/* This file is (c) 2008-2012 Konstantin Isakov * Part of GoldenDict. Licensed under GPLv3 or later, see the LICENSE file */ #include "articleview.hh" #include #include //#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "folding.hh" #include "wstring_qt.hh" #include "webmultimediadownload.hh" #include "programs.hh" #include "gddebug.hh" #include #include #include "gestures.hh" #include "fulltextsearch.hh" #if QT_VERSION >= 0x040600 && QT_VERSION <= 0x050500 #include #include #endif #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK( 5, 0, 0 ) #include #include "wildcard.hh" #endif #include "qt4x5.hh" #include #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 #include #include #endif #include #if defined( Q_OS_WIN32 ) || defined( Q_OS_MAC ) #include "speechclient.hh" #endif using std::map; using std::list; /// AccentMarkHandler class /// /// Remove accent marks from text /// and mirror position in normalized text to original text class AccentMarkHandler { protected: QString normalizedString; QVector< int > accentMarkPos; public: AccentMarkHandler() {} virtual ~AccentMarkHandler() {} static QChar accentMark() { return QChar( 0x301 ); } /// Create text without accent marks /// and store mark positions virtual void setText( QString const & baseString ) { accentMarkPos.clear(); normalizedString.clear(); int pos = 0; QChar mark = accentMark(); for( int x = 0; x < baseString.length(); x++ ) { if( baseString.at( x ) == mark ) { accentMarkPos.append( pos ); continue; } normalizedString.append( baseString.at( x ) ); pos++; } } /// Return text without accent marks QString const & normalizedText() const { return normalizedString; } /// Convert position into position in original text int mirrorPosition( int const & pos ) const { int newPos = pos; for( int x = 0; x < accentMarkPos.size(); x++ ) { if( accentMarkPos.at( x ) < pos ) newPos++; else break; } return newPos; } }; /// End of DslAccentMark class /// DiacriticsHandler class /// /// Remove diacritics from text /// and mirror position in normalized text to original text class DiacriticsHandler : public AccentMarkHandler { public: DiacriticsHandler() {} ~DiacriticsHandler() {} /// Create text without diacriticss /// and store diacritic marks positions virtual void setText( QString const & baseString ) { accentMarkPos.clear(); normalizedString.clear(); gd::wstring baseText = gd::toWString( baseString ); gd::wstring normText; int pos = 0; normText.reserve( baseText.size() ); gd::wchar const * nextChar = baseText.data(); size_t consumed; for( size_t left = baseText.size(); left; ) { if( *nextChar >= 0x10000U ) { // Will be translated into surrogate pair normText.push_back( *nextChar ); pos += 2; nextChar++; left--; continue; } gd::wchar ch = Folding::foldedDiacritic( nextChar, left, consumed ); if( Folding::isCombiningMark( ch ) ) { accentMarkPos.append( pos ); nextChar++; left--; continue; } if( consumed > 1 ) { for( size_t i = 1; i < consumed; i++ ) accentMarkPos.append( pos ); } normText.push_back( ch ); pos += 1; nextChar += consumed; left -= consumed; } normalizedString = gd::toQString( normText ); } }; /// End of DiacriticsHandler class static QVariant runJavaScriptVariableSafe( QWebEnginePage * frame, const QString & variable ) { qDebug(QString("runJavaScriptVariableSafe with:%1").arg(variable).toLatin1().data()); QVariant variant; QSemaphore semaph(1); semaph.acquire(1); frame->runJavaScript( QString( "( typeof( %1 ) !== 'undefined' && %1 !== undefined ) ? %1 : null;" ) .arg( variable ),[&semaph,&variant](const QVariant & result){ //variant=result; //semaph.release(1); } ); //todo //semaph.acquire(1); return variant; } static QVariant runJavaScriptSync(QWebEnginePage* frame, const QString& variable) { qDebug(QString("runJavascriptScriptSync with :%1").arg(variable).toLatin1().data()); QVariant variant; frame->runJavaScript(variable, [](const QVariant& result) { }); return variant; } namespace { char const * const scrollToPrefix = "gdfrom-"; bool isScrollTo( QString const & id ) { return id.startsWith( scrollToPrefix ); } QString dictionaryIdFromScrollTo( QString const & scrollTo ) { Q_ASSERT( isScrollTo( scrollTo ) ); const int scrollToPrefixLength = 7; return scrollTo.mid( scrollToPrefixLength ); } } // unnamed namespace QString ArticleView::scrollToFromDictionaryId( QString const & dictionaryId ) { Q_ASSERT( !isScrollTo( dictionaryId ) ); return scrollToPrefix + dictionaryId; } ArticleView::ArticleView( QWidget * parent, ArticleNetworkAccessManager & nm, AudioPlayerPtr const & audioPlayer_, std::vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > const & allDictionaries_, Instances::Groups const & groups_, bool popupView_, Config::Class const & cfg_, QAction & openSearchAction_, QAction * dictionaryBarToggled_, GroupComboBox const * groupComboBox_ ): QFrame( parent ), articleNetMgr( nm ), audioPlayer( audioPlayer_ ), allDictionaries( allDictionaries_ ), groups( groups_ ), popupView( popupView_ ), cfg( cfg_ ), pasteAction( this ), articleUpAction( this ), articleDownAction( this ), goBackAction( this ), goForwardAction( this ), selectCurrentArticleAction( this ), copyAsTextAction( this ), inspectAction( this ), openSearchAction( openSearchAction_ ), searchIsOpened( false ), dictionaryBarToggled( dictionaryBarToggled_ ), groupComboBox( groupComboBox_ ), ftsSearchIsOpened( false ), ftsSearchMatchCase( false ), ftsPosition( 0 ) { ui.setupUi( this ); ui.definition->setUp( const_cast< Config::Class * >( &cfg ) ); goBackAction.setShortcut( QKeySequence( "Alt+Left" ) ); ui.definition->addAction( &goBackAction ); connect( &goBackAction, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( back() ) ); goForwardAction.setShortcut( QKeySequence( "Alt+Right" ) ); ui.definition->addAction( &goForwardAction ); connect( &goForwardAction, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( forward() ) ); ui.definition->pageAction( QWebEnginePage::Copy )->setShortcut( QKeySequence::Copy ); ui.definition->addAction( ui.definition->pageAction( QWebEnginePage::Copy ) ); QAction * selectAll = ui.definition->pageAction( QWebEnginePage::SelectAll ); selectAll->setShortcut( QKeySequence::SelectAll ); selectAll->setShortcutContext( Qt::WidgetWithChildrenShortcut ); ui.definition->addAction( selectAll ); ui.definition->setContextMenuPolicy( Qt::CustomContextMenu ); //todo //ui.definition->page()->setLinkDelegationPolicy( QWebPage::DelegateAllLinks ); //ui.definition->page()->setNetworkAccessManager( &articleNetMgr ); connect( ui.definition, SIGNAL( loadFinished( bool ) ), this, SLOT( loadFinished( bool ) ) ); // connect( ui.definition->page(), SIGNAL( javaScriptWindowObjectCleared() ), // this, SLOT( attachToJavaScript() ) ); connect( ui.definition->page(), SIGNAL( titleChanged( QString const & ) ), this, SLOT( handleTitleChanged( QString const & ) ) ); connect( ui.definition->page(), SIGNAL( urlChanged( QUrl const & ) ), this, SLOT( handleUrlChanged( QUrl const & ) ) ); connect( ui.definition, SIGNAL( customContextMenuRequested( QPoint const & ) ), this, SLOT( contextMenuRequested( QPoint const & ) ) ); // connect( ui.definition, SIGNAL( linkClicked( QUrl const & ) ), // this, SLOT( linkClicked( QUrl const & ) ) ); connect( ui.definition->page(), SIGNAL( linkHovered ( const QString &) ), this, SLOT( linkHovered ( const QString & ) ) ); connect( ui.definition, SIGNAL( doubleClicked( QPoint ) ),this,SLOT( doubleClicked( QPoint ) ) ); pasteAction.setShortcut( QKeySequence::Paste ); ui.definition->addAction( &pasteAction ); connect( &pasteAction, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( pasteTriggered() ) ); articleUpAction.setShortcut( QKeySequence( "Alt+Up" ) ); ui.definition->addAction( &articleUpAction ); connect( &articleUpAction, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( moveOneArticleUp() ) ); articleDownAction.setShortcut( QKeySequence( "Alt+Down" ) ); ui.definition->addAction( &articleDownAction ); connect( &articleDownAction, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( moveOneArticleDown() ) ); ui.definition->addAction( &openSearchAction ); connect( &openSearchAction, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( openSearch() ) ); selectCurrentArticleAction.setShortcut( QKeySequence( "Ctrl+Shift+A" )); selectCurrentArticleAction.setText( tr( "Select Current Article" ) ); ui.definition->addAction( &selectCurrentArticleAction ); connect( &selectCurrentArticleAction, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( selectCurrentArticle() ) ); copyAsTextAction.setShortcut( QKeySequence( "Ctrl+Shift+C" ) ); copyAsTextAction.setText( tr( "Copy as text" ) ); ui.definition->addAction( ©AsTextAction ); connect( ©AsTextAction, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( copyAsText() ) ); inspectAction.setShortcut( QKeySequence( Qt::Key_F12 ) ); inspectAction.setText( tr( "Inspect" ) ); ui.definition->addAction( &inspectAction ); connect( &inspectAction, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( inspect() ) ); ui.definition->installEventFilter( this ); ui.searchFrame->installEventFilter( this ); ui.ftsSearchFrame->installEventFilter( this ); QWebEngineSettings * settings = ui.definition->page()->settings(); settings->globalSettings()->setAttribute( QWebEngineSettings::WebAttribute::LocalContentCanAccessRemoteUrls, true ); settings->globalSettings()->setAttribute( QWebEngineSettings::WebAttribute::LocalContentCanAccessFileUrls, true ); // Load the default blank page instantly, so there would be no flicker. QString contentType; QUrl blankPage( "gdlookup://localhost?blank=1" ); sptr< Dictionary::DataRequest > r = articleNetMgr.getResource( blankPage, contentType ); ui.definition->setHtml( QString::fromUtf8( &( r->getFullData().front() ), r->getFullData().size() ), blankPage ); expandOptionalParts = cfg.preferences.alwaysExpandOptionalParts; #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(4, 6, 0) ui.definition->grabGesture( Gestures::GDPinchGestureType ); ui.definition->grabGesture( Gestures::GDSwipeGestureType ); #endif // Variable name for store current selection range rangeVarName = QString( "sr_%1" ).arg( QString::number( (quint64)this, 16 ) ); } // explicitly report the minimum size, to avoid // sidebar widgets' improper resize during restore QSize ArticleView::minimumSizeHint() const { return ui.searchFrame->minimumSizeHint(); } void ArticleView::setGroupComboBox( GroupComboBox const * g ) { groupComboBox = g; } ArticleView::~ArticleView() { cleanupTemp(); audioPlayer->stop(); #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(4, 6, 0) ui.definition->ungrabGesture( Gestures::GDPinchGestureType ); ui.definition->ungrabGesture( Gestures::GDSwipeGestureType ); #endif } void ArticleView::showDefinition( Config::InputPhrase const & phrase, unsigned group, QString const & scrollTo, Contexts const & contexts_ ) { // first, let's stop the player audioPlayer->stop(); QUrl req; Contexts contexts( contexts_ ); req.setScheme( "gdlookup" ); req.setHost( "localhost" ); Qt4x5::Url::addQueryItem( req, "word", phrase.phrase ); if ( !phrase.punctuationSuffix.isEmpty() ) Qt4x5::Url::addQueryItem( req, "punctuation_suffix", phrase.punctuationSuffix ); Qt4x5::Url::addQueryItem( req, "group", QString::number( group ) ); if( cfg.preferences.ignoreDiacritics ) Qt4x5::Url::addQueryItem( req, "ignore_diacritics", "1" ); if ( scrollTo.size() ) Qt4x5::Url::addQueryItem( req, "scrollto", scrollTo ); Contexts::Iterator pos = contexts.find( "gdanchor" ); if( pos != contexts.end() ) { Qt4x5::Url::addQueryItem( req, "gdanchor", contexts[ "gdanchor" ] ); contexts.erase( pos ); } if ( contexts.size() ) { QBuffer buf; buf.open( QIODevice::WriteOnly ); QDataStream stream( &buf ); stream << contexts; buf.close(); Qt4x5::Url::addQueryItem( req, "contexts", QString::fromLatin1( buf.buffer().toBase64() ) ); } QString mutedDicts = getMutedForGroup( group ); if ( mutedDicts.size() ) Qt4x5::Url::addQueryItem( req, "muted", mutedDicts ); // Update both histories (pages history and headwords history) saveHistoryUserData(); emit sendWordToHistory( phrase.phrase ); // Any search opened is probably irrelevant now closeSearch(); // Clear highlight all button selection ui.highlightAllButton->setChecked(false); emit setExpandMode( expandOptionalParts ); ui.definition->load( req ); //QApplication::setOverrideCursor( Qt::WaitCursor ); ui.definition->setCursor( Qt::WaitCursor ); } void ArticleView::showDefinition( QString const & word, unsigned group, QString const & scrollTo, Contexts const & contexts_ ) { showDefinition( Config::InputPhrase::fromPhrase( word ), group, scrollTo, contexts_ ); } void ArticleView::showDefinition( QString const & word, QStringList const & dictIDs, QRegExp const & searchRegExp, unsigned group, bool ignoreDiacritics ) { if( dictIDs.isEmpty() ) return; // first, let's stop the player audioPlayer->stop(); QUrl req; req.setScheme( "gdlookup" ); req.setHost( "localhost" ); Qt4x5::Url::addQueryItem( req, "word", word ); Qt4x5::Url::addQueryItem( req, "dictionaries", dictIDs.join( ",") ); Qt4x5::Url::addQueryItem( req, "regexp", searchRegExp.pattern() ); if( searchRegExp.caseSensitivity() == Qt::CaseSensitive ) Qt4x5::Url::addQueryItem( req, "matchcase", "1" ); if( searchRegExp.patternSyntax() == QRegExp::WildcardUnix ) Qt4x5::Url::addQueryItem( req, "wildcards", "1" ); Qt4x5::Url::addQueryItem( req, "group", QString::number( group ) ); if( ignoreDiacritics ) Qt4x5::Url::addQueryItem( req, "ignore_diacritics", "1" ); // Update both histories (pages history and headwords history) saveHistoryUserData(); emit sendWordToHistory( word ); // Any search opened is probably irrelevant now closeSearch(); // Clear highlight all button selection ui.highlightAllButton->setChecked(false); emit setExpandMode( expandOptionalParts ); ui.definition->load( req ); //QApplication::setOverrideCursor( Qt::WaitCursor ); ui.definition->setCursor( Qt::WaitCursor ); } void ArticleView::showAnticipation() { ui.definition->setHtml( "" ); ui.definition->setCursor( Qt::WaitCursor ); //QApplication::setOverrideCursor( Qt::WaitCursor ); } void ArticleView::loadFinished( bool ) { QUrl url = ui.definition->url(); QObject* obj=sender(); qDebug()<<"article view loaded url is :"<metaObject()->className(); // // See if we have any iframes in need of expansion // ui.definition->page()->runJavaScript(QString("" //"var frames = window.frames;" //"for (var i=0; i < frames.length; i++) {" //" var f = frames[i];" //" " //" f.onload = function()" //" {" //" f.style.height = " //" f.contentWindow.document.body.scrollHeight + 'px';" //" f.style.width = " //" f.contentWindow.document.body.scrollWidth+'px'; " //" }" //" f.style.display = 'block';" //" var gdLastUrlText;" //" f.document.addEventListener('click', function () { gdLastUrlText = window.event.srcElement.textContent; });" //" f.document.addEventListener('contextmenu', function () { gdLastUrlText = window.event.srcElement.textContent; });" //"}" //)); bool wereFrames = false; //todo if ( wereFrames ) { // There's some sort of glitch -- sometimes you need to move a mouse QMouseEvent ev( QEvent::MouseMove, QPoint(), Qt::MouseButton(), 0, 0 ); qApp->sendEvent( ui.definition, &ev ); } QVariant userDataVariant = ui.definition->property("currentArticle"); if ( userDataVariant.isValid() ) { QString currentArticle = userDataVariant.toString(); if ( !currentArticle.isEmpty() ) { // There's an active article saved, so set it to be active. setCurrentArticle( currentArticle ); } double sx = 0, sy = 0; QVariant qsx=ui.definition->property("sx"); if ( qsx.type() == QVariant::Double ) sx = qsx.toDouble(); QVariant qsy = ui.definition->property("sx"); if ( qsy.type() == QVariant::Double ) sy = qsy.toDouble(); if ( sx != 0 || sy != 0 ) { // Restore scroll position ui.definition->page()->runJavaScript( QString( "window.scroll( %1, %2 );" ).arg( sx ).arg( sy ) ); } } else { QString const scrollTo = Qt4x5::Url::queryItemValue( url, "scrollto" ); if( isScrollTo( scrollTo ) ) { // There is no active article saved in history, but we have it as a parameter. // setCurrentArticle will save it and scroll there. setCurrentArticle( scrollTo, true ); } } ui.definition->unsetCursor(); //QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); // Expand collapsed article if only one loaded ui.definition->page()->runJavaScript( QString( "gdCheckArticlesNumber();" ) ); // Jump to current article after page reloading if( !articleToJump.isEmpty() ) { setCurrentArticle( articleToJump, true ); articleToJump.clear(); } #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(4, 6, 0) if( !Qt4x5::Url::queryItemValue( url, "gdanchor" ).isEmpty() ) { QString anchor = QUrl::fromPercentEncoding( Qt4x5::Url::encodedQueryItemValue( url, "gdanchor" ) ); // Find GD anchor on page int n = anchor.indexOf( '_' ); if( n == 33 ) // MDict pattern: ("g" + dictionary ID (33 chars total))_(articleID(quint64, hex))_(original anchor) n = anchor.indexOf( '_', n + 1 ); else n = 0; if( n > 0 ) { QString originalAnchor = anchor.mid( n + 1 ); int end = originalAnchor.indexOf('_'); QString hash=originalAnchor.left(end); url.clear(); url.setFragment(hash); ui.definition->page()->runJavaScript( QString("window.location.hash = \"%1\"").arg(QString::fromUtf8(url.toEncoded()))); } else { url.clear(); url.setFragment( anchor ); ui.definition->page()->runJavaScript( QString( "window.location.hash = \"%1\"" ).arg( QString::fromUtf8( url.toEncoded() ) ) ); } } #endif emit pageLoaded( this ); if( Qt4x5::Url::hasQueryItem( ui.definition->url(), "regexp" ) ) highlightFTSResults(); } void ArticleView::handleTitleChanged( QString const & title ) { if( !title.isEmpty() ) // Qt 5.x WebKit raise signal titleChanges(QString()) while navigation within page emit titleChanged( this, title ); } void ArticleView::handleUrlChanged( QUrl const & url ) { lastUrl = url.url(); QIcon icon; unsigned group = getGroup( url ); if ( group ) { // Find the group's instance corresponding to the fragment value for( unsigned x = 0; x < groups.size(); ++x ) if ( groups[ x ].id == group ) { // Found it icon = groups[ x ].makeIcon(); break; } } emit iconChanged( this, icon ); } unsigned ArticleView::getGroup( QUrl const & url ) { if ( url.scheme() == "gdlookup" && Qt4x5::Url::hasQueryItem( url, "group" ) ) return Qt4x5::Url::queryItemValue( url, "group" ).toUInt(); return 0; } QStringList ArticleView::getArticlesList() { //todo dictid return QStringList() << getCurrentArticle(); // return runJavaScriptVariableSafe( ui.definition->page(), "gdArticleContents" ) // .toString().trimmed().split( ' ', QString::SkipEmptyParts ); } QString ArticleView::getActiveArticleId() { QString currentArticle = getCurrentArticle(); if ( !isScrollTo( currentArticle ) ) return QString(); // Incorrect id return dictionaryIdFromScrollTo( currentArticle ); } QString ArticleView::getCurrentArticle() { QVariant v=ui.definition->property("currentArticle"); // QVariant v = runJavaScriptVariableSafe( ui.definition->page(), "gdCurrentArticle" ); if ( v.type() == QVariant::String ) return v.toString(); else return QString(); } void ArticleView::jumpToDictionary( QString const & id, bool force ) { QString targetArticle = scrollToFromDictionaryId( id ); // jump only if neceessary, or when forced if ( force || targetArticle != getCurrentArticle() ) { setCurrentArticle( targetArticle, true ); } } void ArticleView::setCurrentArticle( QString const & id, bool moveToIt ) { if ( !isScrollTo( id ) ) return; // Incorrect id if ( !ui.definition->isVisible() ) return; // No action on background page, scrollIntoView there don't work QString articleId=id.mid( 7 ); QString script=QString("" "var s=gdArticleContents;" "var index=s.split(' ').indexOf(%1);" "if(index>-1){" " if(%2){" " document.getElementById('%3').scrollIntoView(true);" " }" "" " gdMakeArticleActive( '%1' );" " currentArticle='%3';" "}").arg(articleId).arg(moveToIt).arg(id); ui.definition->page()->runJavaScript(script); onJsActiveArticleChanged(id); // if ( getArticlesList().contains( id.mid( 7 ) ) ) // { // //gdArticleContents // if ( moveToIt ) // ui.definition->page()->runJavaScript( QString( "document.getElementById('%1').scrollIntoView(true);" ).arg( id ) ); // //todo // ui.definition->setProperty("currentArticle",id); // ui.definition->page()->runJavaScript( // QString( "gdMakeArticleActive( '%1' );" ).arg( id.mid( 7 ) ) ); // } ui.definition->setProperty("currentArticle",id); } void ArticleView::selectCurrentArticle() { ui.definition->page()->runJavaScript( QString( "gdSelectArticle( '%1' );" ).arg( getActiveArticleId() ) ); } bool ArticleView::isFramedArticle( QString const & ca ) { if ( ca.isEmpty() ) return false; return runJavaScriptSync( ui.definition->page(), QString( "!!document.getElementById('gdexpandframe-%1');" ).arg( ca.mid( 7 ) ) ).toBool(); } bool ArticleView::isExternalLink( QUrl const & url ) { return url.scheme() == "http" || url.scheme() == "https" || url.scheme() == "ftp" || url.scheme() == "mailto" || url.scheme() == "file"; } void ArticleView::tryMangleWebsiteClickedUrl( QUrl & url, Contexts & contexts ) { // Don't try mangling audio urls, even if they are from the framed websites if( ( url.scheme() == "http" || url.scheme() == "https" ) && ! Dictionary::WebMultimediaDownload::isAudioUrl( url ) ) { // Maybe a link inside a website was clicked? QString ca = getCurrentArticle(); if ( isFramedArticle( ca ) ) { //todo ,ÓñäÁ¿´úÌæ×îºóµÄurl //QVariant result = runJavaScriptSync( ui.definition->page(), "gdLastUrlText" ); QVariant result ; if ( result.type() == QVariant::String ) { // Looks this way contexts[ dictionaryIdFromScrollTo( ca ) ] = QString::fromLatin1( url.toEncoded() ); QUrl target; QString queryWord = result.toString(); // Empty requests are treated as no request, so we work this around by // adding a space. if ( queryWord.isEmpty() ) queryWord = " "; target.setScheme( "gdlookup" ); target.setHost( "localhost" ); target.setPath( "/" + queryWord ); url = target; } } } } void ArticleView::updateCurrentArticleFromCurrentFrame( QWebEnginePage * frame ,QPoint * point) { //todo qDebug("updateCurrentArticleFromCurrentFrame"); // if ( !frame ) // frame = ui.definition->page()->currentFrame(); // for( ; frame; frame = frame->parentFrame() ) // { // QString frameName = frame->frameName(); // if ( frameName.startsWith( "gdexpandframe-" ) ) // { // QString newCurrent = "gdfrom-" + frameName.mid( 14 ); // if ( getCurrentArticle() != newCurrent ) // setCurrentArticle( newCurrent, false ); // break; // } // } } void ArticleView::saveHistoryUserData() { ui.definition->setProperty("currentArticle", getCurrentArticle()); ui.definition->setProperty("sx", ui.definition->page()->scrollPosition().x()); ui.definition->setProperty("sy", ui.definition->page()->scrollPosition().y()); } void ArticleView::cleanupTemp() { QSet< QString >::iterator it = desktopOpenedTempFiles.begin(); while( it != desktopOpenedTempFiles.end() ) { if( QFile::remove( *it ) ) it = desktopOpenedTempFiles.erase( it ); else ++it; } } bool ArticleView::handleF3( QObject * /*obj*/, QEvent * ev ) { if ( ev->type() == QEvent::ShortcutOverride || ev->type() == QEvent::KeyPress ) { QKeyEvent * ke = static_cast( ev ); if ( ke->key() == Qt::Key_F3 && isSearchOpened() ) { if ( !ke->modifiers() ) { if( ev->type() == QEvent::KeyPress ) on_searchNext_clicked(); ev->accept(); return true; } if ( ke->modifiers() == Qt::ShiftModifier ) { if( ev->type() == QEvent::KeyPress ) on_searchPrevious_clicked(); ev->accept(); return true; } } if ( ke->key() == Qt::Key_F3 && ftsSearchIsOpened ) { if ( !ke->modifiers() ) { if( ev->type() == QEvent::KeyPress ) on_ftsSearchNext_clicked(); ev->accept(); return true; } if ( ke->modifiers() == Qt::ShiftModifier ) { if( ev->type() == QEvent::KeyPress ) on_ftsSearchPrevious_clicked(); ev->accept(); return true; } } } return false; } bool ArticleView::eventFilter( QObject * obj, QEvent * ev ) { #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(4, 6, 0) if( ev->type() == QEvent::Gesture ) { Gestures::GestureResult result; QPoint pt; bool handled = Gestures::handleGestureEvent( obj, ev, result, pt ); if( handled ) { if( result == Gestures::ZOOM_IN ) zoomIn(); else if( result == Gestures::ZOOM_OUT ) zoomOut(); else if( result == Gestures::SWIPE_LEFT ) back(); else if( result == Gestures::SWIPE_RIGHT ) forward(); else if( result == Gestures::SWIPE_UP || result == Gestures::SWIPE_DOWN ) { int delta = result == Gestures::SWIPE_UP ? -120 : 120; QWidget *widget = static_cast< QWidget * >( obj ); QWidget *child = widget->childAt( widget->mapFromGlobal( pt ) ); if( child ) { QWheelEvent whev( child->mapFromGlobal( pt ), pt, delta, Qt::NoButton, Qt::NoModifier ); qApp->sendEvent( child, &whev ); } else { QWheelEvent whev( widget->mapFromGlobal( pt ), pt, delta, Qt::NoButton, Qt::NoModifier ); qApp->sendEvent( widget, &whev ); } } } return handled; } if( ev->type() == QEvent::MouseMove ) { if( Gestures::isFewTouchPointsPresented() ) { ev->accept(); return true; } } #endif if ( handleF3( obj, ev ) ) { return true; } if ( obj == ui.definition ) { if ( ev->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress ) { QMouseEvent * event = static_cast< QMouseEvent * >( ev ); if ( event->button() == Qt::XButton1 ) { back(); return true; } if ( event->button() == Qt::XButton2 ) { forward(); return true; } } else if ( ev->type() == QEvent::KeyPress ) { QKeyEvent * keyEvent = static_cast< QKeyEvent * >( ev ); if ( keyEvent->modifiers() & ( Qt::ControlModifier | Qt::AltModifier | Qt::MetaModifier ) ) return false; // A non-typing modifier is pressed if ( keyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_Space || keyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_Backspace || keyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_Tab || keyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_Backtab || keyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_Return || keyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_Enter ) return false; // Those key have other uses than to start typing QString text = keyEvent->text(); if ( text.size() ) { emit typingEvent( text ); return true; } } } else return QFrame::eventFilter( obj, ev ); return false; } QString ArticleView::getMutedForGroup( unsigned group ) { if ( dictionaryBarToggled && dictionaryBarToggled->isChecked() ) { // Dictionary bar is active -- mute the muted dictionaries Instances::Group const * groupInstance = groups.findGroup( group ); // Find muted dictionaries for current group Config::Group const * grp = cfg.getGroup( group ); Config::MutedDictionaries const * mutedDictionaries; if( group == Instances::Group::AllGroupId ) mutedDictionaries = popupView ? &cfg.popupMutedDictionaries : &cfg.mutedDictionaries; else mutedDictionaries = grp ? ( popupView ? &grp->popupMutedDictionaries : &grp->mutedDictionaries ) : 0; if( !mutedDictionaries ) return QString(); QStringList mutedDicts; if ( groupInstance ) { for( unsigned x = 0; x < groupInstance->dictionaries.size(); ++x ) { QString id = QString::fromStdString( groupInstance->dictionaries[ x ]->getId() ); if ( mutedDictionaries->contains( id ) ) mutedDicts.append( id ); } } if ( mutedDicts.size() ) return mutedDicts.join( "," ); } return QString(); } void ArticleView::linkHovered ( const QString & link ) { QString msg; QUrl url(link); if ( url.scheme() == "bres" ) { msg = tr( "Resource" ); } else if ( url.scheme() == "gdau" || Dictionary::WebMultimediaDownload::isAudioUrl( url ) ) { msg = tr( "Audio" ); } else if ( url.scheme() == "gdtts" ) { msg = tr( "TTS Voice" ); } else if ( url.scheme() == "gdpicture" ) { msg = tr( "Picture" ); } else if ( url.scheme() == "gdvideo" ) { if ( url.path().isEmpty() ) { msg = tr( "Video" ); } else { QString path = url.path(); if ( path.startsWith( '/' ) ) { path = path.mid( 1 ); } msg = tr( "Video: %1" ).arg( path ); } } else if (url.scheme() == "gdlookup" || url.scheme().compare( "bword" ) == 0) { QString def = url.path(); if (def.startsWith("/")) { def = def.mid( 1 ); } if( Qt4x5::Url::hasQueryItem( url, "dict" ) ) { // Link to other dictionary QString dictName( Qt4x5::Url::queryItemValue( url, "dict" ) ); if( !dictName.isEmpty() ) msg = tr( "Definition from dictionary \"%1\": %2" ).arg( dictName ).arg( def ); } if( msg.isEmpty() ) { if( def.isEmpty() && url.hasFragment() ) msg = '#' + url.fragment(); // this must be a citation, footnote or backlink else msg = tr( "Definition: %1").arg( def ); } } else { msg = link; } emit statusBarMessage( msg ); } void ArticleView::attachToJavaScript() { QWebEngineScript script; script.setInjectionPoint(QWebEngineScript::DocumentReady); script.setRunsOnSubFrames(false); script.setWorldId(QWebEngineScript::MainWorld); script.setSourceCode(QString("articleview")); ui.definition->page()->scripts().insert(script); } void ArticleView::linkClicked( QUrl const & url_ ) { Qt::KeyboardModifiers kmod = QApplication::keyboardModifiers(); // Lock jump on links while Alt key is pressed if( kmod & Qt::AltModifier ) return; updateCurrentArticleFromCurrentFrame(); QUrl url( url_ ); Contexts contexts; tryMangleWebsiteClickedUrl( url, contexts ); if ( !popupView && ( ui.definition->isMidButtonPressed() || ( kmod & ( Qt::ControlModifier | Qt::ShiftModifier ) ) ) ) { // Mid button or Control/Shift is currently pressed - open the link in new tab emit openLinkInNewTab( url, ui.definition->url(), getCurrentArticle(), contexts ); } else openLink( url, ui.definition->url(), getCurrentArticle(), contexts ); } void ArticleView::openLink( QUrl const & url, QUrl const & ref, QString const & scrollTo, Contexts const & contexts_ ) { qDebug() << "clicked" << url; Contexts contexts( contexts_ ); if( url.scheme().compare( "gdpicture" ) == 0 ) ui.definition->load( url ); else if ( url.scheme().compare( "bword" ) == 0 ) { if( Qt4x5::Url::hasQueryItem( ref, "dictionaries" ) ) { QStringList dictsList = Qt4x5::Url::queryItemValue( ref, "dictionaries" ) .split( ",", QString::SkipEmptyParts ); showDefinition( url.path(), dictsList, QRegExp(), getGroup( ref ), false ); } else showDefinition( url.path(), getGroup( ref ), scrollTo, contexts ); } else if ( url.scheme() == "gdlookup" ) // Plain html links inherit gdlookup scheme { if ( url.hasFragment() ) { ui.definition->page()->runJavaScript( QString( "window.location = \"%1\"" ).arg( QString::fromUtf8( url.toEncoded() ) ) ); } else { if( Qt4x5::Url::hasQueryItem( ref, "dictionaries" ) ) { // Specific dictionary group from full-text search QStringList dictsList = Qt4x5::Url::queryItemValue( ref, "dictionaries" ) .split( ",", QString::SkipEmptyParts ); showDefinition( url.path().mid( 1 ), dictsList, QRegExp(), getGroup( ref ), false ); return; } QString newScrollTo( scrollTo ); if( Qt4x5::Url::hasQueryItem( url, "dict" ) ) { // Link to other dictionary QString dictName( Qt4x5::Url::queryItemValue( url, "dict" ) ); for( unsigned i = 0; i < allDictionaries.size(); i++ ) { if( dictName.compare( QString::fromUtf8( allDictionaries[ i ]->getName().c_str() ) ) == 0 ) { newScrollTo = scrollToFromDictionaryId( QString::fromUtf8( allDictionaries[ i ]->getId().c_str() ) ); break; } } } if( Qt4x5::Url::hasQueryItem( url, "gdanchor" ) ) contexts[ "gdanchor" ] = Qt4x5::Url::queryItemValue( url, "gdanchor" ); showDefinition( url.path().mid( 1 ), getGroup( ref ), newScrollTo, contexts ); } } else if ( url.scheme() == "bres" || url.scheme() == "gdau" || url.scheme() == "gdvideo" || Dictionary::WebMultimediaDownload::isAudioUrl( url ) ) { // Download it // Clear any pending ones resourceDownloadRequests.clear(); resourceDownloadUrl = url; if ( Dictionary::WebMultimediaDownload::isAudioUrl( url ) ) { sptr< Dictionary::DataRequest > req = new Dictionary::WebMultimediaDownload( url, articleNetMgr ); resourceDownloadRequests.push_back( req ); connect( req.get(), SIGNAL( finished() ), this, SLOT( resourceDownloadFinished() ) ); } else if ( url.scheme() == "gdau" && url.host() == "search" ) { // Since searches should be limited to current group, we just do them // here ourselves since otherwise we'd need to pass group id to netmgr // and it should've been having knowledge of the current groups, too. unsigned currentGroup = getGroup( ref ); std::vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > const * activeDicts = 0; if ( groups.size() ) { for( unsigned x = 0; x < groups.size(); ++x ) if ( groups[ x ].id == currentGroup ) { activeDicts = &( groups[ x ].dictionaries ); break; } } else activeDicts = &allDictionaries; if ( activeDicts ) { unsigned preferred = UINT_MAX; if( url.hasFragment() ) { // Find sound in the preferred dictionary QString preferredName = Qt4x5::Url::fragment( url ); try { for( unsigned x = 0; x < activeDicts->size(); ++x ) { if( preferredName.compare( QString::fromUtf8( (*activeDicts)[ x ]->getName().c_str() ) ) == 0 ) { preferred = x; sptr< Dictionary::DataRequest > req = (*activeDicts)[ x ]->getResource( url.path().mid( 1 ).toUtf8().data() ); resourceDownloadRequests.push_back( req ); if ( !req->isFinished() ) { // Queued loading connect( req.get(), SIGNAL( finished() ), this, SLOT( resourceDownloadFinished() ) ); } else { // Immediate loading if( req->dataSize() > 0 ) { // Resource already found, stop next search resourceDownloadFinished(); return; } } break; } } } catch( std::exception & e ) { emit statusBarMessage( tr( "ERROR: %1" ).arg( e.what() ), 10000, QPixmap( ":/icons/error.png" ) ); } } for( unsigned x = 0; x < activeDicts->size(); ++x ) { try { if( x == preferred ) continue; sptr< Dictionary::DataRequest > req = (*activeDicts)[ x ]->getResource( url.path().mid( 1 ).toUtf8().data() ); resourceDownloadRequests.push_back( req ); if ( !req->isFinished() ) { // Queued loading connect( req.get(), SIGNAL( finished() ), this, SLOT( resourceDownloadFinished() ) ); } else { // Immediate loading if( req->dataSize() > 0 ) { // Resource already found, stop next search break; } } } catch( std::exception & e ) { emit statusBarMessage( tr( "ERROR: %1" ).arg( e.what() ), 10000, QPixmap( ":/icons/error.png" ) ); } } } } else { // Normal resource download QString contentType; sptr< Dictionary::DataRequest > req = articleNetMgr.getResource( url, contentType ); if ( !req.get() ) { // Request failed, fail } else if ( req->isFinished() && req->dataSize() >= 0 ) { // Have data ready, handle it resourceDownloadRequests.push_back( req ); resourceDownloadFinished(); return; } else if ( !req->isFinished() ) { // Queue to be handled when done resourceDownloadRequests.push_back( req ); connect( req.get(), SIGNAL( finished() ), this, SLOT( resourceDownloadFinished() ) ); } } if ( resourceDownloadRequests.empty() ) // No requests were queued { QMessageBox::critical( this, "GoldenDict", tr( "The referenced resource doesn't exist." ) ); return; } else resourceDownloadFinished(); // Check any requests finished already } else if ( url.scheme() == "gdprg" ) { // Program. Run it. QString id( url.host() ); for( Config::Programs::const_iterator i = cfg.programs.begin(); i != cfg.programs.end(); ++i ) { if ( i->id == id ) { // Found the corresponding program. Programs::RunInstance * req = new Programs::RunInstance; connect( req, SIGNAL(finished(QByteArray,QString)), req, SLOT( deleteLater() ) ); QString error; // Delete the request if it fails to start if ( !req->start( *i, url.path().mid( 1 ), error ) ) { delete req; QMessageBox::critical( this, "GoldenDict", error ); } return; } } // Still here? No such program exists. QMessageBox::critical( this, "GoldenDict", tr( "The referenced audio program doesn't exist." ) ); } else if ( url.scheme() == "gdtts" ) { // TODO: Port TTS #if defined( Q_OS_WIN32 ) || defined( Q_OS_MAC ) // Text to speech QString md5Id = Qt4x5::Url::queryItemValue( url, "engine" ); QString text( url.path().mid( 1 ) ); for ( Config::VoiceEngines::const_iterator i = cfg.voiceEngines.begin(); i != cfg.voiceEngines.end(); ++i ) { QString itemMd5Id = QString( QCryptographicHash::hash( i->id.toUtf8(), QCryptographicHash::Md5 ).toHex() ); if ( itemMd5Id == md5Id ) { SpeechClient * speechClient = new SpeechClient( *i, this ); connect( speechClient, SIGNAL( finished() ), speechClient, SLOT( deleteLater() ) ); speechClient->tell( text ); break; } } #endif } else if ( isExternalLink( url ) ) { // Use the system handler for the conventional external links QDesktopServices::openUrl( url ); } } ResourceToSaveHandler * ArticleView::saveResource( const QUrl & url, const QString & fileName ) { return saveResource( url, ui.definition->url(), fileName ); } ResourceToSaveHandler * ArticleView::saveResource( const QUrl & url, const QUrl & ref, const QString & fileName ) { ResourceToSaveHandler * handler = new ResourceToSaveHandler( this, fileName ); sptr< Dictionary::DataRequest > req; if( url.scheme() == "bres" || url.scheme() == "gico" || url.scheme() == "gdau" || url.scheme() == "gdvideo" ) { if ( url.host() == "search" ) { // Since searches should be limited to current group, we just do them // here ourselves since otherwise we'd need to pass group id to netmgr // and it should've been having knowledge of the current groups, too. unsigned currentGroup = getGroup( ref ); std::vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > const * activeDicts = 0; if ( groups.size() ) { for( unsigned x = 0; x < groups.size(); ++x ) if ( groups[ x ].id == currentGroup ) { activeDicts = &( groups[ x ].dictionaries ); break; } } else