/* This file is (c) 2008-2012 Konstantin Isakov * Part of GoldenDict. Licensed under GPLv3 or later, see the LICENSE file */ #include #include #include "article_netmgr.hh" #include "gddebug.hh" #include "utils.hh" #include #include "globalbroadcaster.hh" using std::string; // AllowFrameReply AllowFrameReply::AllowFrameReply( QNetworkReply * _reply ): baseReply( _reply ) { // Set base data setOperation( baseReply->operation() ); setRequest( baseReply->request() ); setUrl( baseReply->url() ); // Signals to own slots connect( baseReply, &QNetworkReply::metaDataChanged, this, &AllowFrameReply::applyMetaData ); connect( baseReply, &QNetworkReply::errorOccurred, this, &AllowFrameReply::applyError ); connect( baseReply, &QIODevice::readyRead, this, &QIODevice::readyRead ); // Redirect QNetworkReply signals connect( baseReply, &QNetworkReply::downloadProgress, this, &QNetworkReply::downloadProgress ); connect( baseReply, &QNetworkReply::encrypted, this, &QNetworkReply::encrypted ); connect( baseReply, &QNetworkReply::finished, this, &QNetworkReply::finished ); connect( baseReply, &QNetworkReply::preSharedKeyAuthenticationRequired, this, &QNetworkReply::preSharedKeyAuthenticationRequired ); connect( baseReply, &QNetworkReply::redirected, this, &QNetworkReply::redirected ); connect( baseReply, &QNetworkReply::sslErrors, this, &QNetworkReply::sslErrors ); connect( baseReply, &QNetworkReply::uploadProgress, this, &QNetworkReply::uploadProgress ); // Redirect QIODevice signals connect( baseReply, &QIODevice::aboutToClose, this, &QIODevice::aboutToClose ); connect( baseReply, &QIODevice::bytesWritten, this, &QIODevice::bytesWritten ); connect( baseReply, &QIODevice::readChannelFinished, this, &QIODevice::readChannelFinished ); setOpenMode( QIODevice::ReadOnly ); } void AllowFrameReply::applyMetaData() { // The webengine does not support to customize the headers right now ,maybe until Qt6.7 there should be some api supports } void AllowFrameReply::setReadBufferSize( qint64 size ) { QNetworkReply::setReadBufferSize( size ); baseReply->setReadBufferSize( size ); } qint64 AllowFrameReply::bytesAvailable() const { return baseReply->bytesAvailable(); } void AllowFrameReply::applyError( QNetworkReply::NetworkError code ) { setError( code, baseReply->errorString() ); emit errorOccurred( code ); } qint64 AllowFrameReply::readData( char * data, qint64 maxSize ) { auto bytesAvailable = baseReply->bytesAvailable(); qint64 size = qMin( maxSize, bytesAvailable ); baseReply->read( data, size ); return size; } void AllowFrameReply::finishedSlot() { setFinished( true ); emit finished(); } QNetworkReply * ArticleNetworkAccessManager::getArticleReply( QNetworkRequest const & req ) { if ( req.url().scheme() == "qrcx" ) { // Do not support qrcx which is the custom define protocol. return new BlockedNetworkReply( this ); } auto op = GetOperation; QUrl url = req.url(); QMimeType mineType = db.mimeTypeForUrl( url ); QString contentType = mineType.name(); if ( req.url().scheme() == "gdlookup" ) { QString path = url.path(); if ( !path.isEmpty() ) { url.setPath( "" ); Utils::Url::addQueryItem( url, "word", path.mid( 1 ) ); Utils::Url::addQueryItem( url, "group", QString::number( GlobalBroadcaster::instance()->currentGroupId ) ); } } sptr< Dictionary::DataRequest > dr = getResource( url, contentType ); if ( dr.get() ) return new ArticleResourceReply( this, req, dr, contentType ); //dr.get() can be null. code continue to execute. //can not match dictionary in the above code,means the url must be external links. //if not external url,can be blocked from here. no need to continue execute the following code. //such as bres://upload.wikimedia.... etc . if ( !Utils::isExternalLink( url ) ) { gdWarning( "Blocking element \"%s\" as built-in link ", req.url().toEncoded().data() ); return new BlockedNetworkReply( this ); } // Check the Referer. If the user has opted-in to block elements from external // pages, we block them. if ( disallowContentFromOtherSites && req.hasRawHeader( "Referer" ) ) { QByteArray referer = req.rawHeader( "Referer" ); QUrl refererUrl = QUrl::fromEncoded( referer ); if ( !url.host().endsWith( refererUrl.host() ) && Utils::Url::getHostBaseFromUrl( url ) != Utils::Url::getHostBaseFromUrl( refererUrl ) && !url.scheme().startsWith( "data" ) ) { gdWarning( "Blocking element \"%s\" due