mirror of
synced 2024-12-18 03:14:06 +00:00
The replacement command: git grep -l 'qrcx://localhost' | xargs sed -i 's/qrcx:\/\/localhost/qrc:\/\//g' The qrcx:// URL scheme was introduced in 2009 or earlier - it is present in the first commit in GoldenDict's git history. Back then GoldenDict supported Qt versions earlier than 4.6, in which QWebSecurityOrigin::addLocalScheme() was introduced. Adding the qrc URL scheme as local obsoletes the qrcx URL scheme. GoldenDict does not compile against Qt versions earlier than 4.6, so there is no reason to use this custom URL scheme anymore. Co-authored-by: Igor Kushnir <igorkuo@gmail.com>
740 lines
24 KiB
740 lines
24 KiB
/* This file is (c) 2008-2012 Konstantin Isakov <ikm@goldendict.org>
* Part of GoldenDict. Licensed under GPLv3 or later, see the LICENSE file */
#include "mediawiki.hh"
#include "wstring_qt.hh"
#include <QNetworkAccessManager>
#include <QNetworkReply>
#include <QUrl>
#include <QtXml>
#include <algorithm>
#include <list>
#include "gddebug.hh"
#include "audiolink.hh"
#include "langcoder.hh"
#include "utils.hh"
#include <QRegularExpression>
#include "globalbroadcaster.h"
namespace MediaWiki {
using namespace Dictionary;
namespace {
class MediaWikiDictionary: public Dictionary::Class
string name;
QString url, icon;
QNetworkAccessManager & netMgr;
quint32 langId;
MediaWikiDictionary( string const & id, string const & name_,
QString const & url_,
QString const & icon_,
QNetworkAccessManager & netMgr_ ):
Dictionary::Class( id, vector< string >() ),
name( name_ ),
url( url_ ),
icon( icon_ ),
netMgr( netMgr_ ),
langId( 0 )
int n = url.indexOf( "." );
if( n == 2 || ( n > 3 && url[ n-3 ] == '/' ) )
langId = LangCoder::code2toInt( url.mid( n - 2, 2 ).toLatin1().data() );
string getName() noexcept override
{ return name; }
map< Property, string > getProperties() noexcept override
{ return map< Property, string >(); }
unsigned long getArticleCount() noexcept override
{ return 0; }
unsigned long getWordCount() noexcept override
{ return 0; }
sptr< WordSearchRequest > prefixMatch( wstring const &,
unsigned long maxResults ) override ;
sptr< DataRequest > getArticle( wstring const &, vector< wstring > const & alts,
wstring const &, bool ) override;
quint32 getLangFrom() const override
{ return langId; }
quint32 getLangTo() const override
{ return langId; }
void loadIcon() noexcept override;
void MediaWikiDictionary::loadIcon() noexcept
if ( dictionaryIconLoaded )
if( !icon.isEmpty() )
QFileInfo fInfo( QDir( Config::getConfigDir() ), icon );
if( fInfo.isFile() )
loadIconFromFile( fInfo.absoluteFilePath(), true );
if( dictionaryIcon.isNull() )
if( url.contains( "tionary" ) )
dictionaryIcon = dictionaryNativeIcon = QIcon( ":/icons/wiktionary.png" );
dictionaryIcon = dictionaryNativeIcon = QIcon( ":/icons/icon32_wiki.png" );
dictionaryIconLoaded = true;
class MediaWikiWordSearchRequest: public MediaWikiWordSearchRequestSlots
sptr< QNetworkReply > netReply;
bool isCancelling;
MediaWikiWordSearchRequest( wstring const &,
QString const & url, QNetworkAccessManager & mgr );
void cancel() override;
void downloadFinished() override;
MediaWikiWordSearchRequest::MediaWikiWordSearchRequest( wstring const & str,
QString const & url,
QNetworkAccessManager & mgr ) :
isCancelling( false )
GD_DPRINTF( "request begin\n" );
QUrl reqUrl( url + "/api.php?action=query&list=allpages&aplimit=40&format=xml" );
GlobalBroadcaster::instance()->addWhitelist( reqUrl.host() );
Utils::Url::addQueryItem( reqUrl, "apfrom", gd::toQString( str ).replace( '+', "%2B" ) );
netReply = std::shared_ptr<QNetworkReply>(mgr.get( QNetworkRequest( reqUrl ) ));
connect( netReply.get(), SIGNAL( finished() ),
this, SLOT( downloadFinished() ) );
#ifndef QT_NO_SSL
connect( netReply.get(), SIGNAL( sslErrors( QList< QSslError > ) ),
netReply.get(), SLOT( ignoreSslErrors() ) );
GD_DPRINTF( "request end\n" );
void MediaWikiWordSearchRequest::cancel()
// We either finish it in place, or in the timer handler
isCancelling = true;
if( netReply.get() )
GD_DPRINTF( "cancel the request" );
void MediaWikiWordSearchRequest::downloadFinished()
if ( isCancelling || isFinished() ) // Was cancelled
if ( netReply->error() == QNetworkReply::NoError )
QDomDocument dd;
QString errorStr;
int errorLine, errorColumn;
if ( !dd.setContent( netReply.get(), false, &errorStr, &errorLine, &errorColumn ) )
setErrorString( QString( tr( "XML parse error: %1 at %2,%3" ).
