/* This file is (c) 2008-2009 Konstantin Isakov * Part of GoldenDict. Licensed under GPLv3 or later, see the LICENSE file */ #include "hunspell.hh" #include "utf8.hh" #include "htmlescape.hh" #include "iconv.hh" #include "folding.hh" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace HunspellMorpho { using namespace Dictionary; namespace { class HunspellDictionary: public Dictionary::Class { string name; Mutex hunspellMutex; Hunspell hunspell; public: /// files[ 0 ] should be .aff file, files[ 1 ] should be .dic file. HunspellDictionary( string const & id, string const & name_, vector< string > const & files ): Dictionary::Class( id, files ), name( name_ ), hunspell( files[ 0 ].c_str(), files[ 1 ].c_str() ) { } virtual string getName() throw() { return name; } virtual map< Property, string > getProperties() throw() { return map< Property, string >(); } virtual unsigned long getArticleCount() throw() { return 0; } virtual unsigned long getWordCount() throw() { return 0; } /// There's nothing no match here. virtual sptr< WordSearchRequest > prefixMatch( wstring const &, unsigned long /*maxResults*/ ) throw( std::exception ) { return new WordSearchRequestInstant(); } virtual sptr< WordSearchRequest > findHeadwordsForSynonym( wstring const & ) throw( std::exception ); virtual sptr< DataRequest > getArticle( wstring const &, vector< wstring > const & alts ) throw( std::exception ); }; /// Encodes the given string to be passed to the hunspell object. May throw /// Iconv::Ex string encodeToHunspell( Hunspell &, wstring const & ); /// Decodes the given string returned by the hunspell object. May throw /// Iconv::Ex wstring decodeFromHunspell( Hunspell &, char const * ); /// Returns true if the string contains whitespace, false otherwise bool containsWhitespace( wstring const & str ) { wchar_t const * next = str.c_str(); for( ; *next; ++next ) if ( Folding::isWhitespace( *next ) ) return true; return false; } /// HunspellDictionary::getArticle() class HunspellArticleRequest; class HunspellArticleRequestRunnable: public QRunnable { HunspellArticleRequest & r; QSemaphore & hasExited; public: HunspellArticleRequestRunnable( HunspellArticleRequest & r_, QSemaphore & hasExited_ ): r( r_ ), hasExited( hasExited_ ) {} ~HunspellArticleRequestRunnable() { hasExited.release(); } virtual void run(); }; class HunspellArticleRequest: public Dictionary::DataRequest { friend class HunspellArticleRequestRunnable; Mutex & hunspellMutex; Hunspell & hunspell; wstring word; QAtomicInt isCancelled; QSemaphore hasExited; public: HunspellArticleRequest( wstring const & word_, Mutex & hunspellMutex_, Hunspell & hunspell_ ): hunspellMutex( hunspellMutex_ ), hunspell( hunspell_ ), word( word_ ) { QThreadPool::globalInstance()->start( new HunspellArticleRequestRunnable( *this, hasExited ) ); } void run(); // Run from another thread by HunspellArticleRequestRunnable virtual void cancel() { isCancelled.ref(); } ~HunspellArticleRequest() { isCancelled.ref(); hasExited.acquire(); } }; void HunspellArticleRequestRunnable::run() { r.run(); } void HunspellArticleRequest::run() { if ( isCancelled ) { finish(); return; } // We'd need to free this if it gets allocated and an exception shows up char ** suggestions = 0; int suggestionsCount = 0; try { wstring trimmedWord = Folding::trimWhitespaceOrPunct( word ); if ( containsWhitespace( trimmedWord ) ) { // For now we don't analyze whitespace-containing phrases finish(); return; } Mutex::Lock _( hunspellMutex ); string encodedWord = encodeToHunspell( hunspell, trimmedWord ); if ( hunspell.spell( encodedWord.c_str() ) ) { // Good word -- no spelling suggestions then. finish(); return; } suggestionsCount = hunspell.suggest( &suggestions, encodedWord.c_str() ); if ( suggestionsCount ) { // There were some suggestions made for us. Make an appropriate output. string result = "
" + Html::escape( QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Spelling suggestions: " ).toUtf8().data() ); wstring lowercasedWord = Folding::applySimpleCaseOnly( word ); for( int x = 0; x < suggestionsCount; ++x ) { wstring suggestion = decodeFromHunspell( hunspell, suggestions[ x ] ); if ( Folding::applySimpleCaseOnly( suggestion ) == lowercasedWord ) { // If among suggestions we see the same word just with the different // case, we botch the search -- our searches are case-insensitive, and // there's no need for suggestions on a good word. finish(); hunspell.free_list( &suggestions, suggestionsCount ); return; } string suggestionUtf8 = Utf8::encode( suggestion ); result += ""; result += Html::escape( suggestionUtf8 ) + ""; if ( x != suggestionsCount - 1 ) result += ", "; } result += "