activeDicts = &allDictionaries; if ( activeDicts ) { unsigned preferred = UINT_MAX; if( url.hasFragment() && url.scheme() == "gdau" ) { // Find sound in the preferred dictionary QString preferredName = Qt4x5::Url::fragment( url ); for( unsigned x = 0; x < activeDicts->size(); ++x ) { try { if( preferredName.compare( QString::fromUtf8( (*activeDicts)[ x ]->getName().c_str() ) ) == 0 ) { preferred = x; sptr< Dictionary::DataRequest > req = (*activeDicts)[ x ]->getResource( url.path().mid( 1 ).toUtf8().data() ); handler->addRequest( req ); if( req->isFinished() && req->dataSize() > 0 ) { handler->downloadFinished(); return handler; } break; } } catch( std::exception & e ) { gdWarning( "getResource request error (%s) in \"%s\"\n", e.what(), (*activeDicts)[ x ]->getName().c_str() ); } } } for( unsigned x = 0; x < activeDicts->size(); ++x ) { try { if( x == preferred ) continue; req = (*activeDicts)[ x ]->getResource( Qt4x5::Url::path( url ).mid( 1 ).toUtf8().data() ); handler->addRequest( req ); if( req->isFinished() && req->dataSize() > 0 ) { // Resource already found, stop next search break; } } catch( std::exception & e ) { gdWarning( "getResource request error (%s) in \"%s\"\n", e.what(), (*activeDicts)[ x ]->getName().c_str() ); } } } } else { // Normal resource download QString contentType; req = articleNetMgr.getResource( url, contentType ); if( req.get() ) { handler->addRequest( req ); } } } else { req = new Dictionary::WebMultimediaDownload( url, articleNetMgr ); handler->addRequest( req ); } if ( handler->isEmpty() ) // No requests were queued { emit statusBarMessage( tr( "ERROR: %1" ).arg( tr( "The referenced resource doesn't exist." ) ), 10000, QPixmap( ":/icons/error.png" ) ); } // Check already finished downloads handler->downloadFinished(); return handler; } void ArticleView::updateMutedContents() { QUrl currentUrl = ui.definition->url(); if ( currentUrl.scheme() != "gdlookup" ) return; // Weird url -- do nothing unsigned group = getGroup( currentUrl ); if ( !group ) return; // No group in url -- do nothing QString mutedDicts = getMutedForGroup( group ); if ( Qt4x5::Url::queryItemValue( currentUrl, "muted" ) != mutedDicts ) { // The list has changed -- update the url Qt4x5::Url::removeQueryItem( currentUrl, "muted" ); if ( mutedDicts.size() ) Qt4x5::Url::addQueryItem( currentUrl, "muted", mutedDicts ); saveHistoryUserData(); ui.definition->load( currentUrl ); //QApplication::setOverrideCursor( Qt::WaitCursor ); ui.definition->setCursor( Qt::WaitCursor ); } } bool ArticleView::canGoBack() { // First entry in a history is always an empty page, // so we skip it. return ui.definition->history()->currentItemIndex() > 1; } bool ArticleView::canGoForward() { return ui.definition->history()->canGoForward(); } void ArticleView::setSelectionBySingleClick( bool set ) { ui.definition->setSelectionBySingleClick( set ); } void ArticleView::back() { // Don't allow navigating back to page 0, which is usually the initial // empty page if ( canGoBack() ) { saveHistoryUserData(); ui.definition->back(); } } void ArticleView::forward() { saveHistoryUserData(); ui.definition->forward(); } bool ArticleView::hasSound() { //todo ,just return true;need futher effort return true; // QVariant v = runJavaScriptSync( ui.definition->page(),"gdAudioLinks.first" ); // if ( v.type() == QVariant::String ) // return !v.toString().isEmpty(); // return false; } //todo ,need further effort void ArticleView::playSound() { runJavaScriptSync( ui.definition->page(), " var link=gdAudioLinks[gdAudioLinks.current]; " " if(link==undefined){ " " link=gdAudioLinks.first; " " } " " " " var music = new Audio(link); " " music.play(); " ); } QString ArticleView::toHtml() { QString html; ui.definition->page()->toHtml([&](const QString& content) { html = content; }); return html; } void ArticleView::setHtml(const QString& content,const QUrl& baseUrl){ ui.definition->page()->setHtml(content,baseUrl); } void ArticleView::setContent(const QByteArray &data, const QString &mimeType, const QUrl &baseUrl ){ ui.definition->page()->setContent(data,mimeType,baseUrl); } QString ArticleView::getTitle() { return ui.definition->page()->title(); } Config::InputPhrase ArticleView::getPhrase() const { const QUrl url = ui.definition->url(); return Config::InputPhrase( Qt4x5::Url::queryItemValue( url, "word" ), Qt4x5::Url::queryItemValue( url, "punctuation_suffix" ) ); } void ArticleView::print( QPrinter * printer ) const { ui.definition->page()->print(printer, [](bool result) {}); } void ArticleView::contextMenuRequested( QPoint const & pos ) { // Is that a link? Is there a selection? QWebEnginePage* r=ui.definition->page(); updateCurrentArticleFromCurrentFrame(ui.definition->page(), const_cast(& pos)); QMenu menu( this ); QAction * followLink = 0; QAction * followLinkExternal = 0; QAction * followLinkNewTab = 0; QAction * lookupSelection = 0; QAction * lookupSelectionGr = 0; QAction * lookupSelectionNewTab = 0; QAction * lookupSelectionNewTabGr = 0; QAction * maxDictionaryRefsAction = 0; QAction * addWordToHistoryAction = 0; QAction * addHeaderToHistoryAction = 0; QAction * sendWordToInputLineAction = 0; QAction * saveImageAction = 0; QAction * saveSoundAction = 0; //todo url();? QUrl targetUrl( r->url() ); Contexts contexts; tryMangleWebsiteClickedUrl( targetUrl, contexts ); if ( !r->url().isEmpty() ) { if ( !isExternalLink( targetUrl ) ) { followLink = new QAction( tr( "&Open Link" ), &menu ); menu.addAction( followLink ); if ( !popupView ) { followLinkNewTab = new QAction( QIcon( ":/icons/addtab.png" ), tr( "Open Link in New &Tab" ), &menu ); menu.addAction( followLinkNewTab ); } } if ( isExternalLink( r->url() ) ) { followLinkExternal = new QAction( tr( "Open Link in &External Browser" ), &menu ); menu.addAction( followLinkExternal ); menu.addAction( ui.definition->pageAction( QWebEnginePage::CopyLinkToClipboard ) ); } } QString selectedText = ui.definition->selectedText(); QString text = selectedText.trimmed(); if ( text.size() && text.size() < 60 ) { // We don't prompt for selections larger or equal to 60 chars, since // it ruins the menu and it's hardly a single word anyway. if( text.isRightToLeft() ) { text.insert( 0, (ushort)0x202E ); // RLE, Right-to-Left Embedding text.append( (ushort)0x202C ); // PDF, POP DIRECTIONAL FORMATTING } lookupSelection = new QAction( tr( "&Look up \"%1\"" ). arg( text ), &menu ); menu.addAction( lookupSelection ); if ( !popupView ) { lookupSelectionNewTab = new QAction( QIcon( ":/icons/addtab.png" ), tr( "Look up \"%1\" in &New Tab" ). arg( text ), &menu ); menu.addAction( lookupSelectionNewTab ); sendWordToInputLineAction = new QAction( tr( "Send \"%1\" to input line" ). arg( text ), &menu ); menu.addAction( sendWordToInputLineAction ); } addWordToHistoryAction = new QAction( tr( "&Add \"%1\" to history" ). arg( text ), &menu ); menu.addAction( addWordToHistoryAction ); Instances::Group const * altGroup = ( groupComboBox && groupComboBox->getCurrentGroup() != getGroup( ui.definition->url() ) ) ? groups.findGroup( groupComboBox->getCurrentGroup() ) : 0; if ( altGroup ) { QIcon icon = altGroup->icon.size() ? QIcon( ":/flags/" + altGroup->icon ) : QIcon(); lookupSelectionGr = new QAction( icon, tr( "Look up \"%1\" in %2" ). arg( text ). arg( altGroup->name ), &menu ); menu.addAction( lookupSelectionGr ); if ( !popupView ) { lookupSelectionNewTabGr = new QAction( QIcon( ":/icons/addtab.png" ), tr( "Look up \"%1\" in %2 in &New Tab" ). arg( text ). arg( altGroup->name ), &menu ); menu.addAction( lookupSelectionNewTabGr ); } } } if( text.isEmpty() && !cfg.preferences.storeHistory) { QString txt = ui.definition->title(); if( txt.size() > 60 ) txt = txt.left( 60 ) + "..."; addHeaderToHistoryAction = new QAction( tr( "&Add \"%1\" to history" ). arg( txt ), &menu ); menu.addAction( addHeaderToHistoryAction ); } if ( selectedText.size() ) { menu.addAction( ui.definition->pageAction( QWebEnginePage::Copy ) ); menu.addAction( ©AsTextAction ); } else { menu.addAction( &selectCurrentArticleAction ); menu.addAction( ui.definition->pageAction( QWebEnginePage::SelectAll ) ); } map< QAction *, QString > tableOfContents; // Add table of contents QStringList ids = getArticlesList(); if ( !menu.isEmpty() && ids.size() ) menu.addSeparator(); unsigned refsAdded = 0; bool maxDictionaryRefsReached = false; for( QStringList::const_iterator i = ids.constBegin(); i != ids.constEnd(); ++i, ++refsAdded ) { // Find this dictionary for( unsigned x = allDictionaries.size(); x--; ) { if ( allDictionaries[ x ]->getId() == i->toUtf8().data() ) { QAction * action = 0; if ( refsAdded == cfg.preferences.maxDictionaryRefsInContextMenu ) { // Enough! Or the menu would become too large. maxDictionaryRefsAction = new QAction( ".........", &menu ); action = maxDictionaryRefsAction; maxDictionaryRefsReached = true; } else { action = new QAction( allDictionaries[ x ]->getIcon(), QString::fromUtf8( allDictionaries[ x ]->getName().c_str() ), &menu ); // Force icons in menu on all platforms, // since without them it will be much harder // to find things. action->setIconVisibleInMenu( true ); } menu.addAction( action ); tableOfContents[ action ] = *i; break; } } if( maxDictionaryRefsReached ) break; } menu.addSeparator(); menu.addAction( &inspectAction ); if ( !menu.isEmpty() ) { connect( this, SIGNAL( closePopupMenu() ), &menu, SLOT( close() ) ); QAction * result = menu.exec( ui.definition->mapToGlobal( pos ) ); if ( !result ) return; if ( result == followLink ) openLink( targetUrl, ui.definition->url(), getCurrentArticle(), contexts ); else if ( result == followLinkExternal ) QDesktopServices::openUrl( r->url() ); else if ( result == lookupSelection ) showDefinition( selectedText, getGroup( ui.definition->url() ), getCurrentArticle() ); else if ( result == lookupSelectionGr && groupComboBox ) showDefinition( selectedText, groupComboBox->getCurrentGroup(), QString() ); else if ( result == addWordToHistoryAction ) emit forceAddWordToHistory( selectedText ); if ( result == addHeaderToHistoryAction ) emit forceAddWordToHistory( ui.definition->title() ); else if( result == sendWordToInputLineAction ) emit sendWordToInputLine( selectedText ); else if ( !popupView && result == followLinkNewTab ) emit openLinkInNewTab( targetUrl, ui.definition->url(), getCurrentArticle(), contexts ); else if ( !popupView && result == lookupSelectionNewTab ) emit showDefinitionInNewTab( selectedText, getGroup( ui.definition->url() ), getCurrentArticle(), Contexts() ); else if ( !popupView && result == lookupSelectionNewTabGr && groupComboBox ) emit showDefinitionInNewTab( selectedText, groupComboBox->getCurrentGroup(), QString(), Contexts() ); else if( result == saveImageAction || result == saveSoundAction ) { #if QT_VERSION >= 0x040600 // QUrl url = ( result == saveImageAction ) ? imageUrl : targetUrl; QUrl url = targetUrl; QString savePath; QString fileName; if ( cfg.resourceSavePath.isEmpty() ) savePath = QDir::homePath(); else { savePath = QDir::fromNativeSeparators( cfg.resourceSavePath ); if ( !QDir( savePath ).exists() ) savePath = QDir::homePath(); } QString name = Qt4x5::Url::path( url ).section( '/', -1 ); if ( result == saveSoundAction ) { // Audio data if ( name.indexOf( '.' ) < 0 ) name += ".wav"; fileName = savePath + "/" + name; fileName = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName( parentWidget(), tr( "Save sound" ), fileName, tr( "Sound files (*.wav *.ogg *.oga *.mp3 *.mp4 *.aac *.flac *.mid *.wv *.ape);;All files (*.*)" ) ); } else { // Image data // Check for babylon image name if ( name[ 0 ] == '\x1E' ) name.remove( 0, 1 ); if ( name.length() && name[ name.length() - 1 ] == '\x1F' ) name.chop( 1 ); fileName = savePath + "/" + name; fileName = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName( parentWidget(), tr( "Save image" ), fileName, tr( "Image files (*.bmp *.jpg *.png *.tif);;All files (*.*)" ) ); } if ( !fileName.isEmpty() ) { QFileInfo fileInfo( fileName ); emit storeResourceSavePath( QDir::toNativeSeparators( fileInfo.absoluteDir().absolutePath() ) ); saveResource( url, ui.definition->url(), fileName ); } #endif } else { if ( !popupView && result == maxDictionaryRefsAction ) emit showDictsPane(); // Match against table of contents QString id = tableOfContents[ result ]; if ( id.size() ) setCurrentArticle( scrollToFromDictionaryId( id ), true ); } } qDebug( "url = %s\n", r->url().toString().toLocal8Bit().data() ); qDebug( "title = %s\n", r->title().toLocal8Bit().data() ); } void ArticleView::resourceDownloadFinished() { if ( resourceDownloadRequests.empty() ) return; // Stray signal // Find any finished resources for( list< sptr< Dictionary::DataRequest > >::iterator i = resourceDownloadRequests.begin(); i != resourceDownloadRequests.end(); ) { if ( (*i)->isFinished() ) { if ( (*i)->dataSize() >= 0 ) { // Ok, got one finished, all others are irrelevant now vector< char > const & data = (*i)->getFullData(); if ( resourceDownloadUrl.scheme() == "gdau" || Dictionary::WebMultimediaDownload::isAudioUrl( resourceDownloadUrl ) ) { // Audio data connect( audioPlayer.data(), SIGNAL( error( QString ) ), this, SLOT( audioPlayerError( QString ) ), Qt::UniqueConnection ); QString errorMessage = audioPlayer->play( data.data(), data.size() ); if( !errorMessage.isEmpty() ) QMessageBox::critical( this, "GoldenDict", tr( "Failed to play sound file: %1" ).arg( errorMessage ) ); } else { // Create a temporary file // Remove the ones previously used, if any cleanupTemp(); QString fileName; { QTemporaryFile tmp( QDir::temp().filePath( "XXXXXX-" + resourceDownloadUrl.path().section( '/', -1 ) ), this ); if ( !tmp.open() || (size_t) tmp.write( &data.front(), data.size() ) != data.size() ) { QMessageBox::critical( this, "GoldenDict", tr( "Failed to create temporary file." ) ); return; } tmp.setAutoRemove( false ); desktopOpenedTempFiles.insert( fileName = tmp.fileName() ); } if ( !QDesktopServices::openUrl( QUrl::fromLocalFile( fileName ) ) ) QMessageBox::critical( this, "GoldenDict", tr( "Failed to auto-open resource file, try opening manually: %1." ).arg( fileName ) ); } // Ok, whatever it was, it's finished. Remove this and any other // requests and finish. resourceDownloadRequests.clear(); return; } else { // This one had no data. Erase it. resourceDownloadRequests.erase( i++ ); } } else // Unfinished, wait. break; } if ( resourceDownloadRequests.empty() ) { emit statusBarMessage( tr( "WARNING: %1" ).arg( tr( "The referenced resource failed to download." ) ), 10000, QPixmap( ":/icons/error.png" ) ); } } void ArticleView::audioPlayerError( QString const & message ) { emit statusBarMessage( tr( "WARNING: Audio Player: %1" ).arg( message ), 10000, QPixmap( ":/icons/error.png" ) ); } void ArticleView::pasteTriggered() { Config::InputPhrase phrase = cfg.preferences.sanitizeInputPhrase( QApplication::clipboard()->text() ); if ( phrase.isValid() ) { unsigned groupId = getGroup( ui.definition->url() ); if ( groupId == 0 ) { // We couldn't figure out the group out of the URL, // so let's try the currently selected group. groupId = groupComboBox->getCurrentGroup(); } showDefinition( phrase, groupId, getCurrentArticle() ); } } void ArticleView::moveOneArticleUp() { QString current = getCurrentArticle(); if ( current.size() ) { QStringList lst = getArticlesList(); int idx = lst.indexOf( dictionaryIdFromScrollTo( current ) ); if ( idx != -1 ) { --idx; if ( idx < 0 ) idx = lst.size() - 1; setCurrentArticle( scrollToFromDictionaryId( lst[ idx ] ), true ); } } } void ArticleView::moveOneArticleDown() { QString current = getCurrentArticle(); if ( current.size() ) { QStringList lst = getArticlesList(); int idx = lst.indexOf( dictionaryIdFromScrollTo( current ) ); if ( idx != -1 ) { idx = ( idx + 1 ) % lst.size(); setCurrentArticle( scrollToFromDictionaryId( lst[ idx ] ), true ); } } } void ArticleView::openSearch() { if( !isVisible() ) return; if( ftsSearchIsOpened ) closeSearch(); if ( !searchIsOpened ) { ui.searchFrame->show(); ui.searchText->setText( getTitle() ); searchIsOpened = true; } ui.searchText->setFocus(); ui.searchText->selectAll(); // Clear any current selection if ( ui.definition->selectedText().size() ) { ui.definition->page()-> runJavaScript( "window.getSelection().removeAllRanges();_=0;" ); } if ( ui.searchText->property( "noResults" ).toBool() ) { ui.searchText->setProperty( "noResults", false ); // Reload stylesheet reloadStyleSheet(); } } void ArticleView::on_searchPrevious_clicked() { if ( searchIsOpened ) performFindOperation( false, true ); } void ArticleView::on_searchNext_clicked() { if ( searchIsOpened ) performFindOperation( false, false ); } void ArticleView::on_searchText_textEdited() { performFindOperation( true, false ); } void ArticleView::on_searchText_returnPressed() { on_searchNext_clicked(); } void ArticleView::on_searchCloseButton_clicked() { closeSearch(); } void ArticleView::on_searchCaseSensitive_clicked() { performFindOperation( false, false, true ); } void ArticleView::on_highlightAllButton_clicked() { performFindOperation( false, false, true ); } void ArticleView::onJsActiveArticleChanged(QString const & id) { if ( !isScrollTo( id ) ) return; // Incorrect id emit activeArticleChanged( this, dictionaryIdFromScrollTo( id ) ); } void ArticleView::doubleClicked( QPoint pos ) { //#if QT_VERSION >= 0x040600 // QWebEnginePage* r = ui.definition->page(); // QWebElement el = r.element(); // QUrl imageUrl; // if( !popupView && el.tagName().compare( "img", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 ) // { // // Double click on image; download it and transfer to external program // imageUrl = QUrl::fromPercentEncoding( el.attribute( "src" ).toLatin1() ); // if( !imageUrl.isEmpty() ) // { // // Download it // // Clear any pending ones // resourceDownloadRequests.clear(); // resourceDownloadUrl = imageUrl; // sptr< Dictionary::DataRequest > req; // if ( imageUrl.scheme() == "http" || imageUrl.scheme() == "https" || imageUrl.scheme() == "ftp" ) // { // // Web resource // req = new Dictionary::WebMultimediaDownload( imageUrl, articleNetMgr ); // } // else // if ( imageUrl.scheme() == "bres" || imageUrl.scheme() == "gdpicture" ) // { // // Local resource // QString contentType; // req = articleNetMgr.getResource( imageUrl, contentType ); // } // else // { // // Unsupported scheme // gdWarning( "Unsupported url scheme \"%s\" to download image\n", imageUrl.scheme().toUtf8().data() ); // return; // } // if ( !req.get() ) // { // // Request failed, fail // gdWarning( "Can't create request to download image \"%s\"\n", imageUrl.toString().toUtf8().data() ); // return; // } // if ( req->isFinished() && req->dataSize() >= 0 ) // { // // Have data