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synced 2024-12-18 03:14:06 +00:00
For example, looking up "United States" in my local dictionaries, then pressing Ctrl++ to increase zoom factor from 1 to 5 takes 4 seconds with this change and 25 seconds without it. The same scaling takes 6 seconds with this change and 45 seconds without when I enable English Wikipedia, which has a particularly large "United States" article. There is a workaround that speeds up zooming: look up a nonexistent word, scale to the desired level, then go back to the large articles. But this is tedious if large articles are open in scan popup or in case of many tabs in the main window.
525 lines
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525 lines
15 KiB
/* This file is (c) 2008-2012 Konstantin Isakov <ikm@goldendict.org>
* Part of GoldenDict. Licensed under GPLv3 or later, see the LICENSE file */
#include <QMainWindow>
#include <QThread>
#include <QToolButton>
#include <QSystemTrayIcon>
#include <QNetworkAccessManager>
#include <QProgressDialog>
#include "ui_mainwindow.h"
#include "folding.hh"
#include "config.hh"
#include "dictionary.hh"
#include "article_netmgr.hh"
#include "audioplayerfactory.hh"
#include "instances.hh"
#include "article_maker.hh"
#include "scanpopup.hh"
#include "articleview.hh"
#include "wordfinder.hh"
#include "dictionarybar.hh"
#include "history.hh"
#include "mainstatusbar.hh"
#include "mruqmenu.hh"
#include "translatebox.hh"
#include "wordlist.hh"
#include "dictheadwords.hh"
#include "fulltextsearch.hh"
#include "helpwindow.hh"
#include "hotkeywrapper.hh"
#ifdef HAVE_X11
#include <fixx11h.h>
using std::string;
using std::vector;
class ExpandableToolBar : public QToolBar
explicit ExpandableToolBar(QString const & title, QWidget * parent = 0)
: QToolBar(title, parent) {}
virtual QSize sizeHint() const
if ( !isFloating() && parentWidget() )
return QSize( parentWidget()->width(), QToolBar::sizeHint().height() );
return QToolBar::sizeHint();
class MainWindow: public QMainWindow, public DataCommitter
MainWindow( Config::Class & cfg );
virtual void commitData( QSessionManager & );
void showGDHelpForID( QString const & id );
void closeGDHelp();
QString getTranslateLineText() const
{ return translateLine->text(); }
/// Set group for main/popup window
void setGroupByName( QString const & name, bool main_window );
public slots:
void messageFromAnotherInstanceReceived( QString const & );
void showStatusBarMessage ( QString const &, int, QPixmap const & );
void wordReceived( QString const & );
void headwordReceived( QString const &, QString const & );
void setExpandMode( bool expand );
void headwordFromFavorites( QString const &, QString const & );
void quitApp();
void addGlobalAction( QAction * action, const char * slot );
void addGlobalActionsToDialog( QDialog * dialog );
void commitData();
QSystemTrayIcon * trayIcon;
Ui::MainWindow ui;
/// This widget is used as a title bar for the searchPane dock, and
/// incorporates the next three objects inside
QWidget searchPaneTitleBar;
QHBoxLayout searchPaneTitleBarLayout;
QLabel groupLabel;
GroupComboBox * groupList, * groupListInToolbar, * groupListInDock;
// Needed to be able to show/hide the translate box in the toolbar, since hiding
// the list expilictily doesn't work, see docs for QToolBar::addWidget().
QAction * translateBoxToolBarAction;
QWidget dictsPaneTitleBar;
QHBoxLayout dictsPaneTitleBarLayout;
QLabel foundInDictsLabel;
TranslateBox * translateBox;
/// Fonts saved before words zooming is in effect, so it could be reset back.
