/* This file is (c) 2015 Abs62 * Part of GoldenDict. Licensed under GPLv3 or later, see the LICENSE file */ #ifdef MAKE_ZIM_SUPPORT #include "slob.hh" #include "btreeidx.hh" #include "fsencoding.hh" #include "folding.hh" #include "gddebug.hh" #include "utf8.hh" #include "decompress.hh" #include "langcoder.hh" #include "wstring.hh" #include "wstring_qt.hh" #include "ftshelpers.hh" #include "htmlescape.hh" #include "filetype.hh" #include "tiff.hh" #include "utils.hh" #ifdef _MSC_VER #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if (QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(6,0,0)) #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Slob { using std::string; using std::map; using std::vector; using std::multimap; using std::pair; using std::set; using gd::wstring; using BtreeIndexing::WordArticleLink; using BtreeIndexing::IndexedWords; using BtreeIndexing::IndexInfo; DEF_EX_STR( exNotSlobFile, "Not an Slob file", Dictionary::Ex ) DEF_EX_STR( exCantReadFile, "Can't read file", Dictionary::Ex ) DEF_EX_STR( exCantDecodeFile, "Can't decode file", Dictionary::Ex ) DEF_EX_STR( exNoCodecFound, "No text codec found", Dictionary::Ex ) DEF_EX( exUserAbort, "User abort", Dictionary::Ex ) DEF_EX( exNoResource, "No resource found", Dictionary::Ex ) #pragma pack( push, 1 ) enum { Signature = 0x58424C53, // SLBX on little-endian, XBLS on big-endian CurrentFormatVersion = 2 + BtreeIndexing::FormatVersion + Folding::Version }; struct IdxHeader { quint32 signature; // First comes the signature, SLBX quint32 formatVersion; // File format version (CurrentFormatVersion) quint32 indexBtreeMaxElements; // Two fields from IndexInfo quint32 indexRootOffset; quint32 resourceIndexBtreeMaxElements; // Two fields from IndexInfo quint32 resourceIndexRootOffset; quint32 wordCount; quint32 articleCount; quint32 langFrom; // Source language quint32 langTo; // Target language } #ifndef _MSC_VER __attribute__((packed)) #endif ; #pragma pack( pop ) const char SLOB_MAGIC[ 8 ] = { 0x21, 0x2d, 0x31, 0x53, 0x4c, 0x4f, 0x42, 0x1f }; struct RefEntry { QString key; quint32 itemIndex; quint16 binIndex; QString fragment; }; bool indexIsOldOrBad( string const & indexFile ) { File::Class idx( indexFile, "rb" ); IdxHeader header; return idx.readRecords( &header, sizeof( header ), 1 ) != 1 || header.signature != Signature || header.formatVersion != CurrentFormatVersion; } class SlobFile { public: typedef QPair< quint64, quint32 > RefEntryOffsetItem; typedef QVector< RefEntryOffsetItem > RefOffsetsVector; private: enum Compressions { UNKNOWN = 0, NONE, ZLIB, BZ2, LZMA2 }; QFile file; QString fileName, dictionaryName; Compressions compression; QString encoding; unsigned char uuid[ 16 ]; QTextCodec *codec; QMap< QString, QString > tags; QVector< QString > contentTypes; quint32 blobCount; quint64 storeOffset, fileSize, refsOffset; quint32 refsCount, itemsCount; quint64 itemsOffset, itemsDataOffset; quint32 currentItem; quint32 contentTypesCount; string currentItemData; RefOffsetsVector refsOffsetVector; QString readTinyText(); QString readText(); QString readLargeText(); QString readString( unsigned length ); public: SlobFile() : compression( UNKNOWN ) , codec( 0 ) , blobCount( 0 ) , storeOffset( 0 ) , fileSize( 0 ) , refsOffset( 0 ) , refsCount( 0 ) , itemsCount( 0 ) , itemsOffset( 0 ) , itemsDataOffset( 0 ) , currentItem( 0xFFFFFFFF ) , contentTypesCount( 0 ) {} ~SlobFile(); Compressions getCompression() const { return compression; } QString const & getEncoding() const { return encoding; } QString const & getDictionaryName() const { return dictionaryName; } quint32 blobsCount() const { return blobCount; } quint64 dataOffset() const { return storeOffset; } quint32 getRefsCount() const { return refsCount; } quint32 getContentTypesCount() const { return contentTypesCount; } QTextCodec * getCodec() const { return codec; } const RefOffsetsVector & getSortedRefOffsets(); void clearRefOffsets() { refsOffsetVector.clear(); } QString getContentType( quint8 content_id ) const { return content_id < contentTypes.size() ? contentTypes[ content_id ] : QString(); } QMap< QString, QString > const & getTags() const { return tags; } void open( const QString & name ); void getRefEntryAtOffset(quint64 offset, RefEntry & entry ); void getRefEntry(quint32 ref_nom, RefEntry & entry ); quint8 getItem( RefEntry const & entry, string * data ); }; SlobFile::~SlobFile() { file.close(); } QString SlobFile::readString( unsigned length ) { QByteArray data = file.read( length ); QString str; if( codec != 0 && !data.isEmpty() ) str = codec->toUnicode( data ); else str = QString( data ); char term = 0; int n = str.indexOf( term ); if( n >= 0 ) str.resize( n ); return str; } QString SlobFile::readTinyText() { unsigned char len; if( !file.getChar( ( char * )&len ) ) { QString error = fileName + ": " + file.errorString(); throw exCantReadFile( string( error.toUtf8().data() ) ); } return readString( len ); } QString SlobFile::readText() { quint16 