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synced 2024-12-18 07:24:07 +00:00
On accidentally mouse moving when right button clicking first context menu stroke may be apply. If in this stroke is dictionaries reordering it may be not noticed (especially, when filter is enabled), and after the windows OK button clicking ALL dictions will be reordered! This commit places on context menu first stroke safety "Dictionary headwords".
296 lines
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296 lines
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/* This file is (c) 2008-2012 Konstantin Isakov <ikm@goldendict.org>
* Part of GoldenDict. Licensed under GPLv3 or later, see the LICENSE file */
#include "orderandprops.hh"
#include "instances.hh"
#include "langcoder.hh"
#include "language.hh"
#include "fsencoding.hh"
#include <algorithm>
#include <QMenu>
#include <QPair>
using std::vector;
using std::sort;
namespace {
bool dictNameLessThan( sptr< Dictionary::Class > const & dict1,
sptr< Dictionary::Class > const & dict2 )
QString str1 = QString::fromUtf8( dict1->getName().c_str() );
QString str2 = QString::fromUtf8( dict2->getName().c_str() );
if( str1.isEmpty() && !str2.isEmpty() )
return false;
if( !str1.isEmpty() && str2.isEmpty() )
return true;
return str1.localeAwareCompare( str2 ) < 0;
bool dictLessThan( sptr< Dictionary::Class > const & dict1,
sptr< Dictionary::Class > const & dict2 )
int idFrom1 = dict1->getLangFrom();
int idTo1 = dict1->getLangTo();
if( idFrom1 == 0)
QPair<quint32,quint32> ids = LangCoder::findIdsForName( QString::fromUtf8( dict1->getName().c_str() ) );
idFrom1 = ids.first;
idTo1 = ids.second;
int idFrom2 = dict2->getLangFrom();
int idTo2 = dict2->getLangTo();
if( idFrom2 == 0)
QPair<quint32,quint32> ids = LangCoder::findIdsForName( QString::fromUtf8( dict2->getName().c_str() ) );
idFrom2 = ids.first;
idTo2 = ids.second;
QString str1 = LangCoder::decode( idFrom1 );
QString str2 = LangCoder::decode( idFrom2 );
if( str1.isEmpty() && !str2.isEmpty() )
return false;
if( !str1.isEmpty() && str2.isEmpty() )
return true;
int res = str1.localeAwareCompare( str2 );
if( res )
return res < 0;
str1 = LangCoder::decode( idTo1 );
str2 = LangCoder::decode( idTo2 );
if( str1.isEmpty() && !str2.isEmpty() )
return false;
if( !str1.isEmpty() && str2.isEmpty() )
return true;
res = str1.localeAwareCompare( str2 );
if( res )
return res < 0;
str1 = QString::fromUtf8( dict1->getName().c_str() );
str2 = QString::fromUtf8( dict2->getName().c_str() );
if( str1.isEmpty() && !str2.isEmpty() )
return false;
if( !str1.isEmpty() && str2.isEmpty() )
return true;
return str1.localeAwareCompare( str2 ) < 0;
} // namespace
OrderAndProps::OrderAndProps( QWidget * parent,
Config::Group const & dictionaryOrder,
Config::Group const & inactiveDictionaries,
std::vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > const &
allDictionaries ):
QWidget( parent )
ui.setupUi( this );
Instances::Group order( dictionaryOrder, allDictionaries, Config::Group() );
Instances::Group inactive( inactiveDictionaries, allDictionaries, Config::Group() );
Instances::complementDictionaryOrder( order, inactive, allDictionaries );
ui.dictionaryOrder->populate( order.dictionaries, allDictionaries );
ui.inactiveDictionaries->populate( inactive.dictionaries, allDictionaries );
ui.searchLine->applyTo( ui.dictionaryOrder );
addAction( ui.searchLine->getFocusAction() );
ui.dictionaryOrder->setContextMenuPolicy( Qt::CustomContextMenu );
connect( ui.dictionaryOrder, SIGNAL( customContextMenuRequested( QPoint ) ),
this, SLOT( contextMenuRequested( QPoint ) ) );
connect( ui.dictionaryOrder, SIGNAL( gotFocus() ),
this, SLOT( dictListFocused() ) );
connect( ui.inactiveDictionaries, SIGNAL( gotFocus() ),
this, SLOT( inactiveDictListFocused() ) );
connect ( ui.dictionaryOrder->selectionModel(), SIGNAL( selectionChanged ( const QItemSelection & , const QItemSelection & ) ),
this, SLOT( dictionarySelectionChanged( const QItemSelection & ) ) );
connect ( ui.inactiveDictionaries->selectionModel(), SIGNAL( selectionChanged( const QItemSelection &, const QItemSelection & ) ),
this, SLOT( inactiveDictionarySelectionChanged( QItemSelection const & ) ) );
connect (ui.searchLine, SIGNAL( filterChanged( QString const & ) ),
this, SLOT( filterChanged( QString const &) ) );
connect( ui.dictionaryOrder->getModel(), SIGNAL( contentChanged() ),
this, SLOT( showDictNumbers() ) );
connect( ui.inactiveDictionaries->getModel(), SIGNAL( contentChanged() ),
this, SLOT( showDictNumbers() ) );
Config::Group OrderAndProps::getCurrentDictionaryOrder() const
Instances::Group g( "" );