"; Mutex::Lock _( dataMutex ); data.resize( result.size() ); memcpy( &data.front(), result.data(), result.size() ); hasAnyData = true; } } catch( Iconv::Ex & e ) { printf( "Hunspell: charset convertion error, no processing's done: %s\n", e.what() ); } if ( suggestions ) { Mutex::Lock _( hunspellMutex ); hunspell.free_list( &suggestions, suggestionsCount ); } finish(); } sptr< DataRequest > HunspellDictionary::getArticle( wstring const & word, vector< wstring > const & ) throw( std::exception ) { return new HunspellArticleRequest( word, hunspellMutex, hunspell ); } /// HunspellDictionary::findHeadwordsForSynonym() class HunspellHeadwordsRequest; class HunspellHeadwordsRequestRunnable: public QRunnable { HunspellHeadwordsRequest & r; QSemaphore & hasExited; public: HunspellHeadwordsRequestRunnable( HunspellHeadwordsRequest & r_, QSemaphore & hasExited_ ): r( r_ ), hasExited( hasExited_ ) {} ~HunspellHeadwordsRequestRunnable() { hasExited.release(); } virtual void run(); }; class HunspellHeadwordsRequest: public Dictionary::WordSearchRequest { friend class HunspellHeadwordsRequestRunnable; Mutex & hunspellMutex; Hunspell & hunspell; wstring word; QAtomicInt isCancelled; QSemaphore hasExited; public: HunspellHeadwordsRequest( wstring const & word_, Mutex & hunspellMutex_, Hunspell & hunspell_ ): hunspellMutex( hunspellMutex_ ), hunspell( hunspell_ ), word( word_ ) { QThreadPool::globalInstance()->start( new HunspellHeadwordsRequestRunnable( *this, hasExited ) ); } void run(); // Run from another thread by HunspellHeadwordsRequestRunnable virtual void cancel() { isCancelled.ref(); } ~HunspellHeadwordsRequest() { isCancelled.ref(); hasExited.acquire(); } }; void HunspellHeadwordsRequestRunnable::run() { r.run(); } void HunspellHeadwordsRequest::run() { if ( isCancelled ) { finish(); return; } // We'd need to free this if it gets allocated and an exception shows up char ** suggestions = 0; int suggestionsCount = 0; try { wstring trimmedWord = Folding::trimWhitespaceOrPunct( word ); if ( containsWhitespace( trimmedWord ) ) { // For now we don't analyze whitespace-containing phrases finish(); return; } Mutex::Lock _( hunspellMutex ); string encodedWord = encodeToHunspell( hunspell, trimmedWord ); suggestionsCount = hunspell.analyze( &suggestions, encodedWord.c_str() ); if ( suggestionsCount ) { // There were some suggestions made for us. Make an appropriate output. wstring lowercasedWord = Folding::applySimpleCaseOnly( word ); QRegExp cutStem( "^\\s*st:(.+)(\\s+\\w{2}:.*)$" ); for( int x = 0; x < suggestionsCount; ++x ) { QString suggestion = QString::fromStdWString( decodeFromHunspell( hunspell, suggestions[ x ] ) ); printf( ">>>Sugg: %s\n", suggestion.toLocal8Bit().data() ); if ( cutStem.indexIn( suggestion ) != -1 ) { wstring alt = cutStem.cap( 1 ).toStdWString(); if ( Folding::applySimpleCaseOnly( alt ) != lowercasedWord ) // No point in providing same word { printf( ">>>>>Alt: %ls\n", alt.c_str() ); Mutex::Lock _( dataMutex ); matches.push_back( alt ); } } } } } catch( Iconv::Ex & e ) { printf( "Hunspell: charset convertion error, no processing's done: %s\n", e.what() ); } if ( suggestions ) { Mutex::Lock _( hunspellMutex ); hunspell.free_list( &suggestions, suggestionsCount ); } finish(); } sptr< WordSearchRequest > HunspellDictionary::findHeadwordsForSynonym( wstring const & word ) throw( std::exception ) { return new HunspellHeadwordsRequest( word, hunspellMutex, hunspell ); } string encodeToHunspell( Hunspell & hunspell, wstring const & str ) { Iconv conv( hunspell.get_dic_encoding(), Iconv::Wchar_t ); void const * in = str.data(); size_t inLeft = str.size() * sizeof( wchar_t ); vector< char > result( str.size() * 4 + 1 ); // +1 isn't actually needed, // but then iconv complains on empty // words void * out = &result.front(); size_t outLeft = result.size(); if ( conv.convert( in, inLeft, out, outLeft ) != Iconv::Success ) throw Iconv::Ex(); return string( &result.front(), result.size() - outLeft ); } wstring decodeFromHunspell( Hunspell & hunspell, char const * str ) { Iconv conv( Iconv::Wchar_t, hunspell.get_dic_encoding() ); void const * in = str; size_t inLeft = strlen( str ); vector< wchar_t > result( inLeft + 1 ); // +1 isn't needed, but see above void * out = &result.front(); size_t outLeft = result.size() * sizeof( wchar_t ); if ( conv.convert( in, inLeft, out, outLeft ) != Iconv::Success ) throw Iconv::Ex(); return wstring( &result.front(), result.size() - outLeft/sizeof( wchar_t ) ); } } vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > makeDictionaries( Config::Hunspell const & cfg ) throw( std::exception ) { vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > result; vector< DataFiles > dataFiles = findDataFiles( cfg.dictionariesPath ); for( unsigned x = 0; x < cfg.enabledDictionaries.size(); ++x ) { for( unsigned d = dataFiles.size(); d--; ) { if ( dataFiles[ d ].dictId == cfg.enabledDictionaries[ x ] ) { // Found it vector< string > dictFiles; dictFiles.push_back( QDir::toNativeSeparators( dataFiles[ d ].affFileName ).toLocal8Bit().data() ); dictFiles.push_back( QDir::toNativeSeparators( dataFiles[ d ].dicFileName ).toLocal8Bit().data() ); result.push_back( new HunspellDictionary( Dictionary::makeDictionaryId( dictFiles ), dataFiles[ d ].dictName.toUtf8().data(), dictFiles ) ); break; } } } return result; } vector< DataFiles > findDataFiles( QString const & path ) { // Empty path means unconfigured directory if ( path.isEmpty() ) return vector< DataFiles >(); QDir dir( path ); // Find all affix files QFileInfoList affixFiles = dir.entryInfoList( ( QStringList() << "*.aff" << "*.AFF" ), QDir::Files ); vector< DataFiles > result; std::set< QString > presentNames; for( QFileInfoList::const_iterator i = affixFiles.constBegin(); i != affixFiles.constEnd(); ++i ) { QString affFileName = i->absoluteFilePath(); // See if there's a corresponding .dic file QString dicFileNameBase = affFileName.mid( 0, affFileName.size() - 3 ); QString dicFileName = dicFileNameBase + "dic"; if ( !QFile( dicFileName ).exists() ) { dicFileName = dicFileNameBase + "DIC"; if ( !QFile( dicFileName ).exists() ) continue; // No dic file } QString dictId = i->fileName(); dictId.chop( 4 ); QString dictBaseId = dictId.size() < 3 ? dictId : ( ( dictId[ 2 ] == '-' || dictId[ 2 ] == '_' ) ? dictId.mid( 0, 2 ) : QString() ); dictBaseId = dictBaseId.toLower(); // Try making up good readable name from dictBaseId QString dictName = dictId; bool readableNameSucceeded = true; #define TRY_LANG( code, translation ) if ( dictBaseId == ( code ) ) dictName = ( translation ); else // The following list was taken from the Wikipedia article // "List of ISO 639-1 codes" TRY_LANG( "aa", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Afar" ) ) TRY_LANG( "ab", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Abkhazian" ) ) TRY_LANG( "ae", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Avestan" ) ) TRY_LANG( "af", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Afrikaans" ) ) TRY_LANG( "ak", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Akan" ) ) TRY_LANG( "am", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Amharic" ) ) TRY_LANG( "an", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Aragonese" ) ) TRY_LANG( "ar", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Arabic" ) ) TRY_LANG( "as", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Assamese" ) ) TRY_LANG( "av", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Avaric" ) ) TRY_LANG( "ay", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Aymara" ) ) TRY_LANG( "az", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Azerbaijani" ) ) TRY_LANG( "ba", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Bashkir" ) ) TRY_LANG( "be", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Belarusian" ) ) TRY_LANG( "bg", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Bulgarian" ) ) TRY_LANG( "bh", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Bihari" ) ) TRY_LANG( "bi", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Bislama" ) ) TRY_LANG( "bm", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Bambara" ) ) TRY_LANG( "bn", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Bengali" ) ) TRY_LANG( "bo", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Tibetan" ) ) TRY_LANG( "br", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Breton" ) ) TRY_LANG( "bs", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Bosnian" ) ) TRY_LANG( "ca", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Catalan" ) ) TRY_LANG( "ce", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Chechen" ) ) TRY_LANG( "ch", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Chamorro" ) ) TRY_LANG( "co", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Corsican" ) ) TRY_LANG( "cr", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Cree" ) ) TRY_LANG( "cs", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Czech" ) ) TRY_LANG( "cu", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Church