len; if( file.read( ( char * )&len, sizeof( len ) ) != sizeof( len ) ) { QString error = fileName + ": " + file.errorString(); throw exCantReadFile( string( error.toUtf8().data() ) ); } return readString( qFromBigEndian( len ) ); } QString SlobFile::readLargeText() { quint32 len; if( file.read( ( char * )&len, sizeof( len ) ) != sizeof( len ) ) { QString error = fileName + ": " + file.errorString(); throw exCantReadFile( string( error.toUtf8().data() ) ); } return readString( qFromBigEndian( len ) ); } void SlobFile::open( const QString & name ) { QString error( name + ": " ); if( file.isOpen() ) file.close(); fileName = name; file.setFileName( name ); { QFileInfo fi( name ); dictionaryName = fi.fileName(); } for( ; ; ) { if( !file.open( QFile::ReadOnly ) ) break; char magic[ 8 ]; if( file.read( magic, sizeof( magic ) ) != sizeof( magic ) ) break; if( memcmp( magic, SLOB_MAGIC, sizeof( magic ) ) != 0 ) throw exNotSlobFile( string( name.toUtf8().data() ) ); if( file.read( ( char * )uuid, sizeof( uuid ) ) != sizeof( uuid ) ) break; // Read encoding encoding = readTinyText(); codec = QTextCodec::codecForName( encoding.toLatin1() ); if( codec == 0 ) { error = QString( "for encoding \"") + encoding + "\""; throw exNoCodecFound( string( error.toUtf8().data() ) ); } // Read compression type QString compr = readTinyText(); if( compr.compare( "zlib", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 ) compression = ZLIB; else if( compr.compare( "bz2", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 ) compression = BZ2; else if( compr.compare( "lzma2", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 ) compression = LZMA2; else if( compr.isEmpty() || compr.compare( "none", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 ) compression = NONE; // Read tags unsigned char count; if( !file.getChar( ( char * )&count ) ) break; for( unsigned i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { QString key = readTinyText(); QString value = readTinyText(); tags[ key ] = value; if( key.compare( "label", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 || key.compare( "name", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0) dictionaryName = value; } // Read content types if( !file.getChar( ( char * )&count ) ) break; for( unsigned i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { QString type = readText(); contentTypes.append( type ); } contentTypesCount = count; // Read data parameters quint32 cnt; if( file.read( ( char * )&cnt, sizeof( cnt ) ) != sizeof( cnt ) ) break; blobCount = qFromBigEndian( cnt ); quint64 tmp; if( file.read( ( char * )&tmp, sizeof( tmp ) ) != sizeof( tmp ) ) break; storeOffset = qFromBigEndian( tmp ); if( file.read( ( char * )&tmp, sizeof( tmp ) ) != sizeof( tmp ) ) break; fileSize = qFromBigEndian( tmp ); if( file.read( ( char * )&cnt, sizeof( cnt ) ) != sizeof( cnt ) ) break; refsCount = qFromBigEndian( cnt ); refsOffset = file.pos(); if( !file.seek( storeOffset ) ) break; if( file.read( ( char * )&cnt, sizeof( cnt ) ) != sizeof( cnt ) ) break; itemsCount = qFromBigEndian( cnt ); itemsOffset = storeOffset + sizeof( itemsCount ); itemsDataOffset = itemsOffset + itemsCount * sizeof( quint64 ); return; } error += file.errorString(); throw exCantReadFile( string( error.toUtf8().data() ) ); } const SlobFile::RefOffsetsVector & SlobFile::getSortedRefOffsets() { quint64 tmp; qint64 size = refsCount * sizeof( quint64 ); quint64 base = refsOffset + size; refsOffsetVector.clear(); refsOffsetVector.reserve( refsCount ); for( ; ; ) { QByteArray offsets; offsets.resize( size ); if( !file.seek( refsOffset ) || file.read( offsets.data(), size ) != size ) break; for( quint32 i = 0; i < refsCount; i++ ) { memcpy( &tmp, offsets.data() + i * sizeof( quint64 ), sizeof( tmp ) ); refsOffsetVector.append( RefEntryOffsetItem( base + qFromBigEndian( tmp ), i ) ); } std::sort( refsOffsetVector.begin(), refsOffsetVector.end() ); return refsOffsetVector; } QString error = fileName + ": " + file.errorString(); throw exCantReadFile( string( error.toUtf8().data() ) ); } void SlobFile::getRefEntryAtOffset( quint64 offset, RefEntry & entry ) { for( ; ; ) { if( !file.seek( offset ) ) break; entry.key = readText(); quint32 index; if( file.read( ( char * )&index, sizeof( index ) ) != sizeof( index ) ) break; entry.itemIndex = qFromBigEndian( index ); quint16 binIndex; if( file.read( ( char * )&binIndex, sizeof( binIndex ) ) != sizeof( binIndex ) ) break; entry.binIndex = qFromBigEndian( binIndex ); entry.fragment = readTinyText(); return; } QString error = fileName + ": " + file.errorString(); throw exCantReadFile( string( error.toUtf8().data() ) ); } void SlobFile::getRefEntry( quint32 ref_nom, RefEntry & entry ) { quint64 pos = refsOffset + ref_nom * sizeof( quint64 ); quint64 offset, tmp; for( ; ; ) { if( !file.seek( pos ) || file.read( ( char * )&tmp, sizeof( tmp ) ) != sizeof( tmp ) ) break; offset = qFromBigEndian( tmp ) + refsOffset + refsCount * sizeof( quint64 ); getRefEntryAtOffset( offset, entry ); return; } QString error = fileName + ": " + file.errorString(); throw exCantReadFile( string( error.toUtf8().data() ) ); } quint8 SlobFile::getItem( RefEntry const & entry, string * data ) { quint64 pos = itemsOffset + entry.itemIndex * sizeof( quint64 ); quint64 offset, tmp; for( ; ; ) { // Read item data types if( !file.seek( pos ) || file.read( ( char * )&tmp, sizeof( tmp ) ) != sizeof( tmp ) ) break; offset = qFromBigEndian( tmp ) + itemsDataOffset; if( !file.seek( offset ) ) break; quint32 bins, bins_be; if( file.read( ( char * )&bins_be, sizeof( bins_be ) ) != sizeof( bins_be ) ) break; bins = qFromBigEndian( bins_be ); if( entry.binIndex >= bins ) return 0xFF; QVector< quint8 > ids; ids.resize( bins ); if( file.read( ( char * )ids.data(), bins ) != bins ) break; quint8 id = ids[ entry.binIndex ]; if( id >= (unsigned)contentTypes.size() ) return 0xFF; if( data != 0 ) { // Read item data if( currentItem != entry.itemIndex ) { currentItemData.clear(); quint32 length, length_be; if( file.read( ( char * )&length_be, sizeof( length_be ) ) != sizeof( length_be ) ) break; length = qFromBigEndian( length_be ); QByteArray compressedData = file.read( length ); if( compression == NONE ) currentItemData = string( compressedData.data(), compressedData.length() ); else if( compression == ZLIB ) currentItemData = decompressZlib( compressedData.data(), length ); else if( compression == BZ2 ) currentItemData = decompressBzip2( compressedData.data(), length ); else currentItemData = decompressLzma2( compressedData.data(), length, true ); if( currentItemData.empty() ) { currentItem = 0xFFFFFFFF; return 0xFF; } currentItem = entry.itemIndex; } // Find bin data inside item const char * ptr = currentItemData.c_str(); quint32 pos = entry.binIndex * sizeof( quint32 ); if( pos >= currentItemData.length() - sizeof( quint32 ) ) return 0xFF; quint32 offset, offset_be; memcpy( &offset_be, ptr + pos, sizeof( offset_be ) ); offset = qFromBigEndian( offset_be ); pos = bins * sizeof( quint32 ) + offset; if( pos >= currentItemData.length() - sizeof( quint32 ) ) return 0xFF; quint32 length, len_be; memcpy( &len_be, ptr + pos, sizeof( len_be ) ); length = qFromBigEndian( len_be ); *data = currentItemData.substr( pos + sizeof( len_be ), length ); } return ids[ entry.binIndex ]; } QString error = fileName + ": " + file.errorString(); throw exCantReadFile( string( error.toUtf8().data() ) ); } // SlobDictionary class SlobDictionary: public BtreeIndexing::BtreeDictionary { Mutex idxMutex; Mutex slobMutex, idxResourceMutex; File::Class idx; BtreeIndex resourceIndex; IdxHeader idxHeader; string dictionaryName; SlobFile sf; QString texCgiPath, texCachePath; public: SlobDictionary( string const & id, string const & indexFile, vector< string > const & dictionaryFiles ); ~SlobDictionary(); string getName() noexcept override { return dictionaryName; } map< Dictionary::Property, string > getProperties() noexcept override { return map< Dictionary::Property, string >(); } unsigned long getArticleCount() noexcept override { return idxHeader.articleCount; } unsigned long getWordCount() noexcept override { return idxHeader.wordCount; } inline quint32 getLangFrom() const override { return idxHeader.langFrom; } inline quint32 getLangTo() const override { return idxHeader.langTo; } sptr< Dictionary::DataRequest > getArticle( wstring const &, vector< wstring > const & alts, wstring const &, bool ignoreDiacritics ) override ; sptr< Dictionary::DataRequest > getResource( string const & name ) override ; QString const& getDescription() override; /// Loads the resource. void loadResource( std::string &resourceName, string & data ); sptr< Dictionary::DataRequest > getSearchResults( QString const & searchString, int searchMode, bool matchCase, int distanceBetweenWords, int maxResults, bool ignoreWordsOrder, bool ignoreDiacritics ) override; void getArticleText( uint32_t articleAddress, QString & headword, QString & text ) override; quint64 getArticlePos(uint32_t articleNumber ); void makeFTSIndex(QAtomicInt & isCancelled, bool firstIteration ) override; void setFTSParameters( Config::FullTextSearch const & fts ) override { can_FTS = fts.enabled && !fts.disabledTypes.contains( "SLOB", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) && ( fts.maxDictionarySize == 0 || getArticleCount() <= fts.maxDictionarySize ); } uint32_t getFtsIndexVersion() override { return 2; } protected: void loadIcon() noexcept override; private: /// Loads the article. void loadArticle( quint32 address, string & articleText ); quint32 readArticle( quint32 address, string & articleText, RefEntry & entry ); string convert( string const & in_data, RefEntry const & entry ); void removeDirectory( QString const & directory ); friend class SlobArticleRequest; friend class SlobResourceRequest; }; SlobDictionary::SlobDictionary( string const & id, string const & indexFile, vector< string > const & dictionaryFiles ): BtreeDictionary( id, dictionaryFiles ), idx( indexFile, "rb" ), idxHeader( idx.read< IdxHeader >() ) { // Open data file try { sf.open( dictionaryFiles[ 0 ].c_str() ); } catch( std::exception & e ) { gdWarning( "Slob dictionary initializing failed: %s, error: %s\n", dictionaryFiles[ 0 ].c_str(), e.what() ); } // Initialize the indexes openIndex( IndexInfo( idxHeader.indexBtreeMaxElements, idxHeader.indexRootOffset ), idx, idxMutex ); resourceIndex.openIndex( IndexInfo( idxHeader.resourceIndexBtreeMaxElements, idxHeader.resourceIndexRootOffset ), idx, idxResourceMutex ); // Read dictionary name dictionaryName = sf.getDictionaryName().toStdString(); if( dictionaryName.empty() ) { QString name = QDir::fromNativeSeparators( dictionaryFiles[ 0 ].c_str() ); int n = name.lastIndexOf( '/' ); dictionaryName = name.mid( n + 1 ).toStdString(); } // Full-text search parameters can_FTS = true; ftsIdxName = indexFile + Dictionary::getFtsSuffix(); if( !Dictionary::needToRebuildIndex( dictionaryFiles, ftsIdxName ) && !FtsHelpers::ftsIndexIsOldOrBad( ftsIdxName, this ) ) FTS_index_completed.ref(); texCgiPath = Config::getProgramDataDir() + "/mimetex.cgi"; if( QFileInfo( texCgiPath ).exists() ) { QString dirName = QString::fromStdString( getId() ); QDir( QDir::tempPath() ).mkdir( dirName ); texCachePath = QDir::tempPath() + "/" + dirName; } else texCgiPath.clear(); } SlobDictionary::~SlobDictionary() { if( !texCachePath.isEmpty() ) removeDirectory( texCachePath ); } void SlobDictionary::removeDirectory( QString const & directory ) { QDir dir( directory ); Q_FOREACH( QFileInfo info, dir.entryInfoList( QDir::NoDotAndDotDot | QDir::AllDirs | QDir::Files, QDir::DirsFirst)) { if( info.isDir() ) removeDirectory( info.absoluteFilePath() ); else QFile::remove( info.absoluteFilePath() ); } dir.rmdir( directory ); } void SlobDictionary::loadIcon() noexcept { if ( dictionaryIconLoaded ) return; QString fileName = QDir::fromNativeSeparators( getDictionaryFilenames()[ 0 ].c_str() ); // Remove the extension fileName.chop( 4 ); if( !loadIconFromFile( fileName ) ) { // Load failed -- use default icons dictionaryNativeIcon = dictionaryIcon = QIcon(":/icons/icon32_slob.png"); } dictionaryIconLoaded = true; } QString const& SlobDictionary::getDescription() { if( !dictionaryDescription.isEmpty() ) return dictionaryDescription; QMap< QString, QString > const & tags = sf.getTags(); QMap< QString, QString >::const_iterator it; for( it = tags.begin(); it != tags.end(); ++it ) { if( it != tags.begin() ) dictionaryDescription += "\n\n"; dictionaryDescription += it.key() + ": " +it.value(); } return dictionaryDescription; } void SlobDictionary::loadArticle( quint32 address, string & articleText ) { articleText.clear(); RefEntry entry; readArticle( address, articleText, entry ); if( !articleText.empty() ) { articleText = convert( articleText, entry ); } else articleText = QObject::tr( "Article decoding error" ).toStdString(); // See Issue #271: A mechanism to clean-up invalid HTML cards. string cleaner = Utils::Html::getHtmlCleaner(); string prefix( "
"; } string SlobDictionary::convert( const string & in, RefEntry const & entry ) { QString text = QString::fromUtf8( in.c_str() ); // pattern of img and script text.replace( QRegularExpression( "<\\s*(img|script)\\s+([^>]*)src=\"(?!(?:data|https?|ftp):)(|/)([^\"]*)\"" ), QString( R"(<\1 \2src="bres://%1/\4")").arg( getId().c_str() ) ); // pattern text.replace( QRegularExpression( R"(<\s*link\s+([^>]*)href="(?!(?:data|https?|ftp):))" ), QString( ", excluding any known protocols such as http://, mailto:, #(comment) // these links will be translated into local definitions QString anchor; QRegularExpression rxLink( R"lit(<\s*a\s+([^>]*)href="(?!(?:\w+://|#|mailto:|tel:))(/|)([^"]*)"\s*(title="[^"]*")?[^>]*>)lit" ); QRegularExpressionMatchIterator it = rxLink.globalMatch( text ); int pos = 0; QString newText; while( it.hasNext() ) { QRegularExpressionMatch match = it.next(); newText += text.mid( pos, match.capturedStart() - pos ); pos = match.capturedEnd(); QStringList list = match.capturedTexts(); // Add empty strings for compatibility with QRegExp behaviour for( int i = match.lastCapturedIndex() + 1; i < 5; i++ ) list.append( QString() ); QString tag = list[3]; if ( !list[4].isEmpty() ) tag = list[4].split("\"")[1]; // Find anchor int n = list[ 3 ].indexOf( '#' ); if( n > 0 ) { anchor = QString( "?gdanchor=" ) + list[ 3 ].mid( n + 1 ); tag.remove( list[ 3 ].mid( n ) ); } else anchor.clear(); tag.remove( QRegularExpression(".*/") ). remove( QRegularExpression( "\\.