mirror of
synced 2024-12-26 01:14:05 +00:00
The next commit will add `.git-blame-ignore-revs` https://docs.github.com/en/repositories/working-with-files/using-files/viewing-a-file#ignore-commits-in-the-blame-view
1174 lines
32 KiB
1174 lines
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/* This file is (c) 2008-2012 Konstantin Isakov <ikm@goldendict.org>
* Part of GoldenDict. Licensed under GPLv3 or later, see the LICENSE file */
#include "groups_widgets.hh"
#include "instances.hh"
#include "config.hh"
#include "langcoder.hh"
#include "language.hh"
#include "metadata.hh"
#include <QDir>
#include <QFileDialog>
#include <QFileInfo>
#include <QIcon>
#include <QImageReader>
#include <QMap>
#include <QMenu>
#include <QMessageBox>
#include <QTimer>
#include <QVector>
using std::vector;
/// DictGroupWidget
DictGroupWidget::DictGroupWidget( QWidget * parent,
vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > const & dicts,
Config::Group const & group ):
QWidget( parent ),
groupId( group.id )
ui.setupUi( this );
ui.dictionaries->populate( Instances::Group( group, dicts, Config::Group() ).dictionaries, dicts );
ui.shortcut->setClearButtonEnabled( true );
// Populate icons' list
QStringList icons = QDir( ":/flags/" ).entryList( QDir::Files, QDir::NoSort );
ui.groupIcon->addItem( tr( "None" ), "" );
const bool usesIconData = !group.iconData.isEmpty();
if ( !usesIconData )
ui.groupIcon->addItem( tr( "From file..." ), "" );
ui.groupIcon->addItem( Instances::iconFromData( group.iconData ), group.icon, group.icon );
for ( int x = 0; x < icons.size(); ++x ) {
QString n( icons[ x ] );
n.chop( 4 );
n[ 0 ] = n[ 0 ].toUpper();
ui.groupIcon->addItem( QIcon( ":/flags/" + icons[ x ] ), n, icons[ x ] );
if ( !usesIconData && icons[ x ] == group.icon )
ui.groupIcon->setCurrentIndex( x + 2 );
if ( usesIconData )
ui.groupIcon->setCurrentIndex( 1 );
ui.shortcut->setKeySequence( group.shortcut );
ui.favoritesFolder->setText( group.favoritesFolder );
connect( ui.groupIcon, &QComboBox::activated, this, &DictGroupWidget::groupIconActivated, Qt::QueuedConnection );
ui.dictionaries->setContextMenuPolicy( Qt::CustomContextMenu );
connect( ui.dictionaries, &QWidget::customContextMenuRequested, this, &DictGroupWidget::showDictInfo );
connect( ui.dictionaries, &QAbstractItemView::doubleClicked, this, &DictGroupWidget::removeCurrentItem );
void DictGroupWidget::groupIconActivated( int index )
if ( index == 1 ) {
QList< QByteArray > supImageFormats = QImageReader::supportedImageFormats();
QString formatList( " (" );
for ( const auto & supImageFormat : supImageFormats )
formatList += "*." + QString::fromLatin1( supImageFormat ) + " ";
formatList.chop( 1 );
formatList.append( ")" );
const QString chosenFile =
QFileDialog::getOpenFileName( this,
tr( "Choose a file to use as group icon" ),
tr( "Images" ) + formatList + ";;" + tr( "All files" ) + " (*.*)" );
if ( !chosenFile.isEmpty() ) {
const QIcon icon( chosenFile );
if ( icon.isNull() )
QMessageBox::critical( this, tr( "Error" ), tr( "Can't read the specified image file." ) );
else {
ui.groupIcon->setItemIcon( 1, icon );
const QString baseName = QFileInfo( chosenFile ).completeBaseName();
ui.groupIcon->setItemText( 1, baseName );
ui.groupIcon->setItemData( 1, baseName );
Config::Group DictGroupWidget::makeGroup() const
Instances::Group g( "" );
g.id = groupId;
g.dictionaries = ui.dictionaries->getCurrentDictionaries();
const int currentIndex = ui.groupIcon->currentIndex();
if ( currentIndex == 1 ) // File
g.iconData = ui.groupIcon->itemIcon( currentIndex );
g.icon = ui.groupIcon->itemData( currentIndex ).toString();
g.shortcut = ui.shortcut->keySequence();
g.favoritesFolder = ui.favoritesFolder->text().replace( '\\', '/' );
return g.makeConfigGroup();
void DictGroupWidget::showDictInfo( QPoint const & pos )
const QVariant data = ui.dictionaries->getModel()->data( ui.dictionaries->indexAt( pos ), Qt::EditRole );
