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synced 2024-12-18 07:24:07 +00:00
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386 lines
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/* This file is (c) 2008-2012 Konstantin Isakov <ikm@goldendict.org>
* Part of GoldenDict. Licensed under GPLv3 or later, see the LICENSE file */
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#include <stdint_msvc.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "article_netmgr.hh"
#include "wstring_qt.hh"
#include "gddebug.hh"
using std::string;
/// Uses some heuristics to chop off the first domain name from the host name,
/// but only if it's not too base. Returns the resulting host name.
QString getHostBase( QUrl const & url )
QString host = url.host();
QStringList domains = host.split( '.' );
int left = domains.size();
// Skip last <=3-letter domain name
if ( left && domains[ left - 1 ].size() <= 3 )
// Skip another <=3-letter domain name
if ( left && domains[ left - 1 ].size() <= 3 )
if ( left > 1 )
// We've got something like www.foobar.co.uk -- we can chop off the first
// domain
return host.mid( domains[ 0 ].size() + 1 );
return host;
QNetworkReply * ArticleNetworkAccessManager::createRequest( Operation op,
QNetworkRequest const & req,
QIODevice * outgoingData )
if ( op == GetOperation )
if ( req.url().scheme() == "qrcx" )
// We have to override the local load policy for the qrc scheme, hence
// we use qrcx and redirect it here back to qrc
QUrl newUrl( req.url() );
newUrl.setScheme( "qrc" );
newUrl.setHost( "" );
QNetworkRequest newReq( req );
newReq.setUrl( newUrl );
return QNetworkAccessManager::createRequest( op, newReq, outgoingData );
QString contentType;
sptr< Dictionary::DataRequest > dr = getResource( req.url(), contentType );
if ( dr.get() )
return new ArticleResourceReply( this, req, dr, contentType );
// Check the Referer. If the user has opted-in to block elements from external
// pages, we block them.
if ( disallowContentFromOtherSites && req.hasRawHeader( "Referer" ) )
QByteArray referer = req.rawHeader( "Referer" );
//DPRINTF( "Referer: %s\n", referer.data() );
QUrl refererUrl = QUrl::fromEncoded( referer );
//DPRINTF( "Considering %s vs %s\n", getHostBase( req.url() ).toUtf8().data(),
// getHostBase( refererUrl ).toUtf8().data() );
if ( !req.url().host().endsWith( refererUrl.host() ) &&
getHostBase( req.url() ) != getHostBase( refererUrl ) && !req.url().scheme().startsWith("data") )
gdWarning( "Blocking element \"%s\"\n", req.url().toEncoded().data() );
return new BlockedNetworkReply( this );
if( req.url().scheme() == "file" )
// Check file presence and adjust path if necessary
QString fileName = req.url().toLocalFile();
if( req.url().host().isEmpty() && articleMaker.adjustFilePath( fileName ) )
QUrl newUrl( req.url() );
newUrl.setPath( QUrl::fromLocalFile( fileName ).path() );
QNetworkRequest newReq( req );
newReq.setUrl( newUrl );
return QNetworkAccessManager::createRequest( op, newReq, outgoingData );
// spoof User-Agent
if ( hideGoldenDictHeader && req.url().scheme().startsWith("http", Qt::CaseInsensitive))
QNetworkRequest newReq( req );
newReq.setRawHeader("User-Agent", req.rawHeader("User-Agent").replace(qApp->applicationName(), ""));
return QNetworkAccessManager::createRequest( op, newReq, outgoingData );
return QNetworkAccessManager::createRequest( op, req, outgoingData );
sptr< Dictionary::DataRequest > ArticleNetworkAccessManager::getResource(
QUrl const & url, QString & contentType )
DPRINTF( "getResource: %ls\n", url.toString().toStdWString().c_str() );
DPRINTF( "scheme: %ls\n", url.scheme().toStdWString().c_str() );
DPRINTF( "host: %ls\n", url.host().toStdWString().c_str() );
if ( url.scheme() == "gdlookup" )
contentType = "text/html";
if ( url.queryItemValue( "blank" ) == "1" )
return articleMaker.makeEmptyPage();
bool groupIsValid = false;
QString word = url.queryItemValue( "word" );
QString dictIDs = url.queryItemValue( "dictionaries" );
if( !dictIDs.isEmpty() )
// Individual dictionaries set from full-text search
QStringList dictIDList = dictIDs.split( "," );
return articleMaker.makeDefinitionFor( word, 0, QMap< QString, QString >(), QSet< QString >(), dictIDList );
unsigned group = url.queryItemValue( "group" ).toUInt( &groupIsValid );
// See if we have some dictionaries muted
QSet< QString > mutedDicts =
QSet< QString >::fromList( url.queryItemValue( "muted" ).split( ',' ) );
