/* This file is (c) 2014 Abs62 * Part of GoldenDict. Licensed under GPLv3 or later, see the LICENSE file */ #include "fulltextsearch.hh" #include "ftshelpers.hh" #include "gddebug.hh" #include #include #include #include namespace FTS { enum { MinDistanceBetweenWords = 0, MaxDistanceBetweenWords = 15, MinArticlesPerDictionary = 1, MaxArticlesPerDictionary = 10000 }; void Indexing::run() { try { // First iteration - dictionaries with no more MaxDictionarySizeForFastSearch articles for( size_t x = 0; x < dictionaries.size(); x++ ) { if( isCancelled ) break; if( dictionaries.at( x )->canFTS() && dictionaries.at( x )->canFTSIndex() &&!dictionaries.at( x )->haveFTSIndex() ) { emit sendNowIndexingName( QString::fromUtf8( dictionaries.at( x )->getName().c_str() ) ); dictionaries.at( x )->makeFTSIndex( isCancelled, true ); } } // Second iteration - all remaining dictionaries for( size_t x = 0; x < dictionaries.size(); x++ ) { if( isCancelled ) break; if( dictionaries.at( x )->canFTS() && dictionaries.at( x )->canFTSIndex() &&!dictionaries.at( x )->haveFTSIndex() ) { emit sendNowIndexingName( QString::fromUtf8( dictionaries.at( x )->getName().c_str() ) ); dictionaries.at( x )->makeFTSIndex( isCancelled, false ); } } } catch( std::exception &ex ) { gdWarning( "Exception occured while full-text search: %s", ex.what() ); } emit sendNowIndexingName( tr( "None" ) ); } FtsIndexing::FtsIndexing( std::vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > const & dicts): dictionaries( dicts ), started( false ), nowIndexing( tr( "None" ) ) { } void FtsIndexing::doIndexing() { if( started ) stopIndexing(); if( !started ) { while( isCancelled ) isCancelled.deref(); Indexing *idx = new Indexing( isCancelled, dictionaries, indexingExited ); connect( idx, SIGNAL( sendNowIndexingName( QString ) ), this, SLOT( setNowIndexedName( QString ) ) ); QThreadPool::globalInstance()->start( idx ); started = true; } } void FtsIndexing::stopIndexing() { if( started ) { if( !isCancelled ) isCancelled.ref(); indexingExited.acquire(); started = false; } } void FtsIndexing::setNowIndexedName( QString name ) { { Mutex::Lock _( nameMutex ); nowIndexing = name; } emit newIndexingName( name ); } QString FtsIndexing::nowIndexingName() { Mutex::Lock _( nameMutex ); return nowIndexing; } FullTextSearchDialog::FullTextSearchDialog( QWidget * parent, Config::Class & cfg_, std::vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > const & dictionaries_, std::vector< Instances::Group > const & groups_, FtsIndexing & ftsidx ) : QDialog( parent ), cfg( cfg_ ), dictionaries( dictionaries_ ), groups( groups_ ), group( 0 ), ftsIdx( ftsidx ) { ui.setupUi( this ); if( cfg.preferences.fts.dialogGeometry.size() > 0 ) restoreGeometry( cfg.preferences.fts.dialogGeometry ); setWindowTitle( tr( "Full-text search" ) ); setNewIndexingName( ftsIdx.nowIndexingName() ); connect( &ftsIdx, SIGNAL( newIndexingName( QString ) ), this, SLOT( setNewIndexingName( QString ) ) ); ui.searchMode->addItem( tr( "Whole words" ), WholeWords ); ui.searchMode->addItem( tr( "Plain text"), PlainText ); ui.searchMode->addItem( tr( "Wildcards" ), Wildcards ); ui.searchMode->addItem( tr( "RexExp" ), RegExp ); ui.searchMode->setCurrentIndex( cfg.preferences.fts.searchMode ); ui.searchProgressBar->hide(); ui.checkBoxDistanceBetweenWords->setText( tr( "Max distance between words (%1-%2):" ) .arg( QString::number( MinDistanceBetweenWords ) ) .arg( QString::number( MaxDistanceBetweenWords ) ) ); ui.checkBoxDistanceBetweenWords->setChecked( cfg.preferences.fts.useMaxDistanceBetweenWords ); ui.distanceBetweenWords->setMinimum( MinDistanceBetweenWords ); ui.distanceBetweenWords->setMaximum( MaxDistanceBetweenWords ); ui.distanceBetweenWords->setValue( cfg.preferences.fts.maxDistanceBetweenWords ); ui.checkBoxArticlesPerDictionary->setText( tr( "Max articles per dictionary (%1-%2):" ) .arg( QString::number( MinArticlesPerDictionary ) ) .arg( QString::number( MaxArticlesPerDictionary ) ) ); ui.checkBoxArticlesPerDictionary->setChecked( cfg.preferences.fts.useMaxArticlesPerDictionary ); ui.articlesPerDictionary->setMinimum( MinArticlesPerDictionary ); ui.articlesPerDictionary->setMaximum( MaxArticlesPerDictionary ); ui.articlesPerDictionary->setValue( cfg.preferences.fts.maxArticlesPerDictionary ); ui.matchCase->setChecked( cfg.preferences.fts.matchCase ); setLimitsUsing(); connect( ui.checkBoxDistanceBetweenWords, SIGNAL( stateChanged( int ) ), this, SLOT( setLimitsUsing() ) ); connect( ui.checkBoxArticlesPerDictionary, SIGNAL( stateChanged( int ) ), this, SLOT( setLimitsUsing() ) ); connect( ui.searchMode, SIGNAL( currentIndexChanged( int ) ), this, SLOT( setLimitsUsing() ) ); model = new HeadwordsListModel( this, results, activeDicts ); ui.headwordsView->setModel( model ); ui.articlesFoundLabel->setText( tr( "Articles found: " ) + "0" ); connect( ui.headwordsView, SIGNAL( clicked( QModelIndex ) ), this, SLOT( itemClicked( QModelIndex ) ) ); connect( ui.OKButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( accept() ) ); connect( ui.cancelButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( reject() ) ); ui.headwordsView->installEventFilter( this ); delegate = new WordListItemDelegate( ui.headwordsView->itemDelegate() ); if( delegate ) ui.headwordsView->setItemDelegate( delegate ); } FullTextSearchDialog::~FullTextSearchDialog() { saveData(); if( delegate ) delete delegate; } void FullTextSearchDialog::stopSearch() { if( !searchReqs.empty() ) { for( std::list< sptr< Dictionary::DataRequest > >::iterator it = searchReqs.begin(); it != searchReqs.end(); ++it ) if( !(*it)->isFinished() ) (*it)->cancel(); while( searchReqs.size() ) QApplication::processEvents(); } } void FullTextSearchDialog::showDictNumbers() { ui.totalDicts->setText( QString::number( activeDicts.size() ) ); unsigned ready = 0, toIndex = 0, nonIndexable = 0; for( unsigned x = 0; x < activeDicts.size(); x++ ) { if( activeDicts.at( x )->canFTSIndex() ) { if( activeDicts.at( x )->haveFTSIndex() ) ready++; else toIndex++; } else nonIndexable++; } ui.readyDicts->setText( QString::number( ready ) ); ui.toIndexDicts->setText( QString::number( toIndex ) ); ui.nonIndexableDicts->setText( QString::number( nonIndexable ) ); } void FullTextSearchDialog::saveData() { cfg.preferences.fts.searchMode = ui.searchMode->currentIndex(); cfg.preferences.fts.matchCase = ui.matchCase->isChecked(); cfg.preferences.fts.maxArticlesPerDictionary = ui.articlesPerDictionary->text().toInt(); cfg.preferences.fts.maxDistanceBetweenWords = ui.distanceBetweenWords->text().toInt(); cfg.preferences.fts.useMaxDistanceBetweenWords = ui.checkBoxDistanceBetweenWords->isChecked(); cfg.preferences.fts.useMaxArticlesPerDictionary = ui.checkBoxArticlesPerDictionary->isChecked(); cfg.preferences.fts.dialogGeometry = saveGeometry(); } void