QString id;
if ( data.canConvert< QString >() )
id = data.toString();
if ( !id.isEmpty() ) {
vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > const & dicts = ui.dictionaries->getCurrentDictionaries();
unsigned n;
for ( n = 0; n < dicts.size(); n++ )
if ( id.compare( QString::fromUtf8( dicts.at( n )->getId().c_str() ) ) == 0 )
if ( n < dicts.size() )
emit showDictionaryInfo( id );
void DictGroupWidget::removeCurrentItem( QModelIndex const & index )
ui.dictionaries->getModel()->removeSelectedRows( ui.dictionaries->selectionModel() );
/// DictListModel
void DictListModel::populate( std::vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > const & active,
std::vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > const & available )
dictionaries = active;
allDicts = &available;
void DictListModel::populate( std::vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > const & active )
dictionaries = active;
void DictListModel::setAsSource()
isSource = true;
std::vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > const & DictListModel::getCurrentDictionaries() const
return dictionaries;
Qt::ItemFlags DictListModel::flags( QModelIndex const & index ) const
const Qt::ItemFlags defaultFlags = QAbstractListModel::flags( index );
if ( index.isValid() )
return Qt::ItemIsDragEnabled | defaultFlags;
return Qt::ItemIsDropEnabled | defaultFlags;
int DictListModel::rowCount( QModelIndex const & ) const
return dictionaries.size();
QVariant DictListModel::data( QModelIndex const & index, int role ) const
if ( index.row() < 0 )
return QVariant();
sptr< Dictionary::Class > const & item = dictionaries[ index.row() ];
if ( !item )
return QVariant();
switch ( role ) {
case Qt::ToolTipRole: {
QString tt = "<b>" + QString::fromUtf8( item->getName().c_str() ) + "</b>";
const QString lfrom( Language::localizedNameForId( item->getLangFrom() ) );
const QString lto( Language::localizedNameForId( item->getLangTo() ) );
if ( !lfrom.isEmpty() ) {
if ( lfrom == lto )
tt += "<br>" + lfrom;
tt += "<br>" + lfrom + " - " + lto;
int entries = item->getArticleCount();
if ( !entries )
entries = item->getWordCount();
if ( entries )
tt += "<br>" + tr( "%1 entries" ).arg( entries );
const std::vector< std::string > & dirs = item->getDictionaryFilenames();
if ( dirs.size() ) {
tt += "<hr>";
tt += dirs.at( 0 ).c_str();
tt.replace( " ", " " );
return tt;
case Qt::DisplayRole:
return QString::fromUtf8( item->getName().c_str() );
case Qt::EditRole:
return QString::fromUtf8( item->getId().c_str() );
case Qt::DecorationRole:
// make all icons of the same size to avoid visual size/alignment problems
return item->getIcon();
return QVariant();
bool DictListModel::insertRows( int row, int count, const QModelIndex & parent )
if ( isSource )
return false;
beginInsertRows( parent, row, row + count - 1 );
dictionaries.insert( dictionaries.begin() + row, count, sptr< Dictionary::Class >() );
emit contentChanged();
return true;
void DictListModel::addRow( const QModelIndex & parent, sptr< Dictionary::Class > dict )
for ( const auto & dictionary : dictionaries ) {
if ( dictionary->getId() == dict->getId() )
beginInsertRows( parent, dictionaries.size(), dictionaries.size() + 1 );
dictionaries.push_back( dict );
emit contentChanged();
bool DictListModel::removeRows( int row, int count, const QModelIndex & parent )
if ( isSource )
return false;
beginRemoveRows( parent, row, row + count - 1 );
dictionaries.erase( dictionaries.begin() + row, dictionaries.begin() + row + count );
emit contentChanged();
return true;
bool DictListModel::setData( QModelIndex const & index, const QVariant & value, int role )
if ( isSource || !allDicts || !index.isValid() || index.row() >= (int)dictionaries.size() )
return false;
if ( ( role == Qt::DisplayRole ) || ( role == Qt::DecorationRole ) ) {