g.dictionaries = ui.dictionaryOrder->getCurrentDictionaries();
return g.makeConfigGroup();
Config::Group OrderAndProps::getCurrentInactiveDictionaries() const
Instances::Group g( "" );
g.dictionaries = ui.inactiveDictionaries->getCurrentDictionaries();
return g.makeConfigGroup();
void OrderAndProps::filterChanged( QString const & filterText)
// when the filter is active, disable the possibility
// to drop dictionaries to this filtered list
void OrderAndProps::dictListFocused()
describeDictionary( ui.dictionaryOrder, ui.searchLine->mapToSource( ui.dictionaryOrder->currentIndex() ) );
void OrderAndProps::inactiveDictListFocused()
describeDictionary( ui.inactiveDictionaries, ui.inactiveDictionaries->currentIndex() );
void OrderAndProps::dictionarySelectionChanged( const QItemSelection & current )
if ( current.empty() )
describeDictionary( ui.dictionaryOrder, ui.searchLine->mapToSource( current.front().topLeft() ) );
void OrderAndProps::inactiveDictionarySelectionChanged( QItemSelection const & current )
if ( current.empty() )
describeDictionary( ui.inactiveDictionaries, current.front().topLeft() );
void OrderAndProps::disableDictionaryDescription()
ui.dictionaryInformation->setEnabled( false );
ui.dictionaryDescription->setVisible( false );
ui.dictionaryDescriptionLabel->setVisible( false );
ui.infoVerticalSpacer->changeSize( 20, 5, QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Expanding );
void OrderAndProps::describeDictionary( DictListWidget * lst, QModelIndex const & idx )
if ( !idx.isValid() || (unsigned) idx.row() >= lst->getCurrentDictionaries().size() )
sptr< Dictionary::Class > dict = lst->getCurrentDictionaries()[ idx.row() ];
if ( !dict )
ui.dictionaryInformation->setEnabled( true );
ui.dictionaryName->setText( QString::fromUtf8( dict->getName().c_str() ) );
ui.dictionaryTotalArticles->setText( QString::number( dict->getArticleCount() ) );
ui.dictionaryTotalWords->setText( QString::number( dict->getWordCount() ) );
ui.dictionaryTranslatesFrom->setText( Language::localizedStringForId( dict->getLangFrom() ) );
ui.dictionaryTranslatesTo->setText( Language::localizedStringForId( dict->getLangTo() ) );
std::vector< std::string > const & filenames = dict->getDictionaryFilenames();
QString filenamesText;
for( unsigned x = 0; x < filenames.size(); x++ )
filenamesText += FsEncoding::decode( filenames[ x ].c_str() );
filenamesText += '\n';
ui.dictionaryFileList->setPlainText( filenamesText );
QString const& descText = dict->getDescription();
if( !descText.isEmpty() && descText.compare( "NONE" ) != 0 )
ui.dictionaryDescription->setPlainText( descText );
ui.dictionaryDescription->setVisible( true );
ui.dictionaryDescriptionLabel->setVisible( true );
ui.infoVerticalSpacer->changeSize( 0, 0, QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Minimum );
ui.dictionaryDescription->setVisible( false );
ui.dictionaryDescriptionLabel->setVisible( false );
ui.infoVerticalSpacer->changeSize( 20, 5, QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Expanding );
void OrderAndProps::contextMenuRequested( const QPoint & pos )
QMenu menu( this );
QAction * showHeadwordsAction = NULL;
QModelIndex idx = ui.searchLine->mapToSource( ui.dictionaryOrder->indexAt( pos ) );
sptr< Dictionary::Class > dict;
if( idx.isValid() && (unsigned)idx.row() < ui.dictionaryOrder->getCurrentDictionaries().size() )
dict = ui.dictionaryOrder->getCurrentDictionaries()[ idx.row() ];
if ( dict && dict->getWordCount() > 0 )
showHeadwordsAction = new QAction( tr( "Dictionary headwords" ), &menu );
menu.addAction( showHeadwordsAction );
QAction * sortNameAction = new QAction( tr( "Sort by name" ), &menu );
menu.addAction( sortNameAction );
QAction * sortLangAction = new QAction( tr( "Sort by languages" ), &menu );
menu.addAction( sortLangAction );
QAction * result = menu.exec( ui.dictionaryOrder->mapToGlobal( pos ) );
if( result == sortNameAction || result == sortLangAction )
vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > sortedDicts = ui.dictionaryOrder->getCurrentDictionaries();
if( result == sortNameAction )
sort( sortedDicts.begin(), sortedDicts.end(), dictNameLessThan );
sort( sortedDicts.begin(), sortedDicts.end(), dictLessThan );
ui.dictionaryOrder->populate( sortedDicts );
if( result && result == showHeadwordsAction )
emit showDictionaryHeadwords( QString::fromUtf8( dict->getId().c_str() ) );
void OrderAndProps::showDictNumbers()
ui.dictionariesNumber->setText( tr( "Dictionaries active: %1, inactive: %2" )
.arg( QString::number( ui.dictionaryOrder->getModel()->rowCount( QModelIndex() ) ) )
.arg( QString::number( ui.inactiveDictionaries->getModel()->rowCount( QModelIndex() ) ) ) );