mirror of
synced 2024-12-18 07:24:07 +00:00
1140 lines
33 KiB
1140 lines
33 KiB
/* This file is (c) 2014 Abs62
* Part of GoldenDict. Licensed under GPLv3 or later, see the LICENSE file */
#include "fulltextsearch.hh"
#include "ftshelpers.hh"
#include "wstring_qt.hh"
#include "file.hh"
#include "gddebug.hh"
#include "qt4x5.hh"
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <QVector>
using std::vector;
using std::string;
DEF_EX( exUserAbort, "User abort", Dictionary::Ex )
namespace FtsHelpers
bool ftsIndexIsOldOrBad( string const & indexFile,
BtreeIndexing::BtreeDictionary * dict )
File::Class idx( indexFile, "rb" );
FtsIdxHeader header;
return idx.readRecords( &header, sizeof( header ), 1 ) != 1 ||
header.signature != FtsSignature ||
header.formatVersion != CurrentFtsFormatVersion + dict->getFtsIndexVersion();
static QString makeHiliteRegExpString( QStringList const & words,
int searchMode,
int distanceBetweenWords )
QString searchString( "(" );
QString stripWords( "(?:\\W+\\w+){0," );
if( distanceBetweenWords >= 0 )
stripWords += QString::number( distanceBetweenWords );
stripWords += "}\\W+";
QString boundWord( searchMode == FTS::WholeWords ? "\\b" : "(?:\\w*)");
for( int x = 0; x < words.size(); x++ )
if( x )
searchString += stripWords;
searchString += boundWord + words[ x ] + boundWord;
searchString += ")";
return searchString;
bool parseSearchString( QString const & str, QStringList & indexWords,
QStringList & searchWords,
QRegExp & searchRegExp, int searchMode,
bool matchCase,
int distanceBetweenWords,
bool & hasCJK )
QRegExp spacesRegExp( "\\W+" );
QRegExp wordRegExp( QString( "\\w{" ) + QString::number( FTS::MinimumWordSize ) + ",}" );
QRegExp setsRegExp( "\\[[^\\]]+\\]", Qt::CaseInsensitive, QRegExp::RegExp2 );
QRegExp regexRegExp( "\\\\[afnrtvdDwWsSbB]|\\\\x([0-9A-Fa-f]{4})|\\\\0([0-7]{3})", Qt::CaseSensitive, QRegExp::RegExp2 );
hasCJK = false;
for( int x = 0; x < str.size(); x++ )
if( isCJKChar( str.at( x ).unicode() ) )
hasCJK = true;
if( searchMode == FTS::WholeWords || searchMode == FTS::PlainText )
if( hasCJK )
return false;
// Make words list for search in article text
searchWords = str.normalized( QString::NormalizationForm_C )
.split( spacesRegExp, QString::SkipEmptyParts );
// Make words list for index search
QStringList list = str.normalized( QString::NormalizationForm_C )
.toLower().split( spacesRegExp, QString::SkipEmptyParts );
indexWords = list.filter( wordRegExp );
// Make regexp for results hilite
QStringList allWords = str.split( spacesRegExp, QString::SkipEmptyParts );
QString searchString = makeHiliteRegExpString( allWords, searchMode, distanceBetweenWords );
searchRegExp = QRegExp( searchString, matchCase ? Qt::CaseSensitive : Qt::CaseInsensitive,
QRegExp::RegExp2 );
searchRegExp.setMinimal( true );
return !indexWords.isEmpty();
// Make words list for index search
QString tmp = str;
// Remove RegExp commands
if( searchMode == FTS::RegExp )
tmp.replace( regexRegExp, " " );
// Remove all symbol sets
tmp.replace( setsRegExp, " " );
QStringList list = tmp.normalized( QString::NormalizationForm_C )
.toLower().split( spacesRegExp, QString::SkipEmptyParts );
if( hasCJK )
QStringList wordList, hieroglyphList;
for( int i = 0; i < list.size(); i ++ )
QString word = list.at( i );
// Check for CJK symbols in word
bool parsed = false;
QString hieroglyph;
for( int x = 0; x < word.size(); x++ )
if( isCJKChar( word.at( x ).unicode() ) )
parsed = true;
hieroglyph.append( word[ x ] );