// Allow changing that, but do nothing
return true;
if ( role == Qt::EditRole ) {
Config::Group g;
g.dictionaries.push_back( Config::DictionaryRef( value.toString(), QString() ) );
const Instances::Group i( g, *allDicts, Config::Group() );
if ( i.dictionaries.size() == 1 ) {
// Found that dictionary
dictionaries[ index.row() ] = i.dictionaries.front();
emit dataChanged( index, index );
return true;
return false;
Qt::DropActions DictListModel::supportedDropActions() const
return Qt::MoveAction;
void DictListModel::removeSelectedRows( QItemSelectionModel * source )
if ( !source )
const QModelIndexList rows = source->selectedRows();
if ( !rows.count() )
for ( int i = rows.count() - 1; i >= 0; --i ) {
dictionaries.erase( dictionaries.begin() + rows.at( i ).row() );
emit contentChanged();
void DictListModel::addSelectedUniqueFromModel( QItemSelectionModel * source )
if ( !source )
const QModelIndexList rows = source->selectedRows();
if ( !rows.count() )
const QSortFilterProxyModel * proxyModel = dynamic_cast< const QSortFilterProxyModel * >( source->model() );
const DictListModel * baseModel;
if ( proxyModel ) {
baseModel = dynamic_cast< const DictListModel * >( proxyModel->sourceModel() );
else {
baseModel = dynamic_cast< const DictListModel * >( source->model() );
if ( !baseModel )
QVector< std::string > list;
QVector< std::string > dicts;
for ( const auto & dictionarie : dictionaries )
dicts.append( dictionarie->getId() );
for ( int i = 0; i < rows.count(); i++ ) {
QModelIndex idx = proxyModel ? proxyModel->mapToSource( rows.at( i ) ) : rows.at( i );
std::string id = baseModel->dictionaries.at( idx.row() )->getId();
if ( !dicts.contains( id ) )
list.append( id );
if ( list.empty() )
for ( const auto & j : list ) {
for ( const auto & allDict : *allDicts ) {
if ( allDict->getId() == j ) {
dictionaries.push_back( allDict );
emit contentChanged();
void DictListModel::filterDuplicates()
QSet< QString > ids;
bool doReset = false;
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < dictionaries.size(); i++ ) {
QString id = QString::fromStdString( dictionaries.at( i )->getId() );
if ( ids.contains( id ) ) {
dictionaries.erase( dictionaries.begin() + i-- );
doReset = true;
ids.insert( id );
if ( doReset ) {
emit contentChanged();
/// DictListWidget
DictListWidget::DictListWidget( QWidget * parent ):
QListView( parent ),
model( this )
setModel( &model );
setSelectionMode( ExtendedSelection );
setDragEnabled( true );
setAcceptDrops( true );
setDropIndicatorShown( true );
void DictListWidget::populate( std::vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > const & active,
std::vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > const & available )
model.populate( active, available );
void DictListWidget::populate( std::vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > const & active )
model.populate( active );
void DictListWidget::setAsSource()
setDropIndicatorShown( false );
std::vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > const & DictListWidget::getCurrentDictionaries() const
return model.getCurrentDictionaries();
void DictListWidget::dropEvent( QDropEvent * event )
const auto sourceList = dynamic_cast< DictListWidget * >( event->source() );
QListView::dropEvent( event );
if ( sourceList != this ) {
void DictListWidget::focusInEvent( QFocusEvent * )
emit gotFocus();
void DictListWidget::rowsInserted( QModelIndex const & parent, int start, int end )
QListView::rowsInserted( parent, start, end );
// When inserting new rows, make the first of them current
selectionModel()->setCurrentIndex( model.index( start, 0, parent ), QItemSelectionModel::NoUpdate );
void DictListWidget::rowsAboutToBeRemoved( QModelIndex const & parent, int start, int end )
// When removing rows, if the current row is among the removed ones, select
// an item just before the first row to be removed, if there's one.
