mirror of
synced 2024-12-18 03:14:06 +00:00
552 lines
16 KiB
552 lines
16 KiB
/* This file is (c) 2008-2012 Konstantin Isakov <ikm@goldendict.org>
* Part of GoldenDict. Licensed under GPLv3 or later, see the LICENSE file */
#include "xdxf2html.hh"
#include <QtXml>
#include "gddebug.hh"
#include "utf8.hh"
#include "wstring_qt.hh"
#include "folding.hh"
#include "fsencoding.hh"
#include "audiolink.hh"
#include "file.hh"
#include "filetype.hh"
#include "htmlescape.hh"
#include <QRegExp>
#include <QDebug>
namespace Xdxf2Html {
static void fixLink( QDomElement & el, string const & dictId, const char *attrName )
QUrl url;
url.setScheme( "bres" );
url.setHost( QString::fromStdString(dictId) );
url.setPath( el.attribute(attrName) );
el.setAttribute( attrName, url.toEncoded().data() );
// converting a number into roman representation
string convertToRoman( int input, int lower_case )
string romanvalue = "";
if( input >= 4000 )
int x = ( input - input % 4000 ) / 1000;
romanvalue = "(" + convertToRoman( x, lower_case ) + ")" ;
input %= 4000;
const string roman[26] = { "M", "CM", "D", "CD", "C", "XC", "L", "XL", "X", "IX", "V", "IV", "I",
"m", "cm", "d", "cd", "c", "xc", "l", "xl", "x", "ix", "v", "iv", "i"};
const int decimal[13] = {1000, 900, 500, 400, 100, 90, 50, 40, 10, 9, 5, 4, 1};
for( int i = 0; i < 13; i++ )
while( input >= decimal[ i ] )
input -= decimal[ i ];
if ( lower_case == 1 )
romanvalue += roman[ i + 13 ];
romanvalue += roman[ i ];
return romanvalue;
string convert( string const & in, DICT_TYPE type, map < string, string > const * pAbrv,
Dictionary::Class *dictPtr, bool isLogicalFormat, unsigned revisionNumber )
// DPRINTF( "Source>>>>>>>>>>: %s\n\n\n", in.c_str() );
// Convert spaces after each end of line to s, and then each end of
// line to a <br>
string inConverted;
inConverted.reserve( in.size() );
bool afterEol = false;
for( string::const_iterator i = in.begin(), j = in.end(); i != j; ++i )
switch( *i )
case '\n':
afterEol = true;
if( !isLogicalFormat )
inConverted.append( "<br/>" );
case '\r':
case ' ':
if ( afterEol )
if( !isLogicalFormat )
inConverted.append( " " );
// Fall-through
inConverted.push_back( *i );
afterEol = false;
// Strip "<nu />" tags - QDomDocument don't handle it correctly
string::size_type n;
while( ( n = inConverted.find( "<nu />" ) ) != string::npos )
inConverted.erase( n, 6 );
// We build a dom representation of the given xml, then do some transforms
QDomDocument dd;
QString errorStr;
int errorLine, errorColumn;
string in_data;
if( type == XDXF )
in_data = "<div class=\"xdxf\"";
if( dictPtr->isToLanguageRTL() )
in_data += " dir=\"rtl\"";
in_data += ">";
in_data = "<div class=\"sdct_x\">";
in_data += inConverted + "</div>";
if( !dd.setContent( QByteArray( in_data.c_str() ), false, &errorStr, &errorLine, &errorColumn ) )
qWarning( "Xdxf2html error, xml parse failed: %s at %d,%d\n", errorStr.toLocal8Bit().constData(), errorLine, errorColumn );
gdWarning( "The input was: %s\n", in.c_str() );
return in;
QDomNodeList nodes = dd.elementsByTagName( "ex" ); // Example
while( nodes.size() )
QDomElement el = nodes.at( 0 ).toElement();
el.setTagName( "span" );
if( isLogicalFormat )
el.setAttribute( "class", "xdxf_ex" );
el.setAttribute( "class", "xdxf_ex_old" );
nodes = dd.elementsByTagName( "mrkd" ); // marked out words in tranlations/examples of usage
while( nodes.size() )
QDomElement el = nodes.at( 0 ).toElement();
el.setTagName( "span" );
el.setAttribute( "class", "xdxf_ex_markd" );
nodes = dd.elementsByTagName( "k" ); // Key
while( nodes.size() )
QDomElement el = nodes.at( 0 ).toElement();
if( type == STARDICT )
el.setTagName( "span" );
el.setAttribute( "class", "xdxf_k" );
el.setTagName( "div" );
el.setAttribute( "class", "xdxf_headwords" );
if( dictPtr->isFromLanguageRTL() != dictPtr->isToLanguageRTL() )
el.setAttribute( "dir", dictPtr->isFromLanguageRTL() ? "rtl" : "ltr" );
// processing of nested <def>s
if( isLogicalFormat ) // in articles with visual format <def> tags do not effect the formatting.