Slavic" ) ) TRY_LANG( "cv", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Chuvash" ) ) TRY_LANG( "cy", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Welsh" ) ) TRY_LANG( "da", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Danish" ) ) TRY_LANG( "de", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "German" ) ) TRY_LANG( "dv", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Divehi" ) ) TRY_LANG( "dz", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Dzongkha" ) ) TRY_LANG( "ee", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Ewe" ) ) TRY_LANG( "el", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Greek" ) ) TRY_LANG( "en", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "English" ) ) TRY_LANG( "eo", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Esperanto" ) ) TRY_LANG( "es", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Spanish" ) ) TRY_LANG( "et", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Estonian" ) ) TRY_LANG( "eu", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Basque" ) ) TRY_LANG( "fa", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Persian" ) ) TRY_LANG( "ff", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Fulah" ) ) TRY_LANG( "fi", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Finnish" ) ) TRY_LANG( "fj", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Fijian" ) ) TRY_LANG( "fo", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Faroese" ) ) TRY_LANG( "fr", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "French" ) ) TRY_LANG( "fy", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Western Frisian" ) ) TRY_LANG( "ga", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Irish" ) ) TRY_LANG( "gd", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Scottish Gaelic" ) ) TRY_LANG( "gl", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Galician" ) ) TRY_LANG( "gn", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Guarani" ) ) TRY_LANG( "gu", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Gujarati" ) ) TRY_LANG( "gv", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Manx" ) ) TRY_LANG( "ha", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Hausa" ) ) TRY_LANG( "he", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Hebrew" ) ) TRY_LANG( "hi", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Hindi" ) ) TRY_LANG( "ho", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Hiri Motu" ) ) TRY_LANG( "hr", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Croatian" ) ) TRY_LANG( "ht", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Haitian" ) ) TRY_LANG( "hu", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Hungarian" ) ) TRY_LANG( "hy", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Armenian" ) ) TRY_LANG( "hz", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Herero" ) ) TRY_LANG( "ia", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Interlingua" ) ) TRY_LANG( "id", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Indonesian" ) ) TRY_LANG( "ie", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Interlingue" ) ) TRY_LANG( "ig", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Igbo" ) ) TRY_LANG( "ii", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Sichuan Yi" ) ) TRY_LANG( "ik", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Inupiaq" ) ) TRY_LANG( "io", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Ido" ) ) TRY_LANG( "is", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Icelandic" ) ) TRY_LANG( "it", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Italian" ) ) TRY_LANG( "iu", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Inuktitut" ) ) TRY_LANG( "ja", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Japanese" ) ) TRY_LANG( "jv", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Javanese" ) ) TRY_LANG( "ka", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Georgian" ) ) TRY_LANG( "kg", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Kongo" ) ) TRY_LANG( "ki", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Kikuyu" ) ) TRY_LANG( "kj", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Kwanyama" ) ) TRY_LANG( "kk", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Kazakh" ) ) TRY_LANG( "kl", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Kalaallisut" ) ) TRY_LANG( "km", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Khmer" ) ) TRY_LANG( "kn", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Kannada" ) ) TRY_LANG( "ko", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Korean" ) ) TRY_LANG( "kr", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Kanuri" ) ) TRY_LANG( "ks", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Kashmiri" ) ) TRY_LANG( "ku", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Kurdish" ) ) TRY_LANG( "kv", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Komi" ) ) TRY_LANG( "kw", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Cornish" ) ) TRY_LANG( "ky", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Kirghiz" ) ) TRY_LANG( "la", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Latin" ) ) TRY_LANG( "lb", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Luxembourgish" ) ) TRY_LANG( "lg", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Ganda" ) ) TRY_LANG( "li", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Limburgish" ) ) TRY_LANG( "ln", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Lingala" ) ) TRY_LANG( "lo", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Lao" ) ) TRY_LANG( "lt", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Lithuanian" ) ) TRY_LANG( "lu", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Luba-Katanga" ) ) TRY_LANG( "lv", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Latvian" ) ) TRY_LANG( "mg", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Malagasy" ) ) TRY_LANG( "mh", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Marshallese" ) ) TRY_LANG( "mi", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Maori" ) ) TRY_LANG( "mk", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Macedonian" ) ) TRY_LANG( "ml", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Malayalam" ) ) TRY_LANG( "mn", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Mongolian" ) ) TRY_LANG( "mr", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Marathi" ) ) TRY_LANG( "ms", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Malay" ) ) TRY_LANG( "mt", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Maltese" ) ) TRY_LANG( "my", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Burmese" ) ) TRY_LANG( "na", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Nauru" ) ) TRY_LANG( "nb", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Norwegian Bokmal" ) ) TRY_LANG( "nd", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "North Ndebele" ) ) TRY_LANG( "ne", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Nepali" ) ) TRY_LANG( "ng", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Ndonga" ) ) TRY_LANG( "nl", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Dutch" ) ) TRY_LANG( "nn", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Norwegian Nynorsk" ) ) TRY_LANG( "no", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Norwegian" ) ) TRY_LANG( "nr", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "South Ndebele" ) ) TRY_LANG( "nv", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Navajo" ) ) TRY_LANG( "ny", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Chichewa" ) ) TRY_LANG( "oc", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Occitan" ) ) TRY_LANG( "oj", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Ojibwa" ) ) TRY_LANG( "om", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Oromo" ) ) TRY_LANG( "or", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Oriya" ) ) TRY_LANG( "os", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Ossetian" ) ) TRY_LANG( "pa", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Panjabi" ) ) TRY_LANG( "pi", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Pali" ) ) TRY_LANG( "pl", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Polish" ) ) TRY_LANG( "ps", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Pashto" ) ) TRY_LANG( "pt", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Portuguese" ) ) TRY_LANG( "qu", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Quechua" ) ) TRY_LANG( "rm", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Raeto-Romance" ) ) TRY_LANG( "rn", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Kirundi" ) ) TRY_LANG( "ro", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Romanian" ) ) TRY_LANG( "ru", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Russian" ) ) TRY_LANG( "rw", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Kinyarwanda" ) ) TRY_LANG( "sa", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Sanskrit" ) ) TRY_LANG( "sc", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Sardinian" ) ) TRY_LANG( "sd", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Sindhi" ) ) TRY_LANG( "se", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Northern