ready, handle it // resourceDownloadRequests.push_back( req ); // resourceDownloadFinished(); // return; // } // else // if ( !req->isFinished() ) // { // // Queue to be handled when done // resourceDownloadRequests.push_back( req ); // connect( req.get(), SIGNAL( finished() ), this, SLOT( resourceDownloadFinished() ) ); // } // if ( resourceDownloadRequests.empty() ) // No requests were queued // { // gdWarning( "The referenced resource \"%s\" doesn't exist\n", imageUrl.toString().toUtf8().data() ) ; // return; // } // else // resourceDownloadFinished(); // Check any requests finished already // } // return; // } //#endif // We might want to initiate translation of the selected word if ( cfg.preferences.doubleClickTranslates ) { QString selectedText = ui.definition->selectedText(); // Do some checks to make sure there's a sensible selection indeed if ( Folding::applyWhitespaceOnly( gd::toWString( selectedText ) ).size() && selectedText.size() < 60 ) { // Initiate translation Qt::KeyboardModifiers kmod = QApplication::keyboardModifiers(); if (kmod & (Qt::ControlModifier | Qt::ShiftModifier)) { // open in new tab emit showDefinitionInNewTab( selectedText, getGroup( ui.definition->url() ), getCurrentArticle(), Contexts() ); } else { QUrl const & ref = ui.definition->url(); if( Qt4x5::Url::hasQueryItem( ref, "dictionaries" ) ) { QStringList dictsList = Qt4x5::Url::queryItemValue(ref, "dictionaries" ) .split( ",", QString::SkipEmptyParts ); showDefinition( selectedText, dictsList, QRegExp(), getGroup( ref ), false ); } else showDefinition( selectedText, getGroup( ref ), getCurrentArticle() ); } } } } void ArticleView::performFindOperation( bool restart, bool backwards, bool checkHighlight ) { QString text = ui.searchText->text(); if ( restart || checkHighlight ) { if( restart ) { // Anyone knows how we reset the search position? // For now we resort to this hack: if ( ui.definition->selectedText().size() ) { ui.definition->page()-> runJavaScript( "window.getSelection().removeAllRanges();_=0;" ); } } QWebEnginePage::FindFlags f( 0 ); if ( ui.searchCaseSensitive->isChecked() ) f |= QWebEnginePage::FindCaseSensitively; #if QT_VERSION >= 0x040600 && QT_VERSION <= 0x050600 f |= QWebEnginePage::HighlightAllOccurrences; #endif ui.definition->findText( "", f ); if( ui.highlightAllButton->isChecked() ) ui.definition->findText( text, f ); if( checkHighlight ) return; } QWebEnginePage::FindFlags f( 0 ); if ( ui.searchCaseSensitive->isChecked() ) f |= QWebEnginePage::FindCaseSensitively; if ( backwards ) f |= QWebEnginePage::FindBackward; bool setMark = text.size() && !findText(text, f); if ( ui.searchText->property( "noResults" ).toBool() != setMark ) { ui.searchText->setProperty( "noResults", setMark ); // Reload stylesheet reloadStyleSheet(); } } bool ArticleView::findText(QString& text, const QWebEnginePage::FindFlags& f) { bool r; QSemaphore sem(1); sem.acquire(1); ui.definition->findText(text, f, [&sem,&r](bool result) { r = result; sem.release(1); }); sem.acquire(1); return r; } void ArticleView::reloadStyleSheet() { for( QWidget * w = parentWidget(); w; w = w->parentWidget() ) { if ( w->styleSheet().size() ) { w->setStyleSheet( w->styleSheet() ); break; } } } bool ArticleView::closeSearch() { if ( searchIsOpened ) { ui.searchFrame->hide(); ui.definition->setFocus(); searchIsOpened = false; return true; } else if( ftsSearchIsOpened ) { allMatches.clear(); uniqueMatches.clear(); ftsPosition = 0; ftsSearchIsOpened = false; ui.ftsSearchFrame->hide(); ui.definition->setFocus(); QWebEnginePage::FindFlags flags ( 0 ); #if QT_VERSION >= 0x040600 && QT_VERSION<=0x050500 flags |= QWebEnginePage::HighlightAllOccurrences; #endif ui.definition->findText( "", flags ); return true; } else return false; } bool ArticleView::isSearchOpened() { return searchIsOpened; } void ArticleView::showEvent( QShowEvent * ev ) { QFrame::showEvent( ev ); if ( !searchIsOpened ) ui.searchFrame->hide(); if( !ftsSearchIsOpened ) ui.ftsSearchFrame->hide(); } void ArticleView::receiveExpandOptionalParts( bool expand ) { if( expandOptionalParts != expand ) { int n = getArticlesList().indexOf( getActiveArticleId() ); if( n > 0 ) articleToJump = getCurrentArticle(); emit setExpandMode( expand ); expandOptionalParts = expand; reload(); } } void ArticleView::switchExpandOptionalParts() { expandOptionalParts = !expandOptionalParts; int n = getArticlesList().indexOf( getActiveArticleId() ); if( n > 0 ) articleToJump = getCurrentArticle(); emit setExpandMode( expandOptionalParts ); reload(); } void ArticleView::copyAsText() { QString text = ui.definition->selectedText(); if( !text.isEmpty() ) QApplication::clipboard()->setText( text ); } void ArticleView::inspect() { ui.definition->triggerPageAction( QWebEnginePage::InspectElement ); } void ArticleView::highlightFTSResults() { closeSearch(); const QUrl & url = ui.definition->url(); bool ignoreDiacritics = Qt4x5::Url::hasQueryItem( url, "ignore_diacritics" ); QString regString = Qt4x5::Url::queryItemValue( url, "regexp" ); if( ignoreDiacritics ) regString = gd::toQString( Folding::applyDiacriticsOnly( gd::toWString( regString ) ) ); else regString = regString.remove( AccentMarkHandler::accentMark() ); #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK( 5, 0, 0 ) QRegularExpression regexp; if( Qt4x5::Url::hasQueryItem( url, "wildcards" ) ) regexp.setPattern( wildcardsToRegexp( regString ) ); else regexp.setPattern( regString ); QRegularExpression::PatternOptions patternOptions = QRegularExpression::DotMatchesEverythingOption | QRegularExpression::UseUnicodePropertiesOption | QRegularExpression::MultilineOption | QRegularExpression::InvertedGreedinessOption; if( !Qt4x5::Url::hasQueryItem( url, "matchcase" ) ) patternOptions |= QRegularExpression::CaseInsensitiveOption; regexp.setPatternOptions( patternOptions ); if( regexp.pattern().isEmpty() || !regexp.isValid() ) return; #else QRegExp regexp( regString, Qt4x5::Url::hasQueryItem( url, "matchcase" ) ? Qt::CaseSensitive : Qt::CaseInsensitive, Qt4x5::Url::hasQueryItem( url, "wildcards" ) ? QRegExp::WildcardUnix : QRegExp::RegExp2 ); if( regexp.pattern().isEmpty() ) return; regexp.setMinimal( true ); #endif sptr< AccentMarkHandler > marksHandler = ignoreDiacritics ? new DiacriticsHandler : new AccentMarkHandler; // Clear any current selection if ( ui.definition->selectedText().size() ) { ui.definition->page()-> runJavaScript( "window.getSelection().removeAllRanges();_=0;" ); } QString pageText = getWebPageTextSync(ui.definition->page()); marksHandler->setText( pageText ); #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK( 5, 0, 0 ) QRegularExpressionMatchIterator it = regexp.globalMatch( marksHandler->normalizedText() ); while( it.hasNext() ) { QRegularExpressionMatch match = it.next(); // Mirror pos and matched length to original string int pos = match.capturedStart(); int spos = marksHandler->mirrorPosition( pos ); int matched = marksHandler->mirrorPosition( pos + match.capturedLength() ) - spos; // Add mark pos (if presented) while( spos + matched < pageText.length() && pageText[ spos + matched ].category() == QChar::Mark_NonSpacing ) matched++; if( matched > FTS::MaxMatchLengthForHighlightResults ) { gdWarning( "ArticleView::highlightFTSResults(): Too long match - skipped (matched length %i, allowed %i)", match.capturedLength(), FTS::MaxMatchLengthForHighlightResults ); } else allMatches.append( pageText.mid( spos, matched ) ); } #else int pos = 0; while( pos >= 0 ) { pos = regexp.indexIn( marksHandler->normalizedText(), pos ); if( pos >= 0 ) { // Mirror pos and matched length to original string int spos = marksHandler->mirrorPosition( pos ); int matched = marksHandler->mirrorPosition( pos + regexp.matchedLength() ) - spos; // Add mark pos (if presented) while( spos + matched < pageText.length() && pageText[ spos + matched ].category() == QChar::Mark_NonSpacing ) matched++; if( matched > FTS::MaxMatchLengthForHighlightResults ) { gdWarning( "ArticleView::highlightFTSResults(): Too long match - skipped (matched length %i, allowed %i)", regexp.matchedLength(), FTS::MaxMatchLengthForHighlightResults ); } else allMatches.append( pageText.mid( spos, matched ) ); pos += regexp.matchedLength(); } } #endif ftsSearchMatchCase = Qt4x5::Url::hasQueryItem( url, "matchcase" ); QWebEnginePage::FindFlags flags ( 0 ); if( ftsSearchMatchCase ) flags |= QWebEnginePage::FindCaseSensitively; #if QT_VERSION >= 0x040600 // flags |= QWebEnginePage::HighlightAllOccurrences; for( int x = 0; x < allMatches.size(); x++ ) ui.definition->findText( allMatches.at( x ), flags ); // flags &= ~QWebEnginePage::HighlightAllOccurrences; #endif if( !allMatches.isEmpty() ) { ui.definition->findText( allMatches.at( 0 ), flags ); //if( ui.definition->findText( allMatches.at( 0 ), flags ) ) { ui.definition->page()-> runJavaScript( QString( "%1=window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0);_=0;" ) .arg( rangeVarName ) ); } } ui.ftsSearchFrame->show(); ui.ftsSearchPrevious->setEnabled( false ); ui.ftsSearchNext->setEnabled( allMatches.size()>1 ); ftsSearchIsOpened = true; } QString ArticleView::getWebPageTextSync(QWebEnginePage * page){ QSemaphore sem(1); sem.acquire(1); QString planText; page->toPlainText([&](const QString & result){ planText = result; sem.release(1); }); sem.acquire(1); return planText; } //todo ,futher