XML parse error: %1 at %2,%3 Error leyendo XML: %1 en %2,%3 About About GoldenDictmanta (c) 2008-2012 Konstantin Isakov (ikm@goldendict.org) (c) 2008-2011 Konstantin Isakov (ikm@users.berlios.de) (c) 2008-2011 Konstantin Isakov (ikm@users.berlios.de) Credits: Yanapaqkuna: GoldenDict dictionary lookup program, version 0.7 GoldenDict diccionario electrónico, versión 0.7 GoldenDict dictionary lookup program, version GoldenDict simi-pirwapi mask'ana, versión #.# #.# (c) 2008-2010 Konstantin Isakov (ikm@users.berlios.de) (c) 2008-2010 Konstantin Isakov (ikm@users.berlios.de) (c) 2008-2009 Konstantin Isakov (ikm@users.berlios.de) (c) 2008-2009 Konstantin Isakov (ikm@users.berlios.de) Licensed under GNU GPLv3 or later GNU GPL kamachiyuq, versión 3 qhipamantataq [Unknown] [mana yachasqachu] ArticleMaker No translation for <b>%1</b> was found in group <b>%2</b>. Mana <b>%2</b> juñupi <b>%1</b> simita tarinchu. No translation was found in group <b>%1</b>. Mana <b>%1</b> juñupi simita tarinchu. Welcome! Qallarinapaq <h3 align="center">Welcome to <b>GoldenDict</b>!</h3><p>To start working with the program, first visit <b>Edit|Sources</b> to add some directory paths where to search for the dictionary files, and/or set up various Wikipedia sources. After that, you can optionally organize all the dictionaries found into groups in <b>Edit|Groups</b>.<p>You can also check out the available program preferences at <b>Edit|Preferences</b>. All settings there have tooltips, be sure to read them if you are in doubt about anything.<p>And then you're ready to look up your words! You can do that in this window by using a pane to the left, or you can <a href="Working with popup">look up words from other active applications</a>. <p>Should you need further help, have any questions, suggestions or just wonder what the others think, you are welcome at the program's <a href="http://goldendict.berlios.de/forum/">forum</a>.<p>You can also contact the author directly by writing an <a href="mailto: Konstantin Isakov <ikm@users.berlios.de>">e-mail</a>.<p>Check program's <a href="http://goldendict.berlios.de/">website</a> for the updates. <p>(c) 2008-2009 Konstantin Isakov. Licensed under GPLv3 or later. <h3 align="center">Welcome to <b>GoldenDict</b>!</h3><p>To start working with the program, first visit <b>Edit|Sources</b> to add some directory paths where to search for the dictionary files, and/or set up various Wikipedia sources. After that, you can optionally organize all the dictionaries found into groups in <b>Edit|Groups</b>.<p>You can also check out the available program preferences at <b>Edit|Preferences</b>. All settings there have tooltips, be sure to read them if you are in doubt about anything.<p>And then you're ready to look up your words! You can do that in this window by using a pane to the left, or you can <a href="Working with popup">look up words from other active applications</a>. <p>Should you need further help, have any questions, suggestions or just wonder what the others think, you are welcome at the program's <a href="http://goldendict.berlios.de/forum/">forum</a>.<p>You can also contact the author directly by writing an <a href="mailto: Konstantin Isakov <ikm@users.berlios.de>">e-mail</a>.<p>Check program's <a href="http://goldendict.berlios.de/">website</a> for the updates. <p>(c) 2008-2009 Konstantin Isakov. Licensed under GPLv3 or later. <h3 align="center">Welcome to <b>GoldenDict</b>!</h3><p>To start working with the program, first visit <b>Edit|Dictionaries</b> to add some directory paths where to search for the dictionary files, set up various Wikipedia sites or other sources, adjust dictionary order or create dictionary groups.<p>And then you're ready to look up your words! You can do that in this window by using a pane to the left, or you can <a href="Working with popup">look up words from other active applications</a>. <p>To customize program, check out the available preferences at <b>Edit|Preferences</b>. All settings there have tooltips, be sure to read them if you are in doubt about anything.<p>Should you need further help, have any questions, suggestions or just wonder what the others think, you are welcome at the program's <a href="http://goldendict.berlios.de/forum/">forum</a>.<p>Check program's <a href="http://goldendict.berlios.de/">website</a> for the updates. <p>(c) 2008-2009 Konstantin Isakov. Licensed under GPLv3 or later. <h3 align="center">Welcome to <b>GoldenDict</b>!</h3><p>To start working with the program, first visit <b>Edit|Dictionaries</b> to add some directory paths where to search for the dictionary files, set up various Wikipedia sites or other sources, adjust dictionary order or create dictionary groups.<p>And then you're ready to look up your words! You can do that in this window by using a pane to the left, or you can <a href="Working with popup">look up words from other active applications</a>. <p>To customize program, check out the available preferences at <b>Edit|Preferences</b>. All settings there have tooltips, be sure to read them if you are in doubt about anything.<p>Should you need further help, have any questions, suggestions or just wonder what the others think, you are welcome at the program's <a href="http://goldendict.berlios.de/forum/">forum</a>.<p>Check program's <a href="http://goldendict.berlios.de/">website</a> for the updates. <p>(c) 2008-2009 Konstantin Isakov. Licensed under GPLv3 or later. <h3 align="center">Welcome to <b>GoldenDict</b>!</h3><p>To start working with the program, first visit <b>Edit|Dictionaries</b> to add some directory paths where to search for the dictionary files, set up various Wikipedia sites or other sources, adjust dictionary order or create dictionary groups.<p>And then you're ready to look up your words! You can do that in this window by using a pane to the left, or you can <a href="Working with popup">look up words from other active applications</a>. <p>To customize program, check out the available preferences at <b>Edit|Preferences</b>. All settings there have tooltips, be sure to read them if you are in doubt about anything.