#include <QObject>
#include <QTimer>
#include <ApplicationServices/ApplicationServices.h>
#include "config.hh"
#include "keyboardstate.hh"
#include "mutex.hh"

/// This is a mouseover feature interface, where you can point your mouse at
/// any word in any window and wait a little, and it would provide that word
/// for the translation.

class MacMouseOver: public QObject, public KeyboardState


  /// The class is a singleton.
  static MacMouseOver & instance();

  /// Enables mouseover. The mouseover is initially disabled.
  void enableMouseOver();
  /// Disables mouseover.
  void disableMouseOver();

  /// Set pointer to program configuration
  void setPreferencesPtr( Config::Preferences const *ppref ) { pPref = ppref; };

  /// Called from event loop callback
  void mouseMoved();

  static bool isAXAPIEnabled();

  /// Emitted when there was some text under cursor which was hovered over.
  void hovered( QString const &, bool forcePopup );

private slots:
  void timerShot();


  void handlePosition();
  QString CFStringRefToQString( CFStringRef str );
  void handleRetrievedString( QString & wordSeq, int wordSeqPos );

  Config::Preferences const *pPref;
  QTimer mouseTimer;
  CFMachPortRef tapRef;
  CFRunLoopSourceRef loop;
  Mutex mouseMutex;
  AXUIElementRef elementSystemWide;

  bool mouseOverEnabled;