if( QChar( word.at( x ) ).isHighSurrogate()
&& QChar( word[ x + 1 ] ).isLowSurrogate() )
hieroglyph.append( word[ ++x ] );
hieroglyphList.append( hieroglyph );
// If word don't contains CJK symbols put it in list as is
if( !parsed )
wordList.append( word );
indexWords = wordList.filter( wordRegExp );
indexWords += hieroglyphList;
indexWords = list.filter( wordRegExp );
searchRegExp = QRegExp( str, matchCase ? Qt::CaseSensitive : Qt::CaseInsensitive,
searchMode == FTS::Wildcards ? QRegExp::WildcardUnix : QRegExp::RegExp2 );
searchRegExp.setMinimal( true );
return true;
void parseArticleForFts( uint32_t articleAddress, QString & articleText,
QMap< QString, QVector< uint32_t > > & words,
bool handleRoundBrackets )
if( articleText.isEmpty() )
QRegExp regBrackets = QRegExp( "(\\(\\w+\\)){0,1}(\\w+)(\\(\\w+\\)){0,1}(\\w+){0,1}(\\(\\w+\\)){0,1}" );
QRegExp regSplit = QRegExp( "\\W+" );
QStringList articleWords = articleText.normalized( QString::NormalizationForm_C )
.split( QRegExp( handleRoundBrackets ? "[^\\w\\(\\)]+" : "\\W+" ), QString::SkipEmptyParts );
QSet< QString > setOfWords;
for( int x = 0; x < articleWords.size(); x++ )
QString word = articleWords.at( x ).toLower();
bool hasCJK = false;
QString hieroglyph;
// If word contains CJK symbols we add to index only these symbols separately
for( int y = 0; y < word.size(); y++ )
if( isCJKChar( word.at( y ).unicode() ) )
hasCJK = true;
hieroglyph.append( word[ y ] );
if( QChar( word.at( y ) ).isHighSurrogate()
&& QChar( word[ y + 1 ] ).isLowSurrogate() )
hieroglyph.append( word[ ++y ] );
if( !setOfWords.contains( hieroglyph ) )
setOfWords.insert( hieroglyph );
words[ hieroglyph ].push_back( articleAddress );
if( !hasCJK )
// Else we add word to index as is
if( word.size() < FTS::MinimumWordSize )
if( handleRoundBrackets && ( word.indexOf( '(' ) >= 0 || word.indexOf( ')' ) >= 0 ) )
// Special handle for words with round brackets - DSL feature
QStringList list;
QStringList oldVariant = word.split( regSplit, QString::SkipEmptyParts );
for( QStringList::iterator it = oldVariant.begin(); it != oldVariant.end(); ++it )
if( it->size() >= FTS::MinimumWordSize && !list.contains( *it ) )
list.append( *it );
int pos = regBrackets.indexIn( word );
if( pos >= 0 )
QStringList parts = regBrackets.capturedTexts();
QString parsedWord = parts[ 2 ] + parts[ 4 ]; // Brackets removed
if( parsedWord.size() >= FTS::MinimumWordSize && !list.contains( parsedWord ) )
list.append( parsedWord );
parsedWord = parts[ 1 ].remove( '(' ).remove( ')' )
+ parts[ 2 ]
+ parts[ 3 ].remove( '(' ).remove( ')' )
+ parts[ 4 ]
+ parts[ 5 ].remove( '(' ).remove( ')' ); // Brackets expansed
if( parsedWord.size() >= FTS::MinimumWordSize && !list.contains( parsedWord ) )
list.append( parsedWord );
for( QStringList::iterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it )
if( !setOfWords.contains( *it ) )
setOfWords.insert( *it );
words[ *it ].push_back( articleAddress );
if( !setOfWords.contains( word ) )
setOfWords.insert( word );
words[ word ].push_back( articleAddress );
void makeFTSIndex( BtreeIndexing::BtreeDictionary * dict, QAtomicInt & isCancelled )
Mutex::Lock _( dict->getFtsMutex() );
if( Qt4x5::AtomicInt::loadAcquire( isCancelled ) )
throw exUserAbort();
File::Class ftsIdx( dict->ftsIndexName(), "wb" );
FtsIdxHeader ftsIdxHeader;
memset( &ftsIdxHeader, 0, sizeof( ftsIdxHeader ) );
// We write a dummy header first. At the end of the process the header
// will be rewritten with the right values.