<p>Should you need further help, have any questions, suggestions or just wonder what the others think, you are welcome at the program's <a href="http://goldendict.berlios.de/forum/">forum</a>.<p>Check program's <a href="http://goldendict.berlios.de/">website</a> for the updates. <p>(c) 2008-2010 Konstantin Isakov. Licensed under GPLv3 or later. <h3 align="center">Benvenuto in <b>GoldenDict</b>!</h3><p>Prima di iniziare ad usare il programma, apri il menu <b><i>Modifica|Dizionari</b></i> in modo da inserire il percorso della cartella che contiene i dizionari, impostare gli indirizzi di Wikipedia e delle altre risorse internet di traduzione, stabilire, raggruppare o modificare l'ordine di visualizzazione dei dizionari.<p>Visita anche il sito di <a href=\"http://goldendict.berlios.de/\">GoldenDict</a> per sapere se sono uscite versioni più aggiornate del programma, quali nuovi dizionari sono disponibili, e come procurarseli. <p><b>Personalizzazioni</b><br>Personalizza il programma, regolando le impostazioni di puntamento previste dal menu <b><i>Modifica|Impostazioni</b></i>. Se hai dei dubbi apri il <b><i>manuale d'uso</b></i> dal menu <b><i>Guida</b></i>.<p><b>Uso del programma</b><br>Un modo tradizionale per usare un dizionario consiste nel digitare il termine da ricercare nella casellina di ricerca (in alto a sinistra in questa stessa finestra). Tuttavia, a differenza della maggior parte degli altri dizionari elettronici che conosci, non occorre inserire il termine nella sua forma enunciativa (cosa che comporta una conoscenza di base della grammatica della lingua da tradurre); con 'GoldenDict' puoi digitare anche la forma flessa che ti appare a video; il programma è in grado di riconoscerne la radice, aprendo il dizionario esattamente alla voce corrispondente.<p><b>Scansiona e traduci le parole puntate</b><br>Altra caratteristica fondamentale di 'GoldenDict' è che non serve neppure digitare la parola da cercare nella casellina di ricerca: basta puntarla col mouse in qualunque applicazione essa si trovi. Clicca <a href=\"Puntamento e traduzione\">scansiona e traduci le parole puntate</a> per scoprire come usarla. <p>Se hai bisogno di ulteriore aiuto, hai domande o suggerimenti o per qualsiasi altra richiesta, il tuo intervento nel <a href="http://goldendict.berlios.de/forum/">forum</a> del programma è benvenuto. <p>(c) 2008-2010 Konstantin Isakov. Licenza GPLv3 o superiori. <h3 align="center">Welcome to <b>GoldenDict</b>!</h3><p>To start working with the program, first visit <b>Edit|Dictionaries</b> to add some directory paths where to search for the dictionary files, set up various Wikipedia sites or other sources, adjust dictionary order or create dictionary groups.<p>And then you're ready to look up your words! You can do that in this window by using a pane to the left, or you can <a href="Working with popup">look up words from other active applications</a>. <p>To customize program, check out the available preferences at <b>Edit|Preferences</b>. All settings there have tooltips, be sure to read them if you are in doubt about anything.<p>Should you need further help, have any questions, suggestions or just wonder what the others think, you are welcome at the program's <a href="http://goldendict.org/forum/">forum</a>.<p>Check program's <a href="http://goldendict.org/">website</a> for the updates. <p>(c) 2008-2011 Konstantin Isakov. Licensed under GPLv3 or later. <h3 align="center">¡Bienvenido a <b>GoldenDict</b>!</h3><p>Qallarinapaq, <b>Allinchay > Simi-pirwakuna</b> riy. Jaqaypi simi-pirwakunata mask'anapaq ñankunata yapay. Chaymanta, simi-pirwakunata ñiqichayta atinki. Juñukunaman simi-pirwakunata yapayta atinkitaq. <p>Chaymantari, simikunapi simikunata atinki. Mask'anapaq tawak'uchupi simita qillqapay. Wak programakunapi simikunata mask'anapaq, <a href="Working with popup">Juch'uy qhawanapi mask'ayta</a> qhaway. <p>Kay programata kamachinapaq <b>Allinchay &gt; Aqllanakuna</b> menuman riy. Achkhata yachanapaq qqllanakunaqpa willaynkukunata nawichayta atinki. <p>Aswan yanapata munaspaqa, <a href="http://goldendict.org/forum/">GoldenDictpa foronpi</a> tapuyta atinki. Kay programata kunanchanapaq <p><a href="http://goldendict.org/">web raphiman</a> riy. <p>(c) 2008-2011 Konstantin Isakov. GoldenDictqa GPL kamachiyyuq, versión 3 qhipamantataq. <h3 align="center">Welcome to <b>GoldenDict</b>!</h3><p>To start working with the program, first visit <b>Edit|Dictionaries</b> to add some directory paths where to search for the dictionary files, set up various Wikipedia sites or other sources, adjust dictionary order or create dictionary groups.<p>And then you're ready to look up your words! You can do that in this window by using a pane to the left, or you can <a href="Working with popup">look up words from other active applications</a>. <p>To customize program, check out the available preferences at <b>Edit|Preferences</b>. All settings there have tooltips, be sure to read them if you are in doubt about anything.<p>Should you need further help, have any questions, suggestions or just wonder what the others think, you are welcome at the program's <a href="http://goldendict.org/forum/">forum</a>.<p>Check program's <a href="http://goldendict.org/">website</a> for the updates. <p>(c) 2008-2012 Konstantin Isakov. Licensed under GPLv3 or later. <h3 align="center">¡Bienvenido a <b>GoldenDict</b>!</h3><p>Qallarinapaq, <b>Allinchay > Simi-pirwakuna</b> riy. Jaqaypi simi-pirwakunata mask'anapaq ñankunata yapay. Chaymanta, simi-pirwakunata ñiqichayta atinki. Juñukunaman simi-pirwakunata yapayta atinkitaq. <p>Chaymantari, simikunapi simikunata atinki. Mask'anapaq tawak'uchupi simita qillqapay. Wak programakunapi simikunata mask'anapaq, <a href="Working with popup">Juch'uy qhawanapi mask'ayta</a> qhaway. <p>Kay programata kamachinapaq <b>Allinchay &gt; Aqllanakuna</b> menuman riy. Achkhata yachanapaq qqllanakunaqpa willaynkukunata nawichayta atinki. <p>Aswan yanapata munaspaqa, <a href="http://goldendict.org/forum/">GoldenDictpa foronpi</a> tapuyta atinki. Kay programata kunanchanapaq <p><a href="http://goldendict.org/">web raphiman</a> riy. <p>(c) 2008-2011 Konstantin Isakov. GoldenDictqa GPL kamachiyyuq, versión 3 qhipamantataq. {3 ?