arg( errorStr ).arg( errorLine ).arg( errorColumn ) ) );
QDomNode pages = dd.namedItem( "api" ).namedItem( "query" ).namedItem( "allpages" );
if ( !pages.isNull() )
QDomNodeList nl = pages.toElement().elementsByTagName( "p" );
Mutex::Lock _( dataMutex );
for( int x = 0; x < nl.length(); ++x )
matches.push_back( gd::toWString( nl.item( x ).toElement().attribute( "title" ) ) );
GD_DPRINTF( "done.\n" );
setErrorString( netReply->errorString() );
class MediaWikiSectionsParser
/// Since a recent Wikipedia UI redesign, the table of contents (ToC) is no longer part of an article's HTML.
/// ToC is absent from the text node of Wikipedia's MediaWiki API reply. Quote from
/// https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Reading/Web/Desktop_Improvements/Features/Table_of_contents#How_can_I_get_the_old_table_of_contents?
/// We intentionally do not add the old table of contents to the article in addition to the new sidebar location...
/// Users can restore the old table of contents position with the following JavaScript code:
/// document.querySelector('mw\\3Atocplace,meta[property="mw:PageProp/toc"]').replaceWith( document.getElementById('mw-panel-toc') )
/// This function searches for an indicator of the empty ToC in an article HTML. If the indicator is present,
/// generates ToC HTML from the sections element and replaces the indicator with the generated ToC.
static void generateTableOfContentsIfEmpty( QDomNode const & parseNode, QString & articleString )
QString const emptyTocIndicator = "<meta property=\"mw:PageProp/toc\" />";
int const emptyTocPos = articleString.indexOf( emptyTocIndicator );
if( emptyTocPos == -1 )
return; // The ToC must be absent or nonempty => nothing to do.
QDomElement const sectionsElement = parseNode.firstChildElement( "sections" );
if( sectionsElement.isNull() )
gdWarning( "MediaWiki: empty table of contents and missing sections element." );
gdDebug( "MediaWiki: generating table of contents from the sections element." );
MediaWikiSectionsParser parser;
parser.generateTableOfContents( sectionsElement );
articleString.replace( emptyTocPos, emptyTocIndicator.size(), parser.tableOfContents );
MediaWikiSectionsParser() : previousLevel( 0 ) {}
void generateTableOfContents( QDomElement const & sectionsElement );
bool addListLevel( QString const & levelString );
void closeListTags( int currentLevel );
QString tableOfContents;
int previousLevel;
void MediaWikiSectionsParser::generateTableOfContents( QDomElement const & sectionsElement )
// A real example of a typical child of the <sections> element:
// <s linkAnchor="Marginal_densities" toclevel="2" fromtitle="Probability_density_function" level="3"
// line="Marginal densities" byteoffset="15868" anchor="Marginal_densities" number="7.1" index="9"/>
// Use Wiktionary's ToC style, which had also been Wikipedia's ToC style until the UI redesign.
// Replace double quotes with single quotes to avoid escaping " within string literals.
QString const elTagName = "s";
QDomElement el = sectionsElement.firstChildElement( elTagName );
if( el.isNull() )
// Omit invisible and useless toctogglecheckbox, toctogglespan and toctogglelabel elements.
// The values of lang (e.g. 'en') and dir (e.g. 'ltr') attributes of the toctitle element depend on
// the article's language. These attributes have no visible effect and so are simply omitted here.