(s|)htm(l|)$", QRegularExpression::PatternOption::CaseInsensitiveOption ) ). replace( "_", "%20" ). prepend( "" ); newText += tag; } if( pos ) { newText += text.mid( pos ); text = newText; } newText.clear(); // Handle TeX formulas via mimetex.cgi if( !texCgiPath.isEmpty() ) { QRegularExpression texImage( R"lit(<\s*img\s+class="([^"]+)"\s*([^>]*)alt="([^"]+)"[^>]*>)lit" ); QRegularExpression regFrac( "\\\\[dt]frac" ); QRegularExpression regSpaces( R"(\s+([\{\(\[\}\)\]]))" ); QRegExp multReg( R"(\*\{(\d+)\}([^\{]|\{([^\}]+)\}))", Qt::CaseSensitive, QRegExp::RegExp2 ); QString arrayDesc( "\\begin{array}{" ); pos = 0; unsigned texCount = 0; QString imgName; QRegularExpressionMatchIterator it = texImage.globalMatch( text ); QString newText; while( it.hasNext() ) { QRegularExpressionMatch match = it.next(); newText += text.mid( pos, match.capturedStart() - pos ); pos = match.capturedEnd(); QStringList list = match.capturedTexts(); if( list[ 1 ].compare( "tex" ) == 0 || list[ 1 ].compare( "mwe-math-fallback-image-inline" ) == 0 || list[ 1 ].endsWith( " tex" ) ) { QString name; name = name.asprintf( "%04X%04X%04X.gif", entry.itemIndex, entry.binIndex, texCount ); imgName = texCachePath + "/" + name; if( !QFileInfo( imgName ).exists() ) { // Replace some TeX commands which don't support by mimetex.cgi QString tex = list[ 3 ]; tex.replace( regSpaces, "\\1" ); tex.replace( regFrac, "\\frac" ); tex.replace( "\\leqslant", "\\leq" ); tex.replace( "\\geqslant", "\\geq" ); tex.replace( "\\infin", "\\infty" ); tex.replace( "\\iff", "\\Longleftrightarrow" ); tex.replace( "\\tbinom", "\\binom" ); tex.replace( "\\implies", "\\Longrightarrow" ); tex.replace( "{aligned}", "{align*}" ); tex.replace( "\\Subset", "\\subset" ); tex.replace( "\\xrightarrow", "\\longrightarrow^" ); tex.remove( "\\scriptstyle" ); tex.remove( "\\mathop" ); tex.replace( "\\bigg|", "|" ); // Format array descriptions (mimetex now don't support *{N}x constructions in it) int pos1 = 0; while( pos1 >= 0 ) { pos1 = tex.indexOf( arrayDesc, pos1, Qt::CaseInsensitive ); if( pos1 >= 0 ) { // Retrieve array description QString desc, newDesc; int n = 0; int nstart = pos1 + arrayDesc.size(); int i; for( i = 0; i + nstart < tex.size(); i++ ) { if( tex[ i + nstart ] == '{' ) n += 1; if( tex[ i + nstart ] == '}' ) n -= 1; if( n < 0 ) break; } if( i > 0 && i + nstart + 1 < tex.size() ) desc = tex.mid( nstart, i ); if( !desc.isEmpty() ) { // Expand multipliers: "*{5}x" -> "xxxxx" newDesc = desc; QString newStr; int pos2 = 0; while( pos2 >= 0 ) { pos2 = multReg.indexIn( newDesc, pos2 ); if( pos2 >= 0 ) { QStringList list = multReg.capturedTexts(); int n = list[ 1 ].toInt(); for( int i = 0; i < n; i++ ) newStr += list[ 3 ].isEmpty() ? list[ 2 ] : list[ 3 ]; newDesc.replace( pos2, list[ 0 ].size(), newStr ); pos2 += newStr.size(); } else break; } tex.replace( pos1 + arrayDesc.size(), desc.size(), newDesc ); pos1 += arrayDesc.size() + newDesc.size(); } else pos1 += arrayDesc.size(); } else break; } QString command = texCgiPath + " -e " + imgName + " \"" + tex + "\""; QProcess::execute( command,QStringList() ); } QString tag = QString( R"(\"""; newText += tag; texCount += 1; } else newText += list[ 0 ]; } if( pos ) { newText += text.mid( pos ); text = newText; } newText.clear(); } #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 else { // Increase equations scale text = QString::fromLatin1( "" + text; } #endif // Fix outstanding elements text += "
"; return text.toUtf8().data(); } void SlobDictionary::loadResource( std::string & resourceName, string & data ) { vector< WordArticleLink > link; RefEntry entry; link = resourceIndex.findArticles( Utf8::decode( resourceName ) ); if( link.empty() ) return; readArticle( link[ 0 ].articleOffset, data, entry ); } quint32 SlobDictionary::readArticle( quint32 articleNumber, std::string & result, RefEntry & entry ) { string data; quint8 contentId; { Mutex::Lock _( slobMutex ); if( entry.key.isEmpty() ) sf.getRefEntry( articleNumber, entry ); contentId = sf.getItem( entry, &data ); } if( contentId == 0xFF ) return 0xFFFFFFFF; QString contentType = sf.getContentType( contentId ); if( contentType.contains( "text/html", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) || contentType.contains( "text/plain", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) || contentType.contains( "/css", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) || contentType.contains( "/javascript", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) || contentType.contains( "/json", Qt::CaseInsensitive )) { QTextCodec *codec = sf.getCodec(); QString content = codec->toUnicode( data.c_str(), data.size() ); result = string( content.toUtf8().data() ); } else result = data; return contentId; } quint64 SlobDictionary::getArticlePos( uint32_t articleNumber ) { RefEntry entry; { Mutex::Lock _( slobMutex ); sf.getRefEntry( articleNumber, entry ); } return ( ( (quint64)( entry.binIndex ) ) << 32 ) | entry.itemIndex; } void SlobDictionary::makeFTSIndex( QAtomicInt & isCancelled, bool firstIteration ) { if( !