} {3>?} {2008-2012 ?} {3 ?} Working with popup Juch'uy qhawanapi mask'anapaq <h3 align="center">Working with the popup</h3>To look up words from other active applications, you would need to first activate the <i>"Scan popup functionality"</i> in <b>Preferences</b>, and then enable it at any time either by triggering the 'Popup' icon above, or by clicking the tray icon down below with your right mouse button and choosing so in the menu you've popped. <h3 align="center">Cómo Utilizar la ventana emergente</h3>Para buscar palabras desde otras aplicaciones activas, primero hay que habilitar la opción <i>"Escaneo en una ventana emergente"</i> en <b>Editar|Preferencias</b>. Luego puede utilizarla en cualquier momento, activando el icono arriba de la 'Ventana Emergente'. Alternativamente, haga clic a derecha abajo en la bandeja del sistema y seleccione la opción <b>Escanear con Ventana Emergente</b> en el menú. Then just stop the cursor over the word you want to look up in another application, and a window would pop up which would describe it to you. Luego detenga el cursor sobre la palabra que Ud. quiere buscar en otra aplicación y una ventana emergente aparecerá para hacer la consulta. Then just select any word you want to look up in another application by your mouse (double-click it or swipe it with mouse with the button pressed), and a window would pop up which would describe the word to you. Luego, seleccione una palabra deseada con su ratón para buscarla desde otra aplicación. Para seleccionar una palabra haga doble clic o arrastra sobre la palabra mientras oprimiendo el botón del ratón, y una ventana emergente aparecerá con la definición de la palabra. (untitled) (mana sutiyuq) ArticleRequest From From %1 From %1 Query error: %1 Pantay mask'aspa: %1 Close words: Simikunata wisq'ay: Compound expressions: Expresiones compuestas: Individual words: Palabras individuales: ArticleView Resource Audio Definition: %1 GoldenDict GoldenDict The referenced resource doesn't exist. El recurso referido no existe. The referenced audio program doesn't exist. &Open Link &T'inkisqata kichay Open Link in New &Tab Musuq pestañapi t'inkisqata kichay Open Link in &External Browser Abrir enlace en un &navegador web externo &Look up "%1" "%1"ta &mask'ay Look up "%1" in &New Tab &Musuq pestañapi "%1"ta mask'ay Look up "%1" in %2 %2pi "%1"ta mask'ay Look up "%1" in %2 in &New Tab &Musuq pestañapi %2pi "%1"ta mask'ay Playing a non-WAV file Mana WAVchu archivota takichichkan To enable playback of files different than WAV, please go to Edit|Preferences, choose the Audio tab and select "Play via DirectShow" there. Para activar reproducción de archivos no WAV, por favor vaya a Editar|Preferencias, escoja la pestaña Audio y seleccione "Reproducir con DirectShow". Failed to run a player to play sound file: %1 Fallo ejecutando un reproductor para reproducir el archivo de audio: %1 Failed to create temporary file. Temporal archiwuta yurichispa pantay. Failed to auto-open resource file, try opening manually: %1. Fallo abriendo automáticamente el archivo de recursos. Intente abrirlo manualmente: %1. The referenced resource failed to download. El recurso ha fallado de descargar. WARNING: %1 WILLAY: %1 Form Forma about:blank willay:chusaq x x Find: Mask'ay: &Previous &Ñawpa &Next &Qhipa Ctrl+G Ctrl+G &Case Sensitive &JATUNKUNA/juch'uykuna Highlight &all DictGroupWidget Form Forma Group icon: Juñuqpa unanchan: Shortcut: Tecla de acceso rápido: None Ni ima From file... Archiwumanta... Choose a file to use as group icon Juñuqpa uñanchanwan archiwuta aqllay Images Rikch'aykuna All files Tukuy archiwukuna Error Pantay Can't read the specified image file. Mana rikch'aywan archiwuta kichayta atinchu DictGroupsWidget Confirmation Confirmación Are you sure you want to generate a set of groups based on language pairs? ¿Estás seguro que quiere generar un conjunto de grupos basado en pares de lengua? DictListModel %1 entries %1 willaykuna DictionaryBar Dictionary Bar Simi-pirwaqpa chumpin Edit this group Kay juñuta allinchay EditDictionaries &Sources &Pukyukuna &Dictionaries &Simi-pirwakuna &Groups &Juñukuna Sources changed Fuentes modificados Some sources were changed. Would you like to accept the changes? Algunos fuentes fueron cambiados. ¿Quieres aceptar los cambios? Accept Chaskiy Cancel Chinkachiy Dictionaries Simi-pirwakuna ExternalViewer the viewer program name is empty Forvo::ForvoArticleRequest XML parse error: %1 at %2,%3 XMLta ñawichaspa pantay: "%2,%3" nisqaman %1 Added %1 %1 yapasqa by por Male Qhari Female Warmi from imamanta Go to Edit|Dictionaries|Sources|Forvo and apply for our own API key to make this error disappear. Vaya a Editar|Diccionarios|Fuentes|Forvo y solicitar su propia clave de API para hacer desaparecer este error. GermanTranslit German Transliteration Aleman qillqapi churana GreekTranslit Greek Transliteration Griego qillqapi churana GroupComboBox Choose a Group (Alt+G) Juñuta aqllay (Alt+G) GroupSelectorWidget Form Forma Look in Imata mask'an: Groups Add group J&uñuta yapay Give a name for the new group: Musuq juñuman churay kay sutita: Rename group Waq sutita churay Give a new name for the group: Churay musuq sutita kay juñuman: Remove group Juñuta chinkachiy Are you sure you want to remove the group <b>%1</b>? <b>%1</b> juñuta chinkachiyta munankichu? Remove all groups &Tukuy juñukunata chinkachiy Are you sure you want to remove all the groups? Tukuy juñukunata chinkachiyta munankichu? Groups Groups Dictionaries available: Jap'inapaq simi-pirwakuna: Add selected dictionaries to group (Ins) (INS)wan juñuman aqllasqa simi-pirwakunata yapay > > Ins INS Remove selected dictionaries from group (Del) (SUPR)wan juñumanta aqllasqa simi-pirwakunata chinkachiy < < Del DEL Groups: Juñukuna: Tab 2 Pestaña 2 Create new dictionary group