nodes = dd.elementsByTagName( "def" );
// this is a logical type of XDXF, so we need to render proper numbering
// we will do it this way:
// 1. we compute the maximum nesting depth of the article
int maxNestingDepth = 1; // maximum nesting depth of the article
for( int i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++ )
QDomElement el = nodes.at( i ).toElement();
QDomElement nestingNode = el;
int nestingCount = 0;
while ( nestingNode.parentNode().toElement().tagName() == "def" )
nestingNode = nestingNode.parentNode().toElement();
if ( nestingCount > maxNestingDepth )
maxNestingDepth = nestingCount;
// 2. in this loop we go layer-by-layer through all <def> and insert proper numbers according to its structure
for( int j = maxNestingDepth; j > 0; j-- ) // j symbolizes special depth to be processed at this iteration
int siblingCount = 0; // this that counts the number of among all siblings of this depth
QString numberText = ""; // the number to be inserted into the beginning of <def> (I,II,IV,1,2,3,a),b),c)...)
for( int i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++ )
QDomElement el = nodes.at( i ).toElement();
QDomElement nestingNode = el;
// computing the depth @nestingDepth of a current node @el
int nestingDepth = 0;
while( nestingNode.parentNode().toElement().tagName() == "def" )
// we process nodes on of current depth @j
// we do this in order not to break the numbering at this depth level
if (nestingDepth == j)
if( maxNestingDepth == 1 )
numberText = numberText.setNum( siblingCount ) + ". ";
else if( maxNestingDepth == 2 )
if( nestingDepth == 1 )
numberText = numberText.setNum( siblingCount ) + ". ";
if( nestingDepth == 2 )
numberText = numberText.setNum( siblingCount ) + ") ";
if( nestingDepth == 1 )
numberText = QString::fromStdString( convertToRoman(siblingCount,0) + ". " );
if( nestingDepth == 2 )
numberText = numberText.setNum( siblingCount ) + ". ";
if( nestingDepth == 3 )
numberText = numberText.setNum( siblingCount ) + ") ";
if( nestingDepth == 4 )
numberText = QString::fromStdString( convertToRoman(siblingCount,1) + ") " );
QDomElement numberNode = dd.createElement( "span" );
numberNode.setAttribute( "class", "xdxf_num" );
QDomText text_num = dd.createTextNode( numberText );
numberNode.appendChild( text_num );
el.insertBefore( numberNode, el.firstChild() );
if ( el.hasAttribute( "cmt" ) )
QDomElement cmtNode = dd.createElement( "span" );
cmtNode.setAttribute( "class", "xdxf_co" );
QDomText text_num = dd.createTextNode( el.attribute( "cmt" ) );
cmtNode.appendChild( text_num );
el.insertAfter( cmtNode, el.firstChild() );
else if( nestingDepth < j ) // if it goes one level up @siblingCount needs to be reset
siblingCount = 0;
// we finally change all <def> tags into 'xdxf_def' <span>s
while( nodes.size() )
QDomElement el = nodes.at( 0 ).toElement();
el.setTagName( "span" );
el.setAttribute( "class", "xdxf_def" );
nodes = dd.elementsByTagName( "opt" ); // Optional headword part
while( nodes.size() )
QDomElement el = nodes.at( 0 ).toElement();
el.setTagName( "span" );
el.setAttribute( "class", "xdxf_opt" );
nodes = dd.elementsByTagName( "kref" ); // Reference to another word
while( nodes.size() )
QDomElement el = nodes.at( 0 ).toElement();
el.setTagName( "a" );
el.setAttribute( "href", QString( "bword:" ) + el.text() );
el.setAttribute( "class", "xdxf_kref" );
if ( el.hasAttribute( "idref" ) )