( Dictionary::needToRebuildIndex( getDictionaryFilenames(), ftsIdxName ) || FtsHelpers::ftsIndexIsOldOrBad( ftsIdxName, this ) ) ) FTS_index_completed.ref(); if( haveFTSIndex() ) return; if( ensureInitDone().size() ) return; if( firstIteration && getArticleCount() > FTS::MaxDictionarySizeForFastSearch ) return; gdDebug( "Slob: Building the full-text index for dictionary: %s\n", getName().c_str() ); try { Mutex::Lock _( getFtsMutex() ); File::Class ftsIdx( ftsIndexName(), "wb" ); FtsHelpers::FtsIdxHeader ftsIdxHeader; memset( &ftsIdxHeader, 0, sizeof( ftsIdxHeader ) ); // We write a dummy header first. At the end of the process the header // will be rewritten with the right values. ftsIdx.write( ftsIdxHeader ); ChunkedStorage::Writer chunks( ftsIdx ); BtreeIndexing::IndexedWords indexedWords; QSet< uint32_t > setOfOffsets; setOfOffsets.reserve( getWordCount() ); findArticleLinks( 0, &setOfOffsets, 0, &isCancelled ); if( Utils::AtomicInt::loadAcquire( isCancelled ) ) throw exUserAbort(); QVector< uint32_t > offsets; offsets.reserve( setOfOffsets.size() ); slobMutex.lock(); SlobFile::RefOffsetsVector const & sortedOffsets = sf.getSortedRefOffsets(); slobMutex.unlock(); qint32 entries = sf.getRefsCount(); for( qint32 i = 0; i < entries; i++ ) { if( setOfOffsets.find( sortedOffsets[ i ].second ) != setOfOffsets.end() ) offsets.append( sortedOffsets[ i ].second ); } // Free memory sf.clearRefOffsets(); setOfOffsets.clear(); if( Utils::AtomicInt::loadAcquire( isCancelled ) ) throw exUserAbort(); if( Utils::AtomicInt::loadAcquire( isCancelled ) ) throw exUserAbort(); QMap< QString, QVector< uint32_t > > ftsWords; set< quint64 > indexedArticles; RefEntry entry; string articleText; quint32 htmlType = 0xFFFFFFFF; for( unsigned i = 0; i < sf.getContentTypesCount(); i++ ) { if( sf.getContentType( i ).startsWith( "text/html", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) ) { htmlType = i; break; } } // index articles for full-text search for( int i = 0; i < offsets.size(); i++ ) { if( Utils::AtomicInt::loadAcquire( isCancelled ) ) throw exUserAbort(); QString articleStr; quint32 articleNom = offsets.at( i ); { Mutex::Lock _( slobMutex ); sf.getRefEntry( articleNom, entry ); } quint64 articleID = ( ( (quint64)entry.itemIndex ) << 32 ) | entry.binIndex; set< quint64 >::iterator it = indexedArticles.find( articleID ); if( it != indexedArticles.end() ) continue; indexedArticles.insert( articleID ); quint32 type = readArticle( 0, articleText, entry ); articleStr = QString::fromUtf8( articleText.c_str(), articleText.length() ); if( type == htmlType ) articleStr = Html::unescape( articleStr ); FtsHelpers::parseArticleForFts( articleNom, articleStr, ftsWords ); } // Free memory offsets.clear(); QMap< QString, QVector< uint32_t > >::iterator it = ftsWords.begin(); while( it != ftsWords.end() ) { if( Utils::AtomicInt::loadAcquire( isCancelled ) ) throw exUserAbort(); uint32_t offset = chunks.startNewBlock(); uint32_t size = it.value().size(); chunks.addToBlock( &size, sizeof(uint32_t) ); chunks.addToBlock( it.value().data(), size * sizeof(uint32_t) ); indexedWords.addSingleWord( gd::toWString( it.key() ), offset ); it = ftsWords.erase( it ); } // Free memory ftsWords.clear(); if( Utils::AtomicInt::loadAcquire( isCancelled ) ) throw exUserAbort(); ftsIdxHeader.chunksOffset = chunks.finish(); ftsIdxHeader.wordCount = indexedWords.size(); if( Utils::AtomicInt::loadAcquire( isCancelled ) ) throw exUserAbort(); BtreeIndexing::IndexInfo ftsIdxInfo = BtreeIndexing::buildIndex( indexedWords, ftsIdx ); // Free memory indexedWords.clear(); ftsIdxHeader.indexBtreeMaxElements = ftsIdxInfo.btreeMaxElements; ftsIdxHeader.indexRootOffset = ftsIdxInfo.rootOffset; ftsIdxHeader.signature = FtsHelpers::FtsSignature; ftsIdxHeader.formatVersion = FtsHelpers::CurrentFtsFormatVersion + getFtsIndexVersion(); ftsIdx.rewind(); ftsIdx.writeRecords( &ftsIdxHeader, sizeof(ftsIdxHeader), 1 ); FTS_index_completed.ref(); } catch( std::exception &ex ) { gdWarning( "Slob: Failed building full-text search index for \"%s\", reason: %s\n", getName().c_str(), ex.what() ); QFile::remove( ftsIdxName.c_str() ); } } void SlobDictionary::getArticleText( uint32_t articleAddress, QString & headword, QString & text ) { try { RefEntry entry; string articleText; quint32 htmlType = 0xFFFFFFFF; for( unsigned i = 0; i < sf.getContentTypesCount(); i++ ) { if( sf.getContentType( i ).startsWith( "text/html", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) ) { htmlType = i; break; } } quint32 type = readArticle( articleAddress, articleText, entry ); headword = entry.key; text = QString::fromUtf8( articleText.data(), articleText.size() ); if( type == htmlType ) text = Html::unescape( text ); } catch( std::exception &ex ) { gdWarning( "Slob: Failed retrieving article from \"%s\", reason: %s\n", getName().c_str(), ex.what() ); } } sptr< Dictionary::DataRequest > SlobDictionary::getSearchResults( QString const & searchString, int searchMode, bool matchCase, int distanceBetweenWords, int maxResults, bool ignoreWordsOrder, bool ignoreDiacritics ) { return std::make_shared( *this, searchString, searchMode, matchCase, distanceBetweenWords, maxResults, ignoreWordsOrder, ignoreDiacritics ); } /// SlobDictionary::getArticle() class SlobArticleRequest; class