/* This file is (c) 2008-2012 Konstantin Isakov * Part of GoldenDict. Licensed under GPLv3 or later, see the LICENSE file */ #include #include #include "mainwindow.hh" #include "config.hh" #include #include "hotkeywrapper.hh" #ifdef HAVE_X11 #include #endif #if defined( Q_OS_UNIX ) #include #endif #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 #include #endif #include "termination.hh" #include "atomic_rename.hh" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "gddebug.hh" #include #if defined(USE_BREAKPAD) #include "client/windows/handler/exception_handler.h" #endif #if defined(USE_BREAKPAD) bool callback(const wchar_t* dump_path, const wchar_t* id, void* context, EXCEPTION_POINTERS* exinfo, MDRawAssertionInfo* assertion, bool succeeded) { if (succeeded) { qDebug() << "Create dump file success"; } else { qDebug() << "Create dump file failed"; } return succeeded; } #endif QMutex logMutex; void gdMessageHandler( QtMsgType type, const QMessageLogContext &context, const QString &mess ) { QString strTime = QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString( "MM-dd hh:mm:ss" ); QString message = QString( "%1 file:%2,line:%3,function:%4 %5\r\n" ) .arg( strTime ) .arg( context.file ) .arg( context.line ) .arg( context.function ) .arg( mess ); if ( ( logFilePtr != nullptr ) && logFilePtr->isOpen() ) { //without the lock ,on multithread,there would be assert error. QMutexLocker _( &logMutex ); switch ( type ) { case QtDebugMsg: message.insert( 0, "Debug: " ); break; case QtWarningMsg: message.insert( 0, "Warning: " ); break; case QtCriticalMsg: message.insert( 0, "Critical: " ); break; case QtFatalMsg: message.insert( 0, "Fatal: " ); logFilePtr->write( message.toUtf8() ); logFilePtr->flush(); abort(); case QtInfoMsg: message.insert( 0, "Info: " ); break; } logFilePtr->write( message.toUtf8() ); logFilePtr->flush(); return; } //the following code lines actually will have no chance to run, schedule to remove in the future. QByteArray msg = mess.toUtf8().constData(); switch ( type ) { case QtDebugMsg: fprintf( stderr, "Debug: %s\n", msg.constData() ); break; case QtWarningMsg: fprintf( stderr, "Warning: %s\n", msg.constData() ); break; case QtCriticalMsg: fprintf( stderr, "Critical: %s\n", msg.constData() ); break; case QtFatalMsg: fprintf( stderr, "Fatal: %s\n", msg.constData() ); abort(); case QtInfoMsg: fprintf( stderr, "Info: %s\n", msg.constData() ); break; } } struct GDOptions { bool logFile = false; bool togglePopup = false; QString word, groupName, popupGroupName; inline bool needSetGroup() const { return !groupName.isEmpty(); } inline QString getGroupName() const { return groupName; } inline bool needSetPopupGroup() const { return !popupGroupName.isEmpty(); } inline QString getPopupGroupName() const { return popupGroupName; } inline bool needLogFile() const { return logFile; } inline bool needTranslateWord() const { return !word.isEmpty(); } inline QString wordToTranslate() const { return word; } inline bool needTogglePopup() const { return togglePopup; } bool notts; }; void processCommandLine( QCoreApplication * app, GDOptions * result) { QCommandLineParser qcmd; qcmd.setApplicationDescription( QObject::tr( "A dictionary lookup program." ) ); qcmd.addHelpOption(); // -h --help qcmd.addPositionalArgument( "word", QObject::tr( "Word or sentence to query." ), "[word]" ); QCommandLineOption logFileOption( QStringList() << "l" << "log-to-file", QObject::tr( "Save debug messages to gd_log.txt in the config folder." ) ); QCommandLineOption notts( "no-tts", QObject::tr( "Disable tts." ) ); QCommandLineOption groupNameOption( QStringList() << "g" << "group-name", QObject::tr( "Change the group of main window." ), "groupName" ); QCommandLineOption popupGroupNameOption( QStringList() << "p" << "popup-group-name", QObject::tr( "Change the group of popup." ), "popupGroupName" ); QCommandLineOption togglePopupOption( QStringList() << "t" << "toggle-scan-popup", QObject::tr( "Toggle