry().adjusted( -proximity, -proximity, proximity, proximity ).contains( p ) ) { // We've way too far from the window -- hide the popup // If the mouse never entered the popup, hide the window instantly -- // the user just moved the cursor further away from the window. if ( !mouseEnteredOnce ) hideWindow(); else hideTimer.start(); } } } void ScanPopup::mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent * ev ) { // With mouse grabs, the press can occur anywhere on the screen, which // might mean hiding the window. if ( !frameGeometry().contains( ev->globalPos() ) ) { hideWindow(); return; } if ( ev->button() == Qt::LeftButton ) { startPos = ev->globalPos(); setCursor( Qt::ClosedHandCursor ); } QMainWindow::mousePressEvent( ev ); } void ScanPopup::mouseMoveEvent( QMouseEvent * event ) { if ( event->buttons() && cursor().shape() == Qt::ClosedHandCursor ) { QPoint newPos = event->globalPos(); QPoint delta = newPos - startPos; startPos = newPos; // Move the window move( pos() + delta ); } QMainWindow::mouseMoveEvent( event ); } void ScanPopup::mouseReleaseEvent( QMouseEvent * ev ) { unsetCursor(); QMainWindow::mouseReleaseEvent( ev ); } void ScanPopup::leaveEvent( QEvent * event ) { QMainWindow::leaveEvent( event ); // We hide the popup when the mouse leaves it. // Combo-boxes seem to generate leave events for their parents when // unfolded, so we check coordinates as well. // If the dialog is pinned, we don't hide the popup. // If some mouse buttons are pressed, we don't hide the popup either, // since it indicates the move operation is underway. if ( !ui.pinButton->isChecked() && !geometry().contains( QCursor::pos() ) && QApplication::mouseButtons() == Qt::NoButton ) { hideTimer.start(); } } #if ( QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK( 6, 0, 0 ) ) void ScanPopup::enterEvent( QEnterEvent * event ) #else void ScanPopup::enterEvent( QEvent * event ) #endif { QMainWindow::enterEvent( event ); if ( mouseEnteredOnce ) { // We "enter" first time via our event filter. This seems to evade some // unexpected behavior under Windows. // If there was a countdown to hide the window, stop it. hideTimer.stop(); } } void ScanPopup::requestWindowFocus() { // One of the rare, actually working workarounds for requesting a user keyboard focus on X11, // works for Qt::Popup windows, exactly like our Scan Popup (in unpinned state). // Modern window managers actively resist to automatically focus pop-up windows. } void ScanPopup::showEvent( QShowEvent * ev ) { QMainWindow::showEvent( ev ); QTimer::singleShot( 100, this, &ScanPopup::requestWindowFocus ); if ( groups.size() <= 1 ) // Only the default group? Hide then. ui.groupList->hide(); if ( ui.showDictionaryBar->isChecked() != dictionaryBar.isVisible() ) { ui.showDictionaryBar->setChecked( dictionaryBar.isVisible() ); updateDictionaryBar(); } } void ScanPopup::closeEvent( QCloseEvent * ev ) { if ( isVisible() && ui.pinButton->isChecked() ) pinnedGeometry = saveGeometry(); QMainWindow::closeEvent( ev ); } void ScanPopup::moveEvent( QMoveEvent * ev ) { if ( isVisible() && ui.pinButton->isChecked() ) pinnedGeometry = saveGeometry(); QMainWindow::moveEvent( ev ); } void ScanPopup::prefixMatchFinished() { // Check that there's a window there at all if ( isVisible() ) { if ( wordFinder.getErrorString().size() ) { ui.queryError->setToolTip( wordFinder.getErrorString() ); ui.queryError->show(); showStatusBarMessage( tr( "WARNING: %1" ).arg( wordFinder.getErrorString() ), 20000, QPixmap( ":/icons/error.svg" ) ); } else { ui.queryError->hide(); auto results = wordFinder.getResults(); QStringList _results; for ( auto const & [ fst, snd ] : results ) { _results << fst; } ui.translateBox->setModel( _results ); } } } void ScanPopup::on_pronounceButton_clicked() { definition->playSound(); } void ScanPopup::pinButtonClicked( bool checked ) { if ( checked ) { uninterceptMouse(); ui.onTopButton->setVisible( true ); Qt::WindowFlags flags = pinnedWindowFlags; if ( ui.onTopButton->isChecked() ) flags |= Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint; setWindowFlags( flags ); #ifdef Q_OS_MACOS setAttribute( Qt::WA_MacAlwaysShowToolWindow ); #endif setWindowTitle( tr( "%1 - %2" ).arg( elideInputWord(), "GoldenDict" ) ); dictionaryBar.setMovable( true ); hideTimer.stop(); } else { ui.onTopButton->setVisible( false ); dictionaryBar.setMovable( false ); setWindowFlags( unpinnedWindowFlags() ); #ifdef Q_OS_MACOS setAttribute( Qt::WA_MacAlwaysShowToolWindow, false ); #endif mouseEnteredOnce = true; } cfg.pinPopupWindow = checked; show(); if ( checked ) pinnedGeometry = saveGeometry(); } void ScanPopup::focusTranslateLine() { if ( !isActiveWindow() ) activateWindow(); ui.translateBox->translateLine()->setFocus(); ui.translateBox->translateLine()->selectAll(); } void ScanPopup::on_showDictionaryBar_clicked( bool checked ) { dictionaryBar.setVisible( checked ); updateDictionaryBar(); definition->updateMutedContents(); } void