ftsIdx.write( ftsIdxHeader );
ChunkedStorage::Writer chunks( ftsIdx );
BtreeIndexing::IndexedWords indexedWords;
QSet< uint32_t > setOfOffsets;
dict->findArticleLinks( 0, &setOfOffsets, 0, &isCancelled );
if( Qt4x5::AtomicInt::loadAcquire( isCancelled ) )
throw exUserAbort();
QVector< uint32_t > offsets;
offsets.resize( setOfOffsets.size() );
uint32_t * ptr = &offsets.front();
for( QSet< uint32_t >::ConstIterator it = setOfOffsets.constBegin();
it != setOfOffsets.constEnd(); ++it )
*ptr = *it;
// Free memory
if( Qt4x5::AtomicInt::loadAcquire( isCancelled ) )
throw exUserAbort();
qSort( offsets );
QMap< QString, QVector< uint32_t > > ftsWords;
bool needHandleBrackets;
QString name = QString::fromUtf8( dict->getDictionaryFilenames()[ 0 ].c_str() ).toLower();
needHandleBrackets = name.endsWith( ".dsl" ) || name.endsWith( "dsl.dz" );
// index articles for full-text search
for( int i = 0; i < offsets.size(); i++ )
if( Qt4x5::AtomicInt::loadAcquire( isCancelled ) )
throw exUserAbort();
QString headword, articleStr;
dict->getArticleText( offsets.at( i ), headword, articleStr );
parseArticleForFts( offsets.at( i ), articleStr, ftsWords, needHandleBrackets );
// Free memory
QMap< QString, QVector< uint32_t > >::iterator it = ftsWords.begin();
while( it != ftsWords.end() )
if( Qt4x5::AtomicInt::loadAcquire( isCancelled ) )
throw exUserAbort();
uint32_t offset = chunks.startNewBlock();
uint32_t size = it.value().size();
chunks.addToBlock( &size, sizeof(uint32_t) );
chunks.addToBlock( it.value().data(), size * sizeof(uint32_t) );
indexedWords.addSingleWord( gd::toWString( it.key() ), offset );
it = ftsWords.erase( it );
ftsIdxHeader.chunksOffset = chunks.finish();
ftsIdxHeader.wordCount = indexedWords.size();
if( Qt4x5::AtomicInt::loadAcquire( isCancelled ) )
throw exUserAbort();
BtreeIndexing::IndexInfo ftsIdxInfo = BtreeIndexing::buildIndex( indexedWords, ftsIdx );
// Free memory
ftsIdxHeader.indexBtreeMaxElements = ftsIdxInfo.btreeMaxElements;
ftsIdxHeader.indexRootOffset = ftsIdxInfo.rootOffset;
ftsIdxHeader.signature = FtsHelpers::FtsSignature;
ftsIdxHeader.formatVersion = FtsHelpers::CurrentFtsFormatVersion + dict->getFtsIndexVersion();
ftsIdx.writeRecords( &ftsIdxHeader, sizeof(ftsIdxHeader), 1 );
bool isCJKChar( ushort ch )
if( ( ch >= 0x3400 && ch <= 0x9FFF )
|| ( ch >= 0xF900 && ch <= 0xFAFF )
|| ( ch >= 0xD800 && ch <= 0xDFFF ) )
return true;
return false;
void FTSResultsRequestRunnable::run()
void FTSResultsRequest::checkArticles( QVector< uint32_t > const & offsets,
QStringList const & words,
QRegExp const & searchRegexp )
int results = 0;
QString headword, articleText;
QList< uint32_t > offsetsForHeadwords;
QVector< QStringList > hiliteRegExps;
QString id = QString::fromUtf8( dict.getId().c_str() );
bool needHandleBrackets;
QString name = QString::fromUtf8( dict.getDictionaryFilenames()[ 0 ].c_str() ).toLower();
needHandleBrackets = name.endsWith( ".dsl" ) || name.endsWith( ".dsl.dz" );