FullTextSearchDialog::setNewIndexingName( QString name ) { ui.nowIndexingLabel->setText( tr( "Now indexing: " ) + name ); showDictNumbers(); } void FullTextSearchDialog::setLimitsUsing() { int mode = ui.searchMode->itemData( ui.searchMode->currentIndex() ).toInt(); if( mode == WholeWords || mode == PlainText ) { ui.checkBoxDistanceBetweenWords->setEnabled( true ); ui.distanceBetweenWords->setEnabled( ui.checkBoxDistanceBetweenWords->isChecked() ); } else { ui.checkBoxDistanceBetweenWords->setEnabled( false ); ui.distanceBetweenWords->setEnabled( false ); } ui.articlesPerDictionary->setEnabled( ui.checkBoxArticlesPerDictionary->isChecked() ); } void FullTextSearchDialog::accept() { QStringList list1, list2; int mode = ui.searchMode->itemData( ui.searchMode->currentIndex() ).toInt(); int maxResultsPerDict = ui.checkBoxArticlesPerDictionary->isChecked() ? ui.articlesPerDictionary->value() : -1; int distanceBetweenWords = ui.checkBoxDistanceBetweenWords->isChecked() ? ui.distanceBetweenWords->value() : -1; model->clear(); ui.articlesFoundLabel->setText( tr( "Articles found: " ) + QString::number( results.size() ) ); if( !FtsHelpers::parseSearchString( ui.searchLine->text(), list1, list2, searchRegExp, mode, ui.matchCase->isChecked(), distanceBetweenWords ) ) { QMessageBox message( QMessageBox::Warning, "GoldenDict", tr( "The search line must contains at least one word contains " ) + QString::number( MinimumWordSize ) + tr( " or more symbols" ), QMessageBox::Ok, this ); message.exec(); return; } if( activeDicts.empty() ) { QMessageBox message( QMessageBox::Warning, "GoldenDict", tr( "No dictionaries for full-text search" ), QMessageBox::Ok, this ); message.exec(); return; } ui.OKButton->setEnabled( false ); ui.searchProgressBar->show(); // Make search requests for( unsigned x = 0; x < activeDicts.size(); ++x ) { sptr< Dictionary::DataRequest > req = activeDicts[ x ]->getSearchResults( ui.searchLine->text(), mode, ui.matchCase->isChecked(), distanceBetweenWords, maxResultsPerDict ); connect( req.get(), SIGNAL( finished() ), this, SLOT( searchReqFinished() ), Qt::QueuedConnection ); searchReqs.push_back( req ); } searchReqFinished(); // Handle any ones which have already finished } void FullTextSearchDialog::searchReqFinished() { while ( searchReqs.size() ) { std::list< sptr< Dictionary::DataRequest > >::iterator it; for( it = searchReqs.begin(); it != searchReqs.end(); ++it ) { if ( (*it)->isFinished() ) { DPRINTF( "one finished.\n" ); QString errorString = (*it)->getErrorString(); if ( (*it)->dataSize() >= 0 || errorString.size() ) { QList< FtsHeadword > * headwords; if( (unsigned)(*it)->dataSize() >= sizeof( headwords ) ) { try { (*it)->getDataSlice( 0, sizeof( headwords ), &headwords ); model->addResults( QModelIndex(), *headwords ); delete headwords; ui.articlesFoundLabel->setText( tr( "Articles found: " ) + QString::number( results.size() ) ); } catch( std::exception & e ) { gdWarning( "getDataSlice error: %s\n", e.what() ); } } } break; } } if( it != searchReqs.end() ) { DPRINTF( "erasing..\n" ); searchReqs.erase( it ); DPRINTF( "erase done..\n" ); continue; } else break; } if ( searchReqs.empty() ) { ui.searchProgressBar->hide(); ui.OKButton->setEnabled( true ); QApplication::beep(); } } void FullTextSearchDialog::reject() { if( !searchReqs.empty() ) stopSearch(); else emit closeDialog(); } void FullTextSearchDialog::itemClicked( const QModelIndex & idx ) { if( idx.isValid() && idx.row() < results.size() ) { QString headword = results[ idx.row() ].headword; headword.replace( QRegExp( "([\\*\\?