#ifdef MAKE_FFMPEG_PLAYER #include "audiooutput.hh" #include "ffmpegaudio.hh" #include #include extern "C" { #include #include #include #include "libswresample/swresample.h" } #include #include #include #if ( QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK( 6, 2, 0 ) ) #include #include #endif #include "gddebug.hh" #include "utils.hh" using std::vector; namespace Ffmpeg { QMutex DecoderThread::deviceMutex_; static inline QString avErrorString( int errnum ) { char buf[ 64 ]; av_strerror( errnum, buf, 64 ); return QString::fromLatin1( buf ); } AudioService & AudioService::instance() { static AudioService a; return a; } AudioService::AudioService() { // ao_initialize(); } AudioService::~AudioService() { emit cancelPlaying( true ); // ao_shutdown(); } void AudioService::playMemory( const char * ptr, int size ) { emit cancelPlaying( false ); QByteArray audioData( ptr, size ); DecoderThread * thread = new DecoderThread( audioData, this ); connect( thread, &DecoderThread::error, this, &AudioService::error ); connect( this, &AudioService::cancelPlaying, thread, &DecoderThread::cancel, Qt::DirectConnection ); connect( thread, &QThread::finished, thread, &QObject::deleteLater ); thread->start(); } void AudioService::stop() { emit cancelPlaying( false ); } struct DecoderContext { enum { kBufferSize = 32768 }; static QMutex deviceMutex_; QAtomicInt & isCancelled_; QByteArray audioData_; QDataStream audioDataStream_; AVFormatContext * formatContext_; #if LIBAVCODEC_VERSION_MAJOR < 59 AVCodec * codec_; #else const AVCodec * codec_; #endif AVCodecContext * codecContext_; AVIOContext * avioContext_; AVStream * audioStream_; // ao_device * aoDevice_; AudioOutput * audioOutput; bool avformatOpened_; SwrContext * swr_; DecoderContext( QByteArray const & audioData, QAtomicInt & isCancelled ); ~DecoderContext(); bool openCodec( QString & errorString ); void closeCodec(); bool openOutputDevice( QString & errorString ); void closeOutputDevice(); bool play( QString & errorString ); bool normalizeAudio( AVFrame * frame, vector< uint8_t > & samples ); void playFrame( AVFrame * frame ); }; DecoderContext::DecoderContext( QByteArray const & audioData, QAtomicInt & isCancelled ): isCancelled_( isCancelled ), audioData_( audioData ), audioDataStream_( audioData_ ), formatContext_( NULL ), codec_( NULL ), codecContext_( NULL ), avioContext_( NULL ), audioStream_( NULL ), audioOutput( new AudioOutput ), avformatOpened_( false ), swr_( NULL ) { } DecoderContext::~DecoderContext() { closeOutputDevice(); closeCodec(); } static int readAudioData( void * opaque, unsigned char * buffer, int bufferSize ) { QDataStream * pStream = (QDataStream *)opaque; // This function is passed as the read_packet callback into avio_alloc_context(). // The documentation for this callback parameter states: // For stream protocols, must never return 0 but rather a proper AVERROR code. if ( pStream->atEnd() ) return AVERROR_EOF; const int bytesRead = pStream->readRawData( (char *)buffer, bufferSize ); // QDataStream::readRawData() returns 0 at EOF => return AVERROR_EOF in this case. // An error is unlikely here, so just print a warning and return AVERROR_EOF too. if ( bytesRead < 0 ) gdWarning( "readAudioData: error while reading raw data." ); return bytesRead > 0 ? bytesRead : AVERROR_EOF; } bool DecoderContext::openCodec( QString & errorString ) { formatContext_ = avformat_alloc_context(); if ( !formatContext_ ) { errorString = "avformat_alloc_context() failed."; return false; } unsigned char * avioBuffer = (unsigned char *)av_malloc( kBufferSize + AV_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE ); if ( !avioBuffer ) { errorString = "av_malloc() failed."; return false; } // Don't free buffer allocated here (if succeeded), it will be cleaned up automatically. avioContext_ = avio_alloc_context( avioBuffer, kBufferSize, 0, &audioDataStream_, readAudioData, NULL, NULL ); if ( !avioContext_ ) { av_free( avioBuffer ); errorString = "avio_alloc_context() failed."; return false; } avioContext_->seekable = 0; avioContext_->write_flag = 0; // If pb not set, avformat_open_input() simply crash. formatContext_->pb = avioContext_; formatContext_->flags |= AVFMT_FLAG_CUSTOM_IO; int ret = 0; avformatOpened_ = true; ret = avformat_open_input( &formatContext_, NULL, NULL, NULL ); if ( ret < 0 ) { errorString = QString( "avformat_open_input() failed: %1." ).arg( avErrorString( ret ) ); return false; } ret = avformat_find_stream_info( formatContext_, NULL ); if ( ret < 0 ) { errorString = QString( "avformat_find_stream_info() failed: %1." ).arg( avErrorString( ret ) ); return false; } // Find audio stream, use the first audio stream if available for ( unsigned i = 0; i < formatContext_->nb_streams; i++ ) { if ( formatContext_->streams[ i ]->codecpar->codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO ) { audioStream_ = formatContext_->streams[ i ]; break; } } if ( !audioStream_ ) { errorString = QString( "Could not find audio stream." ); return false; } codec_ = avcodec_find_decoder( audioStream_->codecpar->codec_id ); if ( !codec_ ) { errorString = QString( "Codec [id: %1] not found." ).arg( audioStream_->codecpar->codec_id ); return false; } codecContext_ = avcodec_alloc_context3( codec_ ); if ( !codecContext_ ) { errorString = QString( "avcodec_alloc_context3() failed." ); return false; } avcodec_parameters_to_context( codecContext_, audioStream_->codecpar ); ret = avcodec_open2( codecContext_, codec_, NULL ); if ( ret < 0 ) { errorString = QString( "avcodec_open2() failed: %1." ).arg( avErrorString( ret ) ); return false; } gdDebug( "Codec open: %s: channels: %d, rate: %d, format: %s\n", codec_->long_name, codecContext_->channels, codecContext_->sample_rate, av_get_sample_fmt_name( codecContext_->sample_fmt ) ); auto layout = codecContext_->channel_layout; if ( !layout ) { layout = av_get_default_channel_layout( codecContext_->channels ); codecContext_->channel_layout = layout; } swr_ = swr_alloc_set_opts( NULL, layout, AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16, 44100, layout, codecContext_->sample_fmt, codecContext_->sample_rate, 0, NULL ); if ( !swr_ || swr_init( swr_ ) < 0 ) { av_log( NULL, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Cannot create sample rate converter \n" ); swr_free( &swr_ ); return false; } return true; } void DecoderContext::closeCodec() { if ( swr_ ) { swr_free( &swr_ ); } if ( !formatContext_ ) { if ( avioContext_ ) { av_free( avioContext_->buffer ); avioContext_ = NULL; } return; } // avformat_open_input() is not called, just free the buffer associated with // the AVIOContext, and the AVFormatContext if ( !avformatOpened_ ) { if ( formatContext_ ) { avformat_free_context( formatContext_ ); formatContext_ = NULL; } if ( avioContext_ ) { av_free( avioContext_->buffer ); avioContext_ = NULL; } return; } avformatOpened_ = false; // Closing a codec context without prior avcodec_open2() will result in // a crash in ffmpeg if ( audioStream_ && codecContext_ && codec_ ) { audioStream_->discard = AVDISCARD_ALL; avcodec_close( codecContext_ ); avcodec_free_context( &codecContext_ ); } avformat_close_input( &formatContext_ ); av_free( avioContext_->buffer ); } bool DecoderContext::openOutputDevice( QString & errorString ) { // only check device when qt version is greater than 6.2 #if ( QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK( 6, 2, 0 ) ) QAudioDevice m_outputDevice = QMediaDevices::defaultAudioOutput(); if ( m_outputDevice.isNull() ) { errorString += QString( "Can not found default audio output device" ); return false; } #endif audioOutput->setAudioFormat( 44100, codecContext_->channels ); return true; } void DecoderContext::closeOutputDevice() {} bool DecoderContext::play( QString & errorString ) { AVFrame * frame = av_frame_alloc(); if ( !frame ) { errorString = QString( "avcodec_alloc_frame() failed." ); return false; } AVPacket * packet = av_packet_alloc(); while ( !Utils::AtomicInt::loadAcquire( isCancelled_ ) && av_read_frame( formatContext_, packet ) >= 0 ) { if ( packet->stream_index == audioStream_->index ) { int ret = avcodec_send_packet( codecContext_, packet ); /* read all the output frames (in general there may be any number of them) */ while ( ret >= 0 ) { ret = avcodec_receive_frame( codecContext_, frame ); if ( Utils::AtomicInt::loadAcquire( isCancelled_ ) || ret < 0 ) break; playFrame( frame ); } } av_packet_unref( packet ); } /* flush the decoder */ packet->data = NULL; packet->size = 0; int ret = avcodec_send_packet( codecContext_, packet ); while ( ret >= 0 ) { ret = avcodec_receive_frame( codecContext_, frame ); if ( Utils::AtomicInt::loadAcquire( isCancelled_ ) || ret < 0 ) break; playFrame( frame ); } av_frame_free( &frame ); av_packet_free( &packet ); return true; } bool DecoderContext::normalizeAudio( AVFrame * frame, vector< uint8_t > & samples ) { auto dst_freq = 44100; auto dst_channels = codecContext_->channels; int out_count = (int64_t)frame->nb_samples * dst_freq / frame->sample_rate + 256; int out_size = av_samples_get_buffer_size( NULL, dst_channels, out_count, AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16, 1 ); samples.resize( out_size ); uint8_t * data[ 2 ] = { 0 }; data[ 0 ] = &samples.front(); auto out_nb_samples = swr_convert( swr_, data, out_count, (const uint8_t **)frame->extended_data, frame->nb_samples ); if ( out_nb_samples < 0 ) { av_log( NULL, AV_LOG_ERROR, "converte fail \n" ); return false; } else { // qDebug( "out_count:%d, out_nb_samples:%d, frame->nb_samples:%d \n", out_count, out_nb_samples, frame->nb_samples ); } int actual_size = av_samples_get_buffer_size( NULL, dst_channels, out_nb_samples, AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16, 1 ); samples.resize( actual_size ); return true; } void DecoderContext::playFrame( AVFrame * frame ) { if ( !frame ) return; vector< uint8_t > samples; if ( normalizeAudio( frame, samples ) ) { audioOutput->play( &samples.front(), samples.size() ); } } DecoderThread::DecoderThread( QByteArray const & audioData, QObject * parent ): QThread( parent ), isCancelled_( 0 ), audioData_( audioData ) { } DecoderThread::~DecoderThread() { isCancelled_.ref(); } void DecoderThread::run() { QString errorString; DecoderContext d( audioData_, isCancelled_ ); if ( !d.openCodec( errorString ) ) { emit error( errorString ); return; } while ( !deviceMutex_.tryLock( 100 ) ) { if ( Utils::AtomicInt::loadAcquire( isCancelled_ ) ) return; } if ( !d.openOutputDevice( errorString ) ) emit error( errorString ); else if ( !d.play( errorString ) ) emit error( errorString ); d.closeOutputDevice(); deviceMutex_.unlock(); } void DecoderThread::cancel( bool waitUntilFinished ) { isCancelled_.ref(); if ( waitUntilFinished ) this->wait(); } } // namespace Ffmpeg #endif // MAKE_FFMPEG_PLAYER