mirror of
synced 2024-11-30 13:24:05 +00:00
The replacement command: git grep -l 'qrcx://localhost' | xargs sed -i 's/qrcx:\/\/localhost/qrc:\/\//g' The qrcx:// URL scheme was introduced in 2009 or earlier - it is present in the first commit in GoldenDict's git history. Back then GoldenDict supported Qt versions earlier than 4.6, in which QWebSecurityOrigin::addLocalScheme() was introduced. Adding the qrc URL scheme as local obsoletes the qrcx URL scheme. GoldenDict does not compile against Qt versions earlier than 4.6, so there is no reason to use this custom URL scheme anymore. Co-authored-by: Igor Kushnir <igorkuo@gmail.com>
721 lines
22 KiB
721 lines
22 KiB
/* This file is (c) 2008-2012 Konstantin Isakov <ikm@goldendict.org>
* Part of GoldenDict. Licensed under GPLv3 or later, see the LICENSE file */
#include "xdxf2html.hh"
#include <QtXml>
#include "gddebug.hh"
#include "utf8.hh"
#include "wstring_qt.hh"
#include "folding.hh"
#include "fsencoding.hh"
#include "audiolink.hh"
#include "file.hh"
#include "filetype.hh"
#include "htmlescape.hh"
#include "utils.hh"
#include <QDebug>
#include "xdxf.hh"
#include <QRegularExpression>
namespace Xdxf2Html {
static void fixLink( QDomElement & el, string const & dictId, const char *attrName )
QUrl url;
url.setScheme( "bres" );
url.setHost( QString::fromStdString(dictId) );
url.setPath( Utils::Url::ensureLeadingSlash( el.attribute(attrName) ) );
el.setAttribute( attrName, url.toEncoded().data() );
// converting a number into roman representation
string convertToRoman( int input, int lower_case )
string romanvalue = "";
if( input >= 4000 )
int x = ( input - input % 4000 ) / 1000;
romanvalue = "(" + convertToRoman( x, lower_case ) + ")" ;
input %= 4000;
const string roman[26] = { "M", "CM", "D", "CD", "C", "XC", "L", "XL", "X", "IX", "V", "IV", "I",
"m", "cm", "d", "cd", "c", "xc", "l", "xl", "x", "ix", "v", "iv", "i"};
const int decimal[13] = {1000, 900, 500, 400, 100, 90, 50, 40, 10, 9, 5, 4, 1};
for( int i = 0; i < 13; i++ )
while( input >= decimal[ i ] )
input -= decimal[ i ];
if ( lower_case == 1 )
romanvalue += roman[ i + 13 ];
romanvalue += roman[ i ];
return romanvalue;
QDomElement fakeElement( QDomDocument & dom )
// Create element which will be removed after
// We will insert it to empty elements to avoid output ones in <xxx/> form
return dom.createElement( "b" );
string convert( string const & in, DICT_TYPE type, map < string, string > const * pAbrv,
Dictionary::Class *dictPtr, IndexedZip * resourceZip,
bool isLogicalFormat, unsigned revisionNumber, QString * headword )
// GD_DPRINTF( "Source>>>>>>>>>>: %s\n\n\n", in.c_str() );
// Convert spaces after each end of line to s, and then each end of
// line to a <br>
string inConverted;
inConverted.reserve( in.size() );
bool afterEol = false;
for( string::const_iterator i = in.begin(), j = in.end(); i != j; ++i )
switch( *i )
case '\n':
afterEol = true;
if( !isLogicalFormat )
inConverted.append( "<br/>" );
case '\r':
case ' ':
if ( afterEol )
if( !isLogicalFormat )
inConverted.append( " " );
// Fall-through
inConverted.push_back( *i );
afterEol = false;
// Strip "<nu />" tags - QDomDocument don't handle it correctly
string::size_type n;
while( ( n = inConverted.find( "<nu />" ) ) != string::npos )
inConverted.erase( n, 6 );
// We build a dom representation of the given xml, then do some transforms
QDomDocument dd;
QString errorStr;
int errorLine, errorColumn;
string in_data;
if( type == XDXF )
in_data = "<div class=\"xdxf\"";
if( dictPtr->isToLanguageRTL() )
in_data += " dir=\"rtl\"";
in_data += ">";
in_data = "<div class=\"sdct_x\">";
in_data += inConverted + "</div>";
if( !dd.setContent( QByteArray( in_data.c_str() ), false, &errorStr, &errorLine, &errorColumn ) )
qWarning( "Xdxf2html error, xml parse failed: %s at %d,%d\n", errorStr.toLocal8Bit().constData(), errorLine, errorColumn );
