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244 lines
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/* This file is (c) 2008-2012 Konstantin Isakov <ikm@goldendict.org>
* Part of GoldenDict. Licensed under GPLv3 or later, see the LICENSE file */
#include "editdictionaries.hh"
#include "loaddictionaries.hh"
#include "dictinfo.hh"
#include <QMessageBox>
using std::vector;
EditDictionaries::EditDictionaries( QWidget * parent, Config::Class & cfg_,
vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > & dictionaries_,
Instances::Groups & groupInstances_,
QNetworkAccessManager & dictNetMgr_ ):
QDialog( parent ), cfg( cfg_ ), dictionaries( dictionaries_ ),
groupInstances( groupInstances_ ),
dictNetMgr( dictNetMgr_ ),
origCfg( cfg ),
sources( this, cfg ),
orderAndProps( new OrderAndProps( this, cfg.dictionaryOrder, cfg.inactiveDictionaries,
dictionaries ) ),
groups( new Groups( this, dictionaries, cfg.groups, orderAndProps->getCurrentDictionaryOrder() ) ),
dictionariesChanged( false ),
groupsChanged( false ),
lastCurrentTab( 0 )
// Some groups may have contained links to non-existnent dictionaries. We
// would like to preserve them if no edits were done. To that end, we save
// the initial group readings so that if no edits were really done, we won't
// be changing groups.
origCfg.groups = groups->getGroups();
origCfg.dictionaryOrder = orderAndProps->getCurrentDictionaryOrder();
origCfg.inactiveDictionaries = orderAndProps->getCurrentInactiveDictionaries();
ui.setupUi( this );
setWindowIcon( QIcon(":/icons/book.png") );
ui.tabs->addTab( &sources, QIcon(":/icons/reload.png"), tr( "&Sources" ) );
ui.tabs->addTab( orderAndProps.get(), QIcon(":/icons/book.png"), tr( "&Dictionaries" ) );
ui.tabs->addTab( groups.get(), QIcon(":/icons/bookcase.png"), tr( "&Groups" ) );
connect( ui.buttons, SIGNAL( clicked( QAbstractButton * ) ),
this, SLOT( buttonBoxClicked( QAbstractButton * ) ) );
connect( &sources, SIGNAL( rescan() ), this, SLOT( rescanSources() ) );
connect( groups.get(), SIGNAL( showDictionaryInfo( QString const & ) ),
this, SIGNAL( showDictionaryInfo( QString const & ) ) );
connect( orderAndProps.get(), SIGNAL( showDictionaryHeadwords( QString const & ) ),
this, SIGNAL( showDictionaryHeadwords( QString const & ) ) );
void EditDictionaries::editGroup( unsigned id )
if ( id == Instances::Group::AllGroupId )
ui.tabs->setCurrentIndex( 1 );
ui.tabs->setCurrentIndex( 2 );
groups->editGroup( id );
void EditDictionaries::save()
Config::Groups newGroups = groups->getGroups();
Config::Group newOrder = orderAndProps->getCurrentDictionaryOrder();
Config::Group newInactive = orderAndProps->getCurrentInactiveDictionaries();
if ( isSourcesChanged() )
acceptChangedSources( false );
if ( origCfg.groups != newGroups || origCfg.dictionaryOrder != newOrder ||
origCfg.inactiveDictionaries != newInactive )
groupsChanged = true;
cfg.groups = newGroups;
cfg.dictionaryOrder = newOrder;
cfg.inactiveDictionaries = newInactive;
void EditDictionaries::accept()
void EditDictionaries::on_tabs_currentChanged( int index )
if ( index == -1 || !isVisible() )
return; // Sent upon the construction/destruction
if ( !lastCurrentTab && index )
// We're switching away from the Sources tab -- if its contents were
// changed, we need to either apply or reject now.
