/* This file is (c) 2008-2012 Konstantin Isakov * Part of GoldenDict. Licensed under GPLv3 or later, see the LICENSE file */ #include "articleview.hh" #include "externalviewer.hh" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "folding.hh" #include "wstring_qt.hh" #include "webmultimediadownload.hh" #include "programs.hh" #include "dprintf.hh" #include #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 #include #include // For PlaySound #include "bass.hh" #include #include #endif #include // Phonon headers are a mess. How to include them properly? Send patches if you // know. #ifdef __WIN32 #include #include #else #include #include #endif using std::map; using std::list; /// A phonon-based audio player, created on demand struct AudioPlayer { Phonon::AudioOutput output; Phonon::MediaObject object; static AudioPlayer & instance(); private: AudioPlayer(); }; AudioPlayer::AudioPlayer(): output( Phonon::AccessibilityCategory ) { Phonon::createPath( &object, &output ); } AudioPlayer & AudioPlayer::instance() { static AudioPlayer a; return a; } ArticleView::ArticleView( QWidget * parent, ArticleNetworkAccessManager & nm, std::vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > const & allDictionaries_, Instances::Groups const & groups_, bool popupView_, Config::Class const & cfg_, QAction * dictionaryBarToggled_, GroupComboBox const * groupComboBox_ ): QFrame( parent ), articleNetMgr( nm ), allDictionaries( allDictionaries_ ), groups( groups_ ), popupView( popupView_ ), cfg( cfg_ ), pasteAction( this ), articleUpAction( this ), articleDownAction( this ), goBackAction( this ), goForwardAction( this ), openSearchAction( this ), selectCurrentArticleAction( this ), shiftF3Action( this ), searchIsOpened( false ), dictionaryBarToggled( dictionaryBarToggled_ ), groupComboBox( groupComboBox_ ) { ui.setupUi( this ); goBackAction.setShortcut( QKeySequence( "Alt+Left" ) ); ui.definition->addAction( &goBackAction ); connect( &goBackAction, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( back() ) ); goForwardAction.setShortcut( QKeySequence( "Alt+Right" ) ); ui.definition->addAction( &goForwardAction ); connect( &goForwardAction, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( forward() ) ); ui.definition->pageAction( QWebPage::Copy )->setShortcut( QKeySequence::Copy ); ui.definition->addAction( ui.definition->pageAction( QWebPage::Copy ) ); QAction * selectAll = ui.definition->pageAction( QWebPage::SelectAll ); selectAll->setShortcut( QKeySequence::SelectAll ); selectAll->setShortcutContext( Qt::WidgetWithChildrenShortcut ); ui.definition->addAction( selectAll ); ui.definition->setContextMenuPolicy( Qt::CustomContextMenu ); ui.definition->page()->setLinkDelegationPolicy( QWebPage::DelegateAllLinks ); ui.definition->page()->setNetworkAccessManager( &articleNetMgr ); connect( ui.definition, SIGNAL( loadFinished( bool ) ), this, SLOT( loadFinished( bool ) ) ); attachToJavaScript(); connect( ui.definition->page()->mainFrame(), SIGNAL( javaScriptWindowObjectCleared() ), this, SLOT( attachToJavaScript() ) ); connect( ui.definition, SIGNAL( titleChanged( QString const & ) ), this, SLOT( handleTitleChanged( QString const & ) ) ); connect( ui.definition, SIGNAL( urlChanged( QUrl const & ) ), this, SLOT( handleUrlChanged( QUrl const & ) ) ); connect( ui.definition, SIGNAL( customContextMenuRequested( QPoint const & ) ), this, SLOT( contextMenuRequested( QPoint const & ) ) ); connect( ui.definition, SIGNAL( linkClicked( QUrl const & ) ), this, SLOT( linkClicked( QUrl const & ) ) ); connect( ui.definition->page(), SIGNAL( linkHovered ( const QString &, const QString &, const QString & ) ), this, SLOT( linkHovered ( const QString &, const QString &, const QString & ) ) ); connect( ui.definition, SIGNAL(doubleClicked()),this,SLOT(doubleClicked()) ); pasteAction.setShortcut( QKeySequence::Paste ); ui.definition->addAction( &pasteAction ); connect( &pasteAction, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( pasteTriggered() ) ); articleUpAction.setShortcut( QKeySequence( "Alt+Up" ) ); ui.definition->addAction( &articleUpAction ); connect( &articleUpAction, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( moveOneArticleUp() ) ); articleDownAction.setShortcut( QKeySequence( "Alt+Down" ) ); ui.definition->addAction( &articleDownAction ); connect( &articleDownAction, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( moveOneArticleDown() ) ); openSearchAction.setShortcut( QKeySequence( "Ctrl+F" ) ); ui.definition->addAction( &openSearchAction ); connect( &openSearchAction, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( openSearch() ) ); selectCurrentArticleAction.setShortcut( QKeySequence( "Ctrl+Shift+A" )); selectCurrentArticleAction.setText( tr( "Select Current Article" ) ); ui.definition->addAction( &selectCurrentArticleAction ); connect( &selectCurrentArticleAction, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( selectCurrentArticle() ) ); shiftF3Action.setShortcutContext( Qt::WidgetWithChildrenShortcut ); shiftF3Action.setShortcut( QKeySequence( "Shift+F3" ) ); connect( &shiftF3Action, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( on_searchPrevious_clicked() ) ); addAction( &shiftF3Action ); ui.definition->installEventFilter( this ); ui.searchFrame->installEventFilter( this ); // Load the default blank page instantly, so there would be no flicker. QString contentType; QUrl blankPage( "gdlookup://localhost?blank=1" ); sptr< Dictionary::DataRequest > r = articleNetMgr.getResource( blankPage, contentType ); ui.definition->setHtml( QString::fromUtf8( &( r->getFullData().front() ), r->getFullData().size() ), blankPage ); expandOptionalParts = cfg.preferences.alwaysExpandOptionalParts; } // explicitly report the minimum size, to avoid // sidebar