QRegExp regBrackets = QRegExp( "(\\(\\w+\\)){0,1}(\\w+)(\\(\\w+\\)){0,1}(\\w+){0,1}(\\(\\w+\\)){0,1}" );
QRegExp regSplit = QRegExp( "\\W+" );
if( searchMode == FTS::Wildcards || searchMode == FTS::RegExp )
// RegExp mode
for( int i = 0; i < offsets.size(); i++ )
if( Qt4x5::AtomicInt::loadAcquire( isCancelled ) )
dict.getArticleText( offsets.at( i ), headword, articleText );
if( articleText.contains( searchRegexp ) )
if( headword.isEmpty() )
offsetsForHeadwords.append( offsets.at( i ) );
foundHeadwords->append( FTS::FtsHeadword( headword, id, QStringList(), matchCase ) );
if( maxResults > 0 && results >= maxResults )
// Words mode
QRegExp regex;
if( needHandleBrackets )
regex = QRegExp( "[\\w\\(\\)]+" );
regex = QRegExp( "\\b\\w+\\b" );
Qt::CaseSensitivity cs = matchCase ? Qt::CaseSensitive : Qt::CaseInsensitive;
QVector< QPair< QString, bool > > wordsList;
if( ignoreWordsOrder )
for( QStringList::const_iterator it = words.begin(); it != words.end(); ++it )
wordsList.append( QPair< QString, bool >( *it, true ) );
for( int i = 0; i < offsets.size(); i++ )
if( Qt4x5::AtomicInt::loadAcquire( isCancelled ) )
int pos = 0;
int matchWordNom = 0;
int unmatchWordNom = 0;
int nextNotFoundPos = 0;
QVector< QStringList > allOrders;
QStringList order;
if( ignoreWordsOrder )
for( int i = 0; i < wordsList.size(); i++ )
wordsList[ i ].second = true;
dict.getArticleText( offsets.at( i ), headword, articleText );
int articleLength = articleText.length();
while ( pos >= 0 && pos < articleLength )
pos = articleText.indexOf( regex, pos );
if( pos >= 0 )
QString s = regex.cap().normalized( QString::NormalizationForm_C );
bool breakSearch = false;
QStringList parsedWords;
if( needHandleBrackets && ( s.indexOf( '(' ) >= 0 || s.indexOf( ')' ) >= 0 ) )
// Handle brackets
int pos = regBrackets.indexIn( s );
if( pos >= 0 )
QStringList parts = regBrackets.capturedTexts();
QString word = parts[ 2 ] + parts[ 4 ]; // Brackets removed
parsedWords.append( word );
word = parts[ 1 ].remove( '(' ).remove( ')' )
+ parts[ 2 ]
+ parts[ 3 ].remove( '(' ).remove( ')' )
+ parts[ 4 ]
+ parts[ 5 ].remove( '(' ).remove( ')' ); // Brackets expansed
parsedWords.append( word );
parsedWords = s.split( regSplit, QString::SkipEmptyParts );
parsedWords.append( s );
int n;
for( n = 0; n < parsedWords.size(); n++ )
if( ignoreWordsOrder )
int i;
for( i = 0; i < wordsList.size(); i++ )
if( wordsList.at( i ).second )
if( ( searchMode == FTS::WholeWords && parsedWords.at( n ).compare( wordsList.at( i ).first, cs ) == 0 )
|| ( searchMode == FTS::PlainText && parsedWords.at( n ).contains( wordsList.at( i ).first, cs ) ) )
wordsList[ i ].second = false;
if( parsedWords.size() > 1 )
QString wordToHilite = s;
while( !wordToHilite.isEmpty() && ( wordToHilite.at( 0 ) == '(' || wordToHilite.at( 0 ) == ')' ) )
wordToHilite.remove( 0, 1 );
while( !wordToHilite.isEmpty() && ( wordToHilite.endsWith( '(' ) || wordToHilite.endsWith( ')' ) ) )
wordToHilite.chop( 1 );