gdWarning( "The input was: %s\n", in.c_str() );
return in;
QDomNodeList nodes = dd.elementsByTagName( "ex" ); // Example
while( nodes.size() )
QString author, source;
QDomElement el = nodes.at( 0 ).toElement();
author = el.attribute( "author", QString() );
source = el.attribute( "source", QString() );
if( el.hasChildNodes() )
QDomNodeList lst = el.childNodes();
for( int i = 0; i < lst.count(); ++i )
QDomElement el2 = el.childNodes().at( i ).toElement();
if( el2.tagName().compare( "ex_orig", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 )
el2.setTagName( "span" );
el2.setAttribute( "class", "xdxf_ex_orig" );
else if( el2.tagName().compare( "ex_tran", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 )
el2.setTagName( "span" );
el2.setAttribute( "class", "xdxf_ex_tran" );
if( ( !author.isEmpty() || !source.isEmpty() )
&& ( !el.text().isEmpty() || !el.childNodes().isEmpty() ) )
QDomElement el2 = dd.createElement( "span" );
el2.setAttribute( "class", "xdxf_ex_source" );
QString text = author;
if( !source.isEmpty() )
if( !text.isEmpty() )
text += ", ";
text += source;
QDomText txtNode = dd.createTextNode( text );
el2.appendChild( txtNode );
el.appendChild( el2 );
if( el.text().isEmpty() && el.childNodes().isEmpty() )
el.appendChild( fakeElement( dd ) );
el.setTagName( "span" );
if( isLogicalFormat )
el.setAttribute( "class", "xdxf_ex" );
el.setAttribute( "class", "xdxf_ex_old" );
nodes = dd.elementsByTagName( "mrkd" ); // marked out words in translations/examples of usage
while( nodes.size() )
QDomElement el = nodes.at( 0 ).toElement();
if( el.text().isEmpty() && el.childNodes().isEmpty() )
el.appendChild( fakeElement( dd ) );
el.setTagName( "span" );
el.setAttribute( "class", "xdxf_ex_markd" );
nodes = dd.elementsByTagName( "k" ); // Key
if( headword )
while( nodes.size() )
QDomElement el = nodes.at( 0 ).toElement();
if( el.text().isEmpty() && el.childNodes().isEmpty() )
el.appendChild( fakeElement( dd ) );
if( type == STARDICT )
el.setTagName( "span" );
el.setAttribute( "class", "xdxf_k" );
if( headword && headword->isEmpty() )
*headword = el.text();
el.setTagName( "div" );
el.setAttribute( "class", "xdxf_headwords" );
bool isLanguageRtl = dictPtr->isFromLanguageRTL();
if( el.hasAttribute( "xml:lang" ) )
// Change xml-attribute "xml:lang" to html-attribute "lang"
QString lang = el.attribute( "xml:lang" );
el.removeAttribute( "xml:lang" );
el.setAttribute( "lang", lang );
quint32 langID = Xdxf::getLanguageId( lang );
if( langID )
isLanguageRtl = LangCoder::isLanguageRTL( langID );
if( isLanguageRtl != dictPtr->isToLanguageRTL() )
el.setAttribute( "dir", isLanguageRtl ? "rtl" : "ltr" );
// processing of nested <def>s
if( isLogicalFormat ) // in articles with visual format <def> tags do not effect the formatting.
nodes = dd.elementsByTagName( "def" );
// this is a logical type of XDXF, so we need to render proper numbering
// we will do it this way:
// 1. we compute the maximum nesting depth of the article
int maxNestingDepth = 1; // maximum nesting depth of the article
for( int i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++ )
QDomElement el = nodes.at( i ).toElement();
QDomElement nestingNode = el;
int nestingCount = 0;
while ( nestingNode.parentNode().toElement().tagName() == "def" )
nestingNode = nestingNode.parentNode().toElement();
if ( nestingCount > maxNestingDepth )
maxNestingDepth = nestingCount;
// 2. in this loop we go layer-by-layer through all <def> and insert proper numbers according to its structure
for( int j = maxNestingDepth; j > 0; j-- ) // j symbolizes special depth to be processed at this iteration
int siblingCount = 0; // this that counts the number of among all siblings of this depth
QString numberText = ""; // the number to be inserted into the beginning of <def> (I,II,IV,1,2,3,a),b),c)...)