SlobArticleRequestRunnable: public QRunnable { SlobArticleRequest & r; QSemaphore & hasExited; public: SlobArticleRequestRunnable( SlobArticleRequest & r_, QSemaphore & hasExited_ ): r( r_ ), hasExited( hasExited_ ) {} ~SlobArticleRequestRunnable() { hasExited.release(); } void run() override; }; class SlobArticleRequest: public Dictionary::DataRequest { friend class SlobArticleRequestRunnable; wstring word; vector< wstring > alts; SlobDictionary & dict; bool ignoreDiacritics; QAtomicInt isCancelled; QSemaphore hasExited; public: SlobArticleRequest( wstring const & word_, vector< wstring > const & alts_, SlobDictionary & dict_, bool ignoreDiacritics_ ): word( word_ ), alts( alts_ ), dict( dict_ ), ignoreDiacritics( ignoreDiacritics_ ) { QThreadPool::globalInstance()->start( new SlobArticleRequestRunnable( *this, hasExited ) ); } void run(); // Run from another thread by DslArticleRequestRunnable void cancel() override { isCancelled.ref(); } ~SlobArticleRequest() { isCancelled.ref(); hasExited.acquire(); } }; void SlobArticleRequestRunnable::run() { r.run(); } void SlobArticleRequest::run() { if ( Utils::AtomicInt::loadAcquire( isCancelled ) ) { finish(); return; } vector< WordArticleLink > chain = dict.findArticles( word, ignoreDiacritics ); for( unsigned x = 0; x < alts.size(); ++x ) { /// Make an additional query for each alt vector< WordArticleLink > altChain = dict.findArticles( alts[ x ], ignoreDiacritics ); chain.insert( chain.end(), altChain.begin(), altChain.end() ); } multimap< wstring, pair< string, string > > mainArticles, alternateArticles; set< quint64 > articlesIncluded; // Some synonims make it that the articles // appear several times. We combat this // by only allowing them to appear once. wstring wordCaseFolded = Folding::applySimpleCaseOnly( word ); if( ignoreDiacritics ) wordCaseFolded = Folding::applyDiacriticsOnly( wordCaseFolded ); for( unsigned x = 0; x < chain.size(); ++x ) { if ( Utils::AtomicInt::loadAcquire( isCancelled ) ) { finish(); return; } quint64 pos = dict.getArticlePos( chain[ x ].articleOffset ); // Several "articleOffset" values may refer to one article if ( articlesIncluded.find( pos ) != articlesIncluded.end() ) continue; // We already have this article in the body. // Now grab that article string headword, articleText; headword = chain[ x ].word; try { dict.loadArticle( chain[ x ].articleOffset, articleText ); } catch(...) { } // Ok. Now, does it go to main articles, or to alternate ones? We list // main ones first, and alternates after. // We do the case-folded comparison here. wstring headwordStripped = Folding::applySimpleCaseOnly( Utf8::decode( headword ) ); if( ignoreDiacritics ) headwordStripped = Folding::applyDiacriticsOnly( headwordStripped ); multimap< wstring, pair< string, string > > & mapToUse = ( wordCaseFolded == headwordStripped ) ? mainArticles : alternateArticles; mapToUse.insert( pair< wstring, pair< string, string > >( Folding::applySimpleCaseOnly( Utf8::decode( headword ) ), pair< string, string >( headword, articleText ) ) ); articlesIncluded.insert( pos ); } if ( mainArticles.empty() && alternateArticles.empty() ) { // No such word finish(); return; } string result; multimap< wstring, pair< string, string > >::const_iterator i; for( i = mainArticles.begin(); i != mainArticles.end(); ++i ) { result += R"(

)"; result += i->second.first; result += "

"; result += i->second.second; } for( i = alternateArticles.begin(); i != alternateArticles.end(); ++i ) { result += R"(

)"; result += i->second.first; result += "

"; result += i->second.second; } Mutex::Lock _( dataMutex ); data.resize( result.size() ); memcpy( &data.front(), result.data(), result.size() ); hasAnyData = true; finish(); } sptr< Dictionary::DataRequest > SlobDictionary::getArticle( wstring const & word, vector< wstring > const & alts, wstring const &, bool ignoreDiacritics ) { return std::make_shared( word, alts, *this, ignoreDiacritics ); } //// SlobDictionary::getResource() class SlobResourceRequest; class SlobResourceRequestRunnable: public QRunnable { SlobResourceRequest & r; QSemaphore & hasExited; public: SlobResourceRequestRunnable( SlobResourceRequest & r_, QSemaphore & hasExited_ ): r( r_ ), hasExited( hasExited_ ) {} ~SlobResourceRequestRunnable() { hasExited.release(); } void run() override; }; class SlobResourceRequest: public Dictionary::DataRequest { friend class SlobResourceRequestRunnable; SlobDictionary & dict; string resourceName; QAtomicInt isCancelled; QSemaphore hasExited; public: SlobResourceRequest( SlobDictionary & dict_, string const & resourceName_ ): dict( dict_ ), resourceName( resourceName_ ) { QThreadPool::globalInstance()->start( new SlobResourceRequestRunnable( *this, hasExited ) ); } void run(); // Run from another thread by ZimResourceRequestRunnable void cancel() override { isCancelled.ref(); } ~SlobResourceRequest() { isCancelled.ref(); hasExited.acquire(); } }; void SlobResourceRequestRunnable::run() { r.run(); } void