Simi-pirwakunaqpa musuq juñunkuta yurichiy &Add group &Juñuta yapay Create language-based groups Simimanta juñukunata yurichiy Auto groups Mana aqllasqachu juñukuna Rename current dictionary group Renombrar el grupo actual de diccionarios Re&name group Juñuqpa &waq sutinta churay Remove current dictionary group Simi-pirwakunawan kunan juñuta chinkachiy &Remove group Juñuta &chinkachiy Remove all dictionary groups Simi-pirwakunawan tukuy juñukunata chinkachiy Drag&drop dictionaries to and from the groups, move them inside the groups, reorder the groups using your mouse. Para añadir diccionarios a grupos, utilice el ratón para arrastre y suelte los diccionarios a los grupos utilizando el ratón. Además cambie el orden de los grupos arrastrándolos con el ratón. Hunspell Spelling suggestions: Qillqata allinchanapaq: Afar Afar Abkhazian Abkhazian Avestan Avestan Afrikaans Afrikaans Akan Akan Amharic Amharic Aragonese Aragonese Arabic Arabic Assamese Assamese Avaric Avaric Aymara Aymara Azerbaijani Azerbaijani Bashkir Bashkir Belarusian Belarusian Bulgarian Bulgarian Bihari Bihari Bislama Bislama Bambara Bambara Bengali Bengali Tibetan Tibetan Breton Breton Bosnian Bosnian Catalan Catalan Chechen Chechen Chamorro Chamorro Corsican Corsican Cree Cree Czech Czech Church Slavic Church Slavic Chuvash Chuvash Welsh Welsh Danish Danish German German Divehi Divehi Dzongkha Dzongkha Ewe Ewe Greek Greek English English Esperanto Esperanto Spanish Spanish Estonian Estonian Basque Basque Persian Persian Fulah Fulah Finnish Finnish Fijian Fijian Faroese Faroese French French Western Frisian Western Frisian Irish Irish Scottish Gaelic Scottish Gaelic Galician Galician Guarani Guarani Gujarati Gujarati Manx Manx Hausa Hausa Hebrew Hebrew Hindi Hindi Hiri Motu Hiri Motu Croatian Croatian Haitian Haitian Hungarian Hungarian Armenian Armenian Herero Herero Interlingua Interlingua Indonesian Indonesian Interlingue Interlingue Igbo Igbo Sichuan Yi Sichuan Yi Inupiaq Inupiaq Ido Ido Icelandic Icelandic Italian Italiano Inuktitut Inuktitut Japanese Japanese Javanese Javanese Georgian Georgian Kongo Kongo Kikuyu Kikuyu Kwanyama Kwanyama Kazakh Kazakh Kalaallisut Kalaallisut Khmer Khmer Kannada Kannada Korean Korean Kanuri Kanuri Kashmiri Kashmiri Kurdish Kurdish Komi Komi Cornish Cornish Kirghiz Kirghiz Latin Latin Luxembourgish Luxembourgish Ganda Ganda Limburgish Limburgish Lingala Lingala Lao Lao Lithuanian Lithuanian Luba-Katanga Luba-Katanga Latvian Latvian Malagasy Malagasy Marshallese Marshallese Maori Maori Macedonian Macedonian Malayalam Malayalam Mongolian Mongolian Marathi Marathi Malay Malay Maltese Maltese Burmese Burmese Nauru Nauru Norwegian Bokmal Norwegian Bokmal North Ndebele North Ndebele Nepali Nepali Ndonga Ndonga Dutch Dutch Norwegian Nynorsk Norwegian Nynorsk Norwegian Norwegian South Ndebele South Ndebele Navajo Navajo Chichewa Chichewa Occitan Occitan Ojibwa Ojibwa Oromo Oromo Oriya Oriya Ossetian Ossetian Panjabi Panjabi Pali Pali Polish Polish Pashto Pashto Portuguese Portuguese Quechua Quechua Raeto-Romance Raeto-Romance Kirundi Kirundi Romanian Romanian Russian Russian Kinyarwanda Kinyarwanda Sanskrit Sanskrit Sardinian Sardinian Sindhi Sindhi Northern Sami Northern Sami Sango Sango Serbo-Croatian Serbo-Croatian Sinhala Sinhala Slovak Slovak Slovenian Slovenian Samoan Samoan Shona Shona Somali Somali Albanian Albanian Serbian Serbian Swati Swati Southern Sotho Southern Sotho Sundanese Sundanese Swedish Swedish Swahili Swahili Tamil Tamil Telugu Telugu Tajik Tajik Thai Thai Tigrinya Tigrinya Turkmen Turkmen Tagalog Tagalog Tswana Tswana Tonga Tonga Turkish Turkish Tsonga Tsonga Tatar Tatar Twi Twi Tahitian Tahitian Uighur Uighur Ukrainian Ukrainian Urdu Urdu Uzbek Uzbek Venda Venda Vietnamese Vietnamese Volapuk Volapuk Walloon Walloon Wolof Wolof Xhosa Xhosa Yiddish Yiddish Yoruba Yoruba Zhuang Zhuang Chinese Chinese Zulu Zulu %1 Morphology Morfología %1 HunspellDictsModel Enabled Llank'achkanña Name Suti Initializing Please wait... Suyariy... Please wait while indexing dictionary Siqipi simi-pirwakunata ñiqichachkan. Suyariy. GoldenDict - Initializing GoldenDict - qallarispa Dictionary Name Simi-pirwaqpa sutin Language Afar Afar Abkhazian Abjasio Avestan Avéstico Afrikaans Afrikáans Akan Acano Amharic Amárico Aragonese Aragonés Arabic Arabé Assamese Asamés Avaric Ávaro Aymara Aymara Azerbaijani Azerí Bashkir Bashkir Belarusian Bielorruso Bulgarian Búlgaro Bihari Bihari Bislama Bislama Bambara Bambara Bengali Bengalí Tibetan Tibetano Breton Bretón Bosnian Bosnio Catalan Catalán Chechen Chechén Chamorro Chamorro Corsican Corso Cree Cree Czech Checo Church Slavic Eslavo eclesiástico Chuvash Chuvasio Welsh Galés Danish Danés German Alemán Divehi Divehi Dzongkha Dzongkha Ewe Ewe Greek Griego English Inglés Esperanto Esperanto Spanish Español Estonian Estonio Basque Vasco (Euskara) Persian Farsì Fulah Fula Finnish Finlandés Fijian Fiyiano Faroese Feroés French Francés Western Frisian Frisón occidental Irish Irlandés Scottish Gaelic Gaélico escocés Galician Gallego Guarani Guaraní Gujarati Guyaratí Manx Manés Hausa Hausa Hebrew Hebreo Hindi Hindi Hiri Motu Hiri Motu Croatian Croato Haitian Criollo haitiano Hungarian Húngaro Armenian Armenio Herero Herero Interlingua Interlingua Indonesian Indonés Interlingue Interlingua Igbo Igbo Sichuan Yi Sichuan Yi Inupiaq Inupiaq Ido Ido Icelandic Islandés Italian Italiano Inuktitut Inuktitut Japanese Japonés Javanese Javanés Georgian Georgiano Kongo Kikongo Kikuyu Kikuyu Kwanyama Kwanyama Kazakh Cazaco Kalaallisut Groenlandés Khmer Camboyano Kannada Kannada Korean Coreano Kanuri Kanuri Kashmiri Cachemir Kurdish Kurdo Komi Komi Cornish Córnico Kirghiz Kirguís Latin Latín Luxembourgish Luxemburgués Ganda Ganda Limburgish Limburgés Lingala Lingala Lao Laosiano Lithuanian Lituano Luba-Katanga Luba-Katanga Latvian Letón Malagasy Malgache Marshallese Marshalés Maori Maori Macedonian Macedonio Malayalam Malayalam Mongolian Mongol Marathi Marathi Malay Malayo Maltese Maltés Burmese Birmano Nauru Nauruano Norwegian