/* This file is (c) 2008-2012 Konstantin Isakov * Part of GoldenDict. Licensed under GPLv3 or later, see the LICENSE file */ #ifndef __MAINWINDOW_HH_INCLUDED__ #define __MAINWINDOW_HH_INCLUDED__ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ui_mainwindow.h" #include "folding.hh" #include "config.hh" #include "dictionary.hh" #include "article_netmgr.hh" #include "audioplayerfactory.hh" #include "instances.hh" #include "article_maker.hh" #include "scanpopup.hh" #include "articleview.hh" #include "wordfinder.hh" #include "dictionarybar.hh" #include "history.hh" #include "mainstatusbar.hh" #include "mruqmenu.hh" #include "translatebox.hh" #include "wordlist.hh" #include "dictheadwords.hh" #include "fulltextsearch.hh" #include "helpwindow.hh" #include "hotkeywrapper.hh" #include "weburlrequestinterceptor.h" #include "resourceschemehandler.h" #ifdef HAVE_X11 #include #endif using std::string; using std::vector; class ExpandableToolBar : public QToolBar { Q_OBJECT public: explicit ExpandableToolBar(QString const & title, QWidget * parent = 0) : QToolBar(title, parent) {} virtual QSize sizeHint() const { if ( !isFloating() && parentWidget() ) { return QSize( parentWidget()->width(), QToolBar::sizeHint().height() ); } else { return QToolBar::sizeHint(); } } }; class MainWindow: public QMainWindow, public DataCommitter { Q_OBJECT public: MainWindow( Config::Class & cfg ); ~MainWindow(); virtual void commitData( QSessionManager & ); void showGDHelpForID( QString const & id ); void closeGDHelp(); QString getTranslateLineText() const { return translateLine->text(); } /// Set group for main/popup window void setGroupByName( QString const & name, bool main_window ); public slots: void messageFromAnotherInstanceReceived( QString const & ); void showStatusBarMessage ( QString const &, int, QPixmap const & ); void phraseReceived( Config::InputPhrase const & ); void wordReceived( QString const & ); void headwordReceived( QString const &, QString const & ); void setExpandMode( bool expand ); void headwordFromFavorites( QString const &, QString const & ); void quitApp(); private: void addGlobalAction( QAction * action, const char * slot ); void addGlobalActionsToDialog( QDialog * dialog ); void addGroupComboBoxActionsToDialog( QDialog * dialog, GroupComboBox * pGroupComboBox ); void removeGroupComboBoxActionsFromDialog( QDialog * dialog, GroupComboBox * pGroupComboBox ); void commitData(); QSystemTrayIcon * trayIcon; WebUrlRequestInterceptor *wuri; Ui::MainWindow ui; /// This widget is used as a title bar for the searchPane dock, and /// incorporates the next three objects inside QWidget searchPaneTitleBar; QHBoxLayout searchPaneTitleBarLayout; QLabel groupLabel; GroupComboBox * groupList, * groupListInToolbar, * groupListInDock; // Needed to be able to show/hide the translate box in the toolbar, since hiding // the list expilictily doesn't work, see docs for QToolBar::addWidget(). QAction * translateBoxToolBarAction; QWidget dictsPaneTitleBar; QHBoxLayout dictsPaneTitleBarLayout; QLabel foundInDictsLabel; TranslateBox * translateBox; /// Fonts saved before words zooming is in effect, so it could be reset back. QFont wordListDefaultFont, translateLineDefaultFont, groupListDefaultFont; QAction escAction, focusTranslateLineAction, addTabAction, closeCurrentTabAction, closeAllTabAction, closeRestTabAction, switchToNextTabAction, switchToPrevTabAction, showDictBarNamesAction, useSmallIconsInToolbarsAction, toggleMenuBarAction, switchExpandModeAction, focusHeadwordsDlgAction, focusArticleViewAction, addAllTabToFavoritesAction; QToolBar * navToolbar; MainStatusBar * mainStatusBar; QAction * navBack, * navForward, * navPronounce, * enableScanPopup; QAction * beforeScanPopupSeparator, * afterScanPopupSeparator, * beforeOptionsSeparator; QAction * zoomIn, * zoomOut, * zoomBase; QAction * wordsZoomIn, * wordsZoomOut, * wordsZoomBase; QAction * addToFavorites, * beforeAddToFavoritesSeparator; QMenu trayIconMenu; QMenu * tabMenu; QAction * menuButtonAction; QToolButton * menuButton; MRUQMenu *tabListMenu; //List that contains indexes of tabs arranged in a most-recently-used order QList mruList; QToolButton addTab, *tabListButton; Config::Class & cfg; Config::Events configEvents; History history; DictionaryBar dictionaryBar; vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > dictionaries; /// Here we store unmuted dictionaries when the dictionary bar is active vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > dictionariesUnmuted; Instances::Groups groupInstances; ArticleMaker articleMaker; ArticleNetworkAccessManager articleNetMgr; QNetworkAccessManager dictNetMgr; // We give dictionaries a separate manager, // since their requests can be destroyed // in a separate thread AudioPlayerFactory audioPlayerFactory; WordList * wordList; QLineEdit * translateLine; QString translateBoxSuffix; ///< A punctuation suffix that corresponds to translateLine's text. WordFinder wordFinder; sptr< ScanPopup > scanPopup; sptr< HotkeyWrapper > hotkeyWrapper; QTimer newReleaseCheckTimer; // Countdown to a check for the new program // release, if enabled QNetworkReply *latestReleaseReply; sptr< QPrinter > printer; // The printer we use for all printing operations bool wordListSelChanged; bool wasMaximized; // Window state before minimization bool blockUpdateWindowTitle; QPrinter & getPrinter(); // Creates a printer if it's not there and returns it DictHeadwords * headwordsDlg; FTS::FtsIndexing ftsIndexing; FTS::FullTextSearchDialog * ftsDlg; Help::HelpWindow * helpWindow; QIcon starIcon, blueStarIcon; LocalSchemeHandler *localSchemeHandler; ResourceSchemeHandler *resourceSchemeHandler; /// Applies the qt's stylesheet, given the style's name. void applyQtStyleSheet( QString const & displayStyle, QString const & addonStyle ); /// Creates, destroys or otherwise updates tray icon, according to the /// current configuration and situation. void updateTrayIcon(); void wheelEvent( QWheelEvent * ); void closeEvent( QCloseEvent * ); void applyProxySettings(); void applyWebSettings(); void setupNetworkCache( int maxSize ); void makeDictionaries(); void updateStatusLine(); void updateGroupList(); void updateDictionaryBar(); void makeScanPopup(); void updatePronounceAvailability(); void updateBackForwardButtons(); void updateWindowTitle(); /// Updates word search request and active article view in response to /// muting or unmuting dictionaries, or showing/hiding dictionary bar. void applyMutedDictionariesState(); virtual bool eventFilter( QObject *, QEvent * ); /// Returns the reference to dictionaries stored in the currently active /// group, or to all dictionaries if there are no groups. vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > const & getActiveDicts(); /// Brings the main window to front if it's not currently, or hides it /// otherwise. The hiding part is omitted if onlyShow is true. #ifdef HAVE_X11 void toggleMainWindow( bool onlyShow = false, bool byIconClick = false ); #else void toggleMainWindow( bool onlyShow = false ); #endif /// Creates hotkeyWrapper and hooks the currently set keys for it void installHotKeys(); void applyZoomFactor(); void adjustCurrentZoomFactor(); void mousePressEvent ( QMouseEvent * event ); void updateCurrentGroupProperty(); /// Handles backward and forward mouse buttons and /// returns true if the event is handled. bool handleBackForwardMouseButtons(QMouseEvent *ev); ArticleView * getCurrentArticleView(); void ctrlTabPressed(); void fillWordListFromHistory(); void showDictionaryHeadwords( QWidget * owner, Dictionary::Class * dict ); QString unescapeTabHeader( QString const & header ); void respondToTranslationRequest( Config::InputPhrase const & phrase, bool checkModifiers, QString const & scrollTo = QString() ); void updateSuggestionList(); void updateSuggestionList( QString const & text ); enum WildcardPolicy { EscapeWildcards, WildcardsAreAlreadyEscaped }; enum TranslateBoxPopup { NoPopupChange, EnablePopup, DisablePopup }; void setTranslateBoxTextAndKeepSuffix( QString text, WildcardPolicy wildcardPolicy, TranslateBoxPopup popupAction ); void setTranslateBoxTextAndClearSuffix( QString const & text, WildcardPolicy wildcardPolicy, TranslateBoxPopup popupAction ); private slots: void hotKeyActivated( int ); /// If new release checks are on, santizies the next check time and starts /// the timer. Does nothing otherwise. void prepareNewReleaseChecks(); void updateFoundInDictsList(); /// Does the new release check. void checkForNewRelease(); /// Signalled when the lastestReleaseReply is finished() void latestReleaseReplyReady(); /// Receive click on "Found in:" pane void foundDictsPaneClicked( QListWidgetItem * item ); /// Receive right click on "Found in:" pane void foundDictsContextMenuRequested( const QPoint & pos ); void showDictionaryInfo( QString const & id ); void showDictionaryHeadwords( QString const & id ); void openDictionaryFolder( QString const & id ); void editDictionary ( Dictionary::Class * dict ); void showFTSIndexingName( QString const & name ); void handleAddToFavoritesButton(); void addCurrentTabToFavorites(); void addAllTabsToFavorites(); private slots: // Executed in response to a user click on an 'add tab' tool button void addNewTab(); // Executed in response to a user click on an 'close' button on a tab void tabCloseRequested( int ); // Closes current tab. void closeCurrentTab(); void closeAllTabs(); void closeRestTabs(); void switchToNextTab(); void switchToPrevTab(); void ctrlReleased(); // Switch optional parts expand mode for current tab void switchExpandOptionalPartsMode(); // Handling of active tab list void createTabList(); void fillWindowsMenu(); void switchToWindow(QAction *act); /// Triggered by the actions in the nav toolbar void backClicked(); void forwardClicked(); /// ArticleView's title has changed void titleChanged( ArticleView *, QString const & ); /// ArticleView's icon has changed void iconChanged( ArticleView *, QIcon const & ); void pageLoaded( ArticleView * ); void tabSwitched( int ); void tabMenuRequested(QPoint pos); void dictionaryBarToggled( bool checked ); /// Pronounces the currently displayed word by playing its first audio /// reference, if it has any. /// If view is 0, the operation is done for the currently open tab. void pronounce( ArticleView * view = 0 ); void zoomin(); void zoomout(); void unzoom(); void scaleArticlesByCurrentZoomFactor(); void doWordsZoomIn(); void doWordsZoomOut(); void doWordsZoomBase(); void applyWordsZoomLevel(); /// If editDictionaryGroup is specified, the dialog positions on that group /// initially. void editDictionaries( unsigned editDictionaryGroup = Instances::Group::NoGroupId ); /// Edits current group when triggered from the dictionary bar. void editCurrentGroup(); void editPreferences(); void currentGroupChanged( QString const & ); void translateInputChanged( QString const & ); void translateInputFinished( bool checkModifiers = true ); /// Closes any opened search in the article view, and focuses the translateLine/close main window to tray. void handleEsc(); /// Gives the keyboard focus to the translateLine and selects all the text /// it has. void focusTranslateLine(); void wordListItemActivated( QListWidgetItem * ); void wordListSelectionChanged(); void dictsListItemActivated( QListWidgetItem * ); void dictsListSelectionChanged(); void