widgets' improper resize during restore QSize ArticleView::minimumSizeHint() const { return ui.searchFrame->minimumSizeHint(); } void ArticleView::setGroupComboBox( GroupComboBox const * g ) { groupComboBox = g; } ArticleView::~ArticleView() { cleanupTemp(); #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 if ( winWavData.size() ) { // If we were playing some sound some time ago, make sure it stopped // playing before freeing the waveform memory. PlaySoundA( 0, 0, 0 ); } #endif } void ArticleView::showDefinition( QString const & word, unsigned group, QString const & scrollTo, Contexts const & contexts ) { QUrl req; req.setScheme( "gdlookup" ); req.setHost( "localhost" ); req.addQueryItem( "word", word ); req.addQueryItem( "group", QString::number( group ) ); if ( scrollTo.size() ) req.addQueryItem( "scrollto", scrollTo ); if ( contexts.size() ) { QBuffer buf; buf.open( QIODevice::WriteOnly ); QDataStream stream( &buf ); stream << contexts; buf.close(); req.addQueryItem( "contexts", QString::fromAscii( buf.buffer().toBase64() ) ); } QString mutedDicts = getMutedForGroup( group ); if ( mutedDicts.size() ) req.addQueryItem( "muted", mutedDicts ); // Update both histories (pages history and headwords history) saveHistoryUserData(); emit sendWordToHistory( word ); // Any search opened is probably irrelevant now closeSearch(); // Clear highlight all button selection ui.highlightAllButton->setChecked(false); emit setExpandMode( expandOptionalParts ); ui.definition->load( req ); //QApplication::setOverrideCursor( Qt::WaitCursor ); ui.definition->setCursor( Qt::WaitCursor ); } void ArticleView::showAnticipation() { ui.definition->setHtml( "" ); ui.definition->setCursor( Qt::WaitCursor ); //QApplication::setOverrideCursor( Qt::WaitCursor ); } void ArticleView::loadFinished( bool ) { QUrl url = ui.definition->url(); // See if we have any iframes in need of expansion QList< QWebFrame * > frames = ui.definition->page()->mainFrame()->childFrames(); bool wereFrames = false; for( QList< QWebFrame * >::iterator i = frames.begin(); i != frames.end(); ++i ) { if ( (*i)->frameName().startsWith( "gdexpandframe-" ) ) { //DPRINTF( "Name: %s\n", (*i)->frameName().toUtf8().data() ); //DPRINTF( "Size: %d\n", (*i)->contentsSize().height() ); //DPRINTF( ">>>>>>>>Height = %s\n", (*i)->evaluateJavaScript( "document.body.offsetHeight;" ).toString().toUtf8().data() ); // Set the height ui.definition->page()->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript( QString( "document.getElementById('%1').height = %2;" ). arg( (*i)->frameName() ). arg( (*i)->contentsSize().height() ) ); // Show it ui.definition->page()->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript( QString( "document.getElementById('%1').style.display = 'block';" ). arg( (*i)->frameName() ) ); (*i)->evaluateJavaScript( "var gdLastUrlText;" ); (*i)->evaluateJavaScript( "document.addEventListener( 'click', function() { gdLastUrlText = window.event.srcElement.textContent; }, true );" ); (*i)->evaluateJavaScript( "document.addEventListener( 'contextmenu', function() { gdLastUrlText = window.event.srcElement.textContent; }, true );" ); wereFrames = true; } } if ( wereFrames ) { // There's some sort of glitch -- sometimes you need to move a mouse QMouseEvent ev( QEvent::MouseMove, QPoint(), Qt::MouseButton(), 0, 0 ); qApp->sendEvent( ui.definition, &ev ); } QVariant userDataVariant = ui.definition->history()->currentItem().userData(); if ( userDataVariant.type() == QVariant::Map ) { QMap< QString, QVariant > userData = userDataVariant.toMap(); QString currentArticle = userData.value( "currentArticle" ).toString(); if ( currentArticle.size() ) { // There's an active article saved, so set it to be active. setCurrentArticle( currentArticle ); } double sx = 0, sy = 0; if ( userData.value( "sx" ).type() == QVariant::Double ) sx = userData.value( "sx" ).toDouble(); if ( userData.value( "sy" ).type() == QVariant::Double ) sy = userData.value( "sy" ).toDouble(); if ( sx != 0 || sy != 0 ) { // Restore scroll position ui.definition->page()->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript( QString( "window.scroll( %1, %2 );" ).arg( sx ).arg( sy ) ); } } else if ( url.queryItemValue( "scrollto" ).startsWith( "gdfrom-" ) ) { // There is no active article saved in history, but we have it as a parameter. // setCurrentArticle will save it and scroll there. setCurrentArticle( url.queryItemValue( "scrollto" ), true ); } ui.definition->unsetCursor(); //QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); // Jump to current article after page reloading if( !articleToJump.isEmpty() ) { setCurrentArticle( articleToJump, true ); articleToJump.clear(); } emit pageLoaded( this ); } void ArticleView::handleTitleChanged( QString const & title ) { emit titleChanged( this, title ); } void ArticleView::handleUrlChanged( QUrl const & url ) { QIcon icon; unsigned group = getGroup( url ); if ( group ) { // Find the group's instance corresponding to the fragment value for( unsigned x = 0; x < groups.size(); ++x ) if ( groups[ x ].id == group ) { // Found it icon = groups[ x ].makeIcon(); break; } } emit iconChanged( this, icon ); } unsigned ArticleView::getGroup( QUrl const & url ) { if ( url.scheme() == "gdlookup" && url.hasQueryItem( "group" ) ) return url.queryItemValue( "group" ).toUInt(); return 0; } QStringList ArticleView::getArticlesList() { return ui.definition->page()->mainFrame()-> evaluateJavaScript( "gdArticleContents;" ).toString(). trimmed().split( ' ', QString::SkipEmptyParts ); } QString ArticleView::getActiveArticleId() { QString currentArticle = getCurrentArticle(); if ( !currentArticle.startsWith( "gdfrom-" ) ) return QString(); // Incorrect id return currentArticle.mid( 7 ); } QString ArticleView::getCurrentArticle() { QVariant