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synced 2024-12-18 07:24:07 +00:00
298 lines
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298 lines
9.6 KiB
/* This file is (c) 2008-2012 Konstantin Isakov <ikm@goldendict.org>
* Part of GoldenDict. Licensed under GPLv3 or later, see the LICENSE file */
#include "loaddictionaries.hh"
#include "initializing.hh"
#include "bgl.hh"
#include "stardict.hh"
#include "lsa.hh"
#include "dsl.hh"
#include "mediawiki.hh"
#include "sounddir.hh"
#include "hunspell.hh"
#include "dictdfiles.hh"
#include "romaji.hh"
#include "russiantranslit.hh"
#include "german.hh"
#include "greektranslit.hh"
#include "belarusiantranslit.hh"
#include "website.hh"
#include "forvo.hh"
#include "programs.hh"
#include "voiceengines.hh"
#include "gddebug.hh"
#include "fsencoding.hh"
#include "xdxf.hh"
#include "sdict.hh"
#include "aard.hh"
#include "zipsounds.hh"
#include "mdx.hh"
#include "zim.hh"
#include "dictserver.hh"
#include "slob.hh"
#include "gls.hh"
#include "dict/lingualibre.h"
#include "epwing.hh"
#include "chinese.hh"
#include <QMessageBox>
#include <QDir>
#include <set>
using std::set;
using std::string;
using std::vector;
LoadDictionaries::LoadDictionaries( Config::Class const & cfg ):
paths( cfg.paths ), soundDirs( cfg.soundDirs ), hunspell( cfg.hunspell ),
transliteration( cfg.transliteration ),
exceptionText( "Load did not finish" ), // Will be cleared upon success
maxPictureWidth( cfg.maxPictureWidth ),
maxHeadwordSize( cfg.maxHeadwordSize ),
maxHeadwordToExpand( cfg.maxHeadwordsToExpand )
// Populate name filters
nameFilters << "*.bgl" << "*.ifo" << "*.lsa" << "*.dat"
<< "*.dsl" << "*.dsl.dz" << "*.index" << "*.xdxf"
<< "*.xdxf.dz" << "*.dct" << "*.aar" << "*.zips"
<< "*.mdx" << "*.gls" << "*.gls.dz"
<< "*.zim" << "*.zimaa" << "*.slob"
<< "*catalogs"
void LoadDictionaries::run()
for(const auto & path : paths)
handlePath( path );
// Make soundDirs
vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > soundDirDictionaries =
SoundDir::makeDictionaries( soundDirs, FsEncoding::encode( Config::getIndexDir() ), *this );
dictionaries.insert( dictionaries.end(), soundDirDictionaries.begin(),
soundDirDictionaries.end() );
// Make hunspells
vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > hunspellDictionaries =
HunspellMorpho::makeDictionaries( hunspell );
dictionaries.insert( dictionaries.end(), hunspellDictionaries.begin(),
hunspellDictionaries.end() );
catch( std::exception & e )
exceptionText = e.what();
void LoadDictionaries::addDicts( const std::vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > >& dicts ) {
std::move(dicts.begin(), dicts.end(), std::back_inserter(dictionaries));
void LoadDictionaries::handlePath( Config::Path const & path )
vector< string > allFiles;
QDir dir( path.path );
QFileInfoList entries = dir.entryInfoList( nameFilters, QDir::AllDirs | QDir::Files | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot );
for( QFileInfoList::const_iterator i = entries.constBegin();
i != entries.constEnd(); ++i )
QString fullName = i->absoluteFilePath();
if ( path.recursive && i->isDir() )
// Make sure the path doesn't look like with dsl resources
if ( !fullName.endsWith( ".dsl.files", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) &&
!fullName.endsWith( ".dsl.dz.files", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) )
handlePath( Config::Path( fullName, true ) );
if ( !i->isDir() )
allFiles.push_back( FsEncoding::encode( QDir::toNativeSeparators( fullName ) ) );
addDicts(Bgl::makeDictionaries( allFiles, FsEncoding::encode( Config::getIndexDir() ), *this ) );
addDicts(Stardict::makeDictionaries( allFiles, FsEncoding::encode( Config::getIndexDir() ), *this, maxHeadwordToExpand ) );
addDicts(Lsa::makeDictionaries( allFiles, FsEncoding::encode( Config::getIndexDir() ), *this ) );
addDicts(Dsl::makeDictionaries( allFiles,FsEncoding::encode( Config::getIndexDir() ),*this,maxPictureWidth,maxHeadwordSize ) );
addDicts(DictdFiles::makeDictionaries( allFiles, FsEncoding::encode( Config::getIndexDir() ), *this ) );
addDicts(Xdxf::makeDictionaries( allFiles, FsEncoding::encode( Config::getIndexDir() ), *this ) );
addDicts(Sdict::makeDictionaries( allFiles, FsEncoding::encode( Config::getIndexDir() ), *this ) );
addDicts(Aard::makeDictionaries( allFiles, FsEncoding::encode( Config::getIndexDir() ), *this, maxHeadwordToExpand ) );
addDicts(ZipSounds::makeDictionaries( allFiles, FsEncoding::encode( Config::getIndexDir() ), *this ) );