SlobResourceRequest::run() { // Some runnables linger enough that they are cancelled before they start if ( Utils::AtomicInt::loadAcquire( isCancelled ) ) { finish(); return; } try { string resource; dict.loadResource( resourceName, resource ); if( resource.empty() ) throw exNoResource(); if( Filetype::isNameOfCSS( resourceName ) ) { QString css = QString::fromUtf8( resource.data(), resource.size() ); dict.isolateCSS( css, ".slobdict" ); QByteArray bytes = css.toUtf8(); Mutex::Lock _( dataMutex ); data.resize( bytes.size() ); memcpy( &data.front(), bytes.constData(), bytes.size() ); } else if ( Filetype::isNameOfTiff( resourceName ) ) { // Convert it Mutex::Lock _( dataMutex ); GdTiff::tiff2img( data ); } else { Mutex::Lock _( dataMutex ); data.resize( resource.size() ); memcpy( &data.front(), resource.data(), data.size() ); } Mutex::Lock _( dataMutex ); hasAnyData = true; } catch( std::exception &ex ) { gdWarning( "SLOB: Failed loading resource \"%s\" from \"%s\", reason: %s\n", resourceName.c_str(), dict.getName().c_str(), ex.what() ); // Resource not loaded -- we don't set the hasAnyData flag then } finish(); } sptr< Dictionary::DataRequest > SlobDictionary::getResource( string const & name ) { return std::make_shared( *this, name ); } vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > makeDictionaries( vector< string > const & fileNames, string const & indicesDir, Dictionary::Initializing & initializing, unsigned maxHeadwordsToExpand ) { vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > dictionaries; for( vector< string >::const_iterator i = fileNames.begin(); i != fileNames.end(); ++i ) { // Skip files with the extensions different to .slob to speed up the // scanning QString firstName = QDir::fromNativeSeparators( i->c_str() ); if( !firstName.endsWith( ".slob") ) continue; // Got the file -- check if we need to rebuid the index vector< string > dictFiles( 1, *i ); string dictId = Dictionary::makeDictionaryId( dictFiles ); string indexFile = indicesDir + dictId; try { if ( Dictionary::needToRebuildIndex( dictFiles, indexFile ) || indexIsOldOrBad( indexFile ) ) { SlobFile sf; gdDebug( "Slob: Building the index for dictionary: %s\n", i->c_str() ); sf.open( firstName ); initializing.indexingDictionary( sf.getDictionaryName().toUtf8().constData() ); File::Class idx( indexFile, "wb" ); IdxHeader idxHeader; memset( &idxHeader, 0, sizeof( idxHeader ) ); // We write a dummy header first. At the end of the process the header // will be rewritten with the right values. idx.write( idxHeader ); RefEntry refEntry; quint32 entries = sf.getRefsCount(); IndexedWords indexedWords, indexedResources; set< quint64 > articlesPos; quint32 articleCount = 0, wordCount = 0; SlobFile::RefOffsetsVector const & offsets = sf.getSortedRefOffsets(); for( quint32 i = 0; i < entries; i++ ) { sf.getRefEntryAtOffset( offsets[ i ].first, refEntry ); quint8 type = sf.getItem( refEntry, 0 ); QString contentType = sf.getContentType( type ); if( contentType.startsWith( "text/html", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) || contentType.startsWith( "text/plain", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) ) { //Article if( maxHeadwordsToExpand && entries > maxHeadwordsToExpand ) indexedWords.addSingleWord( gd::toWString( refEntry.key ), offsets[ i ].second ); else indexedWords.addWord( gd::toWString( refEntry.key ), offsets[ i ].second ); wordCount += 1; quint64 pos = ( ( (quint64)refEntry.itemIndex ) << 32 ) + refEntry.binIndex; if( articlesPos.find( pos ) == articlesPos.end() ) { articleCount += 1; articlesPos.insert( pos ); } } else { indexedResources.addSingleWord( gd::toWString( refEntry.key ), offsets[ i ].second ); } } sf.clearRefOffsets(); // Build index { IndexInfo idxInfo = BtreeIndexing::buildIndex( indexedWords, idx ); idxHeader.indexBtreeMaxElements = idxInfo.btreeMaxElements; idxHeader.indexRootOffset = idxInfo.rootOffset; indexedWords.clear(); // Release memory -- no need for this data } { IndexInfo idxInfo = BtreeIndexing::buildIndex( indexedResources, idx ); idxHeader.resourceIndexBtreeMaxElements = idxInfo.btreeMaxElements; idxHeader.resourceIndexRootOffset = idxInfo.rootOffset; indexedResources.clear(); // Release memory -- no need for this data } idxHeader.signature = Signature; idxHeader.formatVersion = CurrentFormatVersion; idxHeader.articleCount = articleCount; idxHeader.wordCount = wordCount; QPair langs = LangCoder::findIdsForFilename( QString::fromStdString( dictFiles[ 0 ] ) ); idxHeader.langFrom = langs.first; idxHeader.langTo = langs.second; idx.rewind(); idx.write( &idxHeader, sizeof( idxHeader ) ); } dictionaries.push_back(std::make_shared( dictId, indexFile, dictFiles ) ); } catch( std::exception & e ) { gdWarning( "Slob dictionary initializing failed: %s, error: %s\n", i->c_str(), e.what() ); continue; } catch( ... ) { qWarning( "Slob dictionary initializing failed\n" ); continue; } } return dictionaries; } } // namespace Slob #endif