Bokmal Noruego bokmål North Ndebele Ndebele norteño Nepali Nepalés Ndonga Ndonga Dutch Danés Norwegian Nynorsk Noruego Nynorsk Norwegian Noruego South Ndebele Ndebele sureño Navajo Navajo Chichewa Chichewa Occitan Occitano Ojibwa Ojibwa Oromo Oromo Oriya Oriya Ossetian Osseto Panjabi Panjabi Pali Pali Polish Polaco Pashto Pastún Portuguese Portugués Quechua Quechua (Runasimi) Raeto-Romance Retorrománico Kirundi Kirundi Romanian Rumano Russian Ruso Kinyarwanda Kinyarwanda Sanskrit Sanscrito Sardinian Sardo Sindhi Sindhi Northern Sami Sami norteño Sango Sango Serbo-Croatian Serbo-Croato Sinhala Cingalés Slovak Slovaco Slovenian Sloveno Samoan Samoano Shona Shona Somali Somalí Albanian Albanés Serbian Serbio Swati Swati Southern Sotho Sesotho Sundanese Sudanés Swedish Sueco Swahili Suajili Tamil Tamil Telugu Telugu Tajik Tayiko Thai Tailandés Tigrinya Tigriña Turkmen Turcomano Tagalog Tagalog Tswana Tswana Tonga Tonga Turkish Turco Tsonga Tsonga Tatar Tártaro Twi Twi Tahitian Tahitiano Uighur Uigur Ukrainian Ucranio Urdu Urdu Uzbek Uzbeco Venda Venda Vietnamese Vietnamita Volapuk Volapuk Walloon Valón Wolof Wólof Xhosa Xhosa Yiddish Yidis Yoruba Yoruba Zhuang Zhuang Chinese Chino Zulu Zulu Traditional Chinese Simplified Chinese Other Other Simplified Chinese dialects Other Traditional Chinese dialects Other Eastern-European languages Other Western-European languages Other Russian languages Other Japanese languages Other Baltic languages Other Greek languages Other Korean dialects Other Turkish dialects Other Thai dialects Tamazight LoadDictionaries Error loading dictionaries Simi-pirwakunata jap'ikuspa pantay MainWindow Navigation Wamp'unapaq chumpi Back Ñawpaq Forward Qhipa Scan Popup Juch'uy qhawanapi mask'ay Pronounce word Pronounce word Show &Main Window Qhapaq qhawanata &rikhuchiy &Quit &Lluqsiy Loading... Jap'ikuchkan... Skip This Release Saltar esta versión [Unknown] [Sconosciuto] Page Setup Raphita kamachina No printer is available. Please install one first. Mana impresora nisqaqa kanchu. Por favor instale una impresora. Print Article Raphipi articulota ñit'iy Save Article As Jinata articulota jallch'ay Html files (*.html *.htm) Archiwukuna HTML (*.html *.htm) Error Pantay Can't save article: %1 "%1" articulota mana jallch'ayta atinchu Error loading dictionaries Error loading dictionaries %1 dictionaries, %2 articles, %3 words %1 simi-pirwakuna, %2 articulokuna, %3 simikuna Failed to initialize hotkeys monitoring mechanism.<br>Make sure your XServer has RECORD extension turned on. Fallo de inicializar monitoreo de teclas de acceso rápido.<br>Asegúrese que su XServer tiene activada la extensión RECORD. New Release Available Una nueva versión está disponible Version <b>%1</b> of GoldenDict is now available for download.<br>Click <b>Download</b> to get to the download page. Ahora versión <b>%1</b> de GoldenDict está disponible para descargar.<br>Haga clic en <b>Descargar</b> para ir a página de descargas. Download Urayachiy Look up in: Mask'ay: Show Names in Dictionary Bar Simi-pirwaqpa chumpinpi sutikunata rikhurichiy Show Small Icons in Toolbars &Menubar Found in Dictionaries: Pronounce Word (Alt+S) Simita parlachiy (Alt+S) Zoom In Jatunyachiy Zoom Out Juch'uyyachiy Normal Size Mana aqllasqa chhikan Words Zoom In Simikunata jatunyachiy Words Zoom Out Simikunata juch'uyyachiy Words Normal Size Mana aqllasqa chhikanpa simikunan Close current tab Kunan pestañata wisq'ay Close all tabs Tukuy pestañakunata wisq'ay Close all tabs except current Tukuy pestañakunata wisq'ay, mana kunan pestañachu Look up: Mask'ay: All Tukuy Import history from file Import error: invalid data in file History import complete Import error: Opened tabs Kichasqa Pestañas Open Tabs List (untitled) (Mana sutiyuq) %1 - %2 WARNING: %1 WILLAY: %1 You have chosen to hide a menubar. Use %1 to show it back. Ctrl+M &Hide History view mode Export history to file Text files (*.txt);;All files (*.*) History export complete Export error: GoldenDict GoldenDict Tab 1 Tab 1 Tab 2 Tab 2 Welcome! ¡Bienvenido! &File &Archiwu &Edit &Allinchay &Help &Yanapa Results Navigation Pane &Dictionaries... F3 &Preferences... &Aqllanakuna... &Sources... &Sources... F2 F2 &Groups... &Juñukuna... &View &Qhaway &Zoom &Jatunyachiy/Juch'uyachiy H&istory &Yuyaynin &Dictionaries... &Simi-pirwakuna... F3 F3 F4 F4 &Homepage &GoldenDictpa raphin &About &GoldenDictmanta willaway About GoldenDict GoldenDictmanta willaway F1 F1 Quit from application Programa nisqamanta lluqsiy Ctrl+Q Ctrl+Q &Forum &Foro (Rimanakusun) &Close To Tray &Sistema nisqaqpa chumpinman wisq'ay Minimizes the window to tray Sistema nisqaqpa chumpinman programata juch'uyyachin Ctrl+F4 Ctrl+F4 &Save Article &Articulo nisqata jallch'ay Save Article Articulo nisqata jallch'ay &Print &Raphipi ñit'iy Ctrl+P Ctrl+P Page Set&up Raphita kamachina Print Preview Raphipi ñit'inapaq qhawanaraq Rescan Files Hukmanta archiwukunata ñawichay Ctrl+F5 Ctrl+F5 &Clear &Pichay New Tab Ctrl+T &Configuration Folder &Show Ctrl+H &Export &Import Search Pane Mask'anapaq kiti Ctrl+F11 Ctrl+F11 MediaWiki::MediaWikiArticleRequest XML parse error: %1 at %2,%3 XMLta ñawichaspa pantay: %1 "%2,%3"pi MediaWiki::MediaWikiWordSearchRequest XML parse error: %1 at %2,%3 XMLta ñawichaspa pantay: %1 "%2,%3"pi MediaWikisModel Enabled Llank'achkanña Name Suti Address Maypi OrderAndProps Form Forma Dictionary order: Siqipi simi-pirwakunata ñiqichanapaq: ... ... Inactive (disabled) dictionaries: Mana jap'isqa simi-pirwakuna: Dictionary information Simi-pirwamanta willay Name: Suti: Total articles: Jayk'a articulokuna: Total words: Jayk'a simikuna: Translates from: Simimanta: Translates to: Simiman: Description: Files comprising this dictionary: Kay simi-pirwaqa chay archiwukunayoq: Adjust the order by dragging and dropping items in it. Drop dictionaries to the inactive group to disable their use. Ajuste el orden, arrastrando y soltando los diccionarios con el ratón. Mueva diccionarios al grupo deshabilitado para desactivar su uso PathsModel Path Ñan Recursive Recursivo Preferences