addDicts(Mdx::makeDictionaries( allFiles, FsEncoding::encode( Config::getIndexDir() ), *this ) );
addDicts(Gls::makeDictionaries( allFiles, FsEncoding::encode( Config::getIndexDir() ), *this ) );
addDicts(Zim::makeDictionaries( allFiles, FsEncoding::encode( Config::getIndexDir() ), *this, maxHeadwordToExpand ) );
addDicts(Slob::makeDictionaries( allFiles, FsEncoding::encode( Config::getIndexDir() ), *this, maxHeadwordToExpand ) );
addDicts( Epwing::makeDictionaries( allFiles, FsEncoding::encode( Config::getIndexDir() ), *this ) );
void LoadDictionaries::indexingDictionary( string const & dictionaryName ) noexcept
emit indexingDictionarySignal( QString::fromUtf8( dictionaryName.c_str() ) );
void loadDictionaries( QWidget * parent, bool showInitially,
Config::Class const & cfg,
std::vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > & dictionaries,
QNetworkAccessManager & dictNetMgr,
bool doDeferredInit_ )
::Initializing init( parent, showInitially );
// Start a thread to load all the dictionaries
LoadDictionaries loadDicts( cfg );
QObject::connect( &loadDicts, &LoadDictionaries::indexingDictionarySignal, &init, &Initializing::indexing );
QEventLoop localLoop;
QObject::connect( &loadDicts, &QThread::finished, &localLoop, &QEventLoop::quit );
if ( loadDicts.getExceptionText().size() )
QMessageBox::critical( parent, QCoreApplication::translate( "LoadDictionaries", "Error loading dictionaries" ),
QString::fromUtf8( loadDicts.getExceptionText().c_str() ) );
dictionaries = loadDicts.getDictionaries();
// Helper function that will add a vector of dictionary::Class to the dictionary list
// Implemented as lambda to access method's `dictionaries` variable
auto static addDicts = [&dictionaries](const vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class >> &dicts) {
std::move(dicts.begin(), dicts.end(), std::back_inserter(dictionaries));
///// We create transliterations synchronously since they are very simple
addDicts(Chinese::makeDictionaries( cfg.transliteration.chinese ));
addDicts(Romaji::makeDictionaries( cfg.transliteration.romaji ));
// Make Russian transliteration
if ( cfg.transliteration.enableRussianTransliteration )
dictionaries.push_back( RussianTranslit::makeDictionary() );
// Make German transliteration
if ( cfg.transliteration.enableGermanTransliteration )
dictionaries.push_back( GermanTranslit::makeDictionary() );
// Make Greek transliteration
if ( cfg.transliteration.enableGreekTransliteration )
dictionaries.push_back( GreekTranslit::makeDictionary() );
// Make Belarusian transliteration
if ( cfg.transliteration.enableBelarusianTransliteration )
addDicts(MediaWiki::makeDictionaries( loadDicts, cfg.mediawikis, dictNetMgr ));
addDicts(WebSite::makeDictionaries( cfg.webSites, dictNetMgr ));
addDicts(Forvo::makeDictionaries( loadDicts, cfg.forvo, dictNetMgr ));
addDicts(Lingua::makeDictionaries( loadDicts, cfg.lingua, dictNetMgr ));
addDicts(Programs::makeDictionaries( cfg.programs ));
addDicts(VoiceEngines::makeDictionaries( cfg.voiceEngines ));
addDicts(DictServer::makeDictionaries( cfg.dictServers ));
GD_DPRINTF( "Load done\n" );
// Remove any stale index files
set< string > ids;
std::pair< std::set< string >::iterator, bool > ret;
for( unsigned x = dictionaries.size(); x--; )
ret = ids.insert( dictionaries[ x ]->getId() );
if( !ret.second )
gdWarning( R"(Duplicate dictionary ID found: ID=%s, name="%s", path="%s")",
dictionaries[ x ]->getId().c_str(),
dictionaries[ x ]->getName().c_str(),
dictionaries[ x ]->getDictionaryFilenames().empty() ?
"" : dictionaries[ x ]->getDictionaryFilenames()[ 0 ].c_str()
QDir indexDir( Config::getIndexDir() );
QStringList allIdxFiles = indexDir.entryList( QDir::Files | QDir::Dirs | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot | QDir::NoSymLinks );
for( QStringList::const_iterator i = allIdxFiles.constBegin(); i != allIdxFiles.constEnd(); ++i )
if( i->size() >= 32 && ids.find( FsEncoding::encode( i->left( 32 ) ) ) == ids.end() )
if( QFile::exists( *i ) )
indexDir.remove( *i );
// must be folder .
auto dirPath = Utils::Path::combine( Config::getIndexDir(), *i );
QDir t( dirPath );
// Run deferred inits
if ( doDeferredInit_ )
doDeferredInit( dictionaries );
void doDeferredInit( std::vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > & dictionaries )
for( unsigned x = 0; x < dictionaries.size(); ++x )
dictionaries[ x ]->deferredInit();