#include "metadata.hh" #include "toml++/toml.h" #include #include std::optional< Metadata::result > Metadata::load( std::string_view filepath ) { if ( !QFile::exists( QString::fromStdString( std::string{ filepath } ) ) ) { return std::nullopt; } // by default, the optional will be initialized as std::nullopt Metadata::result result{}; toml::table tbl; try { tbl = toml::parse_file( filepath ); } catch ( toml::parse_error & e ) { qWarning() << "Failed to load metadata: " << QString::fromUtf8( filepath.data(), filepath.size() ) << "Reason:" << e.what(); return std::nullopt; } if ( toml::array * categories = tbl.get_as< toml::array >( "categories" ) ) { // result.categories is an optional, it exists, but the vector does not, so we have to create one here result.categories.emplace(); for ( auto & el : *categories ) { if ( el.is_string() ) { result.categories.value().emplace_back( std::move( *el.value_exact< std::string >() ) ); } } } result.name = tbl[ "metadata" ][ "name" ].value_exact< std::string >(); const auto fullindex = tbl[ "fts" ]; if ( fullindex.as_string() ) { const auto value = fullindex.as_string()->get(); result.fullindex = value == "1" || value == "on" || value == "true"; } else if ( fullindex.as_boolean() ) { auto value = fullindex.as_boolean()->get(); result.fullindex = value; } else if ( fullindex.as_integer() ) { const auto value = fullindex.as_integer()->get(); result.fullindex = value > 0; } return result; }