GenjiFujimoto 16943ccab1 Add ankicard link and button
make selectedText const

add a new keyboard shortcut: ctrl+shift+n to make a card

if word is empty, warn and exit


return after ankisearch

remove temp vars

change the anki action's text depending on selected text

reformat article maker

the anki button is shown under the heading

revert to the previous way of constructing gddictname

to reduce size of the diff
2023-04-06 09:06:57 +08:00

474 lines
15 KiB

/* This file is (c) 2008-2012 Konstantin Isakov <>
* Part of GoldenDict. Licensed under GPLv3 or later, see the LICENSE file */
#include <QAction>
#include <QMap>
#include <QSet>
#include <QUrl>
#include <QWebEngineView>
#include <list>
#include "article_netmgr.hh"
#include "audioplayerinterface.hh"
#include "instances.hh"
#include "groupcombobox.hh"
#include "globalbroadcaster.h"
#include "article_inspect.h"
#if( QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK( 6, 0, 0 ) )
#include <QtCore5Compat/QRegExp>
#include "ankiconnector.h"
#include "webmultimediadownload.hh"
#include "base_type.h"
#include "articlewebview.hh"
#include "ui/searchpanel.h"
#include "ui/ftssearchpanel.h"
class ResourceToSaveHandler;
class ArticleViewAgent ;
/// A widget with the web view tailored to view and handle articles -- it
/// uses the appropriate netmgr, handles link clicks, rmb clicks etc
class ArticleView: public QWidget
ArticleNetworkAccessManager & articleNetMgr;
AudioPlayerPtr const & audioPlayer;
std::vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > const & allDictionaries;
Instances::Groups const & groups;
bool popupView;
Config::Class const & cfg;
QWebChannel * channel;
ArticleViewAgent * agent;
AnkiConnector * ankiConnector;
QAction pasteAction, articleUpAction, articleDownAction,
goBackAction, goForwardAction, selectCurrentArticleAction,
copyAsTextAction, inspectAction;
QAction & openSearchAction;
bool searchIsOpened;
bool expandOptionalParts;
QString rangeVarName;
/// An action used to create Anki notes.
QAction sendToAnkiAction{ tr( "&Create Anki note" ), this };
/// Any resource we've decided to download off the dictionary gets stored here.
/// Full vector capacity is used for search requests, where we have to make
/// a multitude of requests.
std::list< sptr< Dictionary::DataRequest > > resourceDownloadRequests;
/// Url of the resourceDownloadRequests
QUrl resourceDownloadUrl;
/// For resources opened via desktop services
QSet< QString > desktopOpenedTempFiles;
QAction * dictionaryBarToggled;
GroupComboBox const *groupComboBox;
QLineEdit const * translateLine;
/// current searching word.
QString currentWord;
/// current active dict id list;
QStringList currentActiveDictIds;
bool historyMode=false;
//current active dictionary id;
QString activeDictId;
/// Search in results of full-text search
QStringList allMatches;
QStringList uniqueMatches;
bool ftsSearchIsOpened, ftsSearchMatchCase;
int ftsPosition;
QString delayedHighlightText;
void highlightFTSResults();
void highlightAllFtsOccurences( QWebEnginePage::FindFlags flags );
void performFtsFindOperation( bool backwards );
/// The popupView flag influences contents of the context menus to be
/// appropriate to the context of the view.
/// The groups aren't copied -- rather than that, the reference is kept
ArticleView( QWidget * parent,
ArticleNetworkAccessManager &,
AudioPlayerPtr const &,
std::vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > const & allDictionaries,
Instances::Groups const &,
bool popupView,
Config::Class const & cfg,
QAction & openSearchAction_,
QLineEdit const * translateLine,
QAction * dictionaryBarToggled = nullptr,
GroupComboBox const * groupComboBox = nullptr
/// Sets the currently active group combo box. When looking up selections,
/// this allows presenting a choice of looking up in the currently chosen
/// group. Setting this to 0 disables this. It is 0 by default.
void setGroupComboBox( GroupComboBox const * );
virtual QSize minimumSizeHint() const;
/// Returns "gdfrom-" + dictionaryId.
static QString scrollToFromDictionaryId( QString const & dictionaryId );
void emitJavascriptFinished();
/// Shows the definition of the given word with the given group.
/// scrollTo can be optionally set to a "gdfrom-xxxx" identifier to position
/// the page to that article on load.
/// contexts is an optional map of context values to be passed for dictionaries.
/// The only values to pass here are ones obtained from showDefinitionInNewTab()
/// signal or none at all.
void showDefinition( Config::InputPhrase const & phrase, unsigned group,
QString const & scrollTo = QString(),
Contexts const & contexts = Contexts() );
void showDefinition( QString const & word, unsigned group,
QString const & scrollTo = QString(),
Contexts const & contexts = Contexts() );
void showDefinition( QString const & word, QStringList const & dictIDs,