order.append( wordToHilite.replace( '(', "\\(" ).replace( ')', "\\)" ) );
order.append( wordsList.at( i ).first );
if( i < wordsList.size() )
// Word found
matchWordNom += 1;
if( matchWordNom == 1 )
// Store position to remake search if sequence will not be found
nextNotFoundPos = pos + ( s.isEmpty() ? 1 : s.length() );
if( matchWordNom >= words.size() )
// All words are found
// Store found words sequence and continue search
// It's nesessary for hilite search results
// Check if such sequence already presented
int x;
for( x = 0; x < allOrders.size(); x++ )
if( allOrders[ x ] == order )
if( x >= allOrders.size() )
allOrders.append( order );
matchWordNom = 0;
unmatchWordNom = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < wordsList.size(); i++ )
wordsList[ i ].second = true;
nextNotFoundPos = 0;
unmatchWordNom = 0;
if( matchWordNom > 0 && n >= parsedWords.size() - 1 )
unmatchWordNom += 1;
if( distanceBetweenWords >= 0 && unmatchWordNom > distanceBetweenWords )
// Sequence broken, clear all counters
matchWordNom = 0;
unmatchWordNom = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < wordsList.size(); i++ )
wordsList[ i ].second = true;
if( ( searchMode == FTS::WholeWords && parsedWords.at( n ).compare( words.at( matchWordNom ), cs ) == 0 )
|| ( searchMode == FTS::PlainText && parsedWords.at( n ).contains( words.at( matchWordNom ), cs ) ) )
matchWordNom += 1;
if( matchWordNom == 1 )
// Store position to remake search if sequence will not be found
nextNotFoundPos = pos + ( s.isEmpty() ? 1 : s.length() );
if( needHandleBrackets )
if( parsedWords.size() > 1 )
QString wordToHilite = s;
while( !wordToHilite.isEmpty() && ( wordToHilite.at( 0 ) == '(' || wordToHilite.at( 0 ) == ')' ) )
wordToHilite.remove( 0, 1 );
while( !wordToHilite.isEmpty() && ( wordToHilite.endsWith( '(' ) || wordToHilite.endsWith( ')' ) ) )
wordToHilite.chop( 1 );
order.append( wordToHilite.replace( '(', "\\(" ).replace( ')', "\\)" ) );
order.append( words.at( matchWordNom - 1 ) );
if( matchWordNom >= words.size() )
// All words are found
if( needHandleBrackets )
if( allOrders.isEmpty() )
allOrders.append( words );
// Check if such sequence already presented
int x;
for( x = 0; x < allOrders.size(); x++ )
if( allOrders[ x ] == order )
if( x >= allOrders.size() )
allOrders.append( order );
matchWordNom = 0;
unmatchWordNom = 0;
nextNotFoundPos = 0;
breakSearch = true;
unmatchWordNom = 0;
if( matchWordNom > 0 && n >= parsedWords.size() - 1 )
unmatchWordNom += 1;
if( distanceBetweenWords >= 0 && unmatchWordNom > distanceBetweenWords )
matchWordNom = 0;
unmatchWordNom = 0;
if( needHandleBrackets )
if( breakSearch )
if( nextNotFoundPos > 0 && matchWordNom == 0 )
pos = nextNotFoundPos;
nextNotFoundPos = 0;
pos += s.isEmpty() ? 1 : s.length();
if( !allOrders.isEmpty() || matchWordNom >= words.size() )
QStringList hiliteReg;
if( !allOrders.isEmpty() )
for( int i = 0; i < allOrders.size(); i++ )