for( int i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++ )
QDomElement el = nodes.at( i ).toElement();
QDomElement nestingNode = el;
// computing the depth @nestingDepth of a current node @el
int nestingDepth = 0;
while( nestingNode.parentNode().toElement().tagName() == "def" )
// we process nodes on of current depth @j
// we do this in order not to break the numbering at this depth level
if (nestingDepth == j)
if( maxNestingDepth == 1 )
numberText = numberText.setNum( siblingCount ) + ". ";
else if( maxNestingDepth == 2 )
if( nestingDepth == 1 )
numberText = numberText.setNum( siblingCount ) + ". ";
if( nestingDepth == 2 )
numberText = numberText.setNum( siblingCount ) + ") ";
if( nestingDepth == 1 )
numberText = QString::fromStdString( convertToRoman(siblingCount,0) + ". " );
if( nestingDepth == 2 )
numberText = numberText.setNum( siblingCount ) + ". ";
if( nestingDepth == 3 )
numberText = numberText.setNum( siblingCount ) + ") ";
if( nestingDepth == 4 )
numberText = QString::fromStdString( convertToRoman(siblingCount,1) + ") " );
QDomElement numberNode = dd.createElement( "span" );
numberNode.setAttribute( "class", "xdxf_num" );
QDomText text_num = dd.createTextNode( numberText );
numberNode.appendChild( text_num );
el.insertBefore( numberNode, el.firstChild() );
if ( el.hasAttribute( "cmt" ) )
QDomElement cmtNode = dd.createElement( "span" );
cmtNode.setAttribute( "class", "xdxf_co" );
QDomText text_num = dd.createTextNode( el.attribute( "cmt" ) );
cmtNode.appendChild( text_num );
el.insertAfter( cmtNode, el.firstChild() );
else if( nestingDepth < j ) // if it goes one level up @siblingCount needs to be reset
siblingCount = 0;
// we finally change all <def> tags into 'xdxf_def' <span>s
while( nodes.size() )
QDomElement el = nodes.at( 0 ).toElement();
el.setTagName( "span" );
el.setAttribute( "class", "xdxf_def" );
bool isLanguageRtl = dictPtr->isToLanguageRTL();
if( el.hasAttribute( "xml:lang" ) )
// Change xml-attribute "xml:lang" to html-attribute "lang"
QString lang = el.attribute( "xml:lang" );
el.removeAttribute( "xml:lang" );
el.setAttribute( "lang", lang );
quint32 langID = Xdxf::getLanguageId( lang );
if( langID )
isLanguageRtl = LangCoder::isLanguageRTL( langID );
if( isLanguageRtl != dictPtr->isToLanguageRTL() )
el.setAttribute( "dir", isLanguageRtl ? "rtl" : "ltr" );
nodes = dd.elementsByTagName( "opt" ); // Optional headword part
while( nodes.size() )
QDomElement el = nodes.at( 0 ).toElement();
if( el.text().isEmpty() && el.childNodes().isEmpty() )
el.appendChild( fakeElement( dd ) );
el.setTagName( "span" );
el.setAttribute( "class", "xdxf_opt" );
nodes = dd.elementsByTagName( "kref" ); // Reference to another word
while( nodes.size() )
QDomElement el = nodes.at( 0 ).toElement();
if( el.text().isEmpty() && el.childNodes().isEmpty() )
el.appendChild( fakeElement( dd ) );
el.setTagName( "a" );
el.setAttribute( "href", QString( "bword:" ) + el.text() );
el.setAttribute( "class", "xdxf_kref" );
if ( el.hasAttribute( "idref" ) )
// todo implement support for referencing only specific parts of the article
el.setAttribute( "href", QString( "bword:" ) + el.text() + "#" + el.attribute( "idref" ));
if ( el.hasAttribute( "kcmt" ) )
QDomText kcmtText = dd.createTextNode( " " + el.attribute( "kcmt" ) );
el.parentNode().insertAfter( kcmtText, el );
nodes = dd.elementsByTagName( "iref" ); // Reference to internet site
while( nodes.size() )
QDomElement el = nodes.at( 0 ).toElement();
if( el.text().isEmpty() && el.childNodes().isEmpty() )
el.appendChild( fakeElement( dd ) );
QString ref = el.attribute( "href" );
if( ref.isEmpty() )
ref = el.text();
el.setAttribute( "href", ref );
el.setTagName( "a" );
// Abbreviations
if( revisionNumber < 29 )