QRegExp const & searchRegExp, unsigned group,
bool ignoreDiacritics );
void sendToAnki(QString const & word, QString const & text, QString const & sentence );
/// Clears the view and sets the application-global waiting cursor,
/// which will be restored when some article loads eventually.
void showAnticipation();
/// Create a new Anki card from a currently displayed article with the provided id.
/// This function will call QWebEnginePage::runJavaScript() to fetch the corresponding HTML.
void makeAnkiCardFromArticle( QString const & article_id );
/// Opens the given link. Supposed to be used in response to
/// openLinkInNewTab() signal. The link scheme is therefore supposed to be
/// one of the internal ones.
/// contexts is an optional map of context values to be passed for dictionaries.
/// The only values to pass here are ones obtained from showDefinitionInNewTab()
/// signal or none at all.
void openLink( QUrl const & url, QUrl const & referrer,
QString const & scrollTo = QString(),
Contexts const & contexts = Contexts() );
/// Called when the state of dictionary bar changes and the view is active.
/// The function reloads content if the change affects it.
void updateMutedContents();
bool canGoBack();
bool canGoForward();
/// Called when preference changes
void setSelectionBySingleClick( bool set );
void setDelayedHighlightText(QString const & text);
// widgets
ArticleWebView * webview;
SearchPanel * searchPanel;
FtsSearchPanel * ftsSearchPanel;
public slots:
/// Goes back in history
void back();
/// Goes forward in history
void forward();
/// Takes the focus to the view
void focus() { webview->setFocus( Qt::ShortcutFocusReason ); }
/// Sends *word* to Anki.
void handleAnkiAction();
/// Reloads the view
void reload();
/// Returns true if there's an audio reference on the page, false otherwise.
void hasSound( const std::function< void( bool has ) > & callback );
/// Plays the first audio reference on the page, if any.
void playSound();
void setZoomFactor( qreal factor )
qreal existedFactor = webview->zoomFactor();
if( !qFuzzyCompare( existedFactor, factor ) ) {
qDebug() << "zoom factor ,existed:" << existedFactor << "set:" << factor;
webview->setZoomFactor( factor );
/// Returns current article's text in .html format
void toHtml( const std::function< void( QString & ) > & callback );
void setHtml(const QString& content, const QUrl& baseUrl);
void setContent(const QByteArray &data, const QString &mimeType = QString(), const QUrl &baseUrl = QUrl());
/// Returns current article's title
QString getTitle();
/// Returns the phrase translated by the current article.
Config::InputPhrase getPhrase() const;
/// Prints current article
void print( QPrinter * ) const;
/// Closes search if it's open and returns true. Returns false if it
/// wasn't open.
bool closeSearch();
bool isSearchOpened();
/// Jumps to the article specified by the dictionary id,
/// by executing a javascript code.
void jumpToDictionary( QString const &, bool force );
/// Returns all articles currently present in view, as a list of dictionary
/// string ids.
QStringList getArticlesList();
/// Returns the dictionary id of the currently active article in the view.
QString getActiveArticleId();
void setActiveArticleId(QString const&);
ResourceToSaveHandler * saveResource( const QUrl & url, const QString & fileName );
ResourceToSaveHandler * saveResource( const QUrl & url, const QUrl & ref, const QString & fileName );
void findText( QString & text,
const QWebEnginePage::FindFlags & f,
const std::function< void( bool match ) > & callback = nullptr );
void iconChanged( ArticleView *, QIcon const & icon );
void titleChanged( ArticleView *, QString const & title );
void pageLoaded( ArticleView * );
/// Signals that the following link was requested to be opened in new tab
void openLinkInNewTab( QUrl const &, QUrl const & referrer,
QString const & fromArticle,
Contexts const & contexts );
/// Signals that the following definition was requested to be showed in new tab
void showDefinitionInNewTab( QString const & word, unsigned group,
QString const & fromArticle,
Contexts const & contexts );
/// Put translated word into history
void sendWordToHistory( QString const & word );
/// Emitted when user types a text key. This should typically be used to
/// switch focus to word input.
void typingEvent( QString const & text );
void statusBarMessage( QString const & message, int timeout = 0, QPixmap const & pixmap = QPixmap());
/// Signals that the dictionaries pane was requested to be showed
void showDictsPane( );
/// Signals that the founded dictionaries ready to be showed
void updateFoundInDictsList( );
/// Emitted when an article becomes active,
/// typically in response to user actions
/// (clicking on the article or using shortcuts).
/// id - the dictionary id of the active article.