\\[\\]])" ), "\\\\1" ); emit showTranslationFor( headword, results[ idx.row() ].dictIDs, searchRegExp ); } } void FullTextSearchDialog::updateDictionaries() { activeDicts.clear(); // Find the given group Instances::Group const * activeGroup = 0; for( unsigned x = 0; x < groups.size(); ++x ) if ( groups[ x ].id == group ) { activeGroup = &groups[ x ]; break; } // If we've found a group, use its dictionaries; otherwise, use the global // heap. std::vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > const & groupDicts = activeGroup ? activeGroup->dictionaries : dictionaries; // Exclude muted dictionaries Config::Group const * grp = cfg.getGroup( group ); Config::MutedDictionaries const * mutedDicts; if( group == Instances::Group::AllGroupId ) mutedDicts = &cfg.mutedDictionaries; else mutedDicts = grp ? &grp->mutedDictionaries : 0; if( mutedDicts && !mutedDicts->isEmpty() ) { activeDicts.reserve( groupDicts.size() ); for( unsigned x = 0; x < groupDicts.size(); ++x ) if ( groupDicts[ x ]->canFTS() && !mutedDicts->contains( QString::fromStdString( groupDicts[ x ]->getId() ) ) ) activeDicts.push_back( groupDicts[ x ] ); } else { for( unsigned x = 0; x < groupDicts.size(); ++x ) if ( groupDicts[ x ]->canFTS() ) activeDicts.push_back( groupDicts[ x ] ); } showDictNumbers(); } bool FullTextSearchDialog::eventFilter( QObject * obj, QEvent * ev ) { if( obj == ui.headwordsView && ev->type() == QEvent::KeyPress ) { QKeyEvent * kev = static_cast< QKeyEvent * >( ev ); if( kev->key() == Qt::Key_Return || kev->key() == Qt::Key_Enter ) { itemClicked( ui.headwordsView->currentIndex() ); return true; } } return QDialog::eventFilter( obj, ev ); } /// HeadwordsListModel int HeadwordsListModel::rowCount( QModelIndex const & ) const { return headwords.size(); } QVariant HeadwordsListModel::data( QModelIndex const & index, int role ) const { if( index.row() < 0 ) return QVariant(); FtsHeadword const & head = headwords[ index.row() ]; if ( head.headword.isEmpty() ) return QVariant(); switch ( role ) { case Qt::ToolTipRole: { QString tt; for( int x = 0; x < head.dictIDs.size(); x++ ) { if( x != 0 ) tt += "
"; int n = getDictIndex( head.dictIDs[ x ] ); if( n != -1 ) tt += QString::fromUtf8( dictionaries[ n ]->getName().c_str() ) ; } return tt; } case Qt::DisplayRole : return head.headword; case Qt::EditRole : return head.headword; default:; } return QVariant(); } void HeadwordsListModel::addResults(const QModelIndex & parent, QList< FtsHeadword > const & hws ) { Q_UNUSED( parent ); beginResetModel(); QList< FtsHeadword > temp; for( int x = 0; x < hws.length(); x++ ) { QList< FtsHeadword >::iterator it = qBinaryFind( headwords.begin(), headwords.end(), hws.at( x ) ); if( it != headwords.end() ) it->dictIDs.push_back( hws.at( x ).dictIDs.front() ); else temp.append( hws.at( x ) ); } headwords.append( temp ); qSort( headwords ); endResetModel(); emit contentChanged(); } bool HeadwordsListModel::clear() { beginResetModel(); headwords.clear(); endResetModel(); emit contentChanged(); return true; } int HeadwordsListModel::getDictIndex( QString const & id ) const { std::string dictID( id.toUtf8().data() ); for( unsigned x = 0; x < dictionaries.size(); x++ ) { if( dictionaries[ x ]->getId().compare( dictID ) == 0 ) return x; } return -1; } } // namespace FTS