Preferences Aqllanakuna &Interface &Programaqpa uyan Tabbed browsing Pestaña nisqawan wamp'una Normally, opening a new tab switches to it immediately. With this on however, new tabs will be opened without switching to them. Normalmente, abriendo una pestaña nueva traslada allí inmediatamente. Con esta opción pestañas nuevas serán abiertas sin trasladar a ellas. Open new tabs in background Musuq pestañata kichaqtin kunan pestañamanta ama ripuychu With this on, new tabs are opened just after the current, active one. Otherwise they are added to be the last ones. Por defecto, nuevas pestañas son agregadas al final de la lista. Con está opción pestañas nuevas son abiertas al lado de la pestaña actual. Open new tabs after the current one Kunan pestañaqpa chirunman musuq pestañata kichay Select this option if you don't want to see the main tab bar when only a single tab is opened. Hide single tab Ctrl-Tab navigates tabs in MRU order When enabled, an icon appears in the sytem tray area which can be used to open main window and perform other tasks. Cuando activado un icono aparece en la bandeja del sistema que puede ser utilizado para abrir la ventana principal y realizar otras tareas. Enable system tray icon Sistema nisqaqpa chumpinpi unanchata churay With this on, the application starts directly to system tray without showing its main window. Con esta opción, la aplicación inicia directamente en la bandeja del sistema sin mostrar su ventana principal. Start to system tray Sistema nisqaqpa chumpinpi qalliriy With this on, an attempt to close main window would hide it instead of closing the application. Con esta opción un intento de cerrar la ventana principal la ocultaría sin cerrar la aplicación. Close to system tray Sistema nisqaqpa chimpunman wisq'ay Startup Qallariynin Start with system Sistema nisqaqa qallariqtin GoldenDict qallarintaq Interface language: GoldenDictpa simin: Display style: Imayna rikhurin: Double-click translates the word clicked Simita mask'anapaq iskay klik ruway Normally, pressing ESC key moves focus to the translation line. With this on however, it will hide the main window. ESC key hides main window Chooses whether the scan popup mode is on by default or not. If checked, the program would always start with the scan popup active. Selecciona si el modo de escaneo está activado por defecto o no. Si está marcado, el programa siempre iniciará con el modo de escaneo habilitado. Normally, in order to activate a popup you have to maintain the chosen keys pressed while you select a word. With this enabled, the chosen keys may also be pressed shortly after the selection is done. Normalmente, para activar la ventana emergente, tiene que mantener las teclas escogidas oprimidas mientras Ud. selecciona una palabra. Con esta opción habilitada, las teclas escogidas puede ser oprimidas un poco despues la seleccion esté hecha. Hotkeys Teclakuna Use the following hotkey to show or hide the main window: Usar la siguiente combinación de teclas para mostrar u ocultar la ventana principal: Use the following hotkey to translate a word from clipboard: Usar la tecla siguiente para traducir una palabra en la porta-papeles: The hotkeys are global and work from any program and within any context as long as GoldenDict is running in background. Las teclas de acceso rápido están globales y funcionan desde cualquier programa o contexto mientras que GoldenDict estén ejecutando en el fondo. &Scan Popup &Juch'uy qhawanapi mask'ay Automatically starts GoldenDict after operation system bootup. Sistema nisqaqa qallariqtinkama, GoldenDictqa qallarinpis. When enabled, a translation popup window would be shown each time you point your mouse on any word on the screen (Windows) or select any word with mouse (Linux). When enabled, you can switch it on and off from main window or tray icon. Con esta opción habilitada, la ventana emergente aparecerá cada vez que el ratón apunta a una palabra en la pantalla (Windows) o una palabra está seleccionada con el ratón (Linux). Cuando habilitada, se puede prenderla o apagarla desde la ventana principal o el icono en la bandeja del sistema. Scan popup functionality Scan popup functionality Enable scan popup functionality Juch'uy qhawanapi mask'ay Start with scan popup turned on Programaqa qallariqtin juch'uy qhawanapi maskay With this enabled, the popup would only show up if all chosen keys are in the pressed state when the word selection changes. Con esto habilitado, la ventana emergente sólo aparece si todas las teclas seleccionadas estén oprimidas cuando la selección de la palabra cambie. Only show popup when all selected keys are kept pressed: Tukuy kay teclakunata ñit'inaykikama, juch'uy qhawanata rikhurichinqa: Left Ctrl only Sapalla lluq'i CTRL Left Ctrl Lluq'i CTRL Right Shift only Sapalla paña MAYÚSCULA Right Shift Paña MAYÚSCULA Alt key Tecla ALT Alt ALT Ctrl key Tecla CTRL Ctrl CTRL Left Alt only Sapalla lluq'i ALT Left Alt Lluq'i ALT Shift key Tecla MAYÚSCULA Shift MAYÚSCULA Right Alt only Sapalla paña ALT Right Alt Paña ALT Right Ctrl only Sapalla paña CTRL Right Ctrl Paña CTRL Left Shift only Sola MAYÚSCULA de izquierda Left Shift Lluq'i MAYÚSCULA Windows key or Meta key Tecla de WINDOWS o META Win/Meta WINDOWSchu METAchu Keys may also be pressed afterwards, within Teclasta ñit'iyta atinki To avoid false positives, the keys are only monitored after the selection's done for a limited amount of seconds, which is specified here. Para evitar positivos falsos, las teclas sólo son monitoreadas después de la terminación de la selección adentro un tiempo limitado, que está especificado aquí. secs qhipa segundokuna Send translated word to main window instead of to show it in popup window Send translated word to main window <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'DejaVu Sans'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" color:#ff0000;">Note: You appear to be running an X.Org XServer release which has the RECORD extension broken. Hotkeys in GoldenDict will probably not work. This must be fixed in the server itself. Please refer to the following </span><a href="https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=20500"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">bug entry</span></a><span style=" color:#ff0000;"> and leave a comment there if you like.