QString hiliteStr = makeHiliteRegExpString( allOrders.at( i ), searchMode, distanceBetweenWords );
hiliteReg.append( hiliteStr );
if( headword.isEmpty() )
offsetsForHeadwords.append( offsets.at( i ) );
hiliteRegExps.append( hiliteReg );
foundHeadwords->append( FTS::FtsHeadword( headword, id, hiliteReg, matchCase ) );
if( maxResults > 0 && results >= maxResults )
if( !offsetsForHeadwords.isEmpty() )
QVector< QString > headwords;
dict.getHeadwordsFromOffsets( offsetsForHeadwords, headwords, &isCancelled );
for( int x = 0; x < headwords.size(); x++ )
foundHeadwords->append( FTS::FtsHeadword( headwords.at( x ), id, x < hiliteRegExps.size() ? hiliteRegExps.at( x ) : QStringList(), matchCase ) );
void FTSResultsRequest::indexSearch( BtreeIndexing::BtreeIndex & ftsIndex,
sptr< ChunkedStorage::Reader > chunks,
QStringList & indexWords,
QStringList & searchWords )
// Find articles which contains all requested words
vector< BtreeIndexing::WordArticleLink > links;
QSet< uint32_t > setOfOffsets, tmp;
uint32_t size;
if( indexWords.isEmpty() )
int n = indexWords.length();
for( int i = 0; i < n; i++ )
if( Qt4x5::AtomicInt::loadAcquire( isCancelled ) )
links = ftsIndex.findArticles( gd::toWString( indexWords.at( i ) ) );
for( unsigned x = 0; x < links.size(); x++ )
if( Qt4x5::AtomicInt::loadAcquire( isCancelled ) )
vector< char > chunk;
char * linksPtr;
Mutex::Lock _( dict.getFtsMutex() );
linksPtr = chunks->getBlock( links[ x ].articleOffset, chunk );
memcpy( &size, linksPtr, sizeof(uint32_t) );
linksPtr += sizeof(uint32_t);
for( uint32_t y = 0; y < size; y++ )
tmp.insert( *( reinterpret_cast< uint32_t * >( linksPtr ) ) );
linksPtr += sizeof(uint32_t);
if( i == 0 )
setOfOffsets = tmp;
setOfOffsets = setOfOffsets.intersect( tmp );
if( setOfOffsets.isEmpty() )
QVector< uint32_t > offsets;
offsets.resize( setOfOffsets.size() );
uint32_t * ptr = &offsets.front();
for( QSet< uint32_t >::ConstIterator it = setOfOffsets.constBegin();
it != setOfOffsets.constEnd(); ++it )
*ptr = *it;
qSort( offsets );
checkArticles( offsets, searchWords );
void FTSResultsRequest::combinedIndexSearch( BtreeIndexing::BtreeIndex & ftsIndex,
sptr< ChunkedStorage::Reader > chunks,
QStringList & indexWords,
QStringList & searchWords,
QRegExp & regexp )
// Special case - combination of index search for hieroglyphs
// and full index search for other words
QSet< uint32_t > setOfOffsets;
uint32_t size;
if( Qt4x5::AtomicInt::loadAcquire( isCancelled ) )
if( indexWords.isEmpty() )
QStringList wordsList, hieroglyphsList;
for( int x = 0; x < indexWords.size(); x++ )
QString const & word = indexWords.at( x );
if( isCJKChar( word[ 0 ].unicode() ) )
hieroglyphsList.append( word );
wordsList.append( word );
QVector< QSet< uint32_t > > allWordsLinks;
int n = wordsList.size();
if( !hieroglyphsList.isEmpty() )
n += 1;
allWordsLinks.resize( n );
int wordNom = 0;
if( !hieroglyphsList.empty() )
QSet< uint32_t > tmp;
vector< BtreeIndexing::WordArticleLink > links;
for( int i = 0; i < hieroglyphsList.size(); i++ )
