/* Part of GoldenDict. Licensed under GPLv3 or later, see the LICENSE file */ #include "stylescombobox.hh" #include "config.hh" #include StylesComboBox::StylesComboBox( QWidget * parent ): QComboBox( parent ) { fill(); setVisible( count() > 1 ); } void StylesComboBox::fill() { clear(); addItem( tr( "None" ) ); QString stylesDir = Config::getStylesDir(); if( !stylesDir.isEmpty() ) { QDir dir( stylesDir ); QStringList styles = dir.entryList( QDir::Dirs | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot, QDir::LocaleAware ); addItems( styles ); } } void StylesComboBox::setCurrentStyle( QString const & style ) { int nom = 0; if( !style.isEmpty() ) { for( int i = 1; i < count(); i++ ) if( style.compare( itemText( i ) ) == 0 ) { nom = i; break; } } setCurrentIndex( nom ); } QString StylesComboBox::getCurrentStyle() const { if( currentIndex() == 0 ) return QString(); return itemText( currentIndex() ); }