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synced 2024-11-30 21:34:07 +00:00
1. Add search word under cursor through IAccessibleEx interface and UI Automation technology. 2. Reorganize GoldenDict main program and scan libraries interaction to reduce influence to other programs. 3. Fix crash in scan libraries in IE9 protected mode.
158 lines
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158 lines
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/* This file is (c) 2008-2011 Konstantin Isakov <ikm@goldendict.org>
* Part of GoldenDict. Licensed under GPLv3 or later, see the LICENSE file */
#include "article_netmgr.hh"
#include "articleview.hh"
#include "wordfinder.hh"
#include "keyboardstate.hh"
#include "config.hh"
#include "ui_scanpopup.h"
#include <QDialog>
#include <QClipboard>
#include "history.hh"
#include "dictionarybar.hh"
/// This is a popup dialog to show translations when clipboard scanning mode
/// is enabled.
class ScanPopup: public QMainWindow, KeyboardState
ScanPopup( QWidget * parent,
Config::Class & cfg,
ArticleNetworkAccessManager &,
std::vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > const & allDictionaries,
Instances::Groups const &,
History & );
/// Enables scanning. When the object is created, the scanning is disabled
/// initially.
void enableScanning();
/// Disables scanning.
void disableScanning();
/// Applies current zoom factor to the popup's view. Should be called when
/// it's changed.
void applyZoomFactor();
/// Forwarded from the dictionary bar, so that main window could act on this.
void editGroupRequested( unsigned id );
public slots:
/// Translates the word from the clipboard, showing the window etc.
void translateWordFromClipboard();
/// Translates the word from the clipboard selection
void translateWordFromSelection();
/// From the dictionary bar.
void editGroupRequested();
// Translates the word from the clipboard or the clipboard selection
void translateWordFromClipboard(QClipboard::Mode m);
// Hides the popup window, effectively closing it.
void hideWindow();
// Grabs mouse and installs global event filter to track it thoroughly.
void interceptMouse();
// Ungrabs mouse and uninstalls global event filter.
void uninterceptMouse();
void updateDictionaryBar();
Config::Class & cfg;
bool isScanningEnabled;
std::vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > const & allDictionaries;
std::vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > dictionariesUnmuted;
Instances::Groups const & groups;
History & history;
Ui::ScanPopup ui;
ArticleView * definition;
QAction escapeAction;
QString pendingInputWord, inputWord;
WordFinder wordFinder;
Config::Events configEvents;
DictionaryBar dictionaryBar;
bool mouseEnteredOnce;
bool mouseIntercepted;
QPoint startPos; // For window moving
QTimer hideTimer; // When mouse leaves the window, a grace period is
// given for it to return back. If it doesn't before
// this timer expires, the window gets hidden.
QTimer altModeExpirationTimer, altModePollingTimer; // Timers for alt mode
QTimer mouseGrabPollTimer;
void handleInputWord( QString const & );
void engagePopup( bool giveFocus = false );
void initiateTranslation();
vector< sptr< Dictionary::Class > > const & getActiveDicts();
virtual bool eventFilter( QObject * watched, QEvent * event );
/// Called from event filter or from mouseGrabPoll to handle mouse event
/// while it is being intercepted.
void reactOnMouseMove( QPoint const & p );
virtual void mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent * );
virtual void mouseMoveEvent( QMouseEvent * );
virtual void mouseReleaseEvent( QMouseEvent * );
virtual void leaveEvent( QEvent * event );
virtual void enterEvent( QEvent * event );
virtual void showEvent( QShowEvent * );
/// Returns inputWord, chopped with appended ... if it's too long/
QString elideInputWord();
private slots:
void clipboardChanged( QClipboard::Mode );
void mouseHovered( QString const & );
void currentGroupChanged( QString const & );
void prefixMatchFinished();
void on_wordListButton_clicked();
void on_pronounceButton_clicked();
void pinButtonClicked( bool checked );
void on_showDictionaryBar_clicked( bool checked );
void hideTimerExpired();
void altModeExpired();
void altModePoll();
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN32
void needHandleWord(bool *pNeed);
void useUIAutomation(bool *pUse);
void useIAccessibleEx(bool *pUse);
void useGDMessage(bool *pUse);
/// Called repeatedly once the popup is initially engaged and we monitor the
/// mouse as it may move away from the window. This simulates mouse grab, in
/// essense, but seems more reliable. Once the mouse enters the window, the
/// polling stops.
void mouseGrabPoll();
void pageLoaded( ArticleView * );
void escapePressed();
void mutedDictionariesChanged();