links = ftsIndex.findArticles( gd::toWString( hieroglyphsList.at( i ) ) );
for( unsigned x = 0; x < links.size(); x++ )
if( Qt4x5::AtomicInt::loadAcquire( isCancelled ) )
vector< char > chunk;
char * linksPtr;
Mutex::Lock _( dict.getFtsMutex() );
linksPtr = chunks->getBlock( links[ x ].articleOffset, chunk );
memcpy( &size, linksPtr, sizeof(uint32_t) );
linksPtr += sizeof(uint32_t);
for( uint32_t y = 0; y < size; y++ )
tmp.insert( *( reinterpret_cast< uint32_t * >( linksPtr ) ) );
linksPtr += sizeof(uint32_t);
if( i == 0 )
setOfOffsets = tmp;
setOfOffsets = setOfOffsets.intersect( tmp );
allWordsLinks[ wordNom ] = setOfOffsets;
wordNom += 1;
if( !wordsList.isEmpty() )
QVector< BtreeIndexing::WordArticleLink > links;
ftsIndex.findArticleLinks( &links, 0, 0 );
for( int x = 0; x < links.size(); x++ )
if( Qt4x5::AtomicInt::loadAcquire( isCancelled ) )
QString word = QString::fromUtf8( links[ x ].word.data(), links[ x ].word.size() );
for( int i = 0; i < wordsList.size(); i++ )
if( word.length() >= wordsList.at( i ).length() && word.contains( wordsList.at( i ) ) )
vector< char > chunk;
char * linksPtr;
Mutex::Lock _( dict.getFtsMutex() );
linksPtr = chunks->getBlock( links[ x ].articleOffset, chunk );
memcpy( &size, linksPtr, sizeof(uint32_t) );
linksPtr += sizeof(uint32_t);
for( uint32_t y = 0; y < size; y++ )
allWordsLinks[ wordNom ].insert( *( reinterpret_cast< uint32_t * >( linksPtr ) ) );
linksPtr += sizeof(uint32_t);
wordNom += 1;
for( int i = 0; i < allWordsLinks.size(); i++ )
if( i == 0 )
setOfOffsets = allWordsLinks.at( i );
setOfOffsets = setOfOffsets.intersect( allWordsLinks.at( i ) );
if( setOfOffsets.isEmpty() )
QVector< uint32_t > offsets;
offsets.resize( setOfOffsets.size() );
uint32_t * ptr = &offsets.front();
for( QSet< uint32_t >::ConstIterator it = setOfOffsets.constBegin();
it != setOfOffsets.constEnd(); ++it )
*ptr = *it;
qSort( offsets );
checkArticles( offsets, searchWords, regexp );
void FTSResultsRequest::fullIndexSearch( BtreeIndexing::BtreeIndex & ftsIndex,
sptr< ChunkedStorage::Reader > chunks,
QStringList & indexWords,
QStringList & searchWords,
QRegExp & regexp )
QSet< uint32_t > setOfOffsets;
uint32_t size;
QVector< BtreeIndexing::WordArticleLink > links;
if( Qt4x5::AtomicInt::loadAcquire( isCancelled ) )
if( indexWords.isEmpty() )
ftsIndex.findArticleLinks( &links, 0, 0 );
QVector< QSet< uint32_t > > allWordsLinks;
allWordsLinks.resize( indexWords.size() );
for( int x = 0; x < links.size(); x++ )
if( Qt4x5::AtomicInt::loadAcquire( isCancelled ) )
QString word = QString::fromUtf8( links[ x ].word.data(), links[ x ].word.size() );
for( int i = 0; i < indexWords.size(); i++ )
if( word.length() >= indexWords.at( i ).length() && word.contains( indexWords.at( i ) ) )
vector< char > chunk;
char * linksPtr;
Mutex::Lock _( dict.getFtsMutex() );
linksPtr = chunks->getBlock( links[ x ].articleOffset, chunk );
memcpy( &size, linksPtr, sizeof(uint32_t) );