QFont wordListDefaultFont, translateLineDefaultFont, groupListDefaultFont;
QAction escAction, focusTranslateLineAction, addTabAction, closeCurrentTabAction,
closeAllTabAction, closeRestTabAction,
switchToNextTabAction, switchToPrevTabAction,
showDictBarNamesAction, useSmallIconsInToolbarsAction, toggleMenuBarAction,
switchExpandModeAction, focusHeadwordsDlgAction, focusArticleViewAction,
QToolBar * navToolbar;
MainStatusBar * mainStatusBar;
QAction * navBack, * navForward, * navPronounce, * enableScanPopup;
QAction * beforeScanPopupSeparator, * afterScanPopupSeparator, * beforeOptionsSeparator;
QAction * zoomIn, * zoomOut, * zoomBase;
QAction * wordsZoomIn, * wordsZoomOut, * wordsZoomBase;
QAction * addToFavorites, * beforeAddToFavoritesSeparator;
QMenu trayIconMenu;
QMenu * tabMenu;
QAction * menuButtonAction;
QToolButton * menuButton;
MRUQMenu *tabListMenu;
//List that contains indexes of tabs arranged in a most-recently-used order
QList<QWidget*> mruList;
QToolButton addTab, *tabListButton;
Config::Class & cfg;
Config::Events configEvents;
History history;
DictionaryBar dictionaryBar;
vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > dictionaries;
/// Here we store unmuted dictionaries when the dictionary bar is active
vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > dictionariesUnmuted;
Instances::Groups groupInstances;
ArticleMaker articleMaker;
ArticleNetworkAccessManager articleNetMgr;
QNetworkAccessManager dictNetMgr; // We give dictionaries a separate manager,
// since their requests can be destroyed
// in a separate thread
AudioPlayerFactory audioPlayerFactory;
WordList * wordList;
QLineEdit * translateLine;
WordFinder wordFinder;
sptr< ScanPopup > scanPopup;
sptr< HotkeyWrapper > hotkeyWrapper;
QTimer newReleaseCheckTimer; // Countdown to a check for the new program
// release, if enabled
QNetworkReply *latestReleaseReply;
sptr< QPrinter > printer; // The printer we use for all printing operations
bool wordListSelChanged;
bool wasMaximized; // Window state before minimization
bool blockUpdateWindowTitle;
QPrinter & getPrinter(); // Creates a printer if it's not there and returns it
DictHeadwords * headwordsDlg;
FTS::FtsIndexing ftsIndexing;
FTS::FullTextSearchDialog * ftsDlg;
Help::HelpWindow * helpWindow;
QIcon starIcon, blueStarIcon;
/// Applies the qt's stylesheet, given the style's name.
void applyQtStyleSheet( QString const & displayStyle, QString const & addonStyle );
/// Creates, destroys or otherwise updates tray icon, according to the
/// current configuration and situation.
void updateTrayIcon();
void wheelEvent( QWheelEvent * );
void closeEvent( QCloseEvent * );
void applyProxySettings();
void applyWebSettings();
void makeDictionaries();
void updateStatusLine();
void updateGroupList();
void updateDictionaryBar();
void makeScanPopup();
void updatePronounceAvailability();
void updateFoundInDictsList();
void updateBackForwardButtons();
void updateWindowTitle();
/// Updates word search request and active article view in response to
/// muting or unmuting dictionaries, or showing/hiding dictionary bar.
void applyMutedDictionariesState();
virtual bool eventFilter( QObject *, QEvent * );
/// Returns the reference to dictionaries stored in the currently active
/// group, or to all dictionaries if there are no groups.
vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > const & getActiveDicts();
/// Brings the main window to front if it's not currently, or hides it
/// otherwise. The hiding part is omitted if onlyShow is true.
#ifdef HAVE_X11
void toggleMainWindow( bool onlyShow = false, bool byIconClick = false );
void toggleMainWindow( bool onlyShow = false );
/// Creates hotkeyWrapper and hooks the currently set keys for it
void installHotKeys();
void applyZoomFactor();
void adjustCurrentZoomFactor();
void mousePressEvent ( QMouseEvent * event );
void updateCurrentGroupProperty();
/// Handles backward and forward mouse buttons and
/// returns true if the event is handled.
bool handleBackForwardMouseButtons(QMouseEvent *ev);
ArticleView * getCurrentArticleView();
void ctrlTabPressed();
void fillWordListFromHistory();
void showDictionaryHeadwords( QWidget * owner, Dictionary::Class * dict );
QString unescapeTabHeader( QString const & header );
private slots:
void hotKeyActivated( int );
/// If new release checks are on, santizies the next check time and starts
/// the timer. Does nothing otherwise.
void prepareNewReleaseChecks();
private slots:
/// Does the new release check.
void checkForNewRelease();
/// Signalled when the lastestReleaseReply is finished()
void latestReleaseReplyReady();
/// Receive click on "Found in:" pane
void foundDictsPaneClicked( QListWidgetItem * item );
/// Receive right click on "Found in:" pane
void foundDictsContextMenuRequested( const QPoint & pos );
void showDictionaryInfo( QString const & id );
void showDictionaryHeadwords( QString const & id );
void openDictionaryFolder( QString const & id );
void editDictionary ( Dictionary::Class * dict );
void showFTSIndexingName( QString const & name );
void handleAddToFavoritesButton();
void addCurrentTabToFavorites();
void addAllTabsToFavorites();
private slots:
// Executed in response to a user click on an 'add tab' tool button
void addNewTab();
// Executed in response to a user click on an 'close' button on a tab
void tabCloseRequested( int );
// Closes current tab.
void closeCurrentTab();
void closeAllTabs();
void closeRestTabs();
void switchToNextTab();
void switchToPrevTab();
void ctrlReleased();
// Switch optional parts expand mode for current tab
void switchExpandOptionalPartsMode();
// Handling of active tab list
void createTabList();
void fillWindowsMenu();
void switchToWindow(QAction *act);
/// Triggered by the actions in the nav toolbar
void backClicked();
void forwardClicked();
/// ArticleView's title has changed
void titleChanged( ArticleView *, QString const & );
/// ArticleView's icon has changed
void iconChanged( ArticleView *, QIcon const & );
void pageLoaded( ArticleView * );
void tabSwitched( int );
void tabMenuRequested(QPoint pos);
void dictionaryBarToggled( bool checked );
/// Pronounces the currently displayed word by playing its first audio
/// reference, if it has any.