void activeArticleChanged( ArticleView const *, QString const & id );
/// Signal to add word to history even if history is disabled
void forceAddWordToHistory( const QString & word);
/// Signal to close popup menu
void closePopupMenu();
void sendWordToInputLine( QString const & word );
void storeResourceSavePath(QString const & );
void zoomIn();
void zoomOut();
/// signal finished javascript;
void notifyJavascriptFinished();
void inspectSignal(QWebEnginePage * page);
void saveBookmarkSignal( const QString & bookmark );
public slots:
void on_searchPrevious_clicked();
void on_searchNext_clicked();
void onJsActiveArticleChanged(QString const & id);
/// Handles F3 and Shift+F3 for search navigation
bool handleF3( QObject * obj, QEvent * ev );
/// Selects an entire text of the current article
void selectCurrentArticle();
//receive signal from weburlinterceptor.
void linkClicked( QUrl const & );
//aim to receive signal from html. the fragment url click to navigation through page wil not be intecepted by weburlinteceptor
Q_INVOKABLE void linkClickedInHtml( QUrl const & );
private slots:
void inspectElement();
void loadFinished( bool ok );
void loadProgress(int);
void handleTitleChanged( QString const & title );
void handleUrlChanged( QUrl const & url );
void attachWebChannelToHtml();
void linkHovered( const QString & link);
void contextMenuRequested( QPoint const & );
bool isAudioLink( QUrl & targetUrl )
return ( targetUrl.scheme() == "gdau" || Dictionary::WebMultimediaDownload::isAudioUrl( targetUrl ) );
void resourceDownloadFinished();
/// We handle pasting by attempting to define the word in clipboard.
void pasteTriggered();
/// Nagivates to the previous article relative to the active one.
void moveOneArticleUp();
/// Nagivates to the next article relative to the active one.
void moveOneArticleDown();
/// Opens the search area
void openSearch();
void on_searchText_textEdited();
void on_searchText_returnPressed();
void on_searchCloseButton_clicked();
void on_searchCaseSensitive_clicked();
void on_highlightAllButton_clicked();
void on_ftsSearchPrevious_clicked();
void on_ftsSearchNext_clicked();
/// Handles the double-click from the definition.
void doubleClicked( QPoint pos );
/// Handles audio player error message
void audioPlayerError( QString const & message );
/// Copy current selection as plain text
void copyAsText();
void setActiveDictIds(ActiveDictIds);
void dictionaryClear( ActiveDictIds ad );
/// Deduces group from the url. If there doesn't seem to be any group,
/// returns 0.
unsigned getGroup( QUrl const & );
/// Returns current article in the view, in the form of "gdfrom-xxx" id.
QString getCurrentArticle();
/// Sets the current article by executing a javascript code.
/// If moveToIt is true, it moves the focus to it as well.
/// Returns true in case of success, false otherwise.
bool setCurrentArticle( QString const &, bool moveToIt = false );
/// Checks if the given article in form of "gdfrom-xxx" is inside a "website"
/// frame.
void isFramedArticle( QString const & article, const std::function< void( bool framed ) > & callback );
/// Checks if the given link is to be opened externally, as opposed to opening
/// it in-place.
bool isExternalLink( QUrl const & url );
/// Sees if the last clicked link is from a website frame. If so, changes url
/// to point to url text translation instead, and saves the original
/// url to the appropriate "contexts" entry.
void tryMangleWebsiteClickedUrl( QUrl & url, Contexts & contexts );
/// Loads a page at @p url into view.
void load( QUrl const & url );
/// Attempts removing last temporary file created.
void cleanupTemp();
bool eventFilter( QObject * obj, QEvent * ev );
void performFindOperation( bool restart, bool backwards, bool checkHighlight = false );
/// Returns the comma-separated list of dictionary ids which should be muted
/// for the given group. If there are none, returns empty string.
QString getMutedForGroup( unsigned group );
QStringList getMutedDictionaries(unsigned group);
// We need this to hide the search bar when we're showed
void showEvent( QShowEvent * );
class ResourceToSaveHandler: public QObject
explicit ResourceToSaveHandler( ArticleView * view, QString const & fileName );
void addRequest( sptr< Dictionary::DataRequest > req );
bool isEmpty()
{ return downloadRequests.empty(); }
void done();
void statusBarMessage( QString const & message, int timeout = 0, QPixmap const & pixmap = QPixmap() );
public slots:
void downloadFinished();
std::list< sptr< Dictionary::DataRequest > > downloadRequests;
QString fileName;
bool alreadyDone;
class ArticleViewAgent : public QObject
ArticleView * articleView;
ArticleViewAgent( ArticleView * articleView );
public slots:
Q_INVOKABLE void onJsActiveArticleChanged( QString const & id );
Q_INVOKABLE void linkClickedInHtml( QUrl const & );