v = ui.definition->page()->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript( QString( "gdCurrentArticle;" ) ); if ( v.type() == QVariant::String ) return v.toString(); else return QString(); } void ArticleView::jumpToDictionary( QString const & id ) { QString targetArticle = "gdfrom-" + id; // jump only if neceessary if ( targetArticle != getCurrentArticle() ) { setCurrentArticle( targetArticle, true ); } } void ArticleView::setCurrentArticle( QString const & id, bool moveToIt ) { if ( !id.startsWith( "gdfrom-" ) ) return; // Incorrect id if ( getArticlesList().contains( id.mid( 7 ) ) ) { if ( moveToIt ) ui.definition->page()->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript( QString( "document.getElementById('%1').scrollIntoView(true);" ).arg( id ) ); QMap< QString, QVariant > userData = ui.definition->history()-> currentItem().userData().toMap(); userData[ "currentArticle" ] = id; ui.definition->history()->currentItem().setUserData( userData ); ui.definition->page()->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript( QString( "gdMakeArticleActive( '%1' );" ).arg( id.mid( 7 ) ) ); } } void ArticleView::selectCurrentArticle() { ui.definition->page()->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript( QString( "gdSelectArticle( '%1' );" ).arg( getActiveArticleId() ) ); } bool ArticleView::isFramedArticle( QString const & ca ) { if ( ca.isEmpty() ) return false; return ui.definition->page()->mainFrame()-> evaluateJavaScript( QString( "!!document.getElementById('gdexpandframe-%1');" ).arg( ca.mid( 7 ) ) ).toBool(); } bool ArticleView::isExternalLink( QUrl const & url ) { return url.scheme() == "http" || url.scheme() == "https" || url.scheme() == "ftp" || url.scheme() == "mailto" || url.scheme() == "file"; } void ArticleView::tryMangleWebsiteClickedUrl( QUrl & url, Contexts & contexts ) { // Don't try mangling audio urls, even if they are from the framed websites if( ( url.scheme() == "http" || url.scheme() == "https" ) && ! Dictionary::WebMultimediaDownload::isAudioUrl( url ) ) { // Maybe a link inside a website was clicked? QString ca = getCurrentArticle(); if ( isFramedArticle( ca ) ) { QVariant result = ui.definition->page()->currentFrame()->evaluateJavaScript( "gdLastUrlText;" ); if ( result.type() == QVariant::String ) { // Looks this way contexts[ ca.mid( 7 ) ] = QString::fromAscii( url.toEncoded() ); QUrl target; QString queryWord = result.toString(); // Empty requests are treated as no request, so we work this around by // adding a space. if ( queryWord.isEmpty() ) queryWord = " "; target.setScheme( "gdlookup" ); target.setHost( "localhost" ); target.setPath( "/" + queryWord ); url = target; } } } } void ArticleView::updateCurrentArticleFromCurrentFrame( QWebFrame * frame ) { if ( !frame ) frame = ui.definition->page()->currentFrame(); for( ; frame; frame = frame->parentFrame() ) { QString frameName = frame->frameName(); if ( frameName.startsWith( "gdexpandframe-" ) ) { QString newCurrent = "gdfrom-" + frameName.mid( 14 ); if ( getCurrentArticle() != newCurrent ) setCurrentArticle( newCurrent, false ); break; } } } void ArticleView::saveHistoryUserData() { QMap< QString, QVariant > userData = ui.definition->history()-> currentItem().userData().toMap(); // Save current article, which can be empty userData[ "currentArticle" ] = getCurrentArticle(); // We also save window position. We restore it when the page is fully loaded, // when any hidden frames are expanded. userData[ "sx" ] = ui.definition->page()->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript( "window.scrollX;" ).toDouble(); userData[ "sy" ] = ui.definition->page()->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript( "window.scrollY;" ).toDouble(); ui.definition->history()->currentItem().setUserData( userData ); } void ArticleView::cleanupTemp() { if ( desktopOpenedTempFile.size() ) { QFile( desktopOpenedTempFile ).remove(); desktopOpenedTempFile.clear(); } } bool ArticleView::eventFilter( QObject * obj, QEvent * ev ) { if ( ev->type() == QEvent::ShortcutOverride ) { QKeyEvent *ke = static_cast( ev ); if ( ke->key() == Qt::Key_F3 && !ke->modifiers() && isSearchOpened() ) { on_searchNext_clicked(); ev->accept(); return true; } } if ( obj == ui.definition ) { if ( ev->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress ) { QMouseEvent * event = static_cast< QMouseEvent * >( ev ); if ( event->button() == Qt::XButton1 ) { back(); return true; } if ( event->button() == Qt::XButton2 ) { forward(); return true; } } else if ( ev->type() == QEvent::KeyPress ) { QKeyEvent * keyEvent = static_cast< QKeyEvent * >( ev ); if ( keyEvent->modifiers() & ( Qt::ControlModifier | Qt::AltModifier | Qt::MetaModifier ) ) return false; // A non-typing modifier is pressed if ( keyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_Space || keyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_Backspace || keyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_Tab || keyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_Backtab ) return false; // Those key have other uses than to start typing QString text = keyEvent->text(); if ( text.size() ) { emit typingEvent( text ); return true; } } } else return QFrame::eventFilter( obj, ev ); return false; } QString ArticleView::getMutedForGroup( unsigned group ) { if ( dictionaryBarToggled && dictionaryBarToggled->isChecked() ) { // Dictionary bar is active -- mute the muted dictionaries Instances::Group const * groupInstance = groups.findGroup( group ); // Find muted dictionaries for current group Config::Group const * grp = cfg.getGroup( group ); Config::MutedDictionaries const * mutedDictionaries; if( group == Instances::Group::AllGroupId ) mutedDictionaries = popupView ? &cfg.popupMutedDictionaries : &cfg.mutedDictionaries; else mutedDictionaries = grp ? ( popupView ? &grp->popupMutedDictionaries : &grp->mutedDictionaries ) : 0; if( !mutedDictionaries ) return QString(); QStringList mutedDicts; if ( groupInstance ) { for( unsigned x = 0; x < groupInstance->dictionaries.size(); ++x ) { QString id = QString::fromStdString( groupInstance->dictionaries[ x ]->getId() ); if ( mutedDictionaries->contains( id ) ) mutedDicts.append( id ); } } if ( mutedDicts.size() ) return mutedDicts.join( "," ); } return QString(); } void ArticleView::linkHovered ( const QString & link, const QString & , const QString & ) { QString msg; QUrl url(link); if ( url.scheme() == "bres" ) { msg = tr( "Resource" ); } else if ( url.scheme() == "gdau" || Dictionary::WebMultimediaDownload::isAudioUrl( url ) ) { msg = tr( "Audio" ); } else if ( url.scheme() == "gdpicture" ) { msg = tr( "Picture" ); } else if (url.scheme() == "gdlookup" || url.scheme().compare( "bword" ) == 0) { QString def = url.path(); if (def.startsWith("/")) { def = def.mid( 1 ); } if( url.hasQueryItem( "dict" ) ) { // Link to other dictionary QString dictName( url.queryItemValue( "dict" ) ); if( !dictName.isEmpty() ) msg = tr( "Definition from dictionary \"%1\": %2" ).arg( dictName ).arg( def ); } if( msg.isEmpty() ) msg = tr( "Definition: %1").arg( def ); } else { msg = link; } emit statusBarMessage( msg ); } void ArticleView::attachToJavaScript() { ui.definition->page()->mainFrame()->addToJavaScriptWindowObject( QString( "articleview" ), this ); } void ArticleView::linkClicked( QUrl const & url_ ) { updateCurrentArticleFromCurrentFrame(); QUrl url( url_ ); Contexts contexts; tryMangleWebsiteClickedUrl( url, contexts ); Qt::KeyboardModifiers kmod = QApplication::keyboardModifiers(); if ( !popupView && ( ui.definition->isMidButtonPressed() || ( kmod & ( Qt::ControlModifier | Qt::ShiftModifier ) ) ) ) { // Mid button or Control/Shift is currently pressed - open the link in new tab emit openLinkInNewTab( url, ui.definition->url(), getCurrentArticle(), contexts ); } else openLink( url, ui.definition->url(), getCurrentArticle(), contexts ); } void ArticleView::openLink( QUrl const & url, QUrl const & ref, QString const & scrollTo, Contexts const & contexts ) { qDebug() << "clicked" << url; if( url.scheme().compare( "gdpicture" ) == 0 ) ui.definition->load( url ); else if ( url.scheme().compare( "bword" ) == 0 ) { showDefinition( url.path(), getGroup( ref ), scrollTo, contexts ); } else if ( url.scheme() == "gdlookup" ) // Plain html links inherit gdlookup scheme { if ( url.hasFragment() ) { ui.definition->page()->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript( QString( "window.location = \"%1\"" ).arg( QString::fromUtf8( url.toEncoded() ) ) ); } else { QString newScrollTo( scrollTo ); if( url.hasQueryItem( "dict" ) ) { // Link to other dictionary QString dictName( url.queryItemValue( "dict" ) ); for( unsigned i = 0; i < allDictionaries.size(); i++ ) { if( dictName.compare( QString::fromUtf8( allDictionaries[ i ]->getName().c_str() ) ) == 0 ) { newScrollTo = QString( "gdfrom-" ) + QString::fromUtf8( allDictionaries[ i ]->getId().c_str() ); break; } } } showDefinition( url.path().mid( 1 ), getGroup( ref ), newScrollTo, contexts ); } } else if ( url.scheme() == "bres" || url.scheme() == "gdau" || Dictionary::WebMultimediaDownload::isAudioUrl( url ) ) { // Download it // Clear any pending ones resourceDownloadRequests.clear(); resourceDownloadUrl = url; if ( Dictionary::WebMultimediaDownload::isAudioUrl( url ) ) { sptr< Dictionary::DataRequest > req = new Dictionary::WebMultimediaDownload( url, articleNetMgr ); resourceDownloadRequests.push_back( req ); connect( req.get(), SIGNAL( finished() ), this, SLOT( resourceDownloadFinished() ) ); } else if ( url.scheme() == "gdau" && url.host() == "search" ) { // Since searches should be limited to current group, we just do them // here ourselves since otherwise we'd need to pass group id to netmgr // and it should've been having knowledge of the current groups, too. unsigned currentGroup = getGroup( ref ); std::vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > const * activeDicts = 0; if ( groups.size() ) { for( unsigned x = 0; x < groups.size(); ++x ) if ( groups[ x ].id == currentGroup ) { activeDicts = &( groups[ x ].dictionaries ); break; } } else activeDicts = &allDictionaries; if ( activeDicts ) for( unsigned x = 0; x < activeDicts->size(); ++x ) { sptr< Dictionary::DataRequest > req = (*activeDicts)[ x ]->getResource( url.path().mid( 1 ).toUtf8().data() ); if ( req->isFinished() && req->dataSize() >= 0 ) { // A request was instantly finished with success. // If we've managed to spawn some lingering requests already, // erase them. resourceDownloadRequests.clear(); // Handle the result resourceDownloadRequests.push_back( req ); resourceDownloadFinished(); return; } else if ( !req->isFinished() ) { resourceDownloadRequests.push_back( req ); connect( req.get(), SIGNAL( finished() ), this, SLOT( resourceDownloadFinished() ) ); } } } else { // Normal resource download QString contentType; sptr< Dictionary::DataRequest > req = articleNetMgr.getResource( url, contentType ); if ( !req.get() ) { // Request failed, fail } else if ( req->isFinished() && req->dataSize() >= 0 ) { // Have data ready, handle it resourceDownloadRequests.push_back( req ); resourceDownloadFinished(); return; } else if ( !req->isFinished() ) { // Queue to be handled when done resourceDownloadRequests.push_back( req ); connect( req.get(), SIGNAL( finished() ), this, SLOT( resourceDownloadFinished() ) ); } } if ( resourceDownloadRequests.empty() ) // No requests were queued { QMessageBox::critical( this, tr( "GoldenDict" ), tr( "The referenced resource doesn't exist." ) ); return; } else resourceDownloadFinished(); // Check