if ( const QModelIndex current = currentIndex();
current.isValid() && current.row() && current.row() >= start && current.row() <= end )
selectionModel()->setCurrentIndex( model.index( current.row() - 1, 0, parent ), QItemSelectionModel::NoUpdate );
QListView::rowsAboutToBeRemoved( parent, start, end );
// DictGroupsWidget
DictGroupsWidget::DictGroupsWidget( QWidget * parent ):
QTabWidget( parent ),
nextId( 1 ),
allDicts( nullptr ),
activeDicts( nullptr )
setMovable( true );
setContextMenuPolicy( Qt::CustomContextMenu );
connect( this, &QWidget::customContextMenuRequested, this, &DictGroupsWidget::contextMenu );
setElideMode( Qt::ElideNone );
setUsesScrollButtons( true );
namespace {
QString escapeAmps( QString const & str )
QString result( str );
result.replace( "&", "&&" );
return result;
QString unescapeAmps( QString const & str )
QString result( str );
result.replace( "&&", "&" );
return result;
} // namespace
void DictGroupsWidget::populate( Config::Groups const & groups,
vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > const & allDicts_,
vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > const & activeDicts_ )
allDicts = &allDicts_;
activeDicts = &activeDicts_;
for ( int x = 0; x < groups.size(); ++x ) {
const auto gr = new DictGroupWidget( this, *allDicts, groups[ x ] );
addTab( gr, escapeAmps( groups[ x ].name ) );
connect( gr, &DictGroupWidget::showDictionaryInfo, this, &DictGroupsWidget::showDictionaryInfo );
connect( gr->getModel(), &DictListModel::contentChanged, this, &DictGroupsWidget::tabDataChanged );
QString toolTipStr =
"\"" + tabText( x ) + "\"\n" + tr( "Dictionaries: " ) + QString::number( getDictionaryCountAt( x ) );
setTabToolTip( x, toolTipStr );
nextId = groups.nextId;
setCurrentIndex( 0 );
/// Creates groups from what is currently set up
Config::Groups DictGroupsWidget::makeGroups() const
Config::Groups result;
result.nextId = nextId;
for ( int x = 0; x < count(); ++x ) {
result.push_back( dynamic_cast< DictGroupWidget & >( *widget( x ) ).makeGroup() );
result.back().name = unescapeAmps( tabText( x ) );
return result;
DictListModel * DictGroupsWidget::getCurrentModel() const
const int current = currentIndex();
if ( current >= 0 ) {
const auto w = (DictGroupWidget *)widget( current );
return w->getModel();
return nullptr;
DictListModel * DictGroupsWidget::getModelAt( int current ) const
if ( current >= 0 && current < count() ) {
const auto w = static_cast< DictGroupWidget * >( widget( current ) );
if ( !w )
return nullptr;
return w->getModel();
return nullptr;
int DictGroupsWidget::getDictionaryCountAt( int current ) const
const auto model = getModelAt( current );
if ( !model )
return 0;
return model->getCurrentDictionaries().size();
std::vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > DictGroupsWidget::getDictionaryAt( int current ) const
const auto model = getModelAt( current );
if ( !model )
return {};
return model->getCurrentDictionaries();
QItemSelectionModel * DictGroupsWidget::getCurrentSelectionModel() const
const int current = currentIndex();
if ( current >= 0 ) {
const auto w = (DictGroupWidget *)widget( current );
return w->getSelectionModel();
return nullptr;
int DictGroupsWidget::addNewGroup( QString const & name )
if ( !allDicts )
return 0;
Config::Group newGroup;
newGroup.id = nextId++;
const auto gr = new DictGroupWidget( this, *allDicts, newGroup );
const int idx = insertTab( currentIndex() + 1, gr, escapeAmps( name ) );
connect( gr, &DictGroupWidget::showDictionaryInfo, this, &DictGroupsWidget::showDictionaryInfo );