to not same domain", url.toEncoded().data() ); return new BlockedNetworkReply( this ); } } if ( req.url().scheme() == "file" ) { // Check file presence and adjust path if necessary QString fileName = req.url().toLocalFile(); if ( req.url().host().isEmpty() && articleMaker.adjustFilePath( fileName ) ) { QUrl newUrl( req.url() ); QUrl localUrl = QUrl::fromLocalFile( fileName ); newUrl.setHost( localUrl.host() ); newUrl.setPath( Utils::Url::ensureLeadingSlash( localUrl.path() ) ); QNetworkRequest newReq( req ); newReq.setUrl( newUrl ); return QNetworkAccessManager::createRequest( op, newReq, nullptr ); } } // spoof User-Agent QNetworkRequest newReq; newReq.setUrl( url ); newReq.setAttribute( QNetworkRequest::RedirectPolicyAttribute, QNetworkRequest::NoLessSafeRedirectPolicy ); if ( hideGoldenDictHeader && url.scheme().startsWith( "http", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) ) { newReq.setRawHeader( "User-Agent", req.rawHeader( "User-Agent" ).replace( qApp->applicationName().toUtf8(), "" ) ); } QNetworkReply * reply = QNetworkAccessManager::createRequest( op, newReq, nullptr ); if ( url.scheme() == "https" ) { #ifndef QT_NO_SSL connect( reply, SIGNAL( sslErrors( QList< QSslError > ) ), reply, SLOT( ignoreSslErrors() ) ); #endif } return new AllowFrameReply( reply ); } string ArticleNetworkAccessManager::getHtml( ResourceType resourceType ) { switch ( resourceType ) { case ResourceType::UNTITLE: return articleMaker.makeEmptyPageHtml(); case ResourceType::WELCOME: return articleMaker.makeWelcomePageHtml(); case ResourceType::BLANK: return articleMaker.makeBlankHtml(); default: return {}; } } sptr< Dictionary::DataRequest > ArticleNetworkAccessManager::getResource( QUrl const & url, QString & contentType ) { qDebug() << "getResource:" << url.toString(); qDebug() << "scheme:" << url.scheme(); qDebug() << "host:" << url.host(); if ( url.scheme() == "gdlookup" ) { if ( !url.host().isEmpty() && url.host() != "localhost" ) { // Strange request - ignore it return std::make_shared< Dictionary::DataRequestInstant >( false ); } contentType = "text/html"; if ( Utils::Url::queryItemValue( url, "blank" ) == "1" ) return articleMaker.makeEmptyPage(); QString word = Utils::Url::queryItemValue( url, "word" ).trimmed(); bool groupIsValid = false; unsigned group = Utils::Url::queryItemValue( url, "group" ).toUInt( &groupIsValid ); QString dictIDs = Utils::Url::queryItemValue( url, "dictionaries" ); if ( !dictIDs.isEmpty() ) { // Individual dictionaries set from full-text search QStringList dictIDList = dictIDs.split( "," ); return articleMaker.makeDefinitionFor( word, group, QMap< QString, QString >(), QSet< QString >(), dictIDList ); } // See if we have some dictionaries muted QStringList mutedDictLists = Utils::Url::queryItemValue( url, "muted" ).split( ',' ); QSet< QString > mutedDicts( mutedDictLists.begin(), mutedDictLists.end() ); // Unpack contexts QMap< QString, QString > contexts; QString contextsEncoded = Utils::Url::queryItemValue( url, "contexts" ); if ( contextsEncoded.size() ) { QByteArray ba = QByteArray::fromBase64( contextsEncoded.toLatin1() ); QBuffer buf( &ba ); buf.open( QBuffer::ReadOnly ); QDataStream stream( &buf ); stream >> contexts; } // See for ignore diacritics bool ignoreDiacritics = Utils::Url::queryItemValue( url, "ignore_diacritics" ) == "1"; if ( groupIsValid && !word.isEmpty() ) // Require group and phrase to be passed return articleMaker.makeDefinitionFor( word, group, contexts, mutedDicts, QStringList(), ignoreDiacritics ); } if ( ( url.scheme() == "bres" || url.scheme() == "gdau" || url.scheme() == "gdvideo" || url.scheme() == "gico" ) && url.path().size() ) { QMimeType mineType = db.mimeTypeForUrl( url ); contentType = mineType.name(); string id = url.host().toStdString(); bool search = ( id == "search" ); if ( !search ) { for ( const auto & dictionary : dictionaries ) if ( dictionary->getId() == id ) { if ( url.scheme() == "gico" ) { QByteArray bytes; QBuffer buffer( &bytes ); buffer.open( QIODevice::WriteOnly ); dictionary->getIcon().pixmap( 64 ).save( &buffer, "PNG" ); buffer.close(); sptr< Dictionary::DataRequestInstant > ico = std::make_shared< Dictionary::DataRequestInstant >( true ); ico->getData().resize( bytes.size() ); memcpy( &( ico->getData().front() ), bytes.data(), bytes.size() ); return ico; } try { return