// todo implement support for referencing only specific parts of the article
el.setAttribute( "href", QString( "bword:" ) + el.text() + "#" + el.attribute( "idref" ));
if ( el.hasAttribute( "kcmt" ) )
QDomText kcmtText = dd.createTextNode( " " + el.attribute( "kcmt" ) );
el.parentNode().insertAfter( kcmtText, el );
nodes = dd.elementsByTagName( "iref" ); // Reference to internet site
while( nodes.size() )
QDomElement el = nodes.at( 0 ).toElement();
el.setTagName( "a" );
el.setAttribute( "href", el.text() );
// Abbreviations
if( revisionNumber < 29 )
nodes = dd.elementsByTagName( "abr" );
nodes = dd.elementsByTagName( "abbr" );
while( nodes.size() )
QDomElement el = nodes.at( 0 ).toElement();
el.setTagName( "span" );
el.setAttribute( "class", "xdxf_abbr" );
if( type == XDXF && pAbrv != NULL )
string val = Utf8::encode( Folding::trimWhitespace( gd::toWString( el.text() ) ) );
// If we have such a key, display a title
map< string, string >::const_iterator i = pAbrv->find( val );
if ( i != pAbrv->end() )
string title;
if ( Utf8::decode( i->second ).size() < 70 )
// Replace all spaces with non-breakable ones, since that's how Lingvo shows tooltips
title.reserve( i->second.size() );
for( char const * c = i->second.c_str(); *c; ++c )
if ( *c == ' ' || *c == '\t' )
// u00A0 in utf8
title.push_back( 0xC2 );
title.push_back( 0xA0 );
title.push_back( *c );
title = i->second;
el.setAttribute( "title", gd::toQString( Utf8::decode( title ) ) );
nodes = dd.elementsByTagName( "dtrn" ); // Direct translation
while( nodes.size() )
QDomElement el = nodes.at( 0 ).toElement();
el.setTagName( "span" );
el.setAttribute( "class", "xdxf_dtrn" );
nodes = dd.elementsByTagName( "c" ); // Color
while( nodes.size() )
QDomElement el = nodes.at( 0 ).toElement();
el.setTagName( "span" );
if ( el.hasAttribute( "c" ) )
el.setAttribute( "style", "color:" + el.attribute( "c" ) );
el.removeAttribute( "c" );
el.setAttribute( "style", "color:blue" );
nodes = dd.elementsByTagName( "co" ); // Editorial comment
while( nodes.size() )
QDomElement el = nodes.at( 0 ).toElement();
el.setTagName( "span" );
if( isLogicalFormat )
el.setAttribute( "class", "xdxf_co" );
el.setAttribute( "class", "xdxf_co_old" );
/* grammar information */
nodes = dd.elementsByTagName( "gr" ); // proper grammar tag
while( nodes.size() )
QDomElement el = nodes.at( 0 ).toElement();
el.setTagName( "span" );
if( isLogicalFormat )
el.setAttribute( "class", "xdxf_gr" );
el.setAttribute( "class", "xdxf_gr_old" );
nodes = dd.elementsByTagName( "pos" ); // deprecated grammar tag
while( nodes.size() )
QDomElement el = nodes.at( 0 ).toElement();
el.setTagName( "span" );
if( isLogicalFormat )
el.setAttribute( "class", "xdxf_gr" );
el.setAttribute( "class", "xdxf_gr_old" );
nodes = dd.elementsByTagName( "tense" ); // deprecated grammar tag
while( nodes.size() )
QDomElement el = nodes.at( 0 ).toElement();
el.setTagName( "span" );
if( isLogicalFormat )
el.setAttribute( "class", "xdxf_gr" );
el.setAttribute( "class", "xdxf_gr_old" );
/* end of grammar generation */
nodes = dd.elementsByTagName( "tr" ); // Transcription
while( nodes.size() )
QDomElement el = nodes.at( 0 ).toElement();
el.setTagName( "span" );
if( isLogicalFormat )
el.setAttribute( "class", "xdxf_tr" );
el.setAttribute( "class", "xdxf_tr_old" );
// Ensure that ArticleNetworkAccessManager can deal with XDXF images.