if ( isSourcesChanged() )
ui.tabs->setCurrentIndex( 0 );
QMessageBox question( QMessageBox::Question, tr( "Sources changed" ),
tr( "Some sources were changed. Would you like to accept the changes?" ),
QMessageBox::NoButton, this );
QPushButton * accept = question.addButton( tr( "Accept" ), QMessageBox::AcceptRole );
question.addButton( tr( "Cancel" ), QMessageBox::RejectRole );
if ( question.clickedButton() == accept )
acceptChangedSources( true );
lastCurrentTab = index;
ui.tabs->setCurrentIndex( index );
// Prevent tab from switching
lastCurrentTab = 0;
if ( lastCurrentTab == 1 && index != 1 )
// When switching from the dictionary order, we need to propagate any
// changes to the groups.
groups->updateDictionaryOrder( orderAndProps->getCurrentDictionaryOrder() );
lastCurrentTab = index;
void EditDictionaries::rescanSources()
acceptChangedSources( true );
void EditDictionaries::buttonBoxClicked( QAbstractButton * button )
if (ui.buttons->buttonRole(button) == QDialogButtonBox::ApplyRole) {
if ( isSourcesChanged() ) {
acceptChangedSources( true );
bool EditDictionaries::isSourcesChanged() const
return sources.getPaths() != cfg.paths ||
sources.getSoundDirs() != cfg.soundDirs ||
sources.getHunspell() != cfg.hunspell ||
sources.getTransliteration() != cfg.transliteration ||
sources.getForvo() != cfg.forvo ||
sources.getMediaWikis() != cfg.mediawikis ||
sources.getWebSites() != cfg.webSites ||
sources.getDictServers() != cfg.dictServers ||
sources.getPrograms() != cfg.programs ||
sources.getVoiceEngines() != cfg.voiceEngines;
void EditDictionaries::acceptChangedSources( bool rebuildGroups )
dictionariesChanged = true;
Config::Groups savedGroups = groups->getGroups();
Config::Group savedOrder = orderAndProps->getCurrentDictionaryOrder();
Config::Group savedInactive = orderAndProps->getCurrentInactiveDictionaries();
cfg.paths = sources.getPaths();
cfg.soundDirs = sources.getSoundDirs();
cfg.hunspell = sources.getHunspell();
cfg.transliteration = sources.getTransliteration();
cfg.forvo = sources.getForvo();
cfg.mediawikis = sources.getMediaWikis();
cfg.webSites = sources.getWebSites();
cfg.dictServers = sources.getDictServers();
cfg.programs = sources.getPrograms();
cfg.voiceEngines = sources.getVoiceEngines();
groupInstances.clear(); // Those hold pointers to dictionaries, we need to
// free them.
ui.tabs->setUpdatesEnabled( false );
ui.tabs->removeTab( 1 );
ui.tabs->removeTab( 1 );
loadDictionaries( this, true, cfg, dictionaries, dictNetMgr );
// If no changes to groups were made, update the original data
bool noGroupEdits = ( origCfg.groups == savedGroups );
if ( noGroupEdits )
savedGroups = cfg.groups;
Instances::updateNames( savedGroups, dictionaries );
bool noOrderEdits = ( origCfg.dictionaryOrder == savedOrder );
if ( noOrderEdits )
savedOrder = cfg.dictionaryOrder;
Instances::updateNames( savedOrder, dictionaries );
bool noInactiveEdits = ( origCfg.inactiveDictionaries == savedInactive );
if ( noInactiveEdits )
savedInactive = cfg.inactiveDictionaries;
Instances::updateNames( savedInactive, dictionaries );
if ( rebuildGroups )
orderAndProps = new OrderAndProps( this, savedOrder, savedInactive, dictionaries );
ui.tabs->insertTab( 1, orderAndProps.get(), QIcon(":/icons/book.png"), tr( "&Dictionaries" ) );
groups = new Groups( this, dictionaries, savedGroups, orderAndProps->getCurrentDictionaryOrder() );
ui.tabs->insertTab( 2, groups.get(), QIcon(":/icons/bookcase.png"), tr( "&Groups" ) );
ui.tabs->setUpdatesEnabled( true );
if ( noGroupEdits )
origCfg.groups = groups->getGroups();
if ( noOrderEdits )
origCfg.dictionaryOrder = orderAndProps->getCurrentDictionaryOrder();
if ( noInactiveEdits )
origCfg.inactiveDictionaries = orderAndProps->getCurrentInactiveDictionaries();