/// If view is 0, the operation is done for the currently open tab.
void pronounce( ArticleView * view = 0 );
void zoomin();
void zoomout();
void unzoom();
void scaleArticlesByCurrentZoomFactor();
void doWordsZoomIn();
void doWordsZoomOut();
void doWordsZoomBase();
void applyWordsZoomLevel();
/// If editDictionaryGroup is specified, the dialog positions on that group
/// initially.
void editDictionaries( unsigned editDictionaryGroup = Instances::Group::NoGroupId );
/// Edits current group when triggered from the dictionary bar.
void editCurrentGroup();
void editPreferences();
void currentGroupChanged( QString const & );
void translateInputChanged( QString const & );
void translateInputFinished( bool checkModifiers = true, QString const & dictID = QString() );
/// Closes any opened search in the article view, and focuses the translateLine/close main window to tray.
void handleEsc();
/// Gives the keyboard focus to the translateLine and selects all the text
/// it has.
void focusTranslateLine();
void wordListItemActivated( QListWidgetItem * );
void wordListSelectionChanged();
void dictsListItemActivated( QListWidgetItem * );
void dictsListSelectionChanged();
void jumpToDictionary( QListWidgetItem *, bool force = false );
void showDictsPane( );
void dictsPaneVisibilityChanged ( bool );
/// Creates a new tab, which is to be populated then with some content.
ArticleView * createNewTab( bool switchToIt,
QString const & name );
void openLinkInNewTab( QUrl const &, QUrl const &, QString const &,
ArticleView::Contexts const & contexts );
void showDefinitionInNewTab( QString const & word, unsigned group,
QString const & fromArticle,
ArticleView::Contexts const & contexts );
void typingEvent( QString const & );
void activeArticleChanged( ArticleView const *, QString const & id );
void mutedDictionariesChanged();
void showTranslationFor( QString const &, unsigned inGroup = 0,
QString const & dictID = QString() );
void showTranslationFor( QString const &, QStringList const & dictIDs,
QRegExp const & searchRegExp, bool ignoreDiacritics );
void showHistoryItem( QString const & );
void trayIconActivated( QSystemTrayIcon::ActivationReason );
void scanEnableToggled( bool );
void setAutostart( bool );
void showMainWindow();
void visitHomepage();
void visitForum();
void openConfigFolder();
void showAbout();
void showDictBarNamesTriggered();
void useSmallIconsInToolbarsTriggered();
void toggleMenuBarTriggered( bool announce = true );
void on_clearHistory_triggered();
void on_newTab_triggered();
void on_actionCloseToTray_triggered();
void on_pageSetup_triggered();
void on_printPreview_triggered();
void on_print_triggered();
void printPreviewPaintRequested( QPrinter * );
void on_saveArticle_triggered();
void on_rescanFiles_triggered();
void on_showHideFavorites_triggered();
void on_showHideHistory_triggered();
void on_exportHistory_triggered();
void on_importHistory_triggered();
void on_alwaysOnTop_triggered( bool checked );
void focusWordList();
void on_exportFavorites_triggered();
void on_importFavorites_triggered();
void on_ExportFavoritesToList_triggered();
void updateSearchPaneAndBar( bool searchInDock );
void updateFavoritesMenu();
void updateHistoryMenu();
/// Add word to history
void addWordToHistory( const QString & word );
/// Add word to history even if history is disabled in options
void forceAddWordToHistory( const QString & word);
void addWordToFavorites( QString const & word, unsigned groupId );
bool isWordPresentedInFavorites( QString const & word, unsigned groupId );
void sendWordToInputLine( QString const & word );
void storeResourceSavePath( QString const & );
void closeHeadwordsDialog();
void focusHeadwordsDialog();
void focusArticleView();
void proxyAuthentication( const QNetworkProxy & proxy, QAuthenticator * authenticator );
void showFullTextSearchDialog();
void closeFullTextSearchDialog();
void showGDHelp();
void hideGDHelp();
/// Set optional parts expand mode for all tabs
void setExpandOptionalParts( bool expand );
/// Retranslate Ctrl(Shift) + Click on dictionary pane to dictionary toolbar
void clickOnDictPane( QString const & id );
/// Set group for popup window
void setPopupGroupByName( QString const & name );
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN32
/// For receiving message from scan libraries
unsigned gdAskMessage;
bool handleGDMessage( MSG * message, long * result );
private slots:
/// Return true while scanning GoldenDict window
bool isGoldenDictWindow( HWND hwnd );
class ArticleSaveProgressDialog : public QProgressDialog
explicit ArticleSaveProgressDialog( QWidget * parent = 0, Qt::WindowFlags f = 0 ):
QProgressDialog( parent, f )
setAutoReset( false );
setAutoClose( false );
public slots:
void perform()
int progress = value() + 1;
if ( progress == maximum() )
emit close();
setValue( progress );