refinement? void ArticleView::performFtsFindOperation( bool backwards ) { if( !ftsSearchIsOpened ) return; if( allMatches.isEmpty() ) { ui.ftsSearchNext->setEnabled( false ); ui.ftsSearchPrevious->setEnabled( false ); return; } QWebEnginePage::FindFlags flags( 0 ); if( ftsSearchMatchCase ) flags |= QWebEnginePage::FindCaseSensitively; // Restore saved highlighted selection ui.definition->page()-> runJavaScript( QString( "var sel=window.getSelection();sel.removeAllRanges();sel.addRange(%1);_=0;" ) .arg( rangeVarName ) ); bool res; if( backwards ) { if( ftsPosition > 0 ) { ui.definition->findText( allMatches.at( ftsPosition - 1 ), flags | QWebEnginePage::FindBackward ); ftsPosition -= 1; } else ui.definition->findText( allMatches.at( ftsPosition ), flags | QWebEnginePage::FindBackward ); // ui.ftsSearchPrevious->setEnabled( res ); // if( !ui.ftsSearchNext->isEnabled() ) // ui.ftsSearchNext->setEnabled( res ); } else { if( ftsPosition < allMatches.size() - 1 ) { ui.definition->findText( allMatches.at( ftsPosition + 1 ), flags ); ftsPosition += 1; } else ui.definition->findText( allMatches.at( ftsPosition ), flags ); // ui.ftsSearchNext->setEnabled( res ); // if( !ui.ftsSearchPrevious->isEnabled() ) // ui.ftsSearchPrevious->setEnabled( res ); } // Store new highlighted selection ui.definition->page()-> runJavaScript( QString( "%1=window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0);_=0;" ) .arg( rangeVarName ) ); } void ArticleView::on_ftsSearchPrevious_clicked() { performFtsFindOperation( true ); } void ArticleView::on_ftsSearchNext_clicked() { performFtsFindOperation( false ); } #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 void ArticleView::readTag( const QString & from, QString & to, int & count ) { QChar ch, prev_ch; bool inQuote = false, inDoublequote = false; to.append( ch = prev_ch = from[ count++ ] ); while( count < from.size() ) { ch = from[ count ]; if( ch == '>' && !( inQuote || inDoublequote ) ) { to.append( ch ); break; } if( ch == '\'' ) inQuote = !inQuote; if( ch == '\"' ) inDoublequote = !inDoublequote; to.append( prev_ch = ch ); count++; } } QString ArticleView::insertSpans( QString const & html ) { QChar ch; QString newContent; bool inSpan = false, escaped = false; /// Enclose every word in string (exclude tags) with for( int i = 0; i < html.size(); i++ ) { ch = html[ i ]; if( ch == '&' ) { escaped = true; if( inSpan ) { newContent.append( "" ); inSpan = false; } newContent.append( ch ); continue; } if( ch == '<' ) // Skip tag { escaped = false; if( inSpan ) { newContent.append( "" ); inSpan = false; } readTag( html, newContent, i ); continue; } if( escaped ) { if( ch == ';' ) escaped = false; newContent.append( ch ); continue; } if( !inSpan && ( ch.isLetterOrNumber() || ch.isLowSurrogate() ) ) { newContent.append( ""); inSpan = true; } if( inSpan && !( ch.isLetterOrNumber() || ch.isLowSurrogate() ) ) { newContent.append( ""); inSpan = false; } if( ch.isLowSurrogate() ) { newContent.append( ch ); ch = html[ ++i ]; } newContent.append( ch ); if( ch == '-' && !( html[ i + 1 ] == ' ' || ( i > 0 && html[ i - 1 ] == ' ' ) ) ) newContent.append( " " ); } if( inSpan ) newContent.append( "" ); return newContent; } QString ArticleView::checkElement( QWebEnginePage & elem, QPoint const & pt ) { QSemaphore semaphore(1); semaphore.acquire(1); QString nodeValue; elem.runJavaScript(QString( " var a= document.elementFromPoint(%1,%2);" "var nodename=a.nodeName.toLowerCase();" "if(nodename==\"body\"||nodename==\"html\"||nodename==\"head\")" "{" " return '';" "}" "return a.textContent;") .arg(pt.x()).arg(pt.y()),[&semaphore,&nodeValue](const QVariant & result){ semaphore.release(); nodeValue=result.toString(); }); semaphore.acquire(1); return nodeValue; } QString ArticleView::wordAtPoint( int x, int y ) { QString word; if( popupView ) return word; QPoint pos = mapFromGlobal( QPoint( x, y ) ); //todo QWebEnginePage *frame = ui.definition->page(); if( !frame ) return word; QPointF scrollPoint=frame->scrollPosition(); QPoint posWithScroll = pos + QPoint((int)scrollPoint.x(),(int)scrollPoint.y()); /// Find target HTML element QSemaphore semaphore(1); semaphore.acquire(1); QString nodeValue; frame->runJavaScript(QString( " var a= document.elementFromPoint(%1,%2);" "var nodename=a.nodeName.toLowerCase();" "if(nodename==\"body\"||nodename==\"html\"||nodename==\"head\")" "{" " return '';" "}" "return a.textContent;") .arg(posWithScroll.x()).arg(posWithScroll.y()),[&](const QVariant & result){ semaphore.release(); nodeValue=result.toString(); }); semaphore.acquire(1); return nodeValue; // QWebHitTestResult result = frame->hitTestContent( pos ); // QWebElement baseElem = result.enclosingBlockElement(); // if( baseElem.tagName().compare( "BODY" ) == 0 || /// Assume empty field position // baseElem.tagName().compare( "HTML" ) == 0 || // baseElem.tagName().compare( "HEAD" ) == 0 ) // return word; // /// Save selection position // baseElem.runJavaScript( "var __gd_sel=window.getSelection();" // "if(__gd_sel && __gd_sel.rangeCount>0) {" // "__gd_SelRange=__gd_sel.getRangeAt(0);" // "if(__gd_SelRange.collapsed) __gd_sel.removeAllRanges();" // "else {" // "__gd_StartTree=[]; __gd_EndTree=[];" // "var __gd_baseRange=document.createRange();" // "__gd_baseRange.selectNode(this);" // "if(__gd_baseRange.comparePoint(__gd_SelRange.startContainer,0)==0) {" // "__gd_StartOffset=__gd_SelRange.startOffset;" // "var __gd_child=__gd_SelRange.startContainer;" // "var __gd_parent='';" // "if(__gd_child==this) __gd_StartTree.push(-1);" // "else while(__gd_parent!=this) {" // "var n=0; __gd_parent=__gd_child.parentNode;" // "var __gd_el=__gd_parent.firstChild;" // "while(__gd_el!=__gd_child) { n++; __gd_el=__gd_el.nextSibling; }" // "__gd_StartTree.push(n);" // "__gd_child=__gd_parent;" // "}" // "}" // "if(__gd_baseRange.comparePoint(__gd_SelRange.endContainer,0)==0) {" // "__gd_EndOffset=__gd_SelRange.endOffset;" // "var __gd_child=__gd_SelRange.endContainer;" // "var __gd_parent='';" // "if(__gd_child==this) __gd_EndTree.push(-1);" // "else while(__gd_parent!=this) {" // "var n=0; __gd_parent=__gd_child.parentNode;" // "var __gd_el=__gd_parent.firstChild;" // "while(__gd_el!=__gd_child) { n++; __gd_el=__gd_el.nextSibling; }" // "__gd_EndTree.push(n);" // "__gd_child=__gd_parent;" // "}" // "}" // "}" // "}" // ); // /// Enclose every word be // QString content = baseElem.toInnerXml(); // QString newContent = insertSpans( content ); // /// Set new code and re-render it to fill geometry // QImage img( baseElem.geometry().width(), baseElem.geometry().height(), QImage::Format_Mono ); // img.fill( 0 ); // QPainter painter( & img ); // baseElem.setInnerXml( newContent ); // baseElem.render( &painter ); // /// Search in all child elements and check it // QWebElementCollection elemCollection = baseElem.findAll( "*" ); // foreach ( QWebElement elem, elemCollection ) // { // if( elem.geometry().contains( posWithScroll ) ) // word = checkElement( elem, posWithScroll ); // if( !word.isEmpty() ) // break; // } // /// Restore old content // baseElem.setInnerXml( content ); // /// Restore selection // baseElem.runJavaScript( "var flag=0;" // "if(__gd_StartTree && __gd_StartTree.length) {" // "var __gd_el=this;" // "while(__gd_StartTree.length) {" // "__gd_el=__gd_el.firstChild;" // "var n=__gd_StartTree.pop();" // "if(n<0) __gd_el=this;" // "else for(var i=0;i0) {" // "var __gd_sel=window.getSelection();" // "__gd_sel.removeAllRanges();" // "__gd_sel.addRange(__gd_SelRange);" // "}" // ); // return word; } #endif ResourceToSaveHandler::ResourceToSaveHandler(ArticleView * view, QString const & fileName ) : QObject( view ), fileName( fileName ), alreadyDone( false ) { connect( this, SIGNAL( statusBarMessage( QString, int, QPixmap ) ), view, SIGNAL( statusBarMessage( QString, int, QPixmap ) ) ); } void ResourceToSaveHandler::addRequest( sptr req ) { if( !alreadyDone ) { downloadRequests.push_back( req ); connect( req.get(), SIGNAL( finished() ), this, SLOT( downloadFinished() ) ); } } void ResourceToSaveHandler::downloadFinished() { if ( downloadRequests.empty() ) return; // Stray signal // Find any finished resources for( list< sptr< Dictionary::DataRequest > >::iterator i = downloadRequests.begin(); i != downloadRequests.end(); ) { if ( (*i)->isFinished() ) { if ( (*i)->dataSize() >= 0 && !alreadyDone ) { QByteArray resourceData; vector< char > const & data = (*i)->getFullData(); resourceData = QByteArray( data.data(), data.size() ); // Write data to file if ( !fileName.isEmpty() ) { QFileInfo fileInfo( fileName ); QDir().mkpath( fileInfo.absoluteDir().absolutePath() ); QFile file( fileName ); if ( file.open( QFile::WriteOnly ) ) { file.write( resourceData.data(), resourceData.size() ); file.close(); } if ( file.error() ) { emit statusBarMessage( tr( "ERROR: %1" ).arg( tr( "Resource saving error: " ) + file.errorString() ), 10000, QPixmap( ":/icons/error.png" ) ); } } alreadyDone = true; // Clear other requests downloadRequests.clear(); break; } else { // This one had no data. Erase it. downloadRequests.erase( i++ ); } } else // Unfinished, wait. break; } if ( downloadRequests.empty() ) { if( !alreadyDone ) { emit statusBarMessage( tr( "WARNING: %1" ).arg( tr( "The referenced resource failed to download." ) ), 10000, QPixmap( ":/icons/error.png" ) ); } emit done(); deleteLater(); } }