</span></p></body></html> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'DejaVu Sans'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" color:#ff0000;">Nota: Aparece que la extensión RECORD está rota en tu instalación de X.Org XServer. Las teclas de acceso rápido de GoldenDict probablemente no funcionan. Este problema puede ser arreglado en el servidor mismo. Por favor consulte al </span><a href="https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=20500"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">reportaje de bug</span></a><span style=" color:#ff0000;"> y se puede entregar comentarios allí.</span></p></body></html> &Audio &Chanra Pronunciation Parlachina Auto-pronounce words in main window Qhapaq qhawanapi kunanpacha simikunata parlachiy Auto-pronounce words in scan popup Juch'uy qhawanapi kunanpacha simikunata parlachiy Playback Takichina Use Windows native playback API. Limited to .wav files only, but works very well. Usar la API nativa de Windows para reproducir que está limitada a archivos .wav, pero funciona muy bien. Play via Windows native API Windows API nisqawan takichiy Play audio via Phonon framework. May be somewhat unstable, but should support most audio file formats. Reproduce audio con Phonon. Puede ser un poco inestable, pero debe soportar a mayoría de formatos de audio. Play via Phonon Phonon nisqawan takichiy Use any external program to play audio files Usar cualquier programa para reproducir archivos de audio Use external program: Takichiy jawa programawan: Ad&vanced ScanPopup extra technologies Try to use IAccessibleEx technology to retrieve word under cursor. This technology works only with some programs that support it (for example Internet Explorer 9). It is not needed to select this option if you don't use such programs. Use &IAccessibleEx Try to use UI Automation technology to retrieve word under cursor. This technology works only with some programs that support it. It is not needed to select this option if you don't use such programs. Use &UIAutomation Try to use special GoldenDict message to retrieve word under cursor. This technology works only with some programs that support it. It is not needed to select this option if you don't use such programs. Use &GoldenDict message Program to play audio files: Program to play audio files: &Network &Llika Enable if you wish to use a proxy server for all program's network requests. Habilite está opción si Ud. quiere utilizar un servidor proxy por todas las solicitudes de red del programa. Use proxy server Servidor proxy nisqawan t'inkichiy Type: Tipo: Host: Host: Port: Punku: User: jap'iq masi: Password: Pakasqa simi: Enabling this would make GoldenDict block most advertisements by disallowing content (images, frames) not originating from the site you are browsing. If some site breaks because of this, try disabling this. Habilitando esta opción bloqueará la mayoría de propagando comercial, porque no permite contenido (imágenes y marcos) que no vienen directamente del sitio utilizado. Si causa problemas con algunos sitios, deshabilite esta opción. Disallow loading content from other sites (hides most advertisements) No permite la carga de contenido de otros sitios (oculta la mayoría de propaganda) Enabling this would allow to listen to sound pronunciations from online dictionaries that rely on Flash or other web plugins. Plugin must be installed for this option to work. Enable web plugins When this is enabled, the program periodically checks if a new, updated version of GoldenDict is available for download. If it is so, the program informs the user about it and prompts to open a download page. Cuando habilitado, el programa periódicamente verifica si una versión nueva de GoldenDict está disponible para descargarla. Si está disponible, el programa le informa al usuario y le apunta a la página web para descargarla. Check for new program releases periodically Verificar periódicamente si haya una nueva versión del programa System default Sistema nisqaqpa simin English English Russian Russian Default Mana aqllasqa Lingvo Lingvo Babylon Play via DirectShow DirectShow nisqawan takichiy Changing Language Simita t'ikrachkan Restart the program to apply the language change. Musuq simita jap'ikunanpaq hukmanta programata qallarichiy. ProgramTypeEditor Audio Plain Text Html Prefix Match Unknown Programs::RunInstance No program name was given. The program has crashed. The program has returned exit code %1. ProgramsModel Enabled Llank'achkanña Type Name Suti Command Line Romaji Hepburn Romaji for Hiragana Romanización hepburn de Hiragana Hepburn Romaji for Katakana Romanización hepburn de Katakana RussianTranslit Russian Transliteration Ruso qillqapi churay ScanPopup %1 results differing in diacritic marks %1 results differing in diacritic marks %1 result(s) beginning with the search word %1 result(s) beginning with the search word Dialog Rimanakuy word simi List Matches (Alt+M) Tarisqa simikuna (Alt+M) Alt+M Alt+M Pronounce Word (Alt+S) Simita parlachiy (Alt+S) Alt+S Alt+S Send word to main window (Alt+W) Alt+W Shows or hides the dictionary bar Simi-pirwakunawan chumpita rikhurichin chaymanta pakachintaq Use this to pin down the window so it would stay on screen, could be resized or managed in other ways. Utilice esto para fijar la ventana en la pantalla, redimensionarla o gerenciarla en otra manera. List matches List matches ... ... Pronounce word Pronounce word SoundDirsModel Path Ñan Name Suti Sources (not available in portable version) (no disponible en versión portátil) Choose a directory Directorio nisqata aqllay Confirm removal Chinkachiyta munankichu? Remove directory <b>%1</b> from the list? ¿<b>%1</b> directorio chinkachiyta munankichu? Remove site <b>%1</b> from the list? ¿<b>%1</b> raphita