jumpToDictionary( QListWidgetItem *, bool force = false ); void showDictsPane( ); void dictsPaneVisibilityChanged ( bool ); /// Creates a new tab, which is to be populated then with some content. ArticleView * createNewTab( bool switchToIt, QString const & name ); void openLinkInNewTab( QUrl const &, QUrl const &, QString const &, ArticleView::Contexts const & contexts ); void showDefinitionInNewTab( QString const & word, unsigned group, QString const & fromArticle, ArticleView::Contexts const & contexts ); void typingEvent( QString const & ); void activeArticleChanged( ArticleView const *, QString const & id ); void mutedDictionariesChanged(); void showTranslationFor( Config::InputPhrase const &, unsigned inGroup = 0, QString const & scrollTo = QString() ); void showTranslationFor( QString const & ); void showTranslationFor( QString const &, QStringList const & dictIDs, QRegExp const & searchRegExp, bool ignoreDiacritics ); void showHistoryItem( QString const & ); void trayIconActivated( QSystemTrayIcon::ActivationReason ); void scanEnableToggled( bool ); void setAutostart( bool ); void showMainWindow(); void visitHomepage(); void visitForum(); void openConfigFolder(); void showAbout(); void showDictBarNamesTriggered(); void useSmallIconsInToolbarsTriggered(); void toggleMenuBarTriggered( bool announce = true ); void on_clearHistory_triggered(); void on_newTab_triggered(); void on_actionCloseToTray_triggered(); void on_pageSetup_triggered(); void on_printPreview_triggered(); void on_print_triggered(); void printPreviewPaintRequested( QPrinter * ); void on_saveArticle_triggered(); void on_rescanFiles_triggered(); void on_showHideFavorites_triggered(); void on_showHideHistory_triggered(); void on_exportHistory_triggered(); void on_importHistory_triggered(); void on_alwaysOnTop_triggered( bool checked ); void focusWordList(); void on_exportFavorites_triggered(); void on_importFavorites_triggered(); void on_ExportFavoritesToList_triggered(); void updateSearchPaneAndBar( bool searchInDock ); void updateFavoritesMenu(); void updateHistoryMenu(); /// Add word to history void addWordToHistory( const QString & word ); /// Add word to history even if history is disabled in options void forceAddWordToHistory( const QString & word); void addWordToFavorites( QString const & word, unsigned groupId ); bool isWordPresentedInFavorites( QString const & word, unsigned groupId ); void sendWordToInputLine( QString const & word ); void storeResourceSavePath( QString const & ); void closeHeadwordsDialog(); void focusHeadwordsDialog(); void focusArticleView(); void proxyAuthentication( const QNetworkProxy & proxy, QAuthenticator * authenticator ); void showFullTextSearchDialog(); void closeFullTextSearchDialog(); void showGDHelp(); void hideGDHelp(); signals: /// Set optional parts expand mode for all tabs void setExpandOptionalParts( bool expand ); /// Retranslate Ctrl(Shift) + Click on dictionary pane to dictionary toolbar void clickOnDictPane( QString const & id ); /// Set group for popup window void setPopupGroupByName( QString const & name ); #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 /// For receiving message from scan libraries protected: unsigned gdAskMessage; public: bool handleGDMessage( MSG * message, long * result ); private slots: /// Return true while scanning GoldenDict window bool isGoldenDictWindow( HWND hwnd ); #endif }; class ArticleSaveProgressDialog : public QProgressDialog { Q_OBJECT public: explicit ArticleSaveProgressDialog( QWidget * parent = 0, Qt::WindowFlags f = Qt::Widget ): QProgressDialog( parent, f ) { setAutoReset( false ); setAutoClose( false ); } public slots: void perform() { int progress = value() + 1; if ( progress == maximum() ) { emit close(); deleteLater(); } setValue( progress ); } }; #endif