Sami" ) ) TRY_LANG( "sg", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Sango" ) ) TRY_LANG( "sh", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Serbo-Croatian" ) ) TRY_LANG( "si", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Sinhala" ) ) TRY_LANG( "sk", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Slovak" ) ) TRY_LANG( "sl", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Slovenian" ) ) TRY_LANG( "sm", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Samoan" ) ) TRY_LANG( "sn", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Shona" ) ) TRY_LANG( "so", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Somali" ) ) TRY_LANG( "sq", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Albanian" ) ) TRY_LANG( "sr", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Serbian" ) ) TRY_LANG( "ss", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Swati" ) ) TRY_LANG( "st", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Southern Sotho" ) ) TRY_LANG( "su", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Sundanese" ) ) TRY_LANG( "sv", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Swedish" ) ) TRY_LANG( "sw", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Swahili" ) ) TRY_LANG( "ta", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Tamil" ) ) TRY_LANG( "te", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Telugu" ) ) TRY_LANG( "tg", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Tajik" ) ) TRY_LANG( "th", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Thai" ) ) TRY_LANG( "ti", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Tigrinya" ) ) TRY_LANG( "tk", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Turkmen" ) ) TRY_LANG( "tl", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Tagalog" ) ) TRY_LANG( "tn", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Tswana" ) ) TRY_LANG( "to", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Tonga" ) ) TRY_LANG( "tr", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Turkish" ) ) TRY_LANG( "ts", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Tsonga" ) ) TRY_LANG( "tt", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Tatar" ) ) TRY_LANG( "tw", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Twi" ) ) TRY_LANG( "ty", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Tahitian" ) ) TRY_LANG( "ug", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Uighur" ) ) TRY_LANG( "uk", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Ukrainian" ) ) TRY_LANG( "ur", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Urdu" ) ) TRY_LANG( "uz", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Uzbek" ) ) TRY_LANG( "ve", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Venda" ) ) TRY_LANG( "vi", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Vietnamese" ) ) TRY_LANG( "vo", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Volapuk" ) ) TRY_LANG( "wa", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Walloon" ) ) TRY_LANG( "wo", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Wolof" ) ) TRY_LANG( "xh", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Xhosa" ) ) TRY_LANG( "yi", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Yiddish" ) ) TRY_LANG( "yo", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Yoruba" ) ) TRY_LANG( "za", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Zhuang" ) ) TRY_LANG( "zh", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Chinese" ) ) TRY_LANG( "zu", QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "Zulu" ) ) readableNameSucceeded = false; // This ends the last else, so it's conditional if ( readableNameSucceeded ) { if ( dictId.size() > 2 && ( dictId[ 2 ] == '-' || dictId[ 2 ] == '_' ) && dictId.mid( 3 ).toLower() != dictBaseId ) dictName += "(" + dictId.mid( 3 ) + ")"; } dictName = QCoreApplication::translate( "Hunspell", "%1 Morphology" ).arg( dictName ); if ( presentNames.insert( dictName ).second ) { // Only include dictionaries with unique names. This combats stuff // like symlinks en-US->en_US and such result.push_back( DataFiles( affFileName, dicFileName, dictId, dictName ) ); } } return result; } }