dictionary->getResource( Utils::Url::path( url ).mid( 1 ).toUtf8().data() ); } catch ( std::exception & e ) { gdWarning( "getResource request error (%s) in \"%s\"\n", e.what(), dictionary->getName().c_str() ); return sptr< Dictionary::DataRequest >(); } } } } return sptr< Dictionary::DataRequest >(); } ArticleResourceReply::ArticleResourceReply( QObject * parent, QNetworkRequest const & netReq, sptr< Dictionary::DataRequest > const & req_, QString const & contentType ): QNetworkReply( parent ), req( req_ ), alreadyRead( 0 ) { setRequest( netReq ); setOpenMode( ReadOnly ); setUrl( netReq.url() ); if ( contentType.size() ) setHeader( QNetworkRequest::ContentTypeHeader, contentType ); connect( req.get(), &Dictionary::Request::updated, this, &ArticleResourceReply::reqUpdated ); connect( req.get(), &Dictionary::Request::finished, this, &ArticleResourceReply::reqFinished ); if ( req->isFinished() || req->dataSize() > 0 ) { connect( this, &ArticleResourceReply::readyReadSignal, this, &ArticleResourceReply::readyReadSlot, Qt::QueuedConnection ); connect( this, &ArticleResourceReply::finishedSignal, this, &ArticleResourceReply::finishedSlot, Qt::QueuedConnection ); emit readyReadSignal(); if ( req->isFinished() ) { emit finishedSignal(); GD_DPRINTF( "In-place finish.\n" ); } } } ArticleResourceReply::~ArticleResourceReply() { req->cancel(); } void ArticleResourceReply::reqUpdated() { emit readyRead(); } void ArticleResourceReply::reqFinished() { emit readyRead(); finishedSlot(); } qint64 ArticleResourceReply::bytesAvailable() const { qint64 avail = req->dataSize(); if ( avail < 0 ) return 0; qint64 availBytes = avail - alreadyRead + QNetworkReply::bytesAvailable(); if ( availBytes == 0 && !req->isFinished() ) { return 10240; } return availBytes; } bool ArticleResourceReply::atEnd() const { return req->isFinished() && bytesAvailable() == 0; } qint64 ArticleResourceReply::readData( char * out, qint64 maxSize ) { // From the doc: "This function might be called with a maxSize of 0, // which can be used to perform post-reading operations". if ( maxSize == 0 ) return 0; bool finished = req->isFinished(); qint64 avail = req->dataSize(); if ( avail < 0 ) return finished ? -1 : 0; qint64 left = avail - alreadyRead; qint64 toRead = maxSize < left ? maxSize : left; if ( !toRead && finished ) return -1; GD_DPRINTF( "====reading %d of (%lld) bytes . Finished: %d", (int)toRead, avail, finished ); try { req->getDataSlice( alreadyRead, toRead, out ); } catch ( std::exception & e ) { qWarning( "getDataSlice error: %s", e.what() ); } alreadyRead += toRead; if ( !toRead && finished ) return -1; else return toRead; } void ArticleResourceReply::readyReadSlot() { emit readyRead(); } void ArticleResourceReply::finishedSlot() { if ( req->dataSize() < 0 ) { emit errorOccurred( ContentNotFoundError ); setError( ContentNotFoundError, "content not found" ); } //prevent sent multi times. if ( !finishSignalSent.loadAcquire() ) { finishSignalSent.ref(); setFinished( true ); emit finished(); } } BlockedNetworkReply::BlockedNetworkReply( QObject * parent ): QNetworkReply( parent ) { setError( QNetworkReply::ContentOperationNotPermittedError, "Content Blocked" ); connect( this, &BlockedNetworkReply::finishedSignal, this, &BlockedNetworkReply::finishedSlot, Qt::QueuedConnection ); emit finishedSignal(); // This way we call readyRead()/finished() sometime later } void BlockedNetworkReply::finishedSlot() { emit readyRead(); setFinished( true ); emit finished(); } LocalSchemeHandler::LocalSchemeHandler( ArticleNetworkAccessManager & articleNetMgr, QObject * parent ): QWebEngineUrlSchemeHandler( parent ), mManager( articleNetMgr ) { } void LocalSchemeHandler::requestStarted( QWebEngineUrlRequestJob * requestJob ) { QUrl url = requestJob->requestUrl(); QNetworkRequest request; request.setUrl( url ); //all the url reached here must be either gdlookup or bword scheme. auto [ valid, word ] = Utils::Url::getQueryWord( url ); // or the condition can be (!queryWord.first || word.isEmpty()) // ( queryWord.first && word.isEmpty() ) is only part of the above condition. if ( valid && word.isEmpty() ) { // invalid gdlookup url. return; } QNetworkReply * reply = this->mManager.getArticleReply( request ); requestJob->reply( "text/html", reply ); connect( requestJob, &QObject::destroyed, reply, &QObject::deleteLater ); }