/* This file is (c) 2008-2009 Konstantin Isakov * Part of GoldenDict. Licensed under GPLv3 or later, see the LICENSE file */ #include "groups_widgets.hh" #include "instances.hh" #include "config.hh" #include "langcoder.hh" #include #include #include using std::vector; /// DictGroupWidget DictGroupWidget::DictGroupWidget( QWidget * parent, vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > const & dicts, Config::Group const & group ): QWidget( parent ), groupId( group.id ) { ui.setupUi( this ); ui.dictionaries->populate( Instances::Group( group, dicts ).dictionaries, dicts ); // Populate icons' list QStringList icons = QDir( ":/flags/" ).entryList( QDir::Files, QDir::NoSort ); ui.groupIcon->addItem( "None", "" ); for( int x = 0; x < icons.size(); ++x ) { QString n( icons[ x ] ); n.chop( 4 ); n[ 0 ] = n[ 0 ].toUpper(); ui.groupIcon->addItem( QIcon( ":/flags/" + icons[ x ] ), n, icons[ x ] ); if ( icons[ x ] == group.icon ) ui.groupIcon->setCurrentIndex( x + 1 ); } } Config::Group DictGroupWidget::makeGroup() const { Instances::Group g( "" ); g.id = groupId; g.dictionaries = ui.dictionaries->getCurrentDictionaries(); g.icon = ui.groupIcon->itemData( ui.groupIcon->currentIndex() ).toString(); return g.makeConfigGroup(); } /// DictListModel void DictListModel::populate( std::vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > const & active, std::vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > const & available ) { dictionaries = active; allDicts = &available; reset(); } void DictListModel::setAsSource() { isSource = true; } std::vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > const & DictListModel::getCurrentDictionaries() const { return dictionaries; } Qt::ItemFlags DictListModel::flags( QModelIndex const & index ) const { Qt::ItemFlags defaultFlags = QAbstractListModel::flags( index ); if (index.isValid()) return Qt::ItemIsDragEnabled | defaultFlags; else return Qt::ItemIsDropEnabled | defaultFlags; } int DictListModel::rowCount( QModelIndex const & ) const { return dictionaries.size(); } QVariant DictListModel::data( QModelIndex const & index, int role ) const { sptr< Dictionary::Class > const & item = dictionaries[ index.row() ]; if ( !item ) return QVariant(); switch ( role ) { case Qt::ToolTipRole: { QString tt = "" + QString::fromUtf8( item->getName().c_str() ) + ""; QString lfrom( LangCoder::decode( item->getLangFrom() ) ); QString lto( LangCoder::decode( item->getLangTo() ) ); if ( !lfrom.isEmpty() ) { if ( lfrom == lto ) tt += "
" + lfrom; else tt += "
" + lfrom + " - " + lto; } int entries = item->getArticleCount(); if ( !entries ) entries = item->getWordCount(); if ( entries ) tt += "
" + tr( "%1 entries" ).arg( entries ); const std::vector< std::string > & dirs = item->getDictionaryFilenames(); if ( dirs.size() ) { tt += "
"; tt += QString::fromLocal8Bit( dirs.at( 0 ).c_str() ); } tt.replace( " ", " " ); return tt; } case Qt::DisplayRole : return QString::fromUtf8( item->getName().c_str() ); case Qt::EditRole : return QString::fromUtf8( item->getId().c_str() ); case Qt::DecorationRole: return item->getIcon(); default:; } return QVariant(); } bool DictListModel::insertRows( int row, int count, const QModelIndex & parent ) { if ( isSource ) return false; beginInsertRows( parent, row, row + count - 1 ); dictionaries.insert( dictionaries.begin() + row, count, sptr< Dictionary::Class >() ); endInsertRows(); return true; } bool DictListModel::removeRows( int row, int count, const QModelIndex & parent ) { if ( isSource ) return false; beginRemoveRows( parent, row, row + count - 1 ); dictionaries.erase( dictionaries.begin() + row, dictionaries.begin() + row + count ); endRemoveRows(); return true; } bool DictListModel::setData( QModelIndex const & index, const QVariant & value, int role ) { if ( isSource || !allDicts || !index.isValid() || index.row() >= (int)dictionaries.size() ) return false; if ( ( role == Qt::DisplayRole ) || ( role == Qt::DecorationRole ) ) { // Allow changing that, but do nothing return true; } if ( role == Qt::EditRole ) { Config::Group g; g.dictionaries.push_back( Config::DictionaryRef( value.toString(), QString() ) ); Instances::Group i( g, *allDicts ); if ( i.dictionaries.size() == 1 ) { // Found that dictionary dictionaries[ index.row() ] = i.dictionaries.front(); emit dataChanged( index, index ); return true; } } return false; } Qt::DropActions DictListModel::supportedDropActions() const { return Qt::MoveAction; } void DictListModel::removeSelectedRows( QItemSelectionModel * source ) { if ( !source ) return; QModelIndexList rows = source->selectedRows(); if ( !rows.count() ) return; for ( int i = rows.count()-1; i >= 0; --i ) { dictionaries.erase( dictionaries.begin() + rows.at( i ).row() ); } reset(); } void DictListModel::addSelectedUniqueFromModel( QItemSelectionModel * source ) { if ( !source ) return; QModelIndexList rows = source->selectedRows(); if ( !rows.count() ) return; const DictListModel * baseModel = dynamic_cast< const DictListModel * > ( source->model() ); if ( !baseModel ) return; QVector< std::string > list; QVector< std::string > dicts; for ( unsigned i = 0; i < dictionaries.size(); i++ ) dicts.append( dictionaries.at( i )->getId() ); for ( int i = 0; i < rows.count(); i++ ) { std::string id = baseModel->dictionaries.at( rows.at( i ).row() )->getId(); if ( !dicts.contains( id ) ) list.append( id ); } if ( list.empty() ) return; for ( unsigned i = 0; i < allDicts->size(); i++ ) { for ( int j = 0; j < list.size(); j++ ) { if ( allDicts->at( i )->getId() == list.at( j ) ) { dictionaries.push_back( allDicts->at( i ) ); list.remove( j ); if ( list.isEmpty() ) { reset(); return; } break; } } } reset(); } void DictListModel::filterDuplicates() { QSet< QString > ids; bool doReset = false; for ( unsigned i = 0; i < dictionaries.size(); i++ ) { QString id = QString::fromStdString( dictionaries.at( i )->getId() ); if ( ids.contains( id ) ) { dictionaries.erase( dictionaries.begin() + i-- ); doReset = true; continue; } ids.insert( id ); } if ( doReset ) reset(); } /// DictListWidget DictListWidget::DictListWidget( QWidget * parent ): QListView( parent ), model( this ) { setModel( &model ); setSelectionMode( ExtendedSelection ); setDragEnabled( true ); setAcceptDrops( true ); setDropIndicatorShown( true ); } DictListWidget::~DictListWidget() { setModel( 0 ); } void DictListWidget::populate( std::vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > const & active, std::vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > const & available ) { model.populate( active, available ); } void DictListWidget::setAsSource() { setDropIndicatorShown( false ); model.setAsSource(); } std::vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > const & DictListWidget::getCurrentDictionaries() const { return model.getCurrentDictionaries(); } void DictListWidget::dropEvent( QDropEvent * event ) { DictListWidget * sourceList = dynamic_cast< DictListWidget * > ( event->source() ); QListView::dropEvent( event ); if ( sourceList != this ) { model.filterDuplicates(); } } void DictListWidget::rowsInserted( QModelIndex const & parent, int start, int end ) { QListView::rowsInserted( parent, start, end ); // When inserting new rows, make the first of them current selectionModel()->setCurrentIndex( model.index( start, 0, parent ), QItemSelectionModel::NoUpdate ); } void DictListWidget::rowsAboutToBeRemoved( QModelIndex const & parent, int start, int end ) { // When removing rows, if the current row is among the removed ones, select // an item just before the first row to be removed, if there's one. QModelIndex current = currentIndex(); if ( current.isValid() && current.row() && current.row() >= start && current.row() <= end ) selectionModel()->setCurrentIndex( model.index( current.row() - 1, 0, parent ), QItemSelectionModel::NoUpdate ); QListView::rowsAboutToBeRemoved( parent, start, end ); } // DictGroupsWidget DictGroupsWidget::DictGroupsWidget( QWidget * parent ): QTabWidget( parent ), nextId( 1 ), allDicts( 0 ) { #if QT_VERSION >= 0x040500 setMovable( true ); #endif } namespace { QString escapeAmps( QString const & str ) { QString result( str ); result.replace( "&", "&&" ); return result; } QString unescapeAmps( QString const & str ) { QString result( str ); result.replace( "&&", "&" ); return result; } } void DictGroupsWidget::populate( Config::Groups const & groups, vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > const & allDicts_ ) { while( count() ) removeCurrentGroup(); allDicts = &allDicts_; for( unsigned x = 0; x < groups.size(); ++x ) addTab( new DictGroupWidget( this, *allDicts, groups[ x ] ), escapeAmps( groups[ x ].name ) ); nextId = groups.nextId; } /// Creates groups from what is currently set up Config::Groups DictGroupsWidget::makeGroups() const { Config::Groups result; result.nextId = nextId; for( int x = 0; x < count(); ++x ) { result.push_back( dynamic_cast< DictGroupWidget & >( *widget( x ) ).makeGroup() ); result.back().name = unescapeAmps( tabText( x ) ); } return result; } DictListModel * DictGroupsWidget::getCurrentModel() const { int current = currentIndex(); if ( current >= 0 ) { DictGroupWidget * w = ( DictGroupWidget * ) widget( current ); return w->getModel(); } return 0; } QItemSelectionModel * DictGroupsWidget::getCurrentSelectionModel() const { int current = currentIndex(); if ( current >= 0 ) { DictGroupWidget * w = ( DictGroupWidget * ) widget( current ); return w->getSelectionModel(); } return 0; } void DictGroupsWidget::addNewGroup( QString const & name ) { if ( !allDicts ) return; int idx = currentIndex() + 1; Config::Group newGroup; newGroup.id = nextId++; insertTab( idx, new DictGroupWidget( this, *allDicts, newGroup ), escapeAmps( name ) ); setCurrentIndex( idx ); } QString DictGroupsWidget::getCurrentGroupName() const { int current = currentIndex(); if ( current >= 0 ) return unescapeAmps( tabText( current ) ); return QString(); } void DictGroupsWidget::renameCurrentGroup( QString const & name ) { int current = currentIndex(); if ( current >= 0 ) setTabText( current, escapeAmps( name ) ); } void DictGroupsWidget::removeCurrentGroup() { int current = currentIndex(); if ( current >= 0 ) { QWidget * w = widget( current ); removeTab( current ); delete w; } } void DictGroupsWidget::removeAllGroups() { while ( count() ) { QWidget * w = widget( 0 ); removeTab( 0 ); delete w; } }