scan popup." ) ); qcmd.addOption( logFileOption ); qcmd.addOption( groupNameOption ); qcmd.addOption( popupGroupNameOption ); qcmd.addOption( togglePopupOption ); qcmd.addOption( notts ); QCommandLineOption doNothingOption( "disable-web-security" ); // ignore the --disable-web-security doNothingOption.setFlags( QCommandLineOption::HiddenFromHelp ); qcmd.addOption( doNothingOption ); qcmd.process( *app ); if ( qcmd.isSet( logFileOption ) ) { result->logFile = true; } if ( qcmd.isSet( groupNameOption ) ) { result->groupName = qcmd.value( groupNameOption ); } if ( qcmd.isSet( popupGroupNameOption ) ) { result->popupGroupName = qcmd.value( popupGroupNameOption ); } if ( qcmd.isSet( togglePopupOption ) ) { result->togglePopup = true; } if ( qcmd.isSet( notts ) ) { result->notts = true; } const QStringList posArgs = qcmd.positionalArguments(); if ( !posArgs.empty() ) { result->word = posArgs.at( 0 ); #if defined( Q_OS_LINUX ) || defined( Q_OS_WIN ) // handle url scheme like "goldendict://" or "dict://" on windows/linux auto schemePos = result->word.indexOf( "://" ); if ( schemePos != -1 ) { result->word.remove( 0, schemePos + 3 ); // In microsoft Words, the / will be automatically appended if ( result->word.endsWith( "/" ) ) { result->word.chop( 1 ); } } #endif } } int main( int argc, char ** argv ) { #ifdef Q_OS_UNIX // GoldenDict use lots of X11 functions and it currently cannot work // natively on Wayland. This workaround will force GoldenDict to use // XWayland. char * xdg_envc = getenv( "XDG_SESSION_TYPE" ); QString xdg_session = xdg_envc ? QString::fromLatin1( xdg_envc ) : QString(); if ( !QString::compare( xdg_session, QString( "wayland" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) ) { setenv( "QT_QPA_PLATFORM", "xcb", 1 ); } #endif #ifdef Q_OS_MAC setenv( "LANG", "en_US.UTF-8", 1 ); #endif #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 // attach the new console to this application's process if ( AttachConsole( ATTACH_PARENT_PROCESS ) ) { // reopen the std I/O streams to redirect I/O to the new console freopen( "CON", "w", stdout ); freopen( "CON", "w", stderr ); } #endif //high dpi screen support #if ( QT_VERSION < QT_VERSION_CHECK( 6, 0, 0 ) ) QApplication::setAttribute( Qt::AA_EnableHighDpiScaling ); QApplication::setAttribute( Qt::AA_UseHighDpiPixmaps ); #endif qputenv( "QT_AUTO_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR", "1" ); QApplication::setHighDpiScaleFactorRoundingPolicy( Qt::HighDpiScaleFactorRoundingPolicy::PassThrough ); char ARG_DISABLE_WEB_SECURITY[] = "--disable-web-security"; int newArgc = argc + 1 + 1; char ** newArgv = new char *[ newArgc ]; for ( int i = 0; i < argc; i++ ) { newArgv[ i ] = argv[ i ]; } newArgv[ argc ] = ARG_DISABLE_WEB_SECURITY; newArgv[ argc + 1 ] = nullptr; QHotkeyApplication app( "GoldenDict-ng", newArgc, newArgv ); QHotkeyApplication::setApplicationName( "GoldenDict-ng" ); QHotkeyApplication::setOrganizationDomain( "https://github.com/xiaoyifang/goldendict-ng" ); #ifndef Q_OS_MAC QHotkeyApplication::setWindowIcon( QIcon( ":/icons/programicon.png" ) ); #endif #if defined(USE_BREAKPAD) QString appDirPath = QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() + "/crash"; QDir dir; if ( !dir.exists( appDirPath ) ) { dir.mkpath( appDirPath ); } google_breakpad::ExceptionHandler eh( appDirPath.toStdWString(), NULL, callback, NULL, google_breakpad::ExceptionHandler::HANDLER_ALL); #endif GDOptions gdcl{}; if ( argc > 1 ) { processCommandLine( &app, &gdcl ); } installTerminationHandler(); #ifdef __WIN32 // Under Windows, increase the amount of fopen()-able file descriptors from // the default 512 up to 2048. _setmaxstdio( 2048 ); #endif const QStringList localSchemes = { "gdlookup", "gdau", "gico", "qrcx", "bres", "bword", "gdprg", "gdvideo", "gdpicture", "gdtts", "ifr", "entry" }; for ( const auto & localScheme : localSchemes ) { QWebEngineUrlScheme webUiScheme( localScheme.toLatin1() ); webUiScheme.setFlags( QWebEngineUrlScheme::SecureScheme | QWebEngineUrlScheme::LocalScheme | QWebEngineUrlScheme::LocalAccessAllowed | QWebEngineUrlScheme::CorsEnabled ); QWebEngineUrlScheme::registerScheme( webUiScheme ); } QFile file; logFilePtr = &file; auto guard = qScopeGuard( [ &file ]() { logFilePtr = nullptr; file.close(); } ); Q_UNUSED( guard ) QFont f = QApplication::font(); f.setStyleStrategy( QFont::PreferAntialias ); QApplication::setFont( f ); if ( app.isRunning() ) { bool wasMessage = false; if( gdcl.needSetGroup() ) { app.sendMessage( QString( "setGroup: " ) + gdcl.getGroupName() ); wasMessage = true; } if( gdcl.needSetPopupGroup() ) { app.sendMessage( QString( "setPopupGroup: " ) + gdcl.getPopupGroupName() ); wasMessage = true; } if( gdcl.needTranslateWord() ) { app.sendMessage( QString( "translateWord: " ) + gdcl.wordToTranslate() ); wasMessage = true; } if ( gdcl.needTogglePopup() ) { app.sendMessage( QStringLiteral( "toggleScanPopup" ) ); wasMessage = true; } if( !wasMessage ) app.sendMessage("bringToFront"); return 0; // Another instance is running } #ifdef MAKE_CHINESE_CONVERSION_SUPPORT // OpenCC needs to load it's data files by relative path on Windows and OS X QDir::setCurrent( Config::getProgramDataDir() ); #endif // Load translations for system locale QString localeName = QLocale::system().name(); Config::Class cfg; for( ; ; ) { try { cfg = Config::load(); } catch( Config::exError & ) { QMessageBox mb( QMessageBox::Warning, QHotkeyApplication::applicationName(), QHotkeyApplication::translate( "Main", "Error in configuration file. Continue with default settings?" ), QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No ); mb.exec(); if ( mb.result() != QMessageBox::Yes ) return -1; QString configFile = Config::getConfigFileName(); renameAtomically( configFile, configFile + ".bad" ); continue; } break; } if ( gdcl.notts ) { cfg.notts = true; } if ( gdcl.needLogFile() ) { // Open log file logFilePtr->setFileName( Config::getConfigDir() + "gd_log.txt" ); logFilePtr->remove(); logFilePtr->open( QFile::ReadWrite ); // Write UTF-8 BOM QByteArray line; line.append( 0xEF ).append( 0xBB ).append( 0xBF ); logFilePtr->write( line ); // Install message handler qInstallMessageHandler( gdMessageHandler ); } if ( Config::isPortableVersion() ) { // For portable version, hardcode some settings cfg.paths.clear(); cfg.paths.push_back( Config::Path( Config::getPortableVersionDictionaryDir(), true ) ); cfg.soundDirs.clear(); cfg.hunspell.dictionariesPath = Config::getPortableVersionMorphoDir(); } // Reload translations for user selected locale is nesessary QTranslator qtTranslator; QTranslator translator; if( !cfg.preferences.interfaceLanguage.isEmpty() && localeName != cfg.preferences.interfaceLanguage ) { localeName = cfg.preferences.interfaceLanguage; } QLocale locale( localeName ); QLocale::setDefault( locale ); if( !qtTranslator.load( "qt_extra_" + localeName, Config::getLocDir() ) ) { qtTranslator.load( "qt_extra_" + localeName, QLibraryInfo::location( QLibraryInfo::TranslationsPath ) ); app.installTranslator( &qtTranslator ); } translator.load( Config::getLocDir() + "/" + localeName ); app.installTranslator( &translator ); QTranslator webengineTs; if( webengineTs.load( "qtwebengine_" + localeName, Config::getLocDir() ) ) { app.installTranslator( &webengineTs ); } // Prevent app from quitting spontaneously when it works with scan popup // and with the main window closed. app.setQuitOnLastWindowClosed( false ); MainWindow m( cfg ); app.addDataCommiter( m ); QObject::connect( &app, &QtSingleApplication::messageReceived, &m, &MainWindow::messageFromAnotherInstanceReceived ); if( gdcl.needSetGroup() ) m.setGroupByName( gdcl.getGroupName(), true ); if( gdcl.needSetPopupGroup() ) m.setGroupByName( gdcl.getPopupGroupName(), false ); if( gdcl.needTranslateWord() ) m.wordReceived( gdcl.wordToTranslate() ); int r = app.exec(); app.removeDataCommiter( m ); if( logFilePtr->isOpen() ) logFilePtr->close(); return r; }