connect( gr->getModel(), &DictListModel::contentChanged, this, &DictGroupsWidget::tabDataChanged );
const QString toolTipStr =
"\"" + tabText( idx ) + "\"\n" + tr( "Dictionaries: " ) + QString::number( getDictionaryCountAt( idx ) );
setTabToolTip( idx, toolTipStr );
return idx;
int DictGroupsWidget::addUniqueGroup( const QString & name )
for ( int n = 0; n < count(); n++ )
if ( tabText( n ) == name ) {
return n;
return addNewGroup( name );
void DictGroupsWidget::addAutoGroups()
if ( !activeDicts )
if ( QMessageBox::information( this,
tr( "Confirmation" ),
tr( "Are you sure you want to generate a set of groups "
"based on language pairs?" ),
QMessageBox::Cancel )
!= QMessageBox::Yes )
QMap< QString, QVector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > > dictMap;
QMap< QString, QVector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > > morphoMap;
// Put active dictionaries into lists
for ( const auto & dict : *activeDicts ) {
int idFrom = dict->getLangFrom();
int idTo = dict->getLangTo();
if ( idFrom == 0 ) {
// Attempt to find language pair in dictionary name
const QPair< quint32, quint32 > ids = LangCoder::findIdsForName( QString::fromUtf8( dict->getName().c_str() ) );
idFrom = ids.first;
idTo = ids.second;
QString name( tr( "Unassigned" ) );
if ( idFrom != 0 && idTo != 0 ) {
QString lfrom = LangCoder::intToCode2( idFrom );
QString lto = LangCoder::intToCode2( idTo );
lfrom[ 0 ] = lfrom[ 0 ].toTitleCase();
lto[ 0 ] = lto[ 0 ].toTitleCase();
name = lfrom + " - " + lto;
else if ( !dict->getDictionaryFilenames().empty() ) {
// Handle special case - morphology dictionaries
QString fileName = QFileInfo( dict->getDictionaryFilenames()[ 0 ].c_str() ).fileName();
if ( fileName.endsWith( ".aff", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) ) {
QString code = fileName.left( 2 ).toLower();
morphoMap[ code ].push_back( dict );
dictMap[ name ].push_back( dict );
QStringList groupList = dictMap.keys();
// Insert morphology dictionaries into corresponding lists
for ( const auto & gr : groupList ) {
if ( auto morpho_key = gr.left( 2 ).toLower(); morphoMap.contains( morpho_key ) ) {
QVector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > vdg = dictMap[ gr ];
vdg += morphoMap[ morpho_key ];
dictMap[ gr ] = vdg;
// Make groups
for ( const auto & gr : groupList ) {
const auto idx = addUniqueGroup( gr );
// add dictionaries into the current group
QVector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > vd = dictMap[ gr ];
DictListModel * model = getModelAt( idx );
if ( !model )
for ( int i = 0; i < vd.count(); i++ )
model->addRow( QModelIndex(), vd.at( i ) );
void DictGroupsWidget::addAutoGroupsByFolders()
if ( activeDicts->empty() ) {
auto cdUpWentWrong = [ this ]( const QString & path ) {
QMessageBox::warning( this,
tr( "Auto group by folder failed." ),
tr( "The parent directory of %1 can not be reached." ).arg( path ) );
if ( QMessageBox::information( this,
tr( "Confirmation" ),
tr( "Are you sure you want to generate a set of groups "
"based on containing folders?" ),
QMessageBox::Cancel )
!= QMessageBox::Yes ) {
// Map from dict to ContainerFolder's parent
QMap< sptr< Dictionary::Class >, QString > dictToContainerFolder;
for ( const auto & dict : *activeDicts ) {
auto containingFolder = dict->getContainingFolder();
// website/program dicts will return empty string, ignore them
if ( containingFolder.isEmpty() ) {
QDir c = containingFolder;
if ( !c.cdUp() ) {
cdUpWentWrong( c.absolutePath() );
dictToContainerFolder.insert( dict, c.absolutePath() );
Check for duplicated ContainerFolder's parent folder names, and prepend the upper parent's name.
