/* This file is (c) 2008-2009 Konstantin Isakov * Part of GoldenDict. Licensed under GPLv3 or later, see the LICENSE file */ #include "german.hh" #include "transliteration.hh" #include namespace GermanTranslit { class GermanTable: public Transliteration::Table { public: GermanTable(); }; GermanTable::GermanTable() { // Utf8 ins( "ue", "ü" ); ins( "ae", "ä" ); ins( "oe", "ö" ); ins( "ss", "ß" ); ins( "UE", "Ü" ); ins( "AE", "Ä" ); ins( "OS", "Ö" ); ins( "SS", "ß" ); // ins( "ü", "ue" ); // ins( "ä", "ae" ); // ins( "ö", "oe" ); // ins( "ß", "ss" ); } sptr< Dictionary::Class > makeDictionary() throw( std::exception ) { static GermanTable t; return new Transliteration::TransliterationDictionary( "cf1b74acd98adea9b2bba16af38f1081", QCoreApplication::translate( "GermanTranslit", "German Transliteration" ).toUtf8().data(), t ); } }