any requests finished already } else if ( url.scheme() == "gdprg" ) { // Program. Run it. QString id( url.host() ); for( Config::Programs::const_iterator i = cfg.programs.begin(); i != cfg.programs.end(); ++i ) { if ( i->id == id ) { // Found the corresponding program. Programs::RunInstance * req = new Programs::RunInstance; connect( req, SIGNAL(finished(QByteArray,QString)), req, SLOT( deleteLater() ) ); QString error; // Delete the request if it fails to start if ( !req->start( *i, url.path().mid( 1 ), error ) ) { delete req; QMessageBox::critical( this, tr( "GoldenDict" ), error ); } return; } } // Still here? No such program exists. QMessageBox::critical( this, tr( "GoldenDict" ), tr( "The referenced audio program doesn't exist." ) ); } else if ( isExternalLink( url ) ) { // Use the system handler for the conventional external links QDesktopServices::openUrl( url ); } } void ArticleView::updateMutedContents() { QUrl currentUrl = ui.definition->url(); if ( currentUrl.scheme() != "gdlookup" ) return; // Weird url -- do nothing unsigned group = getGroup( currentUrl ); if ( !group ) return; // No group in url -- do nothing QString mutedDicts = getMutedForGroup( group ); if ( currentUrl.queryItemValue( "muted" ) != mutedDicts ) { // The list has changed -- update the url currentUrl.removeQueryItem( "muted" ); if ( mutedDicts.size() ) currentUrl.addQueryItem( "muted", mutedDicts ); saveHistoryUserData(); ui.definition->load( currentUrl ); //QApplication::setOverrideCursor( Qt::WaitCursor ); ui.definition->setCursor( Qt::WaitCursor ); } } bool ArticleView::canGoBack() { // First entry in a history is always an empty page, // so we skip it. return ui.definition->history()->currentItemIndex() > 1; } bool ArticleView::canGoForward() { return ui.definition->history()->canGoForward(); } void ArticleView::setSelectionBySingleClick( bool set ) { ui.definition->setSelectionBySingleClick( set ); } void ArticleView::back() { // Don't allow navigating back to page 0, which is usually the initial // empty page if ( canGoBack() ) { saveHistoryUserData(); ui.definition->back(); } } void ArticleView::forward() { saveHistoryUserData(); ui.definition->forward(); } bool ArticleView::hasSound() { QVariant v = ui.definition->page()->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript( "gdAudioLink;" ); if ( v.type() == QVariant::String ) soundScript = v.toString(); else soundScript.clear(); return !soundScript.isEmpty(); } void ArticleView::playSound() { if ( !soundScript.isEmpty() ) openLink( QUrl::fromEncoded( soundScript.toUtf8() ), ui.definition->url() ); } QString ArticleView::toHtml() { return ui.definition->page()->mainFrame()->toHtml(); } QString ArticleView::getTitle() { return ui.definition->page()->mainFrame()->title(); } void ArticleView::print( QPrinter * printer ) const { ui.definition->print( printer ); } void ArticleView::contextMenuRequested( QPoint const & pos ) { // Is that a link? Is there a selection? QWebHitTestResult r = ui.definition->page()->mainFrame()-> hitTestContent( pos ); updateCurrentArticleFromCurrentFrame( r.frame() ); QMenu menu( this ); QAction * followLink = 0; QAction * followLinkExternal = 0; QAction * followLinkNewTab = 0; QAction * lookupSelection = 0; QAction * lookupSelectionGr = 0; QAction * lookupSelectionNewTab = 0; QAction * lookupSelectionNewTabGr = 0; QAction * maxDictionaryRefsAction = 0; QAction * addWordToHistoryAction = 0; QAction * addHeaderToHistoryAction = 0; QAction * sendWordToInputLineAction = 0; QUrl targetUrl( r.linkUrl() ); Contexts contexts; tryMangleWebsiteClickedUrl( targetUrl, contexts ); if ( !r.linkUrl().isEmpty() ) { if ( !isExternalLink( targetUrl ) ) { followLink = new QAction( tr( "&Open Link" ), &menu ); menu.addAction( followLink ); if ( !popupView ) { followLinkNewTab = new QAction( QIcon( ":/icons/addtab.png" ), tr( "Open Link in New &Tab" ), &menu ); menu.addAction( followLinkNewTab ); } } if ( isExternalLink( r.linkUrl() ) ) { followLinkExternal = new QAction( tr( "Open Link in &External Browser" ), &menu ); menu.addAction( followLinkExternal ); menu.addAction( ui.definition->pageAction( QWebPage::CopyLinkToClipboard ) ); } } QString selectedText = ui.definition->selectedText(); if ( selectedText.size() && selectedText.size() < 60 ) { // We don't prompt for selections larger or equal to 60 chars, since // it ruins the menu and it's hardly a single word anyway. lookupSelection = new QAction( tr( "&Look up \"%1\"" ). arg( ui.definition->selectedText() ), &menu ); menu.addAction( lookupSelection ); if ( !popupView ) { lookupSelectionNewTab = new QAction( QIcon( ":/icons/addtab.png" ), tr( "Look up \"%1\" in &New Tab" ). arg( ui.definition->selectedText() ), &menu ); menu.addAction( lookupSelectionNewTab ); sendWordToInputLineAction = new QAction( tr( "Send \"%1\" to input line" ). arg( ui.definition->selectedText() ), &menu ); menu.addAction( sendWordToInputLineAction ); } addWordToHistoryAction = new QAction( tr( "&Add \"%1\" to history" ). arg( ui.definition->selectedText() ), &menu ); menu.addAction( addWordToHistoryAction ); Instances::Group const * altGroup = ( groupComboBox && groupComboBox->getCurrentGroup() != getGroup( ui.definition->url() ) ) ? groups.findGroup( groupComboBox->getCurrentGroup() ) : 0; if ( altGroup ) { QIcon icon = altGroup->icon.size() ? QIcon( ":/flags/" + altGroup->icon ) : QIcon(); lookupSelectionGr = new QAction( icon, tr( "Look up \"%1\" in %2" ). arg( ui.definition->selectedText() ). arg( altGroup->name ), &menu ); menu.addAction( lookupSelectionGr ); if ( !popupView ) { lookupSelectionNewTabGr = new QAction( QIcon( ":/icons/addtab.png" ), tr( "Look up \"%1\" in %2 in &New Tab" ). arg( ui.definition->selectedText() ). arg( altGroup->name ), &menu ); menu.addAction( lookupSelectionNewTabGr ); } } } if( selectedText.isEmpty() && !cfg.preferences.storeHistory) { addHeaderToHistoryAction = new QAction( tr( "&Add \"%1\" to history" ). arg( ui.definition->title() ), &menu ); menu.addAction( addHeaderToHistoryAction ); } if ( selectedText.size() ) { menu.addAction( ui.definition->pageAction( QWebPage::Copy ) ); } else { menu.addAction( &selectCurrentArticleAction ); menu.addAction( ui.definition->pageAction( QWebPage::SelectAll ) ); } map< QAction *, QString > tableOfContents; // Add table of contents QStringList ids = getArticlesList(); if ( !menu.isEmpty() && ids.size() ) menu.addSeparator(); unsigned refsAdded = 0; bool maxDictionaryRefsReached = false; for( QStringList::const_iterator i = ids.constBegin(); i != ids.constEnd(); ++i, ++refsAdded ) { // Find this dictionary for( unsigned x = allDictionaries.size(); x--; ) { if ( allDictionaries[ x ]->getId() == i->toUtf8().data() ) { QAction * action = 0; if ( refsAdded == cfg.maxDictionaryRefsInContextMenu ) { // Enough! Or the menu would become too large. maxDictionaryRefsAction = new QAction( ".........", &menu ); action = maxDictionaryRefsAction; maxDictionaryRefsReached = true; } else { action = new QAction( allDictionaries[ x ]->getIcon(), QString::fromUtf8( allDictionaries[ x ]->getName().c_str() ), &menu ); // Force icons in menu on all platfroms, // since without them it will be much harder // to find things. action->setIconVisibleInMenu( true ); } menu.addAction( action ); tableOfContents[ action ] = *i; break; } } if( maxDictionaryRefsReached ) break; } if ( !menu.isEmpty() ) { connect( this, SIGNAL( closePopupMenu() ), &menu, SLOT( close() ) ); QAction * result = menu.exec( ui.definition->mapToGlobal( pos ) ); if ( !result ) return; if ( result == followLink ) openLink( targetUrl, ui.definition->url(), getCurrentArticle(), contexts ); else if ( result == followLinkExternal ) QDesktopServices::openUrl( r.linkUrl() ); else if ( result == lookupSelection ) showDefinition( selectedText, getGroup( ui.definition->url() ), getCurrentArticle() ); else if ( result == lookupSelectionGr && groupComboBox ) showDefinition( selectedText, groupComboBox->getCurrentGroup(), QString() ); else if ( result == addWordToHistoryAction ) emit forceAddWordToHistory( selectedText ); if ( result == addHeaderToHistoryAction ) emit forceAddWordToHistory( ui.definition->title() ); else if( result == sendWordToInputLineAction ) emit sendWordToInputLine( selectedText ); else if ( !popupView && result == followLinkNewTab ) emit openLinkInNewTab( targetUrl, ui.definition->url(), getCurrentArticle(), contexts ); else if ( !popupView && result == lookupSelectionNewTab ) emit showDefinitionInNewTab( selectedText, getGroup( ui.definition->url() ), getCurrentArticle(), Contexts() ); else if ( !popupView && result == lookupSelectionNewTabGr && groupComboBox ) emit showDefinitionInNewTab( selectedText, groupComboBox->getCurrentGroup(), QString(), Contexts() ); else { if ( !popupView && result == maxDictionaryRefsAction ) emit showDictsPane(); // Match against table of contents QString id = tableOfContents[ result ]; if ( id.size() ) setCurrentArticle( "gdfrom-" + id, true ); } } #if 0 DPRINTF( "%s\n", r.linkUrl().isEmpty() ? "null" : "not null" ); DPRINTF( "url = %s\n", r.linkUrl().toString().toLocal8Bit().data() ); DPRINTF( "title = %s\n", r.title().toLocal8Bit().data() ); #endif } void ArticleView::resourceDownloadFinished() { if ( resourceDownloadRequests.empty() ) return; // Stray signal // Find any finished resources for( list< sptr< Dictionary::DataRequest > >::iterator i = resourceDownloadRequests.begin(); i != resourceDownloadRequests.end(); ) { if ( (*i)->isFinished() ) { if ( (*i)->dataSize() >= 0 ) { // Ok, got one finished, all others are irrelevant now vector< char > const & data = (*i)->getFullData(); if ( resourceDownloadUrl.scheme() == "gdau" || Dictionary::WebMultimediaDownload::isAudioUrl( resourceDownloadUrl ) ) { // Audio data #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 // If we use Windows PlaySound, use that, not Phonon. if ( !cfg.preferences.useExternalPlayer && cfg.preferences.useWindowsPlaySound ) { // Stop any currently playing sound to make sure the previous data // isn't used anymore if ( winWavData.size() ) { PlaySoundA( 0, 0, 0 ); winWavData.clear(); } if ( data.size() < 4 || memcmp( data.data(), "RIFF", 4 ) != 0 ) { QMessageBox::information( this, tr( "Playing a non-WAV file" ), tr( "To enable playback of files different than WAV, please go " "to Edit|Preferences, choose the Audio tab and select " "\"Play via DirectShow\" there." ) ); } else { winWavData = data; PlaySoundA( &winWavData.front(), 0, SND_ASYNC | SND_MEMORY | SND_NODEFAULT | SND_NOWAIT ); } } else if ( !cfg.preferences.useExternalPlayer && cfg.preferences.useBassLibrary ) { if( !BassAudioPlayer::instance().canBeUsed() ) emit statusBarMessage( tr( "WARNING: %1" ).arg( tr( "Bass library not found." ) ), 10000, QPixmap( ":/icons/error.png" ) ); else { if( !BassAudioPlayer::instance().playMemory( data.data(), data.size() ) ) emit statusBarMessage( tr( "WARNING: %1" ).arg( tr( "Bass library can't play this sound." ) ), 10000, QPixmap( ":/icons/error.png" ) ); } } else #endif if ( !cfg.preferences.useExternalPlayer ) { // Play via Phonon QBuffer * buf = new QBuffer; buf->buffer().append( &data.front(), data.size() ); Phonon::MediaSource source( buf ); source.setAutoDelete( true ); // Dispose of our buf when done AudioPlayer::instance().object.stop(); AudioPlayer::instance().object.clear(); AudioPlayer::instance().object.enqueue( source ); AudioPlayer::instance().object.play(); } else { // Use external viewer to play the file try { ExternalViewer * viewer = new ExternalViewer( this, data, "wav", cfg.preferences.audioPlaybackProgram.trimmed() ); // Once