ScanPopup::hideTimerExpired() { if ( isVisible() ) hideWindow(); } void ScanPopup::pageLoaded( ArticleView * ) { if ( !isVisible() ) return; auto pronounceBtn = ui.pronounceButton; definition->hasSound( [ pronounceBtn ]( bool has ) { if ( pronounceBtn ) pronounceBtn->setDisabled( !has ); } ); updateBackForwardButtons(); } void ScanPopup::showStatusBarMessage( QString const & message, int timeout, QPixmap const & icon ) { mainStatusBar->showMessage( message, timeout, icon ); } void ScanPopup::escapePressed() { if ( !definition->closeSearch() ) hideWindow(); } void ScanPopup::hideWindow() { uninterceptMouse(); emit closeMenu(); hideTimer.stop(); unsetCursor(); ui.translateBox->setPopupEnabled( false ); ui.translateBox->translateLine()->deselect(); hide(); } void ScanPopup::interceptMouse() { if ( !mouseIntercepted ) { // We used to grab the mouse -- but this doesn't always work reliably // (e.g. doesn't work at all in Windows 7 for some reason). Therefore // we use a polling timer now. // grabMouse(); mouseGrabPollTimer.start(); qApp->installEventFilter( this ); mouseIntercepted = true; } } void ScanPopup::mouseGrabPoll() { if ( mouseIntercepted ) reactOnMouseMove( QCursor::pos() ); } void ScanPopup::uninterceptMouse() { if ( mouseIntercepted ) { qApp->removeEventFilter( this ); mouseGrabPollTimer.stop(); // releaseMouse(); mouseIntercepted = false; } } void ScanPopup::updateDictionaryBar() { if ( !dictionaryBar.toggleViewAction()->isChecked() ) return; // It's not enabled, therefore hidden -- don't waste time unsigned currentId = ui.groupList->getCurrentGroup(); Instances::Group const * grp = groups.findGroup( currentId ); if ( grp ) // Should always be !0, but check as a safeguard dictionaryBar.setDictionaries( grp->dictionaries ); if ( currentId == Instances::Group::AllGroupId ) dictionaryBar.setMutedDictionaries( &cfg.popupMutedDictionaries ); else { Config::Group * group = cfg.getGroup( currentId ); dictionaryBar.setMutedDictionaries( group ? &group->popupMutedDictionaries : nullptr ); } setDictionaryIconSize(); } void ScanPopup::mutedDictionariesChanged() { updateSuggestionList(); if ( dictionaryBar.toggleViewAction()->isChecked() ) definition->updateMutedContents(); } void ScanPopup::on_sendWordButton_clicked() { if ( !isVisible() ) return; if ( !ui.pinButton->isChecked() ) { definition->closeSearch(); hideWindow(); } emit sendPhraseToMainWindow( definition->getWord() ); } void ScanPopup::on_sendWordToFavoritesButton_clicked() { if ( !isVisible() ) return; unsigned groupId = ui.groupList->getCurrentGroup(); auto current_exist = isWordPresentedInFavorites( definition->getTitle(), groupId ); //if current_exist=false( not exist ), after click ,the word should be in the favorite which is blueStar ui.sendWordToFavoritesButton->setIcon( !current_exist ? blueStarIcon : starIcon ); emit sendWordToFavorites( definition->getTitle(), cfg.lastPopupGroupId, current_exist ); } void ScanPopup::switchExpandOptionalPartsMode() { if ( isVisible() ) emit switchExpandMode(); } void ScanPopup::updateBackForwardButtons() { ui.goBackButton->setEnabled( definition->canGoBack() ); ui.goForwardButton->setEnabled( definition->canGoForward() ); } void ScanPopup::on_goBackButton_clicked() { definition->back(); } void ScanPopup::on_goForwardButton_clicked() { definition->forward(); } void ScanPopup::setDictionaryIconSize() { int extent = cfg.usingSmallIconsInToolbars ? QApplication::style()->pixelMetric( QStyle::PM_SmallIconSize ) : QApplication::style()->pixelMetric( QStyle::PM_ToolBarIconSize ); dictionaryBar.setDictionaryIconSize( extent ); } void ScanPopup::setGroupByName( QString const & name ) { int i; for ( i = 0; i < ui.groupList->count(); i++ ) { if ( ui.groupList->itemText( i ) == name ) { ui.groupList->setCurrentIndex( i ); break; } } if ( i >= ui.groupList->count() ) gdWarning( "Group \"%s\" for popup window is not found\n", name.toUtf8().data() ); } void ScanPopup::alwaysOnTopClicked( bool checked ) { bool wasVisible = isVisible(); if ( ui.pinButton->isChecked() ) { Qt::WindowFlags flags = this->windowFlags(); if ( checked ) setWindowFlags( flags | Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint ); else setWindowFlags( flags ^ Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint ); if ( wasVisible ) show(); } } void ScanPopup::titleChanged( ArticleView *, QString const & title ) { unsigned groupId = ui.groupList->getCurrentGroup(); // Set icon for "Add to Favorites" button ui.sendWordToFavoritesButton->setIcon( isWordPresentedInFavorites( title, groupId ) ? blueStarIcon : starIcon ); } bool ScanPopup::isWordPresentedInFavorites( QString const & word, unsigned groupId ) const { QString folder = GlobalBroadcaster::instance()->groupFolderMap[ groupId ]; return GlobalBroadcaster::instance()->folderFavoritesMap[ folder ].contains( word ); } #ifdef HAVE_X11 void ScanPopup::showScanFlag() { scanFlag->showScanFlag(); } void ScanPopup::hideScanFlag() { scanFlag->hideWindow(); } #endif