// Unpack contexts
QMap< QString, QString > contexts;
QString contextsEncoded = url.queryItemValue( "contexts" );
if ( contextsEncoded.size() )
QByteArray ba = QByteArray::fromBase64( contextsEncoded.toLatin1() );
QBuffer buf( & ba );
buf.open( QBuffer::ReadOnly );
QDataStream stream( &buf );
stream >> contexts;
if ( groupIsValid && word.size() ) // Require group and word to be passed
return articleMaker.makeDefinitionFor( word, group, contexts, mutedDicts );
if ( ( url.scheme() == "bres" || url.scheme() == "gdau" || url.scheme() == "gdvideo" || url.scheme() == "gico" ) &&
url.path().size() )
//DPRINTF( "Get %s\n", req.url().host().toLocal8Bit().data() );
//DPRINTF( "Get %s\n", req.url().path().toLocal8Bit().data() );
string id = url.host().toStdString();
bool search = ( id == "search" );
if ( !search )
for( unsigned x = 0; x < dictionaries.size(); ++x )
if ( dictionaries[ x ]->getId() == id )
if( url.scheme() == "gico" )
QByteArray bytes;
QBuffer buffer(&bytes);
dictionaries[ x ]->getIcon().pixmap( 16 ).save(&buffer, "PNG");
sptr< Dictionary::DataRequestInstant > ico = new Dictionary::DataRequestInstant( true );
ico->getData().resize( bytes.size() );
memcpy( &( ico->getData().front() ), bytes.data(), bytes.size() );
return ico;
return dictionaries[ x ]->getResource( url.path().mid( 1 ).toUtf8().data() );
catch( std::exception & e )
gdWarning( "getResource request error (%s) in \"%s\"\n", e.what(),
dictionaries[ x ]->getName().c_str() );
return sptr< Dictionary::DataRequest >();
// We don't do search requests for now
#if 0
for( unsigned x = 0; x < dictionaries.size(); ++x )
if ( search || dictionaries[ x ]->getId() == id )
dictionaries[ x ]->getResource( url.path().mid( 1 ).toUtf8().data(),
data );
return true;
catch( Dictionary::exNoSuchResource & )
if ( !search )
if ( url.scheme() == "gdpicture" )
contentType = "text/html";
QUrl imgUrl ( url );
imgUrl.setScheme( "bres" );
return articleMaker.makePicturePage( imgUrl.toEncoded().data() );
return sptr< Dictionary::DataRequest >();
ArticleResourceReply::ArticleResourceReply( QObject * parent,
QNetworkRequest const & netReq,
sptr< Dictionary::DataRequest > const & req_,
QString const & contentType ):
QNetworkReply( parent ), req( req_ ), alreadyRead( 0 )
setRequest( netReq );
setOpenMode( ReadOnly );
if ( contentType.size() )
setHeader( QNetworkRequest::ContentTypeHeader, contentType );
connect( req.get(), SIGNAL( updated() ),
this, SLOT( reqUpdated() ) );
connect( req.get(), SIGNAL( finished() ),
this, SLOT( reqFinished() ) );
if ( req->isFinished() || req->dataSize() > 0 )
connect( this, SIGNAL( readyReadSignal() ),
this, SLOT( readyReadSlot() ), Qt::QueuedConnection );
connect( this, SIGNAL( finishedSignal() ),
this, SLOT( finishedSlot() ), Qt::QueuedConnection );
emit readyReadSignal();
if ( req->isFinished() )
emit finishedSignal();
DPRINTF( "In-place finish.\n" );
void ArticleResourceReply::reqUpdated()
emit readyRead();
void ArticleResourceReply::reqFinished()
emit readyRead();
qint64 ArticleResourceReply::bytesAvailable() const
long avail = req->dataSize();
if ( avail < 0 )
return 0;
return (size_t) avail - alreadyRead + QNetworkReply::bytesAvailable();
qint64 ArticleResourceReply::readData( char * out, qint64 maxSize )
// From the doc: "This function might be called with a maxSize of 0,
// which can be used to perform post-reading operations".
if ( maxSize == 0 )
return 0;
DPRINTF( "====reading %d bytes\n", (int)maxSize );
bool finished = req->isFinished();
long avail = req->dataSize();
if ( avail < 0 )
return finished ? -1 : 0;
size_t left = (size_t) avail - alreadyRead;
size_t toRead = maxSize < left ? maxSize : left;
req->getDataSlice( alreadyRead, toRead, out );
catch( std::exception & e )
qWarning( "getDataSlice error: %s\n", e.what() );
alreadyRead += toRead;
if ( !toRead && finished )
return -1;
return toRead;
void ArticleResourceReply::readyReadSlot()
void ArticleResourceReply::finishedSlot()
if ( req->dataSize() < 0 )
error( ContentNotFoundError );
BlockedNetworkReply::BlockedNetworkReply( QObject * parent ): QNetworkReply( parent )
setError( QNetworkReply::ContentOperationNotPermittedError, "Content Blocked" );
connect( this, SIGNAL( finishedSignal() ), this, SLOT( finishedSlot() ),
Qt::QueuedConnection );
emit finishedSignal(); // This way we call readyRead()/finished() sometime later
void BlockedNetworkReply::finishedSlot()
emit readyRead();
emit finished();