nodes = dd.elementsByTagName( "abr" );
nodes = dd.elementsByTagName( "abbr" );
while( nodes.size() )
QDomElement el = nodes.at( 0 ).toElement();
if( el.text().isEmpty() && el.childNodes().isEmpty() )
el.appendChild( fakeElement( dd ) );
el.setTagName( "span" );
el.setAttribute( "class", "xdxf_abbr" );
if( type == XDXF && pAbrv != NULL )
string val = Utf8::encode( Folding::trimWhitespace( gd::toWString( el.text() ) ) );
// If we have such a key, display a title
map< string, string >::const_iterator i = pAbrv->find( val );
if ( i != pAbrv->end() )
string title;
if ( Utf8::decode( i->second ).size() < 70 )
// Replace all spaces with non-breakable ones, since that's how Lingvo shows tooltips
title.reserve( i->second.size() );
for( char const * c = i->second.c_str(); *c; ++c )
if ( *c == ' ' || *c == '\t' )
// u00A0 in utf8
title.push_back( 0xC2 );
title.push_back( 0xA0 );
if( *c == '-' ) // Change minus to non-breaking hyphen (uE28091 in utf8)
title.push_back( 0xE2 );
title.push_back( 0x80 );
title.push_back( 0x91 );
title.push_back( *c );
title = i->second;
el.setAttribute( "title", gd::toQString( Utf8::decode( title ) ) );
nodes = dd.elementsByTagName( "dtrn" ); // Direct translation
while( nodes.size() )
QDomElement el = nodes.at( 0 ).toElement();
if( el.text().isEmpty() && el.childNodes().isEmpty() )
el.appendChild( fakeElement( dd ) );
el.setTagName( "span" );
el.setAttribute( "class", "xdxf_dtrn" );
nodes = dd.elementsByTagName( "c" ); // Color
while( nodes.size() )
QDomElement el = nodes.at( 0 ).toElement();
if( el.text().isEmpty() && el.childNodes().isEmpty() )
el.appendChild( fakeElement( dd ) );
el.setTagName( "span" );
if ( el.hasAttribute( "c" ) )
el.setAttribute( "style", "color:" + el.attribute( "c" ) );
el.removeAttribute( "c" );
el.setAttribute( "style", "color:blue" );
nodes = dd.elementsByTagName( "co" ); // Editorial comment
while( nodes.size() )
QDomElement el = nodes.at( 0 ).toElement();
if( el.text().isEmpty() && el.childNodes().isEmpty() )
el.appendChild( fakeElement( dd ) );
el.setTagName( "span" );
if( isLogicalFormat )
el.setAttribute( "class", "xdxf_co" );
el.setAttribute( "class", "xdxf_co_old" );
/* grammar information */
nodes = dd.elementsByTagName( "gr" ); // proper grammar tag
while( nodes.size() )
QDomElement el = nodes.at( 0 ).toElement();
if( el.text().isEmpty() && el.childNodes().isEmpty() )
el.appendChild( fakeElement( dd ) );
el.setTagName( "span" );
if( isLogicalFormat )
el.setAttribute( "class", "xdxf_gr" );
el.setAttribute( "class", "xdxf_gr_old" );
nodes = dd.elementsByTagName( "pos" ); // deprecated grammar tag
while( nodes.size() )
QDomElement el = nodes.at( 0 ).toElement();
if( el.text().isEmpty() && el.childNodes().isEmpty() )
el.appendChild( fakeElement( dd ) );
el.setTagName( "span" );
if( isLogicalFormat )
el.setAttribute( "class", "xdxf_gr" );
el.setAttribute( "class", "xdxf_gr_old" );
nodes = dd.elementsByTagName( "tense" ); // deprecated grammar tag
while( nodes.size() )
QDomElement el = nodes.at( 0 ).toElement();
if( el.text().isEmpty() && el.childNodes().isEmpty() )
el.appendChild( fakeElement( dd ) );
el.setTagName( "span" );
if( isLogicalFormat )
el.setAttribute( "class", "xdxf_gr" );
el.setAttribute( "class", "xdxf_gr_old" );
/* end of grammar generation */
nodes = dd.elementsByTagName( "tr" ); // Transcription
while( nodes.size() )
QDomElement el = nodes.at( 0 ).toElement();
if( el.text().isEmpty() && el.childNodes().isEmpty() )
el.appendChild( fakeElement( dd ) );
el.setTagName( "span" );
if( isLogicalFormat )
el.setAttribute( "class", "xdxf_tr" );
el.setAttribute( "class", "xdxf_tr_old" );
// Ensure that ArticleNetworkAccessManager can deal with XDXF images.
// We modify the URL by using the dictionary ID as the hostname.