│ └─Japanese <- Group
│ └─DictA <- Dict Files's container folder
| └─ DictA Files
│ └─Japanese <- Group
| └─DictB <- Dict Files's container folder
| └─ DictB Files
will be grouped into epistularum/Japanese and Mastameta/Japanese
// set a dirname to true if there are duplications like `epistularum/Japanese` and `Mastameta/Japanese`
QHash< QString, bool > dirNeedPrepend{};
for ( const auto & path : dictToContainerFolder.values() ) {
auto dir = QDir( path );
if ( dirNeedPrepend.contains( dir.dirName() ) ) {
dirNeedPrepend[ dir.dirName() ] = true;
else {
dirNeedPrepend.insert( dir.dirName(), false );
// map from GroupName to dicts
QMultiMap< QString, sptr< Dictionary::Class > > groupToDicts;
for ( const auto & dict : dictToContainerFolder.keys() ) {
QDir path = dictToContainerFolder[ dict ];
QString groupName;
if ( !dirNeedPrepend[ path.dirName() ] ) {
groupName = path.dirName();
else {
QString directFolder = path.dirName();
if ( !path.cdUp() ) {
cdUpWentWrong( path.absolutePath() );
QString upperFolder = path.dirName();
groupName = upperFolder + "/" + directFolder;
groupToDicts.insert( groupName, dict );
// create and insert groups
// modifying user's groups begins here
addGroupBasedOnMap( groupToDicts );
void DictGroupsWidget::addGroupBasedOnMap( const QMultiMap< QString, sptr< Dictionary::Class > > & groupToDicts )
for ( const auto & group : groupToDicts.uniqueKeys() ) {
const auto idx = addUniqueGroup( group );
DictListModel * model = getModelAt( idx );
if ( !model ) {
for ( const auto & dict : groupToDicts.values( group ) ) {
model->addRow( QModelIndex(), dict );
void DictGroupsWidget::groupsByMetadata()
if ( activeDicts->empty() ) {
if ( QMessageBox::information( this,
tr( "Confirmation" ),
tr( "Are you sure you want to generate a set of groups based on metadata.toml?" ),
QMessageBox::Cancel )
!= QMessageBox::Yes ) {
// map from GroupName to dicts
QMultiMap< QString, sptr< Dictionary::Class > > groupToDicts;
for ( const auto & dict : *activeDicts ) {
auto baseDir = dict->getContainingFolder();
if ( baseDir.isEmpty() )
auto filePath = Utils::Path::combine( baseDir, "metadata.toml" );
const auto dictMetaData = Metadata::load( filePath.toStdString() );
if ( dictMetaData && dictMetaData->categories ) {
for ( const auto & category : dictMetaData->categories.value() ) {
auto group = QString::fromStdString( category ).trimmed();
if ( group.isEmpty() ) {
groupToDicts.insert( group, dict );
// create and insert groups
// modifying user's groups begins here
addGroupBasedOnMap( groupToDicts );
QString DictGroupsWidget::getCurrentGroupName() const
const int current = currentIndex();
if ( current >= 0 )
return unescapeAmps( tabText( current ) );
return QString();
void DictGroupsWidget::renameCurrentGroup( QString const & name )
const int current = currentIndex();
if ( current >= 0 )
setTabText( current, escapeAmps( name ) );
void DictGroupsWidget::removeCurrentGroup()
const int current = currentIndex();
if ( current >= 0 ) {
removeTab( current );
void DictGroupsWidget::removeAllGroups()
while ( count() ) {
const QWidget * w = widget( 0 );
removeTab( 0 );
delete w;
void DictGroupsWidget::combineGroups( int source, int target )
if ( source < 0 || source >= count() || target < 0 || target >= count() )
vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > const & dicts = getDictionaryAt( source );