started, it will erase itself viewer->start(); } catch( ExternalViewer::Ex & e ) { QMessageBox::critical( this, tr( "GoldenDict" ), tr( "Failed to run a player to play sound file: %1" ).arg( e.what() ) ); } } } else { // Create a temporary file // Remove the one previously used, if any cleanupTemp(); { QTemporaryFile tmp( QDir::temp().filePath( "XXXXXX-" + resourceDownloadUrl.path().section( '/', -1 ) ), this ); if ( !tmp.open() || (size_t) tmp.write( &data.front(), data.size() ) != data.size() ) { QMessageBox::critical( this, tr( "GoldenDict" ), tr( "Failed to create temporary file." ) ); return; } tmp.setAutoRemove( false ); desktopOpenedTempFile = tmp.fileName(); } if ( !QDesktopServices::openUrl( QUrl::fromLocalFile( desktopOpenedTempFile ) ) ) QMessageBox::critical( this, tr( "GoldenDict" ), tr( "Failed to auto-open resource file, try opening manually: %1." ).arg( desktopOpenedTempFile ) ); } // Ok, whatever it was, it's finished. Remove this and any other // requests and finish. resourceDownloadRequests.clear(); return; } else { // This one had no data. Erase it. resourceDownloadRequests.erase( i++ ); } } else // Unfinished, try the next one. i++; } if ( resourceDownloadRequests.empty() ) { emit statusBarMessage( tr( "WARNING: %1" ).arg( tr( "The referenced resource failed to download." ) ), 10000, QPixmap( ":/icons/error.png" ) ); } } void ArticleView::pasteTriggered() { QString text = gd::toQString( Folding::trimWhitespaceOrPunct( gd::toWString( QApplication::clipboard()->text() ) ) ); if ( text.size() ) showDefinition( text, getGroup( ui.definition->url() ), getCurrentArticle() ); } void ArticleView::moveOneArticleUp() { QString current = getCurrentArticle(); if ( current.size() ) { QStringList lst = getArticlesList(); int idx = lst.indexOf( current.mid( 7 ) ); if ( idx != -1 ) { --idx; if ( idx < 0 ) idx = lst.size() - 1; setCurrentArticle( "gdfrom-" + lst[ idx ], true ); } } } void ArticleView::moveOneArticleDown() { QString current = getCurrentArticle(); if ( current.size() ) { QStringList lst = getArticlesList(); int idx = lst.indexOf( current.mid( 7 ) ); if ( idx != -1 ) { idx = ( idx + 1 ) % lst.size(); setCurrentArticle( "gdfrom-" + lst[ idx ], true ); } } } void ArticleView::openSearch() { if ( !searchIsOpened ) { ui.searchFrame->show(); ui.searchText->setText( getTitle() ); searchIsOpened = true; } ui.searchText->setFocus(); ui.searchText->selectAll(); // Clear any current selection if ( ui.definition->selectedText().size() ) { ui.definition->page()->currentFrame()-> evaluateJavaScript( "window.getSelection().removeAllRanges();" ); } if ( ui.searchText->property( "noResults" ).toBool() ) { ui.searchText->setProperty( "noResults", false ); // Reload stylesheet reloadStyleSheet(); } } void ArticleView::on_searchPrevious_clicked() { if ( searchIsOpened ) performFindOperation( false, true ); } void ArticleView::on_searchNext_clicked() { if ( searchIsOpened ) performFindOperation( false, false ); } void ArticleView::on_searchText_textEdited() { performFindOperation( true, false ); } void ArticleView::on_searchText_returnPressed() { on_searchNext_clicked(); } void ArticleView::on_searchCloseButton_clicked() { closeSearch(); } void ArticleView::on_searchCaseSensitive_clicked() { performFindOperation( false, false, true ); } void ArticleView::on_highlightAllButton_clicked() { performFindOperation( false, false, true ); } void ArticleView::onJsActiveArticleChanged(QString const & id) { if ( !id.startsWith( "gdfrom-" ) ) return; // Incorrect id emit activeArticleChanged( id.mid( 7 ) ); } void ArticleView::doubleClicked() { // We might want to initiate translation of the selected word if ( cfg.preferences.doubleClickTranslates ) { QString selectedText = ui.definition->selectedText(); // Do some checks to make sure there's a sensible selection indeed if ( Folding::applyWhitespaceOnly( gd::toWString( selectedText ) ).size() && selectedText.size() < 60 ) { // Initiate translation Qt::KeyboardModifiers kmod = QApplication::keyboardModifiers(); if (kmod & (Qt::ControlModifier | Qt::ShiftModifier)) { // open in new tab emit showDefinitionInNewTab( selectedText, getGroup( ui.definition->url() ), getCurrentArticle(), Contexts() ); } else showDefinition( selectedText, getGroup( ui.definition->url() ), getCurrentArticle() ); } } } void ArticleView::performFindOperation( bool restart, bool backwards, bool checkHighlight ) { QString text = ui.searchText->text(); if ( restart || checkHighlight ) { if( restart ) { // Anyone knows how we reset the search position? // For now we resort to this hack: if ( ui.definition->selectedText().size() ) { ui.definition->page()->currentFrame()-> evaluateJavaScript( "window.getSelection().removeAllRanges();" ); } } QWebPage::FindFlags f( 0 ); if ( ui.searchCaseSensitive->isChecked() ) f |= QWebPage::FindCaseSensitively; f |= QWebPage::HighlightAllOccurrences; ui.definition->findText( "", f ); if( ui.highlightAllButton->isChecked() ) ui.definition->findText( text, f ); if( checkHighlight ) return; } QWebPage::FindFlags f( 0 ); if ( ui.searchCaseSensitive->isChecked() ) f |= QWebPage::FindCaseSensitively; if ( backwards ) f |= QWebPage::FindBackward; bool setMark = text.size() && !ui.definition->findText( text, f ); if ( ui.searchText->property( "noResults" ).toBool() != setMark ) { ui.searchText->setProperty( "noResults", setMark ); // Reload stylesheet reloadStyleSheet(); } } void ArticleView::reloadStyleSheet() { for( QWidget * w = parentWidget(); w; w = w->parentWidget() ) { if ( w->styleSheet().size() ) { w->setStyleSheet( w->styleSheet() ); break; } } } bool ArticleView::closeSearch() { if ( searchIsOpened ) { ui.searchFrame->hide(); ui.definition->setFocus(); searchIsOpened = false; return