// We modify the URL by using the dictionary ID as the hostname.
// This is necessary to determine from which dictionary a requested
// image originates.
nodes = dd.elementsByTagName( "img" );
for( int i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++ )
QDomElement el = nodes.at( i ).toElement();
if ( el.hasAttribute( "src" ) )
fixLink( el, dictPtr->getId(), "src" );
if ( el.hasAttribute( "losrc" ) )
fixLink( el, dictPtr->getId(), "losrc" );
if ( el.hasAttribute( "hisrc" ) )
fixLink( el, dictPtr->getId(), "hisrc" );
nodes = dd.elementsByTagName( "rref" ); // Resource reference
while( nodes.size() )
QDomElement el = nodes.at( 0 ).toElement();
// if( type == XDXF && dictPtr != NULL && !el.hasAttribute( "start" ) )
if( dictPtr != NULL && !el.hasAttribute( "start" ) )
string filename = Utf8::encode( gd::toWString( el.text() ) );
if ( Filetype::isNameOfPicture( filename ) )
QUrl url;
url.setScheme( "bres" );
url.setHost( QString::fromUtf8( dictPtr->getId().c_str() ) );
url.setPath( QString::fromUtf8( filename.c_str() ) );
QDomElement newEl = dd.createElement( "img" );
newEl.setAttribute( "src", url.toEncoded().data() );
newEl.setAttribute( "alt", Html::escape( filename ).c_str() );
QDomNode parent = el.parentNode();
if( !parent.isNull() )
parent.replaceChild( newEl, el );
else if( Filetype::isNameOfSound( filename ) )
QUrl url;
url.setScheme( "gdau" );
url.setHost( QString::fromUtf8( dictPtr->getId().c_str() ) );
url.setPath( QString::fromUtf8( filename.c_str() ) );
QDomElement el_script = dd.createElement( "script" );
QDomNode parent = el.parentNode();
if( !parent.isNull() )
el_script.setAttribute( "type", "text/javascript" );
parent.replaceChild( el_script, el );
QDomText el_txt = dd.createTextNode( makeAudioLinkScript( string( "\"" ) + url.toEncoded().data() + "\"",
dictPtr->getId() ).c_str() );
el_script.appendChild( el_txt );
QDomElement el_span = dd.createElement( "span" );
el_span.setAttribute( "class", "xdxf_wav" );
parent.insertAfter( el_span, el_script );
QDomElement el_a = dd.createElement( "a" );
el_a.setAttribute( "href", url.toEncoded().data() );
el_span.appendChild( el_a );
QDomElement el_img = dd.createElement( "img");
el_img.setAttribute( "src", "qrcx://localhost/icons/playsound.png" );
el_img.setAttribute( "border", "0" );
el_img.setAttribute( "align", "absmiddle" );
el_img.setAttribute( "alt", "Play" );
el_a.appendChild( el_img );
// We don't really know how to handle this at the moment, so we'll just
// convert it to a span and leave it as is for now.
el.setTagName( "span" );
el.setAttribute( "class", "xdxf_rref" );
// DPRINTF( "Result>>>>>>>>>>: %s\n\n\n", dd.toByteArray().data() );
return dd.toString().remove('\n').remove( QRegExp( "<(b|i)/>" ) ).toUtf8().data();