chinkachiyta munankichu? Remove program <b>%1</b> from the list? Sources Sources Files Archiwukuna Paths to search for the dictionary files: Simi-pirwakunaqpa archiwunkuta tarinapaq ñankuna: &Add... &Yapay... &Remove &Chinkachiy Re&scan now Kunan &hukmanta ñawichay Sound Dirs Chanrawan directoriokuna Make dictionaries from bunches of audiofiles by adding paths here: Crear diccionarios de grupos de archivos de audio, encontrados en rutas aquí: Morphology Morfología Path to a directory with Hunspell/Myspell dictionaries: Hunspell/Myspell simi-pirwakunawan directoriokunaman ñan: &Change... &Allinchay... Available morphology dictionaries: Jap'ikunapaq morfológicos simi-pirwakuna: Each morphology dictionary appears as a separate auxiliary dictionary which provides stem words for searches and spelling suggestions for mistyped words. Add appropriate dictionaries to the bottoms of the appropriate groups to use them. Cada diccionario morfológico aparece como un diccionario auxiliar separado que provee palabras raíces para búsquedas y sugerencias ortográficas de palabras mal escritas. Agregar diccionarios a los fondos de grupos apropriados para utilizarlos. Websites Web raphikuna Any websites. A string %GDWORD% will be replaced with the query word: Web raphikuna: (Mask'asqa simiwan "%GDWORD%"ta rantinqa) Alternatively, use %GD1251% for CP1251, %GDISO1% for ISO 8859-1. ("CP1251"wan "%GD1251%"ta rantinqa. "ISO 8859-1"wan "%GDISO1%"ta rantinqa) Programs Any external programs. A string %GDWORD% will be replaced with the query word. The word will also be fed into standard input. Forvo Forvo Live pronunciations from <a href="http://www.forvo.com/">forvo.com</a>. The site allows people to record and share word pronunciations. You can listen to them from GoldenDict. Pronuncia directamente de <a href="http://www.forvo.com/">forvo.com</a>. Este sito permite que la gente grabe y comparta pronunciaciones de palabras que pueden ser escuchadas desde GoldenDict. Enable pronunciations from Forvo Forvo nisqawan parlachiy API Key: API nisqaqpa chimpun: Use of Forvo currently requires an API key. Leave this field blank to use the default key, which may become unavailable in the future, or register on the site to get your own key. Actualmente el uso de Forvo requiere una clave de API. Deje este campo en blanco para utilizar la clave por defecto, que tal vez no será disponible en el futuro, o registre en el sitio para obtener tu propia clave personalizada. <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'DejaVu Sans'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <table style="-qt-table-type: root; margin-top:4px; margin-bottom:4px; margin-left:4px; margin-right:4px;"> <tr> <td style="border: none;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Get your own key <a href="http://api.forvo.com/key/"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0057ae;">here</span></a>, or leave blank to use the default one.</p></td></tr></table></body></html> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'DejaVu Sans'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <table style="-qt-table-type: root; margin-top:4px; margin-bottom:4px; margin-left:4px; margin-right:4px;"> <tr> <td style="border: none;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Obtenga tu propria clave <a href="http://api.forvo.com/key/"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0057ae;">aquí</span></a>, o deje en blanco para utilizar la clave por defecto.</p></td></tr></table></body></html> Language codes (comma-separated): Simikunaqpa chimpunku (coma nisqakunawan t'aqasqa): List of language codes you would like to have. Example: "en, ru". Simi munaykinkiLista de códigos de lenguas que Ud. quiere utilizar. Por Ejemplo: "en, ru, es". Full list of language codes is available <a href="http://www.forvo.com/languages-codes/">here</a>. Una lista completa de los códigos de lenguas está disponible <a href="http://www.forvo.com/languages-codes/">aquí</a>. Transliteration Waq qillqaman t'ikray Russian transliteration Ruso qillqaman t'ikray Greek transliteration Griego qillqaman t'ikray German transliteration Aleman qillqaman t'ikray Enables to use the Latin alphabet to write the Japanese language Habilita el alfabeto romano para escribir la lengua japonesa Japanese Romaji Romano qillqapi japonés simita t'ikray Systems: Sistemas: The most widely used method of transcription of Japanese, based on English phonology El sistema más utilizado para transcribir japonés, basado en la fonología inglesa Hepburn Hepburn The most regular system, having a one-to-one relation to the kana writing systems. Standardized as ISO 3602 Not implemented yet in GoldenDict. El sistema más utilizado, con una relación uno-a-uno con sistemas de escritura kana. Su estándar es ISO-3602. Todavia no implementado en GoldenDict. Nihon-shiki Nihon-shiki Based on Nihon-shiki system, but modified for modern standard Japanese. Standardized as ISO 3602 Not implemented yet in GoldenDict. Basado en el sistema Nihon-shiki, pero modificado para el japonés moderno estándar. Estandarizado como ISO 3602 Todavía no implementado en GoldenDict. Kunrei-shiki Kunrei-shiki Syllabaries: Silabario: Hiragana Japanese syllabary Silabario de Japonés Hiragana Hiragana Hiragana Katakana Japanese syllabary Silabario de Japonés Katakana Katakana Katakana Each morphology dictionary appears as a separate auxiliary dictionary which provides stem words for searches and spelling suggestions for mistyped words. Add appropriate dictionaries to the bottoms of the appropriate groups to use them. Each morphology dictionary appears as a separate auxiliary dictionary which provides stem words for searches and spelling suggestions for mistyped words. Add appropriate dictionaries to the bottoms of the appropriate groups to use them. Wikipedia Wikipedia Wikipedia (MediaWiki) sites: Wikipedia (MediaWiki) raphikuna: WebSitesModel Enabled Llank'achkanña Name Suti Address Maypi WordFinder Failed to query some dictionaries. Simi-pirwakunapi mask'aspa pantay