const auto model = getModelAt( target );
if ( !model )
disconnect( model, &DictListModel::contentChanged, this, &DictGroupsWidget::tabDataChanged );
for ( const auto & dict : dicts ) {
model->addRow( QModelIndex(), dict );
connect( model, &DictListModel::contentChanged, this, &DictGroupsWidget::tabDataChanged );
const QString toolTipStr = "\"" + tabText( target ) + "\"\n" + tr( "Dictionaries: " )
+ QString::number( model->getCurrentDictionaries().size() );
setTabToolTip( target, toolTipStr );
void DictGroupsWidget::contextMenu( QPoint const & pos )
const int clickedGroup = tabBar()->tabAt( pos );
if ( clickedGroup < 0 )
const QString name = tabText( clickedGroup );
if ( name.length() != 7 || name.mid( 2, 3 ) != " - " )
QMenu menu( this );
const auto combineSourceAction =
new QAction( QString( tr( "Combine groups by source language to \"%1->\"" ) ).arg( name.left( 2 ) ), &menu );
combineSourceAction->setEnabled( false );
QString grLeft = name.left( 2 );
QString grRight = name.right( 2 );
for ( int i = 0; i < count(); i++ ) {
QString str = tabText( i );
if ( i != clickedGroup && str.length() == 7 && str.mid( 2, 3 ) == " - " && str.startsWith( grLeft ) ) {
combineSourceAction->setEnabled( true );
menu.addAction( combineSourceAction );
const auto combineTargetAction =
new QAction( QString( tr( "Combine groups by target language to \"->%1\"" ) ).arg( name.right( 2 ) ), &menu );
combineTargetAction->setEnabled( false );
for ( int i = 0; i < count(); i++ ) {
QString str = tabText( i );
if ( i != clickedGroup && str.length() == 7 && str.mid( 2, 3 ) == " - " && str.endsWith( grRight ) ) {
combineTargetAction->setEnabled( true );
menu.addAction( combineTargetAction );
QAction * combineTwoSidedAction = nullptr;
if ( grLeft != grRight ) {
combineTwoSidedAction =
new QAction( QString( tr( "Make two-side translate group \"%1-%2-%1\"" ) ).arg( grLeft, grRight ), &menu );
combineTwoSidedAction->setEnabled( false );
const QString str = grRight + " - " + grLeft;
for ( int i = 0; i < count(); i++ ) {
if ( str == tabText( i ) ) {
combineTwoSidedAction->setEnabled( true );
menu.addAction( combineTwoSidedAction );
const auto combineFirstAction = new QAction( QString( tr( "Combine groups with \"%1\"" ) ).arg( grLeft ), &menu );
combineFirstAction->setEnabled( false );
for ( int i = 0; i < count(); i++ ) {
QString str = tabText( i );
if ( i != clickedGroup && str.length() == 7 && str.mid( 2, 3 ) == " - "
&& ( str.startsWith( grLeft ) || str.endsWith( grLeft ) ) ) {
combineFirstAction->setEnabled( true );
menu.addAction( combineFirstAction );
QAction * combineSecondAction = nullptr;
if ( grLeft != grRight ) {
combineSecondAction = new QAction( QString( tr( "Combine groups with \"%1\"" ) ).arg( grRight ), &menu );
combineSecondAction->setEnabled( false );
for ( int i = 0; i < count(); i++ ) {
QString str = tabText( i );
if ( i != clickedGroup && str.length() == 7 && str.mid( 2, 3 ) == " - "
&& ( str.startsWith( grRight ) || str.endsWith( grRight ) ) ) {
combineSecondAction->setEnabled( true );
menu.addAction( combineSecondAction );
const QAction * result = menu.exec( mapToGlobal( pos ) );
setUpdatesEnabled( false );
int targetGroup;
if ( result && result == combineSourceAction ) {
targetGroup = addUniqueGroup( grLeft + "->" );
