/* This file is (c) 2008-2009 Konstantin Isakov * Part of GoldenDict. Licensed under GPLv3 or later, see the LICENSE file */ #include "mainwindow.hh" #include "sources.hh" #include "groups.hh" #include "preferences.hh" #include "bgl.hh" #include "stardict.hh" #include "lsa.hh" #include "dsl.hh" #include "dictlock.hh" #include "ui_about.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using std::set; using std::wstring; using std::map; using std::pair; MainWindow::MainWindow(): trayIcon( 0 ), addTab( this ), cfg( Config::load() ), articleMaker( dictionaries, groupInstances ), articleNetMgr( this, dictionaries, articleMaker ), wordFinder( this ), initializing( 0 ) { // Show tray icon as early as possible so the user would be happy updateTrayIcon(); if ( trayIcon ) trayIcon->setToolTip( tr( "Loading..." ) ); ui.setupUi( this ); // Make the toolbar navToolbar = addToolBar( tr( "Navigation" ) ); navBack = navToolbar->addAction( QIcon( ":/icons/previous.png" ), tr( "Back" ) ); navForward = navToolbar->addAction( QIcon( ":/icons/next.png" ), tr( "Forward" ) ); connect( navBack, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( backClicked() ) ); connect( navForward, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( forwardClicked() ) ); addTab.setAutoRaise( true ); addTab.setIcon( QIcon( ":/icons/addtab.png" ) ); ui.tabWidget->clear(); ui.tabWidget->setCornerWidget( &addTab, Qt::TopLeftCorner ); //ui.tabWidget->setCornerWidget( &closeTab, Qt::TopRightCorner ); ui.tabWidget->setMovable( true ); ui.tabWidget->setDocumentMode( true ); connect( &addTab, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( addNewTab() ) ); connect( ui.tabWidget, SIGNAL( tabCloseRequested( int ) ), this, SLOT( tabCloseRequested( int ) ) ); ui.tabWidget->setTabsClosable( true ); connect( ui.quit, SIGNAL( activated() ), qApp, SLOT( quit() ) ); connect( ui.sources, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editSources() ) ); connect( ui.groups, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editGroups() ) ); connect( ui.preferences, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editPreferences() ) ); connect( ui.visitHomepage, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( visitHomepage() ) ); connect( ui.visitForum, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( visitForum() ) ); connect( ui.about, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( showAbout() ) ); connect( ui.groupList, SIGNAL( currentIndexChanged( QString const & ) ), this, SLOT( currentGroupChanged( QString const & ) ) ); connect( ui.translateLine, SIGNAL( textChanged( QString const & ) ), this, SLOT( translateInputChanged( QString const & ) ) ); connect( ui.translateLine, SIGNAL( returnPressed() ), this, SLOT( translateInputFinished() ) ); connect( ui.wordList, SIGNAL( itemActivated( QListWidgetItem * ) ), this, SLOT( wordListItemActivated( QListWidgetItem * ) ) ); connect( ui.wordList, SIGNAL( itemSelectionChanged() ), this, SLOT( wordListSelectionChanged() ) ); connect( wordFinder.qobject(), SIGNAL( prefixMatchComplete( WordFinderResults ) ), this, SLOT( prefixMatchComplete( WordFinderResults ) ) ); makeDictionaries(); addNewTab(); ui.translateLine->setFocus(); updateTrayIcon(); // Only show window initially if it wasn't configured differently if ( !cfg.preferences.enableTrayIcon || !cfg.preferences.startToTray ) show(); } MainWindow::~MainWindow() { // Save any changes in last chosen groups etc Config::save( cfg ); } LoadDictionaries::LoadDictionaries( vector< string > const & allFiles_ ): allFiles( allFiles_ ) { } void LoadDictionaries::run() { { Bgl::Format bglFormat; dictionaries = bglFormat.makeDictionaries( allFiles, Config::getIndexDir().toLocal8Bit().data(), *this ); } { Stardict::Format stardictFormat; vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > stardictDictionaries = stardictFormat.makeDictionaries( allFiles, Config::getIndexDir().toLocal8Bit().data(), *this ); dictionaries.insert( dictionaries.end(), stardictDictionaries.begin(), stardictDictionaries.end() ); } { Lsa::Format lsaFormat; vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > lsaDictionaries = lsaFormat.makeDictionaries( allFiles, Config::getIndexDir().toLocal8Bit().data(), *this ); dictionaries.insert( dictionaries.end(), lsaDictionaries.begin(), lsaDictionaries.end() ); } { Dsl::Format dslFormat; vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > dslDictionaries = dslFormat.makeDictionaries( allFiles, Config::getIndexDir().toLocal8Bit().data(), *this ); dictionaries.insert( dictionaries.end(), dslDictionaries.begin(), dslDictionaries.end() ); } } void LoadDictionaries::indexingDictionary( string const & dictionaryName ) throw() { emit indexingDictionarySignal( QString::fromUtf8( dictionaryName.c_str() ) ); } void MainWindow::updateTrayIcon() { if ( !trayIcon && cfg.preferences.enableTrayIcon ) { // Need to show it trayIcon = new QSystemTrayIcon( QIcon( ":/icons/programicon.png" ), this ); trayIcon->show(); connect( trayIcon, SIGNAL( activated( QSystemTrayIcon::ActivationReason ) ), this, SLOT( trayIconActivated( QSystemTrayIcon::ActivationReason ) ) ); } else if ( trayIcon && !cfg.preferences.enableTrayIcon ) { // Need to hide it delete trayIcon; trayIcon = 0; } if ( trayIcon ) trayIcon->setToolTip( "GoldenDict" ); } void MainWindow::closeEvent( QCloseEvent * ev ) { if ( cfg.preferences.enableTrayIcon && cfg.preferences.closeToTray ) { ev->ignore(); hide(); } else ev->accept(); } void MainWindow::makeDictionaries() { { DictLock _; dictionaries.clear(); } ::Initializing init( this ); try { initializing = &init; // Traverse through known directories in search for the files vector< string > allFiles; for( Config::Paths::const_iterator i = cfg.paths.begin(); i != cfg.paths.end(); ++i ) { QDir dir( *i ); QStringList entries = dir.entryList(); for( QStringList::const_iterator i = entries.constBegin(); i != entries.constEnd(); ++i ) allFiles.push_back( QDir::toNativeSeparators( dir.filePath( *i ) ).toLocal8Bit().data() ); } // Now start a thread to load all the dictionaries LoadDictionaries loadDicts( allFiles ); connect( &loadDicts, SIGNAL( indexingDictionarySignal( QString ) ), this, SLOT( indexingDictionary( QString ) ) ); QEventLoop localLoop; connect( &loadDicts, SIGNAL( finished() ), &localLoop, SLOT( quit() ) ); loadDicts.start(); localLoop.exec(); loadDicts.wait(); { DictLock _; dictionaries = loadDicts.getDictionaries(); } initializing = 0; // Remove any stale index files set< string > ids; for( unsigned x = dictionaries.size(); x--; ) ids.insert( dictionaries[ x ]->getId() ); QDir indexDir( Config::getIndexDir() ); QStringList allIdxFiles = indexDir.entryList( QDir::Files ); for( QStringList::const_iterator i = allIdxFiles.constBegin(); i != allIdxFiles.constEnd(); ++i ) { if ( ids.find( i->toLocal8Bit().data() ) == ids.end() && i->size() == 32 ) indexDir.remove( *i ); } } catch( ... ) { initializing = 0; throw; } updateStatusLine(); updateGroupList(); makeScanPopup(); } void MainWindow::updateStatusLine() { unsigned articleCount = 0, wordCount = 0; for( unsigned x = dictionaries.size(); x--; ) { articleCount += dictionaries[ x ]->getArticleCount(); wordCount += dictionaries[ x ]->getWordCount(); } statusBar()->showMessage( tr( "%1 dictionaries, %2 articles, %3 words" ). arg( dictionaries.size() ).arg( articleCount ). arg( wordCount ) ); } void MainWindow::updateGroupList() { bool haveGroups = cfg.groups.size(); ui.groupList->setVisible( haveGroups ); ui.groupLabel->setText( haveGroups ? tr( "Look up in:" ) : tr( "Look up:" ) ); // currentIndexChanged() signal is very trigger-happy. To avoid triggering // it, we disconnect it while we're clearing and filling back groups. disconnect( ui.groupList, SIGNAL( currentIndexChanged( QString const & ) ), this, SLOT( currentGroupChanged( QString const & ) ) ); { DictLock _; groupInstances.clear(); for( unsigned x = 0; x < cfg.groups.size(); ++x ) groupInstances.push_back( Instances::Group( cfg.groups[ x ], dictionaries ) ); } ui.groupList->fill( groupInstances ); ui.groupList->setCurrentGroup( cfg.lastMainGroup ); connect( ui.groupList, SIGNAL( currentIndexChanged( QString const & ) ), this, SLOT( currentGroupChanged( QString const & ) ) ); } void MainWindow::makeScanPopup() { scanPopup.reset(); scanPopup = new ScanPopup( 0, cfg, articleNetMgr, dictionaries, groupInstances ); } vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > const & MainWindow::getActiveDicts() { if ( cfg.groups.empty() ) return dictionaries; int current = ui.groupList->currentIndex(); if ( current < 0 || current >= (int) groupInstances.size() ) { // This shouldn't ever happen return dictionaries; } return groupInstances[ current ].dictionaries; } void MainWindow::indexingDictionary( QString dictionaryName ) { if ( initializing ) initializing->indexing( dictionaryName ); } void MainWindow::addNewTab() { ArticleView * view = new ArticleView( this, articleNetMgr, groupInstances, false ); connect( view, SIGNAL( titleChanged( ArticleView *, QString const & ) ), this, SLOT( titleChanged( ArticleView *, QString const & ) ) ); connect( view, SIGNAL( iconChanged( ArticleView *, QIcon const & ) ), this, SLOT( iconChanged( ArticleView *, QIcon const & ) ) ); connect( view, SIGNAL( openLinkInNewTab( QUrl const &, QUrl const & ) ), this, SLOT( openLinkInNewTab( QUrl const &, QUrl const & ) ) ); connect( view, SIGNAL( showDefinitionInNewTab( QString const &, QString const & ) ), this, SLOT( showDefinitionInNewTab( QString const &, QString const & ) ) ); ui.tabWidget->addTab( view, tr( "(untitled)" ) ); ui.tabWidget->setCurrentIndex( ui.tabWidget->count() - 1 ); } void MainWindow::tabCloseRequested( int x ) { if ( ui.tabWidget->count() < 2 ) return; // We should always have at least one open tab QWidget * w = ui.tabWidget->widget( x ); ui.tabWidget->removeTab( x ); delete w; } void MainWindow::backClicked() { printf( "Back\n" ); ArticleView & view = dynamic_cast< ArticleView & >( *( ui.tabWidget->currentWidget() ) ); view.back(); } void MainWindow::forwardClicked() { printf( "Forward\n" ); ArticleView & view = dynamic_cast< ArticleView & >( *( ui.tabWidget->currentWidget() ) ); view.forward(); } void MainWindow::titleChanged( ArticleView * view, QString const & title ) { ui.tabWidget->setTabText( ui.tabWidget->indexOf( view ), title ); } void MainWindow::iconChanged( ArticleView * view, QIcon const & icon ) { ui.tabWidget->setTabIcon( ui.tabWidget->indexOf( view ), icon ); } void MainWindow::editSources() { Sources src( this, cfg.paths ); src.show(); if ( src.exec() == QDialog::Accepted ) { cfg.paths = src.getPaths(); makeDictionaries(); Config::save( cfg ); } } void MainWindow::editGroups() { { // We lock all dictionaries during the entire group editing process, since // the dictionaries might get queried for various infos there DictLock _; Groups groups( this, dictionaries, cfg.groups ); groups.show(); if ( groups.exec() == QDialog::Accepted ) { cfg.groups = groups.getGroups(); Config::save( cfg ); } else return; } updateGroupList(); makeScanPopup(); } void MainWindow::editPreferences() { Preferences preferences( this, cfg.preferences ); preferences.show(); if ( preferences.exec() == QDialog::Accepted ) { cfg.preferences = preferences.getPreferences(); updateTrayIcon(); Config::save( cfg ); } } void MainWindow::currentGroupChanged( QString const & gr ) { cfg.lastMainGroup = gr; // Update word search results translateInputChanged( ui.translateLine->text() ); } void MainWindow::translateInputChanged( QString const & newValue ) { QString req = newValue.trimmed(); if ( !req.size() ) { // An empty request always results in an empty result prefixMatchComplete( WordFinderResults( req, &getActiveDicts() ) ); return; } ui.wordList->setCursor( Qt::WaitCursor ); wordFinder.prefixMatch( req, &getActiveDicts() ); } void MainWindow::translateInputFinished() { if ( ui.wordList->count() ) wordListItemActivated( ui.wordList->item( 0 ) ); } void