linksPtr += sizeof(uint32_t);
for( uint32_t y = 0; y < size; y++ )
allWordsLinks[ i ].insert( *( reinterpret_cast< uint32_t * >( linksPtr ) ) );
linksPtr += sizeof(uint32_t);
for( int i = 0; i < allWordsLinks.size(); i++ )
if( i == 0 )
setOfOffsets = allWordsLinks.at( i );
setOfOffsets = setOfOffsets.intersect( allWordsLinks.at( i ) );
if( setOfOffsets.isEmpty() )
QVector< uint32_t > offsets;
offsets.resize( setOfOffsets.size() );
uint32_t * ptr = &offsets.front();
for( QSet< uint32_t >::ConstIterator it = setOfOffsets.constBegin();
it != setOfOffsets.constEnd(); ++it )
*ptr = *it;
qSort( offsets );
checkArticles( offsets, searchWords, regexp );
void FTSResultsRequest::fullSearch( QStringList & searchWords, QRegExp & regexp )
// Whole file survey
if( Qt4x5::AtomicInt::loadAcquire( isCancelled ) )
QSet< uint32_t > setOfOffsets;
setOfOffsets.reserve( dict.getArticleCount() );
dict.findArticleLinks( 0, &setOfOffsets, 0 );
if( Qt4x5::AtomicInt::loadAcquire( isCancelled ) )
QVector< uint32_t > offsets;
offsets.resize( setOfOffsets.size() );
uint32_t * ptr = &offsets.front();
for( QSet< uint32_t >::ConstIterator it = setOfOffsets.constBegin();
it != setOfOffsets.constEnd(); ++it )
*ptr = *it;
if( Qt4x5::AtomicInt::loadAcquire( isCancelled ) )
qSort( offsets );
if( Qt4x5::AtomicInt::loadAcquire( isCancelled ) )
checkArticles( offsets, searchWords, regexp );
void FTSResultsRequest::run()
if ( dict.ensureInitDone().size() )
setErrorString( QString::fromUtf8( dict.ensureInitDone().c_str() ) );
QStringList indexWords, searchWords;
QRegExp searchRegExp;
if( !FtsHelpers::parseSearchString( searchString, indexWords, searchWords, searchRegExp,
searchMode, matchCase, distanceBetweenWords, hasCJK ) )
if( dict.haveFTSIndex() && !indexWords.isEmpty() )
FtsIdxHeader ftsIdxHeader;
BtreeIndexing::BtreeIndex ftsIndex;
sptr< ChunkedStorage::Reader > chunks;
File::Class ftsIdx( dict.ftsIndexName(), "rb" );
Mutex::Lock _( dict.getFtsMutex() );
ftsIdxHeader = ftsIdx.read< FtsIdxHeader >();
ftsIndex.openIndex( BtreeIndexing::IndexInfo( ftsIdxHeader.indexBtreeMaxElements,
ftsIdxHeader.indexRootOffset ),
ftsIdx, dict.getFtsMutex() );
chunks = new ChunkedStorage::Reader( ftsIdx, ftsIdxHeader.chunksOffset );
if( hasCJK )
combinedIndexSearch( ftsIndex, chunks, indexWords, searchWords, searchRegExp );
if( searchMode == FTS::WholeWords )
indexSearch( ftsIndex, chunks, indexWords, searchWords );
fullIndexSearch( ftsIndex, chunks, indexWords, searchWords, searchRegExp );
fullSearch( searchWords, searchRegExp );
if( foundHeadwords && foundHeadwords->size() > 0 )
Mutex::Lock _( dataMutex );
data.resize( sizeof( foundHeadwords ) );
memcpy( &data.front(), &foundHeadwords, sizeof( foundHeadwords ) );
foundHeadwords = 0;
hasAnyData = true;
catch( std::exception &ex )
gdWarning( "FTS: Failed full-text search for \"%s\", reason: %s\n",
dict.getName().c_str(), ex.what() );
// Results not loaded -- we don't set the hasAnyData flag then
} // namespace