/* This file is (c) 2008-2012 Konstantin Isakov * Part of GoldenDict. Licensed under GPLv3 or later, see the LICENSE file */ #include "audiolink.hh" #include "globalbroadcaster.hh" std::string addAudioLink( std::string const & url, std::string const & dictionaryId ) { if ( url.empty() || url.length() < 2 ) return {}; GlobalBroadcaster::instance()->pronounce_engine.sendAudio( dictionaryId, QString::fromStdString( url.substr( 1, url.length() - 2 ) ) ); return std::string( "" ); } std::string makeAudioLinkScript( std::string const & url, std::string const & dictionaryId ) { /// Convert "'" to "\'" - this char broke autoplay of audiolinks std::string ref; bool escaped = false; for ( const char ch : url ) { if ( escaped ) { ref += ch; escaped = false; continue; } if ( ch == '\'' ) ref += '\\'; ref += ch; escaped = ( ch == '\\' ); } const std::string audioLinkForDict = QString::fromStdString( R"( if(!gdAudioMap.has('%1')){ gdAudioMap.set('%1',%2); } )" ) .arg( QString::fromStdString( dictionaryId ), QString::fromStdString( url ) ) .toStdString(); return "gdAudioLinks.first = gdAudioLinks.first || " + ref + ";" + audioLinkForDict; }