MainWindow::prefixMatchComplete( WordFinderResults r ) { if ( r.requestStr != ui.translateLine->text().trimmed() || r.requestDicts != &getActiveDicts() ) { // Those results are already irrelevant, ignore the result return; } ui.wordList->setUpdatesEnabled( false ); for( unsigned x = 0; x < r.results.size(); ++x ) { QListWidgetItem * i = ui.wordList->item( x ); if ( !i ) ui.wordList->addItem( r.results[ x ] ); else if ( i->text() != r.results[ x ] ) i->setText( r.results[ x ] ); } while ( ui.wordList->count() > (int) r.results.size() ) { // Chop off any extra items that were there QListWidgetItem * i = ui.wordList->takeItem( ui.wordList->count() - 1 ); if ( i ) delete i; else break; } if ( ui.wordList->count() ) { ui.wordList->scrollToItem( ui.wordList->item( 0 ), QAbstractItemView::PositionAtTop ); ui.wordList->setCurrentItem( 0, QItemSelectionModel::Clear ); } ui.wordList->setUpdatesEnabled( true ); ui.wordList->unsetCursor(); } void MainWindow::wordListItemActivated( QListWidgetItem * item ) { showTranslationFor( item->text() ); } void MainWindow::wordListSelectionChanged() { QList< QListWidgetItem * > selected = ui.wordList->selectedItems(); if ( selected.size() ) wordListItemActivated( selected.front() ); } void MainWindow::openLinkInNewTab( QUrl const & url, QUrl const & referrer ) { addNewTab(); ArticleView & view = dynamic_cast< ArticleView & >( *( ui.tabWidget->currentWidget() ) ); view.openLink( url, referrer ); } void MainWindow::showDefinitionInNewTab( QString const & word, QString const & group ) { addNewTab(); ArticleView & view = dynamic_cast< ArticleView & >( *( ui.tabWidget->currentWidget() ) ); view.showDefinition( word, group ); } void MainWindow::showTranslationFor( QString const & inWord ) { ArticleView & view = dynamic_cast< ArticleView & >( *( ui.tabWidget->currentWidget() ) ); view.showDefinition( inWord, cfg.groups.empty() ? "" : groupInstances[ ui.groupList->currentIndex() ].name ); #if 0 QUrl req; req.setScheme( "gdlookup" ); req.setHost( "localhost" ); req.addQueryItem( "word", inWord ); req.addQueryItem( "group", cfg.groups.empty() ? "" : groupInstances[ ui.groupList->currentIndex() ].name ); ui.definition->load( req ); return; #endif #if 0 wstring word = inWord.trimmed().toStdWString(); // Where to look? vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > const & activeDicts = getActiveDicts(); // Accumulate main forms vector< wstring > alts; { set< wstring > altsSet; for( unsigned x = 0; x < activeDicts.size(); ++x ) { vector< wstring > found = activeDicts[ x ]->findHeadwordsForSynonym( word ); altsSet.insert( found.begin(), found.end() ); } alts.insert( alts.begin(), altsSet.begin(), altsSet.end() ); } for( unsigned x = 0; x < alts.size(); ++x ) { printf( "Alt: %ls\n", alts[ x ].c_str() ); } string result = "" ""; QFile cssFile( Config::getUserCssFileName() ); if ( cssFile.open( QFile::ReadOnly ) ) { result += "\n"; } result += ""; for( unsigned x = 0; x < activeDicts.size(); ++x ) { try { string body = activeDicts[ x ]->getArticle( word, alts ); printf( "From %s: %s\n", activeDicts[ x ]->getName().c_str(), body.c_str() ); result += "
From " + activeDicts[ x ]->getName() + "
" + body; } catch( Dictionary::exNoSuchWord & ) { continue; } } result += ""; ArticleMaker am( dictionaries, groupInstances ); string result = am.makeDefinitionFor( inWord, "En" ); ui.definition->setContent( result.c_str(), QString() ); #endif //ui.tabWidget->setTabText( ui.tabWidget->indexOf(ui.tab), inWord.trimmed() ); } void MainWindow::trayIconActivated( QSystemTrayIcon::ActivationReason ) { if ( !isVisible() ) show(); else if ( isMinimized() ) { showNormal(); activateWindow(); } else hide(); } void MainWindow::visitHomepage() { QDesktopServices::openUrl( QUrl( "http://goldendict.berlios.de/" ) ); } void MainWindow::visitForum() { QDesktopServices::openUrl( QUrl( "http://goldendict.berlios.de/forum/" ) ); } void MainWindow::showAbout() { QDialog about( this ); Ui::About ui; ui.setupUi( &about ); about.show(); about.exec(); }