true; } else return false; } bool ArticleView::isSearchOpened() { return searchIsOpened; } void ArticleView::showEvent( QShowEvent * ev ) { QFrame::showEvent( ev ); if ( !searchIsOpened ) ui.searchFrame->hide(); } void ArticleView::receiveExpandOptionalParts( bool expand ) { if( expandOptionalParts != expand ) { int n = getArticlesList().indexOf( getActiveArticleId() ); if( n > 0 ) articleToJump = getCurrentArticle(); emit setExpandMode( expand ); expandOptionalParts = expand; reload(); } } void ArticleView::switchExpandOptionalParts() { expandOptionalParts = !expandOptionalParts; int n = getArticlesList().indexOf( getActiveArticleId() ); if( n > 0 ) articleToJump = getCurrentArticle(); emit setExpandMode( expandOptionalParts ); reload(); } #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 void ArticleView::readTag( const QString & from, QString & to, int & count ) { QChar ch, prev_ch; bool inQuote = false, inDoublequote = false; to.append( ch = prev_ch = from[ count++ ] ); while( count < from.size() ) { ch = from[ count ]; if( ch == '>' && !( inQuote || inDoublequote ) ) { to.append( ch ); break; } if( ch == '\'' ) inQuote = !inQuote; if( ch == '\"' ) inDoublequote = !inDoublequote; to.append( prev_ch = ch ); count++; } } QString ArticleView::insertSpans( QString const & html ) { QChar ch; QString newContent; bool inSpan = false, escaped = false; /// Enclose every word in string (exclude tags) with for( int i = 0; i < html.size(); i++ ) { ch = html[ i ]; if( ch == '&' ) { escaped = true; if( inSpan ) { newContent.append( "" ); inSpan = false; } newContent.append( ch ); continue; } if( ch == '<' ) // Skip tag { escaped = false; if( inSpan ) { newContent.append( "" ); inSpan = false; } readTag( html, newContent, i ); continue; } if( escaped ) { if( ch == ';' ) escaped = false; newContent.append( ch ); continue; } if( !inSpan && ( ch.isLetterOrNumber() || ch.isLowSurrogate() ) ) { newContent.append( ""); inSpan = true; } if( inSpan && !( ch.isLetterOrNumber() || ch.isLowSurrogate() ) ) { newContent.append( ""); inSpan = false; } if( ch.isLowSurrogate() ) { newContent.append( ch ); ch = html[ ++i ]; } newContent.append( ch ); if( ch == '-' && !( html[ i + 1 ] == ' ' || ( i > 0 && html[ i - 1 ] == ' ' ) ) ) newContent.append( " " ); } if( inSpan ) newContent.append( "" ); return newContent; } QString ArticleView::checkElement( QWebElement & elem, QPoint const & pt ) { /// Search for lower-level matching element QWebElement parentElem = elem; QWebElement childElem = elem.firstChild(); while( !childElem.isNull() ) { if( childElem.geometry().contains( pt ) ) { parentElem = childElem; childElem = parentElem.firstChild(); continue; } childElem = childElem.nextSibling(); } return parentElem.toPlainText(); } QString ArticleView::wordAtPoint( int x, int y ) { QString word; if( popupView ) return word; QPoint pos = mapFromGlobal( QPoint( x, y ) ); QWebFrame *frame = ui.definition->page()->frameAt( pos ); if( !frame ) return word; QPoint posWithScroll = pos + frame->scrollPosition(); /// Find target HTML element QWebHitTestResult result = frame->hitTestContent( pos ); QWebElement baseElem = result.enclosingBlockElement(); if( baseElem.tagName().compare( "BODY" ) == 0 || /// Assume empty field position baseElem.tagName().compare( "HTML" ) == 0 || baseElem.tagName().compare( "HEAD" ) == 0 ) return word; /// Save selection position baseElem.evaluateJavaScript( "var __gd_sel=window.getSelection();" "if(__gd_sel && __gd_sel.rangeCount>0) {" "__gd_SelRange=__gd_sel.getRangeAt(0);" "if(__gd_SelRange.collapsed) __gd_sel.removeAllRanges();" "else {" "__gd_StartTree=[]; __gd_EndTree=[];" "var __gd_baseRange=document.createRange();" "__gd_baseRange.selectNode(this);" "if(__gd_baseRange.comparePoint(__gd_SelRange.startContainer,0)==0) {" "__gd_StartOffset=__gd_SelRange.startOffset;" "var __gd_child=__gd_SelRange.startContainer;" "var __gd_parent='';" "if(__gd_child==this) __gd_StartTree.push(-1);" "else while(__gd_parent!=this) {" "var n=0; __gd_parent=__gd_child.parentNode;" "var __gd_el=__gd_parent.firstChild;" "while(__gd_el!=__gd_child) { n++; __gd_el=__gd_el.nextSibling; }" "__gd_StartTree.push(n);" "__gd_child=__gd_parent;" "}" "}" "if(__gd_baseRange.comparePoint(__gd_SelRange.endContainer,0)==0) {" "__gd_EndOffset=__gd_SelRange.endOffset;" "var __gd_child=__gd_SelRange.endContainer;" "var __gd_parent='';" "if(__gd_child==this) __gd_EndTree.push(-1);" "else while(__gd_parent!=this) {" "var n=0; __gd_parent=__gd_child.parentNode;" "var __gd_el=__gd_parent.firstChild;" "while(__gd_el!=__gd_child) { n++; __gd_el=__gd_el.nextSibling; }" "__gd_EndTree.push(n);" "__gd_child=__gd_parent;" "}" "}" "}" "}" ); /// Enclose every word be QString content = baseElem.toInnerXml(); QString newContent = insertSpans( content ); /// Set new code and re-render it to fill geometry QImage img( baseElem.geometry().width(), baseElem.geometry().height(), QImage::Format_Mono ); img.fill( 0 ); QPainter painter( & img ); baseElem.setInnerXml( newContent ); baseElem.render( &painter ); /// Search in all child elements and check it QWebElementCollection elemCollection = baseElem.findAll( "*" ); foreach ( QWebElement elem, elemCollection ) { if( elem.geometry().contains( posWithScroll ) ) word = checkElement( elem, posWithScroll ); if( !word.isEmpty() ) break; } /// Restore old content baseElem.setInnerXml( content ); /// Restore selection baseElem.evaluateJavaScript( "var flag=0;" "if(__gd_StartTree && __gd_StartTree.length) {" "var __gd_el=this;" "while(__gd_StartTree.length) {" "__gd_el=__gd_el.firstChild;" "var n=__gd_StartTree.pop();" "if(n<0) __gd_el=this;" "else for(var i=0;i0) {" "var __gd_sel=window.getSelection();" "__gd_sel.removeAllRanges();" "__gd_sel.addRange(__gd_SelRange);" "}" ); return word; } #endif