for ( int i = 0; i < count(); i++ ) {
QString str = tabText( i );
if ( str.length() == 7 && str.mid( 2, 3 ) == " - " && str.startsWith( grLeft ) )
combineGroups( i, targetGroup );
setCurrentIndex( targetGroup );
else if ( result && result == combineTargetAction ) {
targetGroup = addUniqueGroup( "->" + grRight );
for ( int i = 0; i < count(); i++ ) {
QString str = tabText( i );
if ( str.length() == 7 && str.mid( 2, 3 ) == " - " && str.endsWith( grRight ) )
combineGroups( i, targetGroup );
setCurrentIndex( targetGroup );
else if ( result && result == combineTwoSidedAction ) {
targetGroup = addUniqueGroup( name + " - " + grLeft );
const QString str = grRight + " - " + grLeft;
for ( int i = 0; i < count(); i++ )
if ( tabText( i ) == name || tabText( i ) == str )
combineGroups( i, targetGroup );
setCurrentIndex( targetGroup );
else if ( result && ( result == combineFirstAction || result == combineSecondAction ) ) {
QString const & grBase = result == combineFirstAction ? grLeft : grRight;
targetGroup = addUniqueGroup( grBase );
for ( int i = 0; i < count(); i++ ) {
QString str = tabText( i );
if ( str.length() == 7 && str.mid( 2, 3 ) == " - " && ( str.startsWith( grBase ) || str.endsWith( grBase ) ) )
combineGroups( i, targetGroup );
setCurrentIndex( targetGroup );
setUpdatesEnabled( true );
void DictGroupsWidget::tabDataChanged()
const QString toolTipStr = "\"" + tabText( currentIndex() ) + "\"\n" + tr( "Dictionaries: " )
+ QString::number( getCurrentModel()->getCurrentDictionaries().size() );
setTabToolTip( currentIndex(), toolTipStr );
QuickFilterLine::QuickFilterLine( QWidget * parent ):
QLineEdit( parent ),
m_focusAction( this )
m_proxyModel.setFilterCaseSensitivity( Qt::CaseInsensitive );
setPlaceholderText( tr( "Dictionary search/filter (Ctrl+F)" ) );
m_focusAction.setShortcut( QKeySequence( "Ctrl+F" ) );
connect( &m_focusAction, &QAction::triggered, this, &QuickFilterLine::focusFilterLine );
QAction * clear = new QAction( QIcon( ":/icons/clear.png" ), tr( "Clear Search" ), this );
connect( clear, &QAction::triggered, this, &QLineEdit::clear );
addAction( clear, QLineEdit::TrailingPosition );
addAction( new QAction( QIcon( ":/icons/system-search.svg" ), "", this ), QLineEdit::LeadingPosition );
setFocusPolicy( Qt::StrongFocus );
connect( this, &QLineEdit::textChanged, this, &QuickFilterLine::filterChangedInternal );
QuickFilterLine::~QuickFilterLine() {}
void QuickFilterLine::applyTo( QAbstractItemView * source )
m_source = source;
m_proxyModel.setSourceModel( source->model() );
source->setModel( &m_proxyModel );
QModelIndex QuickFilterLine::mapToSource( QModelIndex const & idx )
if ( &m_proxyModel == idx.model() ) {
return m_proxyModel.mapToSource( idx );
else {
return idx;
void QuickFilterLine::filterChangedInternal()
// emit signal in async manner, to avoid UI slowdown
QTimer::singleShot( 1, this, &QuickFilterLine::emitFilterChanged );
void QuickFilterLine::emitFilterChanged()
m_proxyModel.setFilterFixedString( text() );
emit filterChanged( text() );
void QuickFilterLine::focusFilterLine()
void QuickFilterLine::keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent * event )
switch ( event->key() ) {
case Qt::Key_Down:
if ( m_source ) {
m_source->setCurrentIndex( m_source->model()->index( 0, 0 ) );
QLineEdit::keyPressEvent( event );