// This is necessary to determine from which dictionary a requested
// image originates.
nodes = dd.elementsByTagName( "img" );
for( int i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++ )
QDomElement el = nodes.at( i ).toElement();
if( el.text().isEmpty() && el.childNodes().isEmpty() )
el.appendChild( fakeElement( dd ) );
if ( el.hasAttribute( "src" ) )
fixLink( el, dictPtr->getId(), "src" );
if ( el.hasAttribute( "losrc" ) )
fixLink( el, dictPtr->getId(), "losrc" );
if ( el.hasAttribute( "hisrc" ) )
fixLink( el, dictPtr->getId(), "hisrc" );
nodes = dd.elementsByTagName( "rref" ); // Resource reference
while( nodes.size() )
QDomElement el = nodes.at( 0 ).toElement();
if( el.text().isEmpty() && el.childNodes().isEmpty() )
el.appendChild( fakeElement( dd ) );
// if( type == XDXF && dictPtr != NULL && !el.hasAttribute( "start" ) )
if( dictPtr != NULL && !el.hasAttribute( "start" ) )
string filename = Utf8::encode( gd::toWString( el.text() ) );
if ( Filetype::isNameOfPicture( filename ) )
QUrl url;
url.setScheme( "bres" );
url.setHost( QString::fromUtf8( dictPtr->getId().c_str() ) );
url.setPath( Utils::Url::ensureLeadingSlash( QString::fromUtf8( filename.c_str() ) ) );
QDomElement newEl = dd.createElement( "img" );
newEl.setAttribute( "src", url.toEncoded().data() );
newEl.setAttribute( "alt", Html::escape( filename ).c_str() );
QDomNode parent = el.parentNode();
if( !parent.isNull() )
parent.replaceChild( newEl, el );
else if( Filetype::isNameOfSound( filename ) )
QDomElement el_script = dd.createElement( "script" );
QDomNode parent = el.parentNode();
if( !parent.isNull() )
bool search = false;
if( type == STARDICT )
string n = FsEncoding::dirname( dictPtr->getDictionaryFilenames()[ 0 ] ) +
FsEncoding::separator() + string( "res" ) + FsEncoding::separator() +
FsEncoding::encode( filename );
search = !File::exists( n ) &&
( !resourceZip ||
!resourceZip->isOpen() ||
!resourceZip->hasFile( Utf8::decode( filename ) ) );
string n = dictPtr->getDictionaryFilenames()[ 0 ] + ".files" +
FsEncoding::separator() +
FsEncoding::encode( filename );
search = !File::exists( n ) && !File::exists( FsEncoding::dirname( dictPtr->getDictionaryFilenames()[ 0 ] ) +
FsEncoding::separator() +
FsEncoding::encode( filename ) ) &&
( !resourceZip ||
!resourceZip->isOpen() ||
!resourceZip->hasFile( Utf8::decode( filename ) ) );
QUrl url;
url.setScheme( "gdau" );
url.setHost( QString::fromUtf8( search ? "search" : dictPtr->getId().c_str() ) );
url.setPath( Utils::Url::ensureLeadingSlash( QString::fromUtf8( filename.c_str() ) ) );
el_script.setAttribute( "type", "text/javascript" );
parent.replaceChild( el_script, el );
QDomText el_txt = dd.createTextNode( makeAudioLinkScript( string( "\"" ) + url.toEncoded().data() + "\"",
dictPtr->getId() ).c_str() );
el_script.appendChild( el_txt );
QDomElement el_span = dd.createElement( "span" );
el_span.setAttribute( "class", "xdxf_wav" );
parent.insertAfter( el_span, el_script );
QDomElement el_a = dd.createElement( "a" );
el_a.setAttribute( "href", url.toEncoded().data() );
el_span.appendChild( el_a );
QDomElement el_img = dd.createElement( "img");
el_img.setAttribute( "src", "qrc:///icons/playsound.png" );
el_img.setAttribute( "border", "0" );
el_img.setAttribute( "align", "absmiddle" );
el_img.setAttribute( "alt", "Play" );
el_a.appendChild( el_img );
// We don't really know how to handle this at the moment, so we'll just
// convert it to a span and leave it as is for now.
el.setTagName( "span" );
el.setAttribute( "class", "xdxf_rref" );
// GD_DPRINTF( "Result>>>>>>>>>>: %s\n\n\n", dd.toByteArray( 0 ).data() );
return dd.toString( 1 ).remove('\n').remove( QRegularExpression( "<(b|i)/>" ) ).toUtf8().data();