// TODO: the "Contents" string should be translated to the article's language, but I don't know how
// to implement this. Should "Contents" be enclosed in tr() to at least translate it to GoldenDict's
// interface language? Is there a language-agnostic Unicode symbol that stands for "Contents"?
tableOfContents = "<div id='toc' class='toc' role='navigation' aria-labelledby='mw-toc-heading'>"
"<div class='toctitle'><h2 id='mw-toc-heading'>Contents</h2></div>";
if( !addListLevel( el.attribute( "toclevel" ) ) )
// From https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/mediawiki/core/+/831147/
// The anchor property ... should be used if you want to (eg) look up an element by ID using
// document.getElementById(). The linkAnchor property ... contains additional escaping appropriate for
// use in a URL fragment, and should be used (eg) if you are creating the href attribute of an <a> tag.
tableOfContents += "<a href='#";
tableOfContents += el.attribute( "linkAnchor" );
tableOfContents += "'>";
// Omit <span class="tocnumber"> because it has no visible effect.
tableOfContents += el.attribute( "number" );
tableOfContents += ' ';
// Omit <span class="toctext"> because it has no visible effect.
tableOfContents += el.attribute( "line" );
tableOfContents += "</a>";
el = el.nextSiblingElement( elTagName );
} while( !el.isNull() );
closeListTags( 1 );
// Close the first-level list tag and the toc div tag.
tableOfContents += "</ul>\n</div>";
bool MediaWikiSectionsParser::addListLevel( QString const & levelString )
bool convertedToInt;
int const level = levelString.toInt( &convertedToInt );
if( !convertedToInt )
gdWarning( "MediaWiki: sections level is not an integer: %s", levelString.toUtf8().constData() );
return false;
if( level <= 0 )
gdWarning( "MediaWiki: unsupported nonpositive sections level: %s", levelString.toUtf8().constData() );
return false;
if( level > previousLevel + 1 )
gdWarning( "MediaWiki: unsupported sections level increase by more than one: from %d to %s",
previousLevel, levelString.toUtf8().constData() );
return false;
if( level == previousLevel + 1 )
// Don't close the previous list item tag to nest the current deeper level's list in it.
tableOfContents += "\n<ul>\n";
previousLevel = level;
closeListTags( level );
Q_ASSERT( level == previousLevel );
// Open this list item tag.
// Omit the (e.g.) class="toclevel-4 tocsection-9" attribute of <li> because it has no visible effect.
tableOfContents += "<li>";
return true;
void MediaWikiSectionsParser::closeListTags( int currentLevel )
Q_ASSERT( currentLevel <= previousLevel );
// Close the previous list item tag.
tableOfContents += "</li>\n";
// Close list and list item tags of deeper levels, if any.
while( currentLevel < previousLevel )
tableOfContents += "</ul>\n</li>\n";
class MediaWikiArticleRequest: public MediaWikiDataRequestSlots
typedef std::list< std::pair< QNetworkReply *, bool > > NetReplies;
NetReplies netReplies;
QString url;
MediaWikiArticleRequest( wstring const & word, vector< wstring > const & alts,
QString const & url, QNetworkAccessManager & mgr,
Class * dictPtr_ );
void cancel() override;
void addQuery( QNetworkAccessManager & mgr, wstring const & word );
void requestFinished( QNetworkReply * ) override;
/// This simple set implementation should be much more efficient than tree-
/// and hash-based standard/Qt containers when there are very few elements.
template< typename T >
class SmallSet {
bool insert( T x )
if( std::find( elements.begin(), elements.end(), x ) != elements.end() )
return false;
elements.push_back( x );
return true;
std::vector< T > elements;
/// The page id set allows to filter out duplicate articles in case MediaWiki
/// redirects the main word and words in the alts collection to the same page.
SmallSet< long long > addedPageIds;
Class * dictPtr;
void MediaWikiArticleRequest::cancel()
MediaWikiArticleRequest::MediaWikiArticleRequest( wstring const & str,
vector< wstring > const & alts,
QString const & url_,
QNetworkAccessManager & mgr,
Class * dictPtr_ ):
url( url_ ), dictPtr( dictPtr_ )
connect( &mgr, SIGNAL( finished( QNetworkReply * ) ),
this, SLOT( requestFinished( QNetworkReply * ) ),
Qt::QueuedConnection );
addQuery( mgr, str );
for( unsigned x = 0; x < alts.size(); ++x )
addQuery( mgr, alts[ x ] );
void MediaWikiArticleRequest::addQuery( QNetworkAccessManager & mgr,
wstring const & str )
gdDebug( "MediaWiki: requesting article %s\n", gd::toQString( str ).toUtf8().data() );
QUrl reqUrl( url + "/api.php?action=parse&prop=text|revid|sections&format=xml&redirects" );
Utils::Url::addQueryItem( reqUrl, "page", gd::toQString( str ).replace( '+', "%2B" ) );
QNetworkRequest req( reqUrl ) ;
QNetworkReply * netReply = mgr.get(req);
connect( netReply, &QNetworkReply::errorOccurred, this, [=](QNetworkReply::NetworkError e){
qDebug()<< "error:"<<e;
} );
#ifndef QT_NO_SSL
connect( netReply, SIGNAL( sslErrors( QList< QSslError > ) ),
netReply, SLOT( ignoreSslErrors() ) );
netReplies.push_back( std::make_pair( netReply, false ) );
void MediaWikiArticleRequest::requestFinished( QNetworkReply * r )
GD_DPRINTF( "Finished.\n" );
if ( isFinished() ) // Was cancelled
// Find this reply
bool found = false;
for( NetReplies::iterator i = netReplies.begin(); i != netReplies.end(); ++i )
if ( i->first == r )
i->second = true; // Mark as finished
found = true;
if ( !found )
// Well, that's not our reply, don't do anything
bool updated = false;
for( ; netReplies.size() && netReplies.front().second; netReplies.pop_front() )
QNetworkReply * netReply = netReplies.front().first;
if ( netReply->error() == QNetworkReply::NoError )
QDomDocument dd;
QString errorStr;
int errorLine, errorColumn;
if ( !dd.setContent( netReply, false, &errorStr, &errorLine, &errorColumn ) )
setErrorString( QString( tr( "XML parse error: %1 at %2,%3" ).
arg( errorStr ).arg( errorLine ).arg( errorColumn ) ) );
QDomNode parseNode = dd.namedItem( "api" ).namedItem( "parse" );
if ( !parseNode.isNull() && parseNode.toElement().attribute( "revid" ) != "0"
// Don't show the same article more than once:
&& addedPageIds.insert( parseNode.toElement().attribute( "pageid" ).toLongLong() ) )
QDomNode textNode = parseNode.namedItem( "text" );
if ( !textNode.isNull() )
QString articleString = textNode.toElement().text();
// Replace all ":" in links, remove '#' part in links to other articles
int pos = 0;
QRegularExpression regLinks( "<a\\s+href=\"/([^\"]+)\"" );
QString articleNewString;
QRegularExpressionMatchIterator it = regLinks.globalMatch( articleString );
while( it.hasNext() )
QRegularExpressionMatch match = it.next();
articleNewString += articleString.mid( pos, match.capturedStart() - pos );
pos = match.capturedEnd();
QString link = match.captured( 1 );
if( link.indexOf( "://" ) >= 0 )
// External link
articleNewString += match.captured();
if( link.indexOf( ':' ) >= 0 )
link.replace( ':', "%3A" );
int n = link.indexOf( '#', 1 );
if( n > 0 )
QString anchor = link.mid( n + 1 ).replace( '_', "%5F" );
link.truncate( n );
link += QString( "?gdanchor=%1" ).arg( anchor );
QString newLink = QString( "<a href=\"/%1\"" ).arg( link );
articleNewString += newLink;
if( pos )
articleNewString += articleString.mid( pos );
articleString = articleNewString;
QUrl wikiUrl( url );
wikiUrl.setPath( "/" );
// Update any special index.php pages to be absolute
articleString.replace( QRegularExpression( R"(<a\shref="(/([\w]*/)*index.php\?))" ),
QString( "<a href=\"%1\\1" ).arg( wikiUrl.toString() ) );
// audio tag
QRegularExpression reg1( "<audio\\s.+?</audio>",
| QRegularExpression::DotMatchesEverythingOption );
QRegularExpression reg2( R"(<source\s+src="([^"]+))",
QRegularExpression::CaseInsensitiveOption );
pos = 0;
it = reg1.globalMatch( articleString );
while( it.hasNext() )
QRegularExpressionMatch match = it.next();
articleNewString += articleString.mid( pos, match.capturedStart() - pos );
pos = match.capturedEnd();
QString tag = match.captured();
QRegularExpressionMatch match2 = reg2.match( tag );
if( match2.hasMatch() )
QString ref = match2.captured( 1 );
QString audio_url = "<a href=\"" + ref
+ R"("><img src="qrc:///icons/playsound.png" border="0" align="absmiddle" alt="Play"/></a>)";
articleNewString += audio_url;
articleNewString += match.captured();
if( pos )
articleNewString += articleString.mid( pos );
articleString = articleNewString;
// audio url
articleString.replace( QRegularExpression( "<a\\s+href=\"(//upload\\.wikimedia\\.org/wikipedia/[^\"'&]*\\.og[ga](?:\\.mp3|))\"" ),
QString::fromStdString( addAudioLink( string( "\"" ) + wikiUrl.scheme().toStdString() + ":\\1\"",
this->dictPtr->getId() ) + "<a href=\"" + wikiUrl.scheme().toStdString() + ":\\1\"" ) );
// Add url scheme to image source urls
articleString.replace( " src=\"//", " src=\"" + wikiUrl.scheme() + "://" );
//fix src="/foo/bar/Baz.png"
articleString.replace( "src=\"/", "src=\"" + wikiUrl.toString() );
// Remove the /wiki/ prefix from links
articleString.replace( "<a href=\"/wiki/", "<a href=\"" );
// In those strings, change any underscores to spaces
QRegularExpression rxLink( R"(<a\s+href="[^/:">#]+)" );
it = rxLink.globalMatch( articleString );
while( it.hasNext() )
QRegularExpressionMatch match = it.next();
for( int i = match.capturedStart() + 9; i < match.capturedEnd(); i++ )
if( articleString.at( i ) == QChar( '_') )
articleString[ i ] = ' ';
//fix file: url
articleString.replace( QRegularExpression( R"(<a\s+href="([^:/"]*file%3A[^/"]+"))",
QRegularExpression::CaseInsensitiveOption ),
QString( "<a href=\"%1/index.php?title=\\1" ).arg( url ));
// Add url scheme to other urls like "//xxx"
articleString.replace( " href=\"//", " href=\"" + wikiUrl.scheme() + "://" );
// Add url scheme to other urls like embed css background: url("//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/65/Lock-green.svg")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat
articleString.replace( "url(\"//", "url(\"" + wikiUrl.scheme() + "://" );
// Fix urls in "srcset" attribute
pos = 0;
QRegularExpression regSrcset( R"( srcset\s*=\s*"/[^"]+")" );
it = regSrcset.globalMatch( articleString );
while( it.hasNext() )
QRegularExpressionMatch match = it.next();
articleNewString += articleString.mid( pos, match.capturedStart() - pos );
pos = match.capturedEnd();
QString srcset = match.captured();
QString newSrcset = srcset.replace( "//", wikiUrl.scheme() + "://" );
articleNewString += newSrcset;
if( pos )
articleNewString += articleString.mid( pos );
articleString = articleNewString;
// Insert the ToC in the end to improve performance because no replacements are needed in the generated ToC.
MediaWikiSectionsParser::generateTableOfContentsIfEmpty( parseNode, articleString );
QByteArray articleBody = articleString.toUtf8();
articleBody.prepend( dictPtr->isToLanguageRTL() ? R"(<div class="mwiki" dir="rtl">)" :
"<div class=\"mwiki\">" );
articleBody.append( "</div>" );
Mutex::Lock _( dataMutex );
size_t prevSize = data.size();
data.resize( prevSize + articleBody.size() );
memcpy( &data.front() + prevSize, articleBody.data(), articleBody.size() );
hasAnyData = true;
updated = true;
GD_DPRINTF( "done.\n" );
setErrorString( netReply->errorString() );
disconnect( netReply, 0, 0, 0 );
if ( netReplies.empty() )
if ( updated )
sptr< WordSearchRequest > MediaWikiDictionary::prefixMatch( wstring const & word,
unsigned long maxResults )
(void) maxResults;
if ( word.size() > 80 )
// Don't make excessively large queries -- they're fruitless anyway
return std::make_shared<WordSearchRequestInstant>();
return std::make_shared< MediaWikiWordSearchRequest>( word, url, netMgr );
sptr< DataRequest > MediaWikiDictionary::getArticle( wstring const & word,
vector< wstring > const & alts,
wstring const &, bool )
if ( word.size() > 80 )
// Don't make excessively large queries -- they're fruitless anyway
return std::make_shared<DataRequestInstant>( false );
return std::make_shared<MediaWikiArticleRequest>( word, alts, url, netMgr, this );
vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > makeDictionaries(
Dictionary::Initializing &,
Config::MediaWikis const & wikis,
QNetworkAccessManager & mgr )
vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > result;
for( int x = 0; x < wikis.size(); ++x )
if ( wikis[ x ].enabled )
result.push_back( std::make_shared<MediaWikiDictionary>( wikis[ x ].id.toStdString(),
wikis[ x ].name.toUtf